FH: 00890499 Conferva bombycina C. Agardh Netherlands: Friesland [data not captured] T. Sprée 1856-10
Acinetosporaceae FH: 01002184 Pylaiella littoralis (Linnaeus) Kjellman Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Wemeldinge, E. of "Kanaal doo... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
FH: 01002185 Pylaiella littoralis (Linnaeus) Kjellman Netherlands: Zeeland Walcheren, Vlissingen, mouth of the harbour W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1976-3-3
Acrochaetiaceae FH: 01002153 Rhodochorton floridulum (Dillwyn) Nägeli Netherlands: Zeeland Noord-Beveland, Kats, +/- 1 km. N.E. of the ... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-14
FH: 01002171 Rhodochorton purpureum (Lightfoot) Rosenvinge Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Sas van Goes RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-15
Asteraceae GH: 01236389 Artemisia campestris Linnaeus Netherlands: [Hellebos] Holland [no data available] 1862-8-19
GH: 01236867 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus Netherlands: Noord-Holland Dan Helder M. J. G. van Keekem-Carrière 1935-8-31
GH: 01235313 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus Netherlands: Zuid-Holland den Haag J. T. Koster 1936-8-9
GH: 01235285 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus Netherlands: Prope Lugd Batav [no data available]
A: 00977266 Cirsium arvense (Linnaeus) Scopoli Netherlands: Gelderland Spoordijk Geldermalsen - s'Hertogenbosch ter... W. H. A. Hekking 1974-7-22
Bacillariaceae FH: 00890844 Nitzschia reversa W. Smith Netherlands: Friesland [data not captured] T. Sprée 1859-10
Bangiaceae FH: 01002197 Porphyra purpurea (Roth) C. Agardh Netherlands: Zeeland Tholen, Strijenham RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-24
FH: 01002174 Porphyra umbilicalis Kützing Netherlands: Zeeland Walcheren, Vlissingen, Nolledijk RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-16
FH: 00809062 Porphyra umbilicalis Kützing Netherlands: Noord Beveland, jetty of Colijnsplaat J. Wattel 1959-8-17
Boraginaceae GH: 01659892 Myosotis arvensis (Linnaeus) Hill Netherlands: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01660055 Myosotis versicolor Smith Netherlands: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 00987339 Symphytum officinale Linnaeus Netherlands: To the west side of a canal near the east si... D. H. Goldman 2314 2003-5-3
Bryopsidaceae FH: 01002192 Bryopsis plumosa (Hudson) C. Agardh Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
FH: 01002193 Bryopsis plumosa (Hudson) C. Agardh Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
Cabombaceae GH: 00038031 Cabomba caroliniana paucipartita J. D. van Ramshorst & Florschutz Netherlands: Utrecht Utrecht: Cultivated in aquarium J. D. van Ramshorst & P. A. Florsc... 1956
GH: 00038031 Cabomba caroliniana caroliniana Netherlands: Utrecht Utrecht: Cultivated in aquarium J. D. van Ramshorst & P. A. Florsc... 1956
Caulacanthaceae FH: 00789192 Catenella repens (Lightfoot) Batters Netherlands: Zeeland [data not captured] [data not captured] 1859-8-13
FH: 01002150 Catenella repens (Lightfoot) Batters Netherlands: Zeeland Noord-Beveland, Kats, +/- 1 km. N.E. of the ... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-14
FH: 01002151 Catenella repens (Lightfoot) Batters Netherlands: Zeeland Tholen, Salt Marsh near St. Annaland W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1976-8-12
Ceramiaceae FH: 01002220 Callithamnion byssoides Arnott ex Harvey Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
FH: 01002221 Callithamnion byssoides Arnott ex Harvey Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Sas van Goes [data not captured] 1956-9-30
FH: 01002229 Callithamnion corymbosum (Smith) Lyngbye Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Sas van Goes W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1976-9-30
FH: 01002175 Callithamnion polyspermum C. Agardh Netherlands: Zeeland Walcheren, Vlissingen, Oranjedijk RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-16
FH: 01002218 Callithamnion roseum (Roth) Lyngbye Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
FH: 01002219 Callithamnion roseum (Roth) Lyngbye Netherlands: Zeeland Schouwen-Duiveland, Gat van Ouwerkerk RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-23
Ceramieae FH: 00789542 Ceramium deslongchampsii Chauvin ex Duby Netherlands: [data not captured] M. Vroman 1954-7
FH: 01002189 Ceramium deslongchampsii Chauvin ex Duby Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
FH: 01002199 Ceramium diaphanum (Lightfoot) Roth Netherlands: Zeeland Noord-Beveland, Veerse Meer, near the sluice... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
