<< < Previous Symplocaceae A: 02601237 Symplocos henschelii (Moritzi) Benth. ex Clarke Singapore: Sg. Kial Valley, C. Highlands C. F. Symington KEP 30997 1933-6-4
A: 02601496 Symplocos rubiginosa Wallich ex de Candolle Singapore: Bukit Timah B. H. I. Ngadiman SFN 36373 1939-3-23
A: 02601493 Symplocos rubiginosa Wallich ex de Candolle Singapore: Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Hardial 647 1967-10-31
A: 02601664 Symplocos sp. Singapore: Seletar Reservoir P. F. Stevens et al. 717 1976-2-10
Taccaceae A: 02498935 Tacca leontopetaloides (Linnaeus) Kuntze Singapore: Pulau Senang H. M. Burkill HMB.1225 1957-7-5
Taenitidaceae GH: 02528731 Taenitis blechnoides (Willdenow) Swartz Singapore: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02528779 Taenitis blechnoides (Willdenow) Swartz Singapore: Mandai forest B. E. G. Molesworth 2062 1952-7-13
A: 02528776 Taenitis blechnoides (Willdenow) Swartz Singapore: Macritchie Forest Reserve Hardial 334 1965-6-9
GH: 02528774 Taenitis blechnoides (Willdenow) Swartz Singapore: Jervois Rd L. Bels 260 1956-10-30
A: 02528799 Taenitis interrupta Hook. & Grev. Singapore: Seletar Reservoir, Mandai Rd Mohd. Shah & A. B. Shukor MS 2404 1971-3-5
A: 02528794 Taenitis interrupta Hook. & Grev. Singapore: Mandai Forest B. E. G. Molesworth 1272 1951-1-28
A: 02528792 Taenitis interrupta Hook. & Grev. Singapore: Jurong B. E. G. Molesworth 2079 1952-9
Tectariaceae GH: 02507025 Tectaria barberi (Hooker) Copeland Singapore: Bukit Timah Nature Res. Fern Valley J. E. Canright 1051 1961-6-6
A: 02507114 Tectaria multicaudata (C. B. Clarke) Ching Singapore: Bukit Timah Forest B. E. G. Molesworth 2068 1952-7-26
GH: 02507133 Tectaria sagenioides (Mettenius) Christenhusz Singapore: Bukit Timah Nature Res. Fern Valley J. E. Canright 1043 1961-6-6
GH: 02507162 Tectaria singaporiana (Wallich ex Hook. & Grev.) Copeland Singapore: [no additional data] [see remarks] 146 1830
GH: 02507152 Tectaria singaporiana (Wallich ex Hook. & Grev.) Copeland Singapore: MacRitchie Reservoir. Nature Reserve, S. sid... J. E. Canright 997 1961-5-6
Theaceae A: 02520451 Adinandra acuminata Korthals Singapore: Lower camp Gunong Batu Puteh L. Wray, Jr. 1158
A: 02520454 Adinandra acuminata Korthals Singapore: Bukit Timah E. J. H. Corner SF 34932 1938-4-12
GH: 02520446 Adinandra acuminata Korthals Singapore: [no additional data] H. J. Murton 111
A: 02520641 Adinandra dumosa Jack Singapore: [no additional data] [no data available] 1905
GH: 02520646 Adinandra dumosa Jack Singapore: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02520605 Adinandra dumosa Jack Singapore: gardens H. N. Ridley 1903
A: 02520612 Adinandra dumosa Jack Singapore: [no additional data] H. N. Ridley 1904
A: 02520615 Adinandra dumosa Jack Singapore: Lawn L. [see remarks] 3410 1925-10-12
A: 02520613 Adinandra dumosa Jack Singapore: Pulau Biola H. M. Burkill & M. S. Kiah bin Had... HMB.456 1956-3-29
A: 02520606 Adinandra dumosa Jack Singapore: Botanic Gardens Mohd. Nur SF 24975 1930-5-17
