<< < Previous Aquifoliaceae A: 02519624 Ilex cymosa Blume Brunei: Along the road, south of Labu, Brunei Tember... M. Hotta 13562 1964-1-24
Araliaceae A: 02456445 Arthrophyllum sp. Brunei: Temburong Bt. Peradayan, in the vicinity of Labu M. Hotta 13608 1964-1-25
A: 02456442 Arthrophyllum sp. Brunei: Temburong Bt. Peradayan, in the vicinity of Labu M. Hotta 13608 1964-1-25
Begoniaceae A: 02228103 Begonia sp. Malaysia: Sabah Labuk and Sugut: along Sungai Maila (Meliau)... M. Hotta 20434 1976-9-1
A: 02228109 Begonia sp. Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: along valley of Sungai Berambang, nea... M. Hotta 20326 1976-8-25
Droseraceae A: 01973131 Drosera anglica Hudson Japan: Hokkaido Prov. Teshio: Kamisarobetsu-genya, Toyotomi-... M. Hotta 16728 1966-8-10
Ebenaceae A: 02479133 Diospyros mindanaensis Merrill Brunei: Bt. Teraja, Teraja forest reserve, Seria dis... M. Hotta 12812 1963-12-21
A: 02479207 Diospyros pilosanthera Blanco Malaysia: Sarawak En route from Kpg. Mendaram to Bt. Teraja, T... M. Hotta 12735 1963-12-18
A: 02479448 Diospyros sp. Brunei: Brunei and Muara En route from Kpg. Biang to Bt. Biang, Brune... M. Hotta 13310 1964-1-20
Elaeocarpaceae A: 02463356 Elaeocarpus sp. Brunei: east of Brunei town M. Hotta 13172 1964-1-16
Ericaceae A: 02439668 Ardisia polysticta Miquel Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) around air Sirah Plot, near pass of Padang-S... M. Hotta 26423 1981-2-4
A: 02544608 Vaccinium sp. Brunei: Temburong Bt. Peradayan, in the vicinity of Labu, Brun... M. Hotta 1363 1964-1-26
Euphorbiaceae A: 02559656 Macaranga bancana (Miquel) Müller Arg. Brunei: En route from Bangar to Kpg. Batu Sa-Puloh, ... M. Hotta 13967 1964-2-2
A: 02559757 Macaranga beccariana Merrill Brunei: Eastern slope of Bt. Bangar, Bangar, Brunei ... M. Hotta 13101 1964-1-19
A: 02414089 Macaranga hypoleuca (H. G. Reichenbach & Zollinger) Müller Arg. Brunei: Along Sungai Lacquan, a branch of Sungai Bat... M. Hotta 13834 1964-1-31
A: 02414643 Macaranga tanarius (Linnaeus) Müller Argoviensis Brunei: Hill area, east of Brunei town M. Hotta 13163 1964-1-16
A: 02414664 Macaranga trachyphylla Airy Shaw Brunei: Bt. Peradayan, in the vicinity of Labu, Brun... M. Hotta 13604 1964-1-25
A: 02414810 Macaranga winkleri Pax & K. Hoffmann Brunei: Temburong En route from Bangar to Sungai Betia M. Hotta 13397 1964-1-22
A: 02418858 Mallotus macrostachyus (Miquel) Müller Arg. Brunei: En route from Bangar to Sungai Betia, Brunei... M. Hotta 13416 1964-1-22
Fagaceae A: 02554466 Castanopsis sp. Brunei: Eastern slope of Bt. Bangar, Bangar, Brunei ... M. Hotta 13102 1964-1-19
A: 02555832 Lithocarpus nieuwenhuisii (Seemen) A. Camus Brunei: Loc. Eastern slope of Bt. Bangar, Bangar, Br... M. Hotta 13118 1964-1-19
A: 02531033 Lithocarpus urceolaris (Jack) Merrill Brunei: Temburong Loc. Eastern slope of Bt. Bangar, Bangar, Br... M. Hotta 13096 1964-1-19
Gnetaceae A: 02461344 Gnetum sp. Malaysia: Sabah Labuk and Sugut: along Sungai Maila (Meliau)... M. Hotta 20433 1976-9-1
Lythraceae A: 02519342 Sonneratia sp. Brunei: Temburong En route from Bangar to Kpg. Batu Sa-Puloh, ... M. Hotta 13950 1964-2-2
Malvaceae A: 02267158 Durio sp. Brunei: En route from Bangar to Kpg. Batu Sa-Puloh, ... M. Hotta 13966 1964-2-2
