FH: 00388204 Alectoria lata (Taylor) Lindsay Mexico: Nevado di Tolucco C. G. Pringle 1892-9-25
FH: 00388205 Alectoria lata (Taylor) Lindsay Mexico: Nevado di Toluca C. G. Pringle 1892-9-25
FH: 00388208 Alectoria lata (Taylor) Lindsay Mexico: Nevado di Tolucco C. G. Pringle 1892-9-25
FH: 00474071 Parmotrema cetratum (Acharius) Hale Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-10-2
FH: 00474072 Parmotrema cetratum (Acharius) Hale Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-10-2
FH: 00474074 Parmotrema cetratum (Acharius) Hale Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-10-2
FH: 00469267 Parmotrema mesogenes (Nylander) Hale Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-6-21
FH: 00469271 Parmotrema mesogenes (Nylander) Hale Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-6-21
FH: 00467903 Parmotrema perforatum (Acharius) A. Massalongo Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-10-2
FH: 00476042 Pyrenula punctella (Nylander) Trevisan Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-7-31
FH: 00304027 Rinodina flavonigella Tuckerman Mexico: Rascon C. G. Pringle 1892-6-21
FH: 00304028 Rinodina flavonigella Tuckerman Mexico: Rascon C. G. Pringle 1892-6-21
FH: 00304027 Rinodina lepida (Nylander) Müller Arg. Mexico: Rascon C. G. Pringle 1892-6-21
FH: 00304028 Rinodina lepida (Nylander) Müller Arg. Mexico: Rascon C. G. Pringle 1892-6-21
FH: 00492515 Umbilicaria cylindrica (Linnaeus) Delise Mexico: México Toluca: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-9
FH: 00455870 Umbilicaria formosana Frey Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892
FH: 00492642 Umbilicaria hirsuta (Swartz ex Westring) Acharius Mexico: México Toluca: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-9
FH: 00492643 Umbilicaria hirsuta (Swartz ex Westring) Acharius Mexico: México Toluca: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-9
FH: 00492727 Umbilicaria hyperborea (Acharius) Hoffmann Mexico: México Toluca: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-9
Acanthaceae GH: 00057104 Dyschoriste capitata (Oersted) Kuntze Mexico: Michoacán Near Patzcuaro, sandy fields under pines C. G. Pringle 4134 1892-7-31
GH: 00093959 Dyschoriste capitata (Oersted) Kuntze Mexico: Michoacán Near Patzcuaro, sandy fields under pines C. G. Pringle 4134 1892-7-31
GH: 00057104 Dyschoriste pinetorum Kobuski Mexico: Michoacán Near Patzcuaro, sandy fields under pines C. G. Pringle 4134 1892-7-31
GH: 00093959 Dyschoriste pinetorum Kobuski Mexico: Michoacán Near Patzcuaro, sandy fields under pines C. G. Pringle 4134 1892-7-31
Apiaceae GH: 00073931 Angelica pringlei J. M. Coulter & Rose Mexico: México By streams, Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 5209 1892-9
GH: 00075071 Angelica pringlei J. M. Coulter & Rose Mexico: México By streams, Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 5209 1892-9
GH: 00077977 Arracacia trifida J. M. Coulter & Rose Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 5210 1892-8-23
GH: 00077654 Deanea tuberosa J. M. Coulter & Rose Mexico: México valley of Toluca C. G. Pringle 4295 1892-10-3
GH: 00387635 Deanea tuberosa J. M. Coulter & Rose Mexico: México valley of Toluca C. G. Pringle 4295 1892-10-3
GH: 00076374 Eryngium longispinum J. M. Coulter & Rose Mexico: Federal District Pedrigal, valley of Mexico C. G. Pringle 4359 1892-12-6
GH: 00077962 Musineon alpinum J. M. Coulter & Rose Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 14000 feet C. G. Pringle 4247 1892-9-2
GH: 00077108 Oreomyrrhis andina Endlicher Mexico: México Growing in the close mats in the bottom of t... C. G. Pringle 4236 1892-9-1
GH: 00077108 Oreomyrrhis tolucana I. M. Johnston Mexico: México Growing in the close mats in the bottom of t... C. G. Pringle 4236 1892-9-1
GH: 00387635 Rhodosciadium sp. Mexico: México valley of Toluca C. G. Pringle 4295 1892-10-3
GH: 00077654 Rhodosciadium tuberosum (J. M. Coulter & Rose) Drude Mexico: México valley of Toluca C. G. Pringle 4295 1892-10-3
GH: 00387635 Rhodosciadium tuberosum (J. M. Coulter & Rose) Drude Mexico: México valley of Toluca C. G. Pringle 4295 1892-10-3
Apocynaceae GH: 02009830 Stemmadenia tomentosa Greenman Mexico: Jalisco Barranca, Near Guadalajara. C. G. Pringle 5363 1892-6-25
Asclepiadaceae GH: 00040959 Gonolobus chrysanthus Greenman Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzenaro C. G. Pringle 5277 1892-8-3
GH: 00040959 Matelea chrysantha (Greenman) Woodson Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzenaro C. G. Pringle 5277 1892-8-3
GH: 00057233 Pherotrichis leptogenia B. L. Robinson Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5279 1892-7-30
Aspleniaceae GH: 00020579 Asplenium rubinum Davenport Mexico: C. G. Pringle 5191 1892
Asteraceae GH: 00007366 Ageratina espinosarum doratophylla (B. L. Robinson) Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Lake Chapala. C. G. Pringle 4353 1892-11-18
