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Next page >Asteraceae GH: 00010901 Parthenium Linnaeus Mexico: Coahuila Mesa Grande, high mesas 40 km. northwest of ... R. M. Stewart 1662 1941-9-14
GH: 00010898 Parthenium arctium Bartlett Mexico: Chihuahua Municipio de Batopilas, Hacienda San Miguel,... Edw. Palmer 123 1885-8
GH: 00010900 Parthenium confertum A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Plain N. W. of Parras Josiah Gregg 25 1847-5-14
GH: 00010899 Parthenium confertum A. Gray Mexico: States of Coahuila and Nuvo Leon; Parras Edw. Palmer 648 1880-10
GH: 00257774 Parthenium confertum A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Battlefield near Buena Vista, near Saltillo Josiah Gregg 86 1848-5-19
GH: 00010894 Parthenium confertum lyratum (A. Gray) Rollins Mexico: States of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon Edw. Palmer 647 1880-10
GH: 00257774 Parthenium confertum lyratum (A. Gray) Rollins Mexico: Coahuila Battlefield near Buena Vista, near Saltillo Josiah Gregg 86 1848-5-19
GH: 00010901 Parthenium confertum divaricatum Rollins Mexico: Coahuila Mesa Grande, high mesas 40 km. northwest of ... R. M. Stewart 1662 1941-9-14
GH: 00010901 Parthenium confertum confertum Mexico: Coahuila Mesa Grande, high mesas 40 km. northwest of ... R. M. Stewart 1662 1941-9-14
GH: 00010899 Parthenium confertum confertum Mexico: States of Coahuila and Nuvo Leon; Parras Edw. Palmer 648 1880-10
GH: 00010900 Parthenium confertum confertum Mexico: Coahuila Plain N. W. of Parras Josiah Gregg 25 1847-5-14
GH: 00010905 Parthenium fruticosum Lessing Mexico: Veracruz Barranca de Tenaupa, Zacuapan C. A. Purpus 1849 1906-8
GH: 00010894 Parthenium hysterophorus lyratum A. Gray Mexico: States of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon Edw. Palmer 647 1880-10
GH: 00010903 Parthenium lozanianum Bartlett Mexico: Nuevo León Hacienda, El Carrizo; 1000 ft. Sierra Madre ... F. L. Lozano 10247 1906-5-1
GH: 00010902 Parthenium lozanianum Bartlett Mexico: Nuevo León Hacienda, El Carrizo; 1000 ft. Sierra Madre ... F. L. Lozano 10247 1906-5-1
GH: 00010904 Parthenium lozanianum Bartlett Mexico: Nuevo León Hacienda, El Carrizo; 1000 ft. Sierra Madre ... F. L. Lozano 10247 1906-5-1
GH: 00010905 Parthenium parviceps S. F. Blake Mexico: Veracruz Barranca de Tenaupa, Zacuapan C. A. Purpus 1849 1906-8
GH: 00010906 Parthenium rollinsianum Rzedowski Mexico: San Luis Potosí ±2 Km al este de Santa Ana Pozos, Municipio... A. Rivera Rz 8526a 1956-11-20
GH: 00010908 Parthenium schottii Greenman ex Millspaugh & Chase Mexico: Yucatán Progreso G. F. Gaumer & sons 1166
A: 00010907 Parthenium schottii Greenman ex Millspaugh & Chase Mexico: Yucatán Progreso G. F. Gaumer 1166
GH: 00010898 Parthenium stramonium Greene Mexico: Chihuahua Municipio de Batopilas, Hacienda San Miguel,... Edw. Palmer 123 1885-8
GH: 00010909 Parthenium stramonium Greene Mexico: Sonora La Tinaja. C. V. Hartman 248 1890-11-19
GH: 00010910 Parthenium stramonium Greene Mexico: Chihuahua Near Chuichupa in the Sierra Madres C. H. T. Townsend & C. M. Barber 393 1899-8-31
GH: 00010898 Parthenium tomentosum de Candolle Mexico: Chihuahua Municipio de Batopilas, Hacienda San Miguel,... Edw. Palmer 123 1885-8
GH: 00010909 Parthenium tomentosum de Candolle Mexico: Sonora La Tinaja. C. V. Hartman 248 1890-11-19
GH: 00010911 Parthenium tomentosum de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Between Oaxaca and Mitla G. Andrieux 281 1834-7
GH: 00010909 Parthenium tomentosum stramonium (Greene) Rollins Mexico: Sonora La Tinaja. C. V. Hartman 248 1890-11-19
GH: 00010898 Parthenium tomentosum stramonium (Greene) Rollins Mexico: Chihuahua Municipio de Batopilas, Hacienda San Miguel,... Edw. Palmer 123 1885-8
GH: 00010910 Parthenium tomentosum stramonium (Greene) Rollins Mexico: Chihuahua Near Chuichupa in the Sierra Madres C. H. T. Townsend & C. M. Barber 393 1899-8-31
GH: 00010911 Parthenium tomentosum typicum Rollins Mexico: Oaxaca Between Oaxaca and Mitla G. Andrieux 281 1834-7
GH: 00010982 Pectis Mexico: Sinaloa Varomena and vicinity; 1000-1500 ft. H. S. Gentry 7323 1945-3-25
GH: 00052458 Pectis Mexico: Durango Sierra Madre Occidental, about 50 miles west... A. J. Cronquist 9562 1962-9-29
GH: 00294067 Pectis Mexico: Sinaloa State of La Neveria. Rocky hill N. of Mazatl... Y. E. J. Mexia 1094 1926-11-16
GH: 00010924 Pectis ambigua Fernald Mexico: La Paz, Lower California Edw. Palmer 23 1890-1-20
GH: 00010928 Pectis ambigua Fernald Mexico: Prom. St. Lucae J. J. Bennett 21
GH: 00010929 Pectis ambigua Fernald Mexico: San Gregorio, Lower California T. S. Brandegee 1889-2-4
GH: 00010915 Pectis angustifolia tenella (de Candolle) D. J. Keil Mexico: Tamaulipas East of Mier Josiah Gregg 62 1847-5-31
GH: 00010984 Pectis angustifolia tenella (de Candolle) D. J. Keil Mexico: Tamaulipas Prope Laredo J. L. Berlandier 2009=599 1829-7
GH: 00257292 Pectis angustifolia tenella (de Candolle) D. J. Keil Mexico: La Pena J. L. Berlandier 2415=985 1834-6
GH: 00257293 Pectis angustifolia tenella (de Candolle) D. J. Keil Mexico: Tamaulipas Laredo J. L. Berlandier 2009=599
GH: 00010927 Pectis aquatica S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Base of Sierra Madre C. G. Pringle 1296 1887-9-27
GH: 00294073 Pectis barberi Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua 1 mi S of Cueva de la Hoya on road to Pachec... J. Spencer 1454 1999-8-13
GH: 00589254 Pectis barberi Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madres C. H. T. Townsend & C. M. Barber 269 1899-8-19
GH: 00589255 Pectis barberi Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Between Colonia Garcia and Pratt's Ranch bel... E. W. Nelson 6269 1899-8-22
GH: 00589256 Pectis barberi Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Between Colonia Garcia and Pratt's Ranch bel... E. W. Nelson 6269 1899-8-22
GH: 00010928 Pectis bennettii Klatt Mexico: Prom. St. Lucae J. J. Bennett 21
GH: 00010930 Pectis berlandieri de Candolle Mexico: Veracruz Una locum dictum rancho de los Huevos prope ... J. L. Berlandier 2152=732 1831-1
GH: 00010931 Pectis berlandieri palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chiuhahua Edw. Palmer 61 1885-11
GH: 00010976 Pectis bonplandiana Kunth Mexico: Sinaloa Mazatlan and vicinity W. G. Wright 1204 1889-1
GH: 00010975 Pectis bonplandiana Kunth Mexico: Sinaloa Mazatlan F. H. Lamb 313 1894-12
GH: 00589299 Pectis bonplandiana Kunth Mexico: B. C. Seemann
GH: 00589300 Pectis bonplandiana Kunth Mexico: Wartenburg, near Tantoyuca, prov. Huasteca, ... C. F. L. C. Ervendberg 137 1858
GH: 00589267 Pectis brachycephala Urban Mexico: Chiapas Jalisco C. A. Purpus 9162 1923-9
GH: 00010949 Pectis bracteata S. Watson Mexico: Coahuila Carneros Pass C. G. Pringle 2403 1889-9-3
GH: 00589263 Pectis canescens Kunth Mexico: Val. d. Mexico J. G. Schaffner 85 1855-8
GH: 00010983 Pectis capillaris de Candolle Mexico: Jalisco F. W. Beechey
GH: 00010931 Pectis capillaris paucicapitata Fernald Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chiuhahua Edw. Palmer 61 1885-11
GH: 00589279 Pectis cylindrica (Fernald) Rydberg Mexico: Coahuila [protologue: "Coahuila, Monclova"] Edw. Palmer 640 1880-2
GH: 00589282 Pectis cylindrica (Fernald) Rydberg Mexico: Sonora [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 145 1887-8
GH: 00589258 Pectis depressa Fernald Mexico: Guerrero Acapulco: Edw. Palmer 16 1894-10
GH: 00010985 Pectis dichotoma Klatt Mexico: Consaquitla F. M. Liebmann 394 1841-8
GH: 00589260 Pectis dichotoma Klatt Mexico: Jalisco near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 8760 1903-8-6
GH: 00589262 Pectis diffusa Hooker & Arnott Mexico: Michoacán Tancitaro Region, below Acahuato W. C. Leavenworth & H. Hoogstraal 1563 1941-8-15
GH: 00589260 Pectis exilis D. J. Keil Mexico: Jalisco near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 8760 1903-8-6
GH: 00010952 Pectis filipes Harvey & A. Gray Mexico: ["Type: Mexico. 'California,' (probably coll... T. Coulter 329
GH: 00010957 Pectis filipes Harvey & A. Gray Mexico: Sonora Cochuto C. V. Hartman 70 1890-10-1
GH: 00010985 Pectis filipes Harvey & A. Gray Mexico: Consaquitla F. M. Liebmann 394 1841-8
GH: 00010956 Pectis filipes Harvey & A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Janos A. C. V. Schott
GH: 00589275 Pectis filipes Harvey & A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Jimulco C. G. Pringle 125 1885-5-15
GH: 00010957 Pectis filipes subnuda Fernald Mexico: Sonora Cochuto C. V. Hartman 70 1890-10-1
GH: 00010956 Pectis filipes subnuda Fernald Mexico: Chihuahua Janos A. C. V. Schott
GH: 00589278 Pectis holochaeta (S. F. Blake) D. J. Keil Mexico: México Acatitlan [District Temascaltepec] G. B. Hinton 4797 1933-9-23
GH: 00589262 Pectis imitans Standley Mexico: Michoacán Tancitaro Region, below Acahuato W. C. Leavenworth & H. Hoogstraal 1563 1941-8-15
GH: 00010960 Pectis incisifolia I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila South of Laguna del Rey, road from Mohovano ... I. M. Johnston 7824 1938-9-21
GH: 00589263 Pectis latisquama Schultz Bipontinus ex Greenman Mexico: Val. d. Mexico J. G. Schaffner 85 1855-8
GH: 00589264 Pectis latisquama Schultz Bipontinus ex Greenman Mexico: Puebla Amozoc C. G. Pringle 8604 1901-9-9
GH: 00589265 Pectis leavenworthii Standley Mexico: Michoacán Tancitaro Region, above Apatzingan W. C. Leavenworth & H. Hoogstraal 1485 1941-8-13
GH: 00589266 Pectis liebmannii Schultz Bipontinus ex Hemsley Mexico: S. Agustin F. M. Liebmann 467 1842-10
GH: 00010961 Pectis linifolia Linnaeus Mexico: Guerrero Tanganhuato, Coyuca G. B. Hinton et al. 6606 1934-9-18
GH: 00010963 Pectis linifolia marginalis Fernald Mexico: Sonora [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 224 1887-9
GH: 00010961 Pectis linifolia hirtella S. F. Blake Mexico: Guerrero Tanganhuato, Coyuca G. B. Hinton et al. 6606 1934-9-18
GH: 00295656 Pectis longipes A. Gray Mexico: Sonora Arroyo Hondu C. V. Hartman 216 1890-11-8
GH: 00589254 Pectis longipes A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madres C. H. T. Townsend & C. M. Barber 269 1899-8-19
GH: 00589267 Pectis minutiflora D. J. Keil Mexico: Chiapas Jalisco C. A. Purpus 9162 1923-9
GH: 00010924 Pectis multiseta Bentham Mexico: La Paz, Lower California Edw. Palmer 23 1890-1-20
GH: 00010928 Pectis multiseta Bentham Mexico: Prom. St. Lucae J. J. Bennett 21
GH: 00010929 Pectis multiseta Bentham Mexico: San Gregorio, Lower California T. S. Brandegee 1889-2-4
GH: 00294071 Pectis palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Agiabampo Edw. Palmer 765 1890
GH: 00294072 Pectis palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Sonora Flats near standing water, 28 miles south-ea... U. T. Waterfall 12828 1956-8-18
GH: 00589272 Pectis palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Sonora Edw. Palmer 652 1887-11
GH: 00589273 Pectis palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Sonora [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 653 1887-11
GH: 00010965 Pectis papposa Harvey & A. Gray Mexico: "California" T. Coulter 331
GH: 00589272 Pectis papposa Harvey & A. Gray Mexico: Sonora Edw. Palmer 652 1887-11
GH: 00589273 Pectis papposa Harvey & A. Gray Mexico: Sonora [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 653 1887-11
GH: 00589275 Pectis pringlei Fernald Mexico: Coahuila Jimulco C. G. Pringle 125 1885-5-15
GH: 00589276 Pectis propetes Greenman Mexico: Zacatecas Near San Juan Capistrano J. N. Rose 2436 1897-8-19
GH: 00589277 Pectis propetes Greenman Mexico: Zacatecas Near San Juan Capistrano J. N. Rose 2436 1897-8-19
GH: 00589278 Pectis propetes Greenman Mexico: México Acatitlan [District Temascaltepec] G. B. Hinton 4797 1933-9-23
GH: 00589278 Pectis propetes holochaeta S. F. Blake Mexico: México Acatitlan [District Temascaltepec] G. B. Hinton 4797 1933-9-23
GH: 00589250 Pectis prostrata Cavanilles Mexico: Sonora [“near Santa Cruz, Sonora"] C. Wright 1123 1851-9
GH: 00589279 Pectis prostrata Cavanilles Mexico: Coahuila [protologue: "Coahuila, Monclova"] Edw. Palmer 640 1880-2
GH: 00589280 Pectis prostrata Cavanilles Mexico: Val. d. Mexico J. G. Schaffner 83 1855-8
GH: 00589281 Pectis prostrata Cavanilles Mexico: Vallée de Mexico, Mexique J. G. Schaffner 273
GH: 00589282 Pectis prostrata Cavanilles Mexico: Sonora [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 145 1887-8
GH: 00589283 Pectis prostrata Cavanilles Mexico: Chihuahua [protologe: "Hacienda San José"] Edw. Palmer 53 1885-8
GH: 00589286 Pectis prostrata Cavanilles Mexico: Val. d. Mexico J. G. Schaffner 84 1855-8
GH: 00589279 Pectis prostrata cylindrica Fernald Mexico: Coahuila [protologue: "Coahuila, Monclova"] Edw. Palmer 640 1880-2
GH: 00589282 Pectis prostrata cylindrica Fernald Mexico: Sonora [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 145 1887-8
GH: 00589283 Pectis prostrata urceolata Fernald Mexico: Chihuahua [protologe: "Hacienda San José"] Edw. Palmer 53 1885-8
GH: 00010969 Pectis puberula Greenman Mexico: Sinaloa Lodiego Edw. Palmer 1605 1891-10-9
GH: 00010968 Pectis puberula Greenman Mexico: Lodiego Edw. Palmer 1605 1891-10-9
GH: 00010963 Pectis punctata Jacquin Mexico: Sonora [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 224 1887-9
GH: 00010972 Pectis punctata Jacquin Mexico: Sonora Alamos Edw. Palmer 730 1890-9-16
GH: 00010970 Pectis purpurea Brandegee Mexico: Sinaloa Vicinity of Culiacan; Cofradia T. S. Brandegee 1904-10-21
GH: 00010971 Pectis purpurea sonorae D. J. Keil Mexico: Sonora 3.5 miles SE of jctn. Sonora Rte. 19, 1.9 mi... D. J. Keil & J. M. Canne 8644 1971-9-7
GH: 00294070 Pectis purpurea sonorae D. J. Keil Mexico: Sinaloa 10 mi. N.W. of toll bridge crossing Río Sin... D. J. Keil & J. M. Canne 8777 1971-9-11
GH: 00294071 Pectis purpurea sonorae D. J. Keil Mexico: Agiabampo Edw. Palmer 765 1890
GH: 00294072 Pectis purpurea sonorae D. J. Keil Mexico: Sonora Flats near standing water, 28 miles south-ea... U. T. Waterfall 12828 1956-8-18
GH: 00010979 Pectis purpurea lancifolia (Greenman) D. J. Keil Mexico: Nayarit Between Concepcion and Acaponeta, Territorio... J. N. Rose 1893 1897-7-29
GH: 00010980 Pectis purpurea lancifolia (Greenman) D. J. Keil Mexico: Nayarit Territorio de Tepic. Between Concepcion and ... J. N. Rose 1893 1897
GH: 00589285 Pectis repens Brandegee Mexico: Sinaloa Cofradia T. S. Brandegee 1904-11-10
GH: 00010972 Pectis rosei Fernald Mexico: Sonora Alamos Edw. Palmer 730 1890-9-16
GH: 00589272 Pectis rusbyi Greene ex A. Gray Mexico: Sonora Edw. Palmer 652 1887-11
GH: 00589273 Pectis rusbyi Greene ex A. Gray Mexico: Sonora [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 653 1887-11
GH: 00010977 Pectis salina Brandegee Mexico: Sinaloa Vicinity of Culiacan, Altata T. S. Brandegee 1904-9-2
