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ECON Artifacts
Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[24457] and year collected:[1900]
= with images
NEBC: 00647671
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USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-1
NEBC: 00647672
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USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-1
GH: 00742513
[bad data, blank import]
USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-11
GH: 00690798
Rhus copallinum latifolia
Engler USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-8-5
GH: 00750875
Sanicula canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Whitman C. H. Bissell 1900-8-11
GH: 00077997
Zizia aurea
(Linnaeus) W. D. J. Koch USA: Connecticut Salisbury: C. H. Bissell 1900-6-18
GH: 00077997
Zizia aurea obtusifolia
Bissell USA: Connecticut Salisbury: C. H. Bissell 1900-6-18
GH: 01007389
Antennaria howellii canadensis
(Greene) Bayer USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-5-20
GH: 01007645
Antennaria howellii neodioica
(Greene) Bayer USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-6-6
NEBC: 01007647
Antennaria howellii neodioica
(Greene) Bayer USA: Connecticut East Windsor: East Windsor C. H. Bissell 1900-5-30
GH: 01053366
Antennaria plantaginifolia
(Linnaeus) Hooker USA: Connecticut Lyme: Lyme C. H. Bissell 1900-5-10
GH: 00535811
Heliopsis helianthoides scabra
(Dunal) Fernald USA: Connecticut Berlin: Berlin C. H. Bissell 1900-9-9
GH: 00535812
Heliopsis helianthoides scabra
(Dunal) Fernald USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1 1900
GH: 00820528
Campanula rotundifolia
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Salisbury: Salisbury C. H. Bissell 1900-6-20
GH: 00753145
Triodanis perfoliata
(Linnaeus) Nieuwland USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-10
GH: 00725087
Triosteum aurantiacum
E. P. Bicknell USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900
GH: 00689569
Minuartia michauxii
Farwell USA: Connecticut Salisbury: Salisbury C. H. Bissell 1900-6-20
GH: 00612934
Sagina procumbens
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Franklin: Franklin C. H. Bissell 1900-6-17
GH: 00612935
Sagina procumbens
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-6-17
GH: 00722813
Silene stellata
(Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton USA: Connecticut Milford: MIlford C. H. Bissell 1900-7-27
GH: 00722814
Silene stellata
(Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton USA: Connecticut Milford: Milford C. H. Bissell 1900-7-27
GH: 00773761
Cornus intermedia
(Farr) Calder & Roy L. Taylor USA: Connecticut Salisbury: Salisbury C. H. Bissell 1900-6-20
GH: 00230338
Carex eburnea
Boott USA: Connecticut Salisbury: C. H. Bissell 20 1900-6-20
GH: 00242096
Carex echinata echinata
USA: Connecticut Salisbury: C. H. Bissell 1900-6-18
GH: 00242824
Carex flava
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Salisbury: + C. H. Bissell 1900-6-20
NEBC: 00242825
Carex flava
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Salisbury: C. H. Bissell 1900-6-22
GH: 00242826
Carex flava
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Salisbury: C. H. Bissell 1900-6-20
NEBC: 00254660
Carex hystericina
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Connecticut Salisbury: C. H. Bissell 1 1900-6-20
GH: 00254662
Carex hystericina
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Connecticut Salisbury: C. H. Bissell 1900-6-20
GH: 00808679
Carex lurida
Wahlenberg USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-6
GH: 00807297
Carex normalis
Mackenzie USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-6-17
GH: 00807298
Carex normalis
Mackenzie USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-6-17
NEBC: 00807302
Carex normalis
Mackenzie USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-6-17
GH: 00892628
Carex retrorsa
Schweinitz USA: Connecticut Salisbury: Salisbury C. H. Bissell 1900-6-20
NEBC: 00892629
Carex retrorsa
Schweinitz USA: Connecticut Salisbury: Salisbury C. H. Bissell 1900-6-20
NEBC: 00892630
Carex retrorsa
Schweinitz USA: Connecticut Salisbury: Salisbury C. H. Bissell 1900-6-20
NEBC: 00880881
Carex squarrosa
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Berlin: Berlin C. H. Bissell 1900-6-12
GH: 00880888
Carex squarrosa
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-6-12
GH: 01058496
Carex utriculata
Boott USA: Connecticut Thompson: Thompson C. H. Bissell 1900-6-11
GH: 01058497
Carex utriculata
Boott USA: Connecticut Thompson: Thompson C. H. Bissell 1900-6-11
NEBC: 01058498
Carex utriculata
Boott USA: Connecticut Thompson: Thompson C. H. Bissell 1900-6-11
GH: 01042460
Cyperus bipartitus
