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Next page >Gentianaceae GH: 00114042 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Qinghai Maqin (Maqên) Xian: Ehema, Dawu Xiang, alon... T. N. Ho, B. Bartholomew & M. G. G... 566 1993-7-30
GH: 00114044 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Sichuan Sungpan-hsien W. P. Fang 4433 1928-9-2
A: 00114053 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Xizang (Tibet) Gerda, Ree-su-la, Tsa-wa-rung (Cawarong). 35... C. W. Wang 65888 1935-8
GH: 00114043 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Gansu Vicinity of Labrang; 3000-4000 m R. C. Ching 781 1923-8-17
GH: 00114033 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Qinghai Yushu Xian: just E of Jiangxi Forest Station... T. N. Ho, B. Bartholomew, M. F. Wa... 2446 1996-8-27
A: 00114054 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Yunnan Atuntze[Deqen], Bai-ma-shan. 4100 m T. T. Yü 10782 1937-11-25
A: 00114050 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Xizang (Tibet) Sacred Mt. Kar-war-kar-boo, Tsa-wa-rung [Caw... C. W. Wang 66216 1935-9
A: 00114049 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Yunnan T. T. Yü 9499
A: 00114037 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Yunnan Dongwang: Sichuan-Yunnan border area. Villag... D. E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, C.... 29301 1998-7-26
A: 00114051 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Yunnan Bai-mar-shan, A-tun-tze [Deqen]. 3500 m C. W. Wang 69423 1935-9
GH: 00114040 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Qinghai Dari (Darlag) Xian: just N of Manzhang, alon... T. N. Ho, B. Bartholomew & M. G. G... 1181 1993-8-12
GH: 00114039 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Qinghai Dari (Darlag) Xian: Jianshe Xiang, along the... T. N. Ho, B. Bartholomew & M. G. G... 1027 1993-8-10
GH: 00114035 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Qinghai Xiwu Xiang: Xia Saiba, E of Chumda. 3620 m; ... T. N. Ho, B. Bartholomew, M. F. Wa... 1851 1996-8-15
A: 00114048 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Xizang (Tibet) Gerda, Ree-su-la, Tsa-wa-rung [Cawarong]. 36... C. W. Wang 65922 1935-8
GH: 00114036 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Qinghai Yushu Xian, Xiao Surmang Xiang: between Jêr... T. N. Ho, B. Bartholomew, M. F. Wa... 2281 1996-8-24
GH: 00114038 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Qinghai Maqin (Maqên) Xian: Naheqingma, Youyun Xian... T. N. Ho, B. Bartholomew & M. G. G... 1311 1993-8-17
A: 00114052 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Xizang (Tibet) Sacred Mt. Kar-war-kar-boo, Tsa-wa-rung [Caw... C. W. Wang 66287 1935-9
A: 00114045 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Yunnan T. T. Yü 12818
A: 00114046 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Yunnan A-tun-tze [Deqen]. 2700 m C. W. Wang 69952 1935-9
A: 00114047 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Yunnan A-tun-tze [Deqen]. 2700 m C. W. Wang 70183 1935-9
A: 00196594 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Sichuan Kangding Xian: Xiaosonglinkou. D. E. Boufford, M. J. Donoghue & R... 27696 1997-8-29
A: 00196593 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Sichuan Dawu Xian, Guoqia: Near confluence of Songli... D. E. Boufford, M. J. Donoghue & R... 27728 1997-8-30
A: 00311997 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Xizang (Tibet) D. E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, D.... 41724 2009-8-2
A: 00421057 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Xizang (Tibet) D. E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, D.... 40843 2009-7-20
A: 00421060 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Xizang (Tibet) D. E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, D.... 41862A 2009-8-4
A: 00421061 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Xizang (Tibet) D. E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, D.... 41862 2009-8-4
A: 00421117 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Xizang (Tibet) D. E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, D.... 41306 2009-7-29
A: 00429615 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Sichuan D. E. Boufford, S. Christoph, C. R... 44053 2017-8-16
A: 00871140 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Sichuan Haizi Shan; north-northeast of Sangdui-Xiang... D. E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, J.... 44985 2018-8-27
A: 00871141 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Sichuan Along province road S217 north of Maxiong Go... D. E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, J.... 44990 2018-8-28
A: 00871167 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Yunnan Xianggelila (Zhongdian) Xian. Ravine on S ba... D. E. Boufford, J. F. Harber & X. ... 43372 2013-9-1
A: 00871185 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Sichuan Jichou Shan (border of Jiulong and Kangding ... D. E. Boufford, L. Y. Chen, J. L. ... 42652 2010-8-5
A: 00871191 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni China: Qinghai Yushu Zangzu Zizhizhou; ca. 15-20 km E of th... D. E. Boufford, B. M. Bartholomew,... 44617 2018-8-14
A: 00353752 Comastoma pulmonarium (Turczaninow) Toyokuni USA: Massachusetts Canton: Lei Gu & Z. R. Li GaoXF 1437 2009-7-29
GH: 00268984 Comastoma sp. China: Yunnan Cikai. Vicinity of Danghatu near Km 49 on th... H. Li, Z. Dao, Y. H. Ji, X. H. Jin... 34526 2006-9-2
A: 00113797 Comastoma stellarifolium (Franchet) Holub China: Yunnan Taron-Taru Divide, Tarulaka. 30-3300 m T. T. Yü 20912 1938-11-1
A: 00113798 Comastoma stellarifolium (Franchet) Holub China: Yunnan Taron-Taru Divide, Tarulaka. 30-3300 m T. T. Yü 20912 1938-11-1
A: 00113801 Comastoma stellarifolium (Franchet) Holub China: Yunnan Shi-gi-tung, Champutong [Gongshan]. 3500 m C. W. Wang 67318 1935-10
A: 00113800 Comastoma stellarifolium (Franchet) Holub China: Yunnan Salwin-Kiukiang Divide, E. of Tehahtu. 2900 ... T. T. Yü 20273 1938-9-15
A: 00113799 Comastoma stellarifolium (Franchet) Holub China: Yunnan Mekong-Salwin Divide, Sewalongba. 4100 m T. T. Yü 22653 1938-9-3
A: 00113794 Comastoma stellarifolium (Franchet) Holub China: Yunnan in pratis montis Tsang-chan [Cang Shan]. 400... J. M. Delavay 149 1889-9-25
A: 00113795 Comastoma stellarifolium (Franchet) Holub China: Yunnan Shi-gi-tung, Champutong [Gongshan]. 2800 m C. W. Wang 67256 1935-10
A: 00113796 Comastoma stellarifolium (Franchet) Holub China: Yunnan Salwin-Kiukiang Divide, Parolaka. 3500 m T. T. Yü 20682 1938-10-13
GH: 00288765 Comastoma stellarifolium (Franchet) Holub China: Yunnan Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 33933 2006-8-21
GH: 00272741 Comastoma stellariifolium (Franchet ex Hemsley) Holub : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 31508
A: 00073937 Comastoma stellariifolium (Franchet ex Hemsley) Holub China: Yunnan Lopinshan (Lankong) J. M. Delavay 1885-10-15
A: 00114057 Comastoma tenellum (Rottbøll) Toyokuni China: Xizang (Tibet) Reting, 60 miles N of Lhasa. 14000 ft F. Ludlow & G. Sherriff 11120 1944-8-11
GH: 00114055 Comastoma tenellum (Rottbøll) Toyokuni India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák, Káltse to Dámkar (right ... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1089 1856-7-15
GH: 00114056 Comastoma tenellum (Rottbøll) Toyokuni Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan Province: Bálti, Shingtsákbi on the left s... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 6030 1856-8-19
GH: 00114066 Comastoma traillianum (Forrest) Holub China: Sichuan Prov. Setschwan austro-occid.: In rgionis te... H. R. E. Handel-Mazzetti 5569 1914-10-12
A: 00114068 Comastoma traillianum (Forrest) Holub China: Yunnan SE Chungtien [Zhongdian]: Tung-pa-tze K. M. Feng 2433 1939-10-21
A: 00114067 Comastoma traillianum (Forrest) Holub China: Yunnan T. T. Yü 5053
A: 00114063 Comastoma traillianum (Forrest) Holub China: Yunnan E slope of Likiang Snow Range, Yangtze water... J. F. Rock 11689 1923-10
A: 00114062 Comastoma traillianum (Forrest) Holub China: Yunnan E slope of Likiang Snow Range, Yangtze water... J. F. Rock 11447 1923-10
A: 00114061 Comastoma traillianum (Forrest) Holub China: Yunnan NE Likiang: Tzai-koo Snow Mt. K. M. Feng 2508 1939-11-4
GH: 00114070 Comastoma traillianum (Forrest) Holub China: Yunnan in mont. prope Chungtien [Zhongdian] . 3600 ... C. Schneider [do not use] 3693 1914-9
A: 00114069 Comastoma traillianum (Forrest) Holub China: Yunnan E Chungtien: Tungpatze near Anangu K. M. Feng 2290 1939-9-4
GH: 00114065 Comastoma traillianum (Forrest) Holub China: Yunnan prope Chungtien [Zhongdian]. 3500 m C. Schneider [do not use] 3716 1914-9
A: 00114071 Comastoma traillianum (Forrest) Holub China: Yunnan E flank of Likiang Snow Range. 3000-3500 m K. M. Feng 2968 1939-10-15
GH: 00114058 Comastoma traillianum (Forrest) Holub China: Sichuan Mts of Kulu. 3950 m J. F. Rock 18240 1929-9
A: 00114060 Comastoma traillianum (Forrest) Holub China: Yunnan N flank of Haba Snow Range K. M. Feng 2369 1939-9-14
A: 00114059 Comastoma traillianum (Forrest) Holub China: Yunnan T. T. Yü 15612
A: 00114064 Comastoma traillianum (Forrest) Holub China: Yunnan Chungtien, Shianrentung. 3200 m T. T. Yü 13709 1937-10-15
GH: 00129829 Cotylanthera paucisquama C. B. Clarke China: Yunnan Cikai Zheng. E side of Gaoligong Shan, W opp... Heng Li, B. Bartholomew, Phil. Tho... 12278 2000-7-11
A: 00113152 Cotylanthera paucisquana C. B. Clarke China: Yunnan Chenkang Snow Range, Tapingchang T. T. Yü 17249 1938-8-6
A: 00113152 Cotylanthera yunnanensis W. W. Smith China: Yunnan Chenkang Snow Range, Tapingchang T. T. Yü 17249 1938-8-6
GH: 00297275 Crawfurdia : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 31144
GH: 00294253 Crawfurdia : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 31715
GH: 00293719 Crawfurdia : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 32206
GH: 00298539 Crawfurdia : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 33210
GH: 00307795 Crawfurdia : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 22339
GH: 00352002 Crawfurdia : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 16686
GH: 00352307 Crawfurdia : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 16900
GH: 00352478 Crawfurdia : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 17136
GH: 00352523 Crawfurdia : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 16813
GH: 00289262 Crawfurdia angustata C. B. Clarke : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 34207
GH: 00307111 Crawfurdia angustata C. B. Clarke : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 21811
GH: 00308272 Crawfurdia angustata C. B. Clarke : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 20559
GH: 00307795 Crawfurdia angustata C. B. Clarke : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 22339
A: 00113176 Crawfurdia angustata C. B. Clarke China: Yunnan Kiukiang Valley, (Taron), Bucahwang. 1600 m T. T. Yü 21044 1938-11-20
A: 00113175 Crawfurdia angustata C. B. Clarke China: Yunnan Shi-gi-tung, Champutung [Gongshan]. 2800 m C. W. Wang 67544 1935-10
GH: 00113177 Crawfurdia angustata C. B. Clarke China: Yunnan G. Forrest 9422
A: 00113174 Crawfurdia angustata C. B. Clarke China: Yunnan Salwin Valley, Latasa. 1500 m T. T. Yü 22884 1938-12-4
A: 00113178 Crawfurdia angustata C. B. Clarke China: Yunnan Shang-pa Hsien [now is Fugong Xian]. 1800 m H. T. Tsai 54498 1933-10-29
A: 00113155 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Salwin Valley, Hevaty. 2000 m T. T. Yü 22917 1938-10-25
A: 00113156 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Wei-se Hsien. 2800 m H. T. Tsai 59923A 1934-10-21
A: 00113159 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Che-tze-lo [now is Fugong Xian]. 3200 m H. T. Tsai 58564 1934-9-12
A: 00113160 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Che-tze-lo [now is Fugong Xian]. 3200 m H. T. Tsai 58427 1934-9-9
A: 00113161 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Shang-pa Hsien [Fugong]. 1800 m H. T. Tsai 54827 1933-10-9
A: 00113157 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Wei-se Hsien. 2800 m H. T. Tsai 59910 1934-10-20
A: 00113164 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Shang-pa Hsien [Fugong]. 2300 m H. T. Tsai 54911 1933-10-25
A: 00113163 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Shang-pa Hsien [Fugong]. 2600 m H. T. Tsai 54433 1933-10-16
GH: 00129833 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Jietou Xiang. Near Datang. 1760 m; 25°37'52... H. Li, B. Bartholomew & Z. L. Dao 11170 1998-10-28
A: 00113162 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Shang-pa Hsien [Fugong]. 2700 m H. T. Tsai 54494 1933-10-20
GH: 00129830 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Jietou Xiang. N of Datang. 1850 m; 25°40'26... H. Li, B. Bartholomew & Z. L. Dao 11033 1998-10-27
GH: 00129734 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Jietou Xiang. Datang Cun, E of Datang on the... H. Li, B. Bartholomew & Z. L. Dao 11278 1998-10-30
A: 00113158 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Shang-pa Hsien [Fugong]. 2000 m H. T. Tsai 59004 1934-10-28
A: 00113153 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Champutung [Gongshan], Bar-ru-lah, Salween-c... C. W. Wang 67558 1935-10
GH: 00129832 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Km 74 on the road between the Salween and Pi... H. Li, B. Bartholomew & Z. L. Dao 10228 1998-10-11
A: 00113154 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Salwin Valley, Sekai. 2000 m T. T. Yü 22972 1938-11-7
GH: 00129831 Crawfurdia campanulacea Wallich, Griffith & Clarke China: Yunnan Mangkuan Xiang. Hanlong Cun, on the E side o... H. Li, B. Bartholomew & Z. L. Dao 11645 1998-11-8
GH: 00072161 Crawfurdia coerulea Handel-Mazzetti China: Sichuan Prov. Setschwan austro-occid., in regione te... H. R. E. Handel-Mazzetti 936 1914-10-6
GH: 00294253 Crawfurdia crawfurdioides (C. Marquand) Harry Smith : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 31715
GH: 00352523 Crawfurdia crawfurdioides (C. Marquand) Harry Smith : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 16813
A: 00113166 Crawfurdia crawfurdioides (C. Marquand) Harry Smith China: Yunnan Chiu-Kiang, W. of Champutung [Gongshan]. 170... C. W. Wang 67482 1935-10
GH: 00113896 Crawfurdia crawfurdioides (C. Marquand) Harry Smith China: Yunnan Province of Tsarung, N slops of Mt. Kenichup... J. F. Rock 22162 1932-6
A: 00113165 Crawfurdia crawfurdioides (C. Marquand) Harry Smith China: Yunnan Lung-pan-la, Champutung [Gongshan]. 3000 m C. W. Wang 67090 1935-10