GH: 00007198 Ageratina robinsoniana (Greene) B. L. Turner Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Lake Chapala. C. G. Pringle 4353 1892-11-18
GH: 00066666 Cacalia prenanthoides Kunth Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, alt. 10-12000 ft. [feet] C. G. Pringle 4302 1892-9-26
GH: 00066617 Cacalia silphiifolia B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: México Sierra de las Crucis C. G. Pringle 5251 1892-8-21
GH: 00589162 Calea palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Michoacán near Talzcuaro C. G. Pringle 1892-7-23
GH: 00139025 Cirsium jorullense lanosum Petrak Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 4214 1892-8-21
GH: 00139024 Cirsium jorullense glabrescens Petrak Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4301 1892-9-26
GH: 00006071 Cirsium tolucanum Petrak Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 4308 1892-8-28
GH: 00139025 Cnicus jorullensis Kunth Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 4214 1892-8-21
GH: 00139024 Cnicus mexicanus Hemsley Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4301 1892-9-26
GH: 00006071 Cnicus tolucanus B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 4308 1892-8-28
GH: 00006503 Egletes Mexico: San Luis Potosí Las Palmas. River Banks. C. G. Pringle 4101 1892-6-18
GH: 00006504 Egletes Mexico: San Luis Potosí Las Palmas. River banks. C. G. Pringle 4101 1892-6-18
GH: 00006503 Egletes pringlei Greenman Mexico: San Luis Potosí Las Palmas. River Banks. C. G. Pringle 4101 1892-6-18
GH: 00006504 Egletes pringlei Greenman Mexico: San Luis Potosí Las Palmas. River banks. C. G. Pringle 4101 1892-6-18
GH: 00006503 Egletes viscosa (Linnaeus) Lessing Mexico: San Luis Potosí Las Palmas. River Banks. C. G. Pringle 4101 1892-6-18
GH: 00006504 Egletes viscosa (Linnaeus) Lessing Mexico: San Luis Potosí Las Palmas. River banks. C. G. Pringle 4101 1892-6-18
GH: 00006824 Erigeron heleniastrum Greene Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 12000 feet C. G. Pringle 4239 1892-9-6
GH: 00007198 Eupatorium espinosarum doratophyllum B. L. Robinson Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Lake Chapala. C. G. Pringle 4353 1892-11-18
GH: 00007198 Eupatorium occidentale Hooker Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Lake Chapala. C. G. Pringle 4353 1892-11-18
GH: 00007366 Eupatorium occidentale Hooker Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Lake Chapala. C. G. Pringle 4353 1892-11-18
GH: 00007198 Eupatorium robinsonianum Greene Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Lake Chapala. C. G. Pringle 4353 1892-11-18
GH: 00007366 Eupatorium robinsonianum Greene Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Lake Chapala. C. G. Pringle 4353 1892-11-18
GH: 00008142 Florestina pedata (Cavanilles) Cassini Mexico: México Hills of Rio Hondo C. G. Pringle 4289 1892-9-23
GH: 00008345 Gnaphalium sarmentosum Klatt Mexico: México About the timberline of the Nevado de Toluca... C. G. Pringle 4249 1892-9-6
GH: 00006824 Haplopappus stolonifer de Candolle Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 12000 feet C. G. Pringle 4239 1892-9-6
GH: 00006824 Haplopappus stolonifer heleniastrum S. F. Blake Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 12000 feet C. G. Pringle 4239 1892-9-6
GH: 00009077 Hieracium crepidispermum Fries Mexico: México Valley of Toluca. C. G. Pringle 4183 1892-8-17
GH: 00009064 Hieracium mexicanum glabrescens Zahn Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 9500 feet. C. G. Pringle 4284 1892-9-26
GH: 00009064 Hieracium praemorsiforme Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 9500 feet. C. G. Pringle 4284 1892-9-26
GH: 00009077 Hieracium tolucanum Arvet-Touvet Mexico: México Valley of Toluca. C. G. Pringle 4183 1892-8-17
GH: 00008345 Merope kunthiana Weddell Mexico: México About the timberline of the Nevado de Toluca... C. G. Pringle 4249 1892-9-6
GH: 00006824 Osbertia stolonifera (de Candolle) Greene Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 12000 feet C. G. Pringle 4239 1892-9-6
GH: 00011285 Piqueria laxiflora B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Jalisco Near Lake Chapala C. G. Pringle 4333 1892-11-23
GH: 00011286 Piqueria laxiflora B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Jalisco Near Lake Chapala C. G. Pringle 4333 1892-11-23
GH: 00011288 Piqueria pilosa Kunth Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4285 1892-9-26
GH: 00011287 Piqueria pilosa pringlei (B. L. Robinson & Seaton) B. L. Robinson Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4285 1892-9-26
GH: 00011287 Piqueria pringlei B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4285 1892-9-26
GH: 00011288 Piqueria pringlei B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4285 1892-9-26
GH: 00011420 Porophyllum ervendbergii A. Gray Mexico: Michoacán Querendaro C. G. Pringle 4292 1892-10-25
GH: 00011421 Porophyllum ervendbergii A. Gray Mexico: Michoacán Querendaro C. G. Pringle 4292 1892-10-25