Torrey USA: Connecticut East Windsor: East Windsor C. H. Bissell 1900-9-3
NEBC: 01042857
Cyperus filicinus
Vahl USA: Connecticut Milford: Milford C. H. Bissell 1900-9-12
NEBC: 01042858
Cyperus filicinus
Vahl USA: Connecticut Milford: Milford C. H. Bissell 1900-9-12
GH: 00244460
Schoenoplectus americanus
(Persoon) Volkart ex Schinz & R. Keller USA: Connecticut Milford: C. H. Bissell 1900-7-27
NEBC: 00244461
Schoenoplectus americanus
(Persoon) Volkart ex Schinz & R. Keller USA: Connecticut Milford: C. H. Bissell 1900-7-27
GH: 00244460
Scirpus americanus longispicatus
Britton USA: Connecticut Milford: C. H. Bissell 1900-7-27
GH: 00244460
Scirpus monophyllus
J. Presl & C. Presl USA: Connecticut Milford: C. H. Bissell 1900-7-27
GH: 00244460
Scirpus olneyi
A. Gray USA: Connecticut Milford: C. H. Bissell 1900-7-27
NEBC: 00244461
Scirpus olneyi
A. Gray USA: Connecticut Milford: C. H. Bissell 1900-7-27
GH: 00691479
Diospyros virginiana
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven C. H. Bissell 1900-6-29
A: 00691481
Diospyros virginiana
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven C. H. Bissell 1900-6-29
A: 00691482
Diospyros virginiana
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven C. H. Bissell 1900-10-16
NEBC: 00750571
Elatine americana
(Pursh) Arnott USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-8-22
GH: 00750573
Elatine americana
(Pursh) Arnott USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-8-22
NEBC: 00699196
Chamaesyce polygonifolia
(Linnaeus) Small USA: Connecticut Milford: Milford C. H. Bissell 1900-7-27
GH: 00711750
Lespedeza hirta
Elliott USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-8-16
GH: 00711753
Lespedeza hirta
Elliott USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-8-16
GH: 00662687
Quercus palustris
Münchhausen USA: Massachusetts Longmeadow: Longmeadow C. H. Bissell 1900-9-6
A: 00662688
Quercus palustris
Münchhausen USA: Massachusetts Longmeadow: Longmeadow C. H. Bissell 1900-9-5
NEBC: 00696499
Collinsonia canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 2 1900-8-22
GH: 00749265
Lamium amplexicaule
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1 1900-5-30
GH: 00759199
Monarda didyma
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-15
NEBC: 00648542
Pycnanthemum muticum
(Michaux) Persoon USA: Connecticut Berlin: Berlin C. H. Bissell 1 1900-7-15
GH: 00648543
Pycnanthemum muticum
(Michaux) Persoon USA: Connecticut Berlin: Berlin C. H. Bissell 1900-7-15
NEBC: 00745572
Scutellaria integrifolia
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Windsor: East Windsor C. H. Bissell 1 1900-8-4
NEBC: 00731599
Utricularia gibba
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-9-1
NEBC: 00731600
Utricularia gibba
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-9-1
GH: 00731608
Utricularia gibba
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-9-1
NEBC: 00731611
Utricularia gibba
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-9-1
GH: 00664459
Utricularia resupinata
B. D. Greene ex Bigelow USA: Massachusetts Springfield: Springfield C. H. Bissell 1900-9-6
NEBC: 00664486
Utricularia resupinata
B. D. Greene ex Bigelow USA: Massachusetts Springfield: Springfield C. H. Bissell 1900-9-6
GH: 00664487
Utricularia resupinata
B. D. Greene ex Bigelow USA: Massachusetts Springfield: Springfield C. H. Bissell 1900-9-6
NEBC: 00691568
Cuphea viscosissima
Jacquin USA: Connecticut Plainville: Plainville C. H. Bissell 1900-8-28
NEBC: 00691569
Cuphea viscosissima
Jacquin USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-9
GH: 00751322
Hibiscus trionum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Windsor: Windsor C. H. Bissell 1900-8-16
NEBC: 00741177
Morus rubra
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-2
NEBC: 01032067
Najas flexilis
(Willdenow) Rostkoius & W. L. E. Schmidt USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 904 1900-8-20
GH: 01032068
Najas flexilis
(Willdenow) Rostkoius & W. L. E. Schmidt USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1 1900-8-20
NEBC: 00643908
Mirabilis hirsuta
(Pursh) MacMillan USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-9-23
GH: 00664085
Agalinis tenuifolia
(Vahl) Rafinesque USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-9-12
GH: 00664086
Agalinis tenuifolia
(Vahl) Rafinesque USA: Connecticut Orange: Orange C. H. Bissell 1900-9-12
NEBC: 00664088
Agalinis tenuifolia
(Vahl) Rafinesque USA: Connecticut Orange: Orange C. H. Bissell 1 1900-9-12
NEBC: 00660086
Dicentra cucullaria
(Linnaeus) Bernhardi USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-4-29
A: 00654934
Pinus sylvestris
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-9-24
GH: 00650415
Penstemon digitalis
Nuttall ex Sims USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1 1900-6-24
