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Next page >Piperaceae A: 01882749 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Boridi C. E. Carr 13211 1935-9-17
A: 01882748 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay North slopes of Mt. Dayman, Maneau Range. L. J. Brass 22531 1953-5-26
A: 01882747 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay North slopes of Mt. Dayman, Maneau Range. L. J. Brass 22286 1953-5-20
A: 01882746 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Goodenough Island: east slopes. L. J. Brass 24658 1953-10-8
A: 01882745 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm, east slopes L. J. Brass 30479 1959-7-12
A: 01882744 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Raba Raba: Junction Ugat and Mayu Rivers, ne... H. Streimann & P. Katik NGF 28863 1972-7-14
A: 01882743 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Morobe Yoangen M. S. Clemens 6693 1937-6-19
A: 01882742 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: S. of Boana B. J. Conn, A. Kairo & Masapuhafo 101 1977-2-20
A: 01882740 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: New Ireland Namatanai: Hans Meyer Range; on steep ridge ... M. J. S. Sands, G. A. Pattison & J... 2335 1975-10-24
A: 01882739 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: near Daulo camp; Asaro-Mairifutica d... R. Pullen 412 1957-8-30
A: 01882737 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands ridge W of the Hides 3 helipad/basecamp W. N. Takeuchi, A. Towati & T. Jis... 19119 2005-4-26
A: 01882736 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Morobe Ogerammang M. S. Clemens 5495 1937-2-25
A: 01882762 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Raba Raba: Forest near East end of Punpunipo... P. F. Stevens & J. F. Veldkamp LAE 54335 1972-6-29
A: 01882761 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Hela Tari: Ibiwara. C. Kalkman 4709 1966-6-27
A: 01882760 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Raba Raba: South slopes of Goe. P. F. Stevens & J. F. Veldkamp LAE 55520 1972-7-12
A: 01882759 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Marafunga; extension area 1; by Rive... P. F. Stevens LAE 51113 1970
A: 01882758 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay E of Lake Lavu, Fergusson Island. Subdist. E... J. R. Croft et al. LAE 68818 1976-11-15
A: 01882757 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near Siassi, Umboi Island. Subdistrict Finsc... P. Katik LAE 62208 1974-9-9
A: 01882756 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands Nr. Lei camp, south-east slope of Mt. Ambua D. G. Frodin NGF.26998 1966-7-29
A: 01882755 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands Ibiwara, Tari Gap. A. N. Gillison N.G.F.25137 1966-6-13
A: 01882754 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Morobe East slope of Spreader Divide, ca. 6 miles n... R. Schodde & L. A. Craven 4991 1966-4-20
A: 01882753 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Near the old Lutheran sawmill at Yaibos, nea... J. R. Flenley ANU 2314 1965-1-2
A: 01882752 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near Kwaimengu, Aseki Patrol Area L. A. Craven & R. Schodde 1498 1966-4-29
A: 01882751 Piper rodatzii K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Gulf Kaintiba-Bema Road, 3km N of Kaintiba. A. Kairo 599 1983-1-25
GH: 01934042 Piper roqueanum Trelease Peru: Loreto Above Pongo de Manseriche. Mouth of Rio Sant... Y. E. J. Mexia 6119 1931-11-17
GH: 01934041 Piper roqueanum Trelease Peru: Huánuco Dtto. Rupa Rupa. Al este de Tingo María J. Schunke Vigo 5158 1971-11-15
GH: 01980743 Piper rosei C. de Candolle Mexico: Colima Manzanillo: 2.3 km S of Hwy 200 just N of Sa... A. J. Bornstein 85 1983-6-5
GH: 01980744 Piper rosei C. de Candolle Mexico: Jalisco 2 km S of La Manzanilla on the road to Tamar... A. J. Bornstein & N. Hensold 7 1980-8-7
GH: 01980745 Piper rosei C. de Candolle Mexico: Jalisco 2 km S of La Manzanilla on the road to Tamar... A. J. Bornstein & N. Hensold 6 1980-8-7
GH: 01980746 Piper rosei C. de Candolle Mexico: Jalisco Approx. 15 km S of Autlan on Hwy 80 toward B... A. J. Bornstein 97 1983-6-19
GH: 01980747 Piper rosei C. de Candolle Mexico: Sinaloa Near Colomas J. N. Rose 1657 1897-7-14
A: 00005527 Piper roseovenulosum Trelease Honduras: Cortés Near Paral, Lake Yojoa; 2100 ft. T. G. Yuncker 4873 1934-7-30
A: 01937053 Piper rostratum Roxburgh Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands Miss A. D. Hancock 1937
GH: 01883759 Piper rothiana F. M. Bailey Australia (Country): Queensland North Queensland, Innisfail Rev. N. Michael 124
GH: 01934045 Piper rotundistipulum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Putumayo Río San Miguel ó Sucumbios, Santa Rosa y l... R. E. Schultes 3616 1942-4-7
GH: 01934044 Piper rotundistipulum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Putumayo Río San Miguel ó Sucumbios, Santa Rosa y l... R. E. Schultes 3582 1942-4-7
GH: 01934043 Piper rotundistipulum Trelease & Yuncker Peru: San Martín Distrito: Alonso de Alvarado. San Juan de Pa... J. Schunke Vigo 9613 1977-6-3
GH: 00005529 Piper rubripes Trelease ex Standley Costa Rica: Guanacaste Upper slopes of Cerro San José de Libano; 5... C. W. Dodge, R. Hanckel & W. S. Th... 6382 1930-2-15
