Euphorbiaceae A: 02409117 Drypetes ovalis Pax & K. Hoffmann Philippines: C. M. Weber
Lythraceae A: 02519232 Pemphis acidula J. R. Forster & G. Forster Philippines: Palawan Bancalan; Balabac C. M. Weber
Melastomataceae A: 02275155 Memecylon paniculatum Jack Philippines: Palawan Bancalan Island C. M. Weber 27
Orchidaceae AMES: 01539302 Acriopsis indica Wight Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber
AMES: 02550928 Aerides sp. Philippines: [no data available] C. M. Weber
AMES: 02338933 Agrostophyllum leytense Ames Philippines: Agusan West slope Mt. Hilonghilong C. M. Weber 90
AMES: 01985697 Agrostophyllum longivaginatum Ames Philippines: Mindanao: C. M. Weber 345
AMES: 02338954 Agrostophyllum longivaginatum Ames Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 345
AMES: 02340733 Appendicula reflexa Blume Philippines: Mindanao Island: Bunanan C. M. Weber
AMES: 02385875 Bulbophyllum dasypetalum Rolfe ex Ames Philippines: Cotabato Divide Apo Range C. M. Weber 235
AMES: 02384210 Bulbophyllum whitfordii Rolfe Philippines: Palawan Island of Busanga, Busuanga C. M. Weber
AMES: 02388227 Calanthe furcata Bateman ex Lindley Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 211B
AMES: 02388321 Calanthe lyroglossa H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Cagayan [no additional data] C. M. Weber
AMES: 02388349 Calanthe rubens Ridley Philippines: Palawan Island of Busuanga C. M. Weber 406
AMES: 01819038 Camarotis sp. Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 159
AMES: 01819038 Camarotis utriculosa Ames Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 159
AMES: 01818918 Cleisostoma dealbatum Lindley Philippines: Rizal Luzon Prov Rizal, Mt. Kanumay C. M. Weber 6
GH: 01819007 Cleisostoma williamsonii (Reichenbach f.) Garay Philippines: Palawan Alfonzo XIII C. M. Weber 604
AMES: 01819005 Cleisostoma williamsonii (Reichenbach f.) Garay Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber
AMES: 01819004 Cleisostoma williamsonii (Reichenbach f.) Garay Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 253
AMES: 01685933 Cleisostoma williamsonii (Reichenbach f.) Garay Philippines: Palawan Alfonzo Xiii C. M. Weber 604
AMES: 02093463 Coelogyne asperata Lindley Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber
AMES: 02175695 Crepidium balabacense (Ames) Szlachetko Philippines: Agusan West slope Mt. Hilonghilong C. M. Weber 66
AMES: 02175746 Crepidium dentatum (Ames) Szlachetko Philippines: Mindanao? C. M. Weber
AMES: 02175745 Crepidium dentatum (Ames) Szlachetko Philippines: Mindanao? C. M. Weber
AMES: 02175379 Crepidium dentatum (Ames) Szlachetko Philippines: Mindanao: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 223
AMES: 02175755 Crepidium macgregorii (Ames) M. A. Clements & D. L. Jones Philippines: Davao [Magaum?]-Compostela trail C. M. Weber 294
AMES: 02175752 Crepidium macgregorii (Ames) M. A. Clements & D. L. Jones Philippines: Agusan Bunan C. M. Weber 313
AMES: 02017717 Cymbidium pubescens Lindl. Philippines: Mindanao Island: District Davao; Baraga Rive... C. M. Weber 251
AMES: 02336433 Dendrobium aclinia H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber
AMES: 02336747 Dendrobium albayense Ames Philippines: Mindanao: District of Davao, [Paluan], Davao C. M. Weber 257
AMES: 02336437 Dendrobium albayense Ames Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 141
AMES: 02336491 Dendrobium basilanense Ames Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber s. n.
AMES: 02336524 Dendrobium cabadbarense Ames Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 310
GH: 02336730 Dendrobium mindanaense Ames Philippines: Palawan Alphonso trece C. M. Weber s. n.
