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Next page >Melastomataceae GH: 00073058 Osbeckia leschenaultiana de Candolle India: R. Wight 1085
GH: 00073059 Osbeckia lineolata Gamble India: R. Wight 1090
GH: 00071657 Oxyspora umbellata (Hooker f. ex Triana) J. F. Maxwell India: Tenasserim and Andamans J. W. Helfer 2260
Meliaceae GH: 00053206 Aglaia edulis (Roxburgh) Wallich India: Meghalaya Khasia, 4000-5000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 16
GH: 00053206 Aglaia khasiana Hieronymus India: Meghalaya Khasia, 4000-5000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 16
GH: 00099018 Cedrela toona stracheyi C. de Candolle India: Uttarakhand Kumaon, 1-3500 ft R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 1
GH: 00099019 Cedrela toona cuspidata C. de Candolle India: D. Ritchie 1660
A: 00044779 Guarea binectarifera Roxburgh India: W. Roxburgh
A: 00255318 Munronia India: Madras, Dopoasampague, Billigirirangan Hills... E. Barnes 670 1938-12-20
A: 00255311 Munronia pinnata (Wallich) W. Theobald India: Eastern Himalaya, Chamokdangi Tarai G. H. Cave 1912-4-16
A: 00255313 Munronia pinnata (Wallich) W. Theobald India: Eastern Himalaya, Golna Tarai G. H. Cave 1913-3-20
GH: 00255316 Munronia pinnata (Wallich) W. Theobald India: Mont. Nilghiri V. Kurg. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 00255318 Munronia pinnata (Wallich) W. Theobald India: Madras, Dopoasampague, Billigirirangan Hills... E. Barnes 670 1938-12-20
GH: 00255315 Munronia pinnata (Wallich) W. Theobald India: Eastern India, Province of Khássia, Environ... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 517 1855-10-1
GH: 00255321 Munronia pinnata (Wallich) W. Theobald India: East Bengal W. Griffith 1033 1861
A: 00255311 Munronia wallichii Wight India: Eastern Himalaya, Chamokdangi Tarai G. H. Cave 1912-4-16
A: 00255313 Munronia wallichii Wight India: Eastern Himalaya, Golna Tarai G. H. Cave 1913-3-20
GH: 00255316 Munronia wallichii Wight India: Mont. Nilghiri V. Kurg. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00255315 Munronia wallichii Wight India: Eastern India, Province of Khássia, Environ... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 517 1855-10-1
GH: 00255321 Munronia wallichii Wight India: East Bengal W. Griffith 1033 1861
GH: 00099018 Toona ciliata M. Roemer India: Uttarakhand Kumaon, 1-3500 ft R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 1
GH: 00099019 Toona ciliata M. Roemer India: D. Ritchie 1660
A: 00044985 Walsura robusta Roxburgh India: W. Roxburgh
GH: 00091057 Walsura tubulata Hiern India: East Himalaya [Khasia] W. Griffith 1058
Meliolaceae FH: 00301614 Meliola cladotricha Léveillé India: Maharashtra Poona 1935-11-12
Menispermaceae GH: 00423113 Cocculus sp. India: [Syllet] N. Wallich 4960
GH: 00423113 Hypserpa cuspidata (Hooker f. & Thomson) Miers India: [Syllet] N. Wallich 4960
GH: 00423113 Hypserpa nitida Miers India: [Syllet] N. Wallich 4960
GH: 00963911 Jateorhiza palmata Miers India: West Bengal HBC [Hort. Bot. Calcutta] [no data available]
GH: 00423113 Limacia cuspidata Hooker f. & Thomson India: [Syllet] N. Wallich 4960
A: 01248103 Tinospora cordifolia (Willdenow) Miers ex Hooker f. & Thomson India: Tamil Nadu South Arcot Dist. Chidambaram taluk Annamala... N. Venugopal RHT 22758 1979
A: 01547654 Tinospora cordifolia (Willdenow) Miers ex Hooker f. & Thomson India: Tamil Nadu Negapatam. R. Wight
Meteoriaceae FH: 00301341 Cryptopapillaria feae (Müller Halle ex M. Fleischer) M. Menzel India: Sikkim Sikkim
FH: 00213724 Meteorium flammeum Mitten India: Sikkim Himalaya J. D. Hooker 804
FH: 00213725 Meteorium flammeum Mitten India: Sikkim Himalaya J. D. Hooker 804
FH: 00213726 Meteorium flammeum Mitten India: Sikkim Himalaya J. D. Hooker 804
FH: 00301273 Meteorium nitidum Mitten India: Sikkim Sikkim-Himalaya, prope Kurseong, alt. 1900 m... Rev. Bretaudeau 1895-10
FH: 00301270 Meteorium plicifolium Müller Halle India: Sikkim Sikkim-Himalaya, prope Kurseong Rev. P. Decoly & Schaul 1899-11-7
FH: 00301336 Papillaria feae Müller Halle ex M. Fleischer India: Sikkim Sikkim-Himalaya, prope Kurseong, Mahaldaram ... Rev. P. Decoly & Schaul 1899-4-13
FH: 00301341 Papillaria feae Müller Halle ex M. Fleischer India: Sikkim Sikkim
FH: 00301342 Papillaria feae Müller Halle ex M. Fleischer India: Sikkim Sikkim-Himalaya, prope Kurseong Rev. P. Decoly & Schaul 1899-12-27
FH: 00301336 Papillaria fuscescens (Hooker) A. Jaeger India: Sikkim Sikkim-Himalaya, prope Kurseong, Mahaldaram ... Rev. P. Decoly & Schaul 1899-4-13
FH: 00301341 Papillaria fuscescens (Hooker) A. Jaeger India: Sikkim Sikkim
FH: 00301342 Papillaria fuscescens (Hooker) A. Jaeger India: Sikkim Sikkim-Himalaya, prope Kurseong Rev. P. Decoly & Schaul 1899-12-27
Mimosaceae GH: 01547496 Acacia caesia (Linnaeus) Willdenow India: East Bengal W. Griffith 1924
GH: 01547495 Acacia caesia (Linnaeus) Willdenow India: [no additional data] [no data available] 895
GH: 01680258 Mimosa pudica Linnaeus India: Hort. Bot. Calcutta [no data available]
Mniaceae FH: 00213851 Mnium ligulaceum Müller Halle India: Northwest Himalaya, Dehra Dun, Arnigold prop... 1894-6-23
Moniliaceae FH: 00953833 Oidium abelmoschi Thümen India: Maharashtra [no additional data]
Moraceae GH: 00034460 Dorstenia indica Wallich India:
A: 00263464 Ficus benghalensis Linnaeus India: Tamil Nadu Rasipuram. Kolli hills, on the way to Aruvit... P. Perumal 23510 1979-7-5
A: 00963931 Ficus benghalensis Linnaeus India: Karnataka (Mysore) Hattikeri; Bombay Presidency J. Fernandes 2116 1951-1-20
A: 00963929 Ficus benghalensis Linnaeus India: Himachal Pradesh Negrota, Kangra, Punjab. W. N. Koelz 1713 1931-3-10
GH: 02412526 Ficus elastica Roxburgh ex Hornemann India: Silhet. J. D. Hooker
A: 00046843 Ficus sikkimensis Miquel India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 00046845 Ficus trachycarpa Miquel India: Himal. Bor. Occ. T. Thomson
GH: 00034978 Pseudostreblus indica Bureau India: Meghalaya Khasia Mountains, 2000-5000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 00034976 Pseudostreblus indica Bureau India: Meghalaya Khasia Mountains, Borpanee River, 4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 00034977 Pseudostreblus indica Bureau India: Meghalaya Khasia Mountains, 2000-5000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02412526 Urostigma elasticum (Roxb. ex Hornem.) Miq. India: Silhet. J. D. Hooker
Myristicaceae GH: 00039833 Knema erratica (Hooker f. & Thomson) J. Sinclair India: Meghalaya Khasia, 2000-3000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00039831 Myristica attenuata Wallich ex Hooker f. & Thomson India: N. Wallich 1832
GH: 00039833 Myristica erratica Hooker f. & Thomson India: Meghalaya Khasia, 2000-3000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
Myrsinaceae GH: 00106624 Ardisia khasiana C. B. Clarke India: Meghalaya Mont Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 27
A: 02440128 Ardisia sanguinolenta Blume India: Jharkhand Karo Highlands, Sumatra (East Coast); Deleng... C. Hamel & R. S. Toroes 532 1928-6-8
Myrtaceae GH: 00255223 Acmena wightiana Walpers India: Malabar Concan J. E. Stocks & J. S. Law
A: 00069432 Cleistocalyx nicobaricus (King) Merrill & L. M. Perry India: Andaman and Nicobar Islands Nicobar Islands W. S. Kurz
A: 00069434 Cleistocalyx operculatus (Roxburgh) Merrill & L. M. Perry India: W. Roxburgh
A: 01143294 Eugenia balsamea Wight India: India N. Wallich 3592
A: 01143293 Eugenia balsamea Wight India: India N. Wallich 3592
A: 01143295 Eugenia balsamea Wight India: India N. Wallich 3592
A: 01143292 Eugenia bifaria Wallich India: India N. Wallich 3605
A: 01143291 Eugenia bifaria Wallich India: India N. Wallich 3605
A: 01143243 Eugenia brachiata Roxburgh India: Penang [Handwritten annotation on label] N. Wallich 3576
A: 01143244 Eugenia brachiata Roxburgh India: Penang N. Wallich 3576
A: 01143297 Eugenia brachiata Roxburgh India: India orientale N. Wallich 3576 1816
A: 01143304 Eugenia brachiata Roxburgh India: India N. Wallich 3576 1816
GH: 01143290 Eugenia calophyllifolia Wight India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis Wight 1041 1866
A: 00255240 Eugenia caryophyllaea Wight India: North Canara [North Karnataka] A. P. Young
A: 01143244 Eugenia cinerea Kurz India: Penang N. Wallich 3576
A: 01143297 Eugenia cinerea Kurz India: India orientale N. Wallich 3576 1816
A: 01143304 Eugenia cinerea Kurz India: India N. Wallich 3576 1816
A: 00069418 Eugenia claviflora Roxburgh India: W. Roxburgh
A: 01143276 Eugenia frondosa Wallich ex Duthie India: [Nepal] N. Wallich 3590
A: 00255236 Eugenia jambolana Lamarck India: Kodaikanal Region, Pulney Hills. Altitude 10... A. Anglade
A: 01143292 Eugenia laurifolia (de Candolle) Roxburgh India: India N. Wallich 3605
A: 01143291 Eugenia laurifolia (de Candolle) Roxburgh India: India N. Wallich 3605
A: 00872045 Eugenia linearis Duthie India: N. Wallich 3596
GH: 00069430 Eugenia manii King India: Andaman and Nicobar Islands Andamans Dr. King's Collector [Malaysia] 1884
A: 00069432 Eugenia nicobarica King India: Andaman and Nicobar Islands Nicobar Islands W. S. Kurz
A: 00069434 Eugenia operculata Roxburgh India: W. Roxburgh
A: 01143251 Eugenia operculata Roxburgh India: India N. Wallich
A: 00069442 Eugenia ramosissima (Blume) Wallich ex Duthie India: Wallich Cat. 3604
A: 00069441 Eugenia ramosissima (Blume) Wallich ex Duthie India: Wallich Cat. 3604
A: 01143304 Eugenia sp. India: India N. Wallich 3576 1816
GH: 01143272 Eugenia sp. India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis [Courtallum, Tin... N. Wallich 1054
A: 00069449 Eugenia venusta Roxburgh India: Tippera W. Roxburgh
GH: 01143272 Jambosa courtallensis Gamble India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis [Courtallum, Tin... N. Wallich 1054
A: 01143291 Jambosa laurifolia de Candolle India: India N. Wallich 3605
GH: 01143272 Jambosa sp. India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis [Courtallum, Tin... N. Wallich 1054
A: 00071182 Myrtus laurina Retzius India: J. G. Koenig
A: 01143294 Syzygium balsameum (Wight) Wallich ex Walpers India: India N. Wallich 3592
A: 01143293 Syzygium balsameum (Wight) Wallich ex Walpers India: India N. Wallich 3592
A: 01143295 Syzygium balsameum (Wight) Wallich ex Walpers India: India N. Wallich 3592
A: 01143297 Syzygium brachiatum (Roxburgh) Miquel India: India orientale N. Wallich 3576 1816
GH: 01143290 Syzygium calophyllifolium Walpers India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis Wight 1041 1866
A: 00255241 Syzygium caryophyllaeum Gaertner India: Pulayanarkota hill, Trivandrum, Tharancore E. W. Erlanson 5416 1934-2-13
A: 00255240 Syzygium caryophyllatum (Linnaeus) Alston India: North Canara [North Karnataka] A. P. Young
A: 00255239 Syzygium caryophylliflorum (Ridley) Merrill & L. M. Perry India: Bombay Presidency J. Fernandes 1888 1950-11-25
A: 01143243 Syzygium cinereum (Kurz) Wallich ex Merrill & L. M. Perry India: Penang [Handwritten annotation on label] N. Wallich 3576
A: 01143244 Syzygium cinereum (Kurz) Wallich ex Merrill & L. M. Perry India: Penang N. Wallich 3576
A: 01143297 Syzygium cinereum (Kurz) Wallich ex Merrill & L. M. Perry India: India orientale N. Wallich 3576 1816
A: 01143304 Syzygium cinereum (Kurz) Wallich ex Merrill & L. M. Perry India: India N. Wallich 3576 1816
GH: 01143272 Syzygium courtallense (Gamble) Alston India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis [Courtallum, Tin... N. Wallich 1054
A: 01143276 Syzygium cumini (Linnaeus) Skeels India: [Nepal] N. Wallich 3590
A: 00071329 Syzygium heyneanum Wallich India: Wallich Cat. 3599
A: 01153756 Syzygium laetum (Buchanan-Hamilton) Gandhi India: Bombay Presidency: Region east of Goa bounda... J. Fernandes 781 1950-1-17
A: 01143243 Syzygium lanceolatum (Linnaeus) Wight & Arnott India: Penang [Handwritten annotation on label] N. Wallich 3576
A: 01143292 Syzygium laurifolium (de Candolle) N. P. Balakrishnan India: India N. Wallich 3605
A: 01143291 Syzygium laurifolium (de Candolle) N. P. Balakrishnan India: India N. Wallich 3605
A: 00872045 Syzygium lineare Wallich ex Gamble India: N. Wallich 3596
A: 02436484 Syzygium politum (King) I. M. Turner India: India N. Wallich 3626
A: 01153752 Syzygium salicifolium J. Graham India: Bombay Presidency: Road from Kumta to Sirsi,... J. Fernandes 205 1949-3-19
A: 01153753 Syzygium salicifolium J. Graham India: Bombay Presidency: road from Kumta to Sirsi J. Fernandes 132 1949-3-13
GH: 01143253 Syzygium sp. India: Peninsulae Indiae Orientalis Wight 1044
A: 01143250 Syzygium sp. India: [Siboga] F. A. W. Miquel
A: 01143251 Syzygium sp. India: India N. Wallich
A: 01143276 Syzygium venosum de Candolle India: [Nepal] N. Wallich 3590
A: 00071341 Syzygium wightianum Wallich ex Wight & Arnott India: Dindigul Hills, Madras Wallich Cat. 3577
A: 01143243 Syzygium wightianum Wallich ex Wight & Arnott India: Penang [Handwritten annotation on label] N. Wallich 3576
A: 00872045 Syzygium zeylanicum (Linnaeus) de Candolle India: N. Wallich 3596
Neckeraceae FH: 00286011 Calyptothecium himantocladioides E. B. Bartram India: West Bengal 5000 ft. 1956-10-10
FH: 00301891 Calyptothecium himantocladioides E. B. Bartram India: West Bengal Darjeeling H. C. Gangulee 3028 1956-10-10
FH: 00301270 Calyptothecium nitidum (Renauld & Cardot) M. Fleischer India: Sikkim Sikkim-Himalaya, prope Kurseong Rev. P. Decoly & Schaul 1899-11-7
FH: 00301271 Calyptothecium nitidum (Renauld & Cardot) M. Fleischer India: Sikkim Sikkim: Kurseong Rev. P. Decoly 1899
