FH: 00474694 Evernia furfuracea albida B. de Lesdain Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 8040 1911
FH: 00430737 Leptogium azureum (Swartz ex Acharius) Montagne Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 8039 1911
FH: 00453070 Lobaria corrosa (Acharius) Vainio Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 8035 1911-11
Amblystegiaceae FH: 00513829 Campyliadelphus chrysophyllus (Bridel) Kanda Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7870 1911-8
FH: 00849612 Platyhypnidium obtusifolium Brotherus Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4890 1911-8-17
FH: 00849614 Platyhypnidium obtusifolium Brotherus Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 1911-8-17
Asteraceae GH: 00007130 Ageratina choricephala (B. L. Robinson) R. M. King & H. Robinson Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia, Carrindapaz Fr. G. Arsène 6080 1911-11-8
GH: 00000642 Ageratum arsenei B. L. Robinson Mexico: Cercado, near Monterey Fr. G. Arsène 1911-11-12
GH: 00004395 Brickellia arsenei B. L. Robinson Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia Fr. G. Arsène 5608 1911-10-26
GH: 00007130 Eupatorium Linnaeus Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia, Carrindapaz Fr. G. Arsène 6080 1911-11-8
GH: 00004395 Eupatorium adenospermum Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia Fr. G. Arsène 5608 1911-10-26
GH: 00007130 Eupatorium arsenei B. L. Robinson Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia, Carrindapaz Fr. G. Arsène 6080 1911-11-8
GH: 00004395 Eupatorium pulchellum Kunth Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia Fr. G. Arsène 5608 1911-10-26
GH: 00009488 Kuhnia Linnaeus Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of Puebla Fr. G. Arsène 5932 1911-4-5
GH: 00009488 Kuhnia microphylla Shinners Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of Puebla Fr. G. Arsène 5932 1911-4-5
GH: 00009488 Kuhnia rosmarinifolia Ventenat Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of Puebla Fr. G. Arsène 5932 1911-4-5
GH: 00004395 Steviopsis adenosperma (Schultz Bipontinus) B. L. Turner Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia Fr. G. Arsène 5608 1911-10-26
Bartramiaceae FH: 00536100 Anacolia intertexta (Bescherelle) Paris Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7563 1911-11
FH: 00536101 Anacolia intertexta (Bescherelle) Paris Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7563 1911-11
FH: 00536102 Anacolia intertexta (Bescherelle) Paris Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7563 1911-11
FH: 00536103 Anacolia intertexta (Bescherelle) Paris Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7563 1911-11
FH: 00625051 Breutelia jamaicensis (Mitten) A. Jaeger Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4911 1911-8-17
FH: 00625054 Breutelia jamaicensis (Mitten) A. Jaeger Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4911 1911-8-17
FH: 00898600 Philonotis rufiflora (Hornschuch) Reichardt Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7639 1911
FH: 00898609 Philonotis viridans Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7646 1911-10
FH: 00898610 Philonotis viridans Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7646 1911-10
Brachytheciaceae FH: 00258983 Brachythecium albulum Bescherelle ex Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Bosque San Pedro, Vicinity of Morella Fr. G. Arsène 4582 1911-7-16
FH: 00787572 Brachythecium cirriphylloides K. D. McFarland Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7537 1911-12-24
FH: 00258985 Brachythecium lanceolifolium gracile Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: Campanario Fr. G. Arsène 7452 1911-11
FH: 00258989 Brachythecium serrulatum (Hedwig) H. Robinson Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: Andameo, vicinity of Morella Fr. G. Arsène 4827 1911-10-8
FH: 00258991 Brachythecium serrulatum (Hedwig) H. Robinson Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: Andameo, prope Morelia Fr. G. Arsène 4827 1911-11-8
FH: 00284022 Brachythecium serrulatum (Hedwig) H. Robinson Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: Caseade de Coincho, vicinity of Mor... Fr. G. Arsène 4712 1911-9-2
FH: 00284023 Brachythecium serrulatum (Hedwig) H. Robinson Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: Andames, vicinity of Morelia Fr. G. Arsène 4827 1911-10-8
FH: 00790844 Brachythecium stereopoma (Spruce ex Mitten) A. Jaeger Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7539 1911-12-27