FH: 00788076 Ceramium rubrum C. Agardh Netherlands: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1959-8-13
FH: 01002190 Ceramium rubrum C. Agardh Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
Chaetophoraceae FH: 00876249 Chaetophora endiviifolia (Roth) C. Agardh Netherlands: Gelderland [data not captured] T. Sprée
FH: 00876249 Chaetophora sp. Netherlands: Gelderland [data not captured] T. Sprée
Chenopodiaceae GH: 00247631 Corispermum hyssopifolium Linnaeus Netherlands: Utrecht Holland P. Vermeulen 1930-6-19
Chondrieae FH: 01002188 Chondria dasyphylla (Woodward) C.Agardh Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
Chordariaceae FH: 01002178 Elachista fucicola (Velley) Areschoug Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Wemeldinge, E. of "Kanaal doo... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
FH: 01002227 Myrionema strangulans Greville Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1976-8-13
Cladophoraceae FH: 01002204 Chaetomorpha linum (O. F. Müller) Kützing Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Harbour-Channel of Goes, near... J. Houthuesen 1976-8-11
FH: 01002206 Chaetomorpha linum (O. F. Müller) Kützing Netherlands: Zeeland Schouwen-Duiveland, Gat van Ouwerkerk RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-23
FH: 00890424 Cladophora aegagropila (Linnaeus) Trevisan Netherlands: Friesland [data not captured] T. Sprée 1852-7-10
FH: 00890424 Cladophora holsatica Kützing Netherlands: Friesland [data not captured] T. Sprée 1852-7-10
FH: 01002228 Cladophora laetevirens (Dillwyn) Kützing Netherlands: Zeeland Tholen, Strijenham W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1976-8-11
FH: 01002162 Cladophora rupestris (Linnaeus) Kützing Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Sas van Goes RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-15
FH: 01002143 Rhizoclonium riparium (Roth) Harvey Netherlands: Zeeland Noord-Beveland, Kats. +/- 1 km. N.E. of the ... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-13
FH: 01002144 Rhizoclonium riparium (Roth) Harvey Netherlands: Zeeland Tholen, Salt-marsh near St. Annaland W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1976-8-12
Cladostephaceae FH: 01002157 Cladostephus spongiosus (Hudson) C. Agardh Netherlands: Zeeland Noord-Beveland, Kates, +/- 1 km N.E. of the ... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-14
Coccomyxaceae FH: 00890820 Palmogloea meneghinii Kützing Netherlands: Gelderland [data not captured] T. Sprée 1860-4-6
Codiaceae FH: 01002141 Codium fragile tomentosoides (van Goor) P.C.Silva Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Wemeldinge, E. of "Kanaal doo... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-13
Crassulaceae GH: 01988037 Sedum acre Linnaeus Netherlands: Holland, Wassenaar, [illegible] W. K. H. Karstens 1928-7-4
GH: 01988085 Sedum album Linnaeus Netherlands: [illegible] [illegible] 70 1936-7-7
Cystocloniaceae FH: 00550910 Acanthococcus antarcticus Hooker f. & Harvey Netherlands: [data not captured] [no data available]
FH: 00624029 Cystoclonium purpurascens (Hudson) Kützing Netherlands: [data not captured] D. E. Hylmö 1942-5-19
Dasyoideae FH: 01002202 Dasya baillouviana (S. G. Gmelin) Montagne Netherlands: Zeeland Schouwen-Duiveland, Gat van Ouwerkerk RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-23
Dematiaceae FH: 01012082 Cadophora lagerbergii M. Mellin Netherlands: [data not captured] [no data available] 332
FH: 01012083 Cadophora melinii Nannfeldt Netherlands: [data not captured] [no data available] 329
FH: 01012085 Cadophora obscura Nannfeldt Netherlands: [data not captured] [no data available] 334
FH: 01012087 Cadophora richardsiae Nannfeldt Netherlands: [data not captured] [no data available] 330
Desmidiaceae FH: 00890494 Desmidium cylindricum Greville Netherlands: Gelderland [data not captured] T. Sprée 1857-8
FH: 00890494 Didymoprium grevillii (Kutzing) Ralfs Netherlands: Gelderland [data not captured] T. Sprée 1857-8
Dictyotaceae FH: 01002200 Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) J. V. Lamouroux Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
Droseraceae GH: 01973762 Drosera intermedia Hayne Netherlands: Gelderland Holland. Almen near Zutphen. W. K. H. Karstens
GH: 01973763 Drosera intermedia Hayne Netherlands: Gelderland Holland, Eerbeek. C. P. Feenstra-Sluiter 1902-7
GH: 01973884 Drosera intermedia Hayne Netherlands: Ankeneen sche plas. E. de Witt 1927-8
GH: 01973883 Drosera intermedia Hayne Netherlands: Holland, Gorsel. W. K. H. Karstens 1923-8-10
GH: 01973884 Drosera rotundifolia Linnaeus Netherlands: Ankeneen sche plas. E. de Witt 1927-8