FH: 00301272 Calyptothecium nitidum (Renauld & Cardot) M. Fleischer India: Sikkim Sikkim
FH: 00301273 Calyptothecium nitidum (Renauld & Cardot) M. Fleischer India: Sikkim Sikkim-Himalaya, prope Kurseong, alt. 1900 m... Rev. Bretaudeau 1895-10
FH: 00458541 Neckera kegeliana Müller Halle India: Maharashtra Mumbai: Bombay [no data available]
FH: 00286011 Neckeropsis crinita (Griffith) M. Fleischer India: West Bengal 5000 ft. 1956-10-10
FH: 00284414 Neckeropsis exserta (Hooker ex Schwägrichen) Brotherus India: Tamil Nadu Kodaikanal 1924
Nelumbonaceae ECON: 02411292 Nelumbo nucifera Gaertner India: Uttar Pradesh Lucknow: Around Lucknow B. N. Mehrotra [illegible] 1975-7-18
Nepenthaceae GH: 01871022 Nepenthes distillaloria Linnaeus India: [no additional data] R. Wight
GH: 01871032 Nepenthes distillaloria Linnaeus India: West Bengal Kolkata: Hort. Calcut. [no data available]
GH: 01871039 Nepenthes khasiana Hooker f. India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01871039 Nepenthes phyllamphora Willdenow India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 01871048 Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack India: [no additional data] N. Wallich
Nyctaginaceae GH: 00037342 Boerhavia stellata Wight India: R. Wight 2469
Nymphaeaceae GH: 00978641 Nymphaea alba Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Srinagar: Dal Lake D. P. Zutshi 017 1972
GH: 00978643 Nymphaea candida C. Presl India: Jammu and Kashmir Srinagar: Dal Lake W. N. Koelz 8951 1936-7-18
GH: 00978642 Nymphaea candida C. Presl India: Jammu and Kashmir Main valley near Srinahar R. R. Stewart 14063 1934-7
GH: 00978645 Nymphaea magnifica Conard India: Concan [Konkan] J. E. Stocks
A: 00978663 Nymphaea nouchali N. L. Burman India: Bombay Presidency; Sirsi J. Fernandes 1950-11-9
A: 00978656 Nymphaea nouchali N. L. Burman India: near Tirurellam, 4 ms. south of Trivandrum, ... E. W. Erlanson 5021 1933-12-7
GH: 00978653 Nymphaea pubescens Willdenow India: Assam Upper Assam J. D. Hooker 360 1841
GH: 00978650 Nymphaea pubescens Willdenow India: Uttar Pradesh Muradabad [Moradabad] T. Thomson
GH: 00978648 Nymphaea pubescens Willdenow India: West Bengal Sanarampore [Serampore?]; N. W. Plains [no data available]
GH: 00987688 Nymphaea pubescens Willdenow India: Calcutta C. B. Ramsay
GH: 00978671 Nymphaea tetragona Georgi India: Jammu and Kashmir Aishmakam, Lidder Valley R. R. Stewart 14102 1934-7
GH: 00978670 Nymphaea tetragona Georgi India: Jammu and Kashmir Drained lake basin of Kasmir; environs of Sr... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-8-10
Oleaceae GH: 00342246 Ligustrum myrsinites Decaisne India: Mont. Khasia, Regio temp. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00342246 Ligustrum sp. India: Mont. Khasia, Regio temp. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 00031325 Linociera wightii C. B. Clarke India: Courtallum R. Wight 1791
A: 00286739 Myxopyrum smilacifolium Blume India: On road to Anakayam; Vicinity of Poringal Ku... J. Fernandes 259 1953-2-20
Onagraceae GH: 00053890 Circaea alpina imaicola Ascherson & Magnus India: "Peninsula Indiae Orientalis" R. Wight 989
GH: 00054043 Epilobium conspersum Haussknecht India: Sikkim Regio temp., 10-14,000 ft J. D. Hooker
GH: 00054044 Epilobium sikkimense Haussknecht India: Sikkim Regio temp., 10-14,000 ft J. D. Hooker
GH: 00054047 Epilobium trichophyllum Haussknecht India: Sikkim Regio temp., 10-12,000 ft J. D. Hooker
Opegraphaceae FH: 00259428 Opegrapha martii Nylander India: West Bengal Kolkata: A. von Krempelhuber
Ophioglossaceae GH: 02580248 Japanobotrychum sp. India: Himachal Pradesh Simla: [no additional data] [no data available]
Opiliaceae GH: 01003467 Opilia amentacea Roxburgh India: Kodaikanal Region, Pulney Hills A. Anglade
A: 01003460 Opilia amentacea Roxburgh India: Hosur Taluk. District Salem K. Yeshoda 314 1932-5-25
A: 01003459 Opilia amentacea Roxburgh India: Tamil Nadu Yercad; Shevaroys, Kombuthooki K. M. Matthew 27738 1980-4-25
Orchidaceae GH: 00256473 Acampe dentata Lindley India: Sikkim 2000 ft. J. D. Hooker
GH: 00256473 Acampe papillosa Lindley India: Sikkim 2000 ft. J. D. Hooker
GH: 02387919 Acanthophippium sylhetense Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 121 1891-4
GH: 02387918 Acanthophippium sylhetense Lindley India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00217869 Aceras angustifolia Lindley India: J. D. Hooker
GH: 00000074 Acrochaene punctata Lindley India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker s.n.
GH: 00000097 Aerides hystrix Lindley India: Sikkim 2000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00000100 Aerides lindleyana Wight India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis R. Wight 2985
GH: 00103871 Aerides ringens (Lindley) C. E. C. Fischer India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis R. Wight 2982
GH: 00000102 Aerides taeniale Lindley India: Khasi Hills J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00000110 Agrostophyllum brevipes King & Pantling India: Sikkim R. Pantling 34 1893-5
GH: 02338611 Agrostophyllum callosum H. G. Reichenbach India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 02338612 Agrostophyllum callosum H. G. Reichenbach India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02338608 Agrostophyllum callosum H. G. Reichenbach India: Sikkim Sikkim Himalaya. R. Pantling 477 1899-7
AMES: 00085855 Agrostophyllum callosum H. G. Reichenbach India: Sikkim Sikkim Himalaya J. D. Hooker 201
AMES: 02338615 Agrostophyllum planicaule Reichenbach f. India: Assam [no additional data] S. E. Rita
AMES: 02338736 Agrostophyllum sp. Blume India: Assam "Assam" S. E. Rita
GH: 00000184 Anoectochilus grandiflorus Lindley India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 00000187 Anoectochilus lanceolatus Lindley India: Meghalaya Mount Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02389380 Anthogonium gracile Lindley India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
AMES: 02389372 Anthogonium gracile Lindley India: Moulmein T. Lobb 349
AMES: 02389369 Anthogonium gracile Lindley India: Nagaland Kohima: Assam N. L. Bor 16133 1942-8-8
GH: 02389368 Anthogonium gracile Lindley India: Sikkim R. Pantling 54 1898
GH: 02389367 Anthogonium gracile Lindley India: Sikkim R. Pantling 54 1898
GH: 01951324 Aorchis spathulata (Lindley) Vermeulen India: Chumbi Valley R. Pantling 382 1895-7
GH: 01951325 Aorchis spathulata (Lindley) Vermeulen India: Lachoong Valley R. Pantling 327 1895-7
GH: 01951326 Aorchis spathulata (Lindley) Vermeulen India: Sin-ga-le-la range R. Pantling 327 1896-7
AMES: 01951328 Aorchis spathulata (Lindley) Vermeulen India: Ehanshir Pass, Garhwal, Dehra Dun. N. Parmanand 187 1934-6-22
AMES: 01951329 Aorchis spathulata (Lindley) Vermeulen India: Ehanshir Pass, Garhwal, Dehra Dun. N. Parmanand 187 1934-6-22
AMES: 00287159 Apaturia smithiana Lindley India: Kudjurea-ghaut in regno Oude N. Wallich 3737 1828
GH: 02162146 Apetalon minutum Wight India: Kalanaddi D. Ritchie 705
AMES: 01941371 Aphyllorchis gollanii Duthie India: Uttarakhand Nág Tiba J. F. Duthie 24146 1900-7
GH: 01941372 Aphyllorchis montana H. G. Reichenbach India: Sikkim Suioke R. Pantling 344 1898-8
GH: 00000197 Aphyllorchis parviflora King & Pantling India: Sikkim Jeumtong, 11000 feet R. Pantling 383 1897-7
GH: 00000198 Aphyllorchis parviflora King & Pantling India: Sikkim Lachen & Chumbi R. Pantling 383 1895
AMES: 01941378 Aphyllorchis sp. India: South India. Travancore K. Yeshoda 628 1933
AMES: 01988996 Apostasia wallichii R. Brown India: [illegible] [data not captured] 1870-6
GH: 02339975 Appendicula cornuta Blume India: [illegible] [illegible] 1923-9-12
AMES: 02339974 Appendicula cornuta Blume India: [illegible] L. L. Jean-Pierre 1867-4
GH: 02339973 Appendicula cornuta Blume India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 1899-8
AMES: 02339978 Appendicula hexandra (J. Koenig) J. J. Smith India: [no additional data] [illegible]
AMES: 02339984 Appendicula sp. Blume India: Paci-si, and Vicinity N.-E. of Mon-cay, Tonk... W. T. Tsang 26922 1936-10-1
GH: 02340266 Appendicula sp. Blume India: Malabar T. Anderson 169 1861-10-19
GH: 00000264 Arundina affinis Griffith India: Khasi Hills J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00000262 Arundina bambusifolia Lindley India: Khasi Hills J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00000263 Arundina bambusifolia Lindley India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02174381 Arundina bambusifolia Lindley India: Assam; Janitia Hills [data not captured] 263 1899-6
AMES: 02174414 Arundina chinensis Blume India: Assam-Burma border, Moreh, A. A. Bullock 1945-8
A: 02174411 Arundina chinensis Blume India: Arunachal Pradesh Seppa K. C. Sahni & H. B. Naithani 1977-4-19
AMES: 02174414 Arundina graminifolia (D. Don) Hochreutiner India: Assam-Burma border, Moreh, A. A. Bullock 1945-8
A: 02174411 Arundina graminifolia (D. Don) Hochreutiner India: Arunachal Pradesh Seppa K. C. Sahni & H. B. Naithani 1977-4-19
AMES: 00082298 Ascocentrum ampullaceum aurantiacum Pradhan India: Manipur R. K. Mohendrajit Singh 1976
GH: 00000301 Biermannia bimaculata (King & Pantling) King & Pantling India: Sikkim Tenta Valley, 1500 feet R. Pantling 209 1899-7
AMES: 02387297 Bletia sp. India: [no additional data] [no data available]
AMES: 01949329 Brachycorythis galeandra (H. G. Reichenbach) Summerhayes India: Meghalaya Khasi Hills [illegible] 12 1874-8
GH: 01949347 Brachycorythis obcordata (Lindley) Summerhayes India: Uttarakhand Jágesar Kumaon. R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 40
GH: 01949348 Brachycorythis obcordata (Lindley) Summerhayes India: Himalayas. [no data available]
AMES: 01949352 Brachycorythis obcordata (Lindley) Summerhayes India: [no additional data] Herb. Falconer 1046
GH: 01949353 Brachycorythis obcordata (Lindley) Summerhayes India: [Kharya [data not captured]
GH: 01949354 Brachycorythis obcordata (Lindley) Summerhayes India: [no additional data] Herb. Falconer 1046
AMES: 01949357 Brachycorythis obcordata (Lindley) Summerhayes India: United Provinces Northwest Himalaya. West of... R. R. Stewart 14974 1935-8-24
AMES: 01949362 Brachycorythis sp. India: Ukhrul F. Kingdon-Ward 17726 1948-6-24
AMES: 02340925 Bromheadia finlaysoniana (Lindley) Miquel India: Assam [no additional data] S. E. Rita
GH: 02386281 Bulbophyllum affine Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 154 1891-6
GH: 02386280 Bulbophyllum affine Lindley India: Mong. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02386285 Bulbophyllum bisetum Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya; Rungbee R. Pantling 192 1892-9
GH: 02386294 Bulbophyllum careyanum Sprengel India: Kala Nuddi D. Ritchie 766
AMES: 00001021 Bulbophyllum caudatum L. O. Williams India: N. Wallich 1983
GH: 02386300 Bulbophyllum caudatum L. O. Williams India: Saru Bathan R. Pantling 50 1894-6
GH: 02386299 Bulbophyllum caudatum L. O. Williams India: Choongthang R. Pantling 50 1895-7
GH: 02386302 Bulbophyllum cauliflorum Hooker f. India: West Bengal Sitong R. Pantling 221 1895-7
GH: 02386301 Bulbophyllum cauliflorum Hooker f. India: Meghalaya [Comsher?], Jaintea Hills D. Prain 153 1899-5
AMES: 02386303 Bulbophyllum clarkeanum King & Pantl. India: Chingkhu N. L. Bor 16230 1942
GH: 02386323 Bulbophyllum cylindraceum Lindley India: Sikkim R. Pantling 239 1898
GH: 02386327 Bulbophyllum delitescens Hance India: Sonkinjeri, Jaintea Hills D. Prain 298 1899-7
GH: 02386329 Bulbophyllum elatum (Hooker f.) J. J. Smith India: Choongthang R. Pantling 160 1895-8
AMES: 02386333 Bulbophyllum elongatum (Blume) Hasskarl India: Assam S. E. Rita
GH: 02386335 Bulbophyllum eublepharum Reichenbach f. India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 46 1892-8
GH: 02386338 Bulbophyllum fimbriatum (Lindley) Reichenbach f. India: [no data available] N. A. Dalzell 1408
GH: 02386339 Bulbophyllum gamblei (Hooker f.) Hooker f. India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 219 1892-7
GH: 00000470 Bulbophyllum gracilipes King & Pantling India: Sikkim R. Pantling 242 1898-11
GH: 00000469 Bulbophyllum gracilipes King & Pantling India: Sikkim, Valley of the Teesta R. Pantling 242 1894-10
GH: 02386341 Bulbophyllum griffithii (Lindley) Reichenbach f. India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02386349 Bulbophyllum guttulatum (Hooker f.) N. P. Balakrishnan India: Sikkim. J. D. Hooker
GH: 02386348 Bulbophyllum guttulatum (Hooker f.) N. P. Balakrishnan India: Rumganga river Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 10
GH: 02386351 Bulbophyllum helenae (Kuntze) J. J. Smith India: Assam; Jaintea Hills D. Prain 1899
AMES: 02386350 Bulbophyllum helenae (Kuntze) J. J. Smith India: Sikkim R. Pantling 232 1898-6
AMES: 02386356 Bulbophyllum hirtum (Smith) Lindley India: Bengal (Northern) K. P. Biswas 1955
GH: 02386355 Bulbophyllum hirtum (Smith) Lindley India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02386354 Bulbophyllum hirtum (Smith) Lindley India: Sikkim. J. D. Hooker
GH: 02386353 Bulbophyllum hirtum (Smith) Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 9
AMES: 00139044 Bulbophyllum hookeri (Duthie) J. J. Smith India: Uttarakhand East of Tehri P. W. MacKinnon 25402 1901-10
GH: 02386358 Bulbophyllum hymenanthum Hooker f. India: Lachen Valley R. Pantling 368 1895-5
GH: 00000074 Bulbophyllum kingii Hooker f. India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker s.n.