AMES: 02336931 Dendrobium spurium J. J. Smith Philippines: Mt. Mariveles C. M. Weber 31
AMES: 02336931 Dendrobium uniflorum Griffith Philippines: Mt. Mariveles C. M. Weber 31
AMES: 02329129 Doritis philippinensis Ames Philippines: Agusan Veruela C. M. Weber 140
AMES: 02126983 Eria aporoides Lindley Philippines: Agusan Cabadbaran C. M. Weber
AMES: 02127012 Eria brachystachya H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Agusan Cabadbaran C. M. Weber 187X
AMES: 02127279 Eria ovata retroflexa (Lindley) Garay & H. R. Sweet Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 153
AMES: 01685008 Eulophia squalida Lindley Philippines: Palawan Bancalan Island C. M. Weber 6
AMES: 02341635 Eulophia stricta Lindley Philippines: Davao [no additional data] C. M. Weber 195a
AMES: 02341236 Geodorum nutans (C. Presl) Ames Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 264
AMES: 02341238 Geodorum sp. Philippines: Leyte: Malitbog C. M. Weber 323
AMES: 02094089 Liparis condylobulbon H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber
AMES: 02094088 Liparis condylobulbon H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 146A
AMES: 02094138 Liparis condylobulbon H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 146A
GH: 02094162 Liparis disticha Lindley Philippines: Palawan [no additional data] C. M. Weber
AMES: 02094222 Liparis merrillii (Ames) Schlechter Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 25
AMES: 02094368 Liparis sp. Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 25
AMES: 02175379 Malaxis dentata (Ames) Ames Philippines: Mindanao: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 223
AMES: 01685641 Malaxis longipedunculata Ames Philippines: Apayao Abulug-Narig trail C. M. Weber 337
AMES: 02175434 Malaxis sp. Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 334
AMES: 01985508 Oberonia cylindrica Lindley Philippines: Davao Mindanao, Kaiangan, Binatun Mt. C. M. Weber 269
AMES: 01985508 Oberonia iridifolia Lindley Philippines: Davao Mindanao, Kaiangan, Binatun Mt. C. M. Weber 269
AMES: 02337866 Oxystophyllum cultratum (Schlechter) M. A. Clements Philippines: Apayao Mt. Narig C. M. Weber 340
AMES: 02329231 Phalaenopsis aphrodite H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber
AMES: 02329036 Phalaenopsis sanderiana H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Cotabato [Mapag River] C. M. Weber 197
AMES: 01828466 Phreatia luzoniensis Rolfe Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 145
AMES: 01985509 Podochilus plumosus Ames Philippines: Cotabato Mindanao, Divide of Aporange C. M. Weber 239
AMES: 01828874 Pomatocalpa bicolor (Lindley & Paxton) J. J. Smith Philippines: Agusan Nasipit Butuan Bay. C. M. Weber 193
AMES: 02550740 Pteroceras philippinense (Ames) Garay Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber
AMES: 02550731 Pteroceras philippinense (Ames) Garay Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber
AMES: 02550729 Pteroceras philippinense (Ames) Garay Philippines: Agusan Sangaan Agay trail C. M. Weber 321
AMES: 02550751 Pteroceras unguiculatum H. A. Pedersen Philippines: Butuan: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 177
AMES: 01818918 Sarcanthus dealbatus H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal Luzon Prov Rizal, Mt. Kanumay C. M. Weber 6
AMES: 01685933 Sarcanthus weberi Ames Philippines: Palawan Alfonzo Xiii C. M. Weber 604
AMES: 01818846 Schoenorchis micrantha Reinwardt ex Blume Philippines: Agusan Mindanao Prov. Agusan, Sangagn, Agay trail C. M. Weber 319
AMES: 02387736 Spathoglottis tomentosa Lindley Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber
AMES: 02387735 Spathoglottis tomentosa Lindley Philippines: Agusan [no additional data] C. M. Weber 50
AMES: 02387727 Spathoglottis tomentosa Lindley Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 50B
AMES: 02384907 Thelasis carinata Blume Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 162
AMES: 02550629 Thrixspermum Philippines: Agusan Bunawan C. M. Weber 315
AMES: 02550486 Thrixspermum elongatum Ames Philippines: Agusan [data not captured] C. M. Weber 143
AMES: 02550601 Thrixspermum sp. Philippines: [no additional data] C. M. Weber 145
AMES: 02550555 Thrixspermum weberi Ames Philippines: Agusan [data not captured] C. M. Weber
AMES: 01829129 Trichoglottis philippinensis brachiata (Ames) L. O. Williams Philippines: Agusan del Norte Cabadbaran C. M. Weber 134
AMES: 01829164 Trichoglottis rosea (Lindley) Ames Philippines: Cagayan Abulug Beach C. M. Weber
AMES: 00090728 Vrydagzynea weberi Ames Philippines: Apayao Abulug-narig trail, Luzon Island C. M. Weber 333
AMES: 00083801 Vrydagzynea weberi Ames Philippines: Apayao Abulug-narig trail, Luzon Island C. M. Weber 333