<< < Previous Hymenophyllaceae GH: 02581726 Hymenophyllum serrulatum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 28088 1932-1-27
A: 02581725 Hymenophyllum serrulatum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Columbon river M. S. Clemens 1933
A: 02581724 Hymenophyllum serrulatum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Marai Parai M. S. Clemens 33162 1933
GH: 02581723 Hymenophyllum serrulatum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Marai Parai M. S. Clemens 32751 1933
GH: 02581722 Hymenophyllum serrulatum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Gurulau Spur D. L. Topping 1617 1915-11-7
GH: 02581721 Hymenophyllum serrulatum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Marai Parai M. S. Clemens 32395 1933
A: 02581719 Hymenophyllum serrulatum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Trail to Kamburanga J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 28005 1932-1-7
GH: 02581718 Hymenophyllum serrulatum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Paka-Kamuranga trail. Paka Cav... D. L. Topping 1731 1915-11-15
A: 02581717 Hymenophyllum serrulatum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Malaysia: Sarawak Gat, Upper Rejang River J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 22018 1929
GH: 02581716 Hymenophyllum serrulatum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Paka-Kamburanga trail. Paka Ca... D. L. Topping 1733 1915-11-15
GH: 02552186 Hymenophyllum serrulatum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Papua New Guinea: Central Mt. Tafa L. J. Brass 4055 1933-5
A: 02552185 Hymenophyllum serrulatum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Papua New Guinea: Woodlark Isl.; mountains behind Luluai L. J. Brass 28781 1956-11-18
A: 02552184 Hymenophyllum serrulatum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Papua New Guinea: Northern Near Doma village. P. J. B. Woods 234 1962-11-2
A: 02552358 Hymenophyllum serrulatum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Philippines: Luzon: Mt. Pulog M. Jacobs 7303 1968-2-3
A: 02552359 Hymenophyllum serrulatum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Philippines: Luzon: Mt. Tabayoc M. Jacobs 7466 1968-2-15
GH: 00106953 Hymenophyllum sieberi (C. Presl) Bosch Guatemala: Zacapa Sierra de Las Minas, near summit of Volcan G... J. A. Steyermark 43302 1942-1-26
GH: 00021390 Hymenophyllum silvaticum C. V. Morton Colombia: Valle del Cauca Forest along Rio Caballete, alt. 200-300 m E. P. Killip 11557 1922-9-22
GH: 00308423 Hymenophyllum simonsianum Hooker : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 20533
GH: 00291421 Hymenophyllum simonsianum Hooker : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 28345
GH: 00291424 Hymenophyllum simonsianum Hooker : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 28373
GH: 00021391 Hymenophyllum simplex C. V. Morton Peru: Ayacucho Tambillo C. Jelski 897 1878-7-8
GH: 00021393 Hymenophyllum smithii Hooker Philippines: Luzon Island H. Cuming 264
GH: 00021392 Hymenophyllum smithii Hooker Philippines: Luzon Island H. Cuming 221
GH: 00309815 Hymenophyllum sp. : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 19498
A: 02581759 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Slope of Gunung Salak W. S. Hoover & D. Girmansyah 31930 2000-2-22
A: 02581758 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi: Gorontalo: Gunung Gambuta M. Mendum, H. J. Atkins, M. F. New... 90 2002-4-11
A: 02581757 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi: Gorontalo: Gunung Gambuta M. Mendum, H. J. Atkins, M. F. New... 89 2002-4-11
A: 02581756 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi: Gorontalo: Gunung Gambuta M. Mendum, H. J. Atkins, M. F. New... 102 2002-4-12
A: 02581755 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, along Cikaniki... W. S. Hoover, D. Girmansyah & J. M... 32097 2000-3-7
A: 02581753 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, east of Gunung... W. S. Hoover, D. Girmansyah & J. M... 32011 2000-3-4
A: 02581754 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, east of Gunung... W. S. Hoover, D. Girmansyah & J. M... 32012 2000-3-4
A: 02581752 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, east of Gunung... W. S. Hoover, D. Girmansyah & J. M... 32010 2000-3-4
A: 02581751 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tenggara (Southeast Sulawesi) Air Terjun Silui, Kecamatan Uluiwoi, Kolaka A. Hidayat AH 3572 2008-5-14
A: 02581750 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tenggara (Southeast Sulawesi) Mt. Watuwila, Distr. Kolaka. top of Mt. Poin... D. Girmansyah 934 2008-5-16
GH: 02581928 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Papua: 15 km SW of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg R... L. J. Brass 11867 1939-1
GH: 02581921 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Papua: Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia... R. J. Johns 9859 1999-3-13
A: 02552231 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Papua Jayapura: distr. Hollandia, Cycloop Mountain... P. van Royen & H. O. Sleumer 6419 1961-8-3
A: 02552230 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Papua: Kamiri. Lit a sec d'une petite rivier... J. Raynal 16852 1973-3-27
A: 02552248 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Papua: Kabupaten Manokwari; Kecamatan Manokw... M. J. S. Sands Jitmau, Markus, War... 6388 1994-4-27
A: 02552247 Hymenophyllum sp. Indonesia: Papua: Kabupaten Manokwari; Kecamatan Manokw... M. J. S. Sands Jitmau, Markus, War... 6387 1994-4-27
A: 02581749 Hymenophyllum sp. Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands, G. Brinchang, near summit S. N. Phoon S. Lindsay 53352 2007-3-22
GH: 02581748 Hymenophyllum sp. Malaysia: Penang Penang, E. Indies W. Gourlie
GH: 02581747 Hymenophyllum sp. Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Paka-Kamburanga trail. Paka Ca... D. L. Topping 1725 1915-11-15
A: 02581927 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Southern slopes Mt. Scorpion, Sta... J. R. Croft & Y. LeLean LAE 65959 1975-5-22
A: 02581926 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Minj-Nona Divide, Kubor Range S. of Minj R. Pullen 5318 1963-8-31
GH: 02581925 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Mt. Suckling. D. W. Bierhorst 371 1972-7
A: 00309694 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Enga Waile Creek area, expedition Camp 1, ridge n... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & A. Towati 19738 2005-8-24
A: 02552236 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Star Mts, Mt Antares, 1 km east of junction ... C. Kalkman 4376 1959-7-4
A: 02552235 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Ambunti-Drekikier: Eastern ridge of Sumset (... R. D. Hoogland & L. A. Craven 10865 1966-8-9
A: 02552234 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Mt. Hunstein, around 'Camp 4' area. W. N. Takeuchi 5353 1989-10-9