AMES: 02386859 Bulbophyllum lasianthum Lindley India: Assam. S. E. Rita
GH: 02386364 Bulbophyllum leopardinum (Wallich) Lindley India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02386363 Bulbophyllum leopardinum (Wallich) Lindley India: Sendong R. Pantling 281 1891-7
GH: 00000522 Bulbophyllum listeri King & Pantling India: Sikkim Dooass: E. of Jaloaca River R. Pantling 113 1896-3
GH: 02386401 Bulbophyllum odoratissimum (Smith) Lindley India: Sikkim. J. D. Hooker
GH: 02386402 Bulbophyllum odoratissimum (Smith) Lindley India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02386403 Bulbophyllum odoratissimum (Smith) Lindley India: Sikkim T. Thomson 1857
GH: 02386400 Bulbophyllum odoratissimum (Smith) Lindley India: Padanisika, Jaintea Hills D. Prain 97 1899-5
GH: 02386399 Bulbophyllum odoratissimum (Smith) Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 16 1892-8
AMES: 02386396 Bulbophyllum odoratissimum (Smith) Lindley India: West Bengal India orientalis, in Bengalia circa Calcutta... J. W. Helfer 1836
GH: 02386413 Bulbophyllum penicillium Parish & H. Gustav Reichenbach India: Salonrock, Jaintea Hills, Assam D. Prain 89 1899-4
AMES: 02386423 Bulbophyllum polyrrhizum Lindley India: N. W. Himalaya; Near Mussoorie P. W. MacKinnon 24147 1900-4-20
GH: 02386427 Bulbophyllum protractum Hooker f. India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 230 1892-8
GH: 02386433 Bulbophyllum reptans (Lindley) Lindley India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02386432 Bulbophyllum reptans (Lindley) Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 7 1891-2
AMES: 02386431 Bulbophyllum reptans (Lindley) Lindley India: Meghalaya Mawphlang, Assam. W. N. Koelz 31841 1952-11-22
GH: 02386438 Bulbophyllum retusiusculum H. G. Reichenbach India: Sikkim Himalaya; Choongthang R. Pantling 337 1893-7
GH: 00106008 Bulbophyllum rigidum King & Pantling India: Sikkim Himalaya, 6000 ft R. Pantling 42 1898-6
GH: 02386440 Bulbophyllum rolfei (Kuntze) Seidenfaden India: Sikkim Himalaya; Lachoong Valley R. Pantling 342 1895-8
GH: 02386447 Bulbophyllum scabratum Reichenbach f. India: Assam; Jowai, Jaintea Hills D. Prain 225 1899-4
AMES: 02386446 Bulbophyllum scabratum Reichenbach f. India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 110 1893-3
GH: 02386450 Bulbophyllum secundum Hooker f. India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 214 1892-5
GH: 02386449 Bulbophyllum secundum Hooker f. India: Lachen Valley; Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 214 1897-7
AMES: 01985707 Bulbophyllum sp. India: Assam S. E. Rita s.n.
GH: 02386514 Bulbophyllum sp. India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02386513 Bulbophyllum sp. India: Mont. Nilghiri & Kurg. Gideon Thomson
GH: 02386512 Bulbophyllum sp. India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 02386508 Bulbophyllum sp. India: Assam [no data available] 1902-4
GH: 02386504 Bulbophyllum sp. India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02386502 Bulbophyllum sp. India: Khasia Hills. Native Collector [under the direct...
GH: 02386460 Bulbophyllum spathulatum (Rolfe ex E. Cooper) Seidenfaden India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 131 1891-3
GH: 02386463 Bulbophyllum striatum (Griffith) Reichenbach f. India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
AMES: 02386462 Bulbophyllum striatum (Griffith) Reichenbach f. India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
AMES: 02386461 Bulbophyllum striatum (Griffith) Reichenbach f. India: Meghalaya Mawphlang W. N. Koelz 31845 1952-11-22
GH: 02386472 Bulbophyllum thomsonii Hooker f. India: Sikkim R. Pantling 245 1898-9
GH: 02386475 Bulbophyllum triste Reichenbach f. India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 129 1893-3
AMES: 02386484 Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindley India: Bengal (Northern) K. P. Biswas 1957
AMES: 02386483 Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindley India: Bengal (Northern) K. P. Biswas 1933
GH: 02386482 Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindley India: Nudnai, Jaintea Hills D. Prain 25 1899-6
GH: 02386481 Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya; [Semi?] R. Pantling 208 1892-4
GH: 02386480 Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya; Choongthang R. Pantling 208 1897-7
GH: 02386488 Bulbophyllum viridiflorum (Hooker f.) Schlechter India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 99 1892-10
GH: 02386491 Bulbophyllum wallichii H. G. Reichenbach India: Sikkim. J. D. Hooker
GH: 02386492 Bulbophyllum wallichii H. G. Reichenbach India: Sargu valley; Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 11
GH: 02386490 Bulbophyllum wallichii H. G. Reichenbach India: Sikkim R. Pantling 24 1898-10
GH: 02386500 Bulbophyllum yoksunense J. J. Smith India: Sikkim Himalaya; Naru Valley R. Pantling 303 1894-8
GH: 00106120 Calanthe alismatifolia Lindley India: Herb. Falconer 1056
GH: 00106106 Calanthe alismatifolia Lindley India: sikkim, 4000 ft J. D. Hooker
AMES: 01985273 Calanthe alismatifolia Lindley India: Uttarakhand nr. Mussorie J. F. Duthie 24148 1900-8
GH: 01985274 Calanthe alismatifolia Lindley India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 316 1891-5
GH: 00106107 Calanthe alpina Lindley India: Sikkim, 8-10000 ft J. D. Hooker
GH: 02389821 Calanthe alpina Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya; Choongthang [data not captured] 388 1895-7
GH: 02389820 Calanthe alpina Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya; Lachen valley R. Pantling 181 1897-7
GH: 00106117 Calanthe biloba Lindley India: Sikkim, 3-5000 ft alt J. D. Hooker
GH: 02389824 Calanthe biloba Lindley India: Sikkim R. Pantling 56 1898-9
AMES: 02389827 Calanthe brevicornu Lindley India: Arunachal Pradesh Mishmi Hills: [no additional data] F. Kingdon-Ward 18557 1949-4-25
AMES: 02389826 Calanthe brevicornu Lindley India: Uttarakhand [no additional data] P. W. MacKinnon 24150/a 1900-5
GH: 02389825 Calanthe brevicornu Lindley India: Sinchal R. Pantling 317 1891-5
GH: 02389834 Calanthe clavata Lindley India: Sikkim. J. D. Hooker
GH: 02389833 Calanthe clavata Lindley India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02389836 Calanthe densiflora Lindley India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00106132 Calanthe elata Falconer India: Herb. Falconer 1059
GH: 02389839 Calanthe herbacea Lindley India: Choongthang R. Pantling 80 1897-6
GH: 02389838 Calanthe herbacea Lindley India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
AMES: 02389852 Calanthe masuca Lindley India: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02389851 Calanthe masuca Lindley India: Sikkim T. Thomson 1857
GH: 02389850 Calanthe masuca Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 39 1898-8
AMES: 02389855 Calanthe pachystalix Reichenbach f. ex Hooker f. India: Near Mussoorie P. W. MacKinnon 22714 1899-7
GH: 02389856 Calanthe perrottetii A. Richard India: Malabar, Concan &c. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
AMES: 02389861 Calanthe plantaginea Lindley India: Near Mussoorie P. W. MacKinnon 22716 1899-3
AMES: 02389859 Calanthe plantaginea Lindley India: Mussoorie; Northwest Himalaya; Valley north ... R. R. Stewart 15997 1937
GH: 02389857 Calanthe plantaginea Lindley India: Binsar; Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 27
GH: 02389867 Calanthe puberula Lindley India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02389864 Calanthe puberula Lindley India: Lachen & Lachoong Valleys R. Pantling 181 1895-7
GH: 02389898 Calanthe sp. India: Khasia Hills Native Collector [under the direct...
AMES: 02389897 Calanthe sp. India: West Bengal Rangirum forest, Darjeling Div. W. N. Koelz 10629 1936-12-26
AMES: 02389896 Calanthe sp. India: Khasia Hills Native Collector [under the direct...