GH: 01973883 Drosera rotundifolia Linnaeus Netherlands: Holland, Gorsel. W. K. H. Karstens 1923-8-10
Dumontiaceae FH: 01002159 Dumontia incrassata (O. F. Müller) J. V. Lamouroux Netherlands: Zeeland Schouwen, Scharendijke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-15
Elaphomycetaceae FH: 00290013 Elaphomyces muricatus Fries Netherlands: Ruurlo D. H. Linder 1935-9-9
FH: 00290013 Elaphomyces variegatus Vittadini Netherlands: Ruurlo D. H. Linder 1935-9-9
Entophysalidaceae FH: 01002223 Entophysalis conferta (Kützing) F. E. Drouet & W. A. Daily Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke G. M. Lokhorst 1976-8-13
Erythrotrichiaceae FH: 01002208 Erythrotrichia carnea (Dillwyn) J. Agardh Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-8-7
Fragilariaceae FH: 00890487 Synedra pulchella (Ralfs ex Kützing) Kützing Netherlands: Friesland [data not captured] T. Sprée 1866-10
Fucaceae FH: 01002138 Ascophyllum nodosum (Linnaeus) Le Jolis Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Wemeldinge, E. of "Kanaal doo... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-13
FH: 01002181 Ascophyllum nodosum scorpioides Hauck Netherlands: Zeeland St. Philipsland S.E. coast near the village ... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-24
FH: 01002137 Fucus serratus Linnaeus Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Wemeldinge, E. of "Kanaal doo... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-13
FH: 01002135 Fucus spiralis Linnaeus Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Wemeldinge, E. of "Kanaal doo... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-13
FH: 01002136 Fucus spiralis Linnaeus Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Wemeldinge, E. of "Kanaal doo... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
FH: 01002154 Fucus spiralis Linnaeus Netherlands: Zeeland Noord-Beveland, Kates, +/- 1.5 km N.E. of th... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-14
FH: 01002145 Fucus vesiculosus Linnaeus Netherlands: Zeeland Noord-Beveland, Kats, +/- km N.E. of the slu... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-14
FH: 01002146 Fucus vesiculosus Linnaeus Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
FH: 01002177 Fucus vesiculosus mytili (Nienburg) Nienhuis Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, between Wemeldinge and Yersek... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
FH: 01002147 Pelvetia canaliculata (Linnaeus) Decaisne & Thuret Netherlands: Zeeland Noord-Beveland, Kats, +/- 1 km. N.E. of the ... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-14
FH: 01002148 Pelvetia canaliculata (Linnaeus) Decaisne & Thuret Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Wemeldinge, E. of "Kanaal doo... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
Geastraceae FH: 00373152 Geastrum triplex Junghun Netherlands: Noord-Holland Neerlandia: Harlem. F. W. van Eeden
FH: 00373156 Geastrum triplex Junghun Netherlands: Noord-Holland Neerlandia: Haarlem. F. W. van Eeden 1875
Gelidiaceae FH: 01002149 Gelidium pusillum (Stackhouse) Le Jolis Netherlands: Zeeland Noord-Beveland, Kats, +/- 1 km. N.E. of the ... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-14
Gigartinaceae FH: 01002142 Chondrus crispus Stackhouse Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Wemeldinge, E. of "Kanaal doo... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-13
FH: 01002205 Gigartina stellata (Stackhouse) Batters Netherlands: Zeeland Schouwen-Duiveland, Zierikzee, De Val RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-23
Gomontiaceae FH: 01002179 Gomontia polyrhiza (Lagerheim) Bornet & Flahault Netherlands: Zeeland Schouwen-Duiveland, Zierikzee, De Val RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-23
Goniotrichaceae FH: 01002225 Goniotrichum alsidii (Zanardini) M. Howe Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke G. M. Lokhorst 1976-8-13
FH: 01002226 Goniotrichum alsidii (Zanardini) M. Howe Netherlands: Zeeland Tholen, Strijenham W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1976-8-11
Gracilariaceae FH: 01002201 Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
Griffithsieae FH: 01002186 Griffithsia devoniensis Harvey Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
FH: 01002187 Griffithsia devoniensis Harvey Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
Haloragaceae A: 00871007 Myriophyllum rubricaule Valk. & Duist. Netherlands: Limburg Grashoek, Roomweg 85,5985 NS, Golf course Ka... J. L. C. H. van Valkenburg Hoogvel... 3495 2009-7-13
Helvellaceae FH: 00433963 Helvella pezizoides Afzelius Netherlands: Valkbg. [no data available] s. n.
