Aceraceae A: 01870521 Acer floridanum (Chapman) Pax USA: Georgia Collected about Taccoa J. K. Small 1895-8-17
A: 01870523 Acer floridanum (Chapman) Pax USA: Georgia Along The Chickamauga Creek, near Ringgold J. K. Small 1895-8-6
GH: 01870554 Acer floridanum (Chapman) Pax USA: Georgia Collected along the Flint River at Albany J. K. Small 1895-5-24
GH: 01791378 Acer leucoderme Small USA: Georgia Yellow River J. K. Small 1895-7-2
A: 01791379 Acer leucoderme Small USA: Georgia Yellow River J. K. Small 1895-7-2
A: 01791605 Acer negundo Linnaeus USA: Georgia Collected in the Ocmulgee River Swamp, Below... J. K. Small 1895-5-18
A: 01791606 Acer negundo Linnaeus USA: Georgia Collected along the Chickamauga Creek, near ... J. K. Small 1895-8-6
A: 01793460 Acer rubrum drummondii (Hooker & Arnott ex Nuttall) Sargent USA: Georgia Along or near the Ochlockonee River, near Th... J. K. Small 1895-5-28
A: 01793461 Acer rubrum drummondii (Hooker & Arnott ex Nuttall) Sargent USA: Georgia Collected in an about the Altamaha River Swa... J. K. Small 1895-6-18
A: 01794164 Acer saccharum Marshall USA: Georgia Along the Flint River at Albany J. K. Small 1895-5-24
Amblystegiaceae FH: 00843587 Leptodictyum riparium vacillans (Sullivant) Podpera USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-6-21
FH: 00843590 Leptodictyum riparium vacillans (Sullivant) Podpera USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-6-21
FH: 00843591 Leptodictyum riparium vacillans (Sullivant) Podpera USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-6-21
FH: 00843592 Leptodictyum riparium vacillans (Sullivant) Podpera USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-6-21
Anacardiaceae A: 01866664 Rhus aromatica Aiton USA: Georgia on and about Ston e Mountain J. K. Small 1895-5-1
A: 01867149 Rhus copallinum Linnaeus USA: Georgia along the Chickamauga Creek, near Ringgold J. K. Small 1895-8-6
A: 01868975 Toxicodendron radicans (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Georgia Collected in the Flint River Swamp, at Bainb... J. K. Small 1895-6-4
A: 01869450 Toxicodendron vernix (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Georgia Collected along the Withlocoochee River, nea... J. K. Small 1895-6-6
Arecaceae A: 02411367 Serenoa repens (W. Bartram) Small USA: Georgia Collected in and about the Altamaha River Sw... J. K. Small 1895-6-18
A: 02411366 Serenoa repens (W. Bartram) Small USA: Georgia Collected in and about the Altamaha River Sw... J. K. Small 1895-6-18
Asclepiadaceae A: 01595367 Lyonia ferruginea (Walter) Nuttall USA: Georgia Along or near the Ochlockonee River, near Th... J. K. Small 1895-5-28
A: 01595380 Lyonia fruticosa (Michaux) G. S. Torrey USA: Georgia in and about the Altamaha River swamp J. K. Small 1895-6-18
Bartramiaceae FH: 00787032 Bartramia pomiformis Hedwig USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-8-6
Betulaceae A: 02197284 Alnus serrulata (Aiton) Willdenow USA: Georgia Collected on and about Stone Mountain J. K. Small 1895-8-1
A: 02195834 Betula nigra Linnaeus USA: Georgia Collected on the Yellow River, near McGuire'... J. K. Small 1895-5-7
A: 02071107 Carpinus caroliniana Walter USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-5-7
A: 00247927 Corylus americana Walter USA: Georgia Collected about Taccoa J. K. Small 1895-8-17
A: 02103349 Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-5-28
Bignoniaceae A: 02054740 Catalpa bignonioides Walter USA: Georgia Collected along the Flint River at Albany J. K. Small 1895-5-24
Brachytheciaceae FH: 00515586 Chamberlainia acuminata (Hedwig) Grout USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-8-2
FH: 00515600 Chamberlainia acuminata (Hedwig) Grout USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-8-2