GH: 00010978 Pectis salina Brandegee Mexico: Sinaloa Vicinity of Culiacan, Altata T. S. Brandegee 1904-11-20
GH: 00010973 Pectis scabra Brandegee Mexico: Sinaloa Copradia, vicinity of Culiacan T. S. Brandegee 1904-10-26
GH: 00589286 Pectis schaffneri Schultz Bipontinus ex Fernald Mexico: Val. d. Mexico J. G. Schaffner 84 1855-8
GH: 00010974 Pectis seemannii Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: B. C. Seemann
GH: 00010975 Pectis sinaloensis Fernald Mexico: Sinaloa Mazatlan F. H. Lamb 313 1894-12
GH: 00010976 Pectis sinaloensis Fernald Mexico: Sinaloa Mazatlan and vicinity W. G. Wright 1204 1889-1
GH: 00010980 Pectis sinaloensis Fernald Mexico: Nayarit Territorio de Tepic. Between Concepcion and ... J. N. Rose 1893 1897
GH: 00010977 Pectis sinaloensis Fernald Mexico: Sinaloa Vicinity of Culiacan, Altata T. S. Brandegee 1904-9-2
GH: 00010978 Pectis sinaloensis Fernald Mexico: Sinaloa Vicinity of Culiacan, Altata T. S. Brandegee 1904-11-20
GH: 00294067 Pectis sinaloensis Fernald Mexico: Sinaloa State of La Neveria. Rocky hill N. of Mazatl... Y. E. J. Mexia 1094 1926-11-16
GH: 00294068 Pectis sinaloensis Fernald Mexico: Sinaloa Collected in the vicinity of Mazatlan J. N. Rose, P. C. Standley & P. G.... 13672 1910-4
GH: 00294069 Pectis sinaloensis Fernald Mexico: Sinaloa Altata H. S. Gentry 5445 1940-2-1
GH: 00589299 Pectis sinaloensis Fernald Mexico: B. C. Seemann
GH: 00010979 Pectis sinaloensis lancifolia Greenman Mexico: Nayarit Between Concepcion and Acaponeta, Territorio... J. N. Rose 1893 1897-7-29
GH: 00010980 Pectis sinaloensis lancifolia Greenman Mexico: Nayarit Territorio de Tepic. Between Concepcion and ... J. N. Rose 1893 1897
GH: 00589278 Pectis sp. Mexico: México Acatitlan [District Temascaltepec] G. B. Hinton 4797 1933-9-23
GH: 00010981 Pectis stenophylla A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 81 1885-11
GH: 00295657 Pectis stenophylla A. Gray Mexico: Sonora Arroyo Hondu C. V. Hartman 216 1890-11-8
GH: 00295658 Pectis stenophylla A. Gray Mexico: Sonora Badehuachi F. E. Lloyd 402 1890-12-2
GH: 00295659 Pectis stenophylla A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua on north side of Barranca de Batopilas, belo... R. A. Bye 3330 1973-2-23
ECON: 00295660 Pectis stenophylla A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua on north side of Barranca de Batopilas, betw... R. A. Bye 3205 1973-1-23
ECON: 00295661 Pectis stenophylla A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua vicinity of La Bufa, on south side of Barran... R. A. Bye 2865 1972-10-3
GH: 00010982 Pectis stenophylla gentryi D. J. Keil Mexico: Sinaloa Varomena and vicinity; 1000-1500 ft. H. S. Gentry 7323 1945-3-25
GH: 00010972 Pectis stenophylla rosei (Fernald) Keil Mexico: Sonora Alamos Edw. Palmer 730 1890-9-16
GH: 00010973 Pectis stenophylla puberula (Greenman) Keil Mexico: Sinaloa Copradia, vicinity of Culiacan T. S. Brandegee 1904-10-26
GH: 00010969 Pectis stenophylla puberula (Greenman) Keil Mexico: Sinaloa Lodiego Edw. Palmer 1605 1891-10-9
GH: 00010968 Pectis stenophylla puberula (Greenman) Keil Mexico: Lodiego Edw. Palmer 1605 1891-10-9
GH: 00295663 Pectis stenophylla puberula (Greenman) Keil Mexico: Sinaloa Las Milpas, Sinaloa (Road to Tamazula.) H. S. Gentry 5361 1940-1-19
GH: 00295664 Pectis stenophylla puberula (Greenman) Keil Mexico: Durango Sierra Tres Picos H. S. Gentry 5282 1939-12-19
GH: 00295665 Pectis stenophylla puberula (Greenman) Keil Mexico: Sinaloa Badiraguato H. S. Gentry 5781 1940-3-2
GH: 00295666 Pectis stenophylla puberula (Greenman) Keil Mexico: Sinaloa Cofradia H. S. Gentry 5495 1940-2-6
GH: 00295667 Pectis stenophylla biaristata (Rydberg) D. J. Keil Mexico: Sinaloa Cerro Tecomate, W. of Pericos H. S. Gentry 5751 1940-2-28
GH: 00010983 Pectis taliscana Hooker & Arnott Mexico: Jalisco F. W. Beechey
GH: 00010984 Pectis tenella de Candolle Mexico: Tamaulipas Prope Laredo J. L. Berlandier 2009=599 1829-7
GH: 00257292 Pectis tenella de Candolle Mexico: La Pena J. L. Berlandier 2415=985 1834-6
GH: 00257293 Pectis tenella de Candolle Mexico: Tamaulipas Laredo J. L. Berlandier 2009=599
GH: 00589275 Pectis tenella de Candolle Mexico: Coahuila Jimulco C. G. Pringle 125 1885-5-15
GH: 00589267 Pectis uniaristata de Candolle Mexico: Chiapas Jalisco C. A. Purpus 9162 1923-9
GH: 00010985 Pectis uniaristata holostemma A. Gray Mexico: Consaquitla F. M. Liebmann 394 1841-8
GH: 00589268 Pectis uniaristata holostemma A. Gray Mexico: Chiapas Jalisco C. A. Purpus 9162 1923-9
GH: 00010931 Pectis uniaristata uniaristata Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chiuhahua Edw. Palmer 61 1885-11
GH: 00010983 Pectis uniaristata uniaristata Mexico: Jalisco F. W. Beechey
GH: 00010986 Pectis vollmeri Wiggins Mexico: Foot of Coyote Grade (Cuesta de Coyote) 20 m... I. L. Wiggins 11407 1946-11-14
GH: 00010992 Pelucha trifida S. Watson Mexico: Island of San Pedro Martin, Gulf of Californ... Edw. Palmer 407 1887
GH: 00263030 Pentachaeta aurea Nuttall Mexico: Baja California Norte Near Santo Tomas, Northern Lower California C. R. Orcutt 1555 1886-5-18
GH: 00011008 Pentachaeta aurea Nuttall Mexico: Baja California Norte Santo Tomas, Northern Lower California C. R. Orcutt 1885-7-17
GH: 00011009 Pentachaeta aurea Nuttall Mexico: Baja California Norte Vallecito, Northern Lower California C. R. Orcutt 1886-5-4
GH: 00263031 Pentachaeta aurea Nuttall Mexico: Baja California Norte Vallecito, Lower California C. R. Orcutt 1554 1886-5-22
GH: 00263031 Pentachaeta orcuttii A. Gray Mexico: Baja California Norte Vallecito, Lower California C. R. Orcutt 1554 1886-5-22
GH: 00011009 Pentachaeta orcuttii A. Gray Mexico: Baja California Norte Vallecito, Northern Lower California C. R. Orcutt 1886-5-4
GH: 00263030 Pentachaeta paleacea Greene Mexico: Baja California Norte Near Santo Tomas, Northern Lower California C. R. Orcutt 1555 1886-5-18
GH: 00011008 Pentachaeta paleacea Greene Mexico: Baja California Norte Santo Tomas, Northern Lower California C. R. Orcutt 1885-7-17
GH: 00022747 Perezia Mexico: Durango Cienega bottomland near small lake 40 miles ... H. S. Gentry 8594 1948-10-3
A: 00022752 Perezia Mexico: Jalisco Real Alto, trail to El Tajo de Santiago, Sie... Y. E. J. Mexia 1749 1927-2-23
GH: 00022758 Perezia Mexico: Sinaloa Sierra Tacuichamona summit, 4500 feet H. S. Gentry 5679 1940-2-19
GH: 00022760 Perezia Mexico: Cuernavaca D. Bilimek 512 1866-10
GH: 00022769 Perezia Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo Fr. Nil 55 1908-12
GH: 00022786 Perezia Mexico: Morelos Valley near Cuernavaca, 4000 feet C. G. Pringle 9253 1900-10-17
GH: 00022808 Perezia Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadaljara, 5000 feet C. G. Pringle 9950 1902-12-9
GH: 00022810 Perezia Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 1860 1888-11
GH: 00022753 Perezia Mexico: Jalisco Real Alto, trail to El Tajo de Santiago, Sie... Y. E. J. Mexia 1927-2-23
GH: 00022765 Perezia adnata A. Gray Mexico: Morelia A. B. Ghiesbreght 378
GH: 00022766 Perezia adnata A. Gray Mexico: México Tultenango C. G. Pringle 3244 1890-9-3
GH: 00022767 Perezia adnata A. Gray Mexico: México Tultenango C. G. Pringle 3244 1890-9-3
GH: 00022766 Perezia adnata oolepis Bartlett Mexico: México Tultenango C. G. Pringle 3244 1890-9-3
GH: 00022767 Perezia adnata oolepis Bartlett Mexico: México Tultenango C. G. Pringle 3244 1890-9-3
GH: 00022759 Perezia alamanii (de Candolle) Hemsley Mexico: L. Alaman
GH: 00022768 Perezia arachnolepis B. L. Robinson Mexico: Jalisco Canyons, Chapala Mountains, near Guadelajara C. G. Pringle 2935 1889-12-13
GH: 00022769 Perezia aspera Bacigalupi Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo Fr. Nil 55 1908-12
GH: 00022760 Perezia capitata S. Watson Mexico: Cuernavaca D. Bilimek 512 1866-10
GH: 00022770 Perezia capitata S. Watson Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 1859 1888-12-4
GH: 00022774 Perezia carpholepis A. Gray Mexico: Chiapas A. B. Ghiesbreght 525
GH: 00022787 Perezia carpholepis A. Gray Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains San Juan del Estado, 6300 feet L. C. Smith 888 1895-11-18
GH: 00022771 Perezia carpholepis A. Gray Mexico: Chiapas J. J. Linden 439
GH: 00022772 Perezia carpholepis A. Gray Mexico: Chapulco F. M. Liebmann 351 1841-12
GH: 00022773 Perezia carpholepis A. Gray Mexico: Chapulco F. M. Liebmann 351 1841-12
GH: 00022775 Perezia collina S. Watson Mexico: Jalisco Hills near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 2123 1888-12-4
GH: 00022776 Perezia coulteri A. Gray Mexico: Zimapan T. Coulter 234
GH: 00022778 Perezia coulteri A. Gray Mexico: San Luis Potosí Minas de San Rafael; Sierra tablon C. A. Purpus 5018 1911-6
GH: 00022777 Perezia cuernavaca B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Morelos Above Cuernavaca, 7000 feet C. G. Pringle 6196 1895-11-18
GH: 00022778 Perezia dissiticeps Bacigalupi Mexico: San Luis Potosí Minas de San Rafael; Sierra tablon C. A. Purpus 5018 1911-6
GH: 00022779 Perezia dugesii A. Gray Mexico: Guanaxuato A. A. D. Dugès
GH: 00022780 Perezia dugesii A. Gray Mexico: Oaxaca Below Jazacatlan, 3500 feet L. C. Smith 373 1895-2-9
GH: 00022780 Perezia dugesii pilosula Bacigalupi Mexico: Oaxaca Below Jazacatlan, 3500 feet L. C. Smith 373 1895-2-9
GH: 00022751 Perezia formosa (D. Don) A. Gray Mexico: N. W. Mexico B. C. Seemann
GH: 00139121 Perezia fruticosa La Llave & Lexarza Mexico: Michoacán Jesus del Monte near Morelia, 6500 ft. C. G. Pringle 10410 1907-11-29
GH: 00022781 Perezia grandifolia S. Watson Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 1858 1888-12-10
GH: 00022750 Perezia hebeclada de Candolle Mexico:
GH: 00022784 Perezia hebeclada urolepis B. L. Robinson Mexico: Hidalgo Sierra de Pachuco, 9500 feet C. G. Pringle 13975 1907-12-10
GH: 00022786 Perezia lepidopoda B. L. Robinson Mexico: Morelos Valley near Cuernavaca, 4000 feet C. G. Pringle 9253 1900-10-17
GH: 00022787 Perezia lobulata Bacigalupi Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains San Juan del Estado, 6300 feet L. C. Smith 888 1895-11-18
GH: 00022788 Perezia lozanii Greenman Mexico: Hidalgo Between Metepec and Zontecomate Stations, 85... C. G. Pringle 8871 1904-9-19
GH: 00139121 Perezia michoacana B. L. Robinson Mexico: Michoacán Jesus del Monte near Morelia, 6500 ft. C. G. Pringle 10410 1907-11-29
GH: 00022789 Perezia michoacana B. L. Robinson Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 3988 1891-12-20
GH: 00022790 Perezia michoacana B. L. Robinson Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 3988 1891-12-20
GH: 00022801 Perezia montana Rose Mexico: Sonora Sierra de Los Alamos Edw. Palmer 285 1890-4-8
GH: 00022791 Perezia montana Rose Mexico: Durango Santiago Papasquiaro Edw. Palmer 59 1896-8
GH: 00022791 Perezia montana intermedia Bacigalupi Mexico: Durango Santiago Papasquiaro Edw. Palmer 59 1896-8
GH: 00022792 Perezia nana A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua High dry valley near Chihuahua Josiah Gregg 45 1847-4-28
GH: 00257297 Perezia nana A. Gray Mexico: San Luis Potosí 6,000 - 8,000 ft. C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 546 1878
GH: 00257294 Perezia nana A. Gray Mexico: Josiah Gregg 520 1848
GH: 00022793 Perezia nelsonii B. L. Robinson Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Talpa E. W. Nelson 4037 1897-3-7
GH: 00022817 Perezia nudicaulis A. Gray Mexico: Oaxaca Tomellin Canyon, 3000 feet C. G. Pringle 5966 1895-12-1
GH: 00022795 Perezia nudiuscula B. L. Robinson Mexico: Nayarit Tepic Edw. Palmer 2018 1892-1-5
GH: 00022796 Perezia nudiuscula B. L. Robinson Mexico: Nayarit Tepic Edw. Palmer 2018 1892-1-5
GH: 00022797 Perezia oxylepis A. Gray Mexico: San Luis Potosí Region of San Luis Potosi, 6000-8000 feet C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 547 1878
GH: 00022798 Perezia palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Mountain sides, Los Angeles Bay, Gulf of Cal... Edw. Palmer 527 1887-11
GH: 00022799 Perezia paniculata A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 279 1885-8
GH: 00022800 Perezia parryi A. Gray Mexico: San Luis Potosí Region of San Luis Potosi, 6000-8000 feet C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 545 1878
A: 00022752 Perezia patens A. Gray Mexico: Jalisco Real Alto, trail to El Tajo de Santiago, Sie... Y. E. J. Mexia 1749 1927-2-23
GH: 00022802 Perezia patens A. Gray Mexico: N. W. Mexico B. C. Seemann
GH: 00022753 Perezia patens A. Gray Mexico: Jalisco Real Alto, trail to El Tajo de Santiago, Sie... Y. E. J. Mexia 1927-2-23
GH: 00139117 Perezia patens gamma A. Gray Mexico: H. G. Galeotti 2001
GH: 00022803 Perezia pinetorum Brandegee Mexico: Lower California, Sierra de la Laguna T. S. Brandegee 1899-1-22
GH: 00139121 Perezia platyphylla A. Gray Mexico: Michoacán Jesus del Monte near Morelia, 6500 ft. C. G. Pringle 10410 1907-11-29
GH: 00022804 Perezia platyphylla A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Cosiquiriachi, in the Sierra Madre, west of ... F. A. Wislizenus 165
GH: 00022805 Perezia platyptera B. L. Robinson Mexico: Sierra Madre Eug. Langlassé 773 1899-1-22
GH: 00022806 Perezia pringlei B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Michoacán Hills near Morelia C. G. Pringle 5464 1893-10-22
GH: 00022807 Perezia purpusii Brandegee Mexico: San Luis Potosí Minas de San Rafael C. A. Purpus 4787 1910-11
GH: 00022755 Perezia reticulata (Lagasca ex D. Don) A. Gray Mexico: Michoacán 27 miles east of Jiquilpan and 10 miles west... A. J. Cronquist 10295 1965-10-8
GH: 00022809 Perezia rigida (de Candolle) A. Gray Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadaljara, 5000 feet C. G. Pringle 9950 1902-12-9
GH: 00022810 Perezia rigida linearifolia Bacigalupi Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 1860 1888-11
GH: 00022808 Perezia rigida acuminata Bacigalupi Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadaljara, 5000 feet C. G. Pringle 9950 1902-12-9
GH: 00022809 Perezia rigida acuminata Bacigalupi Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadaljara, 5000 feet C. G. Pringle 9950 1902-12-9
GH: 00022811 Perezia scapiformis Bacigalupi Mexico: Oaxaca Las Sedas, 6500 feet C. G. Pringle 6015 1894-10-30
GH: 00022812 Perezia seemannii A. Gray Mexico: B. C. Seemann
GH: 00022813 Perezia simulata S. F. Blake Mexico: Michoacán Coalcomán: Coalcoman; District Coalcoman, M... G. B. Hinton 13654 1939-3-15
GH: 00022814 Perezia thurberi A. Gray Mexico: Sonora Santa Cruz G. Thurber 939 1851-9
GH: 00273569 Perezia thurberi A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Canelo, Rio Mayo H. S. Gentry 2012 1935-10-8
GH: 00273571 Perezia thurberi A. Gray Mexico: Sonora [data not captured] C. V. Hartman 244 1890-11-19
GH: 00273572 Perezia thurberi A. Gray Mexico: Sonora Puerto del Molino Quemado, east of Colonia M... S. S. White 4517 1941-9-24