GH: 00011420 Porophyllum nutans B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Michoacán Querendaro C. G. Pringle 4292 1892-10-25
GH: 00011421 Porophyllum nutans B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Michoacán Querendaro C. G. Pringle 4292 1892-10-25
GH: 00589162 Sabazia sarmentosa Lessing Mexico: Michoacán near Talzcuaro C. G. Pringle 1892-7-23
GH: 00011697 Sabazia subnuda B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 12,000 ft. [feet] C. G. Pringle 4226 1892-9-2
GH: 00011698 Sabazia subnuda B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 12,000 ft. [feet] C. G. Pringle 4226 1892-9-2
GH: 00008142 Schkuhria glomerata B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Hills of Rio Hondo C. G. Pringle 4289 1892-9-23
GH: 00011697 Selloa plantaginea Kunth Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 12,000 ft. [feet] C. G. Pringle 4226 1892-9-2
GH: 00011698 Selloa plantaginea Kunth Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 12,000 ft. [feet] C. G. Pringle 4226 1892-9-2
GH: 00066666 Senecio iodanthus Greenman Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, alt. 10-12000 ft. [feet] C. G. Pringle 4302 1892-9-26
GH: 00589162 Tridax ehrenbergii Schultz Bipontinus ex Klatt Mexico: Michoacán near Talzcuaro C. G. Pringle 1892-7-23
GH: 00013218 Tridax palmeri indivisa B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Lake Chapala C. G. Pringle 4332 1892-11-18
GH: 00013219 Tridax palmeri indivisa B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Lake Chapala C. G. Pringle 4332 1892-11-18
GH: 00013386 Verbesina hypomalaca hypochlora B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Michoacán Hills about Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4136 1892-8-7
GH: 00013387 Verbesina hypomalaca hypochlora B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Michoacán Hills about Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4136 1892-8-7
GH: 00013426 Verbesina oncophora B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 4310 1892-10-21
GH: 00013427 Verbesina oncophora B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 4310 1892-10-21
GH: 00013386 Verbesina stricta (Hemsley) A. Gray Mexico: Michoacán Hills about Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4136 1892-8-7
GH: 00013387 Verbesina stricta (Hemsley) A. Gray Mexico: Michoacán Hills about Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4136 1892-8-7
Bombacaceae GH: 00066801 Eriodendron tomentosa B. L. Robinson Mexico: Jalisco Barranca, near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 5300 1892-6-25
Boraginaceae GH: 00097692 Allocarya mexicana J. F. Macbride Mexico: México Flor de Maria, muddy hollows of prairies C. G. Pringle 4241 1892-9-9
GH: 00097692 Plagiobothrys mexicanus (J. F. Macbride) I. M. Johnston Mexico: México Flor de Maria, muddy hollows of prairies C. G. Pringle 4241 1892-9-9
Brassicaceae GH: 02454662 Cardamine obliqua stylosa Rollins Mexico: Veracruz Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 5327 1892
GH: 00019097 Draba confusa Rose Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 5260 1892-9-11
GH: 00019105 Draba jorullensis Kunth Mexico: México Crater of the Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4248 1892-9-1
GH: 00019104 Draba nivicola Rose Mexico: México Crater of the Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4234 1892-9-2
GH: 00019104 Draba orbiculata Rose Mexico: México Crater of the Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4234 1892-9-2
GH: 00019105 Draba pringlei Rose Mexico: México Crater of the Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4248 1892-9-1
GH: 02125217 Laelia albida Bateman ex Lindley Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 5351 1892-11-18
Bromeliaceae GH: 00139437 Tillandsia achyrostachys E. Morren Mexico: Jalisco On Burseras, hills near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 4111 1892-6-25
GH: 00139437 Tillandsia achyrostachys stenolepis L. B. Smith Mexico: Jalisco On Burseras, hills near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 4111 1892-6-25
GH: 01817441 Tillandsia caput-medusae E. Morren Mexico: Jalisco Barranca, near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 5334 1892-6-25
GH: 01817466 Tillandsia cossonii Baker Mexico: Michoacán Hills of Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5265 1892-7-16
GH: 00288055 Tillandsia dasyliriifolia Baker Mexico: San Luis Potosí Rascon C. G. Pringle 5306 1892-6-20
GH: 01817491 Tillandsia dasyliriifolia Baker Mexico: Michoacán on cliffs by Lake Cuitzeo C. G. Pringle 4173 1892-7-20
GH: 01817491 Tillandsia dugesii Baker Mexico: Michoacán on cliffs by Lake Cuitzeo C. G. Pringle 4173 1892-7-20
GH: 01817506 Tillandsia erubescens Schlechtendal Mexico: México Tultenango C. G. Pringle 4328 1892-10-31
GH: 01817543 Tillandsia fasciculata Swartz Mexico: San Luis Potosí at Rascon C. G. Pringle 4172 1892-6-21
GH: 00288055 Tillandsia geniculata Baker Mexico: San Luis Potosí Rascon C. G. Pringle 5306 1892-6-20
