Betulaceae A: 02194909 Betula papyrifera Marshall USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1196 1940-5-14
Brassicaceae GH: 00057236 Cochlearia sessilifolia Rollins USA: Alaska Kodiak Island, Horse Marine Bay, an arm of O... E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1587 1940-7-21
GH: 00018948 Cochlearia sessilifolia Rollins USA: Alaska Kodiak Island, Horse Marine Bay, an arm of O... E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1587 1940-7-21
Caryophyllaceae GH: 01743316 Cerastium beeringianum Chamisso & Schlechtendal USA: Alaska Near Cannery Station, Olga Bay E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1227 1940-6-1
GH: 01622228 Stellaria humifusa Rottbøll USA: Alaska Kodiak Island; Horse Marine Bay, near Olga B... E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1581 1940-7-21
Cyperaceae GH: 02393632 Carex canescens Linnaeus USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1255 1940-6-2
GH: 02393630 Carex canescens Linnaeus USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1478 1940-7-15
GH: 02393467 Carex marina Dewey USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1399 1940-6-25
GH: 02393464 Carex marina Dewey USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1436 1940-7-1
GH: 02393463 Carex marina Dewey USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1566 1940-7-21
GH: 01775026 Carex saxatilis Linnaeus USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1492 1940-7-15
GH: 01771366 Carex sp. USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1484 1940-7-15
GH: 01771367 Carex sp. USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1286 1940-6-10
GH: 01771368 Carex sp. USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1480 1940-7-15
GH: 01771406 Carex sp. USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1372 1940-6-18
GH: 02394953 Carex tenuiflora Wahlenberg USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1479 1940-7-15
GH: 02394952 Carex tenuiflora Wahlenberg USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1418 1940-6-29
Ericaceae GH: 01761860 Pyrola minor Linnaeus USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1335 1940-6-20
Fabaceae GH: 02177455 Lupinus nootkatensis Don USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1406 1940-6-25
GH: 02177510 Lupinus nootkatensis fruticosus Sims USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1272 1940-6-6
GH: 02177508 Lupinus nootkatensis fruticosus Sims USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1651 1940-8-1
Gentianaceae GH: 02072744 Gentiana glauca Pallas USA: Alaska Volcano Mt., Olga Bay E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1602 1940-7-28
GH: 02167845 Gentianella propinqua aleutica (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) J. M. Gillett USA: Alaska Near Cannery Station, Olga Bay Valley. E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1682 1940-8-12
Hippuridaceae GH: 02000420 Hippuris vulgaris Linnaeus USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1459 1940-7-1
Juncaceae GH: 02098745 Juncus alpinoarticulatus americanus (Farwell) Hämet-Ahti USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1429 1940-7-1
GH: 02400548 Juncus mertensianus Bongard USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1430 1940-7-1
GH: 02396558 Luzula arcuata (Wahlenberg) Swartz USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1700 1940-8-10
GH: 02117464 Luzula kjellmaniana Miyabe & Kudô USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1366 1940-6-18
GH: 02366891 Luzula multiflora frigida (Buchenau) V. I. Kreczetowicz USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1509 1940-7-15
GH: 02366971 Luzula sp. USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1713 1940-7-21
GH: 02366711 Luzula spicata Linnaeus USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1367 1940-6-18
Lycopodiaceae GH: 02077815 Lycopodium clavatum Linnaeus USA: Alaska Kodiak Island; Alitak E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1720 1940-8-24
Nymphaeaceae GH: 01740028 Nuphar polysepala Engelmann USA: Alaska Upper Station, Olga Bay; Pond near upper end... E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1387 1940-6-25
Onagraceae GH: 01673912 Epilobium anagallidifolium Lamarck USA: Alaska Cannery Mt., Olga Bay E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1706 1940-8-5
GH: 01671179 Epilobium ciliatum glandulosum (Lehmann) Hoch & P. H. Raven USA: Alaska Cannery Station, Olga Bay; Valley E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1636 1940-8-1
GH: 01776133 Epilobium hornemannii behringianum (Haussknecht) Hoch & P. H. Raven USA: Alaska Upper Station, Olga Bay E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1438 1940-6-28
GH: 01776134 Epilobium hornemannii behringianum (Haussknecht) Hoch & P. H. Raven USA: Alaska Upper Station, Olga Bay E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1446 1940-6-28
GH: 01776135 Epilobium hornemannii behringianum (Haussknecht) Hoch & P. H. Raven USA: Alaska Cannery Lake, Olga Bay district; Northern sh... E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1535 1940-7-15
Ophioglossaceae GH: 02282861 Botrychium lunaria (Linnaeus) Swartz USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1514b 1940-7-20
GH: 02282860 Botrychium lunaria (Linnaeus) Swartz USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1514c 1940-7-20
Orchidaceae AMES: 02065948 Coeloglossum viride bracteata (Muhlenberg) Grey USA: Alaska Kodiak Island. Cannery Mt., Olga Bay E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1693 1940-8-10
AMES: 02065949 Coeloglossum viride bracteata (Muhlenberg) Grey USA: Alaska Kodiak Island. Cannery Mt., Olga Bay E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1252 1940-6-6
AMES: 01938918 Corallorhiza trifida Châtelain USA: Alaska Kodiak Island. Upper Station, Olga Bay distr... E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1263 1940-6-1
AMES: 01938914 Corallorhiza trifida Châtelain USA: Alaska Kodiak Island. Upper Station, Olga Bay E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1215 1940-6-1
AMES: 02051283 Listera cordata (Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: Alaska Kodiak Island, near Cannery Station, Olga Ba... E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1264 1940-6-1
AMES: 02028663 Malaxis monophyllos brachypoda (A. Gray) F. Morris & E. A. Eames USA: Alaska Kodiak Island, Cannery Lake, Olga Bay distri... E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1337 1940-6-20
AMES: 02063501 Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindley ex Beck USA: Alaska Kodiak Island. Upper Station, Olga Bay distr... E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1463 1940-6-28
AMES: 02063527 Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindley ex Beck USA: Alaska Kodiak Island, Cannery Lake, Olga Bay distri... E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1518 1940-7-15
AMES: 02045501 Platanthera huronensis (Nuttall) Lindley USA: Alaska Kodiak Island. Cannery Mt., Olga Bay, Alitak E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1629 1940-7-23
AMES: 02045502 Platanthera huronensis (Nuttall) Lindley USA: Alaska Kodiak Island. Upper Station, Olga Bay distr... E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1500 1940-7-5
AMES: 02045508 Platanthera huronensis (Nuttall) Lindley USA: Alaska Kodiak Island. Cannery Station, Olga Bay E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1386 1940-6-15
AMES: 02045511 Platanthera huronensis (Nuttall) Lindley USA: Alaska Kodiak Island. Upper Station, Olga Bay distr... E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1451 1940-6-28
Pinaceae A: 00396785 Picea glauca (Moench) Voss USA: Alaska Uganik Bay; Kodiak Island E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1190 1940-5-14
Poaceae GH: 02465453 Puccinellia nutkaensis (J. Presl) Fernald & Weatherby USA: Alaska Kodiak Island; S. Gertie Storey Bay, an arm ... E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1561 1940-7-21
Portulacaceae GH: 01860504 Montia fontana Linnaeus USA: Alaska Cannery Station, Olga Bay; Rear of A.P.A. Ca... E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1449 1940-6-15
GH: 01860522 Montia fontana Linnaeus USA: Alaska Kodiak Island; Dog Salmon Creek, Olga Bay E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff 1330 1940-6-15