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ECON Artifacts
Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[89005] and year collected:[1947]
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FH: 00265272
Didymium minus
(Lister) Morgan USA: Idaho north slope, West end of Thatuna Ridge, one-... W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21138 1947-10-4
FH: 00265963
Lycogala epidendrum
(J. C. Buxbaum ex Linnaeus) Fries USA: Idaho north facing slope in bottom of Clearwater C... W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19727 1947-6-7
FH: 00469926
Peltigera membranacea
(Acharius) Nylander USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19251 1947-4-2
FH: 00276159
Stemonitis axifera
(Bulliard) T. Macbride USA: California Squaw Valley Creek, Mt. Shasta W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 1947-7-10
FH: 00555033
Crepidotus sphaerosporus
(Patouillard) J. E. Lange USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20854 1947-9-27
FH: 00555040
Crepidotus variabilis
(Persoon) P. Kummer: Fries USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21404 1947-10-11
FH: 00555176
Cystoderma fallax
A. H. Smith & Singer USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21115 1947-10-4
FH: 00555177
Cystoderma fallax
A. H. Smith & Singer USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22667 1947-11-9
FH: 00555194
Cystoderma granulosum
(Batsch) Fayod USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20723 1947-9-27
FH: 00555197
Cystoderma granulosum
(Batsch) Fayod USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22273 1947-11-1
FH: 00559402
Gomphidius glutinosus
(Schaeffer) Fries: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22465 1947-11-9
FH: 00559714
Hebeloma crustuliniforme
(Bulliard) Quélet USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22408 1947-11-9
FH: 00559715
Hebeloma crustuliniforme
(Bulliard) Quélet USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20813 1947-9-27
FH: 00585530
Inocybe agglutinata
Peck USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22171 1947-11-2
FH: 00585588
Inocybe geophylla
(Fries) P. Kummer USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21467 1947-10-18
FH: 00590970
Lepiota clypeolaria
(Bulliard) P. Kummer: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22531 1947-11-8
FH: 00599267
Marasmius androsaceus
(Linnaeus) Fries: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22524 1947-11-8
FH: 00599288
Marasmius fuscopurpureus
(Persoon) Fries: Fries USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21062 1947-10-4
FH: 00599290
Marasmius fuscopurpureus
(Persoon) Fries: Fries USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21093 1947-10-4
FH: 00599291
Marasmius fuscopurpureus
(Persoon) Fries: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20967 1947-9-28
FH: 00599412
Marasmius thujinus
Peck USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22820 1947-11-28
FH: 00599655
Micromphale perforans
(Hoffmann) Gray USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20684 1947-9-20
FH: 00599749
Mycena amabilissima
Peck USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22105 1947-10-25
FH: 00599754
Mycena atroalboides
(Peck) Saccardo USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22413 1947-11-9
FH: 00599765
Mycena citrinomarginata
Gillet USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 24506 1947-10-18
FH: 00599792
Mycena delicatella
(Peck) A. H. Smith USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21043 1947-10-4
FH: 00599795
Mycena elegantula
Peck USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20808 1947-9-27
FH: 00599796
Mycena elegantula
Peck USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21056 1947-10-4
FH: 00599810
Mycena epipterygia
(Scopoli) Gray USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 18770 1947-11-13
FH: 00599886
Mycena leptocephala
(Persoon) Gillet USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20886-C 1947-9-27
FH: 00599887
Mycena leptocephala
(Persoon) Gillet USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20987 1947-9-28
FH: 00599894
Mycena metata
(Secretan ex Fries) P. Kummer USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22194 1947-11-2
FH: 00599895
Mycena metata
(Secretan ex Fries) P. Kummer USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21967 1947-10-25
FH: 00599896
Mycena metata
(Secretan ex Fries) P. Kummer USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21638 1947-10-18
FH: 00599897
Mycena metata
(Secretan ex Fries) P. Kummer USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21758-A 1947-10-23
FH: 00599944
Mycena plumbea robusta
A. H. Smith USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21821 1947-10-24
FH: 00543523
Mycena pseudoclavicularis
A. H. Smith USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21625 1947-10-18
FH: 00599962
Mycena pura
(Persoon) P. Kummer USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21273 1947-10-11
FH: 00599963
Mycena pura
(Persoon) P. Kummer USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21114 1947-10-4
FH: 00599964
Mycena pura
(Persoon) P. Kummer USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21884 1947-10-25
