Acanthaceae A: 00977661 Andrographis paniculata (N. L. Burman) Wallich ex Nees Thailand: Pattalung; Kuan Kanoon; Wat (Temple) Suan Ta... J. F. Maxwell 86-856 1986-8-13
Annonaceae A: 00571911 Artabotrys kurzii Hooker f. & Thomson Thailand: Songkhla Rattapoom: Boripat Falls Park J. F. Maxwell 86-444 1986-7-4
A: 00571911 Artabotrys pleurocarpus Maingay Thailand: Songkhla Rattapoom: Boripat Falls Park J. F. Maxwell 86-444 1986-7-4
A: 00219349 Artabotrys suaveolens Blume Thailand: Province: Songkla; District: Haad Yai; Ko Ho... J. F. Maxwell 86-252 1986-4-20
Apocynaceae A: 01977803 Aganosma wallichii G. Don Thailand: Phattalung District See Bahn Pote Kao Boo-Kao Yah Natio... J. F. Maxwell 86-525 1986-7-30
A: 02181377 Alyxia reinwardtii Blume Thailand: Nakornsitammarat. Tasala. Groong Ching Falls... J. F. Maxwell 86-565 1986-8-12
A: 02179033 Anodendron paniculatum A. de Candolle Thailand: Songkhla Klong Rhang Hill, along the stream; Nah Mawm J. F. Maxwell 86-233 1986-4-9
A: 02114055 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus Thailand: Songkhla Klong Hoy Kong, c. 10 km west of Toong Loong J. F. Maxwell 86-388 1986-6-17
A: 02114054 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus Thailand: Songkhla Klong Hoy Kong, c. 10 km west of Toong Loong J. F. Maxwell 86-795 1986-10-17
A: 02116639 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton Thailand: Songkhla Songkla; Rattapoom; Kao Rak Kiat J. F. Maxwell 86-1041 1986-12-9
A: 02381587 Parameria laevigata (Jussieu) Moldenke Thailand: Yala District Betong; Boon Jeen Falls, Tanah Mera... J. F. Maxwell 86-1072 1986-12-16
A: 02372383 Tabernaemontana peduncularis Wallich Thailand: Yala District: Betong; Griang Gry Falls, Tanah Me... J. F. Maxwell 86-1074 1986-12-16
A: 02381587 Urceola laevigata (Jussieu) D. J. Middleton & Livshultz Thailand: Yala District Betong; Boon Jeen Falls, Tanah Mera... J. F. Maxwell 86-1072 1986-12-16
Araceae A: 01634663 Amorphophallus campanulatus Blume ex Decaisne Thailand: Nakhon Si Thammarat District: Ta Sala; near the hot spring, Groo... J. F. Maxwell 86-341 1986-6-3
A: 01634739 Amorphophallus sp. Thailand: Songkhla District: Sadao; Kao Roop Chang, Padang Besa... J. F. Maxwell 86-408 1986-6-25
A: 01655023 Arisaema fimbriatum Masters Thailand: Songkhla Kao Roop Chang, Padang Besar J. F. Maxwell 86-452 1986-7-11
A: 01630467 Schismatoglottis calyptrata (Roxburgh) Zoll. & A. Mortizi Thailand: Nakhon Si Thammarat District: Tasala. Groong Ching Falls, Khao L... J. F. Maxwell 86-581 1986-8-12
A: 01874313 Typhonium trilobatum (Linnaeus) Schott Thailand: Nakhon Si Thammarat District: Ta Sala. Near the hot spring, Groo... J. F. Maxwell 86-340 1986-6-3
Asteraceae A: 00273717 Epaltes australis Lessing Thailand: J. F. Maxwell 86-305 1986-5-19
A: 00273719 Epaltes australis Lessing Thailand: J. F. Maxwell 86-266 1986-4-28
A: 00273717 Sphaeromorphaea australis (Lessing) Kitamura Thailand: J. F. Maxwell 86-305 1986-5-19
A: 00273719 Sphaeromorphaea australis (Lessing) Kitamura Thailand: J. F. Maxwell 86-266 1986-4-28
A: 00273717 Sphaeromorphaea littoralis (Retzius) A. R. Bean Thailand: J. F. Maxwell 86-305 1986-5-19