Caesalpiniaceae A: 01852790 Gleditsia aquatica Marshall USA: Georgia In the St. Mary's River Swamp, below Trader'... J. K. Small 1895-6-12
A: 01852907 Gleditsia triacanthos Linnaeus USA: Georgia on the Yellow River, near McGuire's Mill J. K. Small 1895-5-7
GH: 01852909 Gleditsia triacanthos Linnaeus USA: Georgia in the St. Mary's River Swamp, below Trader'... J. K. Small 1895-6-12
Caprifoliaceae A: 02037131 Lonicera sempervirens Linnaeus USA: Georgia Along the Flint River at Albany J. K. Small 1895-5-25
A: 02183264 Sambucus nigra canadensis (Linnaeus) Bolli USA: Georgia Collected along or near the Ochlockonee Rive... J. K. Small 1895-5-28
A: 02185011 Viburnum dentatum lucidum Aiton USA: Georgia Collected about [Augusta] J. K. Small 1895-7-29
A: 02186806 Viburnum obovatum Walter USA: Georgia Collected along the Flint River at Albany J. K. Small 1895-5-24
Cornaceae A: 01845469 Cornus florida Linnaeus USA: Georgia Collected along or near the Ochlockonee Rive... J. K. Small 1895-5-28
A: 02019602 Cornus stricta Lamarck USA: Georgia Collected along the Flint River at Albany J. K. Small 1895-5-24
Cryphaeaceae FH: 00557199 Forsstroemia trichomitria (Hedwig) Lindberg USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-6
FH: 00557200 Forsstroemia trichomitria (Hedwig) Lindberg USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-6
Dicranaceae FH: 00536703 Anisothecium varium (Hedwig) Mitten USA: Georgia Valdosta: [no additional data] J. K. Small 1895-7
FH: 00536711 Anisothecium varium (Hedwig) Mitten USA: Georgia Valdosta: [no additional data] J. K. Small 1895-7
FH: 00514590 Campylopus flexuosus (Hedwig) Bridel USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-7
FH: 00514599 Campylopus flexuosus (Hedwig) Bridel USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-7
FH: 00791755 Dicranum scoparium Hedwig USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-7
Entodontaceae FH: 00796954 Entodon seductrix (Hedwig) Müller Halle USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895
Ericaceae A: 00015323 Azalea candida Small USA: Georgia Valdosta: Along the Withlocoochee River J. K. Small 1895-6-6
A: 00015321 Azalea candida Small USA: Georgia Valdosta: Along the Withlocoochee River J. K. Small 1895-6-6
A: 01591491 Eubotrys racemosa (Linnaeus) Nuttall USA: Georgia Along or near the Ochlockonee River, near Th... J. K. Small 1895-5-28
A: 01592852 Gaylussacia dumosa (Andrews) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Georgia about Augusta J. K. Small 1895-6-27
A: 01593123 Gaylussacia frondosa tomentosa A. Gray USA: Georgia Flint River at Albany J. K. Small 1895-5-24
A: 01593127 Gaylussacia frondosa tomentosa A. Gray USA: Georgia Along the Withlocoochee River, near Valdosta J. K. Small 1895-6-6
A: 01593133 Gaylussacia frondosa tomentosa A. Gray USA: Georgia In and about the Altamaha River Swamp J. K. Small 1895-6-18
A: 01593747 Kalmia hirsuta Walter USA: Georgia in and about the Altamaha River Swamp J. K. Small 1895-6-18
A: 01593849 Kalmia latifolia Linnaeus USA: Georgia about Stone Mountain J. K. Small 1895-5-1
A: 00015323 Rhododendron canescens (Michaux) Sweet USA: Georgia Valdosta: Along the Withlocoochee River J. K. Small 1895-6-6
A: 00015321 Rhododendron canescens (Michaux) Sweet USA: Georgia Valdosta: Along the Withlocoochee River J. K. Small 1895-6-6
A: 01762959 Rhododendron canescens (Michaux) Sweet USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-5-7
A: 01763373 Rhododendron flammeum (Michaux) Sargent USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-5-1
A: 01765490 Rhododendron viscosum (Linnaeus) Torrey USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-6-6
Fabaceae A: 02134976 Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-5-1