GH: 00005528 Piper rubripes Trelease ex Standley Costa Rica: Guanacaste Upper slopes of Cerro San José de Libano; 5... C. W. Dodge, R. Hanckel & W. S. Th... 6382 1930-2-15
GH: 00005530 Piper rubrospadix Trelease ex Standley Costa Rica: Limón Margins of Bonilla lakes above Tunnel Camp; ... C. W. Dodge, G. Catt & W. S. Thomas 5718 1929-12-13
A: 01934939 Piper rubrum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan W flank of Shweli-Salwin divide G. Forrest 9418 1912-12
A: 01934938 Piper rubrum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan Shweli-Salwin Divide G. Forrest 13658 1917-4
GH: 01934046 Piper rugosibaccum Trelease Peru: Loreto Iquitos: Rancho Indiana Y. E. J. Mexia 6442 1932-1-25
GH: 01964216 Piper rugosum Lamarck Haiti: Massif de la Hotte, western group, Torbec, r... E. L. Ekman 5280 1925-12-6
GH: 00005836 Piper rupununianum Trelease & Yuncker Guyana: Tumatumari H. A. Gleason 107 1921-7
GH: 01934048 Piper rupununianum Trelease & Yuncker Guyana: Pomeroon-Supenaam Pomeroon River J. S. de la Cruz 3126 1922-12-17
GH: 01934047 Piper rupununianum Trelease & Yuncker Guyana: Upper Rupununi River, near Dadanawa J. S. de la Cruz 1528 1922-6-13
GH: 00005837 Piper rurrenbaqueanum Trelease Bolivia: Rurrenabaque, 1000 feet H. H. Rusby 836 1921-10-4
GH: 01934057 Piper rusbyi C. de Candolle Bolivia: La Paz Polo-Polo, near Coroico O. Buchtien 3712 1912-10
A: 01934056 Piper rusbyi C. de Candolle Bolivia: La Paz Tuiri (near Mapiri, on left bank of Rio Mapi... B. A. Krukoff 10909 1939-9-12
GH: 01934055 Piper rusbyi C. de Candolle Bolivia: La Paz Colaya Y. E. J. Mexia 04304 1935-12-14
GH: 01934054 Piper rusbyi C. de Candolle Bolivia: Hacienda Simaco sobre el camino a Tipuani O. Buchtien 5375 1920-2
GH: 01934053 Piper rusbyi C. de Candolle Bolivia: La Paz Polo-Polo bei Coroico O. Buchtien 3712 1912-10
GH: 01934052 Piper rusbyi C. de Candolle Bolivia: La Paz Yungas [Nor or Sud Yungas] M. Bang 345 1890
GH: 01934051 Piper rusbyi C. de Candolle Bolivia: La Paz Milluguaya O. Buchtien 753 1917-12
GH: 01934050 Piper rusbyi C. de Candolle Bolivia: La Paz Colaya Y. E. J. Mexia 7822 1935-12-14
GH: 01934049 Piper rusbyi C. de Candolle Bolivia: La Paz Yungas [Nor or Sud Yungas] M. Bang 345 1890
GH: 00005838 Piper rusbyi hirsutum Yuncker Bolivia: La Paz Outskirts of Coroica; ca. 2000 m. Y. E. J. Mexia 7792 1935-12-5
GH: 01934058 Piper rusbyi hirsutum Yuncker Bolivia: La Paz outskirts Coroica Y. E. J. Mexia 04287 1935-12-8
GH: 01934059 Piper rusticum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Road from Cayuga towards Villaviancio R. E. Schultes 5704a 1943-1
GH: 00005839 Piper sacchamatesense Yuncker Colombia: Putumayo Cerro de Porachuelo, between Mocoa & Saccama... R. E. Schultes & C. Earle Smith 3048 1942-12-9
GH: 00005840 Piper sacchamatesense Yuncker Colombia: Putumayo Cerro de Porachuelo, between Mocoa & Saccama... R. E. Schultes & C. Earle Smith 3048 1942-12-9
GH: 00005531 Piper sagax Trelease Honduras: Yoro Aguan River valley, vicinity of Coyoles T. G. Yuncker, J. M. Koepper & K. ... 8030 1938-6-27
A: 01980748 Piper sagittifolium C. de Candolle Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of El General A. F. Skutch 3866 1939-1
A: 01980749 Piper sagittifolium C. de Candolle Costa Rica: El General Valley: Finca Volcan Angel, Sonad... B. G. Schubert & D. L. Rogerson 806 1955-7-3
GH: 01980750 Piper sagittifolium C. de Candolle Costa Rica: east of Las Cruces and 5 to 6 km. south of S... W. C. Burger & G. Matta U. 4409 1967-1-15
A: 01980751 Piper sagittifolium C. de Candolle Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of El General A. F. Skutch 2283 1935-12
A: 01980752 Piper sagittifolium C. de Candolle Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of El General A. F. Skutch 2283 1935-12
GH: 01980753 Piper sagittifolium C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Alto de La Palmera, Carretera Panamericana A. Jiménez M. 3734 1966-2-28
A: 00005532 Piper salamancanum Trelease Panama: Canal Zone, vicinity of Salamanca Hydrograph... R. E. Woodson, Jr., P. H. Allen & ... 1590 1938-7-28
GH: 00005841 Piper salentoi Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Caldas Rio Santa Rita, Salento; 1600-1800 m. E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 8962 1922-7-29
GH: 01934060 Piper salentoi Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Caldas Salento. Cordillera Central, above S F. W. Pennell 8940 1922-7-25
GH: 01934061 Piper salentoi cajamarcanum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Tolima Quebrada Cajamarca to "Mermillon," New Quind... E. P. Killip 9750 1922-8-14
GH: 01934062 Piper salicariaefolium Kunth Brazil: Minas Gerais Vicosa: Fazenda de Aguada, .5 km. beyond fir... Y. E. J. Mexia 5117 1930-9-29
GH: 01934064 Piper saloyanum Trelease & Yuncker Ecuador: Pichincha Reserva Floristica-Ecológica "Río Guajalit... J. Jaramillo 8280 1985-12-27
GH: 01934063 Piper saloyanum Trelease & Yuncker Ecuador: Pichincha Reserva Floristica-Ecologica "Rio Guajalito.... J. Jaramillo 8229 1985-12-6
A: 01936964 Piper salticola Ridley Malaysia: Sabah Keningau: Sepulut F.Res Syt Km + Takala area Sigin et al. 69066 1983-10-18
A: 00005533 Piper salutatrix Trelease ex Standley Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of El General; 880 m. A. F. Skutch 2504 1936-1
GH: 00005534 Piper salutatrix Trelease ex Standley Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of El General; 880 m. A. F. Skutch 2504 1936-1