Cyperaceae A: 02261317 Cyperus cyperoides (Linnaeus) Kuntze Thailand: Songkla [data not captured] J. F. Maxwell 86-8-2 1986-10-20
A: 02263063 Scleria thwaitesiana Boeck Thailand: Satun District Toong Wah Ban Chong N gam J. F. Maxwell 86-946 1986-11-21
Euphorbiaceae A: 02416229 Suregada tenuifolia (Ridley) Croizat Thailand: PROVINCE: NAKORNSI TAMMARAT; DISTRICT: Tasal... J. F. Maxwell 86-122 1986-3-2
Gesneriaceae A: 00249464 Boea acutifolia Ridley Thailand: Songkhla Sadao district. Kao Roop Chang, Padang Besar J. F. Maxwell 86-599 1986-8-24
A: 00268131 Cyrtandra rotundifolia Ridley Thailand: Province: Nakornsitammarat, District: Tasala... J. F. Maxwell 86-579 1986-8-12
A: 00249438 Dichiloboea speciosa (Ridley) Stapf Thailand: Songkhla Sadao district. Kao Roop Chang, Padang Besar J. F. Maxwell 86-462 1986-7-11
A: 00266982 Ornithoboea multitorta B. L. Burtt Thailand: J. F. Maxwell 86-700 1986-9-23
A: 00249464 Paraboea acutifolia (Ridley) B. L. Burtt Thailand: Songkhla Sadao district. Kao Roop Chang, Padang Besar J. F. Maxwell 86-599 1986-8-24
A: 00249438 Paraboea phanomensis P. Triboun & D. J. Middleton Thailand: Songkhla Sadao district. Kao Roop Chang, Padang Besar J. F. Maxwell 86-462 1986-7-11
A: 00092175 Paraboea uniflora Z. R. Xu & B. L. Burtt Thailand: Songkhla Kao Roop Chang, Padnag Besar, 200 m. J. F. Maxwell 86-451 1986-7-11
A: 00249438 Trisepalum speciosa (Ridley) B. L. Burtt Thailand: Songkhla Sadao district. Kao Roop Chang, Padang Besar J. F. Maxwell 86-462 1986-7-11
Lauraceae A: 02464818 Machilus declinatus (Blume) de Kok Thailand: Songkhla Base of Ko Hong Hill, adjacent to Prince of ... J. F. Maxwell 86-392 1986-6-23
A: 02411635 Machilus magniperulatus (Kostermans) D. J. Middleton Thailand: Songkla, Haad Yai, Prince of Songkla Univers... J. F. Maxwell 86-228 1986-4-7
A: 02411636 Machilus magniperulatus (Kostermans) D. J. Middleton Thailand: Songkla, Haad Yai, Base of Ko Hong Hill, Pri... J. F. Maxwell 86-91 1986-2-23
A: 02411636 Phoebe excelsa (Blume) Nees Thailand: Songkla, Haad Yai, Base of Ko Hong Hill, Pri... J. F. Maxwell 86-91 1986-2-23
Malpighiaceae A: 00266495 Brachylophon curtisii Oliver Thailand: Province Pattalung; District Tamote. Tamote... J. F. Maxwell 86-558 1986-8-9
Menispermaceae A: 00963900 Stephania rotunda Loureiro Thailand: Songkhla Boripat Falls Park. J. F. Maxwell 86-434 1986-7-4
Orchidaceae A: 02386306 Bulbophyllum corolliferum J. J. Smith Thailand: Narathiwat Ban Kuang Daeng, Gayukla Subdistrict J. F. Maxwell 86-1078 1986-12-17
A: 02090239 Cheirostylis pusilla Lindley Thailand: Songkla Rattapoom District; Boripat Falls Forest Par... J. F. Maxwell 86-633 1986-8-30
A: 02094909 Coelogyne cumingii Lindley Thailand: Province: Pattalung; District: Tamote; Tamot... J. F. Maxwell 86-662 1986-9-10
A: 02094987 Coelogyne rochussenii de Vriese Thailand: Nakhon Si Thammarat Tasala; Groong Ching Falls, Khao Luang Natio... J. F. Maxwell 86-564 1986-8-12
A: 02156334 Dendrobium aloifolium (Blume) Reichenbach f. Thailand: Narathiwat Ban Kuan Daeng, Gayukla Subdistrict J. F. Maxwell 86-1077 1986-12-17
A: 02156538 Dendrobium grande Hooker f. Thailand: Province: Pattalung; District: Tamote; Tamot... J. F. Maxwell 86-537 1986-8-9