Fabroniaceae FH: 00538620 Clasmatodon parvulus (Hampe) Sullivant USA: Georgia Thomasville: [no additional data] J. K. Small 1895-7
FH: 00538626 Clasmatodon parvulus (Hampe) Sullivant USA: Georgia Thomasville: [no additional data] J. K. Small 1895-7
FH: 00538628 Clasmatodon parvulus (Hampe) Sullivant USA: Georgia Thomasville: [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-7-15
Fissidentaceae FH: 00290812 Fissidens elegans Bridel USA: Georgia Thomasville: [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-7
FH: 00290815 Fissidens elegans Bridel USA: Georgia Thomasville: [data not captured] J. K. Small 5177 1895-7
Fontinalaceae FH: 00545136 Fontinalis dalecarlica Bruch & Schimper USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-8-6
FH: 00545137 Fontinalis dalecarlica Bruch & Schimper USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-8-6
FH: 00545138 Fontinalis dalecarlica Bruch & Schimper USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-8-6
Hydrangeaceae A: 01737246 Hydrangea arborescens deamii H. St. John USA: Georgia along the Chickamauga Creek, near Ringgold J. K. Small 1895-8-6
A: 01737612 Philadelphus inodorus grandiflorus (Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Georgia collected in the Ocmulgee River Swamp, below... J. K. Small 1895-7-8
Hypnaceae FH: 00840590 Hypnum cupressiforme Hedwig USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-7-24
FH: 00840651 Hypnum sp. USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-7-24
FH: 00840652 Hypnum sp. USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-7-24
FH: 00842349 Isopterygium micans (Swartz) Kindberg USA: Georgia [no additional data] J. K. Small 1895-7-12
Leucodontaceae FH: 00844766 Leucodon julaceus (Hedwig) Sullivant USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-7
FH: 00844891 Leucodon julaceus (Hedwig) Sullivant USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-7
Loranthaceae A: 02038077 Lonicera flava Sims USA: Georgia on and about Stone Mountain J. K. Small 1895-5-1
Moraceae A: 01545313 Morus rubra Linnaeus USA: Georgia Collected in the Ocmulgee River swamp J. K. Small 1895-5-18
Oleaceae A: 01846871 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Georgia Collected on an about Stone Mountain J. K. Small 1895-5-1
A: 00283678 Fraxinus Linnaeus USA: Georgia On the Yellow River, near McGuire's Mill, 75... J. K. Small 1895-8-2
A: 00283678 Fraxinus americana Linnaeus USA: Georgia On the Yellow River, near McGuire's Mill, 75... J. K. Small 1895-8-2
A: 01847751 Fraxinus americana Linnaeus USA: Georgia Collected along or near the Ochlockonee Rive... J. K. Small 1895-7-12
A: 01848097 Fraxinus americana biltmoreana (Beadle) Wright ex Fernald USA: Georgia Collected onthe Yellow River, near McGuire's... J. K. Small 1895-7-2
A: 01848432 Fraxinus caroliniana Miller USA: Georgia Collected in the St. Mary's River Swamp, bel... J. K. Small 1895-6-12
A: 01848438 Fraxinus caroliniana Miller USA: Georgia Collectd along or near the Ochlockonee River... J. K. Small 1895-5-28
A: 01848912 Fraxinus pauciflora Nuttall USA: Georgia Collected along the Flint River at Albany J. K. Small 1895-5-24
A: 01848914 Fraxinus pauciflora Nuttall USA: Georgia Collected in the St. Mary's River swamp, bel... J. K. Small 1895-6-12
A: 01848915 Fraxinus pauciflora Nuttall USA: Georgia Collected in the St. Mary's River Swamp, bel... J. K. Small 1895-7-24
A: 00283678 Fraxinus smallii Britton USA: Georgia On the Yellow River, near McGuire's Mill, 75... J. K. Small 1895-8-2
A: 01850972 Osmanthus americana (Linnaeus) Bentham ex Hooker f. USA: Georgia Collected along or near the Ochlockonee Rive... J. K. Small 1895-5-28
Orchidaceae AMES: 02029612 Epidendrum magnoliae Muhlenberg USA: Georgia Thomasville: [no additional data] J. K. Small 1895-7