A: 02520722 Adinandra dumosa Jack Singapore: Pula Senang Sidek bin Kiah S.62 1967-5-28
A: 02520721 Adinandra dumosa Jack Singapore: Seletar Reservoir, Mandai Road Mohd. Shah & A. B. Shukor MS.2377 1971-3-4
A: 02520716 Adinandra dumosa Jack Singapore: Mount Faber K. A. Soon KAS.1 1971-3-30
A: 02524481 Eurya sp. Singapore: Botanic Garden C. S. Sargent 1903-10-7
A: 02022798 Gordonia multinervis King Singapore: Bukit Timah Reserve E. J. H. Corner SFN.36435 1939-6-3
A: 01689956 Gordonia singaporeana (Dyer) Wallich ex Ridley Singapore: Reservoir Jungle E. J. H. Corner 33564 1937-6-22
A: 02022813 Gordonia singaporeana (Dyer) Wallich ex Ridley Singapore: Bukit Timah B. H. I. Ngadiman 34923 1938-4-4
A: 02022812 Gordonia singaporeana (Dyer) Wallich ex Ridley Singapore: Bukit Timah Reserve B. H. I. Ngadiman 35600 1938-8-15
A: 02294049 Pyrenaria acuminata Planchon ex Choisy Singapore: Bukit Timah Reserve B. H. I. Ngadiman 1948-2
A: 02294074 Pyrenaria acuminata Planchon ex Choisy Singapore: Bukit Timoh B. H. I. Ngadiman 34535 1937-11-15
A: 02521499 Ternstroemia bancana Miquel Singapore: Bukit Timah Sidek bin Kiah SF 34666 1938-1-19
A: 02521546 Ternstroemia borbonensis Kobuski Singapore: Mandai Road [no data available] SF 37271 1941-4-22
A: 02521928 Ternstroemia patens (Korthals: Korthals) Choisy Singapore: Pulau Tekog [Tekong] H. N. Ridley 1927 1890
Thelypteridaceae A: 02404382 Amphineuron opulentum (Kaulfuss) Holttum Singapore: Blakang Mati Island B. E. G. Molesworth 2523 1955-1-20
GH: 02404509 Christella parasitica (Linnaeus) H. Léveillé Singapore: [no additional data] C. Gaudichaud 1834-2
A: 02404535 Christella subpubescens (Blume) Holttum Singapore: Zehender Rd. Pasit Panjang. B. E. G. Molesworth 2060 1952-7-14
A: 02404823 Mesophlebion chlamydophorum (Rosenstock ex C. Christensen) Holttum Singapore: Nee Soon forest B. E. G. Molesworth 2555 1955-5-8
A: 02404822 Mesophlebion chlamydophorum (Rosenstock ex C. Christensen) Holttum Singapore: Nee Soon forest B. E. G. Molesworth 2555 1955-5-8
A: 02404817 Mesophlebion chlamydophorum (Rosenstock ex C. Christensen) Holttum Singapore: Nee Soon forest B. E. G. Molesworth 2555 1955-5-8
GH: 02403328 Pronephrium nitidum Holttum Singapore: Singapore, Penang, & c. [see remarks] 66 1830
GH: 02403340 Pronephrium nitidum Holttum Singapore: Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. J. E. Canright 1052 1961-6-6
GH: 02403339 Pronephrium nitidum Holttum Singapore: Bukit Tenat [no data available] 9564 1898
GH: 02403185 Pronephrium salicifolium (Wallich ex Hooker) Holttum Singapore: [no additional data] [see remarks] 314
GH: 02403193 Pronephrium triphyllum (Swartz) Holttum Singapore: Ayer Rajah Road L. Bels 270 1956-11-11
GH: 02403190 Pronephrium triphyllum (Swartz) Holttum Singapore: Cluny Road R. B. Kaul 1852 1961-11-19
A: 02403386 Sphaerostephanos heterocarpos (Blume) Holttum Singapore: Mandai forest B. E. G. Molesworth 2054 1952-7-13
GH: 02403461 Sphaerostephanos polycarpos (Blume) Copeland Singapore: [no additional data] [see remarks] 1854
