Araliaceae GH: 00807179 Hedera helix Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Barnstable Town P. F. Zika 22909 2007-1-1
Juncaceae GH: 00404897 Juncus falcatus sitchensis (Buchenau) Hultén USA: California SW corner of Big Lagoon P. F. Zika 23319 2007-7-30
NEBC: 00859232 Juncus gerardii Loiseleur-Deslongchamps USA: Massachusetts Barnstable Town P. F. Zika 23058 2007-6-20
GH: 02401691 Juncus hesperius (Piper) Lint USA: Washington [data not captured] P. F. Zika 23092 2007-6-27
GH: 00404893 Juncus occidentalis (Coville) Wiegand USA: California Whiskeytown National Recreation Area P. F. Zika 23025 2007-6-6
GH: 02399223 Juncus occidentalis (Coville) Wiegand USA: Washington [data not captured] P. F. Zika 23104 2007-6-27
GH: 02399216 Juncus occidentalis (Coville) Wiegand USA: Washington [data not captured] P. F. Zika 23396 2007-8-11
GH: 02399214 Juncus occidentalis (Coville) Wiegand USA: Washington [data not captured] P. F. Zika 23105 2007-6-27
GH: 02399209 Juncus occidentalis (Coville) Wiegand USA: Oregon [data not captured] P. F. Zika 23055 2007-6-7
GH: 02399206 Juncus occidentalis (Coville) Wiegand USA: Oregon [data not captured] P. F. Zika 22998 2007-6-2
GH: 00404892 Juncus usitatus L. A. S. Johnson USA: California near Elder Creek on W side of I-5, (Sacramen... P. F. Zika 23024 2007-6-5
Rosaceae GH: 01756249 Cotoneaster dammeri C. K. Schneider Canada: British Columbia near Exit 5 on Route 1, near junction of Wes... P. F. Zika [data not captured] 23752 2007-11-13
GH: 00404894 Cotoneaster horizontalis Decaisne USA: California Moseley Road and Lower Lake Road, 3 air km N... P. F. Zika 23166 2007-7-18
GH: 00403623 Cotoneaster pannosus Franchet USA: California c. 1.5 air miles S of Riverside Drive, 0.6 r... P. F. Zika 23686 2007-10-28
GH: 00404890 Cotoneaster pannosus Franchet USA: California San Francisco: S base of Twin Peaks, near ju... P. F. Zika 22972 2007-5-13
GH: 00404891 Cotoneaster pannosus Franchet USA: California Strawberry Creek, W end of campus of Univers... P. F. Zika 22923 2007-3-18
GH: 01756336 Cotoneaster qungbixiensis J. Fryer & B. Hylmö Canada: British Columbia near N end of Rithets Bog, 4.5 air km WSW of... P. F. Zika 23657 2007-10-21
GH: 01756347 Cotoneaster salicifolius Franchet Canada: British Columbia near Exit 5 on Route 1, near junction of Wes... P. F. Zika [data not captured] 23753A 2007-11-13
GH: 00404895 Cotoneaster simonsii Baker USA: California near junction of Lower Lake Road and Mudhen ... P. F. Zika 23169 2007-7-18
GH: 00404896 Cotoneaster simonsii Baker USA: California Hookton Road, S end of Humboldt Bay P. F. Zika 23174 2007-7-19
GH: 01862974 Sorbus latifolia Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Yarmouth: Cape Cod, planted by railroad trac... P. F. Zika 23057 2007-6-15