Orthotrichaceae FH: 00885257 Schlotheimia rugifolia (Hooker) Schwägrichen USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-7
Pinaceae A: 00397615 Pinus australis F. Michaux USA: Georgia Brunswick J. K. Small 1895-6-15
A: 00398845 Pinus glabra Walter USA: Georgia Collected along or near the Ochlockonee Rive... J. K. Small 1895-5-28
A: 00399369 Pinus pungens Lambert USA: Georgia Collected about Tallulah Falls J. K. Small 1895-8-20
A: 00399539 Pinus rigida Miller USA: Georgia Collected about Tallulah Falls J. K. Small 1895-8-20
A: 00399793 Pinus strobus Linnaeus USA: Georgia Collected about Ellijay J. K. Small 1895-8-13
A: 00399984 Pinus taeda Linnaeus USA: Georgia Collected about Brunswick J. K. Small 1895-6-15
A: 01113099 Pinus virginiana Miller USA: Georgia Collected along the Chickamauga Creek, near ... J. K. Small 1895-8-6
A: 01113618 Tsuga canadensis (Linnaeus) Carrière USA: Georgia Collected about Ellijay J. K. Small 1895-8-13
A: 01113763 Tsuga caroliniana Engelmann USA: Georgia Collected about Tallulah Falls J. K. Small 1895-8-20
Poaceae GH: 00024114 Panicum trifolium Nash USA: Georgia Ocmulgee River swamp, below Trader's Hill J. K. Small 1895-5-18
Porellaceae FH: 00506117 Madotheca sp. USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-5-24
Pottiaceae FH: 01132300 Syntrichia laevipila Bridel USA: Georgia Augusta: [no additional data] J. K. Small 1895-7-1
FH: 01132305 Syntrichia laevipila Bridel USA: Georgia Augusta: [no additional data] J. K. Small 1895-7-1
Ptychomitriaceae FH: 00920285 Ptychomitrium drummondii (Wilson) Sullivant USA: Georgia Augusta: [no additional data] J. K. Small 1895-7
FH: 00920288 Ptychomitrium drummondii (Wilson) Sullivant USA: Georgia Augusta: [no additional data] J. K. Small 1895-7
Rhamnaceae A: 01790936 Frangula caroliniana (Walter) A. Gray USA: Georgia Yellow River J. K. Small 1895-7-2
A: 01790941 Frangula caroliniana (Walter) A. Gray USA: Georgia Collected along the Chickamauga Creek, near ... J. K. Small 1895-8-6
A: 01790942 Frangula caroliniana (Walter) A. Gray USA: Georgia Collected on the Yellow River, near McGuire'... J. K. Small 1895-7-2
Rosaceae A: 01728402 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: Georgia about Tallulah Falls J. K. Small 1895-8-20
A: 01730423 Aronia arbutifolia (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Georgia along the Withlococoochee River, near Valdos... J. K. Small 1895-6-6
A: 01614852 Crataegus lanata Beadle USA: Georgia Collected on the Yellow River, near McGuire'... J. K. Small 1895-8-2
A: 01667658 Crataegus marshallii Eggleston USA: Georgia Collected along or near the Ochlockonee Rive... J. K. Small 1895-5-28
A: 01646469 Crataegus pulcherrima Ashe USA: Georgia Collected along or near the Ochlockonee Rive... J. K. Small 1895-5-28
A: 01648320 Crataegus spathulata Michaux USA: Georgia Collected on and about Little Stone Mountain J. K. Small 1895-7-5
A: 01648340 Crataegus spathulata Michaux USA: Georgia Collected in the Ocmulgee River Swamp, below... J. K. Small 1895-5-18
A: 01648342 Crataegus spathulata Michaux USA: Georgia Collected along the Flint River at Albany J. K. Small 1895-5-24
A: 01650195 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Georgia Collected in the Ocmulgee River swamp, below... J. K. Small 1895-5-18
A: 01865770 Malus angustifolia (Aiton) Michaux USA: Georgia About Augusta J. K. Small 1895-6-27
A: 01705132 Prunus americana Marshall USA: Georgia in the Flint River Swamp, at Bainbridge J. K. Small 1895-6-4
A: 01705133 Prunus americana Marshall USA: Georgia Collected along the Chickamauga Creek, near ... J. K. Small 1895-8-6
A: 01724026 Prunus serotina Ehrhart USA: Georgia collected on an about Stone Mountain J. K. Small 1895-5-1