Hildenbrandiaceae FH: 01002203 Hildenbrandia rubra (Sommerfelt) Meneghini Netherlands: Zeeland Tholen, Stijenham RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1976-8-11
Hypoglosseae FH: 01002191 Hypoglossum woodwardii Kützing Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-24
Kornmanniaceae FH: 01002198 Blidingia marginata (J. Agardh) P. J. L. Dangeard Netherlands: Zeeland Tholen, Salt-marsh near St. Annaland RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1976-8-12
FH: 01002182 Blidingia minima (Nägeli ex Kützing) Kylin Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Wemeldinge, E. of "Kanaal doo... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
Laboulbeniaceae FH: 00313176 Chitonomyces bidessarius Thaxter Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: nature resever De Kaaistoep, RDM 12... P. van Wielink H. Spijkers 2011-8-2
FH: 00313161 Haplomyces texanus Thaxter Netherlands: De Kaaistoep, 128.8-394.6 2006-6-11
FH: 00313234 Haplomyces texanus Thaxter Netherlands: Tilburg, Kaaistoep-west, 128.8-394.6 H. Spijkers & P. van Wielink 2009-7-3
FH: 00313235 Haplomyces texanus Thaxter Netherlands: Tilburg, Kaaistoep-west, 128.8-394.6 H. Spijkers & P. van Wielink 2009-7-3
FH: 00313218 Hesperomyces virescens Thaxter Netherlands: Gelderland Deelen C. L. Raak-van den Berg 2011-1-5
FH: 00313164 Hesperomyces virescens Thaxter Netherlands: Wageningen, Gelderland C. L. Raak-van den Berg 2010-10-14
FH: 00313217 Hesperomyces virescens Thaxter Netherlands: Gelderland Deelen C. L. Raak-van den Berg 2011-1-5
FH: 00313219 Hesperomyces virescens Thaxter Netherlands: Gelderland Deelen C. L. Raak-van den Berg 2011-1-5
FH: 00313220 Hesperomyces virescens Thaxter Netherlands: Gelderland Wageningen C. L. Raak-van den Berg 2010-10-14
FH: 00313221 Hesperomyces virescens Thaxter Netherlands: Gelderland Wageningen C. L. Raak-van den Berg 2010-10-14
FH: 00313222 Hesperomyces virescens Thaxter Netherlands: Gelderland Wageningen C. L. Raak-van den Berg 2010-10-14
FH: 00313223 Hesperomyces virescens Thaxter Netherlands: Gelderland Wageningen C. L. Raak-van den Berg 2010-10-14
FH: 00313239 Hesperomyces virescens Thaxter Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: tuin Horvers, RDM 134-399 B. Horvers 2011-11
FH: 00313178 Hydraeomyces halipli (Thaxter) Thaxter Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: nature reserve De Kaaistoep, slootj... D. Haelewaters P. van Wielink 2011-10-27
FH: 00313236 Laboulbenia acupalpi Spegazzini Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: De Kaaistoep, "pispoel", RDM 130-39... P. van Wielink 2011-6-1
FH: 00313238 Laboulbenia acupalpi Spegazzini Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: De Kaaistoep, "pispoel", RDM 130-39... P. van Wielink 2011-6-1
FH: 00313180 Laboulbenia cristata Thaxter Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: nature reserve De Kaaistoep, "pispo... P. van Wielink 2011-6-1
FH: 00313181 Laboulbenia cristata Thaxter Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: nature reserve De Kaaistoep, "pispo... P. van Wielink 2011-6-1
FH: 00313182 Laboulbenia cristata Thaxter Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg; nature reserve De Kaaistoep, RDM 12... P. van Wielink H. Spijkers 2011-1-1
FH: 00313158 Laboulbenia fennica Hulden Netherlands: De Kaaistoep, 128.8-394.6
FH: 00313179 Laboulbenia fennica Hulden Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: Dongevallei, RDM 127-398 P. van Wielink H. Spijkers 2012-7-24
FH: 00313233 Laboulbenia flagellata Peyritsch Netherlands: Tilburg, Kaaistoep-west, 128.8-394.6 H. Spijkers & P. van Wielink 2011-8-2
FH: 00313177 Laboulbenia flagellata Peyritsch Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: nature reserve De Kaaistoep, "pispo... P. van Wielink 2011-5-23
FH: 00313232 Laboulbenia flagellata Peyritsch Netherlands: Tilburg, Kaaistoep-west, 128.8-394.6 H. Spijkers & P. van Wielink 2011-8-2
FH: 00313162 Laboulbenia inflata Thaxter Netherlands: Berkel-Enschot, AC 137-399
FH: 00313163 Laboulbenia inflata Thaxter Netherlands: Berkel-Enschot, AC 137-399 P. van Wielink 2005-7-14
FH: 00313214 Laboulbenia inflata Thaxter Netherlands: Berkel-Enschot, AC 137-399 [no data available] 2005-7-14
FH: 00313236 Laboulbenia inflata Thaxter Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: De Kaaistoep, "pispoel", RDM 130-39... P. van Wielink 2011-6-1
FH: 00313237 Laboulbenia inflata Thaxter Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: De Kaaistoep, "pispoel", RDM 130-39... P. van Wielink 2011-6-1
FH: 00313238 Laboulbenia inflata Thaxter Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: De Kaaistoep, "pispoel", RDM 130-39... P. van Wielink 2011-6-1
FH: 00313187 Laboulbenia notiophili C. Cépède & F. Picard Netherlands: Groningen Leek: Vrijerslaantje, AC 222-576 P. van Wielink 2001-3-20
FH: 00313188 Laboulbenia notiophili C. Cépède & F. Picard Netherlands: Groningen Leek: Vrijerslaantje, AC 222-576 P. van Wielink 2001-3-30
FH: 00313230 Laboulbenia pedicellata Thaxter Netherlands: Tilburg, Kaaistoep-west, 128.8-394.6 H. Spijkers & P. van Wielink 2009-7-4
FH: 00313231 Laboulbenia pedicellata Thaxter Netherlands: Tilburg, Kaaistoep-west, 128.8-394.6 H. Spijkers & P. van Wielink 2009-7-4
FH: 00313189 Laboulbenia sp. Netherlands: Tilburg Kaaistoep, Oude Leij, 129-394, 14.ix...