GH: 02389879 Calanthe tricarinata Lindley India: Choongthang R. Pantling 389 1895-7
A: 02389878 Calanthe tricarinata Lindley India: Himachal Pradesh Thanda to Aile [no data available] 1897-6
AMES: 02389874 Calanthe tricarinata Lindley India: Punjab Kulu Valley; on way to Pulga S. K. Jain & R. C. Bharadwaja 1950-6-16
AMES: 02389885 Calanthe triplicata (Willen) Ames India: culta in hort. bot. Cal. planti [illegible] J. B. L. Pierre 1868-10
AMES: 02388017 Calanthe triplicata (Willen) Ames India: In colis: Jenelly. In silvis pr. Kaity. [no data available]
GH: 00106366 Calanthe trulliformis King & Pantling India: Sikkim, Himalaya, Lachang valley, 7000 ft R. Pantling 168 1895-7
AMES: 02389887 Calanthe veratrifolia Hooker India: East side. Biligirirangans E. Barnes 1938-9
AMES: 02389886 Calanthe veratrifolia Hooker India: Karnataka (Mysore) Kattaribatta slopes; E. Ridge. (Mysore.) E. Barnes 892 1939-9-26
AMES: 02388017 Calanthe veratrifolia Hooker India: In colis: Jenelly. In silvis pr. Kaity. [no data available]
AMES: 02389893 Calanthe vestita Lindley India: [no additional data] [no data available] 1915-2-15
GH: 02094670 Calypso borealis (Swartz) Salisbury India: nd Baikalem [illegible]
AMES: 01941989 Cephalanthera longifolia (Linnaeus) Fritsch India: Jammu and Kashmir Baisaran, Liddar Valley Ináyal 25401/a 1901
AMES: 01941988 Cephalanthera longifolia (Linnaeus) Fritsch India: Uttarakhand Dehra Dun District. Vicinity of Mussoorie Si... R. L. Fleming 444 1948-5-8
AMES: 01941987 Cephalanthera longifolia (Linnaeus) Fritsch India: Jammu and Kashmir Baisaran, Liddar Valley Inayat 1901
GH: 01941986 Cephalanthera longifolia (Linnaeus) Fritsch India: Himachal Pradesh Dalhousie R. R. Stewart 2209 1917-6-13
GH: 01941985 Cephalanthera longifolia (Linnaeus) Fritsch India: Himachal Pradesh Alwas R. R. Stewart 2450 1917-6-27
AMES: 01941983 Cephalanthera longifolia (Linnaeus) Fritsch India: Himachal Pradesh Pulga East Punjab S. K. Jain & R. C. Bharadwaja 1950-6-17
GH: 01941979 Cephalanthera longifolia (Linnaeus) Fritsch India: Uttarakhand Naini Tal Kumaon. R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 48
GH: 02388563 Cephalantheropsis longipes (Hooker f.) Ormerod India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 2 1893-10
GH: 02388567 Cephalantheropsis obcordata (Lindley) Ormerod India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
AMES: 02338187 Ceratostylis gracilis Blume India: Assam [no additional data] S. E. Rita
GH: 02338157 Ceratostylis himalaica Hooker f. India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 149 1899-6
GH: 02338156 Ceratostylis himalaica Hooker f. India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 02338164 Ceratostylis sp. India: Meghalaya Hab. Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
AMES: 02338163 Ceratostylis sp. India: Assam [no additional data] S. E. Rita
AMES: 02338158 Ceratostylis subulata Blume India: Assam [no additional data] S. E. Rita
GH: 02338161 Ceratostylis teres Reichenbach f. India: Sikkim Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 229 1899-6
GH: 02338160 Ceratostylis teres Reichenbach f. India: Meghalaya Mongat, Jaintea Hills; Flora of Assam [data not captured] 315 1899-6
AMES: 02338159 Ceratostylis teres Reichenbach f. India: Meghalaya Mongat, Jaintea Hills. [data not captured] 315 1899-6
AMES: 02090232 Cheirostylis flabellata Wight India: Kodai Kanal, Palni Hills, Madras Presidency W. N. Koelz 11272 1937-3-14
AMES: 02090238 Cheirostylis moniliformis Seidenfaden India: Assam Denning Outpost, Cohit valley road F. K. Ward 7902 1928-3-2
GH: 00106692 Cheirostylis pusilla Lindley India: Meghalaya Mt Khasia, 3000 ft J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02094786 Chrysoglossum ornatum Blume India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 83 1892-6
GH: 01949757 Chusua pauciflora (Lind) P. F. Hunt India: Singalela Range R. Pantling 458 1896-8
GH: 01949758 Chusua pauciflora (Lind) P. F. Hunt India: Phaloot and Lachen. R. Pantling 458 1896-7
GH: 01949759 Chusua pauciflora (Lind) P. F. Hunt India: Lachen. R. Pantling 458 1894-7
GH: 01949761 Chusua pauciflora (Lind) P. F. Hunt India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 01949762 Chusua pauciflora (Lind) P. F. Hunt India: N. E. Himalaya [no data available]
GH: 00106764 Cirrhopetalum appendiculatum Rolfe India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 197 1998-10
AMES: 00139044 Cirrhopetalum hookeri Duthie India: Uttarakhand East of Tehri P. W. MacKinnon 25402 1901-10
GH: 00139051 Cirrhopetalum sarcophyllum King & Pantling India: Sikkim Himalaya, 3000 ft. R. Pantling 95 1893-9
GH: 00217950 Cirrhopetalum sarcophyllum minor King & Pantling India: Rambhai Jaintea Hills D. Prain 256 1899-7
GH: 00217949 Cirrhopetalum sarcophyllum minor King & Pantling India: Sikkim Sibchu, Independent Bootan, 1500 ft R. Pantling 95 1894-5
GH: 00139055 Cirrhopetalum sikkimense King & Pantling India: Valley of Teesta, 1000 ft. R. Pantling 148 1891-6
GH: 00112340 Cleisostoma bambusarum King & Pantling India: Sikkim Rumptu Lake R. Pantling 211 1894-5
AMES: 00217951 Coeloglossum kashmirianum Schlechter India: Western Himalaya, Kashmir, near Kamri Valley Inayat 25387 1901-7-11
GH: 00217952 Coeloglossum luteum Dalzell India: prope malwan L. Dalzell 1397
AMES: 02094877 Coelogyne angustifolia A. Richard India: Assam [no additional data] S. E. Rita
GH: 00139087 Coelogyne barbata Lindley India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia, 3000-5000 ft J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00139089 Coelogyne brevifolia Lindley India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia, 5000-6000 ft. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
AMES: 02094882 Coelogyne breviscapa Lindley India: Karnataka (Mysore) Coorg Dist., Mercara. E. A. Christenson & S. W. Amy 1984-5-12
AMES: 02094881 Coelogyne breviscapa Lindley India: Karnataka (Mysore) Road from Chikmagalur to Aldur. E. A. Christenson & S. W. Amy 1984-5-17
GH: 00139097 Coelogyne corrugata Wight India: Wight 2963
GH: 00139098 Coelogyne corymbosa Lindley India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia, 5000-7000 ft. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02094887 Coelogyne corymbosa Lindley India: Sikkim R. Pantling 77 1891
AMES: 02094905 Coelogyne cristata Lindley India: Himalaya [no data available] 1914
GH: 02094903 Coelogyne cristata Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 104 1893
GH: 02094902 Coelogyne cristata Lindley India: [Champeiwat?] kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom
AMES: 02094897 Coelogyne cristata Lindley India: Uttarakhand Vicinity of Mussoorie, Below Landour Dhobi G... R. L. Fleming 357 1948-4-10
AMES: 02288377 Coelogyne cristata Lindley India: Sikkim Gangtok 1958-3-12
GH: 02094916 Coelogyne fimbriata Lindley India: Sikkim R. Pantling 19 1898-4
GH: 02094915 Coelogyne fimbriata Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 19 1892
GH: 02094912 Coelogyne fimbriata Lindley India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02094926 Coelogyne flaccida Lindley India: Assam Jharani, [Jainlea?] Hills D. Prain 1899-4
GH: 02094925 Coelogyne flaccida Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 136 1891
AMES: 02094921 Coelogyne flaccida Lindley India: Himalaya [no data available]
AMES: 02094989 Coelogyne flaccida Lindley India: ex Hort. H. J. Elwes, Esq. Colesborne, Chelt... H. J. Elwes 1914-6
GH: 02094931 Coelogyne fuscescens Lindley India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 02094930 Coelogyne fuscescens Lindley India: Sikkim R. Pantling 22 1898-10
GH: 02094939 Coelogyne glandulosa Lindley India: Tamil Nadu Kodaikanal W. Bembower 390 1928-5-1
AMES: 00139109 Coelogyne hookeriana Lindley India: Sikkim, 7000-9000 ft. J. D. Hooker
GH: 02094948 Coelogyne longipes Lindley India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
AMES: 02094950 Coelogyne massangeana Reichenbach f. India: Assam Assam. [no data available] 1914-6-6
GH: 02094953 Coelogyne micrantha Lindley India: Rajasthan Sawai. Saintea Hills. Flora of Assam. [data not captured] 173. 1899-3
A: 02094971 Coelogyne nitida (Wallich ex D. Don) Lindley India: Sikkim Dikchu; E. Himalaya. K. P. Biswas 6720 1945-5-13
GH: 02094968 Coelogyne nitida (Wallich ex D. Don) Lindley India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 76 1891
GH: 02094967 Coelogyne nitida (Wallich ex D. Don) Lindley India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 76 1891
AMES: 02094966 Coelogyne nitida (Wallich ex D. Don) Lindley India: Uttarakhand British Garhwal; Lansdowne [data not captured] 1901
AMES: 02094964 Coelogyne nitida (Wallich ex D. Don) Lindley India: Flora of Bengal (Northern). Bengal & Borders... K. P. Biswas 1961
GH: 02094962 Coelogyne nitida (Wallich ex D. Don) Lindley India: Sikkim [no additional data] T. Thomson 1857
GH: 02094963 Coelogyne nitida (Wallich ex D. Don) Lindley India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 02094973 Coelogyne occultata Hooker f. India: Sikkim Tendong R. Pantling 213 1891
AMES: 01685558 Coelogyne ochracea Lindley India: Sikkim D. G. Huttleston 2118 1966-4-21
GH: 00139127 Coelogyne odoratissima Lindley India: Wight 2965 1866
GH: 02094993 Coelogyne prolifera Lindley India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 29 1891-5
GH: 02094992 Coelogyne prolifera Lindley India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 29 1891-5
AMES: 02094989 Coelogyne prolifera Lindley India: ex Hort. H. J. Elwes, Esq. Colesborne, Chelt... H. J. Elwes 1914-6
AMES: 02094988 Coelogyne prolifera Lindley India: Tamil Nadu Kodaikanal Region, Pulney Hills A. Anglade
GH: 02094984 Coelogyne punctulata Lindley India: Assam Sharain, Saintea Hills. [data not captured] 58 1899-4
GH: 02094980 Coelogyne punctulata Lindley India: Meghalaya Khasia Hills. [no data available]
A: 02094979 Coelogyne punctulata Lindley India: Arunachal Pradesh Mishmi Hills; Glo Lake, Kamlang valley F. Kingdon-Ward 18463 1949-3-28
GH: 02094986 Coelogyne raizadae S. K. Jain & Sandh. Das India: Sikkim Rungbee R. Pantling 128 1892-5
GH: 02093009 Coelogyne schilleriana Reichenbach f. India: West Bengal Kolkata: Cultivated in Bot. Garden, Calcutta... [no data available] 1894-5-3
GH: 02093005 Coelogyne schultesii S. K. Jain & Sandh. Das India: Sikkim Lachoong Valley R. Pantling 366 1896-7
GH: 02093004 Coelogyne schultesii S. K. Jain & Sandh. Das India: Assam Sharan; Saintea Hills. [data not captured] 222 1899-4
GH: 02093003 Coelogyne schultesii S. K. Jain & Sandh. Das India: Assam Sharan, Saintea Hills. [data not captured] 222 1899-4
AMES: 02093053 Coelogyne sp. Lindley India: Assam [no additional data] S. E. Rita
AMES: 02093052 Coelogyne sp. Lindley India: Assam [no additional data] S. E. Rita
GH: 02093049 Coelogyne sp. Lindley India: Meghalaya Khasia Hills. [no data available]
AMES: 02093048 Coelogyne sp. Lindley India: Assam [no additional data] S. E. Rita
GH: 02093047 Coelogyne sp. Lindley India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
AMES: 02093043 Coelogyne sp. Lindley India: Uttarakhand District Garhwal. Chitkiya range; Flora of N... Inayat 25808 1902-5-27
AMES: 02288103 Coelogyne sp. Lindley India: Sikkim Gangtok 1958-3-12
AMES: 02288104 Coelogyne sp. Lindley India: Sikkim Gangtok 1958-3-12
GH: 02093015 Coelogyne stricta (D. Don) Schlechter India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 02093016 Coelogyne stricta (D. Don) Schlechter India: Uttarakhand Sarjii valley Kumaon. R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 14
GH: 02093011 Coelogyne stricta (D. Don) Schlechter India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 123 1891-5
GH: 02093040 Coelogyne viscosa Reichenbach f. India: Assam Oomserai, Saintea Hills. [data not captured] 181 1899-5
GH: 02093041 Coelogyne viscosa Reichenbach f. India: Assam Muswai. Saintea Hills [no data available] 1899-5
GH: 00139211 Corysanthes himalaica King & Pantling India: Sikkim Lamteng, 9000 ft. R. Pantling 385 1895-7
GH: 00139212 Corysanthes himalaica King & Pantling India: Sikkim Lachen Valley, 8000 ft. R. Pantling 385 1895-7
GH: 02175603 Crepidium acuminatum (D. Don) Szlachetko India: Sikkim Sureil R. Pantling 448 1896-6
GH: 02175602 Crepidium acuminatum (D. Don) Szlachetko India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 37 1892-6
ECON: 02175601 Crepidium acuminatum (D. Don) Szlachetko India: Uttarakhand Temperate Himalaya, Mussoorie [no data available] 1968-7-25
ECON: 02175600 Crepidium acuminatum (D. Don) Szlachetko India: N. W. Himalaya; Near Mussoorie J. F. Duthie 1879-7-22
AMES: 02175593 Crepidium acuminatum (D. Don) Szlachetko India: Uttarakhand Western Himalaya; Mussoorie P. W. MacKinnon 1901-8-15
GH: 02175592 Crepidium acuminatum (D. Don) Szlachetko India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02175609 Crepidium josephianum (Reichenbach f.) Margonska India: Sikkim Himalaya; Valley of the [illegible] R. Pantling 312 1899-5
GH: 02175610 Crepidium khasianum (Hooker f.) Szlachetko India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 283 1893-7
AMES: 02175611 Crepidium mackinnonii (Duthie) Szlachetko India: Uttarakhand N. Western India; Kalanga Hill [data not captured] 1901-8-20
AMES: 02175619 Crepidium resupinatum (G. Forster) Szlachetko India: Tamil Nadu Madura District, Kodaikanal [data not captured] 1913-9-2
A: 02175618 Crepidium resupinatum (G. Forster) Szlachetko India: Orissa below Sinimanda Parbat; Poltangi, Koraput di... H. F. Mooney 3850 1950
AMES: 02175615 Crepidium resupinatum (G. Forster) Szlachetko India: Tamil Nadu Madras District, Kodaikanal [data not captured] 1913-9-2
GH: 02337901 Cryptochilus lutea Lindley India: Sikkim Senehal R. Pantling 86 1899-6
GH: 02337903 Cryptochilus sanguinea Wallich India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02337902 Cryptochilus sanguinea Wallich India: Orchids of the Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 36 1892-6
GH: 00098563 Cymbidium aloifolium (Linnaeus) Swartz India: Sikkim Tropical valleys R. Pantling 268 1891-5
AMES: 02017531 Cymbidium aloifolium (Linnaeus) Swartz India: Sikkim Trop J. D. Hooker
AMES: 02017530 Cymbidium aloifolium (Linnaeus) Swartz India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis C. Wight 2989 1866
A: 02017527 Cymbidium aloifolium (Linnaeus) Swartz India: Tamil Nadu South Arcot, Kallakurichi, Ariya gounden jag... K. M. Matthew & G. Paramasivan 1979-8-23
GH: 02017534 Cymbidium bicolor Lindley India: Malabar, Concan J. E. Stocks & J. S. Law 369
GH: 02017540 Cymbidium cochleare Lindley India: Sikkim Trop J. D. Hooker
AMES: 02017541 Cymbidium cyperifolium Wallich ex Lindley India: Uttarakhand N. W. Himalaya, Near Mussoorie P. W. MacKinnon 22719 1899-4-4
AMES: 02017545 Cymbidium devonianum Paxton India: Nord Indien [no data available]
GH: 02017544 Cymbidium devonianum Paxton India: Sikkim Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 265 1892-5
GH: 02017550 Cymbidium eburneum Lindley India: Sikkim Tropical Valleys R. Pantling 108 1899-3
AMES: 02017549 Cymbidium eburneum Lindley India: Meghalaya Khasia [no data available]
AMES: 02017548 Cymbidium eburneum Lindley India: N. Indien [no data available] 1914-3-30
GH: 02017556 Cymbidium elegans Lindley India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 02017555 Cymbidium elegans Lindley India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 14 1898-10
GH: 02017554 Cymbidium elegans Lindley India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia, Regu temp J. D. Hooker
