Acanthaceae GH: 00094090 Justicia henricksonii T. F. Daniel Mexico: Coahuila Valley floor east of Puerto del Caballo, sil... I. M. Johnston 8324 1941-8-22
GH: 00094091 Justicia henricksonii T. F. Daniel Mexico: Coahuila Valley floor east of Puerto del Caballo, sil... I. M. Johnston 8324 1941-8-22
Adiantaceae GH: 02231519 Astrolepis cochisensis (Goodding) D. M. Benham & M. D. Windham Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: vicinity of "La Cueva" ... I. M. Johnston 9096 1941-9-11
Agavaceae GH: 00071014 Dasylirion heteracanthum I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila Western base of Picacho de Fuste, northeaste... I. M. Johnston 8428 1941
GH: 00071013 Dasylirion heteracanthum I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila Western base of Picacho del Fuste, northeast... I. M. Johnston 8428 1941
GH: 00071013 Dasylirion leiophyllum heteracanthum (I. M. Johnston) Bogler Mexico: Coahuila Western base of Picacho del Fuste, northeast... I. M. Johnston 8428 1941
Alliaceae GH: 00029983 Milla bryanii I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila Cañon del Cuervo Chico, a large canyon cut ... I. M. Johnston 8529 1941-8-27
Amaranthaceae GH: 00037034 Amaranthus warnockii I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila 1 mile southeast of Ocampo, low place near m... I. M. Johnston 8886 1941-9-8
GH: 00037152 Tidestromia gemmata I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila Just south of Matrimonio Viejo, restricted t... I. M. Johnston 9363 1941-9-22
GH: 00037154 Tidestromia rhizomatosa I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila Near El Anteojo, ca. 3 miles west of Cuatro ... I. M. Johnston 8873 1941-9-5
Amblystegiaceae FH: 00514102 Campylium chrysophyllum (Bridel) Lange Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9
FH: 00514103 Campylium chrysophyllum (Bridel) Lange Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9
Apocynaceae GH: 02180785 Amsonia longiflora Torrey Mexico: Coahuila north slope of Sierra Planchada along road n... I. M. Johnston 9397 1941-9-25
GH: 02180785 Amsonia longiflora longiflora Mexico: Coahuila north slope of Sierra Planchada along road n... I. M. Johnston 9397 1941-9-25
GH: 02379146 Mandevilla karwinskii (Müller Argoviensis) Hemsley Mexico: Coahuila western Coahuila; Sierra de la Madera: vicin... I. M. Johnston 9121 1941-9-11
GH: 02379143 Mandevilla karwinskii (Müller Argoviensis) Hemsley Mexico: Coahuila western Coahuila; Southwestern end of the Si... I. M. Johnston 8781 1941-9-2
GH: 02379133 Mandevilla karwinskii (Müller Argoviensis) Hemsley Mexico: Coahuila western Coahuila; Western base of Picacho de... I. M. Johnston 8369 1941-8-23
GH: 02379132 Mandevilla karwinskii (Müller Argoviensis) Hemsley Mexico: Coahuila western Coahuila; Western base of Picacho de... I. M. Johnston 8453 1941-8-23
Asclepiadaceae GH: 00435351 Matelea chihuahuensis (A. Gray) Woodson Mexico: Chihuahua 7 1/2 miles south of Piramide. Along road fr... I. M. Johnston 8104 1941-8-10
Asteraceae GH: 00000820 Ambrosia johnstoniorum Henrickson Mexico: Coahuila Calcareous southeastern foothills of the Sie... I. M. Johnston 9400 1941-9-26
GH: 00487983 Ambrosia johnstoniorum Henrickson Mexico: Coahuila Road from Ocampo west over the mountains to ... I. M. Johnston 9282 1941-9-20
GH: 01237094 Artemisia albula Wooton Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: vicinity of "La Cueva" ... I. M. Johnston 9100 1941-9-11
GH: 00008157 Flourensia de Candolle Mexico: Coahuila Road from Ocampo west over the mountains to ... I. M. Johnston 9289 1941-9-20
GH: 00008157 Flourensia solitaria S. F. Blake Mexico: Coahuila Road from Ocampo west over the mountains to ... I. M. Johnston 9289 1941-9-20
GH: 00011107 Perityle Bentham Mexico: Coahuila 2 km. southeast of Puertecito, western end o... I. M. Johnston 9311 1941-9-21
GH: 00011107 Perityle coahuilensis A. M. Powell Mexico: Coahuila 2 km. southeast of Puertecito, western end o... I. M. Johnston 9311 1941-9-21
GH: 00282464 Pseudognaphalium brachypterum (de Candolle) Anderberg Mexico: Coahuila Western side of Potrero de la Mula, about 20... I. M. Johnston 9227 1941-9-18