FH: 00790875 Brachythecium stereopoma (Spruce ex Mitten) A. Jaeger Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7539 1911-12-27
FH: 00797335 Eurhynchium pringlei (Cardot) H. A. Crum & L. E. Anderson Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4822 1911
FH: 00258989 Rhynchostegium huitomalconum (Müller Halle) Bescherelle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: Andameo, vicinity of Morella Fr. G. Arsène 4827 1911-10-8
FH: 00258991 Rhynchostegium huitomalconum (Müller Halle) Bescherelle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: Andameo, prope Morelia Fr. G. Arsène 4827 1911-11-8
FH: 00284022 Rhynchostegium huitomalconum (Müller Halle) Bescherelle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: Caseade de Coincho, vicinity of Mor... Fr. G. Arsène 4712 1911-9-2
FH: 00284023 Rhynchostegium huitomalconum (Müller Halle) Bescherelle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: Andames, vicinity of Morelia Fr. G. Arsène 4827 1911-10-8
Bryaceae FH: 00536894 Anomobryum filiforme mexicanum (Schimper) Paris Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7445 1911-11
FH: 00787377 Brachymenium barbae-montis Müller Halle ex Renauld & Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4820 1911
FH: 00787378 Brachymenium chrolocarpum Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4831 1911
FH: 00787389 Brachymenium luteolum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 1911-7-16
FH: 00787403 Brachymenium muenchii Brotherus ex Cardot Mexico: Puebla [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 6094 1911-11-23
FH: 00787406 Brachymenium muenchii Brotherus ex Cardot Mexico: Puebla [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4973 1911
FH: 00787412 Brachymenium rubricarpum (Bescherelle) Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4818 1911-8-10
FH: 00787417 Brachymenium rubricarpum (Bescherelle) Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4818 1911-8-10
FH: 00797690 Bryum andicola Hooker Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7503 1911-9-8
FH: 00797753 Bryum andicola Hooker Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7503 1911-9-8
FH: 00798164 Bryum argenteum lanatum (P. Beauvois) Hampe Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7616 1911
FH: 00799035 Bryum laxulum Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7655 1911-11
FH: 00799036 Bryum laxulum Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7865 1911-10
FH: 00799037 Bryum laxulum Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7649 1911-10
FH: 00799038 Bryum laxulum Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7655 1911-11
FH: 00797193 Epipterygium mexicanum (Bescherelle) Brotherus Mexico: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 1911-8-17
Ceratophyllaceae GH: 00038466 Ceratophyllum demersum Linnaeus Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of Puebla: Puenta de Animas Fr. G. Arsène 5948 1911-11-25
Crassulaceae GH: 01987632 Echeveria fulgens Lemaire Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia Fr. G. Arsène 60999932 1911-11-5
GH: 01990847 Sedum oxypetalum Kunth Mexico: Michoacán vicinity of Morelia. Fr. G. Arsène 5660 1911-9-14
Dicranaceae FH: 00537995 Aongstroemia orientalis Mitten Mexico: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7561 1911-12-19
FH: 00514556 Campylopus chrismarii Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7573 1911-11
FH: 00514562 Campylopus chrismarii Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7573 1911-11
FH: 00514645 Campylopus introflexus (Hedwig) Bridel Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7877 1911-10
FH: 00514647 Campylopus introflexus (Hedwig) Bridel Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7862 1911-8-31
FH: 00514658 Campylopus introflexus (Hedwig) Bridel Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7862 1911-8-31
FH: 00514661 Campylopus introflexus (Hedwig) Bridel Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7862 1911-8-31
FH: 00514662 Campylopus introflexus (Hedwig) Bridel Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4835 1911
FH: 00059303 Campylopus mexicanus Thériot Mexico: Michoacán vicinity of Morelia Fr. G. Arsène 7576 1911-11
FH: 00514670 Campylopus mexicanus Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7576 1911-11
Ditrichaceae FH: 00515409 Ceratodon stenocarpus Bruch & Schimper Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 1911-11-1
