A: 00061253 acuminata (Lundell) Pipoly Costa Rica: Puntarenas Canton de Osa, vicinity of Vara Blanca, slop... P. H. Allen 5396 1949-11-23
A: 00061253 acuminata Lundell Costa Rica: Puntarenas Canton de Osa, vicinity of Vara Blanca, slop... P. H. Allen 5396 1949-11-23
GH: 00444536 arborea (Linnaeus) Britton & Rose Costa Rica: Puntarenas Canton de Osa, Vicinity of Palmar Norte, ban... P. H. Allen 5230 1949-3-31
GH: 00549702 copeyana Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Cartago Cordillera de Talamanca, near El Copey P. H. Allen 16482 1949-4-23
GH: 02158994 cynarocephalus (H. G. Reichenbach) H. G. Reichenbach Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas Experiment Station - Area between R... P. H. Allen 5327 1949-9-30
GH: 02112381 endresii H. G. Reichenbach Costa Rica: Alajuela Vcty. Vara Blanca, slopes of Poas Volcano P. H. Allen 5387 1949-11-23
GH: 02155443 equitantifolia (Ames) Dressler Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas Experiment Station - Area between R... P. H. Allen 5337 1949-9-30
GH: 00549702 garciae Standley Costa Rica: Cartago Cordillera de Talamanca, near El Copey P. H. Allen 16482 1949-4-23
A: 00589880 gracilis Hemsley Costa Rica: Puntarenas Vicinity of Esquinas Experiment Station, Gol... P. H. Allen 5329 1949-9-30
A: 00359505 grandis (Bartling ex de Candolle) Standley Costa Rica: Puntarenas Canton de Osa. Río Esquinas. Vicinity of Ki... P. H. Allen 5431 1949-12-8
AMES: 02161095 labiata Warszewicz & H. Gustav Reichenbach Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas Forest Preserve, vicinity of Rio Es... P. H. Allen 5330 1949-9-30
A: 00589880 litoralis L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Vicinity of Esquinas Experiment Station, Gol... P. H. Allen 5329 1949-9-30
GH: 02154861 longicaulis S. Watson Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas Experiment Station - Area between R... P. H. Allen 5335 1949-9-30
AMES: 01947431 monorrhiza (Swartz) H. G. Reichenbach Costa Rica: Along RR right of way about 1 mile out of to... P. H. Allen 5349 1949-11-2
A: 02360780 novagranatensis Moldenke Costa Rica: Puntarenas Vicinity of Esquinas Experiment Station, Gol... P. H. Allen 5367 1949-12-1
AMES: 00070637 octomerioides Schlechter Costa Rica: Vicinity of Palmar Norte. Forested area near... P. H. Allen 5355 1949-11
GH: 02111240 pallens H. G. Reichenbach Costa Rica: Cartago Vcty. Cabo Blaco, Irazu P. H. Allen 5400 1949-11
AMES: 02387140 purpurea (Lamarck) de Candolle Costa Rica: Puntarenas Canton de Osa; Vicinity of Golfito de Golfo ... P. H. Allen 5338 1949-10-28
GH: 02124146 pygmaea (Hooker) W. E. Higgins Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas Experimental Station - Area between... P. H. Allen 5325 1949-9-30
A: 00359505 rivularis L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Canton de Osa. Río Esquinas. Vicinity of Ki... P. H. Allen 5431 1949-12-8
Apocynaceae GH: 02383113 Rauvolfia hirsuta Jacquin Costa Rica: Río Grande de Terraba, Vicinity of La Presa... P. H. Allen 5287 1949-5-6
GH: 02009674 Stemmadenia donnell-smithii (Rose ex Donnell Smith) Woodson Costa Rica: Trail from Palmar Norte to Cañablancal, ban... P. H. Allen 5227 1949-3-31