Aspleniaceae GH: 01919961 Asplenium platyneuron (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Delaware head of Howland's Glade, 1/2 mile northeast ... R. R. Tatnall 3698 1938-5-17
Asteraceae GH: 02172262 Carduus nutans Linnaeus USA: Maryland [data not captured] R. R. Tatnall 3829 1938-6-7
GH: 02020595 Cirsium discolor (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Sprengel USA: Delaware [data not captured] R. R. Tatnall 3924 1938-8-30
GH: 02188462 Conoclinium coelestinum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Delaware on bank of Mill Creek, 3/4 mile south of Hoc... R. R. Tatnall 3925 1938-8-30
GH: 02192602 Liatris pilosa (Aiton) Willdenow USA: Delaware Ellendale; 1/4 mile east of the village. R. R. Tatnall 4053 1938-9-23
GH: 02584717 Pityopsis graminifolia latifolia (Fernald) Semple & Bowers USA: Maryland [data not captured] R. R. Tatnall 3971 1938-9-8
Boraginaceae GH: 02059590 Myosotis verna Nuttall USA: Maryland Roadside at Pitts Creek Church, by Wagram Cr... R. R. Tatnall 3756 1938-5-20
Brassicaceae GH: 01098336 Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Virginia 2 1/2 miles south of Wattsville R. R. Tatnall 3793 1938-5-22
GH: 00999440 Cardamine pensylvanica Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Maryland Town Point Neck.; along the Bohemia River. R. R. Tatnall 3817 1938-5-30
Gentianaceae GH: 02072489 Gentiana catesbaei Walter USA: Delaware Raccoon Prong, 3/4 miles west of Pepperbox. R. R. Tatnall 4109 1938-10-12
Juncaceae GH: 02398107 Juncus repens Michaux USA: Maryland [data not captured] R. R. Tatnall 4032 1938-9-10
Lycopodiaceae GH: 02163811 Diphasiastrum tristachyum (Pursh) Holub USA: Maryland at Nassawongo Creek, 8 miles east of Salisbu... R. R. Tatnall 3995 1938-9-9
GH: 02163811 Lycopodium tristachyum Pursh USA: Maryland at Nassawongo Creek, 8 miles east of Salisbu... R. R. Tatnall 3995 1938-9-9
Onagraceae GH: 01779526 Ludwigia hexapetala (Hooker & Arnott) Zardini, H.Y. Gu & P.H. Raven USA: Maryland Salisbury: pond at West Main Street Station. R. R. Tatnall 3979 1938-9-8
Poaceae GH: 01813807 Coelorachis rugosa (Nuttall) Nash USA: Delaware [data not captured] R. R. Tatnall 4052 1938-9-23
Polygalaceae GH: 01969858 Polygala ramosa Elliott USA: Delaware 1/4 mile east of ellendale R. R. Tatnall 3943 1938-9-7
Potamogetonaceae GH: 01732104 Ruppia maritima Linnaeus USA: Delaware at north end of Salt Pond, 1 1/4 miles north... R. R. Tatnall 4070 1938-9-29
Primulaceae GH: 01920132 Hottonia inflata Elliott USA: Delaware In Round Pole Branch of Broadkill Creek, 2 1... R. R. Tatnall 4050 1938-9-23
Verbenaceae GH: 01953719 Phyla lanceolata (Michaux) Greene USA: Virginia Chincoteague Island. R. R. Tatnall 132 1938-9-12