GH: 00029374 Tillandsia lepidosepala L. B. Smith Mexico: Michoacán Near Lake Cuitzco C. G. Pringle 5323 1892-8-9
GH: 00288055 Tillandsia limbata Schlechtendal Mexico: San Luis Potosí Rascon C. G. Pringle 5306 1892-6-20
GH: 01817956 Tillandsia polystachia Linnaeus Mexico: San Luis Potosí Rascon C. G. Pringle 4106 1892-6-21
GH: 00288055 Tillandsia utriculata Linnaeus Mexico: San Luis Potosí Rascon C. G. Pringle 5306 1892-6-20
Bryaceae FH: 00995212 Brachymenium systylium (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Mexico: Michoacán Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 752 1892-11-16
Cactaceae GH: 01005763 Pilosocereus leucocephalus (Poselger) Byles & G. D. Rowley Mexico: Jalisco Barranca, near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 5301 1892-7-21
Calypogeiaceae FH: 00495905 Calypogeia pringlei Underwood Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-11
Catillariaceae FH: 00491546 Toninia squalida (Acharius) A. Massalongo Mexico: México Toluca: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 15641 1892-9-25
Characeae FH: 00876480 Nitella formosa Allen Mexico: Tlalnepantla, Valley of Mexico C. G. Pringle 1892-12
Convolvulaceae GH: 00054329 Cuscuta chapalana Yuncker Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara, mountains near Lake Chapal... C. G. Pringle 5349 1892-11-18
GH: 00054329 Cuscuta corymbosa Ruiz & Pavon Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara, mountains near Lake Chapal... C. G. Pringle 5349 1892-11-18
Crassulaceae GH: 00042423 Altamiranoa ramulosa Fröderström Mexico: México Rio Hondo C. G. Pringle 4287 1892-9-23
GH: 00042491 Cotyledon subrigida B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Tultenango Canyon C. G. Pringle 4326 1892-10-31
GH: 00042570 Sedum minimum minimum Mexico: México Summit of the Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4240 1892-9-6
GH: 00042570 Sedum pringlei minus B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Summit of the Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4240 1892-9-6
Cucurbitaceae GH: 00031846 Cyclanthera pringlei B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Michoacán Rocky hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4317 1892
GH: 00031846 Cyclanthera tamnoides (Willdenow) Cogniaux Mexico: Michoacán Rocky hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4317 1892
Cyperaceae GH: 00027501 Carex autumnalis Mackenzie Mexico: México Low meadows, Flor de Maria C. G. Pringle 4275 1892-10-3
GH: 00027501 Carex marianensis Stacey Mexico: México Low meadows, Flor de Maria C. G. Pringle 4275 1892-10-3
Dioscoreaceae GH: 00030499 Dioscorea minima B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Michoacán Lava beds near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4157 1892-7-28
Ericaceae A: 00014711 Arctostaphylos rupestris B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Michoacán Dry rocky hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4318 1892-10-14
GH: 00014712 Arctostaphylos rupestris B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Michoacán Dry rocky hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4318 1892-10-14
A: 00014711 Comarostaphylis discolor rupestris (Robinson & Seaton) Diggs Mexico: Michoacán Dry rocky hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4318 1892-10-14
GH: 00014712 Comarostaphylis discolor rupestris (Robinson & Seaton) Diggs Mexico: Michoacán Dry rocky hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4318 1892-10-14
Fabaceae GH: 00059444 Astragalus tolucanus B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 12000 ft C. G. Pringle 4238 1892-9-6
Fagaceae A: 00055693 Quercus laeta Liebmann Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4116 1892-7-18
A: 00055693 Quercus transmontana Trelease Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4116 1892-7-18
GH: 00055694 Quercus transmontana Trelease Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4116 1892-7-18
GH: 00055694 Quercus undulata grisea (Liebmann) Engelmann Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4116 1892-7-18
A: 00055693 Quercus undulata grisea (Liebmann) Engelmann Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4116 1892-7-18
Gentianaceae GH: 01246089 Gentiana bicuspidata (G. Don) Briquet Mexico: México Valley of Toluca. C. G. Pringle 1892-10-30
GH: 00073357 Gentiana citrina Pollard Mexico: México Wet meadows, valley of Toluca. C. G. Pringle 4196 1892-8-18
GH: 00073357 Gentianella hartwegii (Bentham) Holub Mexico: México Wet meadows, valley of Toluca. C. G. Pringle 4196 1892-8-18
GH: 00073954 Gentianella hartwegii (Bentham) Holub Mexico: México Moist meadows, Nevado de Toluca, 11000 feet. C. G. Pringle 4237 1892-9-6
GH: 00073954 Gentianella mexicana pringlei Wettstein Mexico: México Moist meadows, Nevado de Toluca, 11000 feet. C. G. Pringle 4237 1892-9-6
GH: 00046785 Halenia crassiuscula B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Bare alpine summits, Nevado de Toluca, 14000... C. G. Pringle 4229 1892-9-2