Entodontaceae FH: 00796572 Entodon beyrichii (Schwägrichen) Müller Halle Mexico: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7812 1911-11
FH: 00796575 Entodon beyrichii (Schwägrichen) Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7518 1911-11
FH: 00796579 Entodon beyrichii (Schwägrichen) Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7522 1911-11
FH: 00060631 Entodon erythropus intermedius Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia, Campanario, 2200 m. Fr. G. Arsène 7522 1911-11
FH: 00060630 Entodon erythropus intermedius Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia, Campanario, 2300 m. Fr. G. Arsène 7580 1911-11-8
FH: 00797229 Erythrodontium longisetum (Hooker) Paris Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7466 1911-11
FH: 00797236 Erythrodontium longisetum (Hooker) Paris Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4715 1911
Fagaceae A: 02316683 Quercus hartwegii Bentham Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia, State of Michoacán, Mo... Fr. G. Arsène 6018 1911-8-10
A: 02316683 Quercus obtusata Bonpland Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia, State of Michoacán, Mo... Fr. G. Arsène 6018 1911-8-10
A: 02316683 Quercus rhodophlebia crenata Trelease Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia, State of Michoacán, Mo... Fr. G. Arsène 6018 1911-8-10
Fissidentaceae FH: 00779106 Fissidens asplenioides Hedwig Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7899 1911-12-3
FH: 00779240 Fissidens crispus Montagne Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4575 1911-7-16
FH: 00779246 Fissidens crispus Montagne Mexico: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 1911-8-10
FH: 00779249 Fissidens crispus Montagne Mexico: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4824 1911-8-10
FH: 00779254 Fissidens crispus Montagne Mexico: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4892 1911-8-17
FH: 00779255 Fissidens crispus Montagne Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4839 1911-8-20
FH: 00060807 Fissidens longidecurrens Thériot Mexico: Morelos Fr. G. Arsène 4906 1911-8-17
Funariaceae FH: 00487455 Funaria hygrometrica Hedwig Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [no additional data] Fr. G. Arsène 7657 1911-10-26
FH: 00487476 Funaria hygrometrica Hedwig Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7657 1911-10-26
Grimmiaceae FH: 00557466 Grimmia arsenei Cardot Mexico: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 1894 1911-12-3
FH: 01136311 Trichostomum clintonii Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7613 1911
FH: 01136312 Trichostomum clintonii Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7643 1911-12-9
Hedwigiaceae FH: 00790907 Braunia liebmanniana Schimper Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4714 1911
FH: 00790955 Braunia secunda (Hooker) Bruch & Schimper Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7448 1911-11
FH: 00790960 Braunia secunda (Hooker) Bruch & Schimper Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7442 1911-11
FH: 00790961 Braunia secunda (Hooker) Bruch & Schimper Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7571 1911-11
FH: 00790974 Braunia secunda (Hooker) Bruch & Schimper Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7571 1911-11
FH: 00790977 Braunia secunda (Hooker) Bruch & Schimper Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7442 1911-11
FH: 00790984 Braunia secunda crassiretis Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7448 1911-11
FH: 00790985 Braunia secunda crassiretis Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7448 1911-11
FH: 00790986 Braunia secunda crassiretis Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7448 1911-11
FH: 00790994 Braunia secunda andrieuxii (Lorentz) Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7658 1911-10-26
FH: 00625013 Braunia secunda andrieuxii (Lorentz) Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4832 1911
FH: 00625015 Braunia secunda andrieuxii (Lorentz) Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7904 1911-8-13
FH: 00625017 Braunia secunda andrieuxii (Lorentz) Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7658 1911-10-26
FH: 00625027 Braunia secunda andrieuxii (Lorentz) Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4832 1911-8-10
Hookeriaceae FH: 00540043 Cyclodictyon albicans (Hedwig) Kuntze Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7721 1911-12