FH: 00599965
Mycena pura
(Persoon) P. Kummer USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22665 1947-11-9
FH: 00599966
Mycena pura
(Persoon) P. Kummer USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21441 1947-10-18
FH: 00599967
Mycena pura
(Persoon) P. Kummer USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21583 1947-10-18
FH: 00599968
Mycena purpureofusca
(Peck) Saccardo USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22333 1947-11-1
FH: 00599969
Mycena purpureofusca
(Peck) Saccardo USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22086 1947-10-25
FH: 00599970
Mycena purpureofusca
(Peck) Saccardo USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19851 1947-6-8
FH: 00599972
Mycena purpureofusca
(Peck) Saccardo USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 23430 1947-5-16
FH: 00599982
Mycena rosella
(Fries) P. Kummer USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22865 1947-11-28
FH: 00599983
Mycena rosella
(Fries) P. Kummer USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20859 1947-9-27
FH: 00604014
Mycena subplicosa
P. Karsten USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21967-A 1947-10-25
FH: 00604029
Mycena vulgaris
(Persoon) P. Kummer USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21092 1947-10-4
FH: 00584553
Psathyrella atrifolia
(Peck) A. H. Smith USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22623 1947-11-9
FH: 00546000
Strobilurus albipilatus
(Peck) V. L. Wells & Kempton USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21033 1947-10-4
FH: 00546001
Strobilurus albipilatus
(Peck) V. L. Wells & Kempton USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21300 1947-10-11
FH: 00527996
Xeromphalina cauticinalis
(Withering) Kühner & Maire USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20768 1947-9-27
FH: 00374750
Ascobolus furfuraceus
Persoon USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19531 1947-4-19
FH: 00445022
Saccobolus versicolor
(P. Karsten) P. Karsten USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19530 1947-4-19
FH: 00546069
Suillus amabilis
(Peck) Singer USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22341 1947-11-1
FH: 00546070
Suillus amabilis
(Peck) Singer USA: Washington Spokane: [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20954 1947-9-27
FH: 00546144
Suillus grevillei
(Klotzsch) Singer USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21081 1947-10-4
FH: 00546176
Suillus lakei
(Murrill) A. H. Smith & H. D. Thiers USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20781 1947-9-27
FH: 00546177
Suillus lakei
(Murrill) A. H. Smith & H. D. Thiers USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22397 1947-11-1
FH: 00546234
Suillus punctipes
(Peck) Singer USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22012 1947-10-25
FH: 00546235
Suillus punctipes
(Peck) Singer USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22175 1947-11-2
FH: 00546236
Suillus punctipes
(Peck) Singer USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21190 1947-10-4
FH: 00546237
Suillus punctipes
(Peck) Singer USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20924 1947-9-27
FH: 00546284
Suillus subluteus
(Peck) Snell USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21083 1947-10-4
FH: 00410846
Cladonia fimbriata
(Linnaeus) Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22573 1947
FH: 00410849
Cladonia fimbriata
(Linnaeus) Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22571 1947
FH: 00490196
Clavariadelphus ligula
(Schaeffer) Donk: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21648 1947-10-18
FH: 00490199
Clavariadelphus ligula
(Schaeffer) Donk: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22490 1947-11-8
FH: 00490241
Clavariadelphus unicolor
(Berkeley & Ravenel) Corner USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22760 1947-11-28
FH: 00590742
Lentaria mucida
(Persoon) Corner: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21565 1947-10-18
FH: 00590743
Lentaria mucida
(Persoon) Corner: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20862 1947-9-27
FH: 00590745
Lentaria mucida
(Persoon) Corner: Fries USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22046 1947-10-25
FH: 00590746
Lentaria mucida
(Persoon) Corner: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22540 1947-11-8
FH: 00588055
Ramaria botrytis
(Persoon) Ricken: Fries USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 18663 1947-5-3
FH: 00486265
Dacrymyces palmatus
(Schweinitz) Burt USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20689 1947-9-20
FH: 00434586
Hymenoscyphus virgultorum
(Vahl) W. Phillips USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21733 1947-10-23
FH: 00433892
Helvella lacunosa
Afzelius: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21518 1947-10-16
FH: 00433967
Helvella phlebophora
Patouillard & Doassans USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20734 1947-9-27
FH: 00481843
Auriscalpium vulgare
Gray USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20670 1947-9-19
FH: 00481844
Auriscalpium vulgare
Gray USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 23399 1947-4-15