GH: 02403944 Thelypteris sp. Singapore: [no additional data] N. Wallich
GH: 02403947 Thelypteris sp. Singapore: [no additional data] N. Wallich 1822
Thuidiaceae FH: 00941071 Pelekium velatum Mitten Singapore: [data not captured] [data not captured]
Verbenaceae GH: 02325885 Callicarpa arborea Roxburgh Singapore: [no additional data] T. Anderson 142 1861-10
A: 02328100 Callicarpa longifolia Lamarck Singapore: Batu Puteh Burot BNBFD 1896 1932-6-10
A: 02328182 Callicarpa reevesii Wallich ex Walpers Singapore: Lawn O. Mohd. Shah MS 1211 1967-7-19
A: 00094554 Clerodendrum acuminatum Wallich Singapore: Wallich Cat. 1792 1822
A: 02328915 Clerodendrum calamitosum Linnaeus Singapore: Lawn O. Cultivated. Sidek bin Kiah S.110 1967-8-10
A: 02328925 Clerodendrum citrinum Ridley Singapore: Cult. in Botanic Gardens, Singapore R. E. Holttum SF 37385 1940-11-15
A: 02328947 Clerodendrum deflexum Wallich Singapore: Bukit Timah [data not captured]
A: 02328939 Clerodendrum deflexum Wallich Singapore: Seletar Reservoir, Mandai Road Mohd. Shah & A. B. Shukor MS.2355 1971-3-2
GH: 02328962 Clerodendrum disparifolium Blume Singapore: [no additional data] T. Anderson 138 1861-10
GH: 02328975 Clerodendrum disparifolium Blume Singapore: [data not captured] Gideon Thomson
A: 02328974 Clerodendrum disparifolium Blume Singapore: Bukit Timah Nature res. Mohd. Shah MS.748 1959-9-7
A: 02328973 Clerodendrum disparifolium Blume Singapore: The Gap H. M. Burkill HMB.572 1956-4-23
A: 02328972 Clerodendrum disparifolium Blume Singapore: on South side of, Mac Ritchie Reservoir L. B. Abbe & E. C. Abbe 10163 1961-11-25
A: 02328970 Clerodendrum disparifolium Blume Singapore: [no additional data] J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 22566 1929
A: 02328969 Clerodendrum disparifolium Blume Singapore: Bukit Timah Forest Reserve W. L. Chew CWL.240 1961-10-11
A: 02328967 Clerodendrum disparifolium Blume Singapore: Mount Faber K. A. Soon KAS.16 1971-5-3
A: 02328966 Clerodendrum disparifolium Blume Singapore: gardens [data not captured] 1903
A: 02328958 Clerodendrum disparifolium Blume Singapore: Mount Faber K. A. Soon KAS.10 1971-3-30
A: 02328956 Clerodendrum disparifolium Blume Singapore: Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Hardial 633 1967-10-23
A: 02516034 Clerodendrum laevifolium Blume Singapore: Bukit Timah Reserve K. C. Liew SF 36496 1939-6-27
A: 02516067 Clerodendrum laevifolium Blume Singapore: [no additional data] H. N. Ridley 1904
A: 02516057 Clerodendrum laevifolium Blume Singapore: Adams Road M. Togashi 6211313 1962-1-13
A: 02516016 Clerodendrum minahassae Teijsmann & Binnendijk Singapore: cult. in botanic gardens C. X. Furtado SF 35458 1938-6-21
A: 02516083 Clerodendrum paniculatum Linnaeus Singapore: cult. in Botanic Gardens C. X. Furtado SF 35537 1938-11-9
A: 02516095 Clerodendrum paniculatum Linnaeus Singapore: Fallax. Cult [?] H. N. Ridley
A: 02516146 Clerodendrum rotundifolium Oliver Singapore: Lawn O, in Botanic Gardens (Cult.) E. J. H. Corner SF 37423 1941-7-28