GH: 00061845 Halenia plantaginea Grisebach Mexico: México In pine forests of the Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4224 1892-9-2
GH: 00046785 Halenia pringlei B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Bare alpine summits, Nevado de Toluca, 14000... C. G. Pringle 4229 1892-9-2
GH: 00046789 Halenia pringlei B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Springy meadows, Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 4209 1892-8-23
Grimmiaceae FH: 00213076 Grimmia elongata Kaulfuss Mexico: México On rocks of the summit of the Volcano of Tol... C. G. Pringle 27a 1892-9-7
FH: 00213030 Grimmia elongata Kaulfuss Mexico: México On rocks of the summit of the volcano of Tol... C. G. Pringle 27a 1892-9-7
FH: 00213069 Grimmia longirostris Hooker Mexico: México In the crater of the Volcano Toluca, 13500 f... C. G. Pringle 26a 1892-9-25
FH: 00213068 Grimmia longirostris Hooker Mexico: México In the crater of the Volcano Toluca, 13500 f... C. G. Pringle 26a 1892-9-25
FH: 00213069 Grimmia praetermissa Cardot Mexico: México In the crater of the Volcano Toluca, 13500 f... C. G. Pringle 26a 1892-9-25
FH: 00213068 Grimmia praetermissa Cardot Mexico: México In the crater of the Volcano Toluca, 13500 f... C. G. Pringle 26a 1892-9-25
FH: 00213076 Grimmia tolucensis Cardot Mexico: México On rocks of the summit of the Volcano of Tol... C. G. Pringle 27a 1892-9-7
FH: 00213030 Grimmia tolucensis Cardot Mexico: México On rocks of the summit of the volcano of Tol... C. G. Pringle 27a 1892-9-7
Hedwigiaceae FH: 00790958 Braunia secunda (Hooker) Bruch & Schimper Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 25a 1892-10-1
FH: 00790963 Braunia secunda (Hooker) Bruch & Schimper Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 25a 1892-10-1
Lamiaceae GH: 00001588 Salvia chapalensis Briquet Mexico: Jalisco Rich wooded canyons, mountains near Lake Cha... C. G. Pringle 4351 1892-11-22
GH: 00001657 Salvia hypoglauca Briquet Mexico: Michoacán Mountains about Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4155 1892-7-30
GH: 00001779 Salvia trichandra Briquet Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 4200 1892-8-21
GH: 00002070 Stachys radicans Epling Mexico: México Sierr de la Cruces C. G. Pringle 4208 1892-8-21
Lecideaceae FH: 00419440 Bacidia De Notaris Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892
FH: 00419443 Bacidia De Notaris Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892
Letrouitiaceae FH: 00442985 Letrouitia domingensis (Persoon) Hafellner & Bellemere Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-6-15
FH: 00442988 Letrouitia domingensis (Persoon) Hafellner & Bellemere Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-6-15
FH: 00442990 Letrouitia domingensis (Persoon) Hafellner & Bellemere Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-6-15
Leucodontaceae FH: 00844643 Leucodon cryptotheca Hampe Mexico: México [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-9-7
FH: 00844651 Leucodon cryptotheca Hampe Mexico: México [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-9-7
Linaceae GH: 01248352 Linum mexicanum Kunth Mexico: Jalisco mountains near Lake Chapala. C. G. Pringle 1892-11-22
GH: 01248391 Linum orizabae Planchon Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces. C. G. Pringle 1892-8-16
Lobariaceae FH: 00480615 Sticta sylvatica (Hudson) Acharius Mexico: México Toluca: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-9
FH: 00480699 Sticta weigelii (Acharius) Vainio Mexico: México Toluca: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-6
FH: 00480702 Sticta weigelii (Acharius) Vainio Mexico: México Toluca: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-9
FH: 00480706 Sticta weigelii (Acharius) Vainio Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-7-14
Lobeliaceae GH: 00033288 Lobelia picta B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 4305 1892-10-1
Lythraceae GH: 00068374 Cuphea avigera B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Lake Chapala, moist banks C. G. Pringle 4349 1892-11-18
Malvaceae GH: 00052626 Abutilon attenuatum B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Jalisco Slopes of mountains near Lake Chapala C. G. Pringle 4354 1892-11-21
GH: 00052952 Malvaviscus pringlei E. G. Baker ex B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Michoacán Near Lake Cuitzeo C. G. Pringle 4132 1892-10-26
GH: 00052951 Malvaviscus pringlei E. G. Baker ex B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Michoacán Near Lake Cuitzeo C. G. Pringle 4132 1892-10-26
GH: 00052987 Pavonia melanommata B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Michoacán Monte Leon, volcanic hills C. G. Pringle 4343 1892-11-12
A: 00052988 Pavonia melanommata B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Michoacán Monte Leon, volcanic hills C. G. Pringle 4343 1892-11-12