Hypnaceae FH: 00623242 Bryosedgwickia pringlei (Cardot) Bizot & P. de la Varde Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7519 1911-11
FH: 00623243 Bryosedgwickia pringlei (Cardot) Bizot & P. de la Varde Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4710 1911
FH: 00623246 Bryosedgwickia pringlei (Cardot) Bizot & P. de la Varde Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4710 1911
FH: 00623247 Bryosedgwickia pringlei (Cardot) Bizot & P. de la Varde Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7519 1911-9
FH: 00623248 Bryosedgwickia pringlei (Cardot) Bizot & P. de la Varde Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7519 1911-11
FH: 00623249 Bryosedgwickia pringlei (Cardot) Bizot & P. de la Varde Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4710 1911
FH: 00849450 Platygyriella densa (Hooker) W. R. Buck Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7614 1911-9-3
FH: 00849458 Platygyriella pringlei (Cardot) W. R. Buck Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4584 1911-7-16
Liliaceae GH: 00135400 Calochortus foliosus Ownbey Mexico: State of Michoacán, vicinity of Morelia, Ca... Fr. G. Arsène 5689 1911-9-14
Meteoriaceae FH: 00845422 Meteorium illecebrum Sullivant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7570 1911-11
FH: 00845427 Meteorium illecebrum Sullivant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7570 1911-11
FH: 00845434 Meteorium illecebrum Sullivant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7531 1911-11
FH: 00845436 Meteorium illecebrum Sullivant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7526 1911-11
FH: 00845438 Meteorium illecebrum Sullivant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7570 1911-11
FH: 00845444 Meteorium illecebrum Sullivant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7633 1911-12-9
FH: 00845445 Meteorium illecebrum Sullivant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7633 1911-12-9
FH: 00845456 Meteorium illecebrum Sullivant Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7974 1911
FH: 00845458 Meteorium illecebrum Sullivant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7526 1911-11
FH: 00845459 Meteorium illecebrum Sullivant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7531 1911-11
FH: 00845460 Meteorium illecebrum Sullivant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7633 1911-12-9
FH: 00845462 Meteorium illecebrum teretiforme Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 1911
Mimosaceae GH: 00065824 Leptoglottis regiomontana Britton & Rose Mexico: Nuevo León Monterrey, Bella Vista Fr. G. Arsène Bro. Abbon 6132 1911-5
GH: 00065824 Schrankia aculeata Willdenow Mexico: Nuevo León Monterrey, Bella Vista Fr. G. Arsène Bro. Abbon 6132 1911-5
Mniaceae FH: 00848585 Plagiomnium rhynchophorum (Harvey) T. J. Koponen Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7903 1911-12-3
Orchidaceae GH: 02112557 Epidendrum gladiatum Lindley Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia; Cerro Azul Fr. G. Arsène 6970 1911-3-9
AMES: 00104386 Spiranthes arseniana Kraenzlin Mexico: Michoacán E. de Michoacán, Morelia, Ste. Maria.Moreli... Fr. G. Arsène 6671 1911
AMES: 00083917 Spiranthes arseniana Kraenzlin Mexico: Michoacán E. de Michoacán, Morelia, Ste. Maria.Moreli... Fr. G. Arsène 6671 1911
AMES: 00083918 Spiranthes arseniana Kraenzlin Mexico: Michoacán E. de Michoacán, Morelia, Ste. Maria.Moreli... Fr. G. Arsène 6671 1911
AMES: 02089648 Stelis rufobrunnea (Lindley) L. O. Williams Mexico: Michoacán Cerro Azul, Vicinity of Moralia Fr. G. Arsène 6971 1911-3-9
GH: 02092284 Stenorrhynchos aurantiacum (Lexarza) Lindley Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia. Monte San Miguel. Fr. G. Arsène 6678 1911-8
Orthotrichaceae FH: 00845185 Macromitrium guatemalense Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7567 1911-9
FH: 00845186 Macromitrium guatemalense Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7567 1911-11
FH: 00845188 Macromitrium guatemalense Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7528 1911-11
FH: 00845189 Macromitrium guatemalense Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7536 1911-12-27
FH: 00845192 Macromitrium guatemalense Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7536 1911-12-27
FH: 00845193 Macromitrium guatemalense Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7638 1911
FH: 00845194 Macromitrium guatemalense Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7636 1911
