Aceraceae A: 01870795 Acer glabrum Torrey USA: Colorado north slope of Signal Peak Ridge, just south... J. Barrell 14-61 1961-6-8
Asteraceae A: 00988906 Artemisia ludoviciana incompta (Nuttall) D. D. Keck USA: Colorado East River Flats, a couple of miles north of... J. Barrell 305-61 1961-8-14
A: 01923209 Brickellia eupatorioides (Linnaeus) Shinners USA: Colorado just east of Route 135, about seven miles no... J. Barrell 358-61 1961-8-28
A: 02216425 Chrysothamnus vaseyi (A. Gray) Greene USA: Colorado just east of Route 135, a couple of miles so... J. Barrell 354-61 1961-8-26
A: 02216445 Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus (Hooker) Nuttall USA: Colorado valley of the East River just above its mee... J. Barrell 342-61 1961-8-23
A: 02216442 Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus (Hooker) Nuttall USA: Colorado valley of the East River, just above its mee... J. Barrell 343-61 1961-8-23
A: 02172981 Cirsium arvense (Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: Colorado roadside of Route 135, about three miles nor... J. Barrell 296-61 1961-8-10
A: 02020961 Cirsium hookerianum Nuttall USA: Colorado Sylvanite Basin, about four miles northeast ... J. Barrell 246-61 1961-7-28
A: 02216924 Conyza canadensis (Linnaeus) Cronquist USA: Colorado roadside of route 135, about three miles nor... J. Barrell 294-61 1961-8-10
A: 02206308 Erigeron compositus Pursh USA: Colorado top of the Alpine Plateau, Uncompahgre Natio... J. Barrell 120-61 1961-6-27
A: 02206307 Erigeron compositus Pursh USA: Colorado east-facing lower slope of Mt. Whetstone, ab... J. Barrell 65-61 1961-6-14
A: 02206981 Erigeron eatonii A. Gray USA: Colorado north side of Lost Canyon Road, a mile or so... J. Barrell 68-61 1961-6-15
A: 02348380 Erigeron flagellaris A. Gray USA: Colorado bank of Pierre shale, below the Daisy Mine r... J. Barrell 110-61 1961-6-20
A: 02353159 Erigeron grandiflorus Hooker USA: Colorado tableland about a mile south of Slumgullion ... J. Barrell 133-61 1961-6-28
A: 02353639 Erigeron leiomerus A. Gray USA: Colorado south cirque of Wolverine Basin, three miles... J. Barrell 303a-61 1961-8-13
A: 02353899 Erigeron lonchophyllus Hooker USA: Colorado old field behind the Paragon School, about f... J. Barrell 239-61 1961-7-27
A: 02353977 Erigeron melanocephalus A. Nelson USA: Colorado below Conundrum Pass and to the north J. Barrell 227-61 1961-7-22
A: 02352104 Erigeron nivalis Nuttall USA: Colorado edge of road to Sylvanite Basin; about four ... J. Barrell 247-61 1961-7-28
A: 02352318 Erigeron peregrinus (Banks ex Pursh) Greene USA: Colorado west of the road to Schofield Pass, about fo... J. Barrell 307-61 1961-8-14
A: 02352317 Erigeron peregrinus (Banks ex Pursh) Greene USA: Colorado open terrace of the East River across from t... J. Barrell 194-61 1961-7-14
A: 02351075 Erigeron pumilis Nuttall USA: Colorado valley of Marshall Creek, three or four mile... J. Barrell 90-61 1961-6-18
A: 02351384 Erigeron speciosus de Candolle USA: Colorado east side of Washington Gulch, about five mi... J. Barrell 271-61 1961-8-7
A: 01834997 Lactuca tatarica (Linnaeus) C. A. Meyer USA: Colorado old field behind the Paragon School, about f... J. Barrell 237-61 1961-7-27
Betulaceae A: 02195270 Betula glandulosa Michaux USA: Colorado side of Tomichi Creek, just above White Pine... J. Barrell 92-61 1961-6-18
Boraginaceae A: 02023718 Cryptantha gracilis Osterhout USA: Colorado behind the Q. T. Motel, Parlin J. Barrell 100-61 1961-6-19
A: 02058178 Mertensia lanceolata nivalis (S. Watson) L. C. Higgins USA: Colorado roadside of Route 149, Slumgullion Pass, fou... J. Barrell 55-61 1961-6-11