Mimosaceae GH: 00069226 Albizia lebbeck (Linnaeus) Bentham Mexico: Michoacán Monte Leon C. G. Pringle 5352 1892-11-12
GH: 00069226 Hesperalbizia occidentalis (Brandegee) Barneby & J. W. Grimes Mexico: Michoacán Monte Leon C. G. Pringle 5352 1892-11-12
GH: 00069226 Leucaena plurijuga (Linnaeus) Standley Mexico: Michoacán Monte Leon C. G. Pringle 5352 1892-11-12
GH: 00069226 Leucaena sp. Mexico: Michoacán Monte Leon C. G. Pringle 5352 1892-11-12
Neckeraceae FH: 00846744 Neckera chlorocaulis Müller Halle Mexico: México [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-9-7
FH: 00846756 Neckera chlorocaulis Müller Halle Mexico: México [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 18a 1892-9-7
FH: 00846863 Neckera leptophylla Schimper Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 21a 1892-7-14
Onagraceae GH: 00054059 Fuchsia pringlei B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Michoacán Mountains near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4140 1892-7
GH: 00054059 Fuchsia thymifolia Kunth Mexico: Michoacán Mountains near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4140 1892-7
Ophioglossaceae GH: 01154745 Botrychium matricariifolium A. Brown Mexico: México Volcano of Toluca C. G. Pringle 5193 1892-9-7
GH: 01154745 Botrychium sp. Mexico: México Volcano of Toluca C. G. Pringle 5193 1892-9-7
GH: 01154745 Botrychium tolucaense W. H. Wagner & Mickel Mexico: México Volcano of Toluca C. G. Pringle 5193 1892-9-7
Orchidaceae AMES: 02092614 Beadlea pringlei (S. Watson) Garay & W. Kittredge Mexico: Jalisco near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 1892-6-27
GH: 02092613 Beadlea pringlei (S. Watson) Garay & W. Kittredge Mexico: Jalisco near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 1892-6-27
GH: 02154406 Brassavola appendiculata A. Richard & Galeotti Mexico: San Luis Potosí Rascon C. G. Pringle 5303 1892-6-21
AMES: 02123164 Encyclia parviflora (Regel) Withner Mexico: San Luis Potosí Hascon C. G. Pringle 1892-6-21
GH: 02111826 Epidendrum rigidum Jacquin Mexico: San Luis Potosí Rascon C. G. Pringle 5302 1892-6-21
AMES: 00074001 Epidendrum wendlandianum Kraenzlin Mexico: Michoacán On oaks , mountains near Lake Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4164 1892-7
AMES: 02091239 Funkiella hyemalis (A. Rich. & Galeotti) Schlechter Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 1892-9-25
GH: 02091227 Funkiella hyemalis (A. Rich. & Galeotti) Schlechter Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 1892-9-25
GH: 02017127 Govenia superba (La Llave & Lexarza) Lindley Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzcúaro C. G. Pringle 5325 1892-7-23
GH: 00099728 Habenaria brevifolia Greene Mexico: Michoacán Mountains near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5314 1892-10-12
GH: 01947137 Habenaria clypeata Lindley Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 1892-7-30
AMES: 00099846 Habenaria entomantha (La Llave & Lexarza) Lindley Mexico: Michoacán Cool wooded hillsides near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5223 1892-10-10
GH: 01947276 Habenaria entomantha (La Llave & Lexarza) Lindley Mexico: Michoacán Mountains near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5337 1892-8-2
AMES: 00099846 Habenaria filifera S. Watson Mexico: Michoacán Cool wooded hillsides near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5223 1892-10-10
GH: 01947328 Habenaria filifera S. Watson Mexico: Michoacán Cool wooded hillsides near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5223 1892-10-10
AMES: 01947476 Habenaria novemfida Lindley Mexico: Michoacán Coapa. C. G. Pringle 1892-8-8
GH: 02096982 Liparis vexillifera Cogniaux Mexico: Michoacán Patzenaro C. G. Pringle 5274 1892-7-18
GH: 01983286 Malaxis carnosa (Kunth) C. Schweinfurth Mexico: Michoacán Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5266 1892-7-25
GH: 00101627 Malaxis corymbosa (S. Watson) Kuntze Mexico: Michoacán Mountains near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4169 1892-8-3
AMES: 01983458 Malaxis corymbosa (S. Watson) Kuntze Mexico: Michoacán mountains near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4169 1892-8-3
AMES: 01983458 Malaxis espejoi R. González, Lizb. Hern. & E. Ramírez Mexico: Michoacán mountains near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4169 1892-8-3
GH: 00101627 Microstylis corymbosa S. Watson Mexico: Michoacán Mountains near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4169 1892-8-3
AMES: 01983458 Microstylis corymbosa S. Watson Mexico: Michoacán mountains near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4169 1892-8-3
GH: 01983286 Microstylis macrostachya (Lexarza) Lindley Mexico: Michoacán Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5266 1892-7-25
GH: 00104532 Microthelys rubrocalosa (B. L. Robinson & Greenman) Garay Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 5326 1892-8-20
GH: 01948209 Platanthera limosa Lindley Mexico: State of Mexico. Nevado de Toluca. C. G. Pringle 5253 1892-9-7