A: 02516098 Clerodendrum scandens P. Beauvois Singapore: Plant house Mohd. Shah MS.1256 1967-7-31
A: 02516125 Clerodendrum villosum Blume Singapore: [no additional data] H. N. Ridley 1903
A: 02516121 Clerodendrum villosum Blume Singapore: Seletar Reservoir, Mandai Road Mohd. Shah & A. B. Shukor MS.2359 1971-3-2
GH: 02516116 Clerodendrum villosum Blume Singapore: Trop Gideon Thomson
A: 02324421 Congea tomentosa Roxburgh Singapore: cult vine M. S. Clemens 22567 1929
A: 02324420 Congea tomentosa Roxburgh Singapore: botanic garden C. S. Sargent 1903-10-26
A: 02324419 Congea tomentosa Roxburgh Singapore: Lawn O. Sidek bin Kiah S.158 1967-9-5
A: 00094585 Congea tomentosa nivea Munir Singapore: Botanic Gardens Singapore, Lawn Z Noor & A. A. Munir 5 1965
A: 02324423 Congea tomentosa nivea Munir Singapore: Cult. Hort. Bot. Singapore. A. A. Munir 4 1965-5-12
A: 02324440 Faradaya splendida F. Mueller Singapore: beside the Main Office Md. Noor 1965-2-13
A: 02324451 Gmelina arborea Roxburgh Singapore: cultivated in botanic gardens H. N. Ridley 1904
GH: 02324469 Gmelina elliptica Smith Singapore: [no additional data]
A: 02324700 Lantana camara Linnaeus Singapore: cult. in Botanic Gardens C. X. Furtado SF 35539 1938-11-14
A: 02324708 Lantana sellowiana Link & Otto Singapore: Lawn O. Sidek bin Kiah S.120 1967-8-11
A: 02458808 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Linnaeus Singapore: [no additional data] J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 22468 1929
A: 02324931 Petraeovitex wolfei J. Sinclair Singapore: Botanic Gardens C. X. Furtado SFN 37440 1941-10-23
A: 02518032 Premna serratifolia Linnaeus Singapore: Puket, Lower Siam F. K. Ward SF 37473 1941-7-28
A: 02518937 Stachytarpheta indica (Linnaeus) Vahl Singapore: 4 ms. gey long [?] Z. Teruya 2415 1933-7-17
A: 02518964 Stachytarpheta mutabilis (Jacquin) Vahl Singapore: Top of Jeriau Road H. M. Burkill, M. Shah & Md. Noor HMB.2420 1960-8-20
A: 02518966 Stachytarpheta sp. Singapore: Bot. Gard. J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 22568 1929
A: 02526375 Vitex negundo Linnaeus Singapore: Cultivated plants Botanic Gardens Singapore;... Mohd. Shah MS.1212 1967-7-19
A: 02526390 Vitex negundo incisa (Lamarck) C. B. Clarke Singapore: Cult. in Botanic Gardens C. X. Furtado SF 35525 1938-9-12
A: 02526432 Vitex pinnata Linnaeus Singapore: [no additional data] H. N. Ridley 1903
A: 02526464 Vitex pinnata Linnaeus Singapore: Mount Faber K. A. Soon KAS.15 1971-5-3
A: 02526511 Vitex pinnata Linnaeus Singapore: Gardens H. N. Ridley
A: 02526681 Vitex sp. Singapore: Labrador, near Pasir Panjang L. B. Abbe & E. C. Abbe H & R. KEng 10149 1961-10-12
A: 02526567 Vitex trifolia Linnaeus Singapore: Pulau Senang Sidek bin Kiah S.92 1967-6-8
A: 02526626 Vitex vestita Wallich ex Schauer Singapore: Bukit Timah H. N. Ridley
A: 02526622 Vitex vestita Wallich ex Schauer Singapore: Bukit Timah C. S. Sargent 1903-10-8
A: 02526614 Vitex vestita Wallich ex Schauer Singapore: Bukit Timah Reserve K. C. Liew SF 36496 1939-6-27