GH: 00282441 Pseudognaphalium roseum (Kunth) Anderberg Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera, vicinity of "La Cueva" ... I. M. Johnston 8895 1941-9-11
GH: 00282438 Pseudognaphalium semilanatum (de Candolle) Anderberg Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera, vicinityof "La Cueva" i... I. M. Johnston 8895A 1941-9-11
Brachytheciaceae FH: 00790846 Brachythecium stereopoma (Spruce ex Mitten) A. Jaeger Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9-12
FH: 00790864 Brachythecium stereopoma (Spruce ex Mitten) A. Jaeger Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9-12
Brassicaceae GH: 00286996 Lesquerella Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de al Madera: vicinity of "La Cueva" ... I. M. Johnston 8959 1941-9-11
GH: 00286996 Lesquerella mexicana Rollins Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de al Madera: vicinity of "La Cueva" ... I. M. Johnston 8959 1941-9-11
GH: 00019721 Synthlipsis densiflora Rollins Mexico: Coahuila Southwestern end of the Sierra de la Fragua,... I. M. Johnston 8740 1941-9-2
Bryaceae FH: 00798068 Bryum argenteum Hedwig Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 5 1941-9-11
FH: 00798099 Bryum argenteum Hedwig Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 5 1941-9-11
FH: 00798412 Bryum caespiticium Hedwig Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9-11
FH: 00798413 Bryum caespiticium Hedwig Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9-11
Caryophyllaceae GH: 00037741 Drymaria subumbellata I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila South end of Cañada Oscuro, near Tauque La ... I. M. Johnston 8489 1941-8-26
GH: 00037740 Drymaria subumbellata I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila South end of Cañada Oscuro, near Tauque La ... I. M. Johnston 8489 1941-8-26
Chenopodiaceae GH: 00036923 Atriplex prosopidum I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila South of El Oso ranch I. M. Johnston 8877 1941-9-7
Crassulaceae GH: 01987672 Echeveria strictiflora A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Western base of Picacho del Fuste, northeast... I. M. Johnston 8365 1941-8-23
GH: 01990900 Sedum wrightii A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Western side of Potrero de la Mula, about 20... I. M. Johnston 9221 1941-9-18
GH: 01990896 Sedum wrightii A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: vicinity of "La Cueva" ... I. M. Johnston 8945 1941-9-11
Cucurbitaceae GH: 00442254 Apodanthera sp. Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 8136 1941-8-11
Cyperaceae GH: 00028061 Scirpus coahuilensis Svenson Mexico: Coahuila Southwestern end of the Sierra de la Fragua,... I. M. Johnston 8763 1941-9-2
Dicranaceae FH: 00542164 Dicranum drummondii Müller Halle Mexico: Coahuila Mexico: western Coahuila. Sierran de la Made... I. M. Johnston 1941-9-12
FH: 00060505 Dicranum tubulifolium Ireland Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera, Corte Blanco fork of Ch... I. M. Johnston (h) 1941-9-12
FH: 00542164 Dicranum tubulifolium Ireland Mexico: Coahuila Mexico: western Coahuila. Sierran de la Made... I. M. Johnston 1941-9-12
FH: 00780716 Orthodicranum flagellare (Hedwig) Loeske Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston b 1941-9-12
FH: 00780720 Orthodicranum flagellare (Hedwig) Loeske Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston a 1941-9-12
FH: 00780721 Orthodicranum flagellare (Hedwig) Loeske Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston b 1941-9-12
FH: 00780722 Orthodicranum flagellare (Hedwig) Loeske Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston d 1941-9-12
FH: 00780725 Orthodicranum flagellare (Hedwig) Loeske Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9-12
Ditrichaceae FH: 00793402 Distichium capillaceum (Hedwig) Bruch & Schimper Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9
FH: 00793405 Distichium capillaceum (Hedwig) Bruch & Schimper Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9
Euphorbiaceae A: 00246648 Croton corymbulosus Engelmann : I. M. Johnston 8730 1941-9-1