Melastomataceae A: 02557519 Astronia sp. Brunei: Northern slope of Bt. Bangar, Bangar, Brunei... M. Hotta 13265 1964-1-18
A: 02273528 Melastoma malabathricum Linnaeus Brunei: Along the route from Tutong to Sungai Lumut,... M. Hotta 13990 1963-10-6
Meliaceae A: 02480792 Aglaia hiernii King Brunei: Temburong Along the road, south of Labu, Brunei Tembro... M. Hotta 13542 1964-1-24
Moraceae A: 02411314 Ficus geocarpa Teijsmann Brunei: Sungai Tongkat, a branch of Sungai Batu-Apoi... M. Hotta 13746 1964-1-29
Myrtaceae A: 02449334 Rhodomyrtus tomentosus (Aiton) Hasskarl Brunei: Tutong Along the route from Tutong to Sungai Lumut,... M. Hotta 13992 1963-10-6
A: 02436854 Syzygium racemosum (Blume) de Candolle Brunei: Vicinity of waterfall, east of Brunei town M. Hotta 13186 1964-1-16
A: 02425547 Syzygium valdevenosum (Duthie) Merrill & L. M. Perry Brunei: Tutong Along the Sungai Tutong M. Hotta 13037 1964-1-6
Ochnaceae A: 02267762 Sauvagesia sp. Brunei: Northern slope of Bt. Bangar, Bangar, Brunei... M. Hotta 13258 1964-1-18
Oleaceae A: 02459611 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Brunei: east of Brunei town M. Hotta 13167 1964-1-16
Orchidaceae A: 01948424 Platanthera ussuriensis (Regel) Maximowicz Japan: Hokkaido. Prov. Iburi: Tomakomai. Experiment... M. Hotta 16751 1966-8-13
Phyllanthaceae A: 02475197 Antidesma coriaceum Tulasne Brunei: Bt. Peradayan, in the vicinity of Labu, Brun... M. Hotta 13629 1964-1-26
A: 02331634 Breynia sp. Brunei: Northern slope of Bt. Bangar, Bangar, Brunei... M. Hotta 13278 1964-1-18
Simaroubaceae A: 02252025 Brucea amarissima (Lour.) Desv. ex Gomes Brunei: Temburong Along Sungai Lacquan, a branch of Sungai Bat... M. Hotta 13835 1964-1-31
Symplocaceae A: 02601073 Symplocos confusa Brand Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Kinabalu National Park; Sg. Berambang... M. Hotta 20216 1976-8-25
A: 02601112 Symplocos ernae Brand Malaysia: Sabah Labuk and Sugut: along Sungai Maila (Meliau)... M. Hotta 20374 1976-9-1
A: 02601685 Symplocos sp. Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: in 10 m square of sampling plot near ... M. Hotta 20072 1976-8-15
Theaceae A: 02520488 Adinandra anisobasis Kobuski Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: along valley of Sungai Berambang, nea... M. Hotta 20324 1976-8-25
A: 02520987 Adinandra sp. Brunei: Brunei and Muara east of Brunei town M. Hotta 13162 1964-1-16
A: 02520866 Adinandra sp. Malaysia: Sabah Labuk and Sugut: along Sungai Maila (Meliau)... M. Hotta 20482 1976-9-3
A: 02520865 Adinandra sp. Malaysia: Sabah Labuk and Sugut: along Sungai Maila (Meliau)... M. Hotta 20381 1976-9-1
A: 02520864 Adinandra sp. Malaysia: Sabah Labuk and Sugut: along Sungai Maila (Meliau)... M. Hotta 20389 1976-9-1
GH: 01827021 Camellia sinensis (Linnaeus) Kuntze Japan: Osaka Honshu. Pref. Osaka: Akutagawa, Takatsuki-si M. Hotta 16000 1965-11-3
A: 02521612 Ternstroemia lowii Stapf Malaysia: Sabah Labuk and Sugut: along Sungai Maila (Meliau)... M. Hotta 20414 1976-9-1
A: 02521592 Ternstroemia lowii Stapf Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Above Carson's Camp, near Kamburongoh... M. Hotta 20112 1976-8-16
Verbenaceae A: 02526644 Vitex vestita Wallich ex Schauer Brunei: Sungai Tongkat, a branch of Sungai Batu-Apoi... M. Hotta 13744 1964-1-29