GH: 00273573 Perezia thurberi A. Gray Mexico: Sonora Puerto de Huepari, northwest of Aribabi S. S. White 2776 1939-9-7
GH: 00273574 Perezia thurberi A. Gray Mexico: Sonora Pie de la Cuesta; Municipio de Nacore Chico C. H. Muller 3657 1939-10-6
GH: 00273575 Perezia thurberi A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua collected at Sierra en Media E. W. Nelson 6480 1899-9-28
GH: 00273576 Perezia thurberi A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua collected in the Sierra Madres near Rio de A... C. H. T. Townsend & C. M. Barber 401
GH: 00273577 Perezia thurberi A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 272 1885-8
GH: 00273578 Perezia thurberi A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua 10 miles south of Villa Matamoros and 27 mil... A. J. Cronquist 10249 1965-9-30
GH: 00022815 Perezia thyrsoidea A. Gray Mexico: Guanajuato Guanaxuato J. L. Berlandier 1329 1827
GH: 00022816 Perezia tomentosa Brandegee Mexico: Puebla Esperanza C. A. Purpus 2632 1907-9
GH: 00022768 Perezia turbinata La Llave & Lexarza Mexico: Jalisco Canyons, Chapala Mountains, near Guadelajara C. G. Pringle 2935 1889-12-13
GH: 00022817 Perezia umbratilis B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Tomellin Canyon, 3000 feet C. G. Pringle 5966 1895-12-1
GH: 00022818 Perezia vernonioides A. Gray Mexico: Jalisco Rio Blanco Edw. Palmer 745 1886-10
GH: 00022819 Perezia wislizeni A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Llanos, in the Sierra Madre, west of Chihuah... F. A. Wislizenus 198
GH: 00022820 Perezia wislizeni megacephala A. Gray Mexico: Jalisco Rio Blanco Edw. Palmer 655 1886-10
GH: 00011065 Pericome macrocephala B. L. Robinson Mexico: Durango San Ramón Edw. Palmer 69 1906-4-21
GH: 00011104 Perityle Bentham Mexico: Sinaloa Capadero, Sierra Tacuichamona H. S. Gentry 5588 1940-2-12
GH: 00011107 Perityle Bentham Mexico: Coahuila 2 km. southeast of Puertecito, western end o... I. M. Johnston 9311 1941-9-21
GH: 00011117 Perityle Bentham Mexico: Sonora Saguaribo, Rio Mayo H. S. Gentry 2109 1935-11-2
GH: 00011097 Perityle aurea Rose Mexico: Santa Rosalia, Lower California Edw. Palmer 185 1890-2-24
GH: 00011099 Perityle brandegeana Rose Mexico: Baja California Norte Lagoon Head, Lower California [28° 14'N, 11... Edw. Palmer 800 1889-3-6
GH: 00011077 Perityle californica Bentham Mexico: Baja California Norte Cañon Cantillas [Cantillas Canyon, Sierra J... C. R. Orcutt 1102 1884-7-8
GH: 00011115 Perityle californica Bentham Mexico: Los Angeles Bay, Gulf of California Edw. Palmer 562 1887-12
GH: 00011104 Perityle canescens Everly Mexico: Sinaloa Capadero, Sierra Tacuichamona H. S. Gentry 5588 1940-2-12
GH: 00011101 Perityle castillonii I. M. Johnston Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de Hechiceros: Canyon del Indio Felip... I. M. Johnston & C. H. Muller 1359 1940-9-18
GH: 00011107 Perityle coahuilensis A. M. Powell Mexico: Coahuila 2 km. southeast of Puertecito, western end o... I. M. Johnston 9311 1941-9-21
GH: 00011110 Perityle cordifolia (Rydberg) Blake Mexico: Sinaloa Vicinity of Topolobampo J. N. Rose, P. C. Standley & P. G.... 13294 1910-3-23
GH: 00011112 Perityle crassifolia Brandegee Mexico: San José del Cabo, Lower California T. S. Brandegee 916
GH: 00011075 Perityle cuneata Brandegee Mexico: San José del Cabo, Lower California T. S. Brandegee 326 1892-4-1
GH: 00011114 Perityle cuneata Brandegee Mexico: San José del Cabo, Lower California J. N. Rose 16459 1911-3
GH: 00011114 Perityle cuneata marginata (Rydberg) I. M. Johnston Mexico: San José del Cabo, Lower California J. N. Rose 16459 1911-3
GH: 00257541 Perityle deltoidea S. Watson Mexico: Los Angeles Bay, Gulf of California Edw. Palmer 568 1887-12
GH: 00011116 Perityle dissecta (Torrey) A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [near Presidio del Norte] J. M. Bigelow 77 1852-8-2
GH: 00368120 Perityle effusa (A. Gray) Rose Mexico: [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 377
GH: 00368122 Perityle effusa (A. Gray) Rose Mexico: Nayarit Tepic Edw. Palmer 1960 1892-1-5
GH: 00011077 Perityle emoryi Torrey Mexico: Baja California Norte Cañon Cantillas [Cantillas Canyon, Sierra J... C. R. Orcutt 1102 1884-7-8
GH: 00011120 Perityle emoryi Torrey Mexico: Baja California Norte Guadalupe Island Edw. Palmer 891 1889
GH: 00011121 Perityle emoryi Torrey Mexico: Baja California Norte Guadalupe Island, off Lower California Edw. Palmer 44 1875
GH: 01000460 Perityle emoryi Torrey Mexico: Baja California Norte Lower California, Cerros [Cedros] Island W. Street
GH: 00257518 Perityle emoryi Torrey Mexico: Baja California Norte Guadalpe Island H. L. Mason 1502 1925-4-19
GH: 00011077 Perityle emoryi orcuttii Rose Mexico: Baja California Norte Cañon Cantillas [Cantillas Canyon, Sierra J... C. R. Orcutt 1102 1884-7-8
GH: 00011121 Perityle fitchii palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Baja California Norte Guadalupe Island, off Lower California Edw. Palmer 44 1875
GH: 00011120 Perityle fitchii palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Baja California Norte Guadalupe Island Edw. Palmer 891 1889
GH: 00011117 Perityle gentryi A. M. Powell Mexico: Sonora Saguaribo, Rio Mayo H. S. Gentry 2109 1935-11-2
GH: 00011118 Perityle grandifolia Brandegee Mexico: Sinaloa Vicinity of Culiacan T. S. Brandegee 1904-11-5
GH: 00257518 Perityle grayi Rose Mexico: Baja California Norte Guadalpe Island H. L. Mason 1502 1925-4-19
GH: 00011119 Perityle grayi Rose Mexico: La Paz, Lower California M. E. Jones 24078 1928-2-8
GH: 00011120 Perityle grayi Rose Mexico: Baja California Norte Guadalupe Island Edw. Palmer 891 1889
GH: 00011121 Perityle grayi Rose Mexico: Baja California Norte Guadalupe Island, off Lower California Edw. Palmer 44 1875
GH: 00011122 Perityle greenei Rose Mexico: San Benito Island, Lower California Edw. Palmer 914 1889-3-25
GH: 00011123 Perityle hofmeisteria Rydberg Mexico: Durango City of Durango and vicinity Edw. Palmer 28 1896-11
GH: 00011124 Perityle incana A. Gray Mexico: Guadalupe Island, Lower California Edw. Palmer 43 1875
GH: 00011139 Perityle jaliscana A. Gray Mexico: Jalisco Sierra Madre, west of Bolaños J. N. Rose 2978 1897-9-15
GH: 00011125 Perityle jaliscana A. Gray Mexico: Jalisco Rio Blanco Edw. Palmer 554 1886-7
GH: 00011126 Perityle lineariloba Rydberg Mexico: Durango San Ramón Edw. Palmer 89 1906-5
GH: 00011127 Perityle lloydii B. L. Robinson & Fernald Mexico: Sonora Badehuachi F. E. Lloyd 400 1890-12-2
GH: 00011128 Perityle lobata (Rydberg) I. M. Johnston Mexico: Lower California T. S. Brandegee 1889-2-19
GH: 00011132 Perityle microcephala A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Near Chihuahua C. G. Pringle 571 1885-10-8
GH: 00011133 Perityle microcephala A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 268 1885-10
GH: 00368118 Perityle microcephala A. Gray Mexico: [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 1614 1891-10-9
GH: 00368118 Perityle microglossa Bentham Mexico: [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 1614 1891-10-9
GH: 00368119 Perityle microglossa Bentham Mexico: San Luis Potosí [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 1093 1878-12
GH: 00368120 Perityle microglossa Bentham Mexico: [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 377
GH: 00368122 Perityle microglossa Bentham Mexico: Nayarit Tepic Edw. Palmer 1960 1892-1-5
GH: 00011134 Perityle microglossa saxosa (Brandegee) A. M. Powell Mexico: Sinaloa Cerro Colorado T. S. Brandegee 1904-11-5
GH: 00011128 Perityle palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Lower California T. S. Brandegee 1889-2-19
GH: 00011135 Perityle palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Sonora [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 308 1887-10
GH: 00368123 Perityle parryi A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 85 1908-4-8
GH: 00011097 Perityle plumigera Harvey & A. Gray Mexico: Santa Rosalia, Lower California Edw. Palmer 185 1890-2-24
GH: 00011136 Perityle rosei Greenman Mexico: Jalisco Bolaños J. N. Rose 2947 1897-9-15
GH: 00011137 Perityle rosei Greenman Mexico: Jalisco In the Sierra Madre, west of Bolaños J. N. Rose 2947 1897-9-15
GH: 00011134 Perityle saxosa Brandegee Mexico: Sinaloa Cerro Colorado T. S. Brandegee 1904-11-5
GH: 00011138 Perityle socorrensis Rose Mexico: Socorro Island C. H. Townsend 1889-3
GH: 00011139 Perityle trichodonta S. F. Blake Mexico: Jalisco Sierra Madre, west of Bolaños J. N. Rose 2978 1897-9-15
GH: 00010833 Perymeniopsis ovalifolia (A. Gray) H. Robinson Mexico: Vallée d'Orizaba E. Bourgeau 2994 1865-9-8
GH: 00010834 Perymeniopsis ovalifolia (A. Gray) H. Robinson Mexico: Vallée d'Orizaba E. Bourgeau 2994 1865-9-8
GH: 00010835 Perymeniopsis ovalifolia (A. Gray) H. Robinson Mexico: Wartenberg, near Tantoyuca, prov. Huasteca C. F. L. C. Ervendberg 97 1858
GH: 00004546 Perymenium Mexico: Querétaro oak-pine woods ca. 1.5 mi. E. of Pinal de Am... G. L. Webster & G. J. Breckon 16304 1970-11-8
GH: 00011151 Perymenium Mexico: Chiapas A. B. Ghiesbreght 563 1864-11
GH: 00011193 Perymenium Mexico: Chiapas Cerro del Boqueron; "middle region" C. A. Purpus 6639 1913-9
GH: 00011202 Perymenium Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains near Tlapancingo; alt. 6000 - 8000... E. W. Nelson 2067 1894-12-7
GH: 00589159 Perymenium album S. Watson Mexico: Jalisco near LAke Chapala C. G. Pringle 2438 1889-12-13
GH: 00011146 Perymenium angustifolium Brandegee Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of San Luis Tultitlanapa, near Oaxa... C. A. Purpus 2518 1908-8
GH: 00011147 Perymenium asperifolium Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: F. M. Liebmann 568 1842-10
GH: 00011174 Perymenium asperifolium Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Puebla San Simon C. A. Purpus 4138 1909-9
GH: 00011180 Perymenium berlandieri de Candolle Mexico: Morelos Near Cuernavaca, 8000 feet C. G. Pringle 7658 1898-5-22
GH: 00011148 Perymenium berlandieri de Candolle Mexico: J. L. Berlandier
GH: 00011149 Perymenium blepharolepis S. F. Blake Mexico: Puebla Coxcatlan; 7-8000 ft. alt. C. A. Purpus 4143 1909-9
GH: 00011161 Perymenium buphthalmoides de Candolle Mexico: Federal District Serranira de Ajusco, 9500 feet C. G. Pringle 7636 1898-7-9
GH: 00368124 Perymenium buphthalmoides de Candolle Mexico: México [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 202 1904-7-13
GH: 00011195 Perymenium buphthalmoides tenellum (A. Gray) McVaugh Mexico: Jalisco Road between Mesquitec & Monte Escobedo J. N. Rose 2608 1897-8-26
GH: 00011194 Perymenium buphthalmoides tenellum (A. Gray) McVaugh Mexico: Jalisco Road between Mesquitec & Monte Escobedo J. N. Rose 2608 1897-8-26
GH: 00011201 Perymenium buphthalmoides tenellum (A. Gray) McVaugh Mexico: Durango Otinapa Edw. Palmer 408 1906-7-25
GH: 00011206 Perymenium buphthalmoides tenellum (A. Gray) McVaugh Mexico: San Luis Potosí Altitude 6,000 - 8,000 ft. C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 450 1878
GH: 00257307 Perymenium buphthalmoides tenellum (A. Gray) McVaugh Mexico: San Luis Potosí San Miguelito J. G. Schaffner 302 1876-9
GH: 00011150 Perymenium calvum Greenman Mexico: Sinaloa In the foothills of the Sierra Madre, near C... J. N. Rose 3225 1897-7-14
GH: 00011171 Perymenium cervantesii de Candolle Mexico: Jalisco Rio Blanco Edw. Palmer 310 1886-8
GH: 00011151 Perymenium chalarolepis B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas A. B. Ghiesbreght 563 1864-11
GH: 00011152 Perymenium chihuahuense S. F. Blake Mexico: Chihuahua C. G. Pringle 152 1885-5-25
GH: 00011154 Perymenium collinum Brandegee Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of San Luis Tlutitlanapa, near Oaxa... C. A. Purpus 3086 1908-8
GH: 00011155 Perymenium consobrinum S. F. Blake Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of San Luis Tlutitlanapa, near Oaxa... C. A. Purpus 3097 1908-7
GH: 00011156 Perymenium cornutum Brandegee Mexico: San Luis Potosí Agua Media C. A. Purpus 4767 1910-11
GH: 00011158 Perymenium croceum B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Durango J. N. Rose 2321 1897-8-15
GH: 00257306 Perymenium croceum B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Nayarit Between Pedro Paulo and San Blascito; Territ... J. N. Rose 1991 1897-8-4
GH: 00011157 Perymenium croceum B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Durango J. N. Rose 2321 1897-8-15
GH: 00011159 Perymenium croceum B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Nayarit In the Sierra Madre, Territorio de Tepic. Be... J. N. Rose 1991 1897-8-4
GH: 00011160 Perymenium discolor Schrader Mexico: Veracruz Thomas 1864
GH: 00011161 Perymenium flexuosum Greenman Mexico: Federal District Serranira de Ajusco, 9500 feet C. G. Pringle 7636 1898-7-9
GH: 00011193 Perymenium ghiesbreghtii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Cerro del Boqueron; "middle region" C. A. Purpus 6639 1913-9
GH: 00011192 Perymenium ghiesbreghtii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Cerro del Boqueron C. A. Purpus 6639 1913-9
GH: 00011151 Perymenium ghiesbreghtii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas A. B. Ghiesbreght 563 1864-11
GH: 00011162 Perymenium ghiesbreghtii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas A. B. Ghiesbreght 576 1864
GH: 00011163 Perymenium ghiesbreghtii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Near San Cristobal, 7000-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3205 1895-9-18
GH: 00011164 Perymenium glandulosum Brandegee Mexico: Puebla Barranca de Tlacuilosto, vicinity of San Lui... C. A. Purpus 2525 1907-8
GH: 00011165 Perymenium globosum B. L. Robinson Mexico: Michoacán Uruapan, 5000 feet C. G. Pringle 10354 1907-1-25
GH: 00011183 Perymenium gracile Hemsley Mexico: Santa Talea F. M. Liebmann 374
GH: 00011186 Perymenium grande nelsonii (Robinson & Greenman) Fay Mexico: Chiapas Comitan C. Seler & E. G. Seler 2970 1896-8-14
GH: 00011175 Perymenium grande nelsonii (Robinson & Greenman) Fay Mexico: Chiapas Sierra de Tonali C. A. Purpus 6647 1913-9
GH: 00011185 Perymenium grande nelsonii (Robinson & Greenman) Fay Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal and Teopisca, 6700-850... E. W. Nelson 3465 1895-12-4
GH: 00011184 Perymenium grande nelsonii (Robinson & Greenman) Fay Mexico: Chiapas Along road from Ocuilapa to Tuxtla; alttude ... E. W. Nelson 3076 1895-8-29
GH: 00011196 Perymenium gymnolomoides (Lessing) de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Las Sedas, 5800 feet C. G. Pringle 4803 1894-8-16
GH: 00011199 Perymenium gymnolomoides (Lessing) de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Huitzo; alt. 5500 ft. L. C. Smith 218 1894-10-8
GH: 00011169 Perymenium hintonii McVaugh Mexico: Michoacán Acahuato; District Apatzingan, Mich.