FH: 00313156 Laboulbenia vulgaris Peyritsch Netherlands: Menen (Noord-Brabant) 1971-5-17
FH: 00313157 Laboulbenia vulgaris Peyritsch Netherlands: Menen (Noord-Brabant) 1971-5-17
FH: 00313159 Laboulbenia vulgaris Peyritsch Netherlands: Macharen 1972-6-17
FH: 00313160 Laboulbenia vulgaris Peyritsch Netherlands: Macharen 1972-6-17
FH: 00313173 Laboulbenia vulgaris Peyritsch Netherlands: Rhenen, Utrecht M. Lammers 2011-4-25
FH: 00313174 Laboulbenia vulgaris Peyritsch Netherlands: Rhenen, Utrecht M. Lammers 2011-4-25
FH: 00313175 Laboulbenia vulgaris Peyritsch Netherlands: Rhenen, Utrecht M. Lammers 2011-4-25
FH: 00313183 Rhachomyces lasiophorus (Thaxter) Thaxter Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: nature reserve De Kaaistoep 2011-5-7
FH: 00313184 Rhachomyces lasiophorus (Thaxter) Thaxter Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: nature reserve De Kaaistoep 2011-5-7
FH: 00313683 Rickia wasmannii Cavara Netherlands: Limburg Wijlre-Eys railway verge B. Aukema 2013-6-12
FH: 00313185 Stichomyces conosomatis Thaxter Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: nature reserve De Kaaistoep, RDM 12...
FH: 00313186 Stichomyces conosomatis Thaxter Netherlands: Noord-Brabant Tilburg: nature reserve De Kaaistoep, RDM 12...
FH: 00313215 Stichomyces conosomatis Thaxter Netherlands: Tilburg, TWM Kaaistoep, 129.1-394.7 [no data available] 2000-5-6
FH: 00313224 Stigmatomyces ceratophorus Whisler Netherlands: Gelderland Ede: Oude Kerkplein J. van Erkelens 2012-10-18
FH: 00313225 Stigmatomyces ceratophorus Whisler Netherlands: Gelderland Ede: Oude Kerkplein J. van Erkelens 2012-10-18
Laminariaceae FH: 01002139 Laminaria saccharina (Linnaeus) J. V. Lamouroux Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Wemeldinge, E. of "Kanaal doo... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-13
Lentibulariaceae GH: 01974475 Pinguicula vulgaris Linnaeus Netherlands: Holland, Denekamp. M. J. G. van Keekem-Carrière 1929-7
GH: 01977528 Utricularia vulgaris Linnaeus Netherlands: Holland, Tienhoven, Bethunepolder. P. J. Eyma 3514. 1930-6-22
Linaceae GH: 01247084 Linum catharticum Linnaeus Netherlands: Limburg Holland, Epen W. K. H. Karstens 1929-6-18
Lycoperdaceae FH: 00373778 Lycoperdon furfuraceum Schaeffer Netherlands: Gelderland Ruurlo, Holland D. H. Linder 1935-9-9
FH: 00373935 Lycoperdon pusillum Batsch Netherlands: Noord-Holland Near Ijmuiden, Holland D. H. Linder 1935-9-11
FH: 00373936 Lycoperdon pusillum Batsch Netherlands: Zuid-Holland Noordwijk, Holland D. H. Linder 1935-9-15
FH: 00373938 Lycoperdon pusillum Batsch Netherlands: Noord-Holland near Ijmuiden, Holland D. H. Linder 1935-9
Melobesioideae FH: 01002161 Lithothamnion lenormandii (Areschoug) Foslie Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Sas van Goes RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-15
Microcoleaceae FH: 01002210 Microcoleus chthonoplastes Gomont Netherlands: Zeeland Tholen, Salt-marsh near St. Annaland W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1976-9-30
FH: 01002195 Microcoleus lyngbyaceum (Kützing) Crouan ex Gomont Netherlands: Zeeland Schouwen-Duiveland, Het Guil near Vianen RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-23
Oedogoniaceae FH: 00550584 Bulbochaete brebissonii Kützing ex Hirn Netherlands: Gelderland [data not captured] [data not captured] 1860-7
Orchidaceae AMES: 02158080 Cephalanthera damasonium (Miller) Druce Netherlands: Limburg Gerendal near Valkenburg J. Lanjouw & E. T. Nannenga 1938-6-3
AMES: 01950777 Dactylorhiza incarnata (Linnaeus) Soó Netherlands: boezem Kattendijk near Gouderak (prov. South... J. G. de Bruyn 1949-5-24
AMES: 01950821 Dactylorhiza incarnata (Linnaeus) Soó Netherlands: Hoek van Holland W. A. Goddijin 1910-6-5
GH: 01950961 Dactylorhiza maculata (Linnaeus) Soó Netherlands: South of Bergeyk, N. Brabant. F. Wijnen 45 1936-6-6
GH: 01949014 Dactylorhiza maculata (Linnaeus) Soó Netherlands: Almel-Nordhorn, vic. of Albergen (prov. Ove... F. P. Jonker 1951-6-24
AMES: 01949051 Dactylorhiza maculata (Linnaeus) Soó Netherlands: Leersum, Darthuizerberg. Breda de Haan 1869-6-20