Brassicaceae A: 01153795 Armoracia rusticana G. Gaertner, B. Meyer & Scherbius USA: Colorado three or four miles southwest of Waunita Hot... J. Barrell 79-61 1961-6-17
A: 01155267 Cardamine cordifolia A. Gray USA: Colorado Henson Creek Canyon, just west of Lake City J. Barrell 59-61 1961-6-11
GH: 01549402 Lepidium perfoliatum Linnaeus USA: Colorado behind the Q.T. Motel, Parlin J. Barrell 103-61 1961-6-19
A: 01693834 Sisymbrium altissimum Linnaeus USA: Colorado behind the Q. T. Motel, Parlin J. Barrell 101-61 1961-6-19
Caprifoliaceae A: 02038451 Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex Sprengel USA: Colorado near the road to Engineer Pass, just east of... J. Barrell 46-61 1961-6-10
A: 02183941 Sambucus racemosa Linnaeus USA: Colorado Henson Creek Canyon, just west of Lake City J. Barrell 58-61 1961-6-11
Caryophyllaceae A: 01752630 Silene latifolia alba (Miller) Greuter & Burdet USA: Colorado beside a private driveway near Glacier, abou... J. Barrell 253-61 1961-7-31
Celastraceae A: 01787355 Paxistima myrsinites (Pursh) Rafinesque USA: Colorado north slope of Signal Peak Ridge, just south... J. Barrell 17-61 1961-6-8
Chenopodiaceae A: 01782494 Chenopodium fremontii S. Watson USA: Colorado east of the old field behind the Paragon Sch... J. Barrell 152-61 1961-7-1
Cyperaceae A: 02370346 Carex hoodii Boott USA: Colorado west of the road to Schofield Pass, about 4 ... J. Barrell 211-61 1961-7-19
A: 02368414 Carex micropoda C. A. Meyer USA: Colorado in the big alpine basin on the south slope o... J. Barrell 231-61 1961-7-25
A: 02369594 Carex siccata Dewey USA: Colorado east-facing lower slope of Mt. Whetstone, ab... J. Barrell 62-61 1961-6-14
A: 02369590 Carex siccata Dewey USA: Colorado valley of the Slate River, about four miles ... J. Barrell 107-61 1961-6-20
A: 02370268 Carex vallicola Dewey USA: Colorado behind the Paragon School, about 5 mi NE of ... J. Barrell 361-61 1961-8-28
Fabaceae A: 02052942 Astragalus miser Douglas USA: Colorado roadside of Route 328, Waunita Park, a mile ... J. Barrell 97-61 1961-6-18
A: 02048897 Astragalus tenellus Pursh USA: Colorado valley of East Willow Creek, a couple of mil... J. Barrell 159-61 1961-7-2
A: 02130363 Melilotus officinalis (Linnaeus) Lamarck USA: Colorado old field behind the Paragon School, about f... J. Barrell 234-61 1961-7-27
A: 02130986 Oxytropis borealis viscida (Nuttall) Welsh USA: Colorado southern ridge of Red Mountain, just west of... J. Barrell 171-61 1961-7-4
A: 02132569 Oxytropis deflexa (Pallas) de Candolle USA: Colorado old field behind the Paragon School, about f... J. Barrell 286-61 1961-8-9
A: 02132697 Oxytropis deflexa sericea Torrey & A. Gray USA: Colorado valley of East Willow Creek, a couple of mil... J. Barrell 158-61 1961-7-2
A: 02343303 Trifolium longipes Nuttall USA: Colorado top of the Alpine Plateau, Uncompahgre Natio... J. Barrell 118-61 1961-6-27
A: 02344167 Trifolium repens Linnaeus USA: Colorado behind the Paragon School, about five miles ... J. Barrell 236-61 1961-7-27
Gentianaceae A: 02167296 Gentianella amarella (Linnaeus) Börner USA: Colorado behind the Paragon School, about five miles ... J. Barrell 287-61 1961-8-9
A: 02164360 Swertia perennis Linnaeus USA: Colorado directly above, and to the east of, Rustler'... J. Barrell 316-61 1961-8-15
Geraniaceae A: 01863955 Geranium caespitosum James USA: Colorado steep hillside above the road up Henson Cree... J. Barrell 1961-6-9
A: 01864478 Geranium fremontii Torrey ex A. Gray USA: Colorado on the south side of Lost Canyon Road, a mil... J. Barrell 70-61 1961-6-15