A: 02552233 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik peaks ca. 4 miles N. of Wigote Village (Torr... P. J. Darbyshire 417 1961-9-15
A: 02552232 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe East slope of Mt. Rawlinson, along Gang Cree... R. D. Hoogland 9164 1964-6-14
A: 02552229 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands ridge complex W of the Hides 3 helipad/basec... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Towati & T. Jis... 19196 2005-4-28
A: 02552251 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: New Ireland Lower slopes of caldera rim W of Luise Harbo... J. R. Croft 2045 1984-11-11
GH: 02552250 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Nassaugeb. W W. M. Docters van Leeuwen 10929 1926-10
A: 02552249 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, along Taba... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & A. Towati 15231 2001-2-24
A: 02552246 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay SW slopes of Mt. Rossel, Rossel Island J. R. Croft LAE 71376 1979-3-20
A: 02552245 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Gulf Lakekamu, east branch of the Avi Avi River; ... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Kulang 11404 1996-10-22
A: 02552244 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Gulf Lakekamu; east branch of the Avi Avi River; ... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Kulang 11310 1996-10-17
A: 02552243 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands ridge complex W of Hides 3 helipad/basecamp W. N. Takeuchi, A. Towati & T. Jis... 19200 2005-4-28
A: 02552242 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands ridge W of the Hides 3 helipad/basecamp, spu... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Towati & T. Jis... 19117 2005-4-26
A: 02552241 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands ridge complex W of the Hides 3 helipad/basec... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Towati & T. Jis... 19203 2005-4-28
A: 02552240 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Juha South W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 23114 2008-2-18
A: 02552239 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Baia River, survey track B W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 22917 2008-2-13
A: 02552238 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands South Karius, survey track C W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 22747 2008-2-10
A: 02552237 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Juha South (Expedition Bivouac 2), survey tr... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 23210 2008-2-20
A: 02305054 Hymenophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Muller Range, Apalu Reke (Expedition Camp 3) W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & B. Gamui 24813 2009-9-20
GH: 02552370 Hymenophyllum sp. Philippines: Mindoro: Mt. Halcon E. D. Merrill 6080 1906-11
GH: 02552371 Hymenophyllum sp. Philippines: Camarines Sur Mt. Isarog G. E. Edaño 76539 1928-12
GH: 02552372 Hymenophyllum sp. Philippines: Mindoro: Mt. Halcon E. D. Merrill 6082 1906-11
A: 02552252 Hymenophyllum sp. Solomon Islands: Ysabel Island: Tiratona L. J. Brass 3305
GH: 02552253 Hymenophyllum sp. Solomon Islands: Ysabel Island: Tiratona L. J. Brass 3305
GH: 00021394 Hymenophyllum sphaerocarpum Bosch India: Sikkim 8000-10000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00021395 Hymenophyllum splendidum Bosch Equatorial Guinea: Fernando Po G. Mann
A: 02552189 Hymenophyllum thuidium Harrington Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay North slopes of Mt. Dayman, Maneau Range. L. J. Brass 23572 1953-7-21
A: 02552188 Hymenophyllum thuidium Harrington Papua New Guinea: Din R, Busilmin, Star Mts J. R. Croft 23 1975-4-23
A: 02552187 Hymenophyllum thuidium Harrington Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Raba Raba: Junction Ugat and Mayu Rivers, ne... H. Streimann & P. Katik NGF 28844 1972-7-13
GH: 00021397 Hymenophyllum thuidium Harrington Philippines: Mountains of Panay Island J. B. Steere
GH: 02552355 Hymenophyllum thuidium Harrington Philippines: Mindanao: San Ramon E. B. Copeland 1907
GH: 00021355 Hymenophyllum tomentosum Kunze Venezuela: Mérida Tabay, 2700 m W. Gehriger 584 1930-10-20
GH: 00021398 Hymenophyllum trapezoidale Liebmann Mexico: Puebla F. M. Liebmann
GH: 00021399 Hymenophyllum trichopyllum buesii C. V. Morton Peru: Cuzco Abra Mirador, 3150 m. C. Bues 2076 1934-9-29
GH: 00021400 Hymenophyllum umbratile Diem & J. S. Lichtenstein Argentina: Neuquén Peninsula Quetrihue, Lago Nahuel Huapi J. Diem 370 1941-2-15
GH: 00021401 Hymenophyllum verecundum C. V. Morton Peru: Huánuco Distrito Churubamba, crest of Santo Toribio,... Y. E. J. Mexia 8143a 1936-9-8
GH: 00021402 Hymenophyllum vincentinum Baker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincents Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 604
GH: 00021403 Hymenophyllum wrightii Bosch Japan: Hokkaido Mountains northeast of Hakodate C. Wright 1853
GH: 00021404 Hymenophyllum zollingerianum Kunze Indonesia: Java
GH: 00021494 Leptocionium barbatum Bosch China:
GH: 00021614 Macroglena truncata Copeland French Polynesia: Rapa: Kaimaru, south ridge of Mt. Perahu H. St. John & J. Maireau 15527 1934-7-13
GH: 00308140 Mecodium : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 19959
A: 00309686 Mecodium bismarckianum (Christ) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Enga Paiela area, expedition Camp 2, at top of wa... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & A. Towati 20043 2005-9-1
GH: 00021357 Mecodium hainanense Ching China: Hainan C. Wang 35803 1933-12-22
GH: 00021369 Mecodium mexiae Copeland Peru: Huánuco Near confluence of Rio Cayumba with Huallaga... Y. E. J. Mexia 8282 1936-10-12
A: 00309942 Mecodium microsorum (Bosch) Ching : D. E. Boufford, J. H. Chen, K. Fuj... 32602
A: 00288805 Mecodium polyanthos (Swartz) Copeland : D. E. Boufford & Y. Jia 37841
A: 00288806 Mecodium polyanthos (Swartz) Copeland : D. E. Boufford & Y. Jia 37803
A: 00309679 Mecodium reinwardtii (Bosch) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Enga Paiela area, expedition Camp 2, footpath to ... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & A. Towati 19861 2005-8-28
A: 00309685 Mecodium reinwardtii (Bosch) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Enga Paiela area, expedition Camp 2, about halfwa... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & A. Towati 19973 2005-8-30
A: 00309697 Mecodium reinwardtii (Bosch) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Enga Porgera area, Waile Road near the water pipe... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & A. Towati 20300 2005-9-8
A: 00103651 Mecodium stenochladum Ching China: Yunnan Northwest Likiang, Mo-s-chi on Yangtze, mois... K. M. Feng 433 1939-3-9
A: 00103652 Mecodium wangii Ching China: Yunnan Wei-si Hsien, Yah-Chih, woods, 3600 m C. W. Wang 68672 1935-8