AMES: 01949095 Dactylorhiza majalis (Reichenbach) P. F. Hunt ex Summerhayes Netherlands: Cirsieto-Molinietum, Kattendijk near Goudera... J. G. de Bruyn 1949-5-17
AMES: 01949096 Dactylorhiza majalis (Reichenbach) P. F. Hunt ex Summerhayes Netherlands: Zegveldse Meye North of Woerden (prov. South... L. E. Nijenhuis 1949-5-21
AMES: 01949097 Dactylorhiza majalis (Reichenbach) P. F. Hunt ex Summerhayes Netherlands: boezem Kattendijk near Gouderak (prov. South... J. G. de Bruyn 1949-5-17
AMES: 01949111 Dactylorhiza praetermissa (Druce) Soó Netherlands: boezem Stolwijk near Gouderak (prov. South-H... J. G. de Bruyn 1949-6-15
AMES: 01949112 Dactylorhiza praetermissa (Druce) Soó Netherlands: boezem Stolwijk near Gouderak (prov. South-H... J. G. de Bruyn 1949-6-15
AMES: 01949064 Dactylorhiza sp. Netherlands: Heidemoorsumpel [illegible] H. Höppner 204 1934-6-16
AMES: 01941613 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz Netherlands: Utrecht between Den Dolder and airport Soesterberg K. U. Kramer 1951-7-29
AMES: 01941612 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz Netherlands: Utrecht between Den Dolder and aerodrome Soesterberg K. U. Kramer 1951-7-29
AMES: 01941648 Epipactis helleborine (Linnaeus) Crantz Netherlands: [illegible] P. Kruizinga 1908-7-6
GH: 01941682 Epipactis latifolia (Linnaeus) Allioni Netherlands: Buurse, near Enschede [illegible] 91 1936-8-13
AMES: 01941799 Epipactis palustris (Linnaeus) Crantz Netherlands: Friesland Nat. Res. Boschplaat, island Terschelling. V. Westhoff 1939-8-26
GH: 01941855 Epipactis palustris (Linnaeus) Crantz Netherlands: Denekamp. M. J. G. van Keekem-Carrière 1929-7
AMES: 01941847 Epipactis palustris (Linnaeus) Crantz Netherlands: Sluis vb. by Wurt P. Kruizinga 1908-7-6
AMES: 02091745 Goodyera repens (Linnaeus) R. Brown Netherlands: between Bergen and Schoorl (prov. North-Holl... [data not captured] 1954-7-19
AMES: 01949872 Gymnadenia conopsea (Linnaeus) R. Brown Netherlands: western edge of Nat. Res. Boschplaat, island... K. U. Kramer & J. C. Lindeman 1951-8-14
AMES: 02175005 Hammarbya paludosa Kuntze Netherlands: Zuid-Holland boezem Veerstal near Gouderak. J. G. de Bruyn 1949-7-10
AMES: 01948880 Herminium monorchis (Linnaeus) R. Brown Netherlands: Gerendal, Z. Limburg W. A. Goddijin 1910-6-11
AMES: 02094621 Liparis loeselii (Linnaeus) Richard Netherlands: Zuid-Holland boezem Kattendijk near Gouderak J. G. de Bruyn 1949-6-10
GH: 01941242 Listera ovata (Linnaeus) R. Brown Netherlands: Holland, J. Lunberg, Gerendal P. A. van der Laan 14 1927-6-3
GH: 01941241 Listera ovata (Linnaeus) R. Brown Netherlands: Holland, den Haag M. R. S. Boetje-van Ruyven 1916-5-14
AMES: 01941252 Listera ovata (Linnaeus) R. Brown Netherlands: Limburg Gerendal near Valkenburg J. Lanjouw & E. T. Nannenga 1938-6-3
GH: 01941327 Neottia nidus-avis (Linnaeus) Richard Netherlands: Bergen L. de Bruijn 1904-5-29
GH: 01951004 Ophrys insectifera Linnaeus Netherlands: Pietersberg near [Maashricht] F. A. des Tombes 1906-5-22
AMES: 01951032 Ophrys insectifera Linnaeus Netherlands: Gerendal near Valkenburg (prov. Limburg) J. Lanjouw & E. T. Nannenga 1938-6-3
AMES: 01951936 Orchis militaris Linnaeus Netherlands: Gerendal near Valkenburg (prov. Limburg) J. Lanjouw & E. T. Nannenga 1938-6-3
AMES: 01951938 Orchis militaris Linnaeus Netherlands: Biebosch, near Valkenburg W. A. Goddijin 1910-6-10
AMES: 01951981 Orchis morio Linnaeus Netherlands: Cirsieto-Molinietum, near Kattendijk, Gouder... C. de Bruyne 1949-5-5
AMES: 01950236 Orchis purpurea Hudson Netherlands: Limburg Gerendal near Valkenburg J. Lanjouw & E. T. Nannenga 124 1938-6-3
AMES: 01950510 Orchis sp. Netherlands: Ouelliger Hang am Rande des Koningveens H. Höppner & A. Fuchs 206 1912-6-23
AMES: 01950519 Orchis sp. Netherlands: Wiesenmoor bei [illegible] P. Vermeulen 218 1934-6-15
AMES: 01950549 Orchis sp. Netherlands: Wiesenmoor bei Limmen (Nordholland) P. Vermeulen 219 1934-6-14
AMES: 02329077 Phalaenopsis serpentilingua J. J. Smith Netherlands: Zuid-Holland Given by Dr. Smith from his Greenhouse at Oe... [data not captured] 1935-9-6
