<< < Previous Apocynaceae A: 02181063 Alstonia lanceolata Van Heurck & Müller Argoviensis New Caledonia: north of Farino, half way to Table unio. J. T. Buchholz 1527 1947-12-19
A: 02181056 Alstonia lanceolata Van Heurck & Müller Argoviensis New Caledonia: N. Dumbea valley near end of road as far as ... J. T. Buchholz 1252 1947-10-23
A: 02180116 Alyxia leucogyne Van Heurck & Müller Argoviensis New Caledonia: along banks of North Dumbea valley J. T. Buchholz 1767 1948-3-6
A: 02178381 Artia balansae (Baillon) Pichon ex Guillaumin New Caledonia: Along road leading to an abandoned mine, upp... J. T. Buchholz 1171 1947-10-7
A: 02380341 Melodinus scandens J. R. Forster & G. Forster New Caledonia: sprawling over fence near entrance to native... J. T. Buchholz 1532 1947-12-20
A: 02382721 Plumeria alba Linnaeus New Caledonia: found in cultivation in the garden of a resi... J. T. Buchholz 1410 1947-10-24
A: 02009290 Rauvolfia semperflorens Schlechter New Caledonia: upper Dumbea valley, not far from old road J. T. Buchholz 1157 1947-10-7
A: 02009289 Rauvolfia semperflorens Schlechter New Caledonia: upper dumbea valley J. T. Buchholz 1167 1947-10-7
A: 02009288 Rauvolfia semperflorens Schlechter New Caledonia: Dumbea valley north and across stream from s... J. T. Buchholz 1488 1947-12-10
Aspleniaceae GH: 01919951 Asplenium platyneuron (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Arkansas Fayetteville Region J. T. Buchholz 1922-11
Betulaceae A: 02071623 Corylus americana Walter USA: Arkansas [data not captured] J. T. Buchholz 924 1924-5-29
Caprifoliaceae GH: 00422759 Linnaea borealis longiflora Torrey USA: California Blodgett Ranger Sta (of U of C) J. T. Buchholz 1942-7-17
GH: 00422759 Linnaea longiflora (Torrey) Howell USA: California Blodgett Ranger Sta (of U of C) J. T. Buchholz 1942-7-17
Cornaceae A: 01844827 Cornus drummondii C. A. Meyer USA: Arkansas Along creek tributary to [Cadron], n of [Con... J. T. Buchholz 922 1924-5-29
Cupressaceae A: 02103914 Juniperus ashei J. Buchholz USA: Texas Austin: near Mt. Bonnell J. T. Buchholz 1927-7-1
Ericaceae A: 01762917 Rhododendron canescens (Michaux) Sweet USA: Arkansas [data not captured] J. T. Buchholz 999 1924-4
A: 01764883 Rhododendron prinophyllum (Small) Millais USA: Arkansas [data not captured] J. T. Buchholz 1924-5-30
A: 01764884 Rhododendron prinophyllum (Small) Millais USA: Arkansas [data not captured] J. T. Buchholz 957 1924-5-30
A: 01765380 Rhododendron viscosum (Linnaeus) Torrey USA: Arkansas [data not captured] J. T. Buchholz 951 1924-5-30
Euphorbiaceae A: 00045805 Baloghia buchholzii Guillaumin New Caledonia: Steffans mine, 8 km. inland from Pourina Bay J. T. Buchholz 1756 1948-2-29
A: 00045807 Baloghia oligostemon Guillaumin New Caledonia: Banks of River des Lacs near Madeline mine, ... J. T. Buchholz 1730 1948-2-22
Fabaceae A: 01967785 Amorpha fruticosa Linnaeus USA: Arkansas Cove Creek Valley J. T. Buchholz 948 1924-5-30
Meliaceae A: 00934302 Aglaia elaeagnoidea (A. Jussieu) Bentham New Caledonia: South Pacific Base Command Headquarters Bldg... J. T. Buchholz 1403 1947-11-20
Mimosaceae A: 00977056 Acacia simplicifolia Druce New Caledonia: at Anse Vata near Noumea. Near Collate occup... J. T. Buchholz 1580 1947-12-31
Moraceae A: 00034885 Ficus maialis Guillaumin New Caledonia: Slope of mountain in Mois de mai forest J. T. Buchholz 1382 1947-11-7
Nepenthaceae A: 01871635 Nepenthes vieillardii Hooker f. New Caledonia: near res. of Mt. Penticost, on very steep sl... J. T. Buchholz 1463 1947-12-4
Polemoniaceae GH: 00385280 Navarretia prolifera lutea Brand USA: California Placerville: Grounds of Institute of Forest ... J. T. Buchholz 1942-6-25
Sapotaceae A: 00075589 Chrysophyllum glabrisepalum Guillaumin New Caledonia: Along stream in forest of Pannetier's place,... J. T. Buchholz 1304 1947-10-27
Taxodiaceae A: 00357784 Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindley) J. Buchholz USA: California Sequoia National Park: Crescent Meadow, Sequ... J. T. Buchholz 1940-7-2
A: 00357787 Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindley) J. Buchholz USA: California Sequoia National Park: From branches burned ... J. T. Buchholz 1936-4-28