G. B. Hinton 12045 1938-8-17
GH: 00011170 Perymenium hypoleucum S. F. Blake Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of San Luis Tultitlanapa, near Oaxa... C. A. Purpus 3087 1908-7-9
GH: 00011171 Perymenium jaliscense B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Jalisco Rio Blanco Edw. Palmer 310 1886-8
GH: 00011172 Perymenium jaliscense B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 5426 1893-8-23
GH: 00011174 Perymenium lasioleps S. F. Blake Mexico: Puebla San Simon C. A. Purpus 4138 1909-9
GH: 00011175 Perymenium latisquamum S. F. Blake Mexico: Chiapas Sierra de Tonali C. A. Purpus 6647 1913-9
GH: 00011178 Perymenium macrocephalum Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Mountains above Iguala, 4000 feet C. G. Pringle 8416 1900-9-27
GH: 00011200 Perymenium mendezii de Candolle Mexico: Volcan éteint de Batea M. E. Guillemin-Taragre 1872
GH: 00011188 Perymenium mendezii de Candolle Mexico: San Luis Potosí 6,000 - 8,000 ft. C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 475 1878
GH: 00011198 Perymenium mendezii de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Yalalaq; alt. 4000 - 7800 ft. E. W. Nelson 954 1894-7
GH: 00011162 Perymenium mendezii de Candolle Mexico: Chiapas A. B. Ghiesbreght 576 1864
GH: 00011191 Perymenium mendezii de Candolle Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 2338 1889-10-11
GH: 00011196 Perymenium mendezii de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Las Sedas, 5800 feet C. G. Pringle 4803 1894-8-16
GH: 00011197 Perymenium mendezii de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Huitzo; alt. 5500 ft. L. C. Smith 218 1895-10-8
GH: 00011199 Perymenium mendezii de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Huitzo; alt. 5500 ft. L. C. Smith 218 1894-10-8
GH: 00011202 Perymenium mendezii de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains near Tlapancingo; alt. 6000 - 8000... E. W. Nelson 2067 1894-12-7
GH: 00011180 Perymenium mendezii cylindrocephalum B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Morelos Near Cuernavaca, 8000 feet C. G. Pringle 7658 1898-5-22
GH: 00011155 Perymenium mendezii angustifolium (Brandegee) Fay Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of San Luis Tlutitlanapa, near Oaxa... C. A. Purpus 3097 1908-7
GH: 00011174 Perymenium mendezii angustifolium (Brandegee) Fay Mexico: Puebla San Simon C. A. Purpus 4138 1909-9
GH: 00011149 Perymenium mendezii angustifolium (Brandegee) Fay Mexico: Puebla Coxcatlan; 7-8000 ft. alt. C. A. Purpus 4143 1909-9
GH: 00011146 Perymenium mendezii angustifolium (Brandegee) Fay Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of San Luis Tultitlanapa, near Oaxa... C. A. Purpus 2518 1908-8
GH: 00011170 Perymenium mendezii angustifolium (Brandegee) Fay Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of San Luis Tultitlanapa, near Oaxa... C. A. Purpus 3087 1908-7-9
GH: 00011152 Perymenium mensezii de Candolle Mexico: Chihuahua C. G. Pringle 152 1885-5-25
GH: 00011183 Perymenium microcephalum Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Santa Talea F. M. Liebmann 374
GH: 00011181 Perymenium microphyllum B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Durango J. N. Rose 2252 1897-8-13
GH: 00011182 Perymenium microphyllum B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Durango J. N. Rose 2252 1897-8-13
GH: 00011184 Perymenium nelsonii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Along road from Ocuilapa to Tuxtla; alttude ... E. W. Nelson 3076 1895-8-29
GH: 00011185 Perymenium nelsonii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal and Teopisca, 6700-850... E. W. Nelson 3465 1895-12-4
GH: 00011186 Perymenium nelsonii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Comitan C. Seler & E. G. Seler 2970 1896-8-14
GH: 00011154 Perymenium ovatum Brandegee Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of San Luis Tlutitlanapa, near Oaxa... C. A. Purpus 3086 1908-8
GH: 00011187 Perymenium ovatum Brandegee Mexico: Puebla Barranca de Tlaquilosto C. A. Purpus 2527 1907-7
GH: 00011152 Perymenium parvifolium A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua C. G. Pringle 152 1885-5-25
GH: 00011188 Perymenium parvifolium A. Gray Mexico: San Luis Potosí 6,000 - 8,000 ft. C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 475 1878
GH: 00011160 Perymenium pellitum Klatt Mexico: Veracruz Thomas 1864
GH: 00011190 Perymenium pinetorum Brandegee Mexico: Chiapas Hacienda Monserrate C. A. Purpus 9072 1923-9
GH: 00011181 Perymenium pringlei B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Durango J. N. Rose 2252 1897-8-13
GH: 00011182 Perymenium pringlei B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Durango J. N. Rose 2252 1897-8-13
GH: 00011191 Perymenium pringlei B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 2338 1889-10-11
GH: 00011159 Perymenium pringlei croceum (Robinson & Greenman) Fay Mexico: Nayarit In the Sierra Madre, Territorio de Tepic. Be... J. N. Rose 1991 1897-8-4
GH: 00011158 Perymenium pringlei croceum (Robinson & Greenman) Fay Mexico: Durango J. N. Rose 2321 1897-8-15
GH: 00011157 Perymenium pringlei croceum (Robinson & Greenman) Fay Mexico: Durango J. N. Rose 2321 1897-8-15
GH: 00257306 Perymenium pringlei croceum (Robinson & Greenman) Fay Mexico: Nayarit Between Pedro Paulo and San Blascito; Territ... J. N. Rose 1991 1897-8-4
GH: 00011192 Perymenium purpusii Brandegee Mexico: Chiapas Cerro del Boqueron C. A. Purpus 6639 1913-9
GH: 00011193 Perymenium purpusii Brandegee Mexico: Chiapas Cerro del Boqueron; "middle region" C. A. Purpus 6639 1913-9
GH: 00011194 Perymenium rosei B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Jalisco Road between Mesquitec & Monte Escobedo J. N. Rose 2608 1897-8-26
GH: 00011195 Perymenium rosei B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Jalisco Road between Mesquitec & Monte Escobedo J. N. Rose 2608 1897-8-26
GH: 00011152 Perymenium rude B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua C. G. Pringle 152 1885-5-25
GH: 00011170 Perymenium rude B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of San Luis Tultitlanapa, near Oaxa... C. A. Purpus 3087 1908-7-9
GH: 00011196 Perymenium rude B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Las Sedas, 5800 feet C. G. Pringle 4803 1894-8-16
GH: 00011197 Perymenium rude B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Huitzo; alt. 5500 ft. L. C. Smith 218 1895-10-8
GH: 00011198 Perymenium rude B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Yalalaq; alt. 4000 - 7800 ft. E. W. Nelson 954 1894-7
GH: 00011199 Perymenium rude B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Huitzo; alt. 5500 ft. L. C. Smith 218 1894-10-8
GH: 00011200 Perymenium rude B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Volcan éteint de Batea M. E. Guillemin-Taragre 1872
GH: 00011201 Perymenium simulans S. F. Blake Mexico: Durango Otinapa Edw. Palmer 408 1906-7-25
GH: 00011197 Perymenium sp. Mexico: Oaxaca Huitzo; alt. 5500 ft. L. C. Smith 218 1895-10-8
GH: 00011175 Perymenium strigillosum Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Sierra de Tonali C. A. Purpus 6647 1913-9
GH: 00011202 Perymenium subcordatum S. F. Blake Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains near Tlapancingo; alt. 6000 - 8000... E. W. Nelson 2067 1894-12-7
GH: 00011203 Perymenium subsquarrosum B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Zacatecas Near Plateado J. N. Rose 3649 1897-9-4
GH: 00011204 Perymenium subsquarrosum B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Zacatecas Near Plateado J. N. Rose 3649 1897-9-4
GH: 00011205 Perymenium subsquarrosum B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Zacatecas Near Plateado J. N. Rose 2751 1897-9-2
GH: 00011201 Perymenium tenellum A. Gray Mexico: Durango Otinapa Edw. Palmer 408 1906-7-25
GH: 00257307 Perymenium tenellum A. Gray Mexico: San Luis Potosí San Miguelito J. G. Schaffner 302 1876-9
GH: 00011206 Perymenium tenellum A. Gray Mexico: San Luis Potosí Altitude 6,000 - 8,000 ft. C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 450 1878
GH: 00007259 Peteravenia malvifolia (de Candolle) R. M. King & H. Robinson Mexico: Tamaulipas Between Victoria and Tula J. L. Berlandier 2219/799 1830-11
GH: 00007260 Peteravenia malvifolia (de Candolle) R. M. King & H. Robinson Mexico: Tamaulipas Between Victoria and Tula J. L. Berlandier 2219/799 1830-11
GH: 00011217 Peucephyllum schottii A. Gray Mexico: Sonora Colorado River A. C. V. Schott 1855-2-3
GH: 00011225 Phalacraea wendlandii Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Huatulco F. M. Liebmann 147
GH: 00011228 Philactis fayi Torres Mexico: Michoacán 35 km southeast of Juiquilpan and 14 km sout... A. J. Cronquist & J. Fay 10803 1970-10-15
GH: 00014254 Philactis liebmanni (Klatt) Blake Mexico: Rio Taba F. M. Liebmann 552
GH: 00010089 Philactis liebmanni (Klatt) Blake Mexico: Chiapas Tuxtla Gutierrez - Jalisco C. A. Purpus 9117 1923-9
GH: 00008914 Philactis longipes A. Gray Mexico: San Luis Potosí Altitude 6,000 - 8,000 ft. C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 465 1878
GH: 00008465 Philactis nelsonii (Greenman) Blake Mexico: Chiapas Top of ridge back of Tonala, 1200-2500 feet. E. W. Nelson 2892 1895-8-10
GH: 00008464 Philactis zinnoides Schrader Mexico: Oaxaca Hills near Tule, 5500 feet. C. G. Pringle 13863 1906-5-20
GH: 00011248 Pinaropappus caespitosus Brandegee Mexico: Puebla Boca del Monte C. A. Purpus 5816 1912-4
GH: 00011249 Pinaropappus junceus A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Mapula Mountains C. G. Pringle 1149 1886-9-6
GH: 00011250 Pinaropappus multicaulis Brandegee Mexico: San Luis Potosí Minas de San Rafael; plains between Tiburcio... C. A. Purpus 5146 1911-7
GH: 00011251 Pinaropappus roseus (Lessing) Lessing Mexico: Zacatecas Base of Pico de Teyran, near San Rafael; 700... F. Shreve 9395 1939-9-12
GH: 00011251 Pinaropappus roseus maculatus McVaugh Mexico: Zacatecas Base of Pico de Teyran, near San Rafael; 700... F. Shreve 9395 1939-9-12
GH: 00011248 Pinaropappus spathulatus Brandegee Mexico: Puebla Boca del Monte C. A. Purpus 5816 1912-4
GH: 00011252 Pinaropappus spathulatus Brandegee Mexico: Veracruz C. A. Purpus 1165 1905-5
GH: 00011253 Pinaropappus spathulatus Brandegee Mexico: Veracruz C. A. Purpus 1165 1905-5
GH: 00008792 Pionocarpus madrensis (S. Watson) S. F. Blake Mexico: Chihuahua Base of the Sierra Madre. C. G. Pringle 1302 1887-9-19
GH: 00011281 Piptothrix Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 280 1885-8
GH: 00011277 Piptothrix aegiroides B. L. Robinson Mexico: Jalisco Mountains above Etzatlan, 6000 feet C. G. Pringle 8859 1904-10-24
GH: 00011278 Piptothrix goldmanii B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua Near Batopilas; alt. 5500 - 6500 ft. E. A. Goldman 196 1898-10-3
GH: 00011279 Piptothrix jaliscensis B. L. Robinson Mexico: Jalisco Above Etzatlan C. G. Pringle 8764 1903-10-23
A: 00273984 Piptothrix jaliscensis B. L. Robinson Mexico: Jalisco Sierra Madre Occidental. Segundo Arroyo Y. E. J. Mexia 1553 1927-1-22
GH: 00273983 Piptothrix jaliscensis B. L. Robinson Mexico: Jalisco Mountains above Etzatlan C. G. Pringle 13073 1904-10-29
GH: 00011280 Piptothrix paleacea Cronquist Mexico: Jalisco 11 road miles southwest of Autlan, and 2 roa... A. J. Cronquist 9775 1962-11-1
GH: 00011281 Piptothrix palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 280 1885-8
GH: 00011282 Piptothrix palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 274 1885-8
GH: 00273987 Piptothrix palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Road from San Mateo to Quasarachi E. A. Goldman 149 1898-9-24
GH: 00273986 Piptothrix palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Guayanopa Canyon, Sierra Madre Mts. M. E. Jones 1903-9-23
GH: 00273985 Piptothrix palmeri A. Gray Mexico: México near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 2354 1889-11-6
GH: 00011283 Piptothrix pubens A. Gray Mexico: Jalisco Rio Blanco Edw. Palmer 648 1886-10
GH: 00000729 Piqueria Mexico: Yucatán Cozumel W. Gaumer 20
GH: 00011285 Piqueria laxiflora B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Jalisco Near Lake Chapala C. G. Pringle 4333 1892-11-23
GH: 00011286 Piqueria laxiflora B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Jalisco Near Lake Chapala C. G. Pringle 4333 1892-11-23
GH: 00011288 Piqueria pilosa Kunth Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4285 1892-9-26
GH: 00368126 Piqueria pilosa Kunth Mexico: México [data not captured] C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 314 1878
GH: 00011287 Piqueria pilosa pringlei (B. L. Robinson & Seaton) B. L. Robinson Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4285 1892-9-26
GH: 00011287 Piqueria pringlei B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4285 1892-9-26
GH: 00011288 Piqueria pringlei B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca C. G. Pringle 4285 1892-9-26
GH: 00011289 Piqueria pyramidalis B. L. Robinson Mexico: Guerrero Mountains above Iguala, 4000 feet C. G. Pringle 8389 1900-10-10
GH: 00011290 Piqueria serrata A. Gray Mexico: San Luis Potosí Alt. 6,000 - 8,000 ft. C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 496 1878
GH: 00011291 Piqueria serrata angustifolia B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Sierra de San Felipe, 9500 feet C. G. Pringle 4827 1894-9-24
GH: 00368125 Piqueria trinervia Cavanilles Mexico: México [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 85
GH: 00368126 Piqueria trinervia Cavanilles Mexico: México [data not captured] C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 314 1878
GH: 00368127 Piqueria trinervia Cavanilles Mexico: San Luis Potosí Edw. Palmer 596
GH: 00368128 Piqueria trinervia Cavanilles Mexico: Jalisco Edw. Palmer 313
GH: 00368129 Piqueria trinervia Cavanilles Mexico: México [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 118 1907-4-1
GH: 00011284 Piqueriopsis michoacana R. M. King Mexico: Michoacán East of San Juan Nuevo (ca. 8 km. south of U... R. M. King & T. R. Soderstrom 4700 1961-10-11
GH: 00066534 Pittocaulon hintonii H. Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Michoacán Sierra Naranjillo; District Coalcoman, Mich.... G. B. Hinton 15770
GH: 00002413 Plateilema palmeri (A. Gray) Cockerell Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo: Edw. Palmer 554 1880-4
GH: 00009236 Pleurocoronis gentryi (Wiggins) King & H. Robinson Mexico: Sierra Giganta above Pto. Escondido, Baja Ca... H. S. Gentry 3742 1938-4-21
GH: 00009238 Pleurocoronis laphamioides (Rose) King & Robinson Mexico: Island of San Pedro Martin, Gulf of Californ... Edw. Palmer 148 1890-2-13
GH: 00009237 Pleurocoronis laphamioides (Rose) King & Robinson Mexico: Island of San Pedro Martin, Gulf of Californ... Edw. Palmer 406 1887-10
GH: 00011330 Pluchea bifrons de Candolle Mexico: San Luis Potosí Hacienda de Angostura C. G. Pringle 3813 1891-8-5
GH: 00441012 Pluchea bifrons de Candolle Mexico: San Luis Potosí [additional data not captured] Edw. Palmer 75 1904-6-2
GH: 00441006 Pluchea camphorata (Linnaeus) de Candolle Mexico: [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 544 1880-2
GH: 00441010 Pluchea camphorata (Linnaeus) de Candolle Mexico: [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 253 1890-3-4
GH: 00441016 Pluchea camphorata (Linnaeus) de Candolle Mexico: Tamaulipas [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 138 1910-1-1