AMES: 01948551 Platanthera bifolia (Linnaeus) Richard Netherlands: Boezem Stolwijk near Gouderak (prov. South-H... J. G. de Bruyn 1949-6-15
AMES: 01948552 Platanthera bifolia (Linnaeus) Richard Netherlands: Slope along canal from Almelo to Nordhorn, v... F. P. Jonker 1951-6-24
GH: 01948553 Platanthera bifolia (Linnaeus) Richard Netherlands: Bergeyk, N. Brabant. F. Wijnen 65 1936-6-26
AMES: 01948614 Platanthera bifolia (Linnaeus) Richard Netherlands: Lichtervoorde F. A. des Tombes 1902-6-26
A: 00256245 Tetramicra elegans Cogniaux Netherlands: Western slope of the Quill A. L. Stoffers 21729 1953-8-20
Oscillatoriaceae FH: 01002216 Oscillatoria brevis Kützing Netherlands: Zeeland Tholen, salt-marsh near St. Annaland J. Houthuesen 1976-8-11
FH: 01002209 Oscillatoria nigro-viridis Thwaites Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-8-7
Papaveraceae GH: 00971928 Papaver officinale C. C. Gmelin Netherlands: Groningen Hort. Bot. Groningen J. W. Moll 4763 1893-7-29
GH: 00971947 Papaver setigerum de Candolle Netherlands: Groningen Horto Botanico Groningano Cultarium J. W. Moll 4905 1893-8-7
Phyllophoraceae FH: 01002214 Phyllophora pseudoceranoides (S.G.Gmelin) Newroth & A.R.A.Taylor Netherlands: Zeeland Walcheren, Vlissingen, Nolledijk W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1976-2-17
FH: 01002215 Phyllophora pseudoceranoides (S.G.Gmelin) Newroth & A.R.A.Taylor Netherlands: Zeeland Walcheren, Vlissingen, Nolledijk W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1976-3-3
Pinnulariaceae FH: 00890849 Pinnularia hilseana Janischewsky Netherlands: Gelderland [data not captured] T. Sprée 1859-2
FH: 00890848 Pinnularia viridis (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg Netherlands: Gelderland [data not captured] T. Sprée 1859-2
Pithophoraceae FH: 00890424 Aegagropila holsatica (Kützing) Kützing Netherlands: Friesland [data not captured] T. Sprée 1852-7-10
Prasiolaceae FH: 01002152 Prasiola stipitata Suhr ex Jessen Netherlands: Zeeland Noord-Beveland, Kats, +/- 1 km. N.E. of the ... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-14
Ralfsiaceae FH: 01002160 Ralfsia verrucosa (Areschoug) Areschoug Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Sas van Goes RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-15
Rhodomelaceae FH: 01002155 Bostrychia scorpioides (Hudson) Montagne Netherlands: Zeeland Noord-Beveland, Kates, +/- 1.5 km N.E. of th... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-14
FH: 01002156 Bostrychia scorpioides (Hudson) Montagne Netherlands: Zeeland Tholen, salt-marsh near St. Annaland W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1976-9-30
FH: 01002196 Polysiphonia elongata (Hudson) Sprengel Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
FH: 01002140 Polysiphonia lanosa (Linnaeus) Tandy Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Wemeldinge, E. of "Kanaal doo... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-13
FH: 01002158 Polysiphonia nigrescens (Hudson) Greville ex Harvey Netherlands: Zuid-Holland Goeree-Overflakkee, Ouddorp RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-15
FH: 01002167 Polysiphonia urceolata (Lightfoot ex Dillwyn) Greville Netherlands: Zeeland Nuid-Beveland, Sas van Goes RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-15
FH: 01002168 Polysiphonia urceolata (Lightfoot ex Dillwyn) Greville Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-24
FH: 01002169 Polysiphonia urceolata (Lightfoot ex Dillwyn) Greville Netherlands: Zeeland Schouwen-Duiveland, harbour of Zonnemaire W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1977-5-17
FH: 01002194 Polysiphonia violacea (Roth) Sprengel Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
Rhopalodiaceae FH: 00890846 Epithemia sorex Kützing Netherlands: Gelderland [data not captured] T. Sprée
Rosaceae GH: 02558521 Rosa pimpinellifolia Linnaeus Netherlands: Zuid-Holland Holland, Katwijk W. K. H. Karstens 1928-6-12
GH: 00958435 Rosa rubiginosa Linnaeus Netherlands: Zuid-Holland der Haag J. T. Koster 1935-6-30