GH: 01964217 Piper samanense Urban Dominican Republic: Vicinity of Laguna, Samaná Peninsula, chief... W. L. Abbott 402 1920-12-23
GH: 01964218 Piper samanense Urban Dominican Republic: Samaná Peninsula de Samaná, Pan de Azucar E. L. Ekman H15841 1930-8-5
A: 01964219 Piper samanense Urban Dominican Republic: Samaná Cordillera Central, Las Hitises, Boca del In... E. L. Ekman H15386 1930-6-23
GH: 01964220 Piper samanense Urban Dominican Republic: El Seibo Parque Nacional dde Los Hitises: Proóximo a... T. A. Zanoni, M. M. Mejia Pimental... 21167
GH: 01964221 Piper samanense Urban Dominican Republic: Los Hiatises, cockpit country, near the mout... Br. Alain 14512 1969-3-19
GH: 01964222 Piper samanense Urban Dominican Republic: El Seibo en la Bahía de San Lorenzo, en los alrededo... M. Mejia & J. Pimentel 23906 1982-10-27
GH: 01964223 Piper samanense Urban Dominican Republic: El Choco, Sosúa Br. Alain 17854 1971-2-6
A: 00005536 Piper san-joseanum panamanum Trelease Panama: Panama Gorgana Beach R. E. Woodson, Jr., P. H. Allen & ... 1690 1938-8-7
A: 00005537 Piper san-joseanum remediosense Trelease Panama: Chiriqui Rio Chiriqui to Remedios; 15-50 m. R. E. Woodson, Jr., P. H. Allen & ... 1191 1938-7-11
A: 00005538 Piper san-joseanum tabogense Trelease Panama: Panama Isla Taboga; 0-186 m. R. E. Woodson, Jr., P. H. Allen & ... 1531 1938-7-23
A: 00005535 Piper san-joseanum kobense Trelease Panama: Canal Zone, Fort Kobe road R. E. Woodson, Jr., P. H. Allen & ... 1423 1938-7-22
GH: 01154756 Piper san-marcosanum gracillimum C. de Candolle Honduras: Santa Bárbara San Pedro Sula C. Thieme 5450 1887-6
A: 00005842 Piper san-martinense Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander S slope of Mount San Martin, near Charta; 23... E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 19160 1927-2-10
GH: 00005843 Piper san-martinense Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander S slope of Mount San Martin, near Charta; 23... E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 19160 1927-2-10
A: 01934074 Piper san-martinense Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Southern slope of Mount San Martín, near Ch... E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 19181 1927-2-10
A: 01934073 Piper san-martinense Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Río Suratá valley, above Suratá E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16725 1927-1-5
GH: 01934072 Piper san-martinense Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Río Suratá valley, above Suratá E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16725 1927-1-5
GH: 01934071 Piper san-martinense Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Southern slope of Mount San Martín, near Ch... E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 19181 1927-2-10
GH: 01934070 Piper san-martinense Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Río Suratá valley, above Suratá E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16741 1927-1-5
A: 00005844 Piper san-vicentense Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander W slope of Mount San Vicente, near Charta; 2... E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 18984 1927-2-9
GH: 00005845 Piper san-vicentense Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander W slope of Mount San Vicente, near Charta; 2... E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 18984 1927-2-9
A: 01934076 Piper san-vicentense Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Vicinity of La Baja E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 18314 1927-1-14
GH: 01934075 Piper san-vicentense Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Vicinity of La Baja E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 18314 1927-1-14
GH: 01964224 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease : Puerto Rico: Car. Nat For., Road 988 Km. 2.8... C. Lane & R. Gieschen 159 1977
A: 01964225 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease : Mayaguez: [no additional data] A. A. Heller 4439 1900-1-30
A: 01964226 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease : Mayaguez: [no additional data] A. A. Heller 4439 1900-1-30
A: 01964228 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease : Puerto Rico: Along river at km. 28.1 on Palm... R. J. Wagner 666 1964-9-13
A: 01964230 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease : Puerto Rico: at km. 19.2 on route 191 souths... R. A. Howard 16602 1967-8-15
GH: 01964231 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease : Puerto Rico: Distrito de Arecibo: Municipio ... W. R. Stimson 3557 1966-7-20
GH: 01964232 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease : Puerto Rico: Distrito de Aguadilla: Municipi... W. R. Stimson 3444 1966-7-13
GH: 01964233 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease : Puerto Rico: Distrito de Humacao: Luquillo M... W. R. Stimson 3524 1966-7-18
A: 01980764 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: Alajuela Vicinity of Guatuso de San Rafael (on Rio Fr... R. W. Holm & H. H. Iltis 852 1949-8-4
GH: 01980765 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: Alajuela near Caño Negro and along road 18 to 22 km.... W. C. Burger & R. G. Stolze 5169 1968-5-21
GH: 01980766 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: on the property of Dr. L. Holdridge, about 2... W. C. Burger & G. Matta U. 4182 1967-1-5