FH: 00570314
Hydnum repandum
Linnaeus: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21481 1947-10-18
FH: 00416397
Calvatia sculpta
(Harkness) Lloyd USA: California Mud Creek Dam road, Mt. Shasta, Siskiyou Co.... W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19361 1947
FH: 00373836
Lycoperdon marginatum
Vittadini USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21119A 1947
FH: 00373863
Lycoperdon perlatum
Persoon USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22382 1947-11-1
FH: 00373867
Lycoperdon perlatum
Persoon USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22271 1947-11-1
FH: 00989500
Melampsora arctica
Rostrup USA: Washington 1 mile east of Springdale, southwest of side... W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21449 1947-10-18
FH: 00416473
Crucibulum laeve
(Hudson) Kambly USA: Idaho One half mile up Rackliff Ridge Trail from R... W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21248 1947-10-11
FH: 00416650
Cyathus stercoreus
(Schweinitz) De Toni USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22269 1947
FH: 00464709
Otidea concinna
(Fries) Saccardo USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22761 1947-11-28
FH: 00464792
Otidea leporina
(Batsch) Fuckel USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21878 1947-10-25
FH: 00465374
Peziza vesiculosa
Bulliard USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19529 1947-4-19
FH: 00555793
Fomitopsis pinicola
(Swartz: Fries) P. Karsten USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21484 1947-10-16
FH: 00555858
Fomitopsis subrosea
(Weir) Bondartsev & Singer USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22430 1947-11-9
FH: 00559884
Hirschioporus abietinus
(Dickson) Donk: Fries USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22766 1947-11-28
FH: 00559885
Hirschioporus abietinus
(Dickson) Donk: Fries USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19741 1947-6-7
FH: 00559887
Hirschioporus abietinus
(Dickson) Donk: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19547 1947-4-26
FH: 00605439
Phaeolus schweinitzii
(Fries) Patouillard USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21013 1947-10-4
FH: 00605979
Phellinus pini
(Brotero) A. Ames USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21029 1947-10-4
FH: 00584063
Polyporus varius
(Persoon: Fries) Fries USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 23427 1947-5-16
FH: 00546725
Trametes carbonaria
(Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Overholts USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21402 1947-10-11
FH: 00527444
Tyromyces caesius
(Schrader) Murrill: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22433 1947-11-9
FH: 00945282
Phragmidium ivesiae
Sydow & P. Sydow USA: Washington east edge of College Campus, Pullman, T.14N.... W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19697 1947-6-6
FH: 00945377
Phragmidium rosae-acicularis
Liro USA: Idaho 3.2 miles west of Mohler, northwest side of ... W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19797 1947-6-7
FH: 00949414
Puccinia rubigo-vera apocrypta
(Ellis & Tracy) Arthur USA: Washington 8.2 miles north of N.P. Ry. overpass north o... W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19568 1947-4-26
FH: 00949415
Puccinia rubigo-vera apocrypta
(Ellis & Tracy) Arthur USA: Washington Along California Creek near Valley Ford at a... W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19825 1947-6-8
FH: 00590154
Lactarius deliciosus
(Linnaeus) Gray: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 20748 1947-9-27
FH: 00590155
Lactarius deliciosus
(Linnaeus) Gray: Fries USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22113 1947-10-25
FH: 00511260
Scapania umbrosa
(Schrader) Dumortier USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 23293 1947
FH: 00604614
Botryobasidium vagum
(Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) D. P. Rogers USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19545 1947-4-21
FH: 00554521
Corticium udicola
Bourdot USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22594 1947-11-8
FH: 00585075
Hymenochaete tabacina
(Sowerby) Léveillé: Fries USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19652 1947-5-3
FH: 00585076
Hymenochaete tabacina
(Sowerby) Léveillé: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22510 1947-11-8
FH: 00607395
Stereum hirsutum
(Willdenow) Persoon USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21734 1947-10-23
FH: 00607793
Stereum sanguinolentum
(Albertini & Schweinitz) Fries: Fries USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 19706 1947-6-4
FH: 00546425
Thelephora caryophyllea
(Schaeffer) Persoon: Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 23392 1947-4-15
FH: 00546437
Thelephora intybacea
Persoon USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21015 1947-10-4
FH: 00486387
Exidia saccharina
Fries USA: Washington [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 21479 1947-10-18
FH: 00486572
Phlogiotis helvelloides
(de Candolle) G. W. Martin USA: Idaho [data not captured] W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 22328 1947-11-1