Fabaceae A: 02322660 Desmodium barbatum dimorphum (Welwitsch ex Baker) B. G. Schubert Tanzania: Tanganyika R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1089 1962-1-7
A: 02322640 Desmodium barbatum argyreum (Welwitsch ex Baker) B. G. Schubert Tanzania: Iringa [no additional data] R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1852 1962
A: 02322724 Desmodium ospriostreblum Chiov. Tanzania: Tanganyika R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1962
A: 02322796 Desmodium setigerum (E.Mey.) Benth. ex Harv. Tanzania: Iringa Tanganyika: Iringa District R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1511 1962-2-16
Orchidaceae AMES: 01949371 Brachycorythis buchananii (Schlechter) Rolfe Tanzania: Tanganyika: Iringa District. Dabaga Highland... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1570 1962-2-22
AMES: 02388503 Calanthe volkensii Rolfe Tanzania: Iringa Kigogo River, Mufindi R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1815 1962-3-19
AMES: 01947044 Cynorkis kaessneriana Kraenzlin Tanzania: Iringa District R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1773 1962-3-15
AMES: 01945906 Disa erubescens Rendle Tanzania: Dabaga Highlands, Kilolo, 24 ml. S. E. of Ir... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1418 1962-2-10
A: 01944008 Disa tanganyikensis Summerhayes Tanzania: Dabaga Highlands, Little Ruaha River, where ... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1447 1962-2-12
AMES: 01944417 Disperis anthoceros H. G. Reichenbach Tanzania: Iringa District. Mt. Image, 50 ml. N. E. of ... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1640 1962-3-2
AMES: 01944434 Disperis dicerochila Summerhayes Tanzania: Iringa District. Luisenga River, Mufindi R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1785 1962-3-16
AMES: 02341831 Eulophia schimperiana A. Richard, Dillon & Petit Tanzania: Singida Tanganyika; 4 mls. from Kiomboi on the Kasir... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 2238 1962-4-29
AMES: 01945084 Habenaria armatissima H. G. Reichenbach Tanzania: 3 mi. S. E. of Iringa, on the Dabaga road, I... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1370 1962-2-6
AMES: 01945128 Habenaria cornuta Lindley Tanzania: Iringa District. Great North Road, Johns Cor... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 710 1962-3-11
AMES: 01945795 Habenaria goetzeana Kraenzlin Tanzania: 10 ml. S. E. of Iringa on the Dabaga road, I... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1373 1962-2-6
AMES: 01945173 Habenaria holubii Rolfe Tanzania: Iringa District. Great North Road, Theme, 19... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1594 1962-2-24
AMES: 01945222 Habenaria magnirostris Summerhayes Tanzania: Iringa District. Dabaga Highlands, Kibengu, ... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1504 1962-2-16
AMES: 01945283 Habenaria rautaneniana Kraenzlin Tanzania: Iringa District. Great North Road, 4 ml. N. ... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1700 1962-3-10
AMES: 01945306 Habenaria splendens Rendle Tanzania: Great North Road, Iheme, 19 ml. S of Iringa,... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1597 1962-2-25
AMES: 01945302 Habenaria splendens Rendle Tanzania: Great North Road, Iheme, 19 ml. S. of Iringa R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1597 1962-2-25
AMES: 01945297 Habenaria stenorhynchos Schlechter Tanzania: Iringa District. Dabaga Highlands, Kibengu, ... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1503 1962-2-16
AMES: 01945343 Habenaria welwitschii H. G. Reichenbach Tanzania: Iringa District. 10 miles S of Dabraga. R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1569 1962-2-22
AMES: 01945342 Habenaria welwitschii H. G. Reichenbach Tanzania: Dabaga Highlands, 10 ml. S. of Dabaga on the... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1569 1962-2-22
AMES: 01949273 Holothrix longiflora Rolfe Tanzania: Tanganyika: Iringa District. Luhoto hill, 3 ... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1380 1962-2-7
AMES: 01945795 Peristylus Tanzania: 10 ml. S. E. of Iringa on the Dabaga road, I... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1373 1962-2-6
AMES: 01945371 Platycoryne ambigua (Kraenzlin) Summerhayes Tanzania: [Iringa Dist. 10 miles SE of Iringa] R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1372 1962-2-6
AMES: 02389002 Polystachya cultriformis Lindley ex Sprengel Tanzania: Iringa District; Dabaga Highlands, Kibengu, ... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1451 1962-2-13
A: 02389098 Polystachya tayloriana Rendle Kenya: Maunga, between Voi and Buchuma, Taita Dist. R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 949 1961-12-10
A: 02389098 Polystachya tenuissima Kraenzlin Kenya: Maunga, between Voi and Buchuma, Taita Dist. R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 949 1961-12-10
A: 02389113 Polystachya transvaalensis Schlechter Tanzania: Iringa Dabaga Highlands, Ihangana Forest Reserve, n... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1487 1962-2-15
A: 02341899 Pteroglossaspis eustachya Reichenbach f. Tanzania: Iringa Great North Road, Johns Corner, 53 ml. S. of... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1609A 1962-3-11
A: 01944223 Satyrium breve Rolfe Tanzania: Iringa District. Dabaga Highlands, Kibengu, ... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1501 1962-2-16
A: 01944296 Satyrium ciliatum Lindley Tanzania: Iringa District. Mt. Image, 50 ml. N. E. of ... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1624 1962-3-1
A: 01944247 Satyrium confusum Summerhayes Tanzania: Great North Road, 4 ml. N. of Iringa, Iringa... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1359 1962-2-5
AMES: 01944351 Satyrium sp. Tanzania: Iringa District. Dabaga Highlands, Kibengu, ... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1561 1962-2-21
A: 02158676 Vanilla roscheri H. G. Reichenbach Kenya: Coast Jilori, Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Reserve, 15 ml... R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 876 1961-11-28