GH: 00021634 Meringium archboldii Copeland Indonesia: Papua 15 km. southwest of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg ... L. J. Brass 12328 1939-1
GH: 00021635 Meringium latifolium Copeland Indonesia: Papua 18 km. northeast of Lake Habbema, 2200 m. L. J. Brass 11091 1938-11
GH: 00021636 Meringium melanosorum Copeland Indonesia: Papua 2 km. east of Wilhelmina-top, 3800 m. L. J. Brass & E. Meijer Drees 10327 1938-9
GH: 00025727 Microgonium omphalodes Vieillard ex E. Fournier New Caledonia: Wagap
A: 00309692 Myriodon brassii (C. Christensen) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Enga Waile Creek area, expedition Camp 1, on ridg... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & A. Towati 19745 2005-8-24
A: 00309696 Pleuromanes pallidum (Blume) C. Presl Papua New Guinea: Enga Paiela area, expedition Camp 2, about halfwa... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & A. Towati 19916 2005-8-29
GH: 00022265 Pleuromanes retusum Copeland Indonesia: Papua 15 km. southwest of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg ... L. J. Brass 12204 1939-1
GH: 02552375 Polyphlebium werneri (Rosenstock) Ebihara & K. Iwats. Indonesia: Papua Hollandia T. C. Baim 37 1945-3-28
GH: 02552374 Polyphlebium werneri (Rosenstock) Ebihara & K. Iwats. Papua New Guinea: W slopes of Mt Albert Edward, Kosipe Basin, ... J. R. Croft 1476 1981-12-26
A: 02552373 Polyphlebium werneri (Rosenstock) Ebihara & K. Iwats. Papua New Guinea: New Ireland Logging area E of Mt Apal region, northern H... J. R. Croft 1968 1984-10-31
A: 01126772 Selenodesmium siamense (Christ) Ching & Chu H. Wang China: Guangdong WNW of city of Guangzhou and directly E of c... D. E. Boufford & S. H. Shi 30377 2002-12-6
GH: 00022127 Sphaerocionium macrocarpum C. Presl Philippines: H. Cuming 130
GH: 00022195 Trichomanes acutum C. Presl Philippines: Luzon Island H. Cuming 219
GH: 00368010 Trichomanes acutum C. Presl Philippines: H. Cuming 219 1836
GH: 02552376 Trichomanes alatum Swartz Malaysia: Sabah D. W. Indies; Saba I. Boldingh 2206a 1906
GH: 00022196 Trichomanes anceps Wallich Nepal: Wallich Cat. 166 1821
GH: 00022198 Trichomanes apiifolium C. Presl Philippines: Luzon Island H. Cuming 190
GH: 00022197 Trichomanes apiifolium C. Presl Philippines: Luzon Island H. Cuming 137
GH: 00022199 Trichomanes asplenioides C. Presl Philippines: Luzon Island H. Cuming 184
GH: 00032416 Trichomanes aureovestitum Proctor Jamaica: East slope of the John Crow Mountains, ca. 1... G. R. Proctor 5568 1951-3-20
GH: 00022223 Trichomanes auriculatum Blume Philippines: Luzon Island H. Cuming 129
GH: 00022200 Trichomanes badium E. Fournier Cuba: C. Wright 900 1856
GH: 00022201 Trichomanes bicorne Hooker Brazil: Prope San Gabriel ad Rio Negro R. Spruce 2334 1852-3
GH: 00022202 Trichomanes bimarginatum Bosch Fiji: Wilkes Expedition 1838
GH: 00022212 Trichomanes bimarginatum Bosch Sri Lanka: G. H. K. Thwaites CP 2986
GH: 00022213 Trichomanes brachyblastos Mettenius ex Kuhn Peru: San Martín Tarapoto: R. Spruce 1856-8
GH: 00022214 Trichomanes caespifrons C. Christensen Fiji: Kandavu, hills above Namalata and Ngaloa Bay... Albert C. Smith 78 1933-10-13
GH: 00022215 Trichomanes caespitosum elongatum Hooker Chile: H. Cuming
GH: 00368010 Trichomanes cellulosum Klotzsch Philippines: H. Cuming 219 1836
GH: 00022216 Trichomanes christii Copeland Philippines: Baco River, Mindoro Island E. D. Merrill 1819 1903-4
GH: 00022217 Trichomanes crassipilis Weatherby Dominican Republic: Quita Espuela , vicinity of San Francisco de... W. L. Abbott 2114a 1922-4-5
GH: 00022218 Trichomanes cultratum Baker Fiji: J. Horne 1078 1877
GH: 00022220 Trichomanes curranii Weatherby Venezuela: Cerro Sta. Ana, Paraguana Peninsula H. M. Curran & M. Haman 672 1917-4-13
GH: 00022221 Trichomanes daguensi Weatherby Colombia: Valle del Cauca Cordoba, alt. 80-100 m E. P. Killip 5251 1922-5-8
GH: 00022269 Trichomanes dentatum Bosch Fiji: B. C. Seemann 782 1860
GH: 00022223 Trichomanes dissectum J. Smith Philippines: Luzon Island H. Cuming 129
GH: 00022224 Trichomanes draytonianum Brackenridge : Hawaii Wilkes Expedition 1838
A: 00022231 Trichomanes ekmanii Wessels Boer Dominican Republic: Cordillera Central, prov. Santo Domingo, La ... E. L. Ekman H14342 1930-3-3
GH: 00022232 Trichomanes elatum Bosch Philippines: Luzon Island H. Cuming 162
GH: 00022233 Trichomanes erectum Brackenridge Fiji: Wilkes Expedition 1838
GH: 00046301 Trichomanes filiforme J. W. Sturm Brazil: Prope San Gabriel da Cachoeiras ad Rio Negro R. Spruce 2278 1852-3
GH: 00022234 Trichomanes flavofuscum Bosch New Caledonia: E. Vieillard 1653
GH: 00022235 Trichomanes gardneri Bosch Brazil: Ceará George Gardner 1908 1838
GH: 00022236 Trichomanes gemmatum J. Smith ex Hooker & Baker Malaysia: Malacca H. Cuming 400
GH: 00022237 Trichomanes godmanii Hooker Panama: S. Hayes 33 1859
GH: 00022232 Trichomanes grande Copeland Philippines: Luzon Island H. Cuming 162
GH: 00022238 Trichomanes haughtii Maxon Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 2095 1936-12-7
GH: 00022239 Trichomanes hawaiiense Copeland : Hawaii Oahu, lower slopes of Konahuanui, above Mano... A. A. Heller 2179 1895-4-25
GH: 00022240 Trichomanes henzaianum Parish Myanmar: Terasserim S. B. Parish 10313
GH: 00022241 Trichomanes huberi Christ Brazil: Cunani, Exc. Lago Tralhote im Wald zw. den C... J. E. Huber 1099 1895-10-18
GH: 00022242 Trichomanes hymenophylloides Bosch Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent L. Guilding 1817
GH: 00022243 Trichomanes intermedium Bosch Fiji: Wilkes Expedition 1838
GH: 00139590 Trichomanes intermedium Bosch Samoa: Samoan or Navigators' Islands. South Pacific... Wilkes Expedition 18 1838
GH: 00752953 Trichomanes intricatum Farrar USA: Massachusetts New Marlborough: New Marlborough B. A. Sorrie 5107 1990-6-28
GH: 00022244 Trichomanes killipii Weatherby Colombia: Valle del Cauca Buenaventura, alt. 0-10 m E. P. Killip 11727 1922-10-5
GH: 00022245 Trichomanes krugii Christ Cuba: Ysabel Maria C. Wright 903 1859
GH: 00022246 Trichomanes latemarginale D. C. Eaton China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00022247 Trichomanes latifrons Bosch Bhutan: W. Griffith
GH: 00022248 Trichomanes luzonicum C. Presl Philippines: Luzon Island H. Cuming 98
GH: 00022249 Trichomanes mannii Hooker Equatorial Guinea: Fernando Po G. Mann
GH: 00022250 Trichomanes martinezii Rovirosa Mexico: Chiapas In umbrosis sylvis Laguna de Lacaujá
GH: 00022251 Trichomanes melanopus Baker Ecuador: R. Spruce 5354 1857
GH: 00022252 Trichomanes merrillii Copeland Philippines: Palawan Island of Paragua, E-wi-ig River, 1700 feet E. D. Merrill 716 1903-2-18
GH: 00216533 Trichomanes micropubescens Proctor Jamaica: West Indies: Jamaica. Parish: Portland. Alon... G. R. Proctor 38554 1980-1-23
GH: 00022253 Trichomanes mindorense Christ Philippines: Binabay River, Mindoro Island E. D. Merrill 6060 1906-11
GH: 00022254 Trichomanes motleyi Bosch Malaysia: Sabah Borneo [pr. Laboan] (Labuan) J. Motley
GH: 00022255 Trichomanes nitidulum Bosch Sri Lanka: G. H. K. Thwaites CP 3278