A: 01980767 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of El General A. F. Skutch 3929 1939-1
GH: 01980768 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: Limón Montana de Andromeda, Drenaje de Rio Valle E... P. J. Shank & A. Molina R. 4464 1951-10-26
GH: 01980769 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: Puntarenas north and west of the air field, about 5 km.... W. C. Burger & R. L. Liesner 7281 1970-1-9
GH: 01980781 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: Heredia Finca La Selva, the OTS Field Station on the... B. E. Hammel 12608 1982-5-29
GH: 01980782 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: Heredia Finca La Selva, the OTS Field Station on the... J. M. MacDougal 1017 1980-8-3
GH: 01980783 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: Heredia Finca La Selva, the OTS Field Station on the... J. P. Folsom 9748 1981-4-13
GH: 01980784 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: Heredia Finca La Selva, the OTS Field Station on the... B. E. Hammel & J. Trainer 13043 1982-6-28
GH: 01980785 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: Heredia Finca La Selva, the OTS Field Station on the... B. E. Hammel 11986 1982-5-3
GH: 01980786 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: Heredia Finca La Selva, the OTS Field Station on the... B. E. Hammel 12217 1982-5-12
GH: 01980787 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: Heredia Finca La Selva, the OTS Field Station on the... T. McDowell 550 1982-10-21
GH: 01980788 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: Heredia Finca La Selva, the OTS Field Station on the... T. McDowell 378 1982-10-6
GH: 01980789 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: Heredia Finca La Selva, the OTS Field Station on the... J. P. Folsom 9704 1981-4-10
GH: 01980790 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Costa Rica: Heredia Finca La Selva. Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui C. A. Todzia 1168 1979-12-1
A: 01964250 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Cuba: Santa Clara San Blas to Las Vegas de Mataguá, Buenos Ai... J. G. Jack 7051 1929-3-8
GH: 01964227 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Dominican Republic: El Seibo along road between Miches and El Seibo at cr... G. J. Gastony, G. C. Jones & D. H.... 664 1967-8-14
A: 01964235 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Dominican Republic: Barahona Montiada Nueva, S.E. of Polo R. A. Howard & E. S. Howard 8600 1946-8-21
GH: 01964246 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Dominican Republic: Barahona Montiada Nueva, S. E. of Polo R. A. Howard & E. S. Howard 8600 1946-8-21
GH: 01934065 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Ecuador: Napo Carretera Lago Agrio-Coca al 'Proyecto', sal... H. Balslev 2282 1982-4-10
GH: 01980755 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease El Salvador: San Vicente Vicinity of Ixtepeque P. C. Standley 21447 1922-3-6
GH: 01980756 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease El Salvador: San Salvador [no additional data] P. C. Standley 23175 1922-3-30
GH: 01980757 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease El Salvador: San Vicente Vicinity of San Vicente P. C. Standley 21641 1922-3-2
GH: 01980758 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease El Salvador: Sonsonate Vicinity of Izalco P. C. Standley 22183 1922-3-19
GH: 01980759 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease El Salvador: Sonsonate Vicinity of Izalco P. C. Standley 21872 1922-3-19
GH: 01980760 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease El Salvador: La Libertad Vicinity of Santa Tecla P. C. Standley 23068 1922-4-10
GH: 01964229 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Haiti: Massif de la Selle, Port-au-Prince, Manfleur... E. L. Ekman H9189 1927-1-27
A: 01964237 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Haiti: Massif de la Selle, Port-au-Prince, Monfleur... E. L. Ekman H9189 1927-10-27
GH: 01964238 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Haiti: Nord north of Plaisance. Vicinity of Plaisance E. C. Leonard 9194 1926-1-26
GH: 01964240 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Haiti: Vicinity of Pétionville E. C. Leonard 5029 1920-6-15
GH: 01964242 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Haiti: Vicinity of Furcy E. C. Leonard 4699 1920-5-26
A: 01964243 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Haiti: Vicinity of St. Louis du Nord E. C. Leonard & G. M. Leonard 14349 1929-3-30
GH: 01964245 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Haiti: Vicinity of Pétionville E. C. Leonard 4906 1920-6-15
A: 01980761 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Honduras: Atlántida Vicinity of Tela P. C. Standley 56602 1927-12-14
A: 01980762 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Honduras: Atlántida Lancetilla Valley, near Tela P. C. Standley 55660 1927-12-6
A: 01980763 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Honduras: along RR between Tela and Lancetilla T. G. Yuncker 4493 1934
GH: 01964234 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Jamaica: Trelawny Parish 5 miles west northwest of Troy on Crown Land... H. A. Hespenheide E. B. Hespenheid... 1148 1965-8-14