GH: 00047100 Croton fruticulosus Torrey Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: vicinity of "La Cueva" ... I. M. Johnston 9067 1941-9-11
A: 00246648 Croton pottsii (Klotzsch) Müller Argoviensis : I. M. Johnston 8730 1941-9-1
Grimmiaceae FH: 00899839 Schistidium apocarpum (Hedwig) Bruch & Schimper Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston j 1941-9-12
FH: 00899840 Schistidium apocarpum (Hedwig) Bruch & Schimper Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston j 1941-9-12
Hydrophyllaceae GH: 00093519 Phacelia pallida I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila Gypsum beds on escarpment near Tanque La Luz... I. M. Johnston 8486 1941-8-26
GH: 00093522 Phacelia pallida I. M. Johnston Mexico: Chihuahua 12 miles south of Ojinaga. Along road from O... I. M. Johnston 8040 1941-8-10
GH: 00093520 Phacelia pallida I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila Gypsum beds on escarpment near Tanque La Luz... I. M. Johnston 8486 1941-8-26
GH: 00093522 Phacelia petiolata I. M. Johnston Mexico: Chihuahua 12 miles south of Ojinaga. Along road from O... I. M. Johnston 8040 1941-8-10
Hypnaceae FH: 01142053 Hypnum cupressiforme Hedwig Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9-12
FH: 01142054 Hypnum cupressiforme Hedwig Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston i 1941-9-12
FH: 00920443 Pylaisia sp. Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9-12
Lamiaceae GH: 00002153 Tetraclea subinclusa I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila S end of Cañada Oscuro near Tangue La Luz I. M. Johnston 8504 1941-8-26
Linaceae GH: 01248279 Linum australe A. Heller Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Pirámide; about lat. 28° 45' N... I. M. Johnston 8151 1941-8-11
GH: 01248321 Linum lewisii Pursh Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: vicinity of "La Cueva" ... I. M. Johnston 8963 1941-9-11
GH: 01248318 Linum lewisii Pursh Mexico: Coahuila Trail from head of Cañon del Cuervo Chico n... I. M. Johnston 8542 1941-8-27
GH: 01248422 Linum rigidum filifolium Shinners Mexico: Coahuila Western base of Picacho del Fuste, northeast... I. M. Johnston 8394 1941-8-23
GH: 01248477 Linum rupestre (A. Gray) Engelmann ex A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila slope under the main ridge of the Fuste; Wes... I. M. Johnston 8451 1941-8-23
GH: 01248462 Linum rupestre (A. Gray) Engelmann ex A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: vicinity of "La Cueva" ... I. M. Johnston 9120 1941-9-11
GH: 01248461 Linum rupestre (A. Gray) Engelmann ex A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila San Antonio de los Alamos, eastern base of t... I. M. Johnston 8247 1941-8-20
GH: 01248460 Linum rupestre (A. Gray) Engelmann ex A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Vicinity of Aguaje del Pajarito, canyon at w... I. M. Johnston 8719 1941-9-1
GH: 01248459 Linum rupestre (A. Gray) Engelmann ex A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Picacho de San Jose; foothills of the Sierra... I. M. Johnston 8207 1941-8-17
GH: 01248531 Linum schiedeanum Chamisso & Schlechtendal Mexico: Coahuila Western side of Potrero de la Mula, about 20... I. M. Johnston 9234 1941-9-18
Mimosaceae GH: 00977693 Acacia rigidula Bentham Mexico: Coahuila ca. 2 km. southeast of Puertocito, western e... I. M. Johnston 9304 1941-9-21
GH: 00444569 Painteria elachistophylla (S. Watson) Britton & Rose Mexico: Coahuila Vicinity of Aguajue del Pajarito, canyon at ... I. M. Johnston 8678 1941-9
Orchidaceae GH: 02389287 Corallorhiza elliptica Schlechter Mexico: Coahuila western Coahuila; Sierra de la Madera: high ... I. M. Johnston 9008 1941-9-13
GH: 02389287 Corallorhiza involuta Greenman Mexico: Coahuila western Coahuila; Sierra de la Madera: high ... I. M. Johnston 9008 1941-9-13
GH: 02389291 Corallorhiza striata involuta (Greenman) Freudenstein Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: Corte Blanco fork of Ch... I. M. Johnston 9051 1941-9-12
GH: 02389287 Corallorhiza striata involuta (Greenman) Freudenstein Mexico: Coahuila western Coahuila; Sierra de la Madera: high ... I. M. Johnston 9008 1941-9-13