GH: 02017553 Cymbidium elegans Lindley India: Meghalaya Mont Khasia, Regio trop. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00098553 Cymbidium erythraeum Lindley India: Sikkim 5000-6000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 02017562 Cymbidium erythraeum Lindley India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 8 1898-11
GH: 02017584 Cymbidium gammieanum King & Pantl. India: Sikkim Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 299
GH: 02017586 Cymbidium giganteum Wallich India: Sikkim Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 12 1898-10
GH: 02017587 Cymbidium giganteum Wallich India: Sikkim Regio trop J. D. Hooker
GH: 02017591 Cymbidium grandiflorum Swartz India: Sikkim Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 63 1891-2
GH: 02017420 Cymbidium hookerianum H. G. Reichenbach India: Sikkim Trop J. D. Hooker
GH: 02017575 Cymbidium lancifolium Hooker India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
AMES: 02017573 Cymbidium lancifolium Hooker India: Meghalaya Cherra ([Ponjee?]) [Cherrapunji?] [no data available]
AMES: 00098557 Cymbidium mackinnoni Duthie India: Northwest Himalaya, Mussoorie, 6000 feet P. W. MacKinnon 24152 1900
AMES: 02017593 Cymbidium macrorhizon Lindley India: Uttarakhand Western Himalaya; District Tehri-Garhwal P. W. MacKinnon's Collector [geogr... 25403 1901-8-28
GH: 00098558 Cymbidium munronianum King & Pantling India: Sikkim Valley of the Leesta, 1500 feet R. Pantling 256 1894-6
GH: 00098562 Cymbidium simonsianum King & Pantling India: Sikkim Tropical valleys to 3000 feet R. Pantling 51 1895-8
GH: 00098563 Cymbidium simulans Rolfe India: Sikkim Tropical valleys R. Pantling 268 1891-5
GH: 02017608 Cymbidium sinense (B. D. Jackson ex Andreanszky) Willdenow India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
AMES: 02288115 Cymbidium sp. India: West Bengal 1958-3-20
AMES: 02288394 Cymbidium sp. India: West Bengal 1958-3-9
AMES: 02288395 Cymbidium sp. India: West Bengal 1958-3-9
AMES: 02017617 Cymbidium sp. India: Bengal (Northern) K. P. Biswas 1929
AMES: 02017337 Cyperorchis mastersii (Griffith ex Lindley) Bentham India: Assam Khasia, Assam [data not captured] 1913-12-29
GH: 01952352 Cypripedium cordigerum D. Don India: Himal. T. Thomson
GH: 01952353 Cypripedium cordigerum D. Don India: [no additional data] Herb. Falconer 1074
GH: 01952365 Cypripedium himalaicum Rolfe ex Hemsley India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01952367 Cypripedium himalaicum Rolfe ex Hemsley India: Sikkim Lachen Valley R. Pantling 373 1895-7
GH: 01952368 Cypripedium himalaicum Rolfe ex Hemsley India: Sikkim Lambteng. Lachen Valley. R. Pantling 373 1897-6
GH: 00098715 Cypripedium tibeticum King ex Hemsley India: Sikkim Lambteng, Lachen Valley, 9000 feet R. Pantling 386 1897-6
GH: 00098731 Cyrtosia lindleyana Hooker f. & Thomson India: Sikkim 5000-7000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 01950617 Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D. Don) Soó India: [Tola] Kumaon. R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 201
A: 01950618 Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D. Don) Soó India: Chitral. Shighore-Aviret. S. A. Bowes Lyon 756 1958-5-30
AMES: 01950621 Dactylorhiza iberica (M. Bieberstein ex Willdenow) Soó India: Kashmir. Pahlgam. R. R. Stewart 5591 1920-7-19
AMES: 01950622 Dactylorhiza iberica (M. Bieberstein ex Willdenow) Soó India: Kashmir. Below Khel, Kishen ganga Valley R. R. Stewart 17834 1939-7-22
AMES: 01950623 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: N. W. Himalaya. Paugi. Sauch Valley. Harsukh 23342 1899-8-10
AMES: 01950624 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Hushe River near its confluences with the Sh... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5934 1955-7-2
GH: 01950625 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Himal. Bor. Occ. [data not captured]
AMES: 01950626 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Shushal, Ladak, Kashmi. W. N. Koelz 2438 1931-7-26
AMES: 01950627 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Kolung N. Parmanand 57a 1933-7-10
AMES: 01950628 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Pulga S. K. Jain & R. C. Bharadwaja 1950-6-17
AMES: 01950629 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Pulga, East Punyab S. K. Jain & R. C. Bharadwaja 1950-6-17
AMES: 01950630 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Runang, Bushahr, Simla N. Parmanand 468 1934-7-12
AMES: 01950631 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Khardung, Lahul, Punjab. W. N. Koelz 8531 1936-6-26
AMES: 01950632 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Gurez, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 9281 1936-8-2
AMES: 01950633 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Western Himalaya. District Kashmir. Kukarnag... [illegible] 25376 1901-8-13
AMES: 01950635 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: near [Taubat] R. R. Stewart & I. D. Stewart 17895 1939-7-24
AMES: 01950636 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Gerez; Gilgit Rd. R. R. Stewart 19621 1940-7-22
AMES: 01950637 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Guling. Pin Valley, Spiti, Kangra, Punjab. W. N. Koelz 7187 1933-9-18
AMES: 01950638 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Runang, Bushahr, Simla, Punjab. N. Parmanand 468 1934-7-12
AMES: 01950639 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Ehanshir Pass, Gahrwal, Dehra Dun N. Parmanand 282 1934-6-23
AMES: 01950640 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Kolung, Kulu, Punjab N. Parmanand 57 1933-7-10
AMES: 01950641 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Burzil, Kashmir State W. N. Koelz 9400 1936-8-5
AMES: 01950642 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Burzil, Kashmir State W. N. Koelz 9400 1936-8-5
AMES: 01950643 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Gurez, Kashmir State W. N. Koelz 9281 1936-8-2
AMES: 01950644 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Khardung, Lahul, Punjab W. N. Koelz 8531 1936-6-26
AMES: 01950645 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Sisu, Lahul, Punjab W. N. Koelz 8376 1936-6-7
GH: 01950647 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: [Kuldscha] A. Regel 1877
GH: 01950649 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: [no additional data] Herb. Falconer 1045
GH: 01950650 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: [no additional data] Herb. Falconer 1044
GH: 01950651 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Kashmir. Alwas, Chamba R. R. Stewart 2441 1917-6-27
GH: 01950652 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) Soó India: Kashmir. Pahlgam R. R. Stewart 5519 1920-7-30
GH: 02156333 Dendrobium aduncum Wallich ex Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 272 1893-6
AMES: 02156343 Dendrobium amoenum Wallich ex Lindley India: N.W. Himalaya; Near Mussorie P. W. MacKinnon 1898-6-15
GH: 02156342 Dendrobium amoenum Wallich ex Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 267 1891
AMES: 02156341 Dendrobium amoenum Wallich ex Lindley India: Western Himalaya; District Garhwál. Parewá... Inayat 25848 1902-6-15
GH: 02156340 Dendrobium amoenum Wallich ex Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 267 1897-5
GH: 02156339 Dendrobium amoenum Wallich ex Lindley India: [no data available] Herb. Falconer 1002
AMES: 02156348 Dendrobium anceps Swartz India: Assam S. E. Rita
GH: 02156347 Dendrobium anceps Swartz India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 02156345 Dendrobium anceps Swartz India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 258
GH: 02156344 Dendrobium anceps Swartz India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 258
AMES: 02156348 Dendrobium angulatum (Blume) Lindley India: Assam S. E. Rita
GH: 02156347 Dendrobium angulatum (Blume) Lindley India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 02156345 Dendrobium angulatum (Blume) Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 258
GH: 02156344 Dendrobium angulatum (Blume) Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 258
GH: 02156368 Dendrobium aphyllum (Roxburgh) C. E. C. Fischer India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 02156367 Dendrobium aphyllum (Roxburgh) C. E. C. Fischer India: [illegible] on the [illegible] Nuddi D. Ritchie 1613 1852-12
AMES: 02156366 Dendrobium aphyllum (Roxburgh) C. E. C. Fischer India: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02156363 Dendrobium aphyllum (Roxburgh) C. E. C. Fischer India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 70 1893
AMES: 02156351 Dendrobium aphyllum (Roxburgh) C. E. C. Fischer India: Nordl. Indian. [no data available]
GH: 02156370 Dendrobium aqueum Lindley India: [no data available] [no data available]
A: 02156369 Dendrobium aqueum Lindley India: Tamil Nadu Yercad taluk; Yercad, Shevaroys mines, Kaka ... D. I. Arockiasamy 1976-9-24
A: 02156375 Dendrobium barbatulum Lindley India: Malabar, [illegible] [data not captured]
GH: 02156373 Dendrobium barbatulum Lindley India: Malabar, Concan &c. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
AMES: 02156388 Dendrobium bronckarti De Wildeman India: [no additional data] [no data available] 1914-4-17
GH: 02156399 Dendrobium cathcartii Hooker f. India: Silake, Mongpoo. R. Pantling 114 1892-4-1
GH: 02156401 Dendrobium chlorops Lindley India: Malabar, Concan &c. Regio trop. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
AMES: 02156410 Dendrobium chrysanthum Wallich ex Lindley India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
AMES: 02156409 Dendrobium chrysanthum Wallich ex Lindley India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02156407 Dendrobium chrysanthum Wallich ex Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 10
AMES: 02156406 Dendrobium chrysanthum Wallich ex Lindley India: N.W. Himalaya; District Garhwál. Parewá, K... Inayat 25807 1902-6-15
GH: 02156405 Dendrobium chrysanthum Wallich ex Lindley India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
AMES: 02156445 Dendrobium crepidatum Lindley & Paxton India: Bengal (Northern) K. P. Biswas 1939
GH: 02156444 Dendrobium crepidatum Lindley & Paxton India: Assam. Sundai, Jaintea Hills D. Prain 1899-5
GH: 02156443 Dendrobium crepidatum Lindley & Paxton India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 308 1899-5
AMES: 02156430 Dendrobium crepidatum Lindley & Paxton India: Garhwal; Below Mussoorie J. F. Duthie 1902
GH: 00074986 Dendrobium crispum Dalzell India: D. Ritchie 1413
GH: 00074985 Dendrobium crispum Dalzell India:
GH: 00085812 Dendrobium crispum Dalzell India: D. Ritchie 1413
GH: 00085813 Dendrobium crispum Dalzell India:
GH: 02156472 Dendrobium cumulatum Lindley India: Sikkim R. Pantling 276 1898-6
GH: 02156786 Dendrobium cumulatum Lindley India: Sikkim Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 79 1893-5
GH: 02156480 Dendrobium densiflorum Lindley India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 02156479 Dendrobium densiflorum Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 119 1891
GH: 02156478 Dendrobium densiflorum Lindley India: Assam; Lokrok, Jaintea Hills D. Prain 1899-5
AMES: 02156477 Dendrobium densiflorum Lindley India: Bengal (Northern) K. P. Biswas 1949
AMES: 02156475 Dendrobium densiflorum Lindley India: Nord Indien. [no data available] 1915
GH: 02156489 Dendrobium denudans D. Don India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 4
GH: 02156491 Dendrobium devonianum Paxton India: Assam; Jaintea Hills D. Prain 1899
GH: 02156785 Dendrobium erectifolium J. J. Smith India: Assam Sundai, Saintea Hills. [data not captured] 275 1899-4
GH: 00090036 Dendrobium eriiflorum Griffith India:
GH: 02156488 Dendrobium eriiflorum Griffith India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02156487 Dendrobium eriiflorum Griffith India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 194 1892-9
AMES: 02156486 Dendrobium eriiflorum Griffith India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02156510 Dendrobium farmeri Paxton India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 116 1891-4
AMES: 02156520 Dendrobium fimbriatum Hooker India: Bengal (Northern) K. P. Biswas 1949
GH: 02156518 Dendrobium fimbriatum Hooker India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 360
GH: 02156517 Dendrobium fimbriatum Hooker India: Lokrok, Jaintea Hills D. Prain 112 1899-5
GH: 02156516 Dendrobium fimbriatum Hooker India: Jagthana Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 6
AMES: 02156525 Dendrobium fimbriatum oculatum Hooker India: Nord Indien [no data available]
AMES: 02156524 Dendrobium fimbriatum oculatum Hooker India: N. Indien [no data available]
GH: 02156530 Dendrobium formosum Roxburgh India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 271 1893
GH: 02156529 Dendrobium formosum Roxburgh India: Assam; Mooklapur, Jaintea Hills. D. Prain 67 1899-4
GH: 00090063 Dendrobium fuscatum Lindley India: Meghalaya Mt Khasia
GH: 02156537 Dendrobium gibsonii Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 334 1892-7
GH: 02156536 Dendrobium gibsonii Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 334 1891-7
AMES: 02156552 Dendrobium herbaceum Lindley India: Chotah Nagpur, belwo Parasratt Mt F. H. W. Kerr 2532 1954-10-13
GH: 02156558 Dendrobium heterocarpum Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 200 1891-4
AMES: 02156556 Dendrobium heterocarpum Lindley India: Bengal (Northern) K. P. Biswas 2083
AMES: 02156555 Dendrobium heterocarpum Lindley India: Bengal (Northern) K. P. Biswas 2083
GH: 00090106 Dendrobium hookerianum Lindley India: Meghalaya Mt Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02156561 Dendrobium hookerianum Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 296 1893-9
GH: 02156575 Dendrobium jenkinsii Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya; Dooars near [illegible] Jal... R. Pantling 262 1899-5
AMES: 02156579 Dendrobium lamellatum (Blume) Lindley India: Assam S. E. Rita
GH: 02156806 Dendrobium lamellatum (Blume) Lindley India: Assam Jharani, Jaintia Hills [data not captured] 166 1899-4
AMES: 02156584 Dendrobium lindleyanum Griffith India: Sikkim. J. D. Hooker
GH: 02156583 Dendrobium lindleyanum Griffith India: Sikkim. J. D. Hooker
GH: 02156604 Dendrobium lindleyi Steudel India: Assam; mooklapur, Jaintea Hills D. Prain 55 1899-4
GH: 02156804 Dendrobium lobatum (Blume) Miquel India: Assam Jharani, Jaintia Hills [data not captured] 166 1899-4
AMES: 02156805 Dendrobium lobulatum Rolfe & J. J. Sm. India: Assam Jharani, Jaintia Hills [data not captured] 166 1899-4
GH: 00090150 Dendrobium longicornu Lindley India: Meghalaya Mt Khasia, 4000-6000 ft alt J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02156599 Dendrobium longicornu Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 15
AMES: 02156597 Dendrobium longicornu Lindley India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02156593 Dendrobium longicornu Lindley India: Khasi Hills [illegible] 43/1884 1881-10
AMES: 02156614 Dendrobium macrostachyum Lindley India: Uttarakhand [no additional data] P. W. MacKinnon 24156 1899-7
AMES: 02156611 Dendrobium macrostachyum Lindley India: Karnataka (Mysore) Chikmagalur to Aldur. E. A. Christenson & S. W. Amy 1984-5-17
GH: 01985533 Dendrobium microbolbon A. Richard India: Malabar, Concan J. E. Stocks & J. S. Law s.n.