AMES: 02124173 Prosthechea radiata (Lindley) W. E. Higgins Mexico: San Luis Potosí Rascon C. G. Pringle 1892-6-21
AMES: 02124276 Prosthechea venosa (Lindley) W. E. Higgins Mexico: Michoacán near Lake Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 1892-7-16
GH: 01943596 Sacoila lanceolata (Aublet) Garay Mexico: San Luis Potosí Mountains, Tamasopo. C. G. Pringle 1892-6-15
AMES: 00104390 Spiranthes aurantiaca acuminata B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Valley of Toluca C. G. Pringle 4280 1892-9-13
AMES: 00104393 Spiranthes aurantiaca acuminata B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Valley of Toluca C. G. Pringle 4280 1892-9-13
GH: 00104388 Spiranthes aurantiaca acuminata B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Valley of Toluca C. G. Pringle 4280 1892-9-13
GH: 00083919 Spiranthes aurantiaca acuminata B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Valley of Toluca C. G. Pringle 4280 1892-9-13
GH: 00104532 Spiranthes rubrocalosa B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 5326 1892-8-20
GH: 00084002 Spiranthes rubrocalosa B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 5326 1892-8-20
Orobanchaceae GH: 00010886 Castilleja angustata (B. L. Robinson & Seaton) Eastwood Mexico: Michoacán Grassy slopes near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4117 1892-7-18
GH: 00010886 Castilleja pallida angustata B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Michoacán Grassy slopes near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4117 1892-7-18
Orthotrichaceae FH: 01147256 Zygodon obtusifolius Hooker Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 22a 1892-10-22
Parmeliaceae FH: 00467903 Parmelia perforata (Wulfen) Acharius Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-10-2
Passifloraceae GH: 00068016 Passiflora karwinskii Masters Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5268 1892-7-23
GH: 00068016 Passiflora pringlei B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5268 1892-7-23
Physciaceae FH: 00450138 Heterodermia diademata (Taylor) D. D. Awasthi Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892
Piperaceae GH: 00004935 Peperomia astyla Trelease Mexico: Michoacán about Lake Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4124 1892-7-16
GH: 00004935 Peperomia bracteata A. W. Hill Mexico: Michoacán about Lake Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4124 1892-7-16
GH: 00004935 Peperomia umbilicata macrophylla C. de Candolle Mexico: Michoacán about Lake Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4124 1892-7-16
Plantaginaceae GH: 00092252 Plantago multiceps Kunth Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, in the crater C. G. Pringle 4300 1892-9-25
GH: 00092252 Plantago tolucensis Pilger Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, in the crater C. G. Pringle 4300 1892-9-25
Poaceae GH: 00022994 Agrostis thyrsigera Mez Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, alt. 12000 feet C. G. Pringle 4251 1892-9-7
GH: 00244761 Dissanthelium sclerochloides Fourmont Mexico: at the bottom of the crater of the Nevado de... C. G. Pringle 4222 1892-9-1
GH: 00247754 Euchlaena mexicana Schrader Mexico: Michoacán Querendaro C. G. Pringle 4319 1892-10-25
GH: 00024036 Muhlenbergia nigra Hitchcock Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, alt. 11000 feet C. G. Pringle 4211 1892-9-2
GH: 00024477 Stipa mexicana Hitchcock Mexico: México Mountain meadows, Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 4299 1892-10-1
Polygalaceae GH: 00025933 Polygala michoacana B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Michoacán Amongst pines, hills of Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4151 1892-8-7
Polygonaceae GH: 00036763 Persicaria glabra (Willdenow) M. Gómez Mexico: México Valley of Toluca C. G. Pringle 4213 1892-8-24
GH: 00036763 Polygonum acre Lamarck Mexico: México Valley of Toluca C. G. Pringle 4213 1892-8-24
GH: 00036763 Polygonum densiflorum C. F. W. Meissner Mexico: México Valley of Toluca C. G. Pringle 4213 1892-8-24
GH: 00036763 Polygonum punctatum eciliatum Small Mexico: México Valley of Toluca C. G. Pringle 4213 1892-8-24
Pottiaceae FH: 00843654 Leptodontium viticulosoides (P. Beauvois) Wijk & Margadant Mexico: México [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 20a 1892-9-7
FH: 00843655 Leptodontium viticulosoides (P. Beauvois) Wijk & Margadant Mexico: México [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 20a 1892-9-7
FH: 00843656 Leptodontium viticulosoides (P. Beauvois) Wijk & Margadant Mexico: México [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 20a 1892-9-7
Pucciniaceae FH: 01012628 Aecidium anisacanthi Peck Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-6-13
FH: 01022409 Aecidium zephyranthis Shear Mexico: foot hills near Mexico C. G. Pringle 1892-7-9
FH: 01022410 Aecidium zephyranthis Shear Mexico: foot hills near Mexico C. G. Pringle 1892-7-9