GH: 00441007 Pluchea carolinensis (Jacquin) G. Don Mexico: Nuevo León [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 545 1880-2
GH: 00441009 Pluchea carolinensis (Jacquin) G. Don Mexico: Colima Colima: [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 1097 1891-1-9
GH: 00441010 Pluchea carolinensis (Jacquin) G. Don Mexico: [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 253 1890-3-4
GH: 00441013 Pluchea carolinensis (Jacquin) G. Don Mexico: Tamaulipas [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 1
GH: 00441015 Pluchea carolinensis (Jacquin) G. Don Mexico: Tamaulipas [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 75 1910-1-1
GH: 00011330 Pluchea foetida (Linnaeus) de Candolle Mexico: San Luis Potosí Hacienda de Angostura C. G. Pringle 3813 1891-8-5
GH: 00441012 Pluchea mexicana (R. K. Godfrey) G. L. Nesom Mexico: San Luis Potosí [additional data not captured] Edw. Palmer 75 1904-6-2
GH: 00441006 Pluchea odorata (Linnaeus) Cassini Mexico: [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 544 1880-2
GH: 00441007 Pluchea odorata (Linnaeus) Cassini Mexico: Nuevo León [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 545 1880-2
GH: 00441009 Pluchea odorata (Linnaeus) Cassini Mexico: Colima Colima: [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 1097 1891-1-9
GH: 00441013 Pluchea odorata (Linnaeus) Cassini Mexico: Tamaulipas [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 1
GH: 00441015 Pluchea odorata (Linnaeus) Cassini Mexico: Tamaulipas [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 75 1910-1-1
GH: 00441016 Pluchea odorata (Linnaeus) Cassini Mexico: Tamaulipas [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 138 1910-1-1
GH: 00442333 Pluchea odorata (Linnaeus) Cassini Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 1976 1865
GH: 00011329 Pluchea parvifolia (A. Gray) R. K. Godfrey Mexico: Cape St. Lucas, etc., Lower California J. Xantus de Vesey 53 1859-8
GH: 00011330 Pluchea rosea mexicana R. K. Godfrey Mexico: San Luis Potosí Hacienda de Angostura C. G. Pringle 3813 1891-8-5
GH: 00441008 Pluchea salicifolia S. F. Blake Mexico: Nuevo León Edw. Palmer 546 1880-2
GH: 00441011 Pluchea salicifolia S. F. Blake Mexico: Guerrero Acapulco: [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 441 1894-10
GH: 00441014 Pluchea salicifolia S. F. Blake Mexico: [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 12 1907-2-1
GH: 00441017 Pluchea salicifolia S. F. Blake Mexico: [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 1097
GH: 00011331 Pluchea salicifolia canescens (A. Gray) S. F. Blake Mexico: Wartenberg, near Tantoyuca, prov. Huasteca C. F. L. C. Ervendberg 343 1858
GH: 00441011 Pluchea subdecurrens de Candolle Mexico: Guerrero Acapulco: [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 441 1894-10
GH: 00441017 Pluchea subdecurrens de Candolle Mexico: [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 1097
GH: 00441008 Pluchea subdecurrens Cassini Mexico: Nuevo León Edw. Palmer 546 1880-2
GH: 00011329 Pluchea subdecurrens parvifolia A. Gray Mexico: Cape St. Lucas, etc., Lower California J. Xantus de Vesey 53 1859-8
GH: 00011331 Pluchea subdecurrens canescens A. Gray Mexico: Wartenberg, near Tantoyuca, prov. Huasteca C. F. L. C. Ervendberg 343 1858
GH: 00441014 Pluchea subdecurrens canescens A. Gray Mexico: [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 12 1907-2-1
GH: 00002817 Podachaenium pachyphyllum (Schultz Bipontinus ex Klatt) R. K. Jansen, N. A. Harriman & Urbatsch Mexico: Oaxaca Near Totontepec; alt. 5500 to 3700 ft. E. W. Nelson 829 1894-7-15
GH: 00003537 Podachaenium pachyphyllum (Schultz Bipontinus ex Klatt) R. K. Jansen, N. A. Harriman & Urbatsch Mexico: Oaxaca St. Gertrudis F. M. Liebmann 542
GH: 00011372 Polyactidium seemannii Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: B. C. Seemann
GH: 00011389 Polymnia liebmannii Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Cumbre de Estepa F. M. Liebmann 385
GH: 00011391 Polymnia maculata Cavanilles Mexico: México Barranca above Santa Fe, 8500 feet C. G. Pringle 13564 1905-9-1
GH: 00011391 Polymnia maculata hypomalaca S. F. Blake Mexico: México Barranca above Santa Fe, 8500 feet C. G. Pringle 13564 1905-9-1
GH: 00011392 Polymnia nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Near San Cristobal, Alt. 7,000-8,000ft. E. W. Nelson 3221a 1895-9-18
GH: 00011392 Polymnia oaxacana Schultz Bipontinus ex Klatt Mexico: Chiapas Near San Cristobal, Alt. 7,000-8,000ft. E. W. Nelson 3221a 1895-9-18
GH: 00011393 Polymnia oaxacana Schultz Bipontinus ex Klatt Mexico: F. M. Liebmann 387
GH: 00011391 Polymnia uvedalia Linnaeus Mexico: México Barranca above Santa Fe, 8500 feet C. G. Pringle 13564 1905-9-1
GH: 00254529 Polypteris lindenii (A. Gray) A. Gray Mexico: Veracruz
GH: 00254528 Porophyllum amplexicaule Engelmann ex A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila [Hills, near Mesillas] Josiah Gregg 524 1848-9-23
GH: 00011404 Porophyllum brachypodum B. L. Robinson Mexico: Sonora Guaymas J. N. Rose 1272 1897-6-5
GH: 00011405 Porophyllum calcicola B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Mountains above Iguala, 3000 ft. C. G. Pringle 9059 1900-10-24
GH: 00011406 Porophyllum calcicola B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Morelos Near Yantepec, 4500 feet C. G. Pringle 8720 1902-11-8
GH: 00011431 Porophyllum coloratum (Kunth) de Candolle Mexico: N. W. Mexico B. C. Seemann
GH: 00011407 Porophyllum crassifolium S. Watson Mexico: Baja California Sur Maleje [Mulege], Gulf of California Edw. Palmer 423 1887
GH: 00011419 Porophyllum ervendbergii A. Gray Mexico: Guerrero Bewteen Chilapa and Tixtla; altitude 5200 - ... E. W. Nelson 2170 1894-12-16
GH: 00011420 Porophyllum ervendbergii A. Gray Mexico: Michoacán Querendaro C. G. Pringle 4292 1892-10-25
GH: 00011421 Porophyllum ervendbergii A. Gray Mexico: Michoacán Querendaro C. G. Pringle 4292 1892-10-25
GH: 00011422 Porophyllum ervendbergii A. Gray Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Lake Chapala C. G. Pringle 2976 1889-12-16
GH: 00011408 Porophyllum ervendbergii A. Gray Mexico: Wartenberg, near Tantoyuca, prov. Huasteca C. F. L. C. Ervendberg 75 1858
GH: 00011409 Porophyllum filifolium A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Sierra Madre south of Saltillo Edw. Palmer 688 1880-8
GH: 00011410 Porophyllum fruticulosum Rydberg Mexico: Coahuila Near Saltillo Edw. Palmer 285 1902-11-10
GH: 00011400 Porophyllum gracile Bentham Mexico: Chihuahua [Mountain-sides near Lake Santa Maria] C. Wright 1247 1852-4-20
GH: 00368130 Porophyllum gracile Bentham Mexico: México [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 834
GH: 00368131 Porophyllum gracile Bentham Mexico: [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 8
GH: 00368132 Porophyllum gracile Bentham Mexico: México [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 16
GH: 00442330 Porophyllum gracile Bentham Mexico: [data not captured] Xántus 64 1859-8
GH: 00011411 Porophyllum greggii A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Valley of Parras Josiah Gregg 1847-4-11
GH: 00011412 Porophyllum holwayanum Greenman Mexico: Jalisco Sayula E. W. D. Holway 5130 1903-10-8
GH: 00011414 Porophyllum leptophyllum I. M. Johnston Mexico: Puerto Refugio; Angel de la Guardia Island, ... I. M. Johnston 3373 1921-5-1
A: 00011413 Porophyllum leptophyllum I. M. Johnston Mexico: Angel de la Guardia Island, Gulf of Californ... I. M. Johnston 3373 1921-5-1
GH: 00368134 Porophyllum linaria (Cavanilles) de Candolle Mexico: México T. Coulter 448
GH: 00442332 Porophyllum linaria (Cavanilles) de Candolle Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 5112 1878
GH: 00368136 Porophyllum macrocephalum de Candolle Mexico: México [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 704 1880-2
GH: 00368137 Porophyllum macrocephalum de Candolle Mexico: San Luis Potosí [no additional data] C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 505
GH: 00368138 Porophyllum macrocephalum de Candolle Mexico: Sinaloa Culiacán: [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 1769 1891-10-25
GH: 00368139 Porophyllum macrocephalum de Candolle Mexico: México [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 716 1890-9-16
GH: 00368140 Porophyllum macrocephalum de Candolle Mexico: Durango Durango: Edw. Palmer 694 1896-9
GH: 00011415 Porophyllum maritinum Brandegee Mexico: Coast between San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San... T. S. Brandegee 1902-11
GH: 00011416 Porophyllum millspaughii B. L. Robinson Mexico: Yucatán Progreso C. F. Millspaugh 1648 1899-3-5
GH: 00011418 Porophyllum nelsonii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Road between Nopala and Mixistepec; alt. 800... E. W. Nelson 2435 1895-3-5
GH: 00011417 Porophyllum nelsonii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca From Panixtlahuaca to Jaquila; alt. 5,000 ft... E. W. Nelson 2399 1895-2-26
GH: 00011419 Porophyllum nutans B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Bewteen Chilapa and Tixtla; altitude 5200 - ... E. W. Nelson 2170 1894-12-16
GH: 00011420 Porophyllum nutans B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Michoacán Querendaro C. G. Pringle 4292 1892-10-25
GH: 00011421 Porophyllum nutans B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Michoacán Querendaro C. G. Pringle 4292 1892-10-25
GH: 00011422 Porophyllum nutans B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Lake Chapala C. G. Pringle 2976 1889-12-16
GH: 00011423 Porophyllum oblongum Rydberg Mexico: Sinaloa Culiacan Edw. Palmer 1807 1891-10-25
GH: 00011424 Porophyllum obtusifolium de Candolle Mexico: Guanajuato [Villalpando] J. Mendez
GH: 00368135 Porophyllum obtusifolium de Candolle Mexico: Jalisco [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 658 1886-10
GH: 00589458 Porophyllum obtusifolium de Candolle Mexico: Guanajuato A. A. D. Dugès 1883
GH: 00011423 Porophyllum palmeri Rose Mexico: Sinaloa Culiacan Edw. Palmer 1807 1891-10-25
GH: 00011425 Porophyllum palmeri Rose Mexico: Colima Edw. Palmer 1142 1891-1-9
GH: 00011404 Porophyllum pausodynum B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Sonora Guaymas J. N. Rose 1272 1897-6-5
GH: 00011426 Porophyllum pausodynum B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Sonora [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 279 1887-10
GH: 00011429 Porophyllum pringlei B. L. Robinson Mexico: Sinaloa Vicinity of Culiacan T. S. Brandegee 1904-10-28
GH: 00011405 Porophyllum pringlei B. L. Robinson Mexico: Guerrero Mountains above Iguala, 3000 ft. C. G. Pringle 9059 1900-10-24
GH: 00011428 Porophyllum pringlei B. L. Robinson Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 2954 1889-9-26
GH: 00011427 Porophyllum pringlei B. L. Robinson Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 5168 1891-10-3
GH: 00011425 Porophyllum punctatum (Miller) Blake Mexico: Colima Edw. Palmer 1142 1891-1-9
GH: 00011429 Porophyllum quinqueflorum Brandegee Mexico: Sinaloa Vicinity of Culiacan T. S. Brandegee 1904-10-28
GH: 00368136 Porophyllum ruderale (Jacquin) Cassini Mexico: México [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 704 1880-2
GH: 00368137 Porophyllum ruderale macrocephalum (de Candolle) R. R. Johnson Mexico: San Luis Potosí [no additional data] C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 505
GH: 00368138 Porophyllum ruderale macrocephalum (de Candolle) R. R. Johnson Mexico: Sinaloa Culiacán: [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 1769 1891-10-25
GH: 00368139 Porophyllum ruderale macrocephalum (de Candolle) R. R. Johnson Mexico: México [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 716 1890-9-16
GH: 00368140 Porophyllum ruderale macrocephalum (de Candolle) R. R. Johnson Mexico: Durango Durango: Edw. Palmer 694 1896-9
GH: 00011410 Porophyllum scoparium A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Near Saltillo Edw. Palmer 285 1902-11-10
GH: 00011411 Porophyllum scoparium A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Valley of Parras Josiah Gregg 1847-4-11
GH: 00589455 Porophyllum scoparium A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo Edw. Palmer 694 1880-2
GH: 00011426 Porophyllum seemannii Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Sonora [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 279 1887-10
GH: 00011431 Porophyllum seemannii Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: N. W. Mexico B. C. Seemann
GH: 00368135 Porophyllum seemannii Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Jalisco [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 658 1886-10
GH: 00011433 Porophyllum sp. Mexico: México Nanchititla; District Temascaltepec G. B. Hinton et al. 8469 1935-9-20
GH: 00442332 Porophyllum tagetoides (Kunth) de Candolle Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 5112 1878
GH: 00011432 Porophyllum tharpianum Steyermark Mexico: Coahuila 25 miles southwest of Monterey B. H. Warnock & F. A. Barkley 14831 1945-12-1
GH: 00359572 Porophyllum tridentatum Bentham Mexico: Baja California Sur Arroyo de las Casitas, 1.5 mi above the mout... R. V. Moran & James L. Reveal 19965 1973-2-9
A: 00011413 Porophyllum tridentatum crassifolium (Watson) I. M. Johnston Mexico: Angel de la Guardia Island, Gulf of Californ... I. M. Johnston 3373 1921-5-1
GH: 00011433 Porophyllum warnockii R. R. Johnson Mexico: México Nanchititla; District Temascaltepec G. B. Hinton et al. 8469 1935-9-20
GH: 00066443 Psacalium decompositum (A. Gray) H. Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Sonora N. Mex., Sonora [mountains, east of Santa Cr... C. Wright 1286 1851-9-29
GH: 00263054 Psacalium decompositum (A. Gray) H. Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Sonora N. Mex., Sonora [mountains, east of Santa Cr... C. Wright 1286 1851-9-29
GH: 00257503 Psacalium globosum (B. L. Robinson & Fernald) H. Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Chihuahua Memelichi, Rio Mayo; 7500ft. H. S. Gentry 2785 1936-9-17
GH: 00066545 Psacalium hintonii (Pippen) H. Robinson & Brettell Mexico: México Carboneras; District Temascaltepec G. B. Hinton 7966 1935-7-21
GH: 00066658 Psacalium langlassei Rydberg Mexico: Guerrero Sierra Madre Eug. Langlassé 576 1898-11-6
GH: 00066524 Psacalium mollifolium S. F. Blake Mexico: Guerrero Taxco R. Q. Abbott 353 1932-8-12
GH: 00066532 Psacalium nelsonii Rydberg Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Cerro San Felipe, 9,500 - 11,000... E. W. Nelson 1111 1894
GH: 00066543 Psacalium peltatum adenophorum S. F. Blake Mexico: Nuevo León Municipio de Rayones, in chaparral on both s... C. H. Muller 2911 1939-8-21
GH: 00066545 Psacalium peltigerum hintonii Pippen Mexico: México Carboneras; District Temascaltepec G. B. Hinton 7966 1935-7-21
GH: 00368141 Psacalium sinuatum (Cervantes) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: México [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 657 1896-9
GH: 00368142 Psacalium sinuatum (Cervantes) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: México [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 651 1896-9
GH: 00011464 Psathyrotes purpusii Brandegee Mexico: Coahuila Foot of Sombreritito, near Marte C. A. Purpus 4763 1910-10
GH: 00011461 Psathyrotes scaposa A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua N. Mex., valley near the Santa Maria [River] C. Wright 1416 1852-4-19
GH: 00011462 Psathyrotes scaposa A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua N. Mex., valley near the Santa Maria [River] C. Wright 1416 1852-4-19