GH: 00022257 Trichomanes obscurum Blume Philippines: Luzon Island H. Cuming 134
GH: 00022258 Trichomanes omphalodes (Vieillard ex E. Fournier) C. Christensen : T. Powell
GH: 00025727 Trichomanes omphalodes (Vieillard ex E. Fournier) C. Christensen New Caledonia: Wagap
GH: 00368010 Trichomanes pallidum Blume Philippines: H. Cuming 219 1836
GH: 00022256 Trichomanes palmatum C. Presl Philippines: Luzon Island H. Cuming 209
GH: 00022257 Trichomanes papillatum Müller Stuttgart Philippines: Luzon Island H. Cuming 134
GH: 00022258 Trichomanes peltatum Baker : T. Powell
GH: 00022259 Trichomanes pervenulosum Alderwerelt Indonesia: Maluku Amboina C. B. Robinson 1947 1913-11
GH: 00022260 Trichomanes petersii A. Gray USA: Alabama Moulton: T. M. Peters 1853-6-1
GH: 01005701 Trichomanes petersii A. Gray USA: Alabama Winslow Co. T. M. Peters & G. E. Davenport 1876
GH: 00022235 Trichomanes pilosum Raddi Brazil: Ceará George Gardner 1908 1838
A: 00022262 Trichomanes polypodioides Linnaeus United Kingdom: England: Island of Montserrat, Olveston (Dub... G. R. Proctor 19068 1959-2-7
GH: 00022263 Trichomanes polystromaticum Bierhorst New Caledonia: Along trail from Dumbea Dam to Montagne de S... D. W. Bierhorst NC460 1965-12-27
A: 02552377 Trichomanes preslianum Nakai Indonesia: Kepulauan Riau Tigapulu Mts., 5 km W of Talanglakat on Reng... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 1846 1988-12-4
GH: 00022264 Trichomanes punctatum floridanum Wessels Boer USA: Florida A. A. Eaton 561 1903-12-13
GH: 00022196 Trichomanes radicans Swartz Nepal: Wallich Cat. 166 1821
GH: 00022265 Trichomanes retusum (Copeland) C. V. Morton Indonesia: Papua 15 km. southwest of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg ... L. J. Brass 12204 1939-1
GH: 00022266 Trichomanes rhipidophyllum Slosson Colombia: Magdalena Santa Marta Herbert H. Smith 2445 1898-8
GH: 00022222 Trichomanes sandvicense Bosch : Hawaii Wilkes Expedition 1838
GH: 00022267 Trichomanes saxifragoides C. Presl Philippines: Luzon Island H. Cuming 256
GH: 00022268 Trichomanes schmidianum F. Zenker India: Mont. Nilghiri & Kurg. L. B. E. Schmid
GH: 00022269 Trichomanes seemannii Carruthers Fiji: B. C. Seemann 782 1860
GH: 00021365 Trichomanes sericeum Swartz Peru: San Martín Tarapoto: In monte Campana R. Spruce 4694 1856-8
GH: 00022252 Trichomanes setaceum Bosch Philippines: Palawan Island of Paragua, E-wi-ig River, 1700 feet E. D. Merrill 716 1903-2-18
A: 02528196 Trichomanes sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Josephstaal: [no additional data] D. Ama & W. N. Takeuchi 2006-6
A: 02528197 Trichomanes sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Ambunti-Drekikier: Waskuk Hills, Seringyam n... W. N. Takeuchi & D. Ama 22138 2007-11-15
A: 02528198 Trichomanes sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Ambunti-Drekikier: Waskuk Hills, Seringyam n... W. N. Takeuchi & D. Ama 22138 2007-11-15
NEBC: 00752950 Trichomanes sp. USA: Massachusetts Leverett: Leverett, south of Roaring Brook, ... L. J. Mehrhoff; T. R. Webster & D.... 1987-5-17
GH: 00752951 Trichomanes sp. USA: Massachusetts Leverett: Leverett near Sunderland town line... R. J. Hickey 637 1978-5-21
GH: 00752952 Trichomanes sp. USA: Massachusetts at the base of Mt. Toby B. W. McAlpin 2573 1977
GH: 01154820 Trichomanes sp. USA: Massachusetts Sunderland: Mt. Toby, near the railroad M. W. Frohlich 2053 1977-5-29
GH: 00022270 Trichomanes sprucei Baker Brazil: Prope Panuré ad Rio Uaupés R. Spruce 2838 1852-10
GH: 00022271 Trichomanes sublimbatum Müller Stuttgart Indonesia: Java H. Zollinger 3500
GH: 00022272 Trichomanes tenue Brackenridge French Polynesia: Tahiti Wilkes Expedition 1838
GH: 00022273 Trichomanes tuerckheimii Christ Guatemala: Alta Verapaz Cubilqiutz, alt. 350 m H. v. Türckheim 8348 1902-1
GH: 00022274 Trichomanes vieillardii Bosch New Caledonia: E. Vieillard 1661 1861
A: 00046302 Trichomanes windischianum Lellinger Suriname: Tafelberg (Table Mountain), bottom of Arrowh... B. Maguire 24621 1944-9-3
GH: 02552390 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Jawa: Perbati, western slope of Mount Salak,... W. Palmer & O. Bryant 697 1909-5-30
GH: 02552389 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Jawa Timur (East Java) Montes Tengger, Wonosari J. P. Mousset 1906
GH: 02552386 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) [no additional data] J. C. Ploem 1889
GH: 02552385 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) Monte [?] V. F. Schiffner P255 1894-7-26
GH: 02552384 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Jawa: Prov. Batavia. In monte Salak V. F. Schiffner 1893
A: 02552381 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) O. Sibajak, oberes Petanital, Urwald, an Sta... J. A. Lörzing 15128 1929-2-5
A: 02552378 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Track Sopu-valley to Mnt Roroka Timbu E. Hennipman 5161 1979-4-30
A: 02552441 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Papua Jayapura: distr. Hollandia, Cycloop Mountain... P. van Royen & H. O. Sleumer 5719 1961-6-7
GH: 02552397 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Lobang D. L. Topping 1781 1915-11-18
GH: 02552396 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Lobang D. L. Topping 1776 1915-11-17
GH: 02552395 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Gurulau Spur D. L. Topping 1828 1915-11-21
GH: 02552394 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Kiau to Lobang D. L. Topping 1639 1915-11-10
GH: 02552393 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Kiau to Lobang D. L. Topping 1601 1915-11-5
GH: 02552392 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Gurulau Spur D. L. Topping 1834 1915-11-21
GH: 02552391 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Gurulau Spur D. L. Topping 1830 1915-11-21
A: 02552388 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Pahang Fraser's Hill B. E. G. Molesworth 3993 1958-6-29
A: 02552387 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 29347 1932-4-20
GH: 02552383 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Lobang to Kiau D. L. Topping 1810 1915-11-19
GH: 02552382 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Gurulau Spur D. L. Topping 1827 1915-11-21
A: 02552380 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands. Lower slopes G. Batu Brin... B. E. G. Molesworth 4972 1963-5-1
GH: 02552379 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 29347 1932-4-20
GH: 02552445 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Dallas - Tenompok Spur J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 27736 1931-12-31
GH: 02552446 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe Boana M. S. Clemens 41543 1940-7-4
A: 02552444 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: New Ireland Namatanai: Hans Meyer Range, 10 km WNW Taron J. R. Croft & M. J. S. Sands LAE 68313 1975-10-10
A: 02552443 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe [no additional data] M. S. Clemens 766 1935-11-2