AMES: 02156618 Dendrobium microbulbon A. Richard India: Tamil Nadu Hasur. Dt. K. Yeshoda 694 1933-8-15
GH: 00090173 Dendrobium microchilus Dalzell India: Maharashtra Mumbai:
AMES: 02156625 Dendrobium moniliforme (Linnaeus) Swartz India: N. W. Himalaya; Jehri-Garhwál. P. W. MacKinnon 24155 1900-5
AMES: 02156624 Dendrobium moniliforme (Linnaeus) Swartz India: Lalong, Lachen Valley R. Pantling 367 1895-6
GH: 02156619 Dendrobium moniliforme (Linnaeus) Swartz India: Latong, Lachen Valley R. Pantling 367 1897-5
AMES: 02156632 Dendrobium monticola P. F. Hunt & Summerh. India: Mussoorie; United Provinces; Northwest Himal... R. R. Stewart 14289 1934
AMES: 02156627 Dendrobium monticola P. F. Hunt & Summerh. India: Mussoorie; United Provinces; Northwest Himal... R. R. Stewart 15657 1936-8-15
GH: 02156652 Dendrobium moschatum (Buchanan-Hamilton) Swartz India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02156651 Dendrobium moschatum (Buchanan-Hamilton) Swartz India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 370 1892
GH: 02156650 Dendrobium moschatum (Buchanan-Hamilton) Swartz India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 370 1893
AMES: 02156645 Dendrobium moschatum (Buchanan-Hamilton) Swartz India: Nord-Indien. [no data available] 1915-6-30
GH: 02156642 Dendrobium moschatum (Buchanan-Hamilton) Swartz India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 370 1891-5
GH: 02156638 Dendrobium moschatum (Buchanan-Hamilton) Swartz India: Chittagong Hill Tracts J. J. Wood bis 1880
GH: 00090214 Dendrobium nobile Lindley India: Meghalaya Khasia T. Lobb
GH: 02156660 Dendrobium nobile Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 362 1893
AMES: 02156656 Dendrobium nobile Lindley India: E. Himalaya; Chungthang K. P. Biswas 6992 1945-5-26
AMES: 02156655 Dendrobium nobile Lindley India: E. Himalaya; Chungthang K. P. Biswas 6992 1945-5-26
AMES: 02156663 Dendrobium normale Falconer India: N. W. Himalaya; Below Mussoorie J. F. Duthie 22707b 1899-6-29
AMES: 02156666 Dendrobium nutantiflorum A. D. Hawkes & A. H. Heller India: Karnataka (Mysore) Road from Aththigundi to Kemmangundi (Chikma... E. A. Christenson & S. W. Amy 1984-5-17
AMES: 02156670 Dendrobium ochraceum De Wildeman India: Annam; Mt. Bana (Mount Bani is in the main c... J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 3905 1927-5
GH: 02156671 Dendrobium ochreatum Lindley India: Assam; [illegible], Jaintea Hills D. Prain 287 1899-4
AMES: 02156700 Dendrobium polyanthum Wallich ex Lindley India: Western Himalaya; Garhwál; Loháichoár, Ma... Inayat 25841 1902-5-29
GH: 00090283 Dendrobium porphyrochilum Lindley India: Meghalaya Mt. Khasia, 5000-6000 ft alt J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
AMES: 00090284 Dendrobium porphyrochilum Lindley India: Meghalaya Mt. Khasia, 5000-6000 ft alt J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02156702 Dendrobium porphyrochilum Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya; Lachen Valley R. Pantling 363 1895-5
GH: 02156704 Dendrobium praecinctum Reichenbach f. India: Sikkim Himalaya; Namgah R. Pantling 172 1895-7
GH: 02156730 Dendrobium ramosissimum Wight India: Malabar, Concan &c. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
GH: 02156729 Dendrobium ramosissimum Wight India: Ambgaom D. Ritchie 1855-5
A: 02156731 Dendrobium regium Prain India: East Bonai Sambalpar [illegible] H. F. Mooney 3799 1950-5-5
GH: 00090335 Dendrobium ritaeanum King & Pantling India: Assam, Sarkinger D. Prain 100 1899-6
GH: 02156736 Dendrobium ruckeri Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya; Naru Valley R. Pantling 117 1895-5
GH: 02156735 Dendrobium ruckeri Lindley India: Khasia Hills R. Pantling 1897-5
GH: 01985533 Dendrobium sp. India: Malabar, Concan J. E. Stocks & J. S. Law s.n.
GH: 02156652 Dendrobium sp. India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02156651 Dendrobium sp. India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 370 1892
GH: 02156650 Dendrobium sp. India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 370 1893
AMES: 02156645 Dendrobium sp. India: Nord-Indien. [no data available] 1915-6-30
GH: 02156642 Dendrobium sp. India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 370 1891-5
GH: 02156638 Dendrobium sp. India: Chittagong Hill Tracts J. J. Wood bis 1880
AMES: 02156816 Dendrobium sp. India: Nilgiris. Madras E. Barnes 1017 1940-6
AMES: 02156826 Dendrobium sp. India: Cheara (Poonjee) [no data available]
AMES: 02156825 Dendrobium sp. India: Cherra (Poonjee) [no data available]
AMES: 02156824 Dendrobium sp. India: Cherra - Poonjee [no data available]
AMES: 02156836 Dendrobium sp. India: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02156834 Dendrobium sp. India: Assam [no additional data] [data not captured]
AMES: 02156831 Dendrobium sp. India: Cherra (Poonjee) [no data available]
GH: 01685576 Dendrobium sp. India: Kanara & Ghats D. Ritchie 717 1853-5
AMES: 01685827 Dendrobium sp. India: Nilpara Dooars 1958-3-22
GH: 02156758 Dendrobium spatella Reichenbach f. India: Assam; Sambathung, Jaintea Hills D. Prain 288 1899-8
GH: 02156760 Dendrobium strongylanthum H. G. Reichenbach India: [illegible] [no data available] 1862
GH: 02156766 Dendrobium stuposum Lindley India: Assam; Ladnai, Jaintea Hills D. Prain 86 1899-6
AMES: 02156764 Dendrobium stuposum Lindley India: Bengal (Northern) K. P. Biswas 1948
GH: 02156763 Dendrobium stuposum Lindley India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02156760 Dendrobium stuposum Lindley India: [illegible] [no data available] 1862
GH: 02156767 Dendrobium sulcatum Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 138 1893-4
AMES: 02156771 Dendrobium terminale Parish & H. Gustav Reichenbach India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 236 1898-9
GH: 01985533 Dendrobium turbinatum Ormerod & C.S.Kumar India: Malabar, Concan J. E. Stocks & J. S. Law s.n.
GH: 02094656 Didiciea cunninghamii King & Prain India: Lachen Valley R. Pantling 396 1895-7
GH: 02162146 Didymoplexis pallens Griffith India: Kalanaddi D. Ritchie 705
GH: 02162147 Didymoplexis pallens Griffith India: Sikkim [illegible] R. Pantling 146 1892-5
GH: 00098875 Dienia muscifera Lindley India: Sikkim 9000-13000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00105914 Diglyphosa macrophylla King & Pantling India: Chel Valley, 4000 ft R. Pantling 315 1897-5
GH: 01945806 Diplomeris hirsuta (Lindley) Lindley India: [illegible] R. Pantling 184 1891-6
GH: 00098943 Disperis neilgherrensis Wight India: R. Wight 3018
A: 01944414 Disperis sp. India: South India. Billigirirangan Hills, western ... E. Barnes 1879 1938-6
GH: 00600569 Doritis wightii Bentham & Hooker f. India: Valley of the Teesta R. Pantling 94 1899-7
AMES: 00253367 Epidendrum ciliare Linnaeus India:
GH: 02125534 Epigeneium amplum (Lindley) Summerhayes India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 246
GH: 02125533 Epigeneium amplum (Lindley) Summerhayes India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02125532 Epigeneium amplum (Lindley) Summerhayes India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
AMES: 02125531 Epigeneium amplum (Lindley) Summerhayes India: Kodaikanal Region, Pulney Hills A. Anglade
GH: 02125536 Epigeneium fuscescens (Griffith) Summerhayes India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02125541 Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindley) Summerhayes India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 02125540 Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindley) Summerhayes India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 69 1893-4
A: 02125539 Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindley) Summerhayes India: Manipur Sirhoi F. Kingdon-Ward 17254 1948-4-12
GH: 02125542 Epigeneium treutleri (Hooker f.) Ormerod India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 11 1893-10
AMES: 01941525 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Jammu and Kashmir Pahlgam R. R. Stewart 5279 1920-7-16
GH: 01941524 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Jammu and Kashmir Pahlgam R. R. Stewart 5279 1920-7-16
GH: 01941523 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Jammu and Kashmir Sonamarg R. R. Stewart 7223 1/2 1922-8-2
GH: 01941522 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Jammu and Kashmir Tragbol R. R. Stewart 4533 1919-7-22
GH: 01941521 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
AMES: 01941519 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Uttarakhand N. W. Himalaya. Nág Tiba, w. Mussoorie P. W. MacKinnon 21746 1898-8
GH: 01941517 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Uttarakhand Jagesar Kumaon. R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 50
AMES: 01941516 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Himachal Pradesh Kulu and Lahoul. Swajan's Maiden, Parbatti V... M. Nath 160 1935-7-22
AMES: 01941515 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Himachal Pradesh Eastern Punjab Region. Kanam, Bushahr, Simla N. Parmanand 554 1934-7-21
AMES: 01941514 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Himachal Pradesh Rarng Chini Bushahr, Simla N. Parmanand 543 1934-7-17
AMES: 01941513 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Uttarakhand Mussoorie. United Provinces Northwest Himala... R. R. Stewart 14887 1935-8-6
AMES: 01941512 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Uttarakhand Mussoorie. United Provinces. Northwest Himal... R. R. Stewart 17971A 1937
AMES: 01941510 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Himachal Pradesh Rarng Chini, Bushahr, Simla, Punjab N. Parmanand 543 1934-7-17
AMES: 01941509 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Himachal Pradesh Khajiar W. N. Koelz 8865 1936-7-12
AMES: 01941508 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Himachal Pradesh Kanam, Bushahr, Simla, Punjab. N. Parmanand 554 1934-7-21
AMES: 01941507 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Himachal Pradesh Khajiar W. N. Koelz 8865 1936-7-12
AMES: 01941506 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz India: Himachal Pradesh Pángi. Rángi forest Harsukh 23336 a 1899
GH: 01941548 Epipactis veratrifolia Boissier & Hohenacker India: Uttarakhand Kálápathar Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 51
AMES: 01941546 Epipactis veratrifolia Boissier & Hohenacker India: Punjab Bhadwar, Kangra W. N. Koelz 1933-04
GH: 01941545 Epipactis veratrifolia Boissier & Hohenacker India: Punjab Bhadwar, Kangra W. N. Koelz 4151 1933-4
GH: 01941544 Epipactis veratrifolia Boissier & Hohenacker India: Uttarakhand N. W. Himalaya. Mussoorie P. W. MacKinnon 22720 a 1899-3-18
GH: 01941540 Epipactis veratrifolia Boissier & Hohenacker India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 125 1899-2
GH: 02162048 Epipogium aphyllum (F. W. Schmidt) Swartz India: Jammu and Kashmir Sonamarg R. R. Stewart 3464 1917-8-31
GH: 02162055 Epipogium roseum (D. Don) Handel-Mazzetti India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02162054 Epipogium roseum (D. Don) Handel-Mazzetti India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 147 1897-5
AMES: 00099131 Epipogium tuberosum Duthie India: Jammu and Kashmir Kashmir, Liddar Valley, Palgam J. F. Duthie 25386a 1901-9-3
GH: 02126084 Eria acervata Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 170 1892-6
GH: 02126083 Eria acervata Lindley India: Assam; [illegible] Jaintia Hills D. Prain 228 1899-5
GH: 02126093 Eria alba Lindley India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02126090 Eria alba Lindley India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 00099152 Eria braccata Lindley India: W. India
GH: 02126126 Eria carinata Gibson India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 1 1898-10
GH: 02126128 Eria confusa Hooker f. India: Sikkim Himalaya; Teesta valley at Ruigeum R. Pantling 257 1897-5
GH: 02126133 Eria coronaria (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach India: Sikkim R. Pantling 27 1898-11
GH: 02126132 Eria coronaria (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02126142 Eria dalzellii Lindley India: Malbar, Concan &c. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
AMES: 02126160 Eria exilis Hooker f. India: Karnataka (Mysore) Road from Sakleshpur to Hassan, 1-2 km from ... E. A. Christenson & S. W. Amy 928 1984-5-12
GH: 02126163 Eria ferruginea Lindley India: [Jharmni?] Jaintea [Jiantia] Hills D. Prain 102 1899-5
AMES: 00556171 Eria gloensis Ormerod & Agrawala India: Glo, Kamlang valley F. Kingdon-Ward 18451 1949-3-25
AMES: 00085013 Eria gloensis Ormerod & Agrawala India: Glo, Kamlang valley F. Kingdon-Ward 18451 1949-3-25
GH: 02126178 Eria graminifolia Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya; Choongttiang R. Pantling 371 1897-7
AMES: 02126179 Eria hegdei Agrawala & H.J.Chowdhery India: Arunachal Pradesh Mishmi Hills F. Kingdon-Ward 18556 1949-4-25
GH: 00099276 Eria laniceps H. G. Reichenbach India: Herb. Falconer 1024
AMES: 02126210 Eria lasiopetala (Willdenow) Ormerod India: N. W. India; District Dehra Dun. P. W. MacKinnon 24158 1900-4-25
AMES: 02126189 Eria leiophylla Lindley India: Assam S. E. Rita
GH: 02126218 Eria microchilos (Dalzell) Lindley India: Malabar, Concan &c. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
GH: 00100964 Eria muscicola (Lindley) Lindley India: Sikkim Singalelah, 12000 feet R. Pantling 449 1896-7