GH: 00011463 Psathyrotes scaposa A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua N. Mex., valley near the Santa Maria [River] C. Wright 1416 1852-4-19
GH: 00011217 Psathyrotes schottii A. Gray Mexico: Sonora Colorado River A. C. V. Schott 1855-2-3
GH: 00022890 Pseudoconyza viscosa (Miller) D'Arcy Mexico: Chiapas Tonalá, Paredon im Buschwald am kande den L... C. Seler & E. G. Seler 1879 1896-2-8
GH: 00282470 Pseudognaphalium arizonicum (A. Gray) Anderberg Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 411 1885-8
GH: 00282469 Pseudognaphalium attenuatum (de Candolle) Anderberg Mexico: Chiapas Municipio San Cristobal de Las Casas, Santa ... A. M. Ton & M. C. Mtz. de Lopez 9702 1986-11-15
GH: 00282467 Pseudognaphalium boourgovii (A. Gray) Anderberg Mexico: Federal District Sierra de Ajusco, 8000 ft C. G. Pringle 7344 1896-10-3
GH: 00282464 Pseudognaphalium brachypterum (de Candolle) Anderberg Mexico: Coahuila Western side of Potrero de la Mula, about 20... I. M. Johnston 9227 1941-9-18
GH: 00135527 Pseudognaphalium canescens (de Candolle) Anderberg Mexico: San Luis Potosí 6000-8000 feet C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 419 1878
GH: 00282461 Pseudognaphalium canescens (de Candolle) Anderberg Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Organos, grassy rolling northern... R. M. Stewart & I. M. Johnston 2067 1941-10-5
ECON: 00282462 Pseudognaphalium canescens (de Candolle) Anderberg Mexico: Chihuahua Mnpo. de Guachochic, Norogachic, 6500 ft R. A. Bye 3097 1972-11-8
GH: 00008320 Pseudognaphalium chartaceum (Greenman) Anderberg Mexico: Puebla Near Tehuacan C. G. Pringle 7033 1895-12-22
GH: 00008319 Pseudognaphalium chartaceum (Greenman) Anderberg Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 1827 1888-11-22
GH: 00282459 Pseudognaphalium chartaceum (Greenman) Anderberg Mexico: Guerrero Environs of Taxco R. Q. Abbott 25 1936-1-7
GH: 00282460 Pseudognaphalium chartaceum (Greenman) Anderberg Mexico: Jalisco 5000 ft C. G. Pringle 13556 1905-11-29
GH: 00282456 Pseudognaphalium elegans (Kunth) Kartesz Mexico: Veracruz Cerro de Escamela por Ojo de Agua, al N.E. d... M. Rosas R. 84 1966-11-14
GH: 00282454 Pseudognaphalium greenmanii (S. F. Blake) Anderberg Mexico: Barranca Honda, Siltepec E. Matuda 4065 1940-10
GH: 00282455 Pseudognaphalium greenmanii (S. F. Blake) Anderberg Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara, 5000 ft C. G. Pringle 11532 1903-10-12
GH: 00282452 Pseudognaphalium jaliscense (Greenman) Anderberg Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua [Novogachic] Edw. Palmer 417 1885-8
GH: 00282453 Pseudognaphalium jaliscense (Greenman) Anderberg Mexico: Coahuila Mesa Grande, high mesas 40 km. northwest of ... R. M. Stewart 1627 1941-9-14
GH: 00254927 Pseudognaphalium lecuocephalum (A. Gray) Anderberg Mexico: Sonora N. Mex., Sonora [near Santa Cruz] C. Wright 1285 1851-9-23
GH: 00008297 Pseudognaphalium lecuocephalum (A. Gray) Anderberg Mexico: Sonora N. Mex. [near Santa Cruz] C. Wright 1285 1851-9-23
GH: 00254926 Pseudognaphalium lecuocephalum (A. Gray) Anderberg Mexico: Sonora Sta. Cruz [Santa Cruz] G. Thurber 924 1851-9
GH: 00008298 Pseudognaphalium lecuocephalum (A. Gray) Anderberg Mexico: Baja California Sur Cape St. Lucas, &c., Lower California J. Xantus de Vesey 66 1959-8
GH: 00282450 Pseudognaphalium lecuocephalum (A. Gray) Anderberg Mexico: Chihuahua Mapula Montains C. G. Pringle 753 1886-10-18
GH: 00282451 Pseudognaphalium lecuocephalum (A. Gray) Anderberg Mexico: Sonora La Cruz de las Canades F. E. Lloyd 403 1890-11-3
GH: 00282448 Pseudognaphalium liebmannii (Schultz Bipontinus ex Klatt) Anderberg Mexico: Popocatepetl C. A. Purpus 3033 1908-9
GH: 00282449 Pseudognaphalium liebmannii (Schultz Bipontinus ex Klatt) Anderberg Mexico: Mt. Ixtaccihuatl H. E. Moore, Jr. 1244 1946-9-22
GH: 00282446 Pseudognaphalium macounii (Greene) Kartesz Mexico: Chihuahua Memelichi, Rio Mayo, 7500 ft H. S. Gentry 2737 1936-9-15
GH: 00282444 Pseudognaphalium oxyphyllum (de Candolle) Kirpicznikov Mexico: Federal District Valley of Mexico, 8000 ft C. G. Pringle 6515 1896-10-3
GH: 00282442 Pseudognaphalium pringlei (A. Gray) Anderberg Mexico: Coahuila Múzquiz, La Mariposa E. G. Marsh 1022 1936-12-5
GH: 00282443 Pseudognaphalium pringlei (A. Gray) Anderberg Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 443 1885-8
GH: 00282441 Pseudognaphalium roseum (Kunth) Anderberg Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera, vicinity of "La Cueva" ... I. M. Johnston 8895 1941-9-11
GH: 00282437 Pseudognaphalium semilanatum (de Candolle) Anderberg Mexico: Hidalgo District: Huichipan, Mt. Leña, west of Leñ... H. E. Moore, Jr. 1439 1946-10-10
GH: 00282438 Pseudognaphalium semilanatum (de Candolle) Anderberg Mexico: Coahuila Sierra de la Madera, vicinityof "La Cueva" i... I. M. Johnston 8895A 1941-9-11
GH: 00282435 Pseudognaphalium stramineum (Kunth) Anderberg Mexico: Sonora Fronteras G. Thurber 447 1851-6
ECON: 00282436 Pseudognaphalium stramineum (Kunth) Anderberg Mexico: Chihuahua Mnpo. de Bocoyna, Bocoyna vlley, between Boc... R. A. Bye 4163 1973-7-13
GH: 00282526 Pseudognaphalium stramineum (Kunth) Anderberg Mexico: Chihuahua Sta. Maria J. M. Bigelow 645/a
ECON: 00282433 Pseudognaphalium viscosum (Kunth) Anderberg Mexico: Chihuahua Mnpo. de Guachochic, Cusarare, 6900 ft R. A. Bye 5313 1973-9-21
GH: 00282434 Pseudognaphalium viscosum (Kunth) Anderberg Mexico: Nuevo León Sierra Madre Oriental, below Alamar, about 1... C. H. Muller 1136 1934-7-21
GH: 00282471 Pseudognaphalium viscosum (Kunth) Anderberg Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 410 1885-8
GH: 00011484 Psilactis brevilingulata Schultz Bipontinus ex Hemsley Mexico: Prope Tacubaya W. Schaffner 1854-9
GH: 00011483 Psilactis brevilingulata Schultz Bipontinus ex Hemsley Mexico: Prope Tacubaya W. Schaffner 211 1856-9
GH: 00011485 Psilactis coulteri A. Gray Mexico: T. Coulter 295
GH: 00011486 Psilactis crispa Brandegee Mexico: Baja California Sur San Joaquin, Lower California T. S. Brandegee 1889-4-1
GH: 00003790 Psilactis gentryi (Standley) D. R. Morgan Mexico: Chihuahua Memelichi, Rio Mayo, Chihuahua H. S. Gentry 2728 1936-9-15
GH: 00009962 Psilactis odysseus (G. L. Nesom) D. R. Morgan Mexico: Nuevo León Area of Cerro Pena Nevada, ca. 5 km NE of mo... G. L. Nesom & C. Wells R585 1977-7-28
GH: 00011487 Psilactis tenuis S. Watson Mexico: Nuevo León Sierra Madre near Monterey C. G. Pringle 2238 1888-6-15
GH: 00011506 Psilostrophe gnaphalodes de Candolle Mexico: Nuevo León Monterey J. L. Berlandier 1828
GH: 00011496 Psilostrophe gnaphalodes de Candolle Mexico: Coahuila Dry ridge, battlefield near Buenavista Josiah Gregg 35 1847-5-22
GH: 00011497 Psilostrophe gnaphalodes de Candolle Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo. Near Ojo de Sant Bernardo Josiah Gregg 318 1847-5-6
GH: 00135196 Psilostrophe gnaphalodes de Candolle Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo Josiah Gregg 318 1848
GH: 00257531 Psilostrophe gnaphalodes de Candolle Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo. Near Ojo de Sant Bernardo Josiah Gregg 34 1847-5-6
GH: 00011499 Psilostrophe gnaphalodes de Candolle Mexico: San Luis Potosí J. L. Berlandier 1336 1827-12
GH: 00011500 Psilostrophe gnaphalodes de Candolle Mexico: J. L. Berlandier
GH: 00011503 Psilostrophe hartmanii Rydberg Mexico: Near Laguna de Guzman C. V. Hartman 726 1891-7-16
GH: 00011503 Psilostrophe tagetina (Nuttall) Greene Mexico: Near Laguna de Guzman C. V. Hartman 726 1891-7-16
GH: 00011646 Ratibida latipalearis E. L. Richards Mexico: Chihuahua Colonia Garcia, 37.25 miles southwest of Col... E. L. Richards 3770 1962-8-29
GH: 00009621 Ratibida mexicana (S. Watson) W. M. Sharp Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre C. G. Pringle 1305 1887-9-19
GH: 00008695 Rayjacksonia phyllocephala (de Candolle) R. L. Hartman & M. A. Lane Mexico: Tamaulipas De San Fernando a Matamoros J. L. Berlandier 2278 1830-10
GH: 00011838 Rhysolepis morelensis (Greenman) Blake Mexico: Morelos Near Cuernavaca, 5000 ft. C. G. Pringle 11295 1902-11-12
GH: 00011663 Rhysolepis palmeri (A. Gray) Blake Mexico: Jalisco Rio Blanco Edw. Palmer 738 1886-10
GH: 00135196 Riddellia arachnoidea A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo Josiah Gregg 318 1848
GH: 00011497 Riddellia arachnoidea A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo. Near Ojo de Sant Bernardo Josiah Gregg 318 1847-5-6
GH: 00011496 Riddellia arachnoidea A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Dry ridge, battlefield near Buenavista Josiah Gregg 35 1847-5-22
GH: 00257531 Riddellia arachnoidea A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo. Near Ojo de Sant Bernardo Josiah Gregg 34 1847-5-6
GH: 00011499 Riddellia arachnoidea A. Gray Mexico: San Luis Potosí J. L. Berlandier 1336 1827-12
GH: 00011500 Riddellia arachnoidea A. Gray Mexico: J. L. Berlandier
GH: 00011506 Riddellia arachnoidea A. Gray Mexico: Nuevo León Monterey J. L. Berlandier 1828
GH: 00011503 Riddellia tagetina Nuttall Mexico: Near Laguna de Guzman C. V. Hartman 726 1891-7-16
GH: 00135196 Riddellia tagetina Nuttall Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo Josiah Gregg 318 1848
GH: 00066661 Robinsonecio gerberifolius (Schultz Bipontinus) T. M. Barkley & Janovec Mexico: Veracruz Alt. 10-15,300 ft. J. J. Linden 487 1838
GH: 00066792 Robinsonecio porphyresthes (T. M. Barkley) T. M. Barkley & Janovec Mexico: Tamaulipas On mountain top 7 km. S.W. of Miquihauana L. R. Stanford, K. L. Retherford &... 679 1941-8-5
GH: 00097933 Roldana Mexico: En route from San Luis Potosi to Tampico Edw. Palmer 1114 1878-12
GH: 00097934 Roldana albonervia (Greenman) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: México Valley of Temascaltepec C. J. W. Schiede 1831-4
GH: 00054863 Roldana aliena (B. L. Robinson & Seaton) Funston Mexico: Michoacán Mountains near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5056 1891-12-22
GH: 00098014 Roldana angulifolia (de Candolle) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Morelos Sierra de Tepoztlan, 7500 feet C. G. Pringle 13909 1907-2-13
GH: 00092797 Roldana angulifolia (de Candolle) Robinson & Brettell Mexico:
GH: 00092795 Roldana anisophylla (Klatt) Funston Mexico: Pelado F. M. Liebmann 160
GH: 00054864 Roldana anisophylla (Klatt) Funston Mexico: von Chrismar
GH: 00098038 Roldana aschenborniana (Schauer) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: In Valle Tolucca A. Aschenborn 718
GH: 00257522 Roldana aschenborniana (Schauer) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: von Chrismar
GH: 00097998 Roldana barba-johannis (de Candolle) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: G. J. Graham
GH: 00097935 Roldana barba-johannis (de Candolle) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Cordillera Guchilagne J. L. Berlandier 1177
GH: 00098041 Roldana cordovensis (Hemsley) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Guerrero Between Ayusinapa and Petatlan, 5000-7000 fe... E. W. Nelson 2137 1894-12-14
GH: 00098037 Roldana cordovensis (Hemsley) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Veracruz M. Botteri 1103
GH: 00098031 Roldana cordovensis (Hemsley) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Lake Chapala C. G. Pringle 2419 1889-12-17
GH: 00098036 Roldana cordovensis (Hemsley) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Veracruz M. Botteri 1103
GH: 00098042 Roldana cordovensis (Hemsley) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Morelos Above Cuernavaca, 6500 feet C. G. Pringle 8010 1899-2-15
GH: 00097939 Roldana ehrenbergiana (Klatt) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Puebla Yerba del ferro C. A. Ehrenberg
GH: 00054862 Roldana ehrenbergiana (Klatt) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: South of Mexico City, ca. 20 km. northwest o... A. J. Cronquist 11130 1974-6-30
GH: 00098015 Roldana gilgii (Greenman) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3772 1896-2-8
GH: 00098033 Roldana glinophylla Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Near Uruapan A. B. Ghiesbreght 371
GH: 00098035 Roldana guadalajarensis (B. L. Robinson) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 3280 1890-9-10
GH: 00098019 Roldana guadalajarensis (B. L. Robinson) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 3280 1890-9-10
GH: 00097997 Roldana hartwegii (Bentham) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Northwest Mexico B. C. Seemann
GH: 00098039 Roldana hartwegii (Bentham) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: K. T. Hartweg 124
GH: 00368143 Roldana heracleifolia (Hemsley) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Jalisco [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 697 1886-10
GH: 00097933 Roldana hirsuticaulis (Greenman) Funston Mexico: En route from San Luis Potosi to Tampico Edw. Palmer 1114 1878-12
GH: 00097938 Roldana jurgensenii (Hemsley) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: C. Jürgensen 309
GH: 00098034 Roldana kerberi (Greenman) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Mesa del Arrero A. Kerber 94 1880-11-21
GH: 00098000 Roldana langlassei (Greenman) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: States of Michoacan and Guerrero, Sierra Mad... Eug. Langlassé 1005 1899-4-21
GH: 00097999 Roldana langlassei (Greenman) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: States of Michoacan and Guerrero, Sierra Mad... Eug. Langlassé 1005 1899-4-21
GH: 00098021 Roldana lanicaulis (Greenman) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3771 1896-2-8
GH: 00097937 Roldana lineolata (de Candolle) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Cordillera de Guchilape J. L. Berlandier 1227 1827-10-21
GH: 00097995 Roldana lobata La Llave & Lexarza Mexico: Jalisco Chapala Mountains, near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 2931 1889-12-9
GH: 00257540 Roldana lobata La Llave & Lexarza Mexico: C. J. W. Schiede 1550
GH: 00097940 Roldana lobata La Llave & Lexarza Mexico: A. Aschenborn 641
GH: 00097996 Roldana petasitis oaxacana (Hemsley) Funston Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes, 6700-10000 feet E. W. Nelson 1002 1894-10-20
GH: 00098040 Roldana petasitis oaxacana (Hemsley) Funston Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains of Telixtlahuaca, 7800 feet L. C. Smith 368 1894-12-10
GH: 00098020 Roldana petasitis oaxacana (Hemsley) Funston Mexico: Oaxaca H. G. Galeotti 2009
GH: 00098032 Roldana petasitis cristobalensis (Greenman) Funston Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal and Teopisca, 6700-850... E. W. Nelson 3469 1895-12-4
GH: 00098043 Roldana petasitis sartorii (Schultz Bipontinus ex Hemsley) Funston Mexico: Veracruz H. G. Galeotti 2225
GH: 00098026 Roldana pinetorum (Hemsley) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Oaxaca Cordillera, 5000-7000 feet H. G. Galeotti 2019 1840-4
GH: 00097941 Roldana platanifolia (Bentham) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Chico K. T. Hartweg 331
GH: 00098030 Roldana reglensis (Greenman) H. Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Regla C. A. Ehrenberg 454
GH: 00098025 Roldana reticulata (de Candolle) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: J. Mendez
GH: 00098022 Roldana robinsoniana (Greenman) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Oaxaca Road between Nopala and Mixistepec, 800-1,70... E. W. Nelson 2439 1895-3-5