A: 01724027 Prunus serotina Ehrhart USA: Georgia along the Flint River at Albany J. K. Small 1895-5-24
A: 01724028 Prunus serotina Ehrhart USA: Georgia on and about Little Stone Mountain J. K. Small 1895-7-5
A: 01724938 Prunus umbellata Elliott USA: Georgia along the Flint River at Albany J. K. Small 1895-5-24
A: 01724940 Prunus umbellata Elliott USA: Georgia in the Flint River Swamp, at Bainbridge J. K. Small 1895-6-4
A: 01724948 Prunus umbellata Elliott USA: Georgia along or near the Ochlockonee River, near Th... J. K. Small 1895-7-12
A: 01558104 Rosa bracteata J. C. Wendland USA: Georgia Along the Withlocoochee River J. K. Small 1895-6-6
A: 01559463 Rosa laevigata Michaux USA: Georgia along the Withlocoochee River, near Valdosta J. K. Small 1895-6-6
A: 01560305 Rosa rubiginosa Linnaeus USA: Georgia Along the Chickamauga Creek, near Ringgold J. K. Small 1895-8-6
A: 01603083 Rubus argutus Link USA: Georgia Along the Withlocoochee River, near Valdosta J. K. Small 1895-6-6
A: 01603084 Rubus argutus Link USA: Georgia in the Ocmulgee River swamp, below Macon J. K. Small 1895-5-18
A: 01604194 Rubus cuneifolius Pursh USA: Georgia along the [Withlocoochee] River, near Valdos... J. K. Small 1895-6-6
Rutaceae A: 01584339 Ptelea trifoliata mollis Torrey & A. Gray USA: Georgia Along the Flint River at Albany J. K. Small 1895-5-24
A: 01584341 Ptelea trifoliata mollis Torrey & A. Gray USA: Georgia Along the Flint River at Albany J. K. Small 1895-7-9
A: 01684069 Zanthoxylum clava-herculis Linnaeus USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-5-24
Santalaceae A: 02168266 Nestronia umbellula Rafinesque USA: Georgia collected on the Yellow River, near McGuire'... J. K. Small 1895-5-7
Saxifragaceae A: 00043010 Ribes curvatum Small USA: Georgia Stone Mountain, alt. 100-1500 feet J. K. Small 1895-5-1
GH: 01651061 Ribes curvatum Small USA: Georgia on and about Stone Mountain J. K. Small 1895-8-1
A: 01651062 Ribes curvatum Small USA: Georgia on and about Stone Mountain J. K. Small 1895-7-1
Sematophyllaceae FH: 00921326 Sematophyllum demissum (Wilson) Mitten USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-8
FH: 00921330 Sematophyllum demissum (Wilson) Mitten USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-8
Taxodiaceae A: 01116147 Taxodium distichum (Linnaeus) Richard USA: Georgia Collected in the St. Mary's River Swamp, bel... J. K. Small 1895-6-12
A: 01116149 Taxodium distichum (Linnaeus) Richard USA: Georgia Collected along or near The Ochlockonee Rive... J. K. Small 1895-5-28
Theaceae A: 01583762 Gordonia lasianthus (Linnaeus) J. Ellis USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-6-6
Thuidiaceae FH: 00537102 Anomodon attenuatus (Hedwig) Huebener USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-5
FH: 00537119 Anomodon attenuatus (Hedwig) Huebener USA: Georgia [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895
FH: 00836929 Herpetineuron toccoae (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Cardot USA: North Carolina [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-4
FH: 00836930 Herpetineuron toccoae (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Cardot USA: North Carolina [data not captured] J. K. Small 1895-4
Ulmaceae A: 01931314 Ulmus americana Linnaeus USA: Georgia Collected in the St. Mary's River Swamp, bel... J. K. Small 1895-6-12
A: 01931310 Ulmus americana Linnaeus USA: Georgia Collected in the Ocmulgee River Swamp, below... J. K. Small 1895-5-18
Vitaceae A: 01577276 Ampelopsis cordata Michaux USA: Georgia about Augusta J. K. Small 1895-6-27
A: 01579324 Vitis labrusca Linnaeus USA: Georgia Collected on and about Stone Mountain J. K. Small 1895-5-1
A: 01580094 Vitis rotundifolia rotundifolia Michaux USA: Georgia Collected along the Altamaha River, About Fo... J. K. Small 1895-6-26