A: 02552442 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe Head of Kulolo R. Wau. Sub-dist. Wau H. Streimann NGF 39484 1969-6-23
A: 02552440 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Maprik: Wewak-Angoram Area, Sepik District. ... R. Pullen 1551 1959-8-21
A: 02552439 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe 7 miles East of Bulolo, Wau Subdistrict H. Streimann NGF 47809 1970-6-11
A: 02552438 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe Gumi. Bulolo S. P. A. Kairo Kairo 88 1978-11-2
A: 02552437 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Boridi C. E. Carr 14298 1935-9-30
A: 02552436 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Madang Josephstaal: [no additional data] D. Ama & W. N. Takeuchi 2006-6
GH: 02552435 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe Sattelberg M. S. Clemens 3061 1936-5-7
A: 02552434 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Arau L. J. Brass 31916 1959-10-7
A: 02552433 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kassam L. J. Brass 32379 1959-11-3
A: 02552432 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: New Ireland Logging area E of Mt Apal region, northern H... J. R. Croft 1970 1984-10-31
A: 02552431 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Hela Tari: Mt. Bosavi K. Q. Damas LAE 58845 1986-8-22
A: 02552430 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58682 1973-6-9
GH: 02552487 Vandenboschia johnstonensis (Bailey) Copeland Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin (Mt. Bulusan) A. D. E. Elmer 16185 1916-5
GH: 02552486 Vandenboschia johnstonensis (Bailey) Copeland Philippines: Negros Occidental Mt. Canlaon E. B. Copeland 1907-7
GH: 02552485 Vandenboschia johnstonensis (Bailey) Copeland Philippines: Negros Oriental Lake Danao. Sibulan G. E. Edaño PNH 5174 1948-8
GH: 02552484 Vandenboschia johnstonensis (Bailey) Copeland Philippines: Negros Oriental Masaplad River. Cuernos de Negros G. E. Edaño PNH 5263 1948-5-25
GH: 02552483 Vandenboschia johnstonensis (Bailey) Copeland Philippines: Negros Oriental Dumaguete A. D. E. Elmer 9878 1908-4
GH: 02552482 Vandenboschia johnstonensis (Bailey) Copeland Philippines: Negros Oriental Dumaguete A. D. E. Elmer 10268 1908-4
GH: 02552481 Vandenboschia johnstonensis (Bailey) Copeland Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin (Mt. Bulusan) A. D. E. Elmer 16937 1916-8
GH: 02552417 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Jawa: Mt. Rasamala M. Raciborski
A: 02552416 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Jawa: Fandat[?] J. P. Mousset 628 1913-5
GH: 02552407 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Maluku Ambon, Pulau: Batoe Gantoeng J. G. Boerlage 538 1900-8-8
GH: 02552406 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Jawa: Environs de Lawang J. P. Mousset 134 1909-2-16
GH: 02552405 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) In monte Singalang V. F. Schiffner P253 1893
GH: 02552404 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] C. L. Blume
GH: 02552402 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Kalimantan: Archipel. Ind. Borneo Amdjah 498 1898
GH: 02552401 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Jawa: Vicinity of Tjibodas (Mountain station... W. Palmer & O. Bryant 785 1909-8-16
GH: 02552400 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Jawa Timur (East Java) Tengger montes, Worosari J. P. Mousset 1909
A: 02552399 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Jawa Tengah (Central Java) Slamet Mt W. S. Hoover, J. M. Hunter, H. Wir... ARs 133 2004-3-18
A: 02552398 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Jawa Tengah (Central Java) Slamet Mt W. S. Hoover, J. M. Hunter, H. Wir... Deden 58 2004-3-14
A: 02552429 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Barat (W. Sunda Isl.) Sumbawa: Mt. Batulanteh, NW slope A. J. G. H. Kostermans 18732 1961-5-8
GH: 02552428 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) Batang Paloepoeh (Sumatra's Westkust) E. Jacobson, Sr. 82 1930-1
A: 02552427 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Riau Tigapuluh Mts., 10 km SW of Talanglakat on R... J. S. Burley 2144 1988-11-25
A: 02552426 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Sulawesi Selatan (South Sulawesi) Mnt wawonseru, S.W. of Soroako. E. Hennipman 6083 1979-7-1
A: 02552425 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Roroka Timbu. E. Hennipman 5482 1979-5-18
GH: 02552422 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Sumatera: East Coast H. S. Yates 547
A: 02552418 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Bt. Lawang, Bohorok, Langkat J. Dransfield 3259 1973-2-20
GH: 02552462 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Papua: 15 km SW of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg R... L. J. Brass 12025 1939-1
GH: 02552461 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Papua: 15 km SW of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg R... L. J. Brass 12206 1939-1
GH: 02552468 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Indonesia: Papua: Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia... R. J. Johns A. Hidayat, R. Woodman... 9730 1998-9-3
A: 02552415 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Selangor 17th mile Ula Gombok James Sinclair 9829 1958-10-17
GH: 02552414 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Sipitang. Ulu Mayoh, 10 miles SSE of Malaman G. H. S. Wood 2046 1955-9-24
GH: 02552413 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sarawak Montes Lingga, a 40 milles de la mer et a 10... [illegible] 1909-8-6
A: 02552412 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Perak Maxwell's Hill B. E. G. Molesworth 1782 1952-2-15
A: 02552411 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Pahang Fraser's Hill B. E. G. Molesworth 1613 1949-10-30
GH: 02552410 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Near Lobang. Paka Cave to Loba... D. L. Topping 1752 1915-11-15
A: 02552409 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Perak Maxwell's Hill B. E. G. Molesworth 1782 1952-2-15
A: 02552408 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Silan Basin J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 29067 1932-4-9
GH: 02552403 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sarawak Foot of Mt. Santubong Local Collector [name of indigenou... 99 1914-3-16
GH: 02552424 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Paka Cave to Lobang D. L. Topping 1752 1915-11-15
GH: 02552423 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Marai Parai Spur D. L. Topping 1873 1915-11-23
A: 02552421 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sarawak above the Rajah's bungalow. Mt. Matang B. E. G. Molesworth 3149 1956-12-30
GH: 02552420 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 28372 1932-2-24
GH: 02552419 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Silan Basin J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 29067 1932-4-9