GH: 00097932 Roldana schaffneri (Schultz Bipontinus ex Klatt) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Veracruz Thomas 1864
GH: 00097936 Roldana schaffneri (Schultz Bipontinus ex Klatt) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Valley of Cordova E. Bourgeau 2207 1865
GH: 00368144 Roldana sessilifolia (Hooker & Arnott) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Nayarit Tepic Edw. Palmer 1832 1892-1-5
GH: 00368145 Roldana sessilifolia (Hooker & Arnott) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Jalisco [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 576 1886-9
GH: 00368146 Roldana sessilifolia (Hooker & Arnott) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 541 1878
GH: 00368147 Roldana sessilifolia (Hooker & Arnott) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 47 1902-9-5
GH: 00054877 Roldana subcymosa H. Robinson Mexico: Oaxaca On the road to Puerto Angel, about 125 km. s... A. J. Cronquist & J. Fay 10888 1970-11-7
GH: 00098018 Roldana subpeltata (Schultz Bipontinus) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Sierra Madre B. C. Seemann 1984
GH: 00098017 Roldana subpeltata (Schultz Bipontinus) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Northwest Mexico B. C. Seemann
GH: 00008772 Rosilla Mexico: Coahuila Valley of Naras, Bolsom de Mapimi Josiah Gregg 27 1847-5-11
GH: 00011670 Rudbeckia chrysantha Klatt Mexico: Cumbre de Estepa F. M. Liebmann 575
GH: 00011674 Rumfordia attenuata B. L. Robinson Mexico: Sierra Madre, Michoacan and Guerrero Eug. Langlassé 800 1899-4-26
GH: 00011675 Rumfordia connata Brandegee Mexico: Cape Region Mts.; Lower California T. S. Brandegee 1892-3
GH: 00011676 Rumfordia floribunda de Candolle Mexico: Guerrero At and just below summit of Cerro Alquitrán... W. R. Anderson & C. W. Laskowski 4410 1966-12-6
GH: 00011677 Rumfordia floribunda de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Cerro de San Felipe; Alt. 8,000ft C. Conzatti 30 1895-11-29
GH: 00011677 Rumfordia floribunda pubescens Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Cerro de San Felipe; Alt. 8,000ft C. Conzatti 30 1895-11-29
GH: 00011676 Rumfordia floribunda australis R. W. Sanders Mexico: Guerrero At and just below summit of Cerro Alquitrán... W. R. Anderson & C. W. Laskowski 4410 1966-12-6
GH: 00011677 Rumfordia floribunda australis R. W. Sanders Mexico: Oaxaca Cerro de San Felipe; Alt. 8,000ft C. Conzatti 30 1895-11-29
GH: 00011674 Rumfordia guatemalensis (Coulter) Blake Mexico: Sierra Madre, Michoacan and Guerrero Eug. Langlassé 800 1899-4-26
GH: 00011678 Rumfordia guatemalensis (Coulter) Blake Mexico: Crête de la Sierra Madre, Michoacan and Gue... Eug. Langlassé 878 1899-2-16
GH: 00011678 Rumfordia oreopola B. L. Robinson Mexico: Crête de la Sierra Madre, Michoacan and Gue... Eug. Langlassé 878 1899-2-16
GH: 00011680 Rumfordia pinnatisecta Paul G. Wilson Mexico: Guerrero Aguazarca-Filo, District Mina G. B. Hinton et al. 11289 1937-11-30
GH: 00011688 Sabazia Cassini Mexico: Nuevo León Upper west slope of Sierra de la Cebolla; Mu... C. H. Muller 2902 1939-8-21
GH: 00011696 Sabazia Cassini Mexico: Hidalgo Vicinity of Molango, on road to Lolotla H. E. Moore, Jr. 1989 1946-11-9
GH: 00011682 Sabazia anomala Greenman Mexico: Hidalgo Near Buena Vista Station, 8300 feet C. G. Pringle 8853 1904-8-7
GH: 00009427 Sabazia glabra S. Watson Mexico: Durango City of Durango and vicinity Edw. Palmer 805 1896-11
GH: 00011683 Sabazia glabra S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Base of the Sierra Madre C. G. Pringle 1295 1887-9-27
GH: 00011682 Sabazia humilis Cassini Mexico: Hidalgo Near Buena Vista Station, 8300 feet C. G. Pringle 8853 1904-8-7
GH: 00054714 Sabazia liebmannii ovatifolia Longpre Mexico: Oaxaca Along highway 190 between Km. 422 and 423, c... E. K. Longpre 199 1961-8-23
GH: 00011686 Sabazia liebmannii michoacana (B. L. Robinson) Longpre Mexico: Michoacán Near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4099 1891-11-23
GH: 00011689 Sabazia liebmannii heterocarpa B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Veracruz 10,000ft H. E. Seaton 167 1891-8-6
GH: 00589160 Sabazia liebmannii hintonii Longpre Mexico: Guerrero Yesceros-Cruz pacifica; District Mina G. B. Hinton 14898 1939-11-26
GH: 00011684 Sabazia longiradiata Urbatsch & B. L. Turner Mexico: Guerrero Sierrita, Galeana G. B. Hinton et al. 14359 1939-6-28
GH: 00011685 Sabazia macdonaldii B. L. Turner Mexico: Oaxaca 35 km. ESE of Miahuatlan, 5-10 km. NE of San... J. A. McDonald 2952 1989-12-11
GH: 00011686 Sabazia michoacana B. L. Robinson Mexico: Michoacán Near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 4099 1891-11-23
GH: 00011687 Sabazia microspermoides Longpre Mexico: Guerrero Teotepec, District Mina G. B. Hinton 14788 1939-11-5
GH: 00011688 Sabazia mullerae S. F. Blake Mexico: Nuevo León Upper west slope of Sierra de la Cebolla; Mu... C. H. Muller 2902 1939-8-21
GH: 00011689 Sabazia multiradiata (Seaton) Longpre Mexico: Veracruz 10,000ft H. E. Seaton 167 1891-8-6
GH: 00589117 Sabazia multiradiata (Seaton) Longpre Mexico: Mt. Orizaba H. E. Seaton 167 1891-8-6
GH: 00004547 Sabazia palmeri (S. Watson ex A. Gray) Urbatsch & B. L. Turner Mexico: Jalisco Rio Blanco Edw. Palmer 147 1886-7
GH: 00011693 Sabazia purpusi Brandegee Mexico: Baja California Sur San Felipe, Cape Region C. A. Purpus 1901-2
GH: 00011694 Sabazia radicans S. F. Blake Mexico: Hidalgo Near Trinidad Iron Works, 5,800 ft. C. G. Pringle 8943 1904-7-11
GH: 00011694 Sabazia sarmentosa Lessing Mexico: Hidalgo Near Trinidad Iron Works, 5,800 ft. C. G. Pringle 8943 1904-7-11
GH: 00011695 Sabazia sarmentosa Lessing Mexico: In monte Serro Colorado C. J. W. Schiede 324
GH: 00589162 Sabazia sarmentosa Lessing Mexico: Michoacán near Talzcuaro C. G. Pringle 1892-7-23
GH: 00011696 Sabazia sarmentosa lancifolia Longpre Mexico: Hidalgo Vicinity of Molango, on road to Lolotla H. E. Moore, Jr. 1989 1946-11-9
GH: 00011697 Sabazia subnuda B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 12,000 ft. [feet] C. G. Pringle 4226 1892-9-2
GH: 00011698 Sabazia subnuda B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 12,000 ft. [feet] C. G. Pringle 4226 1892-9-2
GH: 00011700 Sabazia trifida J. J. Fay Mexico: Oaxaca Well up in the Sierra Madre del Sur, about 1... A. J. Cronquist & J. Fay 10889 1970-11-8
GH: 00011705 Salmea gaumeri Greenman Mexico: Yucatán Izamal G. F. Gaumer 977
GH: 00011704 Salmea gaumeri Greenman Mexico: Yucatán 8 miles south of Izamal G. F. Gaumer 977 1895-10
GH: 00011719 Salmea oligocephala Hemsley Mexico: Zimapan J. M. Coulter 349
GH: 00011706 Salmea palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 2170 1888-12-8
GH: 00011707 Salmea palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 2345 1889-10
GH: 00011708 Salmea palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 2155 1888-12-13
GH: 00011709 Salmea palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Jalisco Rio Blanco Edw. Palmer 528 1886-9
GH: 00442158 Sanvitalia aberti A. Gray Mexico: [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 8 1869
GH: 00442159 Sanvitalia aberti A. Gray Mexico: [data not captured] G. Thurber 1068 1851-8
GH: 00442160 Sanvitalia aberti A. Gray Mexico: [data not captured] 1851
GH: 00257515 Sanvitalia acinifolia de Candolle Mexico: San Louis Potosi J. Gregg 577 1848-12-27
GH: 00442170 Sanvitalia acinifolia de Candolle Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] J. G. Schaffner 1880
GH: 00442171 Sanvitalia acinifolia de Candolle Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Botteri 447
GH: 00442172 Sanvitalia acinifolia de Candolle Mexico: Guanajuato [data not captured] M. E. Guillemin-Taragre 1872
GH: 00011725 Sanvitalia angustifolia Engelmann Mexico: Coahuila [Highlands near Buena Vista] Josiah Gregg 274 1848-7-24
GH: 00442161 Sanvitalia angustifolia Engelmann Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 591 1880-4
GH: 00442162 Sanvitalia angustifolia Engelmann Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo: [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 244 1898-6
GH: 00442163 Sanvitalia angustifolia Engelmann Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo: [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 244 1898-6
GH: 00011726 Sanvitalia ocymoides de Candolle Mexico: Matamoras [?] bords del Rio Grande J. L. Berlandier 2102 1829
GH: 00442164 Sanvitalia ocymoides de Candolle Mexico: Tamaulipas [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 435 1907-5-1
GH: 00442165 Sanvitalia procumbens Lamarck Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 97 1902-9-12
GH: 00442166 Sanvitalia procumbens Lamarck Mexico: Durango Durango: [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 150 1896-6-1
GH: 00442167 Sanvitalia procumbens Lamarck Mexico: Durango [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 314 1906-6-4
GH: 00442168 Sanvitalia procumbens Lamarck Mexico: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 00442169 Sanvitalia procumbens Lamarck Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] J. Gregg 577 1848
GH: 00442170 Sanvitalia procumbens Lamarck Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] J. G. Schaffner 1880
GH: 00442171 Sanvitalia procumbens Lamarck Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Botteri 447
GH: 00442172 Sanvitalia procumbens Lamarck Mexico: Guanajuato [data not captured] M. E. Guillemin-Taragre 1872
GH: 00442173 Sanvitalia procumbens Lamarck Mexico: [no additional data] [data not captured] 336
GH: 00011727 Sanvitalia tenuis S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre, 7,000-8,000ft. C. G. Pringle 1304 1887-9-15
GH: 00011728 Sanvitalia tragiafolia de Candolle Mexico: Tamaulipas San Fernando J. L. Berlandier 2233
GH: 00011729 Sanvitalia tragiafolia de Candolle Mexico: Tamaulipas San Fernando J. L. Berlandier 2233
GH: 00008464 Sanvitaliopsis liebmannii Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Oaxaca Hills near Tule, 5500 feet. C. G. Pringle 13863 1906-5-20
GH: 00014254 Sanvitaliopsis liebmannii Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Rio Taba F. M. Liebmann 552
GH: 00011734 Sartwellia mexicana A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Edw. Palmer 683 1880-2
GH: 00011733 Sartwellia mexicana A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Edw. Palmer 687 1880-2
GH: 00011826 Schistocarpha Lessing Mexico: Albert Schmitz 609
GH: 00011823 Schistocarpha bicolor Lessing Mexico: Chiapas Between San Martin and Ococingo C. Seler & E. G. Seler 2191 1896-3-13
GH: 00011824 Schistocarpha bicolor Lessing Mexico: Mirador F. M. Liebmann 490 1942
GH: 00011823 Schistocarpha longiligula Rydberg Mexico: Chiapas Between San Martin and Ococingo C. Seler & E. G. Seler 2191 1896-3-13
GH: 00011822 Schistocarpha pedicellata Klatt Mexico: Dos Puentes F. M. Liebmann 488
GH: 00011823 Schistocarpha seleri Rydberg Mexico: Chiapas Between San Martin and Ococingo C. Seler & E. G. Seler 2191 1896-3-13
GH: 00011824 Schistocarpha velutina Rydberg Mexico: Mirador F. M. Liebmann 490 1942
GH: 00011826 Schizoptera lyrata Klatt Mexico: Albert Schmitz 609
GH: 00011834 Schkuhria anthemoides wislizeni (A. Gray) Heiser Mexico: Chihuahua [Around Cosiquirachi in the Sierra Madre wes... F. A. Wislizenus 195
GH: 00008142 Schkuhria glomerata B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Hills of Rio Hondo C. G. Pringle 4289 1892-9-23
GH: 00008141 Schkuhria glomerata B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: México Rio Hondo C. G. Pringle 5006 1891-9-5
GH: 00011834 Schkuhria pinnata (Lamarck) Kuntze ex Thellung Mexico: Chihuahua [Around Cosiquirachi in the Sierra Madre wes... F. A. Wislizenus 195
GH: 00011833 Schkuhria pinnata Pringlei (S. Watson) Heiser Mexico: Chihuahua Plains near Guerrero C. G. Pringle 1292 1887-9-15
GH: 00011833 Schkuhria pringlei S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Plains near Guerrero C. G. Pringle 1292 1887-9-15
GH: 00011834 Schkuhria wislizeni A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [Around Cosiquirachi in the Sierra Madre wes... F. A. Wislizenus 195
GH: 00011837 Sclerocarpus frutescens Brandegee Mexico: San Luis Potosí Minas de San Rafael C. A. Purpus 5157 1911-7
GH: 00011839 Sclerocarpus multifidus Greenman Mexico: Rio Balsas C. R. Orcutt 4177 1910-8-26
GH: 00011840 Sclerocarpus orcuttii Greenman Mexico: Colima Colima C. R. Orcutt 4599 1910-10-24
GH: 00008529 Sclerocarpus schiedeanus elongatus Greenman Mexico: Tamaulipas Vicinity of Gómez Fárias, altitude about 3... Edw. Palmer 582 1907-4-13
GH: 00011842 Sclerocarpus schiedeanus elongatus Greenman Mexico: Morelos Cuernavaca, around Cuernavaca, 5,200ft. C. G. Pringle 6606 1896-10-31
GH: 00011843 Sclerocarpus sessilifolius Greenman Mexico: Sinaloa Between Rosario and Colomas, in the foothill... J. N. Rose 1629 1897-7-13
GH: 00257516 Sclerocarpus sessilifolius Greenman Mexico: Sinaloa Near Calomas in the foothills of the Sierra ... J. N. Rose 3224 1897-7-20
GH: 00011844 Sclerocarpus spathulatus Rose Mexico: Sonora Alamos Edw. Palmer 649 1890-9-16
GH: 00011844 Sclerocarpus spatulatus Rose Mexico: Sonora Alamos Edw. Palmer 649 1890-9-16
GH: 00011697 Selloa plantaginea Kunth Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 12,000 ft. [feet] C. G. Pringle 4226 1892-9-2
GH: 00011698 Selloa plantaginea Kunth Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, 12,000 ft. [feet] C. G. Pringle 4226 1892-9-2
GH: 00066524 Senecio Linnaeus Mexico: Guerrero Taxco R. Q. Abbott 353 1932-8-12
GH: 00098033 Senecio Linnaeus Mexico: Near Uruapan A. B. Ghiesbreght 371
GH: 00066585 Senecio Linnaeus Mexico: Oaxaca Cerro de San Felipe C. Conzatti & V. Gonzalez 559 1897-11-14
GH: 00097939 Senecio Linnaeus Mexico: Puebla Yerba del ferro C. A. Ehrenberg
GH: 00097998 Senecio Linnaeus Mexico: G. J. Graham
GH: 00097933 Senecio Linnaeus Mexico: En route from San Luis Potosi to Tampico Edw. Palmer 1114 1878-12
GH: 00066792 Senecio Linnaeus Mexico: Tamaulipas On mountain top 7 km. S.W. of Miquihauana L. R. Stanford, K. L. Retherford &... 679 1941-8-5
GH: 00054862 Senecio Linnaeus Mexico: South of Mexico City, ca. 20 km. northwest o... A. J. Cronquist 11130 1974-6-30
GH: 00098018 Senecio Linnaeus Mexico: Sierra Madre B. C. Seemann 1984
GH: 00098033 Senecio acerifolius Hemsley Mexico: Near Uruapan A. B. Ghiesbreght 371
GH: 00092797 Senecio acerifolius K. Koch Mexico:
GH: 00054877 Senecio acutangulus Hemsley Mexico: Oaxaca On the road to Puerto Angel, about 125 km. s... A. J. Cronquist & J. Fay 10888 1970-11-7
GH: 00098014 Senecio adenolepis Greenman Mexico: Morelos Sierra de Tepoztlan, 7500 feet C. G. Pringle 13909 1907-2-13
GH: 00066547 Senecio alatipes Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Between Teneapa and Yajalon, 3000 - 5000 fee... E. W. Nelson 3277 1895-10-13
GH: 00097934 Senecio albonervius Greenman Mexico: México Valley of Temascaltepec C. J. W. Schiede 1831-4
GH: 00054863 Senecio alienus B. L. Robinson & Seaton Mexico: Michoacán Mountains near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5056 1891-12-22
GH: 00066572 Senecio alvarezensis Greenman Mexico: San Luis Potosí Alvarez Edw. Palmer 177 1902-9-25
GH: 00066782 Senecio alvarezensis Greenman Mexico: Cerro Grande, 8 km al NW de Guadalcázar J. Rzedowski 208 1955-9-25
GH: 00092797 Senecio angulifolius de Candolle Mexico:
GH: 00098043 Senecio angulifolius de Candolle Mexico: Veracruz H. G. Galeotti 2225
GH: 00092795 Senecio anisophyllus Klatt Mexico: Pelado F. M. Liebmann 160