A: 01964236 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Jamaica: Portland Parish John Crow Mountains, east slope, c. 1.5 mile... G. L. Webster & K. A. Wilson 5155 1954-8-6
GH: 01964241 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Jamaica: Near Mocho, above Catadupa W. R. Maxon & E. P. Killip 1534 1920-4-3
GH: 01964247 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Jamaica: Saint Andrew Parish water conservation area, at hermitage Dam up... E. West & L. E. Arnold 663 1952-7-15
A: 01964248 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Jamaica: Clarendon Parish Knox College, Spaldings G. R. Proctor 6353 1952-3-6
A: 01964249 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Jamaica: Clarendon Parish 1 mile northwest of Thompson Town G. R. Proctor 2000 ft 1952-4-4
GH: 01980754 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Mexico: Veracruz Along dirt road 5 km. E of Tebanca (5 km. E ... M. Nee & G. E. Schatz 19985 1981-1-15
GH: 01980776 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Nicaragua: Chontales Santo Domingo E. Narvaez 3358 1970-1-13
GH: 01980777 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Nicaragua: Zelaya Along Zapote River, Nueva Guinea F. C. Seymour 5387 1971-3-30
GH: 01980778 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Nicaragua: Nueva Segovia 5 km E of Jalapa J. T. Atwood, S. A. Marshall & D. ... 6831a 1973-12-23
GH: 01980770 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Panama: Canal Zone: Pipeline Road 2 1/2 miles from g... T. B. Croat 9360 1970-4-4
GH: 01980771 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Panama: Panama 3 miles above Interamerican Hwy. on road to ... T. B. Croat 12069 1970-9-10
GH: 01980772 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Panama: Panama Cerro Campana, near FSU building T. B. Croat 12119 1970-9-10
GH: 01980773 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Panama: Colón near Guasimo along river T. B. Croat 9944 1970-4-22
GH: 01980774 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Panama: Panama Cerro Campana W. Hepw. Lewis, W. H. Blackwell, J... 3058 1967-12-10
GH: 01980775 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Panama: Coclé below Cerro Pilon T. B. Croat 13452 1971-2-11
GH: 01980779 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Panama: Chiriqui 17 km NE of San Felix on new road to Cerro C... M. Nee 10665 1974-3-18
GH: 01980780 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Panama: Canal Zone. along Pipeline Road, 1/4 km NW o... M. Nee 7857 1973-11-8
GH: 01934069 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Peru: Loreto Quebrada Shanuce above Yurimaguas T. B. Croat 18062 1972-7-11
GH: 01934068 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Peru: Loreto Rio Itaya ca. 10 km above Iquitos T. B. Croat 19116 1972-8-13
GH: 01934067 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Peru: San Martín Camino a Shunté, (Al este del Puente de Pal... J. Schunke Vigo 7385 1974-7-14
GH: 01934066 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Peru: Amazonas Quebrada chichijam entsa, Rio Cenepa. Chacra E. Ancuash 458 1973-5-24
GH: 01964239 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Maracas Waterfall N. L. Britton, T. E. Hazen & W. Me... 1642 1920-4-10
GH: 01964244 Piper sancti-felicis Trelease Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Mount Tamana N. L. Britton, E. G. Britton & T. ... 1930 1920-4-18
GH: 00005585 Piper sanctum Miquel Costa Rica: Collines de Piedades près San Ramon A. M. Brenes 14192 1901-6-4
GH: 00005404 Piper sanctum Miquel Costa Rica: Tucurrique, Las Vueltas A. Tonduz 12773 1898-11
A: 00005405 Piper sanctum Miquel Costa Rica: Tucurrique, Las Vueltas A. Tonduz 12773 1898-11
A: 00005433 Piper sanctum Miquel Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of el General A. F. Skutch 2293 1935-12
GH: 00005502 Piper sanctum Miquel El Salvador: Sonsonate Vicinity of Nahulingo P. C. Standley 22046 1922-3-21
GH: 01980791 Piper sanctum Miquel Mexico: Oaxaca 18.6 Km al SW de Sn Jeronimo C., brecha a Pi... A. Campos V. 3466 1990-11-30
GH: 01980792 Piper sanctum Miquel Mexico: Jalisco Ravine W of Tonila A. J. Bornstein & M. Chase 54 1982-2-15
A: 01980793 Piper sanctum Miquel Mexico: Veracruz Dos Amates, Catemaco G. Martínez Calderón 2101 1969-10-28
A: 00005846 Piper santa-martanum C. de Candolle Colombia: [Magdalena], Santa Marta, [La Nubes road]; 4... Herbert H. Smith 1230 1898-2
GH: 00005847 Piper santaremense C. de Candolle Brazil: Pará In vicinibus Santarem R. Spruce 7 1850-6
GH: 00005539 Piper santarosanum C. de Candolle Guatemala: Baja Verapaz Santa Rosa; 5000 ft. H. v. Türckheim 1174 1887-4
GH: 01176170 Piper santarosanum C. de Candolle Guatemala: Anubis, near Obispo; Dept. Esquintla W. L. C. Muenscher 12397 1937-4-21
GH: 01154757 Piper santarosanum C. de Candolle Guatemala: Santa Rosa Ambelice E. T. Heyde & E. Lux 3463 1892-5
GH: 01154758 Piper santarosanum C. de Candolle Guatemala: Santa Rosa E. T. Heyde & E. Lux 3833 1892-11
A: 01980794 Piper santarosanum C. de Candolle Guatemala: Quezaltenango Dept. Retalhuleu, east of Chivolandia P. C. Standley 67057 1939-3-1
A: 01980795 Piper santarosanum C. de Candolle Guatemala: Sacatepéquez Barranco Hondo, lower slopes of Volcán de F... P. C. Standley 60274 1938-12-16
A: 01980797 Piper santarosanum C. de Candolle Mexico: Hgo., 17 mi. s. Temazunchale L. A. Kenoyer & H. A. Crum 3979 1948