GH: 00099315 Eria mysorensis Lindley India: Malabar, Concan J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
GH: 02126631 Eria ornata Lindley India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00099325 Eria pauciflora Wight India: R. Wight 2961
AMES: 02126265 Eria reticosa Wight India: Karnataka (Mysore) Madras; Billigirirangan Hills E. Barnes 311 1938
AMES: 00556171 Eria sp. India: Glo, Kamlang valley F. Kingdon-Ward 18451 1949-3-25
AMES: 02126179 Eria sp. India: Arunachal Pradesh Mishmi Hills F. Kingdon-Ward 18556 1949-4-25
AMES: 02126329 Eria sp. India: Assam S. E. Rita
GH: 02126327 Eria sp. India: Tongloo [no data available] 1862
AMES: 02126326 Eria sp. India: South India; Biligirirangans E. Barnes 557 1938-9
AMES: 02126325 Eria sp. India: Billigirirangan Hills E. Barnes 371 1938-5
AMES: 02126324 Eria sp. India: [no additional data] [no data available]
AMES: 02288350 Eria sp. India: Sikkim Near Namchi 1958-3-14
GH: 00099362 Eria sphaerochila Lindley India: Meghalaya Khasia T. Lobb
GH: 02126280 Eria spicata (D. Don) Handel-Mazzetti India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02126279 Eria spicata (D. Don) Handel-Mazzetti India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 41 1892-7
AMES: 02126278 Eria spicata (D. Don) Handel-Mazzetti India: Assam S. E. Rita
GH: 02126274 Eria spicata (D. Don) Handel-Mazzetti India: Mohargári; Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom
GH: 02126293 Eria stricta Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 65 1891-11
GH: 02126292 Eria stricta Lindley India: Assam; Jawai Dr. King's Collector [India] 1893-1-29
GH: 02126291 Eria stricta Lindley India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 02126312 Eria uniflora Dalzell India: Malabar, Concan &c. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
GH: 02126313 Eria vittata Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 62 1893-3
GH: 00099437 Eulophia arundinacea Falconer India: Herb. Falconer
AMES: 02341413 Eulophia bicarinata (Lindley) Hooker f. India: Sikkim Sikkim Himaiaya, Dooaos R. Pantling 435
AMES: 02341412 Eulophia bicarinata (Lindley) Hooker f. India: Uttar Pradesh Upper Gangetic Plain, Pilibhit, Dhekala Inayat 25803 1902-5-23
AMES: 02341411 Eulophia bicarinata (Lindley) Hooker f. India: Uttar Pradesh Upper Gangetic Plain, Kheri (Oudh), Dudhwa r... Inayat 22798/a 1898-4-22
GH: 02341414 Eulophia bicolor Dalzell India: Malabar, Concan. Regio. trop J. E. Stocks & J. S. Law
AMES: 02341415 Eulophia campanulata A. V. Duthie India: Uttarakhand N. W. India, Dehra Dun, Karwa Pá-ni P. W. MacKinnon 22722
AMES: 02341423 Eulophia campestris Wallich India: Uttarakhand N. W. Himalaya, Jaunsár, Tons [?] Valley J. F. Duthie 22537 1899
AMES: 02341422 Eulophia campestris Wallich India: Uttar Pradesh Upper Gangetic Plain, Bahraich (Oudh), Moti[... Inayat 24145 1900-4-13
GH: 02341420 Eulophia campestris Wallich India: Uttar Pradesh Hab. Oude [Oudh?], Regio Trop N. Wallich
GH: 02341418 Eulophia campestris Wallich India: Punjab near Hoshiarpur R. N. Parker 3389 1937
GH: 02341417 Eulophia campestris Wallich India: Assam Dhekiajuli A. C. Chatterjee 1902-4
GH: 02341416 Eulophia campestris Wallich India: Assam Dhekiajuli A. C. Chatterjee 1902-4
GH: 02341430 Eulophia epidendraea C. E. C. Fischer India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis Wight 2972 1866
GH: 02341428 Eulophia epidendraea C. E. C. Fischer India: Mont. Nilghiri, Kurg George Thomson
AMES: 02341436 Eulophia explanata Lindley India: Uttarakhand [?]. W. India, Dehrá Dun., N. India P. W. MacKinnon 22710/a
AMES: 02341435 Eulophia explanata Lindley India: Orissa India: Orissa, Bonai, near Banghat H. F. Mooney 3808 1950-5-20
AMES: 02341434 Eulophia explanata Lindley India: Uttar Pradesh Upper Gangetic Plain, Pilibhit, Bargad Chauk... Inayat 22794/a 1898-5-24
AMES: 02341433 Eulophia explanata Lindley India: Uttar Pradesh Upper Gangetic Plain, Pilibhit, N. India Inayat 25788 1902-6-28
AMES: 02341432 Eulophia explanata Lindley India: Uttarakhand N. W. Himalayam, Garhwal, Halde Parao, Adnal... Inayat 25792 1902-6-3
AMES: 02341440 Eulophia flava (Lindley) Hooker f. India: Uttarakhand N. W. India, Dehra Dun, N. India P. W. MacKinnon 1895-7
AMES: 02341438 Eulophia flava (Lindley) Hooker f. India: Uttarakhand N. W. Himalaya, Garhwal, Suttawchoar Inayat 1902-5-24
AMES: 02341450 Eulophia graminea Lindley India: Maymyp (Goteik) F. G. Dickason 5775 1933-5
AMES: 02341449 Eulophia graminea Lindley India: Sikkim Sikkim Himalaya, Dooars R. Pantling 438 1896-3
A: 02341447 Eulophia graminea Lindley India: Tamil Nadu Salem, Namakkal, Kolli hills, Arappaleeswara... A. Diraviadoss 22860 1979-4-19
GH: 00099445 Eulophia hemileuca Lindley India: Plan. Ganget. Sup. T. Thomson
AMES: 02341451 Eulophia hemileuca Lindley India: Uttar Pradesh Upper Gangetic Plain, Kheri (Oudh), Bhira Inayat 22796 1898-4-15
AMES: 02341452 Eulophia herbacea Lindley India: Uttarakhand N. W. Himalaya, Near Mussoorie, N. India J. F. Duthie 24160 1900-7
AMES: 00099448 Eulophia hormusjii Duthie India: Garhwal, near Mussoorie 1900
AMES: 00099458 Eulophia mackinnoni Duthie India: District Dehra Dun J. F. Duthie 24161 1900-8
AMES: 02341457 Eulophia mackinnoni Duthie India: Uttarakhand N. W. India A. V. Duthie 1902
AMES: 02341473 Eulophia nuda Lindley India: Uttar Pradesh Upper Gangetic Plain, Gonda (Oudh), Ranigani Harsukh 1898-5-21
AMES: 02341478 Eulophia nuda Lindley India: Uttar Pradesh Upper Gangetic Plain, Kheri (Oudh), Mohrina Inayat 24143/a 1900
AMES: 02341484 Eulophia obtusa (Lindley) Hooker f. India: Uttar Pradesh Upper Gangetic Plain, Pilibhit, Malássi GhÃ... Inayat 25794 1902-6-29
AMES: 02341483 Eulophia obtusa (Lindley) Hooker f. India: Uttar Pradesh Upper Gangetic Plain, Pilibhit, Malássi GhÃ... Inayat 25794 1902-6-26
GH: 00099464 Eulophia ochreata Lindley India: Malabar, Concan J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
GH: 00099471 Eulophia pratensis Lindley India: Malabar, Concan J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
GH: 02341495 Eulophia sp. India: Uttar Pradesh Bagerar, Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 19
AMES: 02341493 Eulophia zollingeri (Reichenbach f.) J. J. Smith India: Sikkim Sikkim Himalaya, [Murghoo?] R. Pantling 186 1895-5
AMES: 02125635 Flickingeria fimbriata (Blume) A. D. Hawkes India: Assam [no additional data] S. E. Rita
AMES: 02125644 Flickingeria macraei (Lindley) Seidenfaden India: Assam [no additional data] S. E. Rita
GH: 02125643 Flickingeria macraei (Lindley) Seidenfaden India: Malabar, Concan, &c. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
GH: 02125641 Flickingeria macraei (Lindley) Seidenfaden India: Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 266 1893-5
AMES: 02125647 Flickingeria sp. India: Assam [no additional data] S. E. Rita
AMES: 02125646 Flickingeria xantholeuca (Reichenbach f.) A. D. Hawkes India: Assam [no additional data] S. E. Rita
GH: 00102651 Galearis stracheyi (Hooker f.) P. F. Hunt India: Prope Rogila, Garhwal, 11000 feet R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 35
GH: 02158712 Galeola falconeri Hooker f. India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 87 1893-7
GH: 02158711 Galeola falconeri Hooker f. India: Sikkim [no additional data] R. Pantling 87 1893-12
GH: 02158713 Galeola hydra H. G. Reichenbach India: West Bengal Valley of Teesta R. Pantling 321 1896-5
GH: 02158714 Galeola lindleyana (Hooker f. & Thomson) Reichenbach f. India: Sikkim Senchul ridge R. Pantling 88 1899-8
GH: 00287119 Gastrochilus carnosus Z. H. Tsi India: Assam Sundai, Jaintea Hills D. Prain 167 1899-4
AMES: 00271838 Gastrochilus garhwalensis Z. H. Tsi India: Uttarakhand Western Himalaya; Paravá Kotah range Inayat sn 1902-6-15
AMES: 02162129 Gastrodia orobanchoides F. Mueller India: Uttarakhand Nág Siba Ramsukh 22984 1899-8
AMES: 02341151 Geodorum citrinum Jackson India: [no additional data] [no data available]
AMES: 02341156 Geodorum dilatatum R. Brown India: Orissa Orissa, Athmillik State H. F. Mooney 58 1936-6-29
GH: 02341163 Geodorum purpureum R. Brown India: Sikkim Sikkim Himalaya R. Pantling 279 1891-5
GH: 02341162 Geodorum purpureum R. Brown India: Malabar, Concan. Regio. trop. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
AMES: 02341161 Geodorum purpureum R. Brown India: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02341172 Geodorum sp. India: Belgaum[?] [data not captured]
GH: 00099530 Georchis foliosa Lindley India:
GH: 00099531 Georchis vittata Lindley India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
AMES: 02091486 Goodyera biflora (Lindley) Hooker f. India: Mussoori P. W. MacKinnon 25408 1901-7
GH: 02091488 Goodyera foliosa (Lindley) Bentham ex C. B. Clarke India: [no additional data] R. Pantling
AMES: 02091487 Goodyera foliosa (Lindley) Bentham ex C. B. Clarke India: W. Himalaya: near Mussoorie P. W. MacKinnon 1903-10-25
GH: 00090580 Goodyera fusca (Lindley) Hooker f. India: Sikkim, 11000-13000 ft J. D. Hooker
GH: 00090573 Goodyera hemsleyana King & Pantling India: Sikkim R. Pantling 215 1898-7
GH: 00090573 Goodyera hispida Lindley India: Sikkim R. Pantling 215 1898-7
AMES: 02091493 Goodyera hispida Lindley India: Teesta valley R. Pantling 1899-9
GH: 00090596 Goodyera procera (Ker Gawler) Hooker India: R. Wight 3020 1866
AMES: 02091512 Goodyera procera (Ker Gawler) Hooker India: Sikkim Rangpo, Teesta valley. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & G. Taylor 4001 1938-4-7
AMES: 02091509 Goodyera procera (Ker Gawler) Hooker India: Central Province. [illegible] [illegible] 10571 1891-2
AMES: 02091507 Goodyera procera (Ker Gawler) Hooker India: [Région d'Attopeu] [data not captured]
AMES: 02091506 Goodyera procera (Ker Gawler) Hooker India: Seraikela. East Bonai. Orissa. H. F. Mooney 1950-5-5
AMES: 02091504 Goodyera procera (Ker Gawler) Hooker India: [région d' Attopeu] [data not captured] 1877-3
AMES: 02091496 Goodyera procera (Ker Gawler) Hooker India: [illegible] [no data available] 1911-9
AMES: 02091495 Goodyera procera (Ker Gawler) Hooker India: [illegible], East Bonai, [illegible] H. F. Mooney 3800 1950-5-5
AMES: 02091533 Goodyera repens (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Punjab Changla Gali, Murree Hills Hazana side R. R. Stewart 13918 1934-6
GH: 02091529 Goodyera repens (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Pahlgam, Kashmir R. R. Stewart & I. D. Stewart 1920-8-21
GH: 02091530 Goodyera repens (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Pahlgam, Kashmir R. R. Stewart & I. D. Stewart 1920-9-3
GH: 02091531 Goodyera repens (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: [no additional data] R. R. Stewart 1922-8-25
AMES: 02091528 Goodyera repens (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: N. W. Himalaya. Tehri-[illegible] [illegible] 1899-8
GH: 02091526 Goodyera repens (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Lachen Valley R. Pantling 277 1895-7
GH: 02091525 Goodyera repens (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Pawngong, Sikkim-Bootan frontier R. Pantling 1894-8
AMES: 02091523 Goodyera repens (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Western Himalaya. Kashmir. Sukhsaráe, Pir P... Ináyal 1901-8-8
GH: 02091521 Goodyera repens (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: [no additional data] Herb. Falconer
GH: 02091522 Goodyera repens (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Hab. Sikkim. J. D. Hooker
AMES: 02091537 Goodyera schlechtendaliana H. G. Reichenbach India: [illegible] Chopa [illegible] 1930-8
GH: 02091536 Goodyera schlechtendaliana H. G. Reichenbach India: Hab. Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02091535 Goodyera schlechtendaliana H. G. Reichenbach India: [Labba] R. Pantling 1894-8
AMES: 00103924 Grosourdya muscosa (Rolfe) Garay India: Andaman Islands
AMES: 01949828 Gymnadenia conopsea (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Above Tarakbal, Kashmir State. W. N. Koelz 9133 1936-7-31
GH: 01949830 Gymnadenia conopsea (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Kashmir. Pahlgam. R. R. Stewart 5812 1920-8-27
GH: 01949831 Gymnadenia conopsea (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Kashmir. Sonamarg. R. R. Stewart 1922-8-9
AMES: 00099637 Gymnadenia helferi H. G. Reichenbach India: Bangalia circa Calcuttam J. W. Helfer 137 1836
AMES: 00099636 Gymnadenia helferi H. G. Reichenbach India: Bangalia circa Calcuttam J. W. Helfer 137 1836
AMES: 00099638 Gymnadenia himalaica Schlechter India: Northwest Himalaya, Pangi District, head of ... Harsukh 23341 1899-7-19
GH: 01949833 Gymnadenia orchidis Lindley India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 01949834 Gymnadenia orchidis Lindley India: Kumaon. R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 42
GH: 01949836 Gymnadenia orchidis Lindley India: [Lachoong] Valley R. Pantling 404 1895-8
GH: 00099645 Gymnadenia spathulata' Lindley India: Sikkim 10000-13000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00256484 Habenaria Willdenow India: Sikkim, 10000-13000 ft J. D. Hooker 42
GH: 00256484 Habenaria aitchisonii H. G. Reichenbach India: Sikkim, 10000-13000 ft J. D. Hooker 42
GH: 00256489 Habenaria arietina Hooker f. India: Mount Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson s.n.
GH: 00085402 Habenaria arietina Hooker f. India: Mount Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson s.n.