Parmeliaceae FH: 00437051 Flavopunctelia praesignis (Nylander) Hale Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 1911-6
Pilotrichaceae FH: 00847613 Pilotrichum mexicanum Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7869 1911-10
FH: 00847614 Pilotrichum mexicanum Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7869 1911-10
Piperaceae A: 01980513 Piper papantlense C. de Candolle Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morelia. Cuincho, Cascada Fr. G. Arsène 5413 1911-2-9
Polytrichaceae FH: 01146190 Atrichum angustatum rhystophyllum (Müller Halle) P. W. Richards & E. C. Wallace Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7562 1911
FH: 00850436 Pogonatum barnesii Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7577 1911-11
FH: 00850440 Pogonatum barnesii Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7577 1911-11
FH: 00850505 Pogonatum comosum (Müller Halle) Mitten Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7458 1911-11
FH: 01146202 Pogonatum comosum (Müller Halle) Mitten Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7458 1911-11
FH: 01146205 Pogonatum comosum (Müller Halle) Mitten Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7458 1911-11
FH: 00850847 Pogonatum tolucense (Hampe) Bescherelle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7461 1911-11
FH: 00850850 Pogonatum tolucense (Hampe) Bescherelle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4838 1911-8-20
FH: 00850851 Pogonatum tolucense (Hampe) Bescherelle Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4838 1911-8-20
FH: 00850854 Pogonatum tolucense (Hampe) Bescherelle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4838 1911-8-20
FH: 00850857 Pogonatum tolucense chiapense (Brotherus) Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [no additional data] Fr. G. Arsène 7605 1911
FH: 00850858 Pogonatum tolucense chiapense (Brotherus) Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [no additional data] Fr. G. Arsène 7605 1911
FH: 00918807 Polytrichum juniperinum Hedwig Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7572 1911-11
FH: 00918810 Polytrichum juniperinum Hedwig Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7572 1911-11
FH: 00918811 Polytrichum juniperinum Hedwig Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7572 1911-11
Pottiaceae FH: 00536833 Anoectangium euchloron (Schwägrichen) Mitten Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7508 1911-9-8
FH: 00516058 Barbula bescherellei Sauerbeck Mexico: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 5048 1911-6
FH: 00520943 Barbula sp. Mexico: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4842 1911
FH: 00516233 Barbula spiralis Schimper Mexico: Puebla [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 5975 1911
FH: 00792515 Didymodon incrassatolimbatus Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [no additional data] Fr. G. Arsène 7914 1911-12-7
FH: 00792657 Didymodon rigidulus Hedwig Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4578 1911-7-16
FH: 00792659 Didymodon rigidulus Hedwig Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7948 1911-10
FH: 00792668 Didymodon rigidulus gracilis (Schleicher ex Hooker & Greville) R. H. Zander Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7948 1911-10
FH: 00213088 Gyroweisia papillosa Thériot Mexico: Morelia, 1950 m. Fr. G. Arsène 4927 1911-8-17
FH: 00213087 Gyroweisia papillosa Thériot Mexico: Morelia, 1950 m. Fr. G. Arsène 4927 1911-8-17
FH: 00838442 Husnotiella revoluta Cardot Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4842 1911
FH: 00838451 Husnotiella revoluta palmeri (Cardot) E. B. Bartram Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 1911-10
FH: 00838468 Husnotiella torquescens (Cardot) E. B. Bartram Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7652 1911-10
FH: 00840285 Hyophila tortula (Schwägrichen) Hampe Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 1911
FH: 01134756 Timmiella subanomala (Bescherelle) Brotherus Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7623 1911-11
FH: 00898948 Tortula amphidiacea (Müller Halle) Brotherus Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4587 1911-7-16
Prionodontaceae FH: 00919574 Prionodon densus (Swartz ex Hedwig) Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 1911-11
Pterobryaceae FH: 00919907 Pterobryopsis mexicana (Renauld & Cardot) M. Fleischer Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7460 1911-11
FH: 00919909 Pterobryopsis mexicana (Renauld & Cardot) M. Fleischer Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4716 1911