GH: 01980798 Piper santarosanum C. de Candolle Mexico: Puebla Loc. 2 Km al NE de Zapotitlan, Mpio. Zapotit... P. Tenorio L., A. Campos V. & G. T... 13883 1987-7-3
GH: 01980799 Piper santarosanum C. de Candolle Mexico: San Luis Potosí Tamazunchale L. A. Kenoyer C195 1940-8-16
GH: 01980796 Piper santarosanum C. de Candolle Panama: Darién Along the Sambú River H. F. Pittier 5570 1912-2
A: 00005848 Piper saramaccanum Yuncker Suriname: Saramacca River, vicinity of Krappa Camp (2) B. Maguire 24887 1944-10-3
A: 01934077 Piper saramaccanum Yuncker Suriname: in montibus, qui dicuntur Emmaketen Linene t... A. G. H. Daniëls & F. P. Jonker 979 1959-8-8
GH: 00005849 Piper sararense Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Norte de Santander Cordillera Oriental, región del Sarare, Alt... J. Cuatrecasas, R. E. Schultes & E... 12502 1941-10-19
A: 01936966 Piper sarawakanum C. de Candolle Malaysia: Sabah Tawao, Elphinstone Province, British North B... A. D. E. Elmer 20505 1922-10
A: 01936965 Piper sarawakanum C. de Candolle Malaysia: Sabah Tawao, Elphinstone Province, British North B... A. D. E. Elmer 20505 1922-10
A: 01936968 Piper sarcopodum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Lampung Sumatra, Mt. Tanggamus M. Jacobs 8183 1968-5-1
A: 01936967 Piper sarcopodum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Maluku Molucas. Morotai. G. Pare2. A. J. G. H. Kostermans 1102 1949-5-26
A: 01936971 Piper sarcopodum C. de Candolle Malaysia: Sabah Near Plot 14, Balong area, 13 miles N.E. of ... 1955-10-26
A: 01936970 Piper sarcopodum C. de Candolle Malaysia: Borneo. Loa Djanan, West of Samarinda A. J. G. H. Kostermans 6541 1952-4-19
A: 01936969 Piper sarcopodum C. de Candolle Malaysia: East Borneo, Central Kutei, Belajan R. near ... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 10.376 1955
A: 00005973 Piper sarcopodum C. de Candolle Philippines: Laguna Luzon Island, San Antonio M. Ramos 16536 1912-10
GH: 00005974 Piper sarcopodum C. de Candolle Philippines: Laguna Luzon Island, San Antonio M. Ramos 16536 1912-10
GH: 01883522 Piper sarcopodum C. de Candolle Philippines: Laguna Los Baños (Mt. Maquiling) A. D. E. Elmer 17970 1917-6
GH: 01883521 Piper sarcopodum C. de Candolle Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: Mt. Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 16800 1916-7
A: 01883520 Piper sarcopodum C. de Candolle Philippines: Laguna Los Baños (Mt. Maquiling) A. D. E. Elmer 17970 1917-6
A: 01883519 Piper sarcopodum C. de Candolle Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: Mt. Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 16800 1916-7
A: 01883518 Piper sarcopodum C. de Candolle Philippines: Palawan Pagdanan Range, Ibangley Brookside Hill. A. C. Podzorski SMHI 961 1984-4-23
GH: 01883536 Piper sarcopodum C. de Candolle Philippines: Leyte [no additional data] C. A. Wenzel 723 1914-5-20
A: 01934968 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hong Kong: Kadoorie Farm S. Y. Hu 11466A 1972-2-17
A: 01934967 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hong Kong: Ma On Shan S. Y. Hu 11278 1971-12-7
A: 01934966 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan Hop Yeuk. Pak Shik Ling and vicinity Ku Tung... C. I. Lei 840 1933-7-13
GH: 01934965 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan Wa Lou. Mei Maan and vicinity (Ching Mai Dis... C. I. Lei 112 1932-10-12
A: 01934964 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan Janfengling K. S. Chow et al. 78203 1978
A: 01934963 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan Loktung S. K. Lau 27459 1936-7-9
A: 01934962 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan Shan Lau. Chiu Sam Tsuen, (Ngai District) S. K. Lau 401 1932-8-7
A: 01934961 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan Loktung S. K. Lau 26775 1936-5-17
A: 01934960 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Guangdong Shi Wan Da Shan H. Y. Liang 70093 1937-8-8
A: 01934959 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan The left side of Lei Ka Sai Ip Ts'ing, Lau T... W. T. Tsang 322 1927-8-4
A: 01934958 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan Wo Hau Shan, Nodoa and vicinity, (Taam-chau ... W. T. Tsang 18 1927-7-15
A: 01934957 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Guangxi Sin Shum140, li S. Hin Yen R. C. Ching 7326 1928-9-3
A: 01934956 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hong Kong: Near Fanling W. J. Tutcher 9600 1911-7-20
A: 01934955 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan Ka Chik Shan and vicinity (Ch'ang-kiang Dist... S. K. Lau 2823 1933-12-15
A: 01934954 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Guangdong Fan Shiu Shan Fan Shiu Au and vicinity (Wung... S. K. Lau 2506 1933-10-7
A: 01934953 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Guangdong Yung-Yun City and vicinity (Wung-yuen Distri... S. K. Lau 737 1932-12-10
A: 01934952 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan [no additional data] C. Wang 33035 1933-7-11
A: 01934951 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan Ta Hau J. L. Gressitt 957 1935-7-6
A: 01934950 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hong Kong: Tin Shui Wai S. Y. Hu & K. H. Yung 553 2002-12-3
A: 01934949 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Yunnan [no additional data] Z. H. Tsi 91-394 1991-8-30