A: 02526662 Vitex vestita Wallich ex Schauer Singapore: Main Road, Bukit Timah Nature Reserve H. Tambi H.5 1970-7-21
A: 02525376 Volkameria inermis Linnaeus Singapore: [illegible] Johns Store [?] C. S. Sargent 1903-10-27
A: 02525375 Volkameria inermis Linnaeus Singapore: Ulu Pandan Nature Reserve Hardial 120 1964-12-9
A: 02525373 Volkameria inermis Linnaeus Singapore: [no additional data] Z. Teruya 2226 1933-2
Vitaceae A: 02329540 Ampelocissus elegans Gagnepain Singapore: Garden jungle [data not captured] 1903
A: 02329538 Ampelocissus elegans Gagnepain Singapore: Seletar Reservoir, Mandai Road Mohd. Shah & A. B. Shukor MS 2381 1971-3-4
A: 02329537 Ampelocissus elegans Gagnepain Singapore: [no additional data] C. S. Sargent
A: 02329559 Ampelocissus korthalsii Planchon Singapore: [illegible] [data not captured]
A: 02326819 Ampelocissus spicifer Planchon Singapore: Koh Mai Forest Reserve M. R. Henderson SF 35166 1938-4-4
A: 02329610 Ampelocissus thyrsiflora Planchon Singapore: [illegilbe] [data not captured] 1904-3-24
A: 02329803 Cayratia mollissima Gagnepain Singapore: Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Hardial 643 1967-10-30
A: 02327478 Cissus hastata Miquel Singapore: Botanic Gardens W. L. Chew CWL 1450 1967-10-19
A: 02327477 Cissus hastata Miquel Singapore: Geylang Z. Teruya 1934-7-29
A: 02327476 Cissus hastata Miquel Singapore: Holland Road: Rambutan Orchards. W. L. Chew CWL 1440 1957-5-11
A: 02327472 Cissus hastata Miquel Singapore: [no additional data] C. S. Sargent 1903-10-26
GH: 02327626 Cissus sp. Singapore: Bot. Garden J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 22505 1929
A: 02326132 Leea guineensis G. Don Singapore: [illegible] C. S. Sargent
A: 02326121 Leea guineensis G. Don Singapore: Bot. Garden J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 22469 1929
A: 02326132 Leea indica (N. L. Burman) Merrill Singapore: [illegible] C. S. Sargent
A: 02326121 Leea indica (N. L. Burman) Merrill Singapore: Bot. Garden J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 22469 1929
A: 02326156 Leea indica (N. L. Burman) Merrill Singapore: Botanic Gardens M. S. Kiah bin Hadji 1947-7-23
A: 02326155 Leea indica (N. L. Burman) Merrill Singapore: Botanic Garden C. S. Sargent 1903-10-7
A: 02326154 Leea indica (N. L. Burman) Merrill Singapore: Botanic Garden C. S. Sargent 1903-10-3
A: 02326149 Leea indica (N. L. Burman) Merrill Singapore: woods near Gohne [?] St [illegible] C. S. Sargent 1903-10-27
A: 02326148 Leea indica (N. L. Burman) Merrill Singapore: Botanic Garden Singapore M. S. Kiah bin Hadji 1947-7-23
A: 02326819 Nothocissus spicifera (Griffith) Latiff Singapore: Koh Mai Forest Reserve M. R. Henderson SF 35166 1938-4-4
A: 00814826 Vitis flexuosa Thunberg Singapore: Whampoa D. F. Didrichsen 3214 1845
A: 02326819 Vitis macrostachya Miquel Singapore: Koh Mai Forest Reserve M. R. Henderson SF 35166 1938-4-4
Zingiberaceae A: 02532229 Alpinia aquatica (Retzius) Roscoe Singapore: P. Semakau [see remarks] SING 2014-044 2014-2-27