A: 02552467 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay North slopes of Mt. Dayman, Maneau Range. L. J. Brass 23113 1953-6-26
A: 02552466 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Goodenough Island: east slopes. L. J. Brass 24943 1953-10-25
A: 02552465 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay North slopes of Mt. Dayman, Maneau Range. L. J. Brass 23617 1953-7-22
A: 02552464 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay North slopes of Mt. Dayman, Maneau Range L. J. Brass 22774 1953-6-5
A: 02552463 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay North slopes of Mt. Dayman, Maneau Range. L. J. Brass 22520 1953-5-26
GH: 02552460 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Central Mt. Tafa L. J. Brass 4130 1933-5
GH: 02552459 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Central Mt. Tafa L. J. Brass 4999 1933-5
GH: 02552458 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Fergusson Isl.; Mts. between Agamoia and Ail... L. J. Brass 27020 1956-6-8
A: 02552457 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe near Wau-Salamaua Road J. S. Womersley & A. N. Millar NGF 7899 1956-1-3
A: 02552456 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe near Wau-Salamaua Road J. S. Womersley & A. N. Millar NGF 7891 1956-1-3
A: 02552455 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kortumi S.D.A. Mill via Goroka A. G. Floyd & J. S. Womersley 6772 1954-11-23
GH: 02552454 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe Boana M. S. Clemens 41703 1940-5
A: 02552453 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Misima: Mt. Oiatau, West Misima Island J. R. Croft LAE 71405 1979-3-27
A: 02552452 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Baniara: Between Agaun and Bonenau R. Pullen 7925 1969-8-7
A: 02552451 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo-Yamap track, Wau Subdistrict H. Streimann & A. Kairo NGF 47650 1970-3-20
A: 02552450 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Eastern Division. Sewa Bay, Normanby Island M. Galore & E. C. G. Gray NGF 8699 1956-4-24
A: 02552449 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: near (W. of ) Fatima R., Marafunga S... P. J. Grubb & P. J. Edwards 221 1971-5-17
A: 02552448 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Eastern Division. Sewa Bay, Normanby Island M. Galore & E. C. G. Gray NGF 8699 1956-4-24
A: 02552447 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Raba Raba: Track from Mayu 2 to Otukai P. F. Stevens & J. F. Veldkamp LAE 54363 1972-7-2
A: 02552480 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Normanby Isl., Mt. Pabinama L. J. Brass 25727 1956-5-4
A: 02552478 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: New Ireland Namatanai: 2 km WNW Taron aid post J. R. Croft LAE 68332 1975-10-13
GH: 02552477 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: W slopes of Mt. Albert Edward, Kosipe basin,... J. R. Croft 1462 1981-12-26
A: 02552476 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe Along Buko Creek just S of Gurukor T. G. Hartley 9711a 1962-1-11
GH: 02552475 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Waldern des Tinisterre[?] R. Schlechter 18145 1908-9-4
A: 02552474 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe Gurakor L. J. Brass 29468 1959-5-8
A: 02552473 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kuper range, along unpaved track to Biaru. W. N. Takeuchi 4133 1988-10-3
A: 02552472 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Hunstein range (Mt. Samsai) main ridge just ... W. N. Takeuchi 5133 1989-9-30
A: 02552471 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe Head of Kulolo R. Wau. Sub-dist. H. Streimann NGF 39482 1969-6-23
A: 02552470 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe East slope of Mt. Rawlinson, along Gang Cree... R. D. Hoogland 9037 1964-6-5
A: 02552469 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Morobe between Marba Creek and Kua River, c. 3 mile... R. D. Hoogland 8929 1964-5-12
GH: 02552492 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Philippines: Quezon Mt. Banahao A. Loher 13687 1915-3
GH: 02552491 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Philippines: Mindoro: Binabay River E. D. Merrill 6060 1906-11
GH: 02552490 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Philippines: Quezon Lucban A. D. E. Elmer 9050 1907-5
GH: 02552489 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Philippines: Laguna Los Banos (Mt. Maquiling) A. D. E. Elmer 17942 1917-6
GH: 02552488 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Philippines: Bataan Mount Mariveles D. L. Topping 448 1904-5
A: 02552479 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal C. Guadalcanal, Mt. Popo, just below upper c... A. F. Braithwaite 4713 1965-10-30
GH: 02552493 Vandenboschia radicans (Swartz) Copeland Philippines: Mindoro: Mt. Halcon E. D. Merrill 6078 1906-11
A: 02552502 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, Gunung Cikanik... W. S. Hoover, H. Wiriadinata & J. ... 31438 2000-3-9
A: 02552501 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, Gunung Cikanik... W. S. Hoover, H. Wiriadinata & J. ... 31316 2000-3-7
A: 02552500 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, along Cikaniki... W. S. Hoover, D. Girmansyah & J. M... 32126 2000-3-8
A: 02552499 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, east of Gunung... W. S. Hoover, D. Girmansyah & J. M... 32027 2000-3-5
A: 02552498 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Mount Halimun National Park, East Cikaniki W. S. Hoover, A. Sadeli & J. M. Hu... 30879 2000-3-11
A: 02552497 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Leuweung tengah, Ranca upas, Gunung Cikoloto... W. S. Hoover & H. Wiriadinata 31089 2000-2-15
A: 02552496 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Mount Halimun National Park, East Cikaniki W. S. Hoover, A. Sadeli & J. M. Hu... 30859 2000-3-11
A: 02552524 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Dumoga Bone National Park, en route from Tor... M. Kato, H. Setoguchi & D. Darnaedi 1156 1996-1-9
A: 02552523 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Dumoga Bone National Park, en route from Tor... M. Kato, H. Setoguchi & D. Darnaedi 1156 1996-1-9
A: 02552522 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Dumoga Bone National Park, en route from Tor... M. Kato, H. Setoguchi & D. Darnaedi 1126 1996-1-7
A: 02552520 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Serawai. Kaki Bk. Raya base camp; foothills ... A. C. Church, Ismail & A. Ruskandi... 2603 1995-10-19
A: 02552519 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Mt. Halimun National Park, Cikaniki Research... H. Wiriadinata, W. S. Hoover, Jame... HW 10645 2002-5-20
A: 02552518 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Long Iram subdistrict, Maruwai, North East L... P. J. A. Kessler et al. PK 2439 1999-3-7