Juncaceae A: 02400585 Juncus mertensianus Bongard USA: Colorado valley of the Slate River, about four miles ... J. Barrell 106-61 1961-6-20
A: 02366742 Luzula spicata Linnaeus USA: Colorado south slope of Mt. Baldy, northwest of Gothi... J. Barrell 233-61 1961-7-25
Lamiaceae A: 01551375 Mentha arvensis Linnaeus USA: Colorado very edge of Peanuts Lake, with roots partly... J. Barrell 300-61 1961-8-12
Orobanchaceae A: 01878038 Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hooker USA: Colorado about a mile south of Slumgullion Pass and t... J. Barrell 130-61 1961-6-28
GH: 01879162 Castilleja septentrionalis Lindley USA: Colorado east-facing lee of the southern ridge of Red... J. Barrell 177-61 1961-7-4
Plantaginaceae A: 02122291 Penstemon rydbergii A. Nelson USA: Colorado valley of East Willow Creek, two or three mi... J. Barrell 160-61 1961-7-2
A: 02122781 Penstemon strictus Bentham USA: Colorado behind the Paragon School, about five miles ... J. Barrell 184-61 1961-7-8
Polemoniaceae A: 00985126 Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. E. Grant USA: Colorado Hartman Rocks, four or five miles south of G... J. Barrell 7-61 1961-6-7
A: 01571303 Phlox caespitosa Nuttall USA: Colorado just east of Spring Creek Pass J. Barrell 52-61 1961-6-11
A: 01574281 Phlox hoodii Richardson USA: Colorado Hartman Rocks, four or five miles south of G... J. Barrell 5-61 1961-6-7
Ranunculaceae A: 01707158 Anemone multifida Poiret USA: Colorado southern ridge of Red Mountain, just west of... J. Barrell 169a-61 1961-7-4
A: 01707472 Anemone narcissiflora Linnaeus USA: Colorado summit of Tin Cup Pass, Gunnison-Chaffee Cou... J. Barrell 162-61 1961-7-2
A: 01708067 Anemone patens multifida Pritzel USA: Colorado on the north slope of Signal Peak Ridge, jus... J. Barrell 26-61 1961-6-8
A: 01708068 Anemone patens multifida Pritzel USA: Colorado crest of the Continental Divide, just north ... J. Barrell 89-61 1961-6-18
A: 01708069 Anemone patens multifida Pritzel USA: Colorado east-facing slope of Mt. Whetstone, about th... J. Barrell 66-61 1961-6-14
A: 01709372 Aquilegia elegantula Greene USA: Colorado near the road up Henson Creek to Engineer Pa... J. Barrell 43-61 1961-6-10
A: 01710065 Caltha leptosepala de Candolle USA: Colorado basin at the head of Henson Creek; just west... J. Barrell 36-61 1961-6-10
A: 01710854 Clematis columbiana (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Colorado north slope of Signal Peak Ridge, just south... J. Barrell 13-61 1961-6-8
A: 01840208 Trollius albiflorus (A. Gray) Rydberg USA: Colorado below the road to Engineer Pass, just east o... J. Barrell 39-61 1961-6-10
Rosaceae A: 01729407 Amelanchier utahensis Koehne USA: Colorado on the west slope, and just below the top, o... J. Barrell 22-61 1961-6-8
A: 01647605 Crataegus rivularis Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Colorado growing at the edge of Hot Springs Creek bes... J. Barrell 83-61 1961-6-17
A: 01610258 Geum rossii (R. Brown) Seringe USA: Colorado steep bank of small earth dam forming a pond... J. Barrell 53-61 1961-6-11
A: 01610488 Geum triflorum ciliatum (Pursh) Fassett USA: Colorado Jack's Cabin Pass, about four miles north of... J. Barrell 112-61 1961-6-24
Saxifragaceae A: 01735583 Heuchera parvifolia Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Colorado above, and to the south of, Lost Canyon Road... J. Barrell 15-61 1961-6-8
A: 01633754 Ribes cereum Douglas USA: Colorado north slope of Signal Peak Ridge, just south... J. Barrell 28-61 1961-6-8