Annonaceae A: 02542309 Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. Richard Zambia: North-Western Northern Rhodesia. Mwinilunga District. R. M... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 2883 1937-10-21
Orchidaceae AMES: 01949384 Brachycorythis inhambanensis (Schlechter) Schlechter Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. Just S. W. of Dobeka Br... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3655 1937-12-14
AMES: 01949392 Brachycorythis oligophylla Kraenzlin Zambia: Mwinilunga District. Sinkabolo Dambo. E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3567 1937-12-9
AMES: 01949399 Brachycorythis ovata welwitschii (H. G. Reichenbach) Summerhayes Zambia: Mwinilunga District. Dambo, 100 yards N. E. ... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3616 1937-12-11
AMES: 01949410 Brachycorythis rhodostachys (Schlechter) Summerhayes Zambia: Sinkabolo Dambo. Mwinilunga District. E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3203 1937-11-12
AMES: 02384457 Bulbophyllum coccinatum H. Perrier Zambia: North-Western Northern Rhodesia, Mwinilunga, Half-mile S. ... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3074 1937-11-3
AMES: 02384457 Bulbophyllum cochleatum Lindley Zambia: North-Western Northern Rhodesia, Mwinilunga, Half-mile S. ... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3074 1937-11-3
A: 02384501 Bulbophyllum injoloense De Wildeman Zambia: Northern Rhodesia, Mwinilunga District, Just... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3183 1937-11-10
A: 02384501 Bulbophyllum injoloense pseudoxypterum J. J. Vermeulen Zambia: Northern Rhodesia, Mwinilunga District, Just... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3183 1937-11-10
AMES: 01945823 Centrostigma occultans (H. G. Reichenbach) Schlechter Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. Just S. W. of Dobeka Br... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3534 1937-12-7
AMES: 01947040 Cynorkis johnsonii Rolfe Zambia: Mwinilunga District. About 4 miles of Mwinil... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3507 1937-10
AMES: 01945857 Disa aperta N. E. Brown Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. Kalenda Plain near Wate... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3306 1937-11-18
AMES: 01945895 Disa equestris H. G. Reichenbach Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. Sinkabolo Dambo. E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3569 1937-12-9
AMES: 01945962 Disa ornithantha Schlechter Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. Dobeka Plain, half amil... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3663 1937-12-14
AMES: 01945857 Disa sp. Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. Kalenda Plain near Wate... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3306 1937-11-18
AMES: 01944033 Disa verdickii De Wildeman Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. Dobeka Plain, half a mi... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3661 1937-12-14
AMES: 01944077 Disa welwitschii H. G. Reichenbach Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 2991 1937-10-28
AMES: 01944071 Disa welwitschii H. G. Reichenbach Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3674 1937-12-12
A: 00098941 Disperis katangensis minor Verdcourt Zambia: Mwinilunga District, northeast of Dobeka Bri... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3540 1937-12-7
AMES: 01944443 Disperis katangensis Summerhayes Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. Just W. of Matonchi Far... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3699 1937-10-16
AMES: 02341733 Eulophia cucullata Lindley Zambia: Mwinilunga District. Slope E. of R. Matoachi... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 2811 1937-10-16
ECON: 02341776 Eulophia latilabris Summerhayes Tanzania: Tanganyika E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3114 1937-10
ECON: 02341775 Eulophia latilabris Summerhayes Zambia: [?].E. of Dobeka Bridge E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3114 1937-11-5
AMES: 02341791 Eulophia longifolia (Kunth) Schlechter Zambia: Mwinilunga E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3444 1937-10
AMES: 02341801 Eulophia milnei Reichenbach f. Zambia: SW of Dobeka Bridge E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 2690 1937-10
AMES: 02341864 Eulophia warneckeana Kraenzlin Zambia: North-Western Kalenda Dambo; Mwinilunga District. Northern... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3590 1937-12-10
AMES: 01945105 Habenaria chlorotica H. G. Reichenbach Zimbabwe: Mwinilung District. E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 2669 1937-10-8
AMES: 01945248 Habenaria nicholsonii Rolfe Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. Slope E. of R. Kaoomba E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3784 1937-12-22
AMES: 01945250 Habenaria njamnjamica Kraenzlin Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. Just N. W. of R. Kamwez... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3717 1937-12-17
AMES: 02175525 Malaxis stolzii (Schlechter) Summerhayes Zambia: Mwinilunga District. Evergreen vegetation by... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3837 1937-12-27
AMES: 02175525 Malaxis weberbaueriana (Kraenzlin) Summerhayes Zambia: Mwinilunga District. Evergreen vegetation by... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3837 1937-12-27
AMES: 02389052 Polystachya miranda Kraenzlin Zambia: Mwinilunga District E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 4281 1937-10
AMES: 02389092 Polystachya stuhlmannii Kraenzlin Zambia: Mwinilunga District; around Matonchi Farm E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3328 1937-11-20
AMES: 01944205 Satyrium atherstonei H. G. Reichenbach Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. R. Kasompa. E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 2670 1937-10-8
AMES: 01944228 Satyrium ciliatum Lindley Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. S. W. of Dobeka Bridge E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 2702 1937-10-11
AMES: 01944287 Satyrium ciliatum Lindley Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. Just S. of R. Dobeka-Ka... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3694A 1937-12-17
AMES: 01944358 Satyrium riparium H. G. Reichenbach Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. Just W. of Dobeka Bridg... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 2977 1937-10-27
AMES: 01944363 Satyrium sacculatum (Rendle) Rolfe Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3782 1937-12-22
AMES: 01944350 Satyrium sp. Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. E. of R. Matonchi, towa... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3728 1937-12-18
AMES: 01944385 Satyrium volkensii Schlechter Zimbabwe: Mwinilunga District. Half a mile S. of Maton... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3525 1937-12-6
Poaceae GH: 02542764 Hyparrhenia filipendula pilosa (Hochstetter) Stapf Zambia: North-Western Northern Rhodesia. Mwinilunga District: Mato... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3123 1937