A: 00113172 Crawfurdia crawfurdioides iochroa (C. Marquand) C. J. Wu China: Yunnan Lung-pan-la Champu-tung C. W. Wang 67286 1935-10
GH: 00297275 Crawfurdia delavayi Franchet : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 31144
GH: 00352002 Crawfurdia delavayi Franchet : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 16686
GH: 00268977 Crawfurdia delavayi Franchet : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 31345
A: 00113168 Crawfurdia delavayi Franchet China: Yunnan Mekong-Salwin Divide, Londjrela. 3500 m T. T. Yü 23151 1938-9-29
GH: 00113169 Crawfurdia delavayi Franchet China: Yunnan Prov. Yünnan bor.-occid.: In regione frigid... H. R. E. Handel-Mazzetti 8359 1915-9-22
A: 00113167 Crawfurdia delavayi Franchet China: Yunnan J. M. Delavay s. n. 1887-5-6
A: 00072167 Crawfurdia delavayi Franchet China: Yunnan J. M. Delavay 143 1884-9-26
A: 00113170 Crawfurdia dimidiata (C. Marquand) Harry Smith China: Yunnan Salwin-Kiukiang Divide, E. of Wangtzang. 27-... T. T. Yü 20221 1938-9-13
GH: 00293719 Crawfurdia gracilipes Harry Smith : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 32206
A: 00113171 Crawfurdia gracilipes Harry Smith China: Yunnan Shi-gi-tung, Champutung [Gongshan]. 3000 m C. W. Wang 67293 1935-10
A: 00113172 Crawfurdia iochroa C. Marquand China: Yunnan Lung-pan-la Champu-tung C. W. Wang 67286 1935-10
GH: 00072170 Crawfurdia japonica Siebold & Zuccarini Japan: P. F. v. Siebold 1842
GH: 00072180 Crawfurdia pasquieri Merrill Vietnam: Massif du Mau Son du Pasquier 1904 1924-10
GH: 00268977 Crawfurdia sp. : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 31345
A: 00113980 Crawfurdia sp. China: Yunnan Mar-li-po: Chung-dzai. 1600-1800 m K. M. Feng 12812 1947-11-3
GH: 00352307 Crawfurdia thibetica Franchet : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 16900
GH: 00113173 Crawfurdia thibetica Franchet China: Sichuan W Szechuan E. H. Wilson 2453 1908-9
GH: 00072177 Crawfurdia trailliana Forrest China: Yunnan N.W. Yunnan, Salwin-Irrawadi divide, 5000 - ... G. Forrest 963 1905-11
GH: 00075481 Curtia obtusifolia (Bentham) Knoblauch Brazil: Prope San Gabriel da Cachoeira, ad Rio Negro R. Spruce 2011 1852-8
GH: 00075483 Curtia tenuifolia tenuifolia Brazil: Minas Gerais A.-C. Vauthier 169 1833
GH: 00075482 Curtia tenuifolia tenuifolia Brazil: Minas Gerais A.-C. Vauthier 169 1833
GH: 00075484 Curtia tenuifolia tenuifolia Venezuela: Prope Esmeralda, ad flumen Orinoco R. Spruce 3242 1853-12
GH: 00072746 Dasystephana cherokeensis W. P. Lemmon USA: Georgia North end of Black Jack Mt. W. P. Lemmon 1935
GH: 00091013 Dasystephana obtusiloba Rydberg USA: Montana Mary Baker Lake and Sperry Glacier F. K. Vreeland 1162 1901-8-21
A: 00104487 Duplipetala pentanthera (C. B. Clarke) Thiv Malaysia: Selangor Gua Batu H. N. Ridley 8218 1896-12
GH: 00282834 Eophylon tenellum A. Gray Philippines: Palawan Mangsi Island Wilkes Expedition
GH: 00415226 Erythraea australis R. Brown Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00415227 Erythraea australis R. Brown Australia (Country): New South Wales [no additional data] Wilkes Expedition 1838
GH: 00072188 Erythraea beyrichii Torrey & A. Gray USA: Arkansas ["On the Washita" Oklahoma - Texas] C. Beyrich
GH: 00026451 Erythraea beyrichii Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas [at camp at big bend of the San Pedro (Devil... C. Wright 1662 1851-5-21
GH: 00415242 Erythraea beyrichii Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas C. Wright 559 in part 1849
GH: 00026452 Erythraea beyrichii Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas [at camp at big bend of the San Pedro (Devil... C. Wright 1662 1851-5-21
GH: 00026454 Erythraea beyrichii Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas [at camp at big bend of the San Pedro (Devil... C. Wright 1662 1851-5-21
GH: 01962183 Erythraea beyrichii Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas Austin: [no additional data] C. Wright 1849-5-9
GH: 00072137 Erythraea calycosa Buckley Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda of St. Diego C. V. Hartman 717 1891-6-2
GH: 00072190 Erythraea calycosa Buckley USA: Texas [north of Fort Mason] S. B. Buckley
GH: 00026450 Erythraea calycosa Buckley USA: Utah St. George Edw. Palmer 1875
GH: 01962186 Erythraea calycosa Buckley USA: Texas [bottoms of the Frio]
C. Wright 560 1849-6-7
GH: 02164420 Erythraea calycosa Buckley USA: Texas [bottom the Rio Grande] C. Wright 1161 1852-6-19
GH: 00026452 Erythraea calycosa nana A. Gray USA: Texas [at camp at big bend of the San Pedro (Devil... C. Wright 1662 1851-5-21
GH: 00026451 Erythraea calycosa nana A. Gray USA: Texas [at camp at big bend of the San Pedro (Devil... C. Wright 1662 1851-5-21
GH: 00026453 Erythraea calycosa nana A. Gray USA: Texas Rocks of San Pedro and Pecos S. W. Woodhouse 1852
GH: 00026454 Erythraea calycosa nana A. Gray USA: Texas [at camp at big bend of the San Pedro (Devil... C. Wright 1662 1851-5-21
GH: 00026449 Erythraea calycosa arizonica A. Gray USA: Arizona [no additional data] G. M. Wheeler 1871
GH: 00026450 Erythraea calycosa arizonica A. Gray USA: Utah St. George Edw. Palmer 1875
GH: 00072136 Erythraea chironioides (Grisebach) Torrey Mexico: N. W. Mexico B. C. Seemann
GH: 00072202 Erythraea douglasii A. Gray USA: Nevada Near Carson City C. L. Anderson 29 1865
GH: 00415249 Erythraea douglasii A. Gray USA: Lewis's River, R. Mts. [Rocky Mountains] T. Nuttall
GH: 00415255 Erythraea douglasii A. Gray USA: Utah [no additional data] C. C. Parry 1875-8
GH: 00415256 Erythraea douglasii A. Gray USA: Columbia River T. Nuttall
GH: 00072197 Erythraea floribunda Bentham USA: California [in the Sacramento Valley] K. T. Hartweg 1832
GH: 00093856 Erythraea macrantha Hooker & Arnott Mexico: T. Coulter 941
GH: 00072135 Erythraea macrantha parviflora Loesener Mexico: Hidalgo prope Zacualtipan C. Seler & E. G. Seler 160 1888-5
GH: 00072136 Erythraea madrensis Hemsley Mexico: N. W. Mexico B. C. Seemann
GH: 00093893 Erythraea micrantha Greenman Mexico: Jalisco Guadaljara C. G. Pringle 8482 1901-5-12
GH: 00415257 Erythraea muehlenbergii Grisebach USA: Washington St. Helens J. Howell 165 1876-7
GH: 00054102 Erythraea muehlenbergii Grisebach USA: California Nova California D. Douglas 1833
GH: 00093895 Erythraea nudicaulis Engelmann Mexico: Baja California Norte Sierra de San Francisquito T. S. Brandegee 1892-3-28
GH: 00072251 Erythraea nudicaulis Engelmann USA: Arizona By streams of the Santa Catalina Mountains C. G. Pringle 339 1881
GH: 00072202 Erythraea nuttallii S. Watson USA: Nevada Near Carson City C. L. Anderson 29 1865
GH: 00072250 Erythraea nuttallii S. Watson USA: Nevada Ruby Valley S. Watson 945 1868-9
GH: 00415247 Erythraea nuttallii S. Watson USA: Nevada Ruby Valley S. Watson 945 1868-8
GH: 00415248 Erythraea nuttallii S. Watson USA: Washington Lewis River T. Nuttall
GH: 00415249 Erythraea nuttallii S. Watson USA: Lewis's River, R. Mts. [Rocky Mountains] T. Nuttall
GH: 00415250 Erythraea nuttallii S. Watson USA: Oregon [no additional data] E. Hall 424 1871
GH: 00415256 Erythraea nuttallii S. Watson USA: Columbia River T. Nuttall
GH: 00415258 Erythraea nuttallii S. Watson USA: Utah Ogden, Utah Ter. T. C. Porter 1873-8-2
GH: 00097423 Erythraea nuttallii tenella A. Gray USA: Oregon [no additional data] E. Hall 425 1871
GH: 00072256 Erythraea pickeringii Oakes USA: Massachusetts Nantucket, Mass W. Oakes 1829-9
GH: 00072257 Erythraea pickeringii Oakes USA: Massachusetts Nantucket, Mass W. Oakes
GH: 00072138 Erythraea pringleana Wittrock Mexico: Jalisco Plains of Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 2595 1889-11
GH: 00415230 Erythraea pringleana Wittrock Mexico: Jalisco Plains of Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 2595 1889-11
GH: 00072148 Erythraea pringleana Wittrock Mexico: Jalisco hills hear Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 1888-5-12
GH: 00415280 Erythraea pringleana Wittrock Mexico: Morelos near Cuernavaca C. G. Pringle 1895-11-15
GH: 00093894 Erythraea retusa B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Sierra de San Felipe C. G. Pringle 4972 1894-10
GH: 00093892 Erythraea retusa B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Sierra de San Felipe C. G. Pringle 6300 1895-12-11
GH: 00072151 Erythraea retusa B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Sierra de San Felipe C. G. Pringle 6300 1895-12-11
GH: 00415228 Erythraea sebaeoides (Grisebach) A. Gray : Hawaii Oahu: [no additional data] B. C. Seemann 2272
GH: 00072138 Erythraea sp. Mexico: Jalisco Plains of Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 2595 1889-11
GH: 00093892 Erythraea sp. Mexico: Oaxaca Sierra de San Felipe C. G. Pringle 6300 1895-12-11
GH: 00415248 Erythraea sp. USA: Washington Lewis River T. Nuttall
GH: 00415249 Erythraea sp. USA: Lewis's River, R. Mts. [Rocky Mountains] T. Nuttall
GH: 00415256 Erythraea sp. USA: Columbia River T. Nuttall
GH: 00093856 Erythraea speciosa (Bentham) A. Gray Mexico: T. Coulter 941
GH: 00072154 Erythraea spicata glaucescens E. Reverchon Spain: Hispania: Andalousie, Cartama, pres de Malag... E. Reverchon 1888-8-10
GH: 00072256 Erythraea spicata (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Massachusetts Nantucket, Mass W. Oakes 1829-9
GH: 00415259 Erythraea spicata (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Virginia Portsmouth (Virginia): Ad James River. Weste... F. I. X. Rugel 1840-7
GH: 00072257 Erythraea spicata (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Massachusetts Nantucket, Mass W. Oakes
GH: 00026456 Erythraea texensis Grisebach ex Hooker USA: Texas San Felipe: [no additional data] T. Drummond [III.]. 231. 1834
GH: 00026455 Erythraea texensis Grisebach ex Hooker USA: Texas San Felipe: [no additional data] T. Drummond III.231 1834
GH: 01962190 Erythraea texensis Grisebach ex Hooker USA: Texas [data not captured] C. Wright 1849
GH: 00054102 Erythraea trichantha Grisebach USA: California Nova California D. Douglas 1833
GH: 00415263 Erythraea trichantha Grisebach USA: California Pope's Valley Lake Co. [Pope Valley is in Na... H. N. Bolander 2652 1866
GH: 00415265 Erythraea trichantha Grisebach USA: California Calif. D. Douglas
GH: 01962185 Erythraea trichantha Grisebach USA: Arizona [on the banks of the San Pedro] C. Wright 1661 1851-9-9
GH: 00072252 Erythraea venusta A. Gray USA: California [no additional data] T. Coulter 561
GH: 00415266 Erythraea venusta A. Gray USA: California [no additional data] T. Coulter 562
GH: 00415267 Erythraea venusta A. Gray USA: California Yosemite Valley H. N. Bolander 4950 1866
GH: 00003436 Eustoma barkleyi Standley ex Shinners Mexico: Coahuila Ojo de Caliente, inside hot springs enclosur... F. A. Barkley A. Hernandez C. & C.... 16M548 1946-7-12
GH: 00384885 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: California Mason's between San Felipe + Carisso creek L. Abrams 3981 1903-7-3
GH: 00402407 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: California Southern part of San Diego Co. Edw. Palmer
GH: 00402408 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: California [no additional data] C. C. Parry 1881
GH: 00402409 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: California [no additional data] C. C. Parry 1876
GH: 00402410 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: California 1000-Palm Canyon F. W. Peirson 5419 1924-12-30
GH: 00402411 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: California Redlands 1895-9
GH: 00402412 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: California Rancho Santa Ana, Santa Ana Canyon P. C. Everett 8275 1936-9-29
GH: 00402413 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: California Colton C. C. Parry 1881
GH: 00402414 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: California [no additional data] W. G. Wright 136 1880
GH: 00402415 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: California Santa Ana Canyon J. T. Howell 3115 1927-9-24
GH: 00402416 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: California Vicinity of San Bernardino S. B. Parish 3810 1895-9-12
GH: 00402417 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: California San Bernardino J. B. Feudge 103 1923-10-1
GH: 00402418 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: California Riverside G. R. Hall 1905-9-3
GH: 02069453 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Arizona Along Verde River at Sheep Bridge. L. A. McGill & J. A. Duke 1449 1977-6-14
GH: 02069452 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Alabama just n. of n. boundary of old Air Force Base... R. Kral 51346 1973-8-15
GH: 02069451 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Alabama just n. of n. boundary of old AirForce Base.... R. Kral 51346 1973-8-15
GH: 02069469 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069468 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069467 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069466 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069465 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069464 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069463 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida Key West: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069462 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069461 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida Titusville: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069460 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069459 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069458 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069457 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069456 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069455 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069454 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida Key West: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069487 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Mississippi [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069486 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069485 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069484 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069483 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069482 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069481 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069480 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 02069479 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069478 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069477 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069476 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069475 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069474 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069473 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida Key West: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069472 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 02069471 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069470 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069502 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Texas Padre Island D. S. Correll, C. L. Lundell, & M.... 25545 1962-6-26