GH: 00099714 Habenaria bakeriana King & Pantling India: Sikkim Lowthong R. Pantling 401 1897-7
GH: 00099740 Habenaria candida Dalzell India: Bombay
GH: 00099744 Habenaria cephalotes Lindley India: India Orientalis R. Wight 3003
GH: 00085411 Habenaria cephalotes Lindley India: India Orientalis R. Wight 3003
AMES: 02288821 Habenaria cumminsiana King & Pantling India: Sikkim Cheungsathang Ribu & Rhomoo 5621 1911-9-6
AMES: 01946639 Habenaria digitata Lindley India: Uttarakhand P. W. MacKinnon 22728 1899-7-20
GH: 00099782 Habenaria diphylla Dalzell India: N. A. Dalzell 1399
AMES: 00099827 Habenaria ditricha Hooker f. India: Moulmein W. Lobb 350 1846
AMES: 00099830 Habenaria dyeriana King & Pantling India: Sikkim Lachen Valley, 11000 feet R. Pantling 407 1895-8
AMES: 00099834 Habenaria elliptica Wight India: Peninsula India Orientalis R. Wight 3014
AMES: 01946654 Habenaria furcifera Lindley India: N. W. India. [Dehra Dun.] Harsukh 24168 1900-9-5
AMES: 01946648 Habenaria furcifera Lindley India: S. India. Attikan Estate, Mysore. Dt. E. Barnes 869 1939-9-23
GH: 00099852 Habenaria gigantea D. Don India: Near Simla C. B. Ramsay 1831-8-11
GH: 00287400 Habenaria gracillima Hooker f. India: Mount Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 11
GH: 00099857 Habenaria graminea Lindley India: Meghalaya Khasia W. Lobb s.n.
GH: 00085466 Habenaria graminea Lindley India: Meghalaya Khasia W. Lobb s.n.
AMES: 01946639 Habenaria graveolens A. V. Duthie India: Uttarakhand P. W. MacKinnon 22728 1899-7-20
GH: 00256484 Habenaria josephi H. G. Reichenbach India: Sikkim, 10000-13000 ft J. D. Hooker 42
AMES: 00099902 Habenaria juncea King & Pantling India: Sikkim Lachoong Valley, 11000 feet R. Pantling 406 1895-8
GH: 00102877 Habenaria lacertifera Bentham India: Meghalaya Mont Khasia, 4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00287398 Habenaria neglecta King & Pantling India: Malabar, Concan W. J. Hooker 13
GH: 00083715 Habenaria neglecta King & Pantling India: Malabar, Concan W. J. Hooker 13
GH: 00099976 Habenaria oligantha Hooker f. India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker 20
GH: 00085426 Habenaria oligantha Hooker f. India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker 20
GH: 00099982 Habenaria ovalifolia Wight India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis R. Wight 3017
GH: 00099981 Habenaria ovalifolia Wight India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis R. Wight 3016
GH: 00085432 Habenaria ovalifolia Wight India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis R. Wight 3017
GH: 00256489 Habenaria pectinata (Smith) D. Don India: Mount Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson s.n.
AMES: 00099998 Habenaria perrottetiana A. Richard India: Nil-Gherries G. S. Perrottet s.n. 1857
AMES: 00085458 Habenaria perrottetiana A. Richard India: Nil-Gherries G. S. Perrottet s.n. 1857
GH: 00100035 Habenaria plantaginea Lindley India: India Orientalis R. Wight 3005
AMES: 00100039 Habenaria platyphylla Sprengel India: R. Wight
GH: 00100040 Habenaria platyphylla Sprengel India: India Orientalis R. Wight 3003
GH: 00101876 Habenaria secundiflora Hooker f. India: Sikkim Lachoong Valley, 13000 feet R. Pantling 419 1895-9
AMES: 02254067 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd India: Tamil Nadu Madras, Billigirirangan Hills E. Barnes 574 1938-9
GH: 02254068 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd India: Nighiri & Kurg. George Thomson 25
AMES: 02254069 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd India: Bandarinath Uniyaal s.n. 1967-7-10
AMES: 02254072 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd India: Tamil Nadu Madras, Davagiri, Mysore Distr. E. Barnes 836 1939-9-20
AMES: 02254073 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd India: Mochal E. Barnes s.n. 1939-9
AMES: 02254074 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd India: United Provinces Below Landour R. R. Stewart 14981 1935-8
AMES: 02254075 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd India: J. O. Voigt s.n.
AMES: 02254076 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd India: A. Campbell 37
AMES: 02254078 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd India: Mysore Province Attikkan Estate E. Barnes 877 1939-9-23
AMES: 02254079 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd India: Tamil Nadu Madras, Kottur Forest E. Barnes 971 1939-12-19
AMES: 02254080 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd India: Serampore J. O. Voigt s.n.
GH: 02254081 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd India: Belgaum D. Ritchie 1404
AMES: 00100120 Habenaria sutteri H. G. Reichenbach India: Terr. Canara, prope urbem Mangalor J. F. Metz s.n. 1851
AMES: 00100121 Habenaria sutteri H. G. Reichenbach India: Terr. Canara, prope urbem Mangalor J. F. Metz s.n. 1851
AMES: 00085455 Habenaria sutteri H. G. Reichenbach India: Terr. Canara, prope urbem Mangalor J. F. Metz s.n. 1851
AMES: 01948708 Hemipilia cordifolia Lindley India: [Landour] R. R. Stewart 16732 1938-7
AMES: 01948707 Hemipilia cordifolia Lindley India: N. W. Himalaya. Near [Mussouie] [illegible] 21768 1898-7
AMES: 01948706 Hemipilia cordifolia Lindley India: Western Himalaya. Tehri-Garhwal. P. W. MacKinnon 25420 1901-9
GH: 01948704 Hemipilia cordifolia Lindley India: [no additional data] Herb. Falconer 1047
GH: 00100252 Herminium congestum Lindley India: Wallich Cat. 7068
GH: 00100254 Herminium gracile King & Pantling India: Sikkim Lachen Valley, 11000 feet R. Pantling 397 1895-7
AMES: 01948777 Herminium gramineum Lindley India: N. W. Himalaya. [Nussoorie] J. F. Duthie 22713 1899-7
AMES: 01948776 Herminium gramineum Lindley India: Mussoorie. Northwest Himalaya. R. R. Stewart 14214 1934-8-4
GH: 01948771 Herminium gramineum Lindley India: [no additional data] Herb. Falconer 1049
GH: 00100255 Herminium jaffreyanum King & Pantling India: Sikkim 8000 feet R. Pantling 237 1892-8
GH: 00100256 Herminium josephi H. G. Reichenbach India: Sikkim 10000-13000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 01948781 Herminium josephi H. G. Reichenbach India: [Lachen and Chumbi] R. Pantling 381 1895-7
GH: 01948780 Herminium josephi H. G. Reichenbach India: Lachen Valley R. Pantling 381 1897-7
AMES: 00100258 Herminium mackinnoni Duthie India: District Lehri-Garhwal, near Mussoorie, 6000... P. W. MacKinnon 25421 1901-8-30
GH: 02090140 Herpysma longicaulis Lindley India: Sikkim Himalaya; Rungfo valley R. Pantling 240 1899-9
GH: 00100351 Ione intermedia King & Pantling India: Sikkim Choongthang, 6000 feet R. Pantling 161 1895-6
GH: 00100384 Josephia lanceolata Wight India: Malabar, Concan, regio trop. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
A: 02095412 Liparis atropurpurea Lindley India: Tamil Nadu Yercad taluk; Yercad, Kakashola K. M. Matthew 23353 1979-6-30
AMES: 00100963 Liparis auriculata H. G. Reichenbach India: Meghalaya Mont Khasia, 4000-6000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 16
GH: 00243071 Liparis auriculata H. G. Reichenbach India: Meghalaya Mt. Khasia, 4000-6000 ft J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 16
GH: 02095417 Liparis bootanensis Griffith India: Sikkim R. Pantling 33343 1898-8
AMES: 02095426 Liparis caespitosa (Thouars) Lindley India: Sikkim R. Pantling 179 1898-5
GH: 02095424 Liparis caespitosa (Thouars) Lindley India: Sikkim R. Pantling 85 1898-8
GH: 00243060 Liparis cordifolia Hooker f. India: Meghalaya Mount Khasia, 5000 ft J. D. Hooker
GH: 00103249 Liparis decurrens (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach ex Ridley India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia, 3000-4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00101632 Liparis densiflora A. Richard India: Peninsulae Indiae Orientalis R. Wight 2943
GH: 02095445 Liparis gamblei Hooker f. India: [illegible] R. Pantling 150 1893-6
GH: 02095459 Liparis glossula Reichenbach f. India: Chumbi Valley R. Pantling 402 1895-7
AMES: 02095458 Liparis glossula Reichenbach f. India: N. W. Himalaya; Mussoorie P. W. MacKinnon 22734 1899-7-24
AMES: 02095457 Liparis glossula Reichenbach f. India: Mussoorie; Midlands Nullah, Landour R. R. Stewart 14347 1934-8-14
GH: 02095456 Liparis glossula Reichenbach f. India: Binsar; Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom Orchid 1
GH: 00100883 Liparis luteola Lindley India: Meghalaya Mont Khasia, 4000-5000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
AMES: 00100882 Liparis luteola Lindley India: Meghalaya Mont Khasia, 4000-5000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
AMES: 02095465 Liparis luteola Lindley India: E. Himalaya (Assam); Moshmae falls K. P. Biswas 3944 1938-11-11
GH: 02095473 Liparis nervosa (Thunberg) Lindley India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02095485 Liparis odorata (Willdenow) Lindley India: Malabar, Concan &c. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
GH: 00243062 Liparis pulchella Hooker f. India: Meghalaya Mount Khasia, 6000 ft J. D. Hooker
GH: 00100964 Liparis pygmaea King & Pantling India: Sikkim Singalelah, 12000 feet R. Pantling 449 1896-7
GH: 00100968 Liparis resupinata Ridley India: Sikkim 5000-6000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00100967 Liparis resupinata Ridley India: Sikkim 5000-6000 feet J. D. Hooker
AMES: 02095523 Liparis rostrata Reichenbach f. India: N. W. Himalaya; Mussoorie P. W. MacKinnon 22971 1899-7
AMES: 02095522 Liparis rostrata Reichenbach f. India: Mussoorie; Landour, Tabberkhet R. R. Stewart 14173A 1934-7-28
GH: 02095521 Liparis rostrata Reichenbach f. India: N. W. Himalaya; Gharial; Murree Hills R. R. Stewart 3891 1918-8-21
AMES: 02095520 Liparis rostrata Reichenbach f. India: Mussoorie; Northwest Himalaya; Valley west W... R. R. Stewart 15914 1931-7-24
AMES: 02095519 Liparis rostrata Reichenbach f. India: Mussoorie; Jabbenkhet R. R. Stewart 14194 1934
AMES: 02095518 Liparis rostrata Reichenbach f. India: Mussoorie; Jabberkhet ridges R. R. Stewart 14363A 1934-8-16
AMES: 02095517 Liparis rostrata Reichenbach f. India: Mussoorie P. W. MacKinnon 25424a 1901-8
AMES: 02095514 Liparis rostrata Reichenbach f. India: Mussoorie; Landour R. R. Stewart 16731 1938-7
AMES: 02095513 Liparis rostrata Reichenbach f. India: Mussoorie; Jabberkhet ridges R. R. Stewart 14214A 1934
AMES: 02095512 Liparis rostrata Reichenbach f. India: Mussoorie; Castle Hill, Landour R. R. Stewart 16290A 1938-8-5
AMES: 02094361 Liparis sp. India: Nil-Gherrie G. S. Perrottet 1857
AMES: 02095535 Liparis viridiflora (Blume) Lindley India: Manipur Kanglatongbi A. A. Bullock 828 1945-12-3
GH: 02095532 Liparis viridiflora (Blume) Lindley India: Valley of the Teesta R. Pantling 198 1892-10
AMES: 02095531 Liparis viridiflora (Blume) Lindley India: Uttarakhand [no additional data] P. W. MacKinnon 24184 1899-9-27
AMES: 02095530 Liparis viridiflora (Blume) Lindley India: Uttarakhand [no additional data] J. F. Duthie 25433 1901-10
GH: 00100997 Liparis walkeriae Graham India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis R. Wight 2946
GH: 00101004 Listera alternifolia King & Pantling India: Sikkim Lachen Valley, 10000 feet R. Pantling 390 1895-7
GH: 01941079 Listera alternifolia King & Pantling India: Sikkim Lachen Valley R. Pantling 390 1897-7
GH: 00101010 Listera brevicaulis King & Pantling India: Sikkim Lachen Valley, 9000 feet R. Pantling 392 1895-7
GH: 00101015 Listera lindleyana King & Pantling India: Sikkim Lachen Valley, 10000 feet R. Pantling 393 1895-7
GH: 00101016 Listera longicaulis King & Pantling India: Sikkim Lachen Valley, 7000 feet R. Pantling 391 1896-7-23
GH: 01941082 Listera micrantha Lindley India: Sikkim Lachen & Lachoong Valleys R. Pantling 377 1895-7
AMES: 00101018 Listera microglottis Duthie India: Musoorie, 5000-6000 feet P. W. MacKinnon 25426 1901-8-15
AMES: 00101017 Listera microglottis Duthie India: Musoorie, 5000-6000 feet P. W. MacKinnon 25426 1901-8-15
GH: 01941084 Listera ovata (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Jammu and Kashmir Kajliban, Gurais Valley Inayat 25389 1901-7-14
AMES: 00101020 Listera pinetorum Lindley India: Sikkim 10000-12000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 01941087 Listera pinetorum Lindley India: Sikkim Lachen Valley R. Pantling 376 1897-7
GH: 01941086 Listera pinetorum Lindley India: Sikkim Choombi & Lachen Valleys R. Pantling 376 1895-7
GH: 01941085 Listera pinetorum Lindley India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01941089 Listera tenuis Lindley India: Sikkim Lachen & Chumbi Valleys R. Pantling 378 1895-7
GH: 01941088 Listera tenuis Lindley India: Sikkim Lachen Valley R. Pantling 378 1897-7
AMES: 02175196 Malaxis acuminata D. Don India: Uttarakhand Mussoorie; United Provinces; Northwest Himal... R. R. Stewart 14140 1934-7-26
AMES: 00101679 Malaxis mackinnoni (Duthie) Ames India: Uttar Pradesh Near Mussoorie, 6000 feet J. F. Duthie 22974 1899-7-28
AMES: 02175211 Malaxis monophyllos (Linnaeus) Swartz India: Kyelang, Lahul, Punjab W. N. Koelz 8538 1936-6-27