Sargassaceae FH: 01002217 Halidrys siliquosa (Linnaeus) Lyngbye Netherlands: Zeeland Tholen, Strijenham J. Houthuesen 1976-8-11
Scenedesmaceae FH: 00876250 Scenedesmus obliquus (Turpin) Kützing Netherlands: [data not captured] T. Sprée 1859-8-17
FH: 00876250 Scenedesmus sp. Netherlands: [data not captured] T. Sprée 1859-8-17
Scytosiphonaceae FH: 01002163 Petalonia fascia (O. F. Müller) Kuntze Netherlands: Zeeland Schouwen, Scharendijke RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-15
FH: 01002164 Petalonia fascia (O. F. Müller) Kuntze Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Sas van Goes W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1977-2-24
Solanaceae GH: 00813152 Datura stramonium Linnaeus Netherlands: Zuid-Holland Holland, Wassenaar, Raaphorst M. J. G. van Keekem-Carrière 1928-7
GH: 00815068 Lycium barbarum Linnaeus Netherlands: Holland, Hoek van Holland M. R. S. Boetje-van Ruyven 1920-6-27
Sphacelariaceae FH: 01002222 Sphacelaria furcigera Kützing Netherlands: Zeeland Tholen, salt-marsh near St. Annaland W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1976-9-30
FH: 01002176 Sphacelaria plumigera Holmes ex Hauck Netherlands: Zeeland Walcheren, Vlissingen, Nolledijk W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1968-2-17
Stauroneidaceae FH: 00890847 Stauroneis gracilis Ehrenberg Netherlands: Gelderland [data not captured] T. Sprée 1859-2
Ulotrichaceae FH: 01002212 Ulothrix speciosa (Carmichael) Kützing Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Sas van Goes G. M. Lokhorst 1976-2-17
FH: 01002213 Ulothrix speciosa (Carmichael) Kützing Netherlands: Zuid-Holland Goeree-Overflakkee, salt-marsh near Ooltgens... W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1977-2-24
FH: 01002211 Urospora penicilliformis (Roth) Areschoug Netherlands: Zeeland Walcheren, Vlissingen, mouth of the harbour [data not captured] 1975-5-8
Ulvaceae FH: 01002180 Enteromorpha compressa (Linnaeus) Nees Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Wemeldinge, in the mouth of t... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
FH: 01002183 Enteromorpha flexuosa (Wulfen) J. Agardh Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, between Wemeldinge and Yersek... RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-21
FH: 01002172 Enteromorpha intestinalis (Linnaeus) Nees Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Sas van Goes RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-15
FH: 01002173 Enteromorpha intestinalis (Linnaeus) Nees Netherlands: Zeeland Tholen, salt-marsh near St. Annaland I. J. J. Werk 1976-8-12
FH: 01002170 Enteromorpha prolifera (O. F. Müller) J. Agardh Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Sas van Goes RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-1-15
FH: 01002224 Enteromorpha prolifera radiata (J. Agardh) Bliding Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Yerseke G. M. Lokhorst 1976-8-13
FH: 01002165 Ulva lactuca Linnaeus Netherlands: Zeeland Zuid-Beveland, Sas van Goes W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1975-1-15
FH: 01002166 Ulva lactuca Linnaeus Netherlands: Zeeland Walcheren, Vlissingen, Nolledijk W. F. Prud'homme van Reine 1976-3-3
Vaucheriaceae FH: 01002207 Vaucheria velutina C. Agardh Netherlands: Zeeland Schouwen-Duiveland, Het Guil near Vianen RH & Delta [Rijksherbarium & Delta... 1975-7-23
Zygnemataceae FH: 00876265 Mougeotia elongata T. Sprée Netherlands: [data not captured] T. Sprée
FH: 00890430 Sirogonium braunii Kützing Netherlands: Friesland [data not captured] T. Sprée
FH: 00890501 Spirogyra insignis (Hassall) Kützing Netherlands: [data not captured] T. Sprée 1856-10-15
FH: 00890853 Spirogyra jugalis (Dillwyn) Kützing Netherlands: Gelderland [data not captured] T. Sprée
FH: 00890852 Spirogyra mirabilis (Hassall) Kützing Netherlands: Gelderland [data not captured] Hantzsch
FH: 00890502 Spirogyra rivularis (Hassall) Rabenhorst Netherlands: Gelderland [data not captured] T. Sprée 1857-8
FH: 00890430 Spirogyra stictica (Smith) Wille Netherlands: Friesland [data not captured] T. Sprée