A: 01934948 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Yunnan Fo-Hai C. W. Wang 74762 1936-6
A: 01934947 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Yunnan Mong-hain or gan-lan-ba Che-li Hsien C. W. Wang 79827 1936-10
A: 01934946 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Yunnan Dah-meng-lung, Che-li Hsein C. W. Wang 77748 1936-8
A: 01934945 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Yunnan Meng-him, Jenn-yeh Hsien C. W. Wang 80064 1936-10
A: 01934944 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan Yaichow F. C. How 70978 1933-3
A: 01934943 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan Sha Po Shan (Taam Chau District) Shaan Kuet ... W. T. Tsang 464 1928-5-23
A: 01934942 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan Nam Shan Leng, Yai-hsien District S. K. Lau 6052 1935-4-7
GH: 01934941 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan Fan Yah N. K. Chun & C. L. Tso 44079 1932
A: 01934940 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hong Kong: Lam Tseun S. Y. Hu 13876 1975-10-6
A: 01934983 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hong Kong: Chinese Univ. Campus S. Y. Hu & P. But 20821 1992-6-22
A: 01934982 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Guangdong Dinghu-shan H. G. Yip 016 1979-7-19
A: 01934981 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan Chim Fung Mt. near Sha Mo Kwat Village Kan-e... S. K. Lau 4887 1934-12-13
A: 01934980 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Guangxi Chen Pien District S. P. Ko 55914 1935-10-15
GH: 01934979 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Guangdong Teng Wu Mt. C. O. Levine 3066 1918-9-21
GH: 01934978 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Guangdong Loh Fau Shan (Loh Fau Mountain) C. O. Levine 580 1916-10-27
GH: 01934977 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Guangdong Honam Island C. O. Levine 1095 1917-8-3
A: 01934976 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Guangdong Ting Wu Shan Y. Tsiang 781 1928-7-4
A: 01934975 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hong Kong: Lantau Island, James Leong S. Y. Hu 8360 1969-10-24
A: 01934974 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hong Kong: Yeun Long J. P. W. Woo 211 1972-8-4
A: 01934973 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hong Kong: Lantau, Keung Shan S. Y. Hu 12867 1973-2-11
A: 01934972 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Guangdong Teng Wu Mts. C. O. Levine 3066 1918-9-21
A: 01934971 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan I Kap Shan and vicinity (Tan District) S. K. Lau 1025 1933-2-12
A: 01934970 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan [no additional data] C. Wang 35789 1933-12-22
A: 01934969 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh China: Hainan Hung Mo Shan, and vicinity, (Lai (Loi) area)... W. T. Tsang & H. Fung 460 1929-7-11
A: 01936983 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Loemban Ria Rahmat Si Boeea 7632 1934-2-5
GH: 01936982 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Indonesia: Maluku Ambon, Pulau: Amboina C. B. Robinson 56 1913-7
A: 01936981 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Barat (W. Sunda Isl.) Sumbawa: Batu-Lanteh-Gebirge, Nordseite. J. E. W. Elbert 4186 1910-1-20
A: 01936978 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Indonesia: Pulau Panaitan (Prinseneiland). E of Legon P... J. van Borssum Waalkes 327 1951-9-4
A: 01936974 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Ujung Kulon Reserve: ca. 1.5 km SE of Taman ... J. A. McDonald & J. J. Afriastini 3403 1992-5-21
A: 01936973 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Indonesia: Jawa Tengah (Central Java) Slamet Mt H. Wiriadinata, W. S. Hoover, J. M... ARs 17 2004-3-14
A: 01936972 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Indonesia: Jawa Tengah (Central Java) Slamet Mt H. Wiriadinata, W. S. Hoover, J. M... ARs62 2004-3-14
A: 01936968 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Indonesia: Lampung Sumatra, Mt. Tanggamus M. Jacobs 8183 1968-5-1
A: 01936967 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Indonesia: Maluku Molucas. Morotai. G. Pare2. A. J. G. H. Kostermans 1102 1949-5-26
A: 01937078 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Indonesia: Maluku Utara Jailolo District, Kampung Pasir Putih P. M. Taylor P-387 1981-1-31
GH: 01964251 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Jamaica: Hope Grounds W. H. Harris 12529 1917-7-16
A: 01964253 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Jamaica: Saint Andrew Parish Royal Botanic Gardens, Hope D. Powell 1119 1962-6-1
A: 01936284 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Laos: Vientiane District: Kaei. Namon Vilalge, south of Kasi... J. F. Maxwell 99-198 1999-8-25
A: 01936980 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Malaysia: Borneo. Res. W. [illegible] Borneo. Pontiana... [illegible] 269 1931
A: 01936977 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Sapagaya F.R., Elopura, Sandakan For. Dis. A. Cuadra A 2287 1949-5-24
A: 01936976 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Malaysia: Johor Mawai-Sedili New Road. W. L. Chew CWL. 226 1961-2-8
A: 01936971 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Near Plot 14, Balong area, 13 miles N.E. of ... 1955-10-26