GH: 02069501 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Texas just north of Winter Haven D. S. Correll & H. B. Correll 37359 1969-5-29
GH: 02069500 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Texas Padre Island: 27 miles north of south end of... D. S. Correll, C. L. Lundell, & M.... 25585 1962-6-26
GH: 02069499 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Texas bay side of Texas City seawall at Dollar Poi... F. R. Waller & J. A. Bauml 2909 1974-7-8
GH: 02069498 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Texas [no additional data] B. C. Tharp 246 1938-7
GH: 02069497 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Texas Rio Hondo H. P. Chandler 7030 1913-8
GH: 02069496 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Texas Colorado R. delta, ca. 1/2 mi. S of Intracoa... A. Traverse 186 1956-7-18
GH: 02069495 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Texas Boquillas Canyon J. A. Moore (Texas) & J. A. Steyer... 3435 1931-7-11
GH: 02069494 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Texas Beach at end of FM 457, S of Sargent. A. Traverse 1616 1960-8-10
GH: 02069493 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Texas Redfish Bay, causeway to Port Aransas ferry ... S. R. Hill 18298 1987-7-24
GH: 02069492 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Texas along Rio Grande near Porvenir. U. T. Waterfall 4763 1943-6-27
GH: 02069491 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Texas Ridge Spring, about 10 miles south of Marath... O. E. Sperry T561 1938-7-30
GH: 02069490 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Texas 3 1/2 miles NE. of Ingleside. V. L. Cory 45378 1944-7-25
GH: 02069489 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Texas Padre Island, opposite Baffins Bay R. R. Innes 61 1940-9-1
GH: 02069488 Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Texas [no additional data] J. Reverchon 3198 1902-8-8
GH: 00003437 Eustoma exaltatum albiflorum Benke USA: Texas Brownsville: H. C. Benke 5409 1930-3-25
GH: 02069509 Eustoma gracile Engelmann ex Small USA: Texas 1 1/2 to 14 1/2 miles from Edcouch. J. Blakeney 1944-4-24
GH: 02069508 Eustoma gracile Engelmann ex Small USA: Texas 6 miles south of Uvalde. Harris B. Parks 23647 1937-6-4
GH: 02069507 Eustoma gracile Engelmann ex Small USA: Texas Kingsville: [no additional data] J. F. Sinclair E8 1940
GH: 02069506 Eustoma gracile Engelmann ex Small USA: Texas waterfront at Rockport. V. L. Cory 51217 1945-11-26
GH: 02069505 Eustoma gracile Engelmann ex Small USA: Texas Padre Island B. C. Tharp 1940-9-1
GH: 02069504 Eustoma gracile Engelmann ex Small USA: Texas 2 miles W. of Sabine. V. L. Cory 11096 1934-10-5
GH: 02069503 Eustoma gracile Engelmann ex Small USA: Texas Anacacho Hills V. L. Cory 28973 1938-11-5
GH: 02069578 Eustoma grandiflorum (Rafinesque) Shinners USA: Texas 8 miles west of Sweetwater on Hy. #80 D. S. Correll & I. M. Johnston 18629 1957-7-28
GH: 02069579 Eustoma grandiflorum (Rafinesque) Shinners USA: Texas La Porte Mrs. J. W. Canodi 1931-7-15
GH: 02069540 Eustoma russellianum G. Don : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... [data not captured]
GH: 02069576 Eustoma russellianum G. Don : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... [data not captured]
GH: 02069575 Eustoma russellianum G. Don : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... [data not captured]
GH: 02069566 Eustoma russellianum G. Don : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... [data not captured]
GH: 00072253 Eustoma russellianum gracile Engelmann ex A. Gray Mexico: Papagallos Josiah Gregg 1847-5-28
GH: 00072255 Eustoma russellianum gracile Engelmann ex A. Gray Mexico: Josiah Gregg 213 1848
GH: 02069526 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Kansas Syracuse: Syracuse, Hamilton Co. C. H. Thompson 107 1893-7-13
GH: 02069525 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Kansas 1.5 E. Point of Rocks along Cimmaron River; ... L. J. Harms & O. A. Kolstad 1719 1964-7-22
GH: 02069524 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Kansas [no additional data] A. S. Hitchcock 1058 1897-8-25
GH: 02069523 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Kansas Cimarron River at Forgans Crossing, W. H. Horr 3536 1950-7-13
GH: 02069522 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Kansas 5 miles south and 7 miles west of St. Franci... W. H. Horr 4702 1953-7-25
GH: 02069521 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Kansas XI Ranch along Cimarron River. W. H. Horr 3267 1944-9-20
GH: 02069520 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Kansas 13 mi. E. Seward W. H. Horr E265 1939-7
GH: 02069519 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Kansas Great Bend, Kans. H. C. Benke 5159 1929-8-9
GH: 02069518 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Kansas [no additional data] B. B. Smith 33 1890-7-30
GH: 02069517 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Kansas 13 mi. E. Seward W. H. Horr E265 1939-7
GH: 02069516 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Connecticut Storrs: in University of Connecticut Greenho... M. W. Lefor GH566 1968-5-27
GH: 02069515 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Colorado Denver: Clear Creek Valley A. Eastwood 1910-8-3
GH: 02069514 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Colorado Wray W. W. Eggleston 15548 1919-8-11
GH: 02069513 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Colorado Laporte, N. Colo C. F. Baker 1894-6-10
GH: 02069512 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Colorado Arvada, Jefferson Co. I. W. Clokey 3831 1920-8-28
GH: 02069511 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Colorado about 2 miles west of Deertrail M. Ownbey 1375 1937-8-1
GH: 02069510 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Colorado Fort Collins: Cache La Poudre River L. H. Pammel [data not captured] 1901-8
GH: 02069553 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Pennsylvania Longwood Gardens Experimental Greenhouse Acc... S. D. Wikoff 1321 1959-7-7
GH: 02069552 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Oklahoma 2 mi. W. & 3 N. of Norman U. T. Waterfall 3696 1942-7-15
GH: 02069551 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Oklahoma south of Frederick Kate H. Roe 1932-7-24
GH: 02069550 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Oklahoma 6 mi. s.w. of Stratford. G. J. Goodman 5738 1953-7-10
GH: 02069549 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Oklahoma In grassy first bottom of Buffalo Creek G. W. Stevens 3328 1914-7-18
GH: 02069548 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Oklahoma Edge of Great Salt Plain G. J. Goodman 2155 1934-7-16
GH: 02069547 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Oklahoma near Laverne E. J. Palmer 41910 1933-7-24
GH: 02069546 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Oklahoma valley of S. Canadian River; 1 3/4 mi. N. & ... U. T. Waterfall 2330 1940-7-24
GH: 02069544 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Oklahoma Near Fairvalley R. L. Clifton 1686 1/2 1913-7-11
GH: 02069545 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Oklahoma Near Cherokee G. W. Stevens 1782 1913-8-2
GH: 02069543 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Oklahoma In Tony Hollow on the Steve Prtzman farm, 5 ... Howard Anrett [data not captured] 3 1944-7-15
GH: 02069542 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Oklahoma [no additional data] L. A. Blankinship 1895-7-23
GH: 02069539 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069541 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas [no additional data] T. Drummond 177
GH: 02069538 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: New Mexico [no additional data] A. Fendler 1847
GH: 02069537 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: New Mexico [no additional data] A. Fendler 687 1847
GH: 02069536 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: New Mexico along Black River. 4 miles S. of Loving. U. T. Waterfall 7822 1947-8-18
GH: 02069535 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: New Mexico 1/2 mile southwest of Frasier. U. T. Waterfall 6146 1945-8-27
GH: 02069534 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: New Mexico 20 mi. South of Roswell, Chaves Co. F. S. Earle & E. S. Earle 274 1900-8
GH: 02069533 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: New Mexico collected in the White Mountains E. O. Wooton 1897-7-21
GH: 02069532 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: New Mexico White Sands E. O. Wooton 1901-7-20
GH: 02069531 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Nebraska Loup City J. M. Bates 5216 1910-7-25
GH: 02069530 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Nebraska [illegible] J. M. Bates 1898-7-15
GH: 02069529 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Nebraska Merriman, Neb J. M. Bates 1898-7
GH: 02069528 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Nebraska 1 mi.w. Antioch J. Richardson & K. Robertson 1684 1965-8-24
GH: 02069527 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Nebraska 24 mi. N. Oshkosh H. A. “Steve” Stephens & R. E.... 24876 1968-7-18
GH: 02069577 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Pope Co.: About 1 mi. S on Hwy. 59 from the ... E. S. Nixon [data not captured] 13887 1984-7-7
GH: 02069574 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas [illegible] camp creek G. Thurber 77 1850-10
GH: 02069573 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas on W side of Hwy. U. S. 75, 1.8 mi. N of hwy... A. Traverse 213 1956-8-11
GH: 02069572 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas West Gulf Coastal Plain, Mustang Island R. T. Clausen & H. Trapido 5356 1940-9-14
GH: 02069571 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas 1/2 mile W of Dobbin P. A. Fryxell 1103 1969-8-8
GH: 02069570 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Vicinity of Huntsville R. A. Dixon 375 1909-7-9
GH: 02069569 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Cottonwood Spring near old Mexican Spring L. C. Hinckley 1845 1941-6-30
GH: 02069568 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas [No additional data] A. Ruth 1920-7-10
GH: 02069567 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Boca Chica G. L. Webster & R. L. Wilbur 3047 1950-6-24
GH: 02069565 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas [no additional data] T. Drummond 293
GH: 02069564 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Utah Aquarius Plateau L. F. Ward 440 1875-7-27
GH: 02069563 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Fort Worth: Pastures and meadows A. Ruth 97 1912-5-5
GH: 02069562 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas narrow valley of the Rio Grande at the upper... U. T. Waterfall 6225 1945-8-31
GH: 02069561 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas east of Rock Creek Crossing F. A. Barkley 13100 1943-6-25
GH: 02069560 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Pope G. Thurber
GH: 02069559 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas [illegible] Canadian river H. K. D. Eggert 1900-8-10
GH: 02069558 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Lovers' Lane, Del Rio V. L. Cory 3310 1930-7-1
GH: 02069557 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas [no additional data] F. J. Lindheimer 1844
GH: 02069556 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas [no additional data] F. J. Lindheimer 1844
GH: 02069555 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Palo Duro Canyon G. J. Goodman 2231 1934-7-31
GH: 02069554 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Beaumont: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1915-7
GH: 02069598 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Wyoming Pratt A. Nelson 9666 1912-8
GH: 02069597 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas along highway three miles south of Stephenvi... B. H. Warnock 46405 1946-6-20
GH: 02069596 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Austin: [no additional data] B. C. Tharp 1941-7-15
GH: 02069595 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas 2 1/2 miles southeast of Mansfield V. L. Cory 53339 1946-7-2
GH: 02069594 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas [illegible] River G. Thurber
GH: 02069591 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas at border of black land prairie R. A. Dixon 497 1909-7-18
GH: 02069589 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas 5 miles southwest of Santa Anna M. Ownbey & R. P. Ownbey 1614 1938-6-12
GH: 02069588 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas New Braunfels: Comanche Spring; New Braunfel... F. J. Lindheimer 1003 1850-6
GH: 02069587 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Rio Grande bottoms at Del Rio V. L. Cory 38053 1941-8-16
GH: 02069586 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas [no additional data] Harris B. Parks 14518 1935-8-1
GH: 02069585 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Laguna Salador [data not captured] 14738 1935-6-8
GH: 02069584 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Fort Worth: 6 miles from Fort Worth. A. Ruth 97 1912-5-5
GH: 02069583 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Yorktown B. C. Tharp 1941-8-11
GH: 02069582 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas McFadden Beach B. C. Tharp 1937-9-11
GH: 02069581 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas [data not captured] [data not captured] 6 1934-4
GH: 02069580 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Dallas: [no additional data] J. Reverchon 2234
GH: 02069579 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas La Porte Mrs. J. W. Canodi 1931-7-15