GH: 00257522 Senecio aschenbornianus S. Schauer Mexico: von Chrismar
GH: 00098038 Senecio aschenbornianus S. Schauer Mexico: In Valle Tolucca A. Aschenborn 718
GH: 00097933 Senecio aschenbornianus S. Schauer Mexico: En route from San Luis Potosi to Tampico Edw. Palmer 1114 1878-12
GH: 00066652 Senecio axillaris Klatt Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo J. L. Berlandier 1369 1828-1
GH: 00066575 Senecio axillaris Klatt Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo J. L. Berlandier 1367/108 1828-1
GH: 00097998 Senecio barba-johannis de Candolle Mexico: G. J. Graham
GH: 00097935 Senecio barba-johannis de Candolle Mexico: Cordillera Guchilagne J. L. Berlandier 1177
GH: 00054867 Senecio bellidifolius Kunth Mexico: Michoacán Jorullo F. W. H. A. Humboldt
GH: 00066614 Senecio boliviensis Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains of Telixtlahuaca L. C. Smith 367 1894-12-10
A: 00066654 Senecio bombycopholis Bullock Mexico: México Acatitlan; District Temascaltepec G. B. Hinton et al. 7790 1935-5-21
GH: 00066655 Senecio bombycopholis Bullock Mexico: México Acatitlan; District Temascaltepec G. B. Hinton et al. 7790 1935-5-21
GH: 00098041 Senecio brachyanthus Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Between Ayusinapa and Petatlan, 5000-7000 fe... E. W. Nelson 2137 1894-12-14
GH: 00066576 Senecio bracteatus Klatt Mexico: inter L. Andres et L. Miquel F. M. Liebmann 192
GH: 00054875 Senecio candidissimus Greene Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madres C. H. T. Townsend & C. M. Barber 1 1899-5-24
GH: 00066584 Senecio carnerensis Greenman Mexico: Coahuila Mount Carneros Pass, 10,000 ft. C. G. Pringle 2857 1889-9-8
GH: 00098014 Senecio chapalensis S. Watson Mexico: Morelos Sierra de Tepoztlan, 7500 feet C. G. Pringle 13909 1907-2-13
GH: 00098031 Senecio chapalensis S. Watson Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Lake Chapala C. G. Pringle 2419 1889-12-17
GH: 00098042 Senecio chapalensis S. Watson Mexico: Morelos Above Cuernavaca, 6500 feet C. G. Pringle 8010 1899-2-15
GH: 00098041 Senecio chapalensis areolatus Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Between Ayusinapa and Petatlan, 5000-7000 fe... E. W. Nelson 2137 1894-12-14
GH: 00098042 Senecio chapalensis areolatus Greenman Mexico: Morelos Above Cuernavaca, 6500 feet C. G. Pringle 8010 1899-2-15
GH: 00098027 Senecio chiapensis Hemsley Mexico: Chiapas A. B. Ghiesbreght 537 1864
GH: 00098028 Senecio chiapensis Hemsley Mexico: Chiapas A. B. Ghiesbreght 537 1864
GH: 00066611 Senecio chicharrensis Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Near Chicharras, 6,000 feet. E. W. Nelson 3796 1896-2-12
GH: 00066616 Senecio chihuahuensis S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Ledges of Sierra Madre, 9700 feet C. G. Pringle 1318 1887-10-7
GH: 00066624 Senecio chihuahuensis S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Collected near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra ... C. H. T. Townsend & C. M. Barber 317 1899-9-9
GH: 00054864 Senecio chrismarii Greenman Mexico: von Chrismar
GH: 00054874 Senecio coahuilensis Greenman Mexico: Coahuila Lerios Edw. Palmer 755 1880-2
GH: 00066585 Senecio conzattii Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Cerro de San Felipe C. Conzatti & V. Gonzalez 559 1897-11-14
GH: 00098036 Senecio cordovensis Hemsley Mexico: Veracruz M. Botteri 1103
GH: 00098037 Senecio cordovensis Hemsley Mexico: Veracruz M. Botteri 1103
GH: 00066594 Senecio coulteri Greenman Mexico: J. M. Coulter 429
GH: 00098032 Senecio cristobalensis Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal and Teopisca, 6700-850... E. W. Nelson 3469 1895-12-4
GH: 00066789 Senecio ctenophyllus Greenman Mexico: Durango Barranca below Sandia Station C. G. Pringle 10105 1905
GH: 00054868 Senecio cyclophyllus Greenman Mexico: Nuevo León Sierra Madre above Monterrey C. G. Pringle 10230 1906-3-31
GH: 00054869 Senecio cyclophyllus Greenman Mexico: Nuevo León Sierra Madre above Monterrey C. G. Pringle 10230 1906-3-31
GH: 00066610 Senecio deformis Klatt Mexico: Real del Monte C. A. Ehrenberg 385
GH: 00066653 Senecio deformis Klatt Mexico: Real del Monte C. A. Ehrenberg 385
GH: 00066789 Senecio durangensis Greenman Mexico: Durango Barranca below Sandia Station C. G. Pringle 10105 1905
GH: 00066597 Senecio durangensis atrapiculatus T. M. Barkley Mexico: Durango Atop the Sierra Madre Occidental, 13.5 miles... A. J. Cronquist 10539 1965-11-14
GH: 00097939 Senecio ehrenbergianus Klatt Mexico: Puebla Yerba del ferro C. A. Ehrenberg
GH: 00098023 Senecio eriophyllus Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Hills near Tula C. G. Pringle 13864 1906-5-20
GH: 00098024 Senecio eriophyllus Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Hills near Tula, 5500 feet C. G. Pringle 13864 1906-5-20
GH: 00066660 Senecio ervendbergii Greenman Mexico: Veracruz Wartenberg, near Tantoyuca, prov. Huasteca C. F. L. C. Ervendberg 90 1858-10
GH: 00066534 Senecio filaris McVaugh Mexico: Michoacán Sierra Naranjillo; District Coalcoman, Mich.... G. B. Hinton 15770
GH: 00066597 Senecio flaccidus Lessing Mexico: Durango Atop the Sierra Madre Occidental, 13.5 miles... A. J. Cronquist 10539 1965-11-14
GH: 00066661 Senecio gerberaefolius Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Veracruz Alt. 10-15,300 ft. J. J. Linden 487 1838
GH: 00098015 Senecio gilgii Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3772 1896-2-8
GH: 00066662 Senecio gracilipes B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Sierra de Clavellinas, 9,000 ft. C. G. Pringle 6010 1894-10-24
GH: 00097998 Senecio grahami Bentham Mexico: G. J. Graham
GH: 00097936 Senecio grandifolius Lessing Mexico: Valley of Cordova E. Bourgeau 2207 1865
GH: 00097936 Senecio grandifolius glabrior Hemsley Mexico: Valley of Cordova E. Bourgeau 2207 1865
GH: 00066443 Senecio grayanus Hemsley Mexico: Sonora N. Mex., Sonora [mountains, east of Santa Cr... C. Wright 1286 1851-9-29
GH: 00066663 Senecio greggii Rydberg Mexico: Baja California Norte Near Santa Rosalia, low valley of the Rio de... Josiah Gregg 11 1847-4-21
GH: 00098035 Senecio guadalajarensis B. L. Robinson Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 3280 1890-9-10
GH: 00098019 Senecio guadalajarensis B. L. Robinson Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 3280 1890-9-10
GH: 00066664 Senecio hartmannii Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Puerta de St. Diego; 6500 alt. [altitude] C. V. Hartman 623 1891-4-12
GH: 00098039 Senecio hartwegii Bentham Mexico: K. T. Hartweg 124
GH: 00097997 Senecio hartwegii Bentham Mexico: Northwest Mexico B. C. Seemann
GH: 00054863 Senecio hederaefolius Hemsley Mexico: Michoacán Mountains near Patzcuaro C. G. Pringle 5056 1891-12-22
GH: 00092795 Senecio hederaefolius Hemsley Mexico: Pelado F. M. Liebmann 160
GH: 00054864 Senecio hederaefolius Hemsley Mexico: von Chrismar
GH: 00098029 Senecio hederaefolius Hemsley Mexico: C. Jürgensen 379
GH: 00097996 Senecio hederoides Greenman ex Loesener Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes, 6700-10000 feet E. W. Nelson 1002 1894-10-20
GH: 00066630 Senecio hellerii Klatt Mexico: Volcan de Toluco, 14000 ft. [feet] A. A. Heller 355
GH: 00066665 Senecio helodes Bentham Mexico: K. T. Hartweg 319
GH: 00066451 Senecio heterodontus Greenman Mexico: San Luis Potosí Valley of San Luis Potosí, in mountains nea... J. G. Schaffner 280 1876-9
GH: 00098482 Senecio hintoniorum B. L. Turner Mexico: Nuevo León Galeana, Cerro El Potosi G. B. Hinton 17048 1969-5-25
GH: 00097933 Senecio hirsuticaulis Greenman Mexico: En route from San Luis Potosi to Tampico Edw. Palmer 1114 1878-12
GH: 00098040 Senecio hypomalacus Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains of Telixtlahuaca, 7800 feet L. C. Smith 368 1894-12-10
GH: 00066666 Senecio iodanthus Greenman Mexico: México Nevado de Toluca, alt. 10-12000 ft. [feet] C. G. Pringle 4302 1892-9-26
GH: 00066667 Senecio jacalensis Greenman Mexico: Guanajuato Jacal C. A. Ehrenberg 1293 1839
GH: 00097995 Senecio jaliscana S. Watson Mexico: Jalisco Chapala Mountains, near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 2931 1889-12-9
GH: 00097938 Senecio jurgensenii Hemsley Mexico: C. Jürgensen 309
GH: 00098034 Senecio kerberi Greenman Mexico: Mesa del Arrero A. Kerber 94 1880-11-21
GH: 00098000 Senecio langlassei Greenman Mexico: States of Michoacan and Guerrero, Sierra Mad... Eug. Langlassé 1005 1899-4-21
GH: 00097999 Senecio langlassei Greenman Mexico: States of Michoacan and Guerrero, Sierra Mad... Eug. Langlassé 1005 1899-4-21
GH: 00098021 Senecio lanicaulis Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3771 1896-2-8
GH: 00066668 Senecio leonensis Greenman Mexico: Nuevo León Sierra Madre near Monterey C. G. Pringle 2894 1889-6-1
GH: 00066446 Senecio liebmannii Buchinger ex Klatt Mexico: Laguna F. M. Liebmann 163
GH: 00097937 Senecio lineolatus de Candolle Mexico: Cordillera de Guchilape J. L. Berlandier 1227 1827-10-21
GH: 00368143 Senecio lineolatus de Candolle Mexico: Jalisco [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 697 1886-10
GH: 00066784 Senecio lithophilus Greenman Mexico: Tamaulipas On road from Adelaida, Tamaulipas to Dulces ... F. G. Meyer & D. J. Rogers 2751 1948-7-21
GH: 00066660 Senecio lobatus Persoon Mexico: Veracruz Wartenberg, near Tantoyuca, prov. Huasteca C. F. L. C. Ervendberg 90 1858-10
GH: 00066584 Senecio longilobus Bentham Mexico: Coahuila Mount Carneros Pass, 10,000 ft. C. G. Pringle 2857 1889-9-8
GH: 00066444 Senecio loratifolius Greenman Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo: Mountains near Saltillo, 7000 ft. C. G. Pringle 13676 1900-10-5
GH: 00098036 Senecio macrobotrys Hemsley Mexico: Veracruz M. Botteri 1103
GH: 00098037 Senecio macrobotrys Hemsley Mexico: Veracruz M. Botteri 1103
GH: 00066669 Senecio madrensis A. Gray Mexico: Coahuila Saltillo: Sierra Madre, south of Saltillo Edw. Palmer 756 1880-10
GH: 00066670 Senecio mahindae G. L. Nesom & Vorobik Mexico: Tamaulipas Mpio. San Carlos, Sierra de San Carlos, ca. ... G. L. Nesom 6098 1986-6-18
GH: 00135194 Senecio mohavensis A. Gray Mexico: Sonora [no additional data] C. G. Pringle 1884-3-28
GH: 00066450 Senecio mohinorensis Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Collected on Mt. Mohinora, south west Chihua... E. W. Nelson 4881 1898-9-1
GH: 00054865 Senecio montereyanus S. Watson Mexico: Nuevo León the Sierra Madre near Monterey C. G. Pringle 1922 1888-6-27
GH: 00054873 Senecio moranii T. M. Barkley Mexico: Baja California Sur Sierra San Pedro Mártir on SE slope of Cerr... R. V. Moran 15669 1968-9-15
GH: 00066594 Senecio mulgediifolius S. Schauer Mexico: J. M. Coulter 429
GH: 00066451 Senecio multidentatus Schultz Bipontinus ex Hemsley Mexico: San Luis Potosí Valley of San Luis Potosí, in mountains nea... J. G. Schaffner 280 1876-9
GH: 00442174 Senecio multidentatus Schultz Bipontinus ex Hemsley Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 536 1878
GH: 00442174 Senecio multidentatus huachucanus (A. Gray) T. M. Barkley Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 536 1878
GH: 00066664 Senecio neo-mexicanus A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Puerta de St. Diego; 6500 alt. [altitude] C. V. Hartman 623 1891-4-12
GH: 00098482 Senecio nesomiorum B. L. Turner Mexico: Nuevo León Galeana, Cerro El Potosi G. B. Hinton 17048 1969-5-25
GH: 00098040 Senecio oaxacanus Hemsley Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains of Telixtlahuaca, 7800 feet L. C. Smith 368 1894-12-10
GH: 00098020 Senecio oaxacanus Hemsley Mexico: Oaxaca H. G. Galeotti 2009
GH: 00066781 Senecio orizabensis Schultz Bipontinus ex Hemsley Mexico: Veracruz Vagneria del Jacal, 10000 feet F. M. Liebmann 176
GH: 00066447 Senecio palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Guadalupe Island, off Lower California Edw. Palmer 49 1875
GH: 00442175 Senecio palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Baja California Norte Guadalupe Island: [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 834 1889
GH: 00066787 Senecio parasiticus (Schultz Bipontinus) Hemsley Mexico: Mirador F. M. Liebmann 165
GH: 00263980 Senecio parryi A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Rio Grande [150 miles above the mouth of the... C. C. Parry 97 [Survey no. 657] 1852-11-7
GH: 00066659 Senecio peninsularis Vasey & Rose Mexico: Baja California Norte Edw. Palmer 659 1889-1
GH: 00098032 Senecio petasitis de Candolle Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal and Teopisca, 6700-850... E. W. Nelson 3469 1895-12-4
GH: 00097996 Senecio petasitis de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes, 6700-10000 feet E. W. Nelson 1002 1894-10-20
GH: 00098040 Senecio petasitis de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains of Telixtlahuaca, 7800 feet L. C. Smith 368 1894-12-10
GH: 00066782 Senecio picridis S. Schauer Mexico: Cerro Grande, 8 km al NW de Guadalcázar J. Rzedowski 208 1955-9-25
GH: 00066623 Senecio picridis S. Schauer Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains southeast of Miahuatlan, altitude ... E. W. Nelson 2526 1895
GH: 00098026 Senecio pinetorum Hemsley Mexico: Oaxaca Cordillera, 5000-7000 feet H. G. Galeotti 2019 1840-4
GH: 00098033 Senecio platanifolius Bentham Mexico: Near Uruapan A. B. Ghiesbreght 371
GH: 00098037 Senecio platanifolius Bentham Mexico: Veracruz M. Botteri 1103
GH: 00097941 Senecio platanifolius Bentham Mexico: Chico K. T. Hartweg 331
GH: 00066629 Senecio platypus Greenman Mexico: Nuevo León Sierra Madre Madre above Monterrey, 3000 ft C. G. Pringle 10352 1906-12-21
GH: 00066662 Senecio polypodioides Greene Mexico: Oaxaca Sierra de Clavellinas, 9,000 ft. C. G. Pringle 6010 1894-10-24
GH: 00066792 Senecio porphyresthes T. M. Barkley Mexico: Tamaulipas On mountain top 7 km. S.W. of Miquihauana L. R. Stanford, K. L. Retherford &... 679 1941-8-5
GH: 00066451 Senecio potosinus Greenman Mexico: San Luis Potosí Valley of San Luis Potosí, in mountains nea... J. G. Schaffner 280 1876-9
GH: 00066776 Senecio praecox de Candolle Mexico: Jalisco Near Guadalajara, on bluffs of barranca C. G. Pringle 5160 1891-5-20
GH: 00066627 Senecio pringlei A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Mapula Mountains. C. G. Pringle 763 1886-10
GH: 00066922 Senecio prionopterus B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Las Sedas, 6000 ft. C. G. Pringle 6282 1895-12-3
GH: 00066626 Senecio prionopterus B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Las Sedas, 6000 ft. C. G. Pringle 6282 1895-12-3
GH: 00066630 Senecio procumbens Kunth Mexico: Volcan de Toluco, 14000 ft. [feet] A. A. Heller 355
GH: 00257536 Senecio procumbens Kunth Mexico: Pic D'Orizaba; 12,000 p. [feet] J. J. Linden 490 1838
GH: 00257538 Senecio procumbens Kunth Mexico: Pic Orizaba, alt. 14-15,000 feet F. M. Liebmann 138
GH: 00066628 Senecio procumbens Kunth Mexico: Mont de Tolucca A. J. A. Bonpland
GH: 00066782 Senecio pseudopicridis T. M. Barkley Mexico: Cerro Grande, 8 km al NW de Guadalcázar J. Rzedowski 208 1955-9-25
GH: 00066778 Senecio pterocaulis Greenman Mexico: Morelos Above Cuernavaca, 7000 feet C. G. Pringle 8704 1902-11-24
GH: 00066790 Senecio pterocaulis Greenman Mexico: Morelos Mountains above Cuernavaca C. G. Pringle 8704 1902-11-24
GH: 00097935 Senecio pullus Klatt Mexico: Cordillera Guchilagne J. L. Berlandier 1177
GH: 00066793 Senecio purpurascens Klatt Mexico: [Real del Monte] C. G. Ehrenberg 380