GH: 00729526
Penstemon hirsutus
(Linnaeus) Willdenow USA: Connecticut Salisbury: Salisbury C. H. Bissell 1900-6-20
NEBC: 00670255
Plantago pusilla
Nuttall USA: Connecticut Lyme: Lyme C. H. Bissell 1 1900-5-10
GH: 00670256
Plantago pusilla
Nuttall USA: Connecticut Lyme: Lyme C. H. Bissell 1900-5-10
NEBC: 01175905
Anthoxanthum nitens
(Weber) Y. Schouten & J. F. Veldkamp USA: Connecticut Lyme: Lyme C. H. Bissell 1900-5-10
GH: 01175906
Anthoxanthum nitens
(Weber) Y. Schouten & J. F. Veldkamp USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1 1900-5-10
GH: 01175911
Anthoxanthum nitens
(Weber) Y. Schouten & J. F. Veldkamp USA: Connecticut Hull C. H. Bissell 1900-5-10
NEBC: 00864392
Distichlis spicata
(Linnaeus) Greene USA: Connecticut Stratford: Stratford C. H. Bissell 1 1900-7-27
GH: 01151850
Panicum capillare occidentale
Rydberg USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-9-22
GH: 00853437
Panicum virgatum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-8-22
GH: 01148576
Poa palustris
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-1
NEBC: 01182149
Sphenopholis intermedia
Rydberg USA: Connecticut Salisbury: Salisbury C. H. Bissell 1900-6-20
NEBC: 00879657
Triplasis purpurea
(Walter) Chapman USA: Connecticut Milford: Milford C. H. Bissell 1900-7-27
GH: 00635285
Tripsacum dactyloides
(Linnaeus) Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Milford: Milford C. H. Bissell 1900-7-27
NEBC: 00635286
Tripsacum dactyloides
(Linnaeus) Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Milford: Milford C. H. Bissell 1900-7-27
GH: 00740874
Amelanchier stolonifera
Wiegand USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-8-8
GH: 00740878
Amelanchier stolonifera
Wiegand USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-19
A: 00002480
Crataegus bissellii
Sargent USA: Connecticut Southington: Flanders Street C. H. Bissell 15 1900
A: 00002482
Crataegus bissellii
Sargent USA: Connecticut Southington: Mulberry Street, roadside C. H. Bissell 16 1900
A: 00749991
Crataegus crus-galli
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-9-13
A: 00654056
Crataegus macrosperma
Ashe USA: Connecticut East Windsor: East Windsor C. H. Bissell 1900-6-2
A: 00654057
Crataegus macrosperma
Ashe USA: Connecticut East Windsor: East Windsor C. H. Bissell 1900-8-14
GH: 00669118
Crataegus pruinosa
(J. C. Wendland) K. Koch USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-6-6
GH: 00669119
Crataegus pruinosa
(J. C. Wendland) K. Koch USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-2
GH: 00673330
Crataegus pruinosa
(J. C. Wendland) K. Koch USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-9-13
NEBC: 00724774
Geum macrophyllum
Willdenow USA: New Hampshire Carroll: Carroll C. H. Bissell 1900-7-4
GH: 00758546
Rubus allegheniensis
Porter USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-6-6
GH: 00758547
Rubus allegheniensis
Porter USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-18
GH: 00758548
Rubus allegheniensis
Porter USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-18
NEBC: 00768931
Rubus cuneifolius
Pursh USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-6-13
NEBC: 00768935
Rubus cuneifolius
Pursh USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1 1900-7-18
GH: 00748042
Rubus floricomus
Blanchard USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 88 1900-6-6
GH: 00723705
Rubus hispidus
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-20
GH: 00523044
Rubus idaeus strigosus
(Michaux) Maximowicz USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-6-12
GH: 00651286
Rubus neglectus
Peck USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-15
NEBC: 00651290
Rubus neglectus
Peck USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-1
GH: 00651458
Rubus occidentalis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-6-6
GH: 00651459
Rubus occidentalis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-2
GH: 00647395
Rubus vermontanus
Blanchard USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-18
NEBC: 00730589
Ribes cynosbati
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Salisbury: Salisbury C. H. Bissell 1900-6-20
GH: 00730593
Ribes cynosbati
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Salisbury: Salisbury C. H. Bissell 1 1900-6-20
GH: 00686910
Lindernia dubia
(Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-8-28
GH: 00630091
Physalis heterophylla
Nees USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-8-28
GH: 00630092
Physalis heterophylla
Nees USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-8-24
NEBC: 00643888
Parietaria pensylvanica
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Connecticut Southington: Southington C. H. Bissell 1900-7-2