GH: 02069593 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas [Turkey Creek] C. Wright 561 1849-6-21
GH: 02069592 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas [Escondido Creek] C. Wright 1660 1852-6-30
GH: 02069590 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas [Turkey Creek] C. Wright 561 1849-6-21
GH: 01816042 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas Austin: [no additional data] P. H. Oberwetter 1879-8
GH: 00072254 Eustoma russellianum gracile Engelmann ex A. Gray USA: Texas El pato entre Laredo et Bexar J. L. Berlandier 1471=211 1828-2
GH: 02069600 Eustoma sp. USA: Texas [no additional data] J. M. Bigelow
GH: 02069599 Eustoma sp. USA: Oklahoma 22 miles west of Tecumseh F. A. Barkley & Dav. J. Carr 36314 1966-8-26
GH: 00072259 Exacum axillare Thwaites Sri Lanka: G. H. K. Thwaites CP 2998
GH: 00072258 Exacum bellum Hance China: In solo calcereo locis subuliginosis distric... G. T. Sampson 505 1864-7-26
GH: 00095224 Exacum bellum Hance China: Hong Kong: H. F. Hance 505
GH: 00139454 Exacum cambodianum Dop Cambodia: Pusath (Prov. de Pursat) J. B. L. Pierre 1081 1870-6
GH: 00095229 Exacum gracilipes I. B. Balfour Yemen: Socotra I. B. Balfour 84 1880-3
GH: 00129829 Exacum paucisquamum (C. B. Clarke) Klackenberg China: Yunnan Cikai Zheng. E side of Gaoligong Shan, W opp... Heng Li, B. Bartholomew, Phil. Tho... 12278 2000-7-11
A: 00113152 Exacum paucisquamum (C. B. Clarke) Klackenberg China: Yunnan Chenkang Snow Range, Tapingchang T. T. Yü 17249 1938-8-6
GH: 00282834 Exacum tenue (Blume) Klackenberg Philippines: Palawan Mangsi Island Wilkes Expedition
GH: 00139454 Exacum tetragonum Roxburgh Cambodia: Pusath (Prov. de Pursat) J. B. L. Pierre 1081 1870-6
A: 00095228 Exacum tricolor Zollinger & Moritzi Indonesia: Tjibodas H. Zollinger 1975
GH: 00095225 Exacum walkeri Arnott ex Grisebach Sri Lanka: G. W. Walker
GH: 00095227 Exacum wightianum Arnott India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis R. Wight 1822
GH: 00095226 Exacum wightianum Arnott India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis R. Wight 1822
GH: 00267289 Frasera USA: California T. Coulter 558
GH: 02069653 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... [data not captured]
GH: 02069611 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Idaho Oregon C. A. Geyer 352
GH: 02069610 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069609 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Idaho ca 7 miles below (north of ) head of Panther... C. L. Hitchcock & C. V. Muhlick 9440 1944-7-1
GH: 02069608 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Idaho Valley of Clearwater River J. H. Sandberg, D. T. MacDougal & ... 101 1892-5-3
GH: 02069607 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Idaho Valley of CLearwater River J. H. Sandberg, D. T. MacDougal & ... 101 1892-5-3
GH: 02069606 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Idaho Salmon E. B. Payson & L. E. B. Payson 1796 1920-6-27
GH: 02069605 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Idaho Sawyer Canyon, between Craigmont and Grangev... R. C. Rollins 1124 1936-6-9
GH: 02069604 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Idaho Hills in open ground, near Moscow L. F. Henderson 2751
GH: 02069656 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069655 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Washington Pullman: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069654 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069652 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069651 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069650 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069649 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069648 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Washington Pullman: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069647 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069646 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069645 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069644 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069643 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069642 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069641 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069612 Frasera albicaulis Grisebach USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 00112713 Frasera albicaulis albicaulis USA: Montana Battle ground, Big Hole Valley S. Watson 269 1880-7-24
GH: 02069670 Frasera albicaulis cusickii (A. Gray) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069669 Frasera albicaulis cusickii (A. Gray) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069668 Frasera albicaulis cusickii (A. Gray) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069667 Frasera albicaulis cusickii (A. Gray) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069666 Frasera albicaulis cusickii (A. Gray) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069665 Frasera albicaulis cusickii (A. Gray) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069664 Frasera albicaulis cusickii (A. Gray) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Idaho 3 miles southwest of Mud Flat on road to Jun... B. Maguire & A. H. Holmgren 26308 1946-6-7
GH: 02069663 Frasera albicaulis cusickii (A. Gray) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Idaho [?] A. I. Mulford 1892-7-8
GH: 02069662 Frasera albicaulis cusickii (A. Gray) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Idaho De Lamar J. F. Macbride 961 1911-6-22
GH: 00384896 Frasera albicaulis modocensis (H. St. John) N. H. Holmgren USA: California E. Fork of Scott River range W. A. Dayton 231 1913-6-14
GH: 00384897 Frasera albicaulis modocensis (H. St. John) N. H. Holmgren USA: California Eight Mile Creek, northeast corner of county A. M. Alexander & L. Kellogg 4941 1946-7-7
GH: 00384898 Frasera albicaulis modocensis (H. St. John) N. H. Holmgren USA: California Mount Shasta, near the old Hotlum Road W. B. Cooke 15204 1940-6-27
GH: 02069676 Frasera albicaulis modocensis (H. St. John) N. H. Holmgren USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069675 Frasera albicaulis modocensis (H. St. John) N. H. Holmgren USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069674 Frasera albicaulis modocensis (H. St. John) N. H. Holmgren USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069792 Frasera albicaulis modocensis (H. St. John) N. H. Holmgren USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 00384899 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Coffee Creek Cañon, in the Salmon Mts., on ... H. M. Hall 8546 1909-7-16
GH: 00384900 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Cherokee A. E. Bidwell 1879-5
GH: 00384901 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Cobb Mt. H. M. Hall 9594 1913-7-28
GH: 00384902 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Mt. Hanna W. L. Jepson 1897-7-15
GH: 00384903 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California 17 miles north of Redding F. W. Gould 738 1939-5-26
GH: 00384904 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Mt. Hanna W. L. Jepson 1897-7-15
GH: 00384905 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Woods near Grass Valley F. A. MacFadden 10935 1933-7-11
GH: 00384906 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Between Cobb Mountain and Adams Springs on t... M. S. Jussel 282 1933-6-28
GH: 00384907 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California 3 mi. s. of Grass Valley L. S. Rose 40436 1940-6-1
GH: 00384908 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California [no additional data] K. T. Hartweg 1833
GH: 00384909 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Marysville J. M. Bigelow 1853
GH: 00384910 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California [no additional data] J. G. Lemmon 54
GH: 00384911 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Whitehorse Mountains, 11 km N of Day on the ... B. Bartholomew & B. Anderson 4412 1988-7-21
GH: 00384912 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California S. 1, T. 20 N, R. 5 E. F. M. Ownbey & G. B. Ownbey 2944 1946-6-25
ECON: 00384913 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California [no additional data]
GH: 00384914 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Redding L. E. Smith 235 1913-5-24
GH: 00384915 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Cantara A. Eastwood 1945 1912-8-28
GH: 00384916 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Redding W. W. Jones 222 1910-5-16
GH: 00384917 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Near Prattville at Mt. Meadow M. E. Jones 1897-7-2
GH: 00384918 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Horse Creek & Klamath River L. S. Rose 45131 1945-6-18
GH: 00384919 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Goose Valley A. Eastwood 950 1912-6-29
GH: 00384920 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Woodleaf L. S. Rose 39228 1939-6-6
GH: 00384921 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Near Redding A. A. Heller 7879 1905-5-27
GH: 00384922 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California north side of Mt. Eddy A. A. Heller 12103 1915-7-16
GH: 00384923 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Grade between Greenville and Prattville A. A. Heller & P. B. Kennedy 8820 1907-7-12
GH: 00384924 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Nevada City A. Eastwood 582 1912-6-20
GH: 00384925 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California Along road off U. S. 99, leading to Kennett,... R. C. Bacigalupi 2398 1934-5-29
GH: 00384926 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: California [no additional data] J. G. Lemmon 1874
GH: 02069682 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069681 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069680 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069679 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069678 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069677 Frasera albicaulis nitida (Bentham) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Idaho 5 miles west of New Meadow F. M. Ownbey 2758 1946-6-11
GH: 02069661 Frasera albicaulis columbiana (H. St. John) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069660 Frasera albicaulis columbiana (H. St. John) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069659 Frasera albicaulis columbiana (H. St. John) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon The Dalles: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069658 Frasera albicaulis columbiana (H. St. John) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon The Dalles: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069657 Frasera albicaulis columbiana (H. St. John) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069673 Frasera albicaulis idahoensis (H. St. John) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Idaho 4 miles north of New Meadows R. C. Rollins 1140 1936-6-9
GH: 02069672 Frasera albicaulis idahoensis (H. St. John) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Idaho [data not captured] L. Constance 1862 1937-5-29
GH: 02069671 Frasera albicaulis idahoensis (H. St. John) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Idaho South Tributary if Williams Creek on east si... B. J. Ertter 12055 1993-7-7
GH: 00384886 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: California 4th of July Canyon, New York Mountains A. M. Alexander & L. Kellogg 1461 1940-5-14
GH: 02069701 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Utah [no additional data] M. E. Jones 1910-6-9
GH: 02069700 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Utah White Mesa Dugway between Blanding and Bluff... A. H. Holmgren & S. Hansen 3391 1944-6-19
GH: 02069699 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Utah Kaiparowits Plateau, about 25 airline miles ... N. H. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal & C. ... 2063 1965-6-27
GH: 02069698 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Utah Vermilion Cliffs, north of Kanab S. D. McKelvey 4426 1934-5-16
GH: 02069697 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Utah summit of pass Route 91, Beaverdam Mountains F. W. Pennell & R. L. Schaeffer, J... 21719 1938-6-14
GH: 02069696 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Utah 11 mi. N. of Bluff. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5794 1933-7-1
GH: 02069694 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Utah [no additional data] C. C. Parry 203 1874
GH: 02069693 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 305 1877
GH: 02069692 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Utah St. Thomas Edw. Palmer 1871
GH: 02069695 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Utah St. George: [no additional data] Edw. Palmer
GH: 02069691 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Nevada Burnt Creek. Quinn Canyon Range, Nevada Nati... B. Maguire & A. H. Holmgren 25612 1945-6-25
GH: 02069690 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Nevada Ward Mtn. E. C. Jaeger 1928-7-4
GH: 02069689 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Nevada N. base of Ward Mt. B. O. Moore & G. E. Franklin 425 1937-6-4
GH: 02069688 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Nevada Pioche. M. E. Jones 1912-8-31
GH: 02069687 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069686 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069685 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Colorado 8 miles west of Ackmen M. Ownbey 1466 1937-8-23
GH: 02069684 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Arizona Grand Canyon of the Colorado River A. Eastwood 5683 1916-6-15
GH: 02069683 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Arizona South entrance to Petrified Forest National ... R. H. Peebles 13965 1938-6-13
GH: 02069708 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069707 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069706 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069705 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069704 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069703 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069702 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069722 Frasera caroliniensis Walter : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... [data not captured]