FH: 01006181 Puccinia anisacanthi Dietel & Holway Mexico: San Luis Potosí [no additional data] C. G. Pringle 1892-6-13
FH: 01125876 Uromyces hyalinus Peck Mexico: Pass del Norte C. G. Pringle 1892-6-8
FH: 01125900 Uromyces hyalinus Peck Mexico: Paso del Norte C. G. Pringle 1892-6-8
FH: 01125876 Uromyces sophorae Peck Mexico: Pass del Norte C. G. Pringle 1892-6-8
FH: 01125900 Uromyces sophorae Peck Mexico: Paso del Norte C. G. Pringle 1892-6-8
FH: 00783938 Uromyces sophorae Peck Mexico: Paso del Norte C. G. Pringle 5 1892-6-8
Ramalinaceae FH: 00453563 Malcolmiella granifera (Acharius) K. Kalb & R. Lücking Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-6-15
FH: 00453564 Malcolmiella granifera (Acharius) K. Kalb & R. Lücking Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-6-15
FH: 00453565 Malcolmiella granifera (Acharius) K. Kalb & R. Lücking Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-6-15
FH: 00453566 Malcolmiella granifera (Acharius) K. Kalb & R. Lücking Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-6-15
FH: 00472005 Phyllopsora parvifolia (Persoon) Müller Arg. Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-6-15
FH: 00472006 Phyllopsora parvifolia (Persoon) Müller Arg. Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-6-15
Ranunculaceae GH: 00068692 Thalictrum pubigerum Bentham Mexico: Michoacán Low lands about Lake Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4143 1892-7-15
GH: 00068692 Thalictrum tomentellum B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Michoacán Low lands about Lake Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4143 1892-7-15
Rhamnaceae GH: 00051400 Rhamnus macrocarpa Standley Mexico: Michoacán Hills of Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5331 1892-8-7
Rosaceae GH: 00019633 Potentilla michoacana Rydberg Mexico: Michoacán Morelia C. G. Pringle 5291 1892-7-21
GH: 00102833 Potentilla subcoriacea Rydberg Mexico: México Sierra de las Crucus C. G. Pringle 5258 1892-9-11
Solanaceae GH: 00861650 Datura discolor Bernhardi Mexico: Michoacán Shallow ponds near Morelia. C. G. Pringle 1892-7-21
GH: 00056086 Jaltomata grandiflora (Robinson & Greenman) W. G. D'Arcy, T. Mione & T. Davis Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5273 1892-7-22
GH: 00056086 Jaltomata sp. Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5273 1892-7-22
GH: 00077531 Lycianthes pringlei Bitter Mexico: Jalisco Mountain cañons near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 5343 1892-11-18
GH: 00813390 Lycium carolinianum Walter Mexico: Michoacán Saline meadows bordering Lake Cuitzeo C. G. Pringle 1892-8-8
GH: 00077342 Physalis acuminata Greenman Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 5315 1892-10-23
GH: 00077342 Physalis glutinosa Schlechtendal Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 5315 1892-10-23
GH: 00077342 Physalis stapelioides (Decaisne ex Regel) Bitter Mexico: México Sierra de las Cruces C. G. Pringle 5315 1892-10-23
GH: 00056086 Saracha grandiflora B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5273 1892-7-22
GH: 00077531 Solanum pringlei B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Jalisco Mountain cañons near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 5343 1892-11-18
Stereocaulaceae FH: 00479699 Stereocaulon myriocarpum Th. Fries Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-9-11
FH: 00479702 Stereocaulon myriocarpum Th. Fries Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-9-11
FH: 00480503 Stereocaulon vesuvianum denudatum (Flörke) I. M. Lamb ex Poelt Mexico: México Toluca: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-9-25
Theaceae GH: 02503362 Ternstroemia lineata de Candolle Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 5353 1892-7-29
Tiliaceae GH: 00052521 Tilia americana mexicana (Schlechtendal) Hardin Mexico: Michoacán Mountains about Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4126 1892-7-22
A: 00052520 Tilia americana mexicana (Schlechtendal) Hardin Mexico: Michoacán Mountains about Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4126 1892-7-22
GH: 00052521 Tilia occidentalis Rose Mexico: Michoacán Mountains about Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4126 1892-7-22
A: 00052520 Tilia occidentalis Rose Mexico: Michoacán Mountains about Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4126 1892-7-22
Umbilicariaceae FH: 00438516 Lasallia papulosa (Acharius) Llano Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-9
FH: 00438521 Lasallia papulosa (Acharius) Llano Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 11a 1892-9
FH: 00438573 Lasallia pennsylvanica (Hoffmann) Llano Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892-9
FH: 00438574 Lasallia pennsylvanica (Hoffmann) Llano Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 11a 1892-9
FH: 00455870 Omphalodiscus virginis orizabanus (Vainio) Llano Mexico: [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1892