Boraginaceae A: 01956579 Amsinckia intermedia Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: Idaho on the Manns Creek Grade, 7 miles south of M... W. H. Baker 10227 1953-5-30
A: 01956631 Amsinckia lycopsoides Lehmann USA: Idaho Squaw Creek Summit, 15 miles southwest of Ma... W. H. Baker 10137 1953-5-27
A: 01956632 Amsinckia lycopsoides Lehmann USA: Idaho 20 miles southwest of Marsing W. H. Baker 10168 1953-5-27
A: 01956812 Amsinckia menziesii A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride USA: Idaho along the Cove Road, 9 miles east of Weiser W. H. Baker 10055 1953-5-25
A: 01956820 Amsinckia menziesii A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride USA: Idaho Bear Basin, 4 miles west of Payette Lake, Mc... W. H. Baker 10254 1953-7-8
A: 01957141 Amsinckia tessellata A. Gray USA: Idaho above the Snake River at Walter's Ferry W. H. Baker 10088 1953-5-26
A: 01957142 Amsinckia tessellata A. Gray USA: Idaho Rabbit Creek about one mile south of Murphy W. H. Baker 10100 1953-5-26
A: 01957823 Cryptantha affinis (A. Gray) Greene USA: Idaho North of Payette Lake, 8 miles north of McCa... W. H. Baker 10288 1953-7-8
A: 01957937 Cryptantha ambigua (A. Gray) Greene USA: Idaho slopes above Redfish Lake, Stanley Basin, Sa... W. H. Baker 10535 1953-7-21
A: 01957938 Cryptantha ambigua (A. Gray) Greene USA: Idaho along the Great Owl Cavern trail, Craters of... W. H. Baker 10474 1953-7-17
A: 02023443 Cryptantha echinella Greene USA: Idaho West slope of Smoky Mountain just below summ... W. H. Baker 11110 1953-8-20
A: 02025208 Cryptantha pterocarya (Torrey) Greene USA: Idaho About one miles south of Murphy W. H. Baker 10103 1953-5-26
A: 02025524 Cryptantha torreyana (A. Gray) Greene USA: Idaho 2 miles southwest of Headquarters, Craters o... W. H. Baker 10487 1953-7-18
A: 02026780 Greeneocharis circumscissa (Hooker & Arnott) Rydberg USA: Idaho About one mile south of Murphy W. H. Baker 10099 1953-5-26
A: 02027152 Hackelia cinerea (Piper) I. M. Johnston USA: Idaho Along the Yankee Fork of the Salmon River, 6... W. H. Baker 10784 1953-7-29
A: 02027244 Hackelia floribunda (Lehmann) I. M. Johnston USA: Idaho Along Hyndman Creek, 6 miles northeast of Tr... W. H. Baker 11003 1953-8-13
A: 02027261 Hackelia floribunda (Lehmann) I. M. Johnston USA: Idaho Along Fishhook Creek, 2 miles west of Redfis... W. H. Baker 10897 1953-8-7
A: 02027443 Hackelia micrantha (Eastwood) J. L. Gentry USA: Idaho High mountain ridge above Galena Summit W. H. Baker 10728 1953-7-25
A: 02027470 Hackelia micrantha (Eastwood) J. L. Gentry USA: Idaho East slope of Mt. Brundage, Payette Lakes, n... W. H. Baker 10273 1953-7-8
A: 01995037 Lappula redowskii (Hornemann) Greene USA: Idaho Along the Salmon Rover, 6 miles south of Sta... W. H. Baker 10735 1953-7-26
A: 01995031 Lappula redowskii (Hornemann) Greene USA: Idaho 9 miles south of Mountain Home W. H. Baker 10193 1953-5-29
A: 01995373 Lappula squarrosa (Retzius) Dumortier USA: Idaho Antelope Pass, above Copper Basin. T4N R23E ... W. H. Baker 11056 1953-8-15
Brassicaceae GH: 00932136 Boechera divaricarpa (A. Nelson) A. Löve & D. Löve USA: Idaho West side of Smoky Mountains just below summ... W. H. Baker 11112 1953-8-20
GH: 00960876 Boechera retrofracta (Graham) A. Löve & D. Löve USA: Idaho headquarters area, Craters of the Moon Natio... W. H. Baker 10453 1953-7-17
GH: 00944297 Boechera sp. USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. H. Baker 11054 1953-8-15
GH: 00948883 Boechera stricta (Graham) Al-Shehbaz USA: Idaho Along Alturas Lake Creek, Stanley Basin, Saw... W. H. Baker 10661 1953-7-25