GH: 02069726 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Kentucky near head of Beaver Creek, South of Monticel... L. B. Smith & A. R. Hodgdon 3962 1937-7-15
GH: 02069727 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Kentucky near head of Beaver Creek, south of Monticel... L. B. Smith & A. R. Hodgdon 3962 1937-7-15
GH: 02069725 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Kentucky [no additional data] C. W. Short
GH: 02069724 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Kentucky near Gilbert Creek M. E. Wharton 9992 1956-6-1
GH: 02069723 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Kentucky Northeast of Jellico L. B. Smith & A. R. Hodgdon 3831 1937-7-11
GH: 02069721 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Kentucky on W side of Ky 97, 1.2 miles N of Kentucky-... D. H. Webb 5100 1985-5-13
GH: 02069720 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Kentucky [no additional data] H. Bishop [data not captured] 381 1940-7-23
GH: 02069718 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Kentucky Lexington: [no additional data] C. W. Short 1837
GH: 02069719 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Kentucky Cliffs of the Kentucky H. A. Griswold 1833-5
GH: 02069717 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Indiana Valparaiso: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069716 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Illinois [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069715 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Illinois [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069714 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Georgia 2.1 mi. N 63 degrees E of Kensington. W. H. Duncan 12501 1951-5-20
GH: 02069713 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Georgia Collected about Estatoah Falls, on Mud Creek J. K. Small 1893-8-12
GH: 02069712 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Arkansas Hot Springs: P. O. Magnet Cove D. Demaree 14855 1937-5-2
GH: 02069711 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Alabama n. side Russellville by US 43. R. Kral 39716 1970-6-4
GH: 02069710 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Alabama n. side Russellville by US 43 R. Kral 39716 1970-6-4
GH: 02069709 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Alabama n. side Russellville by US 43. R. Kral 39716 1970-6-4
GH: 02069736 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: New York Buffalo: Buffalo G. W. Clinton
GH: 02069737 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: New York Niagara Falls: Niagara Falls J. Stardy
GH: 02069735 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: New York Tuscarora, six miles west of Mt. Morris (Gen... A. R. Bechtel 12741 1919-6-19
GH: 02069734 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: New York Tuscarora, six miles west of Mt. Morris (Gen... A. R. Bechtel 12741 1919-6-19
GH: 02069733 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Missouri [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069732 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Missouri [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069731 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Missouri [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069730 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Mississippi [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 02069729 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Michigan T. 2N., R. 10W., SE 1/4 Sec. 36 along Pine L... W. T. Gillis 14750 1978-6-26
GH: 02069728 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Michigan Swartz Farm, 3 miles southwest of Schoolcraf... E. S. Anderson 1933-2
GH: 02069743 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: North Carolina near abandoned stone quarry, 4.3 miles west ... S. W. Leonard & D. B. Russ 2506 1969-6-17
A: 02069742 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: North Carolina east side of the town of Shooting Creek on S... D. E. Boufford & S. A. Spongberg 22864 1982-5-18
A: 02069741 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: North Carolina east side of the town of Shooting Creek on S... D. E. Boufford & S. A. Spongberg 22864 1982-5-18
GH: 02069740 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: North Carolina 0.32 km (0.2 mile) west of the Jackson Count... D. E. Boufford & E. W. Wood 16085 1975-6-2
GH: 02069739 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: North Carolina 0.32 km (0.2 mile) west of the Jackson Count... D. E. Boufford & E. W. Wood 16085 1975-6-2
GH: 02069738 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: North Carolina near abandoned stone quarry, 4.3 miles west ... S. W. Leonard & D. B. Russ 2506 1969-6-17
GH: 02069757 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069756 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 02069755 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 02069754 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 02069753 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069752 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Tennessee Chattanooga: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069751 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Tennessee Chattanooga: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069750 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069749 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069748 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069747 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: South Carolina Floodplain-levee of Johns Creek, compt. 176,... S. R. Hill [data not captured] 24482 1992-10-25
GH: 02069746 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Ohio Ohio J. Wolle
GH: 02069745 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Ohio Ravenna Twp. R. J. Webb 1917-7-5
GH: 02069744 Frasera caroliniensis Walter USA: Ohio Clinton Twp., Section 29, Lake Alma State Pa... D. O'Dell 310 1965-5-21
GH: 02069761 Frasera coloradensis (C. M. Rogers) D. M. Post USA: Colorado 16 miles south of LaMar Ced. L. Porter 4300 1947-7-13
GH: 02069760 Frasera coloradensis (C. M. Rogers) D. M. Post USA: Colorado 23 mi. s. of Lamar W. A. Weber 5082 1949-8-28
GH: 02069759 Frasera coloradensis (C. M. Rogers) D. M. Post USA: Colorado WNW of rest stop along hwy. 287, 21.9 mi S o... B. C. Johnston 2424 1981-6-15
GH: 02069758 Frasera coloradensis (C. M. Rogers) D. M. Post USA: Colorado 0.8 mi W of junction of roads 3 and Q, ca. 6... B. C. Johnston 2446 1981-6-16
GH: 00072260 Frasera cusickii A. Gray USA: Oregon N.E. Oregon, hillsides of Grande Ronde Valle... W. C. Cusick 1427 1886
GH: 02069778 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... [data not captured]
GH: 02069771 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... [data not captured]
GH: 02069777 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069776 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069775 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069774 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Idaho Mt. W[?] [data not captured]
GH: 02069773 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Idaho Cedar Mts. Latale C. V. Piper 1618 1893-6-16
GH: 02069772 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Idaho Ceder Mt. Latah C. V. Piper 1618 1893-6-16
GH: 02069770 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Idaho Santiam Creek Bottom J. B. Leiberg 1064 1895-6-25
GH: 02069769 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Idaho Vicinity of Lake Waha J. H. Sandberg, D. T. MacDougal & ... 239 1892-5-23
GH: 02069768 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Idaho Latah C. V. Piper 1518 1893-7-16
GH: 02069767 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Idaho Lantern Creek Bottom J. B. Leiberg 1064 1895-6-25
GH: 02069766 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Idaho Near the Clearwater S. Watson 270 1880-8-26
GH: 02069765 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Idaho Cedar Mt. Latah C. V. Piper 1618 1893-8-7
GH: 02069764 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069763 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069762 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Idaho Latah C. V. Piper 1893-8-7
GH: 00072263 Frasera gypsicola (Barneby) D. M. Post USA: Nevada Near Sunnyside, northeast Nye Co., on gypsum... H. D. Ripley & R. C. Barneby 4002 1941-7-20
GH: 00072265 Frasera macrophylla Greene USA: Colorado Pagosa Springs C. F. Baker 524 1899-7-25
GH: 00072266 Frasera montana Mulford USA: Idaho Mountains beyond Pioneer A. I. Mulford 1892-7-23
GH: 02069790 Frasera montana Mulford USA: Idaho Jordan Creek J. F. Macbride & E. B. Payson 3444 1916-7-26
GH: 02069789 Frasera montana Mulford USA: Idaho Near S.E. end of Payette Lake, McCall L. Constance 1945 1937-7-4
GH: 02069788 Frasera montana Mulford USA: Idaho Boise: Boise (Clear Creek) J. A. Clarke 88 1911-7-4
GH: 02069787 Frasera montana Mulford USA: Idaho [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069786 Frasera montana Mulford USA: Idaho 5 miles west of Lowman, on Lowman-Bank road C. L. Hitchcock & C. V. Muhlick 8586 1944-5-31
GH: 02069785 Frasera montana Mulford USA: Idaho 1 mile west of McCall F. M. Ownbey & F. G. Meyer 2103 1940-6-27
GH: 02069784 Frasera montana Mulford USA: Idaho MIddle Fork Weiser T. M. E. Jones 6454 1899-7-15
GH: 02069783 Frasera montana Mulford USA: Idaho Little Redfish Lake A. Cronquist [do not use; A. J. Cr... 2716 1941-6-27
GH: 02069782 Frasera montana Mulford USA: Idaho 1 mile west of prairie P.O. on Basaltio Plat... C. L. Hitchcock 15493 1947-6-18
GH: 02069781 Frasera montana Mulford USA: Idaho Near Warm Lake, 28 miles northeast of Cascad... R. C. Rollins & T. S. Chambers 2587 1938-7-22
GH: 02069780 Frasera montana Mulford USA: Idaho Lake Payette, Payette Nat. Forest J. W. Thompson 13726 1937-7-8
GH: 02069779 Frasera montana Mulford USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. M. Ownbey & G. B. Ownbey 3065 1946-7-21
GH: 00072267 Frasera neglecta H. M. Hall USA: California San Antonio Mountains, Swarthout Canyon H. M. Hall 1900-6-3
GH: 00384887 Frasera neglecta H. M. Hall USA: California San Gabriel Mts., Angeles National Forest: s... R. F. Thorne & M. Z. Thorne 38482 1969-7-9
GH: 00384888 Frasera neglecta H. M. Hall USA: California San Gabriel Mts., Angeles National Forest: s... R. F. Thorne & M. Z. Thorne 38482 1969-7-9
GH: 00384889 Frasera neglecta H. M. Hall USA: California San Antonio Mountains [Mount San Antonio] Sw... H. M. Hall 1495 1900-6-3
GH: 00384890 Frasera neglecta H. M. Hall USA: California Holcomb Valley, San Bernardino Mountains S. B. Parish 10921 1916-6-16
GH: 00384891 Frasera neglecta H. M. Hall USA: California Holcomb Valley, San B. Mts [San Bernardino M... S. B. Parish & W. F. Parish 1474 1882-8
GH: 00384892 Frasera neglecta H. M. Hall USA: California Swartout Canyon, San Gabriel Mountains L. Abrams & E. A. McGregor 628 1908-7-5
GH: 00384893 Frasera neglecta H. M. Hall USA: California North Fork, Mt Pinos, near lower edge of the... H. M. Hall 6462 1905-6-28
GH: 00384894 Frasera neglecta H. M. Hall USA: California Swartout Valley, below Big Pinus Cp. J. A. Ewan 8392 1934-8-3
GH: 00384895 Frasera neglecta H. M. Hall USA: California San Rafael Mts. H. C. Ford 1887-6
GH: 02069791 Frasera neglecta H. M. Hall USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured]
ECON: 00384913 Frasera nitida Bentham USA: California [no additional data]
GH: 00384920 Frasera nitida Bentham USA: California Woodleaf L. S. Rose 39228 1939-6-6
GH: 00112712 Frasera nitida albida Suksdorf USA: Washington On mountain east of Husum W. N. Suksdorf 11458 1923-6-18
GH: 00072268 Frasera pahutensis Reveal USA: Nevada South Kawich Valley, ca. 1 mile east of Pahu... J. C. Beatley & James L. Reveal 10898 1970-6-4
GH: 00072269 Frasera paniculata Torrey USA: New Mexico Sand bluff, Inscription Rock, Zuni Country J. M. Bigelow 1853-11-18
GH: 02069797 Frasera paniculata Torrey USA: Arizona House Rock M. E. Jones 1890-6-18
GH: 02069796 Frasera paniculata Torrey USA: Arizona just s.e. of Houserock S. D. McKelvey 4445 1934-5-18
GH: 02069795 Frasera paniculata Torrey USA: Arizona just s.e. of Houserock S. D. McKelvey 4445 1934-5-18
GH: 02069794 Frasera paniculata Torrey USA: Arizona Navaho Reservation. C. T. Vorhies 43 1916-7
GH: 02069793 Frasera paniculata Torrey USA: Arizona 22.3 miles west of Navajo Bridge (along Unit... P. H. Raven 13134 1958-6-9
GH: 02069803 Frasera paniculata Torrey USA: Utah Monument Creek, near Bluff Road H. C. Cutler 2301 1938-6-19
GH: 02069802 Frasera paniculata Torrey USA: Utah Moab: Near Moab Utah M. E. Jones 1913-6-16
GH: 02069801 Frasera paniculata Torrey USA: Utah 18 miles southwest of Bluff. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5793 1933-6-29
GH: 02069800 Frasera paniculata Torrey USA: Utah Courthouse Wash. M. E. Jones 1913-6-16
GH: 02069799 Frasera paniculata Torrey USA: Utah in the desert between Green River and Hanksv... A. Cronquist [do not use; A. J. Cr... 9287 1961-6-16
GH: 02069798 Frasera paniculata Torrey USA: Utah Courthouse Wash. M. E. Jones 1913-6-16
GH: 00267290 Frasera parryi Torrey USA: California W. A. Wallace
GH: 00267289 Frasera parryi Torrey USA: California T. Coulter 558
GH: 00384927 Frasera parryi Torrey USA: California Rincon M. E. Jones 1926-5-29
GH: 00384928 Frasera parryi Torrey USA: California Rincon M. E. Jones 1926-5-29
GH: 00384929 Frasera parryi Torrey USA: California [no additional data] C. C. Parry & J. G. Lemmon 232 1876
GH: 00384930 Frasera parryi Torrey USA: California Witch creek R. D. Alderson 1894-5
GH: 00384931 Frasera parryi Torrey USA: California San Jacinto Mts. J. C. Nevin 572 1881
GH: 00384932 Frasera parryi Torrey USA: California Descanso A. Eastwood 9068 1919-6-24
GH: 00384933 Frasera parryi Torrey USA: California Descanso M. F. Spencer 470 1917-6-10
GH: 00384934 Frasera parryi Torrey USA: California Santa Ana Mts., Tenaja Road, north end of La... C. B. Wolf 7963 1936-6-17
GH: 00384935 Frasera parryi Torrey USA: California San Diego Edw. Palmer 1875
GH: 00384936 Frasera parryi Torrey USA: California Vicinity of San Bernardino S. B. Parish 3678 1895-6-3
GH: 00384937 Frasera parryi Torrey USA: California Warners Springs Mrs. A. L. Coombs 1911
GH: 00384938 Frasera parryi Torrey USA: California Between Walker's ranch and Jacumba L. Abrams 3701 1903-6-1
GH: 00384939 Frasera parryi Torrey USA: California Cuiamaca [Cuyamaca] Mts. Edw. Palmer 229 1875