GH: 02091248 Dichromanthus cinnabarinus (La Llave & Lexarza) Garay Mexico: Coahuila Cañon del Cuervo Chico, a large canyon cut ... I. M. Johnston 8524 1941-8-27
GH: 02389225 Hexalectris grandiflora (A. Richard & Galeotti) L. O. Williams Mexico: Coahuila western Coahuila; Sierra de la Madera: Corte... I. M. Johnston 8989 1941-9-12
GH: 01983468 Malaxis macrostachya (Lexarza) Kuntze Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: Corte Blanco fork of Ch... I. M. Johnston 8981 1941-9-12
GH: 01983468 Malaxis soulei L. O. Williams Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: Corte Blanco fork of Ch... I. M. Johnston 8981 1941-9-12
GH: 02092552 Microthelys Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: high crest of main ridg... I. M. Johnston 9024 1941-9-13
GH: 02092552 Microthelys rubrocalosa (B. L. Robinson & Greenman) Garay Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: high crest of main ridg... I. M. Johnston 9024 1941-9-13
GH: 01948196 Platanthera brevifolia (Greene) Senghas Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: high crest of main ridg... I. M. Johnston 9007A 1941-9-13
GH: 01948197 Platanthera brevifolia (Greene) Senghas Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: high crest of main ridg... I. M. Johnston 9007 1941-9-13
GH: 01948199 Platanthera brevifolia (Greene) Senghas Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: high crest of main ridg... I. M. Johnston 9025 1941-9-13
AMES: 02154657 Scaphyglottis behrii (H. G. Reichenbach) Bentham & Hooker f. Panama: Little Butch Trail (south end); San Jose Isl... I. M. Johnston 1290 1941-1-31
Orthotrichaceae FH: 00521414 Zygodon ehrenbergii Müller Halle Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9-12
Phyllanthaceae GH: 01971249 Phyllanthopsis arida (Warnock & M. C. Johnston) Vorontsova & Petra Hoffmann Mexico: Coahuila western Coahuila. eastern base of Picacho de... I. M. Johnston 9402 1941-9-26
Pinaceae A: 00072750 Abies coahuilensis I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila Head of La Pipa Fork of Charretera Canyon, S... I. M. Johnston 9010 1941-9-13
A: 00022339 Abies coahuilensis I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila Head of La Pipa Fork of Charretera Canyon, S... I. M. Johnston 9010 1941-9-13
A: 00022459 Abies coahuilensis I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera, high crest of main ridg... I. M. Johnston 9010 1941-9-13
Poaceae GH: 00010138 Bouteloua eriopoda eriostachya Swallen Mexico: Coahuila Vicinity of Aguaje del Pajarito, canyon at w... I. M. Johnston 8718 1941-9-1
GH: 00010139 Bouteloua johnstonii Swallen Mexico: Coahuila South end of Cañada Oscuro near Tanque La L... I. M. Johnston 8491 1941-8-26
Pottiaceae FH: 00536773 Anoectangium incurvans (Schimper) E. B. Bartram Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston u-1 1941-9-11
FH: 00516035 Barbula bescherellei Sauerbeck Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9-11
FH: 00516040 Barbula bescherellei Sauerbeck Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9-11
FH: 00516063 Barbula bescherellei Sauerbeck Mexico: [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9-11
FH: 00516237 Barbula spiralis Schimper Mexico: [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 8188-c 1941-8-13
FH: 00516299 Barbula spiralis Schimper Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 8188c 1941-8-13
FH: 00516300 Barbula spiralis Schimper Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 8188b 1941-8-13
FH: 00539821 Crossidium desertorum Holzinger & E. B. Bartram Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9
FH: 00539833 Crossidium desertorum Holzinger & E. B. Bartram Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9
FH: 00792653 Didymodon rigidulus Hedwig Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9
FH: 00846446 Molendoa obtusifolia Paris & Brotherus Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston U2 1941-9-11
FH: 00824388 Oxystegus cylindricus (Bruch ex Bridel) Hilpert Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9-12
FH: 00824389 Oxystegus cylindricus (Bruch ex Bridel) Hilpert Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9-12