A: 02552517 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Berau, P. T. Inhutani I area, Transect I, of... K. Sidiyasa & Z. Arifin B 1482 1998-11-14
A: 02552516 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi: Gorontalo: Gunung Gambuta M. Mendum, H. J. Atkins, M. F. New... 87 2002-4-11
A: 02552515 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan: Kalteng. Samba. 1994-1995 cuttin... J. K. Jarvie & A. Ruskandi 5178 1995-1-24
A: 02552514 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Long Iram subdistrict, Maruwai, block Abang. P. J. A. Kessler et al. PK 2536 1999-3-13
A: 02552513 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) inland (N-NW) of the town of Batangtoru, Kec... W. N. Takeuchi & E. Sambas 18198 2003-6-5
A: 02552512 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) inland (N-NW) of the town of Batangtoru, Kec... W. N. Takeuchi & E. Sambas 18426 2003-6-13
A: 02552511 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park Cigenang River,... W. S. Hoover, D. Girmansyah & J. M... 32277 2000-3-10
A: 02552510 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, Cikaniki W. S. Hoover, D. Girmansyah & J. M... 32069 2000-3-7
A: 02552509 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, Cikaniki W. S. Hoover, D. Girmansyah & J. M... 32070 2000-3-7
A: 02552508 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tenggara (Southeast Sulawesi) Air Terjun Silui, Kecamatan Uluiwoi, Kolaka A. Hidayat AH 3578 2008-5-14
A: 02552507 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tenggara (Southeast Sulawesi) Hutan Ulu Simbune, Desa Lalingato, Kecamatan... A. Hidayat AH 3628 2008-5-23
A: 02552506 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tenggara (Southeast Sulawesi) Hutan Bite, Desa Lalingato, Kecamatan Tirawu... A. Hidayat AH 3659 2008-5-24
A: 02552505 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tenggara (Southeast Sulawesi) top of Mt. Poindaa omanu, west of Wutamole D. Girmansyah Deden 933 2008-5-16
A: 02552534 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Papua Barat Around a construction main road of Manokwari... J. P. Mogea 6289 1994-4-25
A: 02552533 Vandenboschia sp. Indonesia: Papua Barat Around a construction main road of Manokwari... J. P. Mogea 6345 1994-4-29
GH: 02552495 Vandenboschia sp. Malaysia: Sabah Borneo. Mt. Kinabalu National Park. Along th... E. F. Anderson 3015 1970-3-2
GH: 02552494 Vandenboschia sp. Malaysia: Malaysia Timor: Borneo. Mt. Kinabalu Nationa... E. F. Anderson 3040 1970-3-2
A: 02552504 Vandenboschia sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Batu Laga Plateau, Batang Balui, Belaga, 7th... Y. P. Ching S 56847 1989-3-15
A: 02552503 Vandenboschia sp. Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands, G. Brinchang S. N. Phoon Lindsay, S. FRI 53356 2007-3-22
A: 02552525 Vandenboschia sp. Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Marai Parai spur. K. M. Wong WKM 2435 1993-9-18
A: 02552521 Vandenboschia sp. Malaysia: Pahang Pahang/Selangor: Genting Highland M. Kato, Hir. Okada, H. Setoguchi,... 52 1995-11-26
A: 02552544 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: primary forest on slope E. C. Abbe & L. B. Abbe 10326 1962-7-14
A: 02552543 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Baia River, survey track B W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 22907 2008-2-13
A: 02552542 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Baia River (Expedition Bivouac 3), survey tr... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 22779 2008-2-11
A: 02552541 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands ridgetop near the Hides 2 well-head W. N. Takeuchi, A. Towati & T. Jis... 19244 2005-4-29
A: 02552540 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands ridge complex W of the Hides 3 helipad/basec... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Towati & T. Jis... 19198 2005-4-28
A: 02552539 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Gazelle Peninsula, Baining Mts, bulldozer tr... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & N. H. S. ... 16945 2004-2-12
A: 02552538 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Juha North, survey track 1 W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 23636 2008-3-31
A: 02552537 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: Vogelkop Peninsula, Arfak Mts, near Iray, An... H. O. Sleumer & W. Vink 4431 1962-1-25
A: 02552536 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands Ialibu: SE slopes, Mt. Giluwe, west of Iaro ... J. R. Croft & N. M. U. Clunie LAE 65691 1974-11-20
A: 02552535 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay SW slopes of Mt. Rossel, Rossel Island J. R. Croft LAE 71367 1979-3-20
A: 02552532 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Gazelle Peninsula, Baining Mts, bulldozer tr... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & N. H. S. ... 16945 2004-2-12
A: 02552531 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Gazelle Peninsula, Baining Mts, bulldozer tr... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & N. H. S. ... 16945 2004-2-12
A: 02552530 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Mt. Hagen from Tomba village G. C. G. Argent & J. Sandham 86/145 1986-11-5
A: 02552529 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Ruti Road, Jimi Valley, 42 km N of Mount Hag... H. Streimann 8234 1982-7-2
A: 02552528 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Fergusson Island. below ridge behind Mapamoi... R. J. Johns O. G. Gideon and Bugoia 12901 2009-3
A: 02552527 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Normanby Is. R. J. Johns 11432
A: 02552526 Vandenboschia sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Lower Ramu-Atitau Area. Aiome Patrol Post. R. Pullen 1023 1958-8-16
GH: 00291420 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 28447
GH: 00291421 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 28345
GH: 00291422 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 28336
GH: 00291423 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 26488
GH: 00291424 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 28373
GH: 00291425 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 28372
GH: 00291426 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 26881
GH: 00291427 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 28368
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 24121
GH: 00294275 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 32508
GH: 00293018 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 30040
GH: 00298511 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 24271
GH: 00298982 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 21989
GH: 00299445 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 23291
GH: 00300129 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 21993
GH: 00300262 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 17586
GH: 00300263 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 17585