GH: 00384940 Frasera puberulenta Davidson USA: California Onion Valley-Kearsarge Pass Trail R. S. Ferris 9838 1939-8-23
GH: 00384941 Frasera puberulenta Davidson USA: California east side Reed Flat at head of Birch Creek, ... J. C. Roos & L. Roos 5824 1952-7-26
GH: 00384942 Frasera puberulenta Davidson USA: California Onion Valley, west of Independence A. M. Alexander & L. Kellogg 3198 1942-7-29
GH: 02069904 Frasera sp. USA: Arizona Flagstaff: [Arizona's Snow Bowl O. T. Solbrig & R. Ornduff 4691 1957-8
GH: 02069905 Frasera sp. USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069816 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Arizona North Slope, San Francisco Peaks A. F. Whiting [data not captured] 756 1935-7-6
GH: 02069815 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Arizona Flagstaff: Collected in the vicinity of Flag... D. T. MacDougal 1898-7-5
GH: 02069814 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Arizona 3 miles north west of Pine C. B. Wolf 2452 1928-6-30
GH: 02069813 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Arizona Under the Rim, Mogollon Mts. R. E. Collom
GH: 02069812 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado [no additional data] E. Hall & J. P. Harbour 553
GH: 02069811 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Arizona Willow Spring Edw. Palmer 573 1890-6-10
GH: 02069810 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Arizona Oak Creek Canyon, south of Flagstaff. O. M. Clark 11874 1944-6-18
GH: 02069809 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Arizona Natans Plateau, San Carlow Indian Reservatio... G. J. Goodman & C. L. Hitchcock 1281 1930-6-22
GH: 02069808 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Arizona Rustler Park J. C. Blumer 1907-8-13
GH: 02069807 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Arizona Mt. Lemmon R. H. Peebles & G. J. Harrison 2215 1926-7-4
GH: 02069806 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Arizona Webber Cabin F. Shreve 5291 1917-6-27
GH: 02069805 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Arizona Huachuca Mountains C. G. Pringle 1884-7-8
GH: 02069804 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Arizona Colorado Plateau. Colorado River Basin. Sout... R. T. Clausen & H. Trapido 4661 1940-6-15
GH: 02069819 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069818 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069817 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069832 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado Mesa near Boulder J. H. Ehlers 7428 1939-5-19
GH: 02069831 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado Empire: near Empire. Mountains about the hea... H. N. Patterson 243 1892-8-3
A: 02069829 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado about three and a half miles north, northwes... S. A. Spongberg 65-57 1965-7-2
GH: 02069828 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado Blue Mesa 10 miles southwest of Sapinero R. C. Rollins 1996 1937-9-3
GH: 02069827 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado [no additional data] F. W. Hunnewell 2259 1913-7-6
GH: 02069826 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado [no additional data] F. W. Hunnewell 2259 1913-7-6
GH: 02069825 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado Vicinity of Mount Carbon W. W. Eggleston 5664 1910-11-21
GH: 02069824 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado Divide between South Platte & Arkansas River... R. W. Woodward 1883-7-29
GH: 02069823 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado From the head-waters of Clear Creek, and the... C. C. Parry 310 1861
GH: 02069822 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado Estes Park: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1937-6-30
GH: 02069821 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado Idaho Springs O. Degener & Leroy Peiler 16,375 1942-8-11
GH: 02069820 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado Vicinity of Mount Carbon I. Tidestrom 3785 1910-7-12
GH: 02069844 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado above Gothic. J. Wahlert 63-61 1963-7-12
GH: 02069843 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado ridge east of Cumberland Pass J. H. Beaman & F. H. Erbisch 1287 1957-7-7
GH: 02069830 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado Mountains about the head waters of Clear Cre... H. N. Patterson 243 1892-8-3
GH: 02069842 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado Keblar Pass C. F. Baker 947 1901-8-14
GH: 02069841 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado East of Alma. I. Tidestrom 4141 1910-9-4
GH: 02069840 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado The Crags F. E. Clements & E. G. Clements 1901-7-14
GH: 02069839 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado [no additional data] Clements 192
GH: 02069838 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado Bob Creek, W. La Plata Mts., C. F. Baker, F. S. Earle & S. M. T... 271 1898-6-30
GH: 02069837 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado Collected on Pike's Peak Forest Reserve. Sad... J. C. Blumer 1903-8-12
GH: 02069836 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado Estes Park C. H. Knowlton 1937-6-30
GH: 02069835 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Utah Davis Hollow, Taylor Mt., 15 mi. N. of Verna... E. H. Graham 6350 1931-6-24
GH: 02069834 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado Along County Rd. 44H, about 2 mi. E of Pineg... R. M. King & R. M. Garvey 13950 2005-7-28
GH: 02069833 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Colorado LaSal Creek, 2 miles east of Utah line H. C. Cutler 2627 1939-7-9
GH: 02069857 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Wyoming Bridges Pass, Pass Creek, Rocky Mts [Nebrask... H. Engelmann 1856
GH: 02069856 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069855 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069854 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069853 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069852 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069850 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069851 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069849 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069848 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069847 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Montana Missoula: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069846 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Montana Missoula: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069845 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Idaho Near Double Springs Summit, 8 miles N.E. of ... A. Cronquist [do not use; A. J. Cr... 3203 1941-7-17
GH: 02069872 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: New Mexico Pescos Wilderness, Forest Rds. 645 & 156, Be... S. R. Hill 15323 1984-8-19
A: 02069871 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: New Mexico west of the town of Mayhill; 31.68 km (19.8 ... D. E. Boufford 10783 1973-7-14
A: 02069870 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: New Mexico west of the town Mayhill; 31.68km (19.8 mile... D. E. Boufford 10783
GH: 02069869 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: New Mexico Winsor Creek P. C. Standley 4034
GH: 02069868 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: New Mexico Santa Fe National Forest [-] about 50 yds. b... J. L. Sagalyn 51 1937-7-18
GH: 02069867 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: New Mexico Santa Fe National Forest[-]Johnson's Mesa J. L. Sagalyn 52 1937-7-19
GH: 02069866 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: New Mexico [no additional data] A. Fendler 686 1847
GH: 02069865 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: New Mexico Tularosa Creek, 3 miles south of Mescalero A... C. B. Wolf 2785 1928-7-19
GH: 02069864 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: New Mexico Bear Mt. 5 miles from Silver City C. B. Wolf 2621 1928-7-12
GH: 02069863 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: New Mexico 1 mi. W. pf Kingston V. L. Cory 33183 1939-9-7
GH: 02069862 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: New Mexico Collected in and around the south end of the... O. B. Metcalfe 1160 1904-7-13
GH: 02069861 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: New Mexico Collected in the Mogollon Mountains, on or n... O. B. Metcalfe 1903-8-7
GH: 02069860 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069859 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069858 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069878 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: South Dakota Deadwood O. Degener & Leroy Peiler 16369 1942-8-7
GH: 02069877 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: South Dakota Rim of Spearfish Canyon near Savoy. J. Murdoch, Jr. 4098 1910-6-15
GH: 02069876 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: South Dakota Lead: Lead City P. A. Rydberg 879 1892-7-2
GH: 02069875 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: South Dakota near Deerfield E. J. Palmer 37502 1929-6-22
GH: 02069874 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069873 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069891 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Utah Stillwater Canon, Bear River L. H. Pammel & R. E. Blackwood 4224 1902-8-1
GH: 02069890 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Utah On the Shoulder of Murdock Peak, Lambs Can. R. K. Vickery 2356 1959-7-16
GH: 02069889 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Utah summit on north side of basin, above timberl... B. Maguire & A. H. Holmgren 21997 1943-7-16
GH: 02069888 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Utah Pacific slope; Colorado Plateau; Sevier Lake... R. T. Clausen & H. Trapido 5103 1940-8-17
A: 02069887 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Utah Collected at the summit of Abajo Peak R. Nicholson 289 1981-9-11
GH: 02069886 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Utah along the road to Hill Creek Ranger Station.... R. K. Vickery & D. Wiens 1583 1956-7-13
GH: 02069885 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Nevada near cascades to Island Lake B. Maguire & A. H. Holmgren 22666 1943-8-16
GH: 02069884 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Utah Wasatch Plateau, 18 miles northeast of Castl... H. C. Cutler 2405 1938-6-26
GH: 02069883 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Utah Basin River, East rim of Range Creek, near W... E. H. Graham 9617 1935-7-12
GH: 02069882 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Utah Dyer Mine, Uintah Mts. L. N. Goodding 1255 1902-7-5
GH: 02069881 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Utah [no additional data] M. S. Clemens 1908-7-7
GH: 02069880 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Utah Big Cottonwood Canyon. A. O. Garrett 1905-7-22
GH: 02069879 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Utah Parley's Park S. Watson 953 1869-6
GH: 02069903 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Wyoming Mammoth Hot Springs A. Nelson & E. E. Nelson 5629 1899-7-1
GH: 02069902 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Wyoming Jackson's Hole A. Nelson 935 1894-8-21
GH: 02069901 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Wyoming Bald Mountain, T.56 N. R.91 W. L. O. Williams & T. P. Williams 3064 1936-6-19
GH: 02069899 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Wyoming near Laramie J. R. Churchill 1918-7-2
GH: 02069900 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Wyoming near Laramie J. R. Churchill 1918-7-2
GH: 02069898 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Wyoming Laramie Peak A. Nelson 7516 1900-7-10
GH: 02069897 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Wyoming near Leckie E. D. Merrill & E. N. Wilcox 802 1901-6-27
GH: 02069896 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Wyoming Bighorn Mts. J. G. Jack 1900-8
GH: 02069895 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Wyoming Southern Rocky Mountains; Platte River Drain... R. T. Clausen SR39 1962-7-1
GH: 02069894 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Wyoming Medicine Bow National Forest: Happy Jack Loo... F. H. Utech [data not captured] 84-863 1984-8-10
GH: 02069893 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Wyoming Wind River Mts. J. C. Frémont 1842-8-13
GH: 02069892 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach USA: Wyoming Delaney Rim, CA 4 air mi S of Tipton, K. H. Dueholm 10079 1980-6-19
GH: 00384943 Frasera tubulosa Coville USA: California Monache Mt. J. T. Howell 27155 1950-7-21
GH: 00384944 Frasera tubulosa Coville USA: California 1 - 1 1/2 miles below Coyote Meadows, on tra... R. S. Ferris & L. Lorraine 10713 1942-7-21
GH: 00384945 Frasera tubulosa Coville USA: California Olancha Mountain. South-west side H. M. Hall & H. D. Babcock 5271 1904-6-25
GH: 00384946 Frasera tubulosa Coville USA: California Kern River J. D. Culbertson 4329 1904-8-3
GH: 00384947 Frasera tubulosa Coville USA: California West end of the summit ridge of Bald Mountai... E. C. Twisselmann & J. Zaninovich 16003 1969-8-30
GH: 00384948 Frasera tubulosa Coville USA: California Ridge between Rattlesnake Meadow and South D... E. C. Twisselmann & E. McMillan 14609 1968-7-16
GH: 00072271 Geniostemon coulteri Engelmann & A. Gray Mexico: T. Coulter 945 1827-2
GH: 00072272 Geniostemon schaffneri Engelmann & A. Gray Mexico: San Luis Potosí J. G. Schaffner 80 1876-9
A: 00114021 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Omei-hsien: Mt. Omei W. P. Fang 17771 1941-9-25
A: 00114008 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Omei-hsien: Mt. Omei C. L. Chow 5415 1941-11-21
A: 00114010 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Kuan-hsien W. K. Hu 9232 1948-4-9
A: 00114009 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Mt. Omei W. P. Fang 17995 1941-10
A: 00113998 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Bao-Hsin (Moupin): Liang-ho-kow [Liang-he-ko... S. Y. Hu 1416 1939-8
A: 00114017 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Omei-hsien: Mt. Omei. W. P. Fang 16882 1941-6
A: 00114007 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Yunnan E Chungtien [Zhongdian]: Lai-cha-tse-ka K. M. Feng 2403 1939-9-21