FH: 00850004 Pleurochaete squarrosa (Bridel) Lindberg Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston u-1 1941-9-11
FH: 00850005 Pleurochaete squarrosa (Bridel) Lindberg Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston u-2 1941-9-11
FH: 00542505 Syntrichia obtusissima (Müller Halle) R. H. Zander Mexico: Coahuila Western Coahuila: Sierra de la Madera: vicin... I. M. Johnston (w) 1941-9-11
FH: 00542505 Tortula obtusissima (Müller Halle) R. H. Zander Mexico: Coahuila Western Coahuila: Sierra de la Madera: vicin... I. M. Johnston (w) 1941-9-11
FH: 01136300 Trichostomum brachydontium Bruch Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9-12
FH: 01136302 Trichostomum brachydontium Bruch Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston c 1941-9-12
FH: 01136332 Trichostomum jamaicense (Mitten) A. Jaeger Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston u 1941-9-11
FH: 01136333 Trichostomum jamaicense (Mitten) A. Jaeger Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston u 1941-9-11
Pteridaceae GH: 00311068 Cheilanthes villosa Davenport ex Maxon : I. M. Johnston 9292 1941-9-20
GH: 00351585 Cheilanthes villosa Davenport ex Maxon Mexico: Coahuila I. M. Johnston 8850 1941-9-4
Ptychomitriaceae FH: 00079930 Ptychomitrium serratum Bruch & Schimper Mexico: Coahuila Western Coahuila, Sierra de la Madera, Corte... I. M. Johnston 1941-9-12
FH: 00079932 Ptychomitrium serratum Bruch & Schimper Mexico: Coahuila western Coahuila, Sierra de la Madera: Corte... I. M. Johnston 1 1941-9-12
Rafflesiaceae GH: 00266902 Pilostyles thurberi A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila I. M. Johnston 8783 1941-9-2
Rhytidiaceae FH: 01146217 Rhytidium rugosum (Hedwig) Kindberg Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston 1941-9-12
FH: 01146218 Rhytidium rugosum (Hedwig) Kindberg Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] I. M. Johnston k 1941-9-12
Selaginellaceae GH: 00022063 Selaginella macrathera Weatherby Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra del Virulento, 2-3 miles east of Ranc... I. M. Johnston 8067 1941-8-11
GH: 00022062 Selaginella macrathera Weatherby Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra del Virulento, 2-3 miles east of Ranc... I. M. Johnston 8067 1941-8-11
Solanaceae GH: 00861729 Datura inoxia inoxia Mexico: Coahuila Vicinity of Aguaje del Pajarito, canyon at w... I. M. Johnston 8733 1941-9-1
GH: 00813307 Lycium arochae F. Chiang, T. L. Wendt & E. J. Lott Mexico: Coahuila Bottom of large valley S.E. of Zacatosa; Roa... I. M. Johnston 8644 1941-8-31
GH: 00813308 Lycium arochae F. Chiang, T. L. Wendt & E. J. Lott Mexico: Coahuila bottom of large valley S. E. of Zacatosa; Ro... I. M. Johnston 8644 1941-8-31
GH: 00813309 Lycium arochae F. Chiang, T. L. Wendt & E. J. Lott Mexico: Coahuila bottom of large valley S. E. of Zacatosa; Ro... I. M. Johnston 8644A 1941-8-31
GH: 00813380 Lycium berlandieri brevilobum C. L. Hitchcock Mexico: Coahuila [illegible] Viejo I. M. Johnston 9369 1941-9-23
GH: 00813395 Lycium californicum interior F. Chiang Mexico: Coahuila Valley floor east of Puerto Caballo; Road fr... I. M. Johnston 8326 1941-8-22
GH: 00813396 Lycium californicum interior F. Chiang Mexico: Coahuila Lauguna de Leche (N.E. margin) I. M. Johnston 8593 1941-8-28
GH: 00813488 Lycium sp. Mexico: Coahuila Matrimanio [?] Viejo; just west of ranch I. M. Johnston 9369 1941-9-23
GH: 00813468 Lycium sp. Mexico: Coahuila forest north of El Oso (road north from Cuat... I. M. Johnston 8879 1941-9-7
GH: 00813474 Lycium sp. Mexico: Coahuila Cañon del Cuervo Chico, a large canyon cut ... I. M. Johnston 8521 1941-8-27
GH: 00813477 Lycium sp. Mexico: Coahuila 2-3 miles east of San Antonio; Road from San... I. M. Johnston 8277 1941-8-21
Verbenaceae GH: 02269564 Bouchea linifolia A. Gray ex Torrey Mexico: Coahuila Crest of Sierra Planchada along road north o... I. M. Johnston 9395 1941-9-25
Vitaceae GH: 00814381 Vitis sp. Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: vicinity of "La Cueva" ... I. M. Johnston 8921 1941-9-11
GH: 00814368 Vitis sp. Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera: vicinity of "La Cueva" ... I. M. Johnston 8921 1941-9-11