GH: 00300967 [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 17697
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 28447
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 28345
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 28336
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 26488
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 28373
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 28372
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 26881
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 28368
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 32508
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 30040
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 24271
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 21989
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 23291
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 21993
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 17586
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 17585
GH: [None] : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 17697
GH: 00353235 [None] China: Yunnan Cikai Zheng. Labadi, along a branch of the P... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 16696
GH: [None] China: Yunnan Cikai Zheng. Labadi, along a branch of the P... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 16696
A: 02552534 [None] Indonesia: Papua Barat Around a construction main road of Manokwari... J. P. Mogea 6289 1994-4-25
A: 02552533 [None] Indonesia: Papua Barat Around a construction main road of Manokwari... J. P. Mogea 6345 1994-4-29
A: [None] Indonesia: Papua Barat Around a construction main road of Manokwari... J. P. Mogea 6289 1994-4-25
A: [None] Indonesia: Papua Barat Around a construction main road of Manokwari... J. P. Mogea 6345 1994-4-29
A: 02552544 [None] Papua New Guinea: primary forest on slope E. C. Abbe & L. B. Abbe 10326 1962-7-14
A: 02552543 [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Baia River, survey track B W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 22907 2008-2-13
A: 02552542 [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Baia River (Expedition Bivouac 3), survey tr... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 22779 2008-2-11
A: 02552541 [None] Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands ridgetop near the Hides 2 well-head W. N. Takeuchi, A. Towati & T. Jis... 19244 2005-4-29
A: 02552540 [None] Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands ridge complex W of the Hides 3 helipad/basec... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Towati & T. Jis... 19198 2005-4-28
A: 02552539 [None] Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Gazelle Peninsula, Baining Mts, bulldozer tr... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & N. H. S. ... 16945 2004-2-12
A: 02552538 [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Juha North, survey track 1 W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 23636 2008-3-31
A: 02552537 [None] Papua New Guinea: Vogelkop Peninsula, Arfak Mts, near Iray, An... H. O. Sleumer & W. Vink 4431 1962-1-25
A: 02552536 [None] Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands Ialibu: SE slopes, Mt. Giluwe, west of Iaro ... J. R. Croft & N. M. U. Clunie LAE 65691 1974-11-20
A: 02552535 [None] Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay SW slopes of Mt. Rossel, Rossel Island J. R. Croft LAE 71367 1979-3-20
A: 02552532 [None] Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Gazelle Peninsula, Baining Mts, bulldozer tr... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & N. H. S. ... 16945 2004-2-12
A: 02552531 [None] Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Gazelle Peninsula, Baining Mts, bulldozer tr... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & N. H. S. ... 16945 2004-2-12
A: 02552530 [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Mt. Hagen from Tomba village G. C. G. Argent & J. Sandham 86/145 1986-11-5
A: 02552529 [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Ruti Road, Jimi Valley, 42 km N of Mount Hag... H. Streimann 8234 1982-7-2
A: 02552528 [None] Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Fergusson Island. below ridge behind Mapamoi... R. J. Johns O. G. Gideon and Bugoia 12901 2009-3
A: 02552527 [None] Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Normanby Is. R. J. Johns 11432
A: 02552526 [None] Papua New Guinea: Madang Lower Ramu-Atitau Area. Aiome Patrol Post. R. Pullen 1023 1958-8-16
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: primary forest on slope E. C. Abbe & L. B. Abbe 10326 1962-7-14
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Baia River, survey track B W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 22907 2008-2-13
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Baia River (Expedition Bivouac 3), survey tr... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 22779 2008-2-11
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands ridgetop near the Hides 2 well-head W. N. Takeuchi, A. Towati & T. Jis... 19244 2005-4-29
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands ridge complex W of the Hides 3 helipad/basec... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Towati & T. Jis... 19198 2005-4-28
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Gazelle Peninsula, Baining Mts, bulldozer tr... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & N. H. S. ... 16945 2004-2-12
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Juha North, survey track 1 W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 23636 2008-3-31
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Vogelkop Peninsula, Arfak Mts, near Iray, An... H. O. Sleumer & W. Vink 4431 1962-1-25
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands Ialibu: SE slopes, Mt. Giluwe, west of Iaro ... J. R. Croft & N. M. U. Clunie LAE 65691 1974-11-20
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay SW slopes of Mt. Rossel, Rossel Island J. R. Croft LAE 71367 1979-3-20
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Gazelle Peninsula, Baining Mts, bulldozer tr... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & N. H. S. ... 16945 2004-2-12
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Gazelle Peninsula, Baining Mts, bulldozer tr... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & N. H. S. ... 16945 2004-2-12
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Mt. Hagen from Tomba village G. C. G. Argent & J. Sandham 86/145 1986-11-5
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Ruti Road, Jimi Valley, 42 km N of Mount Hag... H. Streimann 8234 1982-7-2
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Fergusson Island. below ridge behind Mapamoi... R. J. Johns O. G. Gideon and Bugoia 12901 2009-3
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Normanby Is. R. J. Johns 11432
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Madang Lower Ramu-Atitau Area. Aiome Patrol Post. R. Pullen 1023 1958-8-16