A: 00114022 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Omei-hsien: Mt. Omei T. C. Lee 3947 1940-10-16
A: 00114029 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Mt. Omei W. P. Fang 18940 1942-6-6
A: 00113999 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Bao-Hsin (Moupin): Liang-ho-kow [Liang-he-ko... S. Y. Hu 1416 1939-8
A: 00114028 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Omei-hsien: Mt. Omei W. P. Fang 18573 1942-4-28
A: 00114003 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Win-Chuan: Tsao-puh S. Y. Hu 2664 1942-8
A: 00114016 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Omei-hsien: Mt. Omei T. C. Lee 3507 1940-9-10
A: 00114015 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Omei-hsien: Mt. Omei W. P. Fang 16026 1941-4-2
A: 00113986 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Yunnan Hill slope back of Kunming Institute of Bota... B. Y. Qiu & Y. Z. Su 550 1980-10-27
A: 00113996 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Bao-Hsin (Moupin): T'u-pa-kou S. Y. Hu 1261 1939-7
A: 00114027 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Omei-hsien: Mt. Omei W. K. Hu 8314 1946-11-7
A: 00114023 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Omei-hsien: Mt. Omei C. L. Chow 5691 1942-3-31
A: 00113981 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Yunnan Si-chour-hsien [Xichou Xian]: Ting-mann. 130... K. M. Feng 12230 1947-10-6
A: 00114024 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Omei-hsien: Mt. Omei T. C. Lee 3510 1940-9-10
A: 00113994 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Bao-Hsin (Moupin): Liang-ho-kow [Liang-he-ko... S. Y. Hu 1334 1939-8
A: 00114001 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Lifan: Mung-twin-ko. 10050 ft S. Y. Hu 2100 1941-8-14
A: 00114002 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Bao-Hsin (Moupin): T'u-pa-kou S. Y. Hu 1261 1939-8
A: 00114005 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Pung-hsien: Pai-lu-ting [Bai-lu-ting] S. Y. Hu 2237 1942-5
A: 00113985 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Qinghai Yushu Xian: north of the city of Yushu on th... D. E. Boufford, X. F. Lu & T. S. Y... 26822 1995-6-30
A: 00114006 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Yunnan Chio-kia Hsien [Qiaojia Xian] H. T. Tsai 52005 1932-9-13
A: 00113997 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Bao-Hsin (Moupin): T'u-pa-kou-Ta-chong-pun. ... S. Y. Hu 1307 1939-8
A: 00114026 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Omei-hsien: Mt. Omei W. P. Fang 12997 1938-8-5
A: 00114000 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Bao-Hsin (Moupin): T'u-pa-kou-Ta-chong-pun. ... S. Y. Hu 1307 1939-8
A: 00114020 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Omei-hsien: Mt. Omei T. C. Lee 3886 1940-10-12
A: 00114019 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Chengtu W. P. Fang 19905 1948-4-25
A: 00113980 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Yunnan Mar-li-po: Chung-dzai. 1600-1800 m K. M. Feng 12812 1947-11-3
A: 00114025 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Omei-hsien: Mt. Omei C. L. Chow 5879 1942-4-13
A: 00114013 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Omei-hsien: Mt. Omei W. P. Fang 13305 1939-4-7
A: 00114014 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Chengtu W. P. Fang 13333 1939-4-11
A: 00113960 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Yunnan Huann-fu-ping, A-tun-tze [Deqen]. 3700 m C. W. Wang 68873 1935-8
A: 00113972 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Yunnan NE Likiang: Tzai-koo Snow Mt. R. C. Ching 21277 1939-7-31
A: 00114018 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Sichuan Omei-hsien: Mt. Omei, Dachengsi temple. 2000... W. P. Fang 12959 1938-8-4
GH: 00272852 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Yunnan Bingzhongluo. About 3.3 direct km S of Gawag... H. Li, Z. Dao, Y. H. Ji, X. H. Jin... 31230 2006-8-19
GH: 00275228 Gentiana Linnaeus China: Yunnan Bingzhongluo. About 2.6 direct km SSW if Gaw... H. Li, Z. Dao, Y. H. Ji, X. H. Jin... 31454 2006-8-25
GH: 01245252 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus : Europe (Region): Env. de l'Hotel -des-[illeg... [no data available]
GH: 01245247 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus : Europe: [illegible] Campovasta. Junc. [no data available]
GH: 01245238 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus : Europe (Region): Chatteral [no data available]
GH: 01245234 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus : Europe (Region): [illegible] [see remarks] 11
GH: 01245219 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus : Europe (Region): Ferdinandshöhe, Tyrol J. M. Macfarlane, Bechtel & Harvey 1906-7-8
GH: 01245267 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Austria: Kleinkirchheim M. Jabornegg Freiherr von Gamseneg... 1884-6
GH: 01245260 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Austria: Tirol Innsbruck: Hafelekar A. S. Pease 1911-7-21
GH: 01245255 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Austria: I. Vorarlbergia. In pratis subalpinis ad Amm... H. Schönach
GH: 01245257 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Austria: Tirol Tirolia septentrionalis. In pratis subalpini... L. von Sarnthein
GH: 01245250 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Austria: Tirol pr. Lienz [see remarks] 1871-6
GH: 01245235 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Austria: Tirol ad montem [illegible] lach ad Lienz H. Gander 1871-5
GH: 01245232 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Austria: Tirol Virgen [no data available] 1865-5-9
GH: 01245221 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Austria: Steiermark In pratis prope urbem Murau B. Fest 1904-5
GH: 01245220 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Austria: Kärnten [illegible] [data not captured]
GH: 01245218 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Austria: Steiermark montis glac. Rottenmanner Tauern F. Oberleitner 1867-6-19
GH: 01245265 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus France: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Col de la [Loze] [illegible] E. P. B. de Perrier de la Bathie 1899-8-29
GH: 01245266 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus France: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes montagnes d'Hauteluce E. P. B. de Perrier de la Bathie 1857-5-27
GH: 01245251 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus France: Pyrénées - Pic de Ger [illegible] 1855-6-28
GH: 01245245 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus France: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Boise de [illegible] A. Faure 1861-7
GH: 01245246 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus France: mont Chaudun E. Reverchon 1871-6
GH: 01245243 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus France: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes montagnes d'Hauteluce E. P. B. de Perrier de la Bathie 1857-5-27
GH: 01245244 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus France: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Galopaz andersus de [illegible] A. Songeon 1852-5-25
GH: 01245242 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus France: Echines Vaudoises, Val St. Martin E. Rostan 1881-4
GH: 01245237 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus France: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Col de Tende E. Bourgeau 1861-7-2
GH: 01245236 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus France: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Mt Brizon [see remarks] 1862-7
GH: 01245231 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus France: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Allevard R. Neyra 1885-7-25
GH: 01245268 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Germany: Bavaria Schwabhausen bei Landsberg E. Kugler 1887-5-4
GH: 01245239 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Germany: Bavaria München: Monachii C. F. P. Martius
GH: 01245224 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Germany: Bavaria Almen am Linkerskopf im Algau C. Semler 1903-7-14
GH: 01245222 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Germany: Bavaria Schwaben: Alpenwiese am Nebelhorn im Algau C. Semler 1900-7-26
GH: 01245261 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Italy: Toscana Vallisumbrosae (Vallombrosa), in pascuis sub... Adr. Fiori 1912-5-16
GH: 01245256 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Italy: Lombardia In cacumine montis Grigna; Juxta Lacum Lariu... J. Ball 1855-9-15
GH: 01245253 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Italy: Monte Baldo: Altissimo A. Richter 1909-6-15
GH: 01245240 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Italy: Vicentine Alps; near Recoaro, Plateau of Cam... J. Ball 1872-6
GH: 01245228 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Italy: [illegible]; bei Meran P. W. Magnus 1893-5
GH: 01245227 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Italy: Dreizinnenhütte P. W. Magnus 1892-8-12
GH: 01245226 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Italy: Mte. Spluga, Splügen Pass A. S. Pease 3236 1906-6-6
GH: 01245216 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Italy: Dolomite Alps, Tyrol; Karersee J. R. Churchill 1913-6-27
GH: 01245217 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Italy: Mt. Puflatsch, Tyrol J. M. Macfarlane, Bechtel & Harvey 1906-7-4
GH: 01245215 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Italy: Dolomite Alps, Tryol; Latemar wiese; Karerse... J. R. Churchill 1913-6-28
GH: 01245214 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Italy: Veneto Falzerigo Pass J. R. Churchill 1913-7-5
GH: 01245213 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Italy: Trentino-Alto Adige Alpi Orientali [no data available] 1979
GH: 01245264 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Switzerland: Vaud Jura-[illegible] Chasseron P. A. Genty 1908-7-25
GH: 01245262 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Switzerland: Graubünden Zentralalp.: Arosa; Auf Wiesen und Weiden ve... [see remarks] 1920-5
GH: 01245259 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Switzerland: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 01245258 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Switzerland: Graubünden Thusis A. S. Pease 9303 1906-6-8
GH: 01245254 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Switzerland: Alpine region above the Simplon Pass J. Ball 1872-7
GH: 01245249 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Switzerland: Chambesy A. Huguenin
GH: 01245248 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Switzerland: Valais Zermatt [illegible]
GH: 01245241 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Switzerland: Zentralalp.: Auf Wiesen um Samaden Candrian 1923-7
GH: 01245233 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Switzerland: Neuchatel a la Tourne [no data available]
GH: 01245230 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Switzerland: Vallais [no data available]
GH: 01245229 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Switzerland: [Furca] [no data available]
GH: 01245225 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Switzerland: Graubünden Thusis A. S. Pease 9303 1906-6-8
ECON: 01245223 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Switzerland: Summit of Rigi [no data available]
GH: 01245263 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus Ukraine: Karpaty Wsch. - Carpati Orient, Czarnohora: ... G. Kozij 1935-7-25
ECON: 02069906 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Milton: my garden N. T. Kidder 1923-5-17
GH: 00072622 Gentiana acuta nana Engelmann USA: Colorado From the head-waters of Clear Creek and the ... C. C. Parry 309 1861
GH: 00073381 Gentiana adsurgens Cervantes ex Grisebach Mexico: V. Cervantes
GH: 00091003 Gentiana adsurgens uniflora Kusnezow Mexico: Serierta Vieja, Vallei de Mexico E. Bourgeau 1123 1865-10-17
GH: 02069928 Gentiana affinis Grisebach : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... [data not captured]
GH: 02069925 Gentiana affinis Grisebach : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... [data not captured]
GH: 02069957 Gentiana affinis Grisebach : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... [data not captured]
GH: 02072054 Gentiana affinis Grisebach : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... [data not captured]
GH: 02072036 Gentiana affinis Grisebach : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... [data not captured]
GH: 02163380 Gentiana affinis Grisebach : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... [data not captured]
GH: 02069924 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: Alberta Banff: Bow Valley E. H. Moss 2898 1934-8-8
GH: 02069923 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: Alberta ca. 13 miles south of Calgary. C. L. Hitchcock & J. S. Martin 7841 1941-8-1
GH: 02069922 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: Alberta Banff: [no additional data] E. Scamman 6910 1952-8-27
GH: 02069921 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: Alberta Banff: by Bow River C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
GH: 02069920 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: Alberta Ribstone Creek. Collected along the line of ... J. Macoun & W. Herriot 78459 1906-8-12
GH: 02069919 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: Alberta Ribstone Creek. Collected along the line of ... J. Macoun & W. Herriot 78459 1906-8-12
GH: 02069918 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: Alberta N W 23 32 16 W 4 A. H. Brinkman 832 1922-8-8
GH: 02069917 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: Alberta Banff: Rocky Mountains W. M. Canby Profs. C. S. Sargent a... 200 1897-8-9
GH: 02069916 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069915 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: Alberta right bank of Elbow river, 1/2 mile above br... G. H. Turner 3734 1943-8-26
GH: 02069914 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: Alberta Banff: Devil's Head Lake J. Macoun 1891-8-3