A: 02095492 Liparis parviflora (Blume) Lindley Thailand: Yala District: Tahndo; Tahndo Falls Forest Park J. F. Maxwell 86-888 1986-11-12
A: 02090219 Ludisia discolor (Ker Gawler) Blume Thailand: Pattalung Province; Tamote District; Tamote ... J. F. Maxwell 86-661 1986-9-10
A: 02339562 Podochilus lucescens Blume Thailand: Pattalung: District: Tamote. Tamote Falls Na... J. F. Maxwell 86-666 1986-9-10
A: 02339560 Podochilus lucescens Blume Thailand: Province Nakornsitammarat; District Ta Sala.... J. F. Maxwell 86-334 1986-6-2
A: 02387351 Spathoglottis plicata Blume Thailand: Narathiwat Bukit Beedae J. F. Maxwell 86-1076 1986-12-17
A: 02384811 Thelasis triptera H. G. Reichenbach Thailand: Songkhla Kao Roop Chang, Padang Besar J. F. Maxwell 86-480 1986-7-20
A: 02090742 Tropidia maxwellii Ormerod Thailand: Songkla Haad Yai. Kong Hoy Kong, c. 10 km west of To... J. F. Maxwell 86-391 1986-6-17
A: 02158597 Vanilla sp. Thailand: Province Pattalung: District See Bahn Pohn K... J. F. Maxwell 86-191 1986-3-22
Phyllanthaceae A: 01248063 Phyllanthus emblica Linnaeus Thailand: Songkhla Prince of Songkla University, Haad Yai; near... J. F. Maxwell 86-158 1986-3-11
Piperaceae A: 01978236 Peperomia laevifolia (Blume) Miquel Thailand: Province: Pattalung; District: See Bahn Pote... J. F. Maxwell 86-693 1986-9-23
A: 01936149 Piper cambodianum P. Fournier Thailand: Province: Pattalung. District: See Bahn Pohn... J. F. Maxwell 86-216 1986-3-23
A: 01936149 Piper kurzii Ridley Thailand: Province: Pattalung. District: See Bahn Pohn... J. F. Maxwell 86-216 1986-3-23
A: 01936154 Piper lappaceum (Bennett) C. de Candolle Thailand: Province: Nakornsitammarat. District: Ta Sal... J. F. Maxwell 86-324 1986-6-1
A: 01936228 Piper paucistigmum C. de Candolle Thailand: Songkhla District: Haad Yai. Ko Hong Hill, west slope... J. F. Maxwell 86-32 1986-1-19
A: 01936227 Piper paucistigmum C. de Candolle Thailand: Songkhla District: Haad Yai. Ko Hong Hill, west slope... J. F. Maxwell 86-31 1986-1-19
A: 01936254 Piper ribesioides Wallich Thailand: Province. Pattalung. District: See Bahn Pohn... J. F. Maxwell 86-213 1986-3-23
A: 01936451 Piper sp. Thailand: Province: Pattalung. District: See Bahn Pohn... J. F. Maxwell 86-192 1986-3-22
Poaceae A: 00219748 Heteropogon contortus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes Thailand: Songkhla Haad Yai district. Prince of Songkla Univers... J. F. Maxwell 86-517 1986-7-29
A: 00219760 Heteropogon contortus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes Thailand: Province Puket. District: Muang. Laem Promte... J. F. Maxwell 86-1025 1986-12-1
Pteridaceae GH: 00219890 Pteris grevilleana Wallich Thailand: Groong Ching Falls, Khao Luang National Park... J. F. Maxwell 86-576 1986-8-12
A: 02529968 Pteris vittata Linnaeus Thailand: Songkla Rattapoom. Koa Luke Lome J. F. Maxwell 86-676 1986-9-16
Verbenaceae A: 00268181 Glossocarya premnoides Ridley Thailand: Songkhla District: Sadao; Kao Roop Chang, Padang Besa... J. F. Maxwell 86-594 1986-8-24
A: 00268182 Glossocarya premnoides Ridley Thailand: Songkhla District: Sadao; Kao Roop Chang, Padang Besa... J. F. Maxwell 86-456 1986-7-11
A: 00359058 Premna pyramidata Wallich ex Schauer Thailand: Songkla District: Rattapoom J. F. Maxwell 86-638 1986-8-30