FH: 00919914 Pterobryopsis mexicana (Renauld & Cardot) M. Fleischer Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7656 1911-11
FH: 00919915 Pterobryopsis mexicana (Renauld & Cardot) M. Fleischer Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7656 1911-11
FH: 00919916 Pterobryopsis mexicana (Renauld & Cardot) M. Fleischer Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4716 1911
FH: 00919917 Pterobryopsis mexicana (Renauld & Cardot) M. Fleischer Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7460 1911-11
FH: 00919919 Pterobryopsis mexicana (Renauld & Cardot) M. Fleischer Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7656 1911-11
Racopilaceae FH: 00902526 Racopilum tomentosum (Hedwig) Bridel Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7521 1911-11
FH: 00902527 Racopilum tomentosum (Hedwig) Bridel Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7867 1911-10
FH: 00902531 Racopilum tomentosum (Hedwig) Bridel Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7734 1911-10-26
FH: 00902535 Racopilum tomentosum (Hedwig) Bridel Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7441 1911
FH: 00902544 Racopilum tomentosum (Hedwig) Bridel Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7441 1911
FH: 00902545 Racopilum tomentosum (Hedwig) Bridel Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [no additional data] Fr. G. Arsène 7734 1911-10-26
FH: 00902547 Racopilum tomentosum (Hedwig) Bridel Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7867 1911-10
FH: 00902554 Racopilum tomentosum (Hedwig) Bridel Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7521 1911-11
FH: 00902558 Racopilum tomentosum (Hedwig) Bridel Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4928 1911-8-17
Ranunculaceae GH: 00038466 Ranunculus porteri Britton Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of Puebla: Puenta de Animas Fr. G. Arsène 5948 1911-11-25
GH: 00038466 Ranunculus pueblensis W. B. Drew Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of Puebla: Puenta de Animas Fr. G. Arsène 5948 1911-11-25
GH: 00038466 Ranunculus trichophyllus mexicanus H. Léveillé Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of Puebla: Puenta de Animas Fr. G. Arsène 5948 1911-11-25
Sematophyllaceae FH: 00921269 Sematophyllum caespitosum Mitten Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7552 1911-12-9
FH: 00921270 Sematophyllum caespitosum Mitten Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7516 1911-11
FH: 00921283 Sematophyllum caespitosum Mitten Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7552 1911-12-9
FH: 00921290 Sematophyllum caespitosum laticuspidatum (Cardot) Thériot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7890 1911-12-3
Solanaceae GH: 00815141 Nicotiana alata Link & Otto Mexico: Michoacán Vicinity of Morella; Jardin S. Couv Fr. G. Arsène 6961 1911-5
Thuidiaceae FH: 00836943 Herpetineuron toccoae (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Cardot Mexico: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 1911-11
FH: 00836945 Herpetineuron toccoae (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7454 1911-11
FH: 00836949 Herpetineuron toccoae (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Cardot Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7454 1911-11
FH: 00902639 Rauiella subcatenulata (Schimper ex Bescherelle) Wijk & Margadant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4897 1911-8-17
FH: 00902640 Rauiella subcatenulata (Schimper ex Bescherelle) Wijk & Margadant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4586 1911-7-16
FH: 00902644 Rauiella subcatenulata (Schimper ex Bescherelle) Wijk & Margadant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4909 1911-8-17
FH: 00902648 Rauiella subcatenulata (Schimper ex Bescherelle) Wijk & Margadant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4909 1911-8-17
FH: 00902649 Rauiella subcatenulata (Schimper ex Bescherelle) Wijk & Margadant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4586 1911-7-16
FH: 00902650 Rauiella subcatenulata (Schimper ex Bescherelle) Wijk & Margadant Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 4586 1911-7-16
FH: 01134469 Thuidium schlumbergeri Schimper ex Bescherelle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7455 1911-11
FH: 01134475 Thuidium schlumbergeri Schimper ex Bescherelle Mexico: Michoacán Morelia: [data not captured] Fr. G. Arsène 7455 1911-11