GH: 02069913 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069912 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: Saskatchewan [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069911 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: Saskatchewan [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069909 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: Saskatchewan [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069910 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069908 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: Northwest Territories Mackenzie District; Mackenzie Mountains: Kee... W. J. Cody 20054 1971-7-18
GH: 02069907 Gentiana affinis Grisebach Canada: Manitoba [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 00384949 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: California Butler's Ranch J. C. Phillips & C. S. Sargent 1878-9
GH: 00384950 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: California Mt. Tamalpais, Kent trail A. Eastwood 1548 1912-8-3
GH: 00384951 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: California French Hill, Gasquet A. Eastwood 2193 1912-9-14
GH: 00384952 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: California Clear Lake, Warner Mountains F. H. Frost 169 1925-7-27
GH: 00384953 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Nevada near Carson City C. L. Anderson 215 1865
GH: 00384954 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: California [no additional data] J. G. Lemmon 697 1874
GH: 00384955 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: California Antelope Valley J. C. Phillips & C. S. Sargent 1878-9
GH: 00384956 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: California McNaught Place, Smith River H. E. Parks 1933-8
GH: 00384957 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: California Point Reyes peninsula 5 mi. nw. of Inverness L. S. Rose 46271 1946-8-23
GH: 00384958 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: California Bear River Ridge J. P. Tracy 9110 1930-7-27
GH: 00384959 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: California Near Gasquet. Mountain slopes, north side of... J. P. Tracy 16459 1939-9-2
GH: 00384960 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: California Bodega Wosnessensky 1841
GH: 00400015 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: California northeast-facing slope 3.3 miles east of Bay... A. M. Carter & E. K. Crum 1638 1941-6-22
GH: 02069932 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Arizona near Flagstaff E. O. Fulton 6273 1929-10-6
GH: 02069931 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Arizona along road between Alpine and Big Lake. W. S. Phillips 2834 1945-9-9
GH: 02069930 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Arizona Bisbee: [no additional data] L. N. Goodding 870 1910-8-25
GH: 02069929 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Arizona Speed Ranch J. C. Blumer 3402 1909-9-23
GH: 02069926 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Missouri Saint Louis (Missouri): [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069927 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Wisconsin Milwaukee: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069967 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Iron Springs Mesa Ern. P. Walker 514 1912-8-21
GH: 02069966 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Norwood Hill Ern. P. Walker 442 1912-8-11
GH: 02069965 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Williams Fork W. C. Sturgis 1903-8-23
A: 02069964 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado on the right bank of Cement Creek below the ... S. A. Spongberg 64-246 1964-8-10
A: 02069963 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado on the north bank of Cement Creek below the ... S. A. Spongberg 65-204 1965-8-17
GH: 02069962 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Mountains about the head waters of Clear Cre... H. N. Patterson 244 1892-8
GH: 02069961 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado T. 39 N., R. 14 W. M. Ownbey 1480 1937-8-26
GH: 02069960 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado [data not captured] J. C. Frémont 128 1845-9-2
GH: 02069959 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069958 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069953 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Mts. of Colorado W. M. Canby 1871-8
GH: 02069954 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado South Park W. M. Canby 1871-8
GH: 02069955 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Utah east of Gunnison L. F. Ward 671 1875-9-1
GH: 02069956 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Arizona Sierra Blanca J. T. Rothrock 798 1874
GH: 02069952 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado [no additional data] F. W. Hunnewell 3180 1914-8-28
GH: 02069951 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Near Rosita [data not captured] 1898
GH: 02069950 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Near Rosita [data not captured] 1898
GH: 02069949 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado [no additional data] F. W. Hunnewell 1910-7-31
GH: 02069948 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado [no additional data] F. W. Hunnewell 12137 1931-8-11
GH: 02069947 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Mts. about the head waters of Clear Creek. H. N. Patterson 1885-8
GH: 02069946 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Trails End, Colorado A. Nelson 10013 1923-8-26
GH: 02069945 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado South Park Miss E. L. Hughes 2 1892-8-20
GH: 02069944 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado North Fork L. N. Goodding 1930 1903-8-17
GH: 02069943 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado South Hardscrabble Creek, 5 miles s. of Wetm... J. A. Ewan 15360 1943-9-4
GH: 02069942 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Gypsum Creek Canon. C. S. Crandall 97 1894-8-8
GH: 02069941 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Cascade, El Paso Co. I. W. Clokey 3834 1920-8-30
GH: 02069940 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Twin Lakes I. W. Clokey 3570 1919-7-31
GH: 02069939 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Crystal Park F. E. Clements & E. G. Clements 93 1901-9-4
GH: 02069938 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Trail Glen F. E. Clements & E. G. Clements 68 1901-8-24
GH: 02069937 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado 5 mi. Above Twin lakes. Along Colo. 82. B. Maguire & G. Piranian 12857 1935-8-28
GH: 02069936 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Gunnison: [no additional data] C. F. Baker 827 1901-8-16
GH: 02069935 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Wyoming Bridger Pan, Rocky Mts. H. Engelmann 1856
GH: 02069934 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado From the head-waters of Clear creek, and the... C. C. Parry 1861
GH: 02069933 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado Roosevelt National Forest. Along Tolland Rd,... R. M. King & R. M. Garvey 14029 2005-8-25
GH: 02069994 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Islands Park [data not captured] 841 1899-9-2
GH: 02069968 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Timber Creek, Caribou Forest W. W. Eggleston 9960
GH: 02069969 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho At west edge of Stanley A. Cronquist [do not use; A. J. Cr... 3678 1941-8-7
GH: 02069970 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho 10 miles northwest of Gray's Lake J. M. Gillett & H. Senn 6040 1951-8-25
GH: 02069971 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho 4 miles se. of Tensed, on Highway 95, near S... J. M. Gillett 6051 1951-9-4
GH: 02069972 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Bascom's Ranch J. F. Macbride 626 1910-8-18
GH: 02069973 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Pinehurst J. F. Macbride 1675 1911-8-17
GH: 02069974 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Lost River Mts., East Fork Pahsimeroi River C. L. Hitchcock & C. V. Muhlick 11130 1944-8-14
GH: 02069975 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Montpelier A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride 1609 1911-8-4
GH: 02069976 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Near Rathdrum J. H. Sandberg, D. T. MacDougal & ... 725 1892-7-25
GH: 02069993 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Island Park L. F. Henderson 4841 1899-9-3
GH: 02069992 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Mackay A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride 1578 1911-8-1
GH: 02069991 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Russian John Ranger Station J. F. Macbride & E. B. Payson 3791 1916-8-14
GH: 02069990 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho North of Alturas Lake J. F. Macbride & E. B. Payson 3728 1916-8-11
GH: 02069989 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Jordan Creek J. F. Macbride & E. B. Payson 3447 1916-7-26
GH: 02069988 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Near [?] A. I. Mulford 1892-8-10
GH: 02069987 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho About Lake Pend D' Oreille, near Lakeview A. A. Heller 725
GH: 02069986 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Valley of N. Fork of Coeur D'Alene River J. B. Leiberg 1531 1895-8-13
GH: 02069985 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho About Moscow L. F. Henderson 2750 1894-8-18
GH: 02069984 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Central Idaho near White Bird Hill A. Nelson & R. A. Nelson 2999 1938-8-15
GH: 02069983 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Boise National Forest, 12 miles south of Low... J. M. Gillett & H. Senn C. Frankton 6044 1951-8-30
GH: 02069982 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Hot spring [?] Boise Nat's Forest F. A. MacFadden 25349 1942-9-17
GH: 02069981 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Camas Prairie J. F. Macbride & E. B. Payson 3801 1916-8-15
GH: 02069980 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Tamarack J. A. Clarke 197 1911-8-7
GH: 02069979 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Just over Galena Pass, Sawtooth Range J. W. Thompson 13650 1936-8-4
GH: 02069978 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho At end of road along Hyndman Creek J. W. Thompson 13518 1936-7-27
GH: 02069977 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho 15 miles south of Hailey J. W. Thomas 13486 1936-7-26
GH: 02072029 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: New Mexico Southern Rocky Mountains; Rio Grande River D... R. T. Clausen SR240 1962-8-29
GH: 02072028 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: New Mexico Santa Fe National Forest.Johnsons Mesa J. L. Sagalyn 100 1937-8-24
GH: 02072027 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: New Mexico [no additional data] Mrs. O. St. John 1894-9
GH: 02072026 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: New Mexico United States Copper Company Sawmill, head o... W. W. Eggleston 16029 1919-9-19
GH: 02072024 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: New Mexico Gulf Slope; So. Rocky Mts.; Rio Grande Basin... R. T. Clausen & H. Trapido 5270 1940-9-5
GH: 02072023 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Nevada Ruby Valley S. Watson 951 1868-9
GH: 02072025 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Utah Bear River Canyon S. Watson 951 1869-8
GH: 02072022 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Nevada [data not captured] J. Torrey 296 1865
GH: 02072021 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072020 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072019 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072018 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072017 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072016 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072015 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072014 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072013 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Nevada [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072012 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072011 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072010 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072009 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072008 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072006 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072007 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072005 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072004 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072003 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072001 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Wyoming Upper Big Wind River. A. Nelson 754 1894-8-10
GH: 02072002 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072000 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069999 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069998 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069997 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069996 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02069995 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072056 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: South Dakota 1/4 mi. E. Deerfield H. A. "Steve" Stephens 16800 1967-8-18
GH: 02072055 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: South Dakota Rapid Creek, 1-1/2 miles below Rochford J. Murdoch, Jr. 4279 1910-8-4
GH: 02072053 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072052 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072050 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072051 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072049 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072048 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072047 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072046 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072045 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072044 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072043 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072042 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072041 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072040 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072039 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072038 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02072037 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]