A: 01936970 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Malaysia: Borneo. Loa Djanan, West of Samarinda A. J. G. H. Kostermans 6541 1952-4-19
A: 01936969 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Malaysia: East Borneo, Central Kutei, Belajan R. near ... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 10.376 1955
A: 01882763 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Gulf Kerema: Kerema-Malalaua road, near Karama ri... E. E. Henty & P. Katik LAE 72479 1980-6-24
A: 01883530 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Philippines: Palawan Brooks Point (Addison Peak) A. D. E. Elmer 12587 1911-3
A: 01883529 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Philippines: Samar [no additional data] E. D. Merrill 11598 1922-10
GH: 01883528 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Philippines: Mindanao: Mambajao, Gamaguin Island A. D. E. Elmer 14245 1912-11
GH: 01883527 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Philippines: Cabancalan Negros E. D. Merrill 6729 1910-3
GH: 01883526 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Philippines: Surigao C. A. Wenzel 2823 1927-5-29
A: 01883525 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Philippines: Palawan Sagpañgan, Aborlan M. Celestino & J. F. Ramos 0145 1955-5-13
A: 01883524 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Philippines: Sulu Tarawakan, Turtle Is. Y. Kondo & G. E. Edaño 38912 1957-1
GH: 01883523 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Philippines: Palawan Brooks Point (Addison Peak) A. D. E. Elmer 12587 1911-3
A: 01936979 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Singapore: Bot. Garden J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 22421 1929
A: 01936975 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Singapore: Botanic Gardens W. L. Chew CWL. 1466 1968-4-2
A: 01936288 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Thailand: Kanchanaburi Toong Yai Naresuan Wildlife Reserve, Lai Wo ... J. F. Maxwell 93-893 1993-8-13
A: 01936287 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Thailand: Province: Payao. District: Muang. Doi Luang ... O. Petrmitr 72
A: 01936286 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Thailand: Lampang District: Muang Bahn (Pan). Jae Sawn Nationa... J. F. Maxwell 96-1423 1996-10-29
A: 01936285 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Thailand: Lampang District: Jaehom. Front area in the northern... M. Panatkool 345 2000-7-2
A: 01936283 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Thailand: Nakhon Ratchasima Khao Yai National Park, open roadside at Dto... O. Petrmitr 520 2002-5-23
A: 01936282 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Thailand: Chiang Rai Chiang Rai: District: Mae Sai. Doi Dtung (Tu... J. F. Maxwell 06-324 2006-5-24
A: 01936281 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Thailand: Chiang Mai Doi Inthanon National Park Mae Klang Luang (... P. Georgiadis 471 2011-3-28
A: 01936280 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Thailand: Nakhon Ratchasima Khao Yai National Park, open roadside at Dto... O. Petrmitr 520 2002-5-23
ECON: 01936095 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Thailand: Bitsenuloke G. W. Groff 1920-6-25
GH: 01964252 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Trinidad and Tobago: Tobago Botanic Station W. E. Broadway 1913-3-19
A: 01936290 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Vietnam: ad urbem Saigon in austro cochinchina L. Pierre 0142 1872-8
A: 01936289 Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh Vietnam: Forêt sur le Song Gao de Dong Trang à Binh... F. Evrard 527 1921-7-16
GH: 01934079 Piper savanense C. de Candolle Colombia: Cundinamarca Pacho-Subatá Road O. L. Haught 6047 1947-8-9
ECON: 01934078 Piper savanense C. de Candolle Colombia: Cundinamarca entre El Salto y El Colegio J. Cuatrecasas 8215 1940-3-3
GH: 01934080 Piper scabridulicaule Trelease Peru: Loreto Above Pongo de Manseriche. Mouth of Rio Sant... Y. E. J. Mexia 6106 1931-11-14
GH: 00005850 Piper scabridulilimbum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Río Suratá valley, between El Jaboncillo a... E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16465 1927-1-3
A: 01934082 Piper scabridulilimbum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Suratá E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16775 1927-1-4
GH: 01934081 Piper scabridulilimbum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Suratá E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16775 1927-1-4
GH: 01934080 Piper scabridulilimbum Trelease & Yuncker Peru: Loreto Above Pongo de Manseriche. Mouth of Rio Sant... Y. E. J. Mexia 6106 1931-11-14
GH: 00005540 Piper scabrilimbum C. de Candolle Panama: Darién Boca de Pauarandó, on Sambú; 20 m. H. F. Pittier 5584 1912-2
A: 00005541 Piper scabriseptum Trelease Honduras: Atlántida Lancetilla Valley, near Tela P. C. Standley 52681 1927-12-6
A: 00005542 Piper scabriseptum reductum Trelease Honduras: Near Lancetilla; 90 ft. T. G. Yuncker 4773 1934-7-27
GH: 00005644 Piper scabrum kalacroixense Trelease Haiti: Artibonite Vicinity of Kalacroix, Section, Dessalines; ... E. C. Leonard 7939 1925-12-11
GH: 00005543 Piper scalarispicum Trelease Honduras: Comayagua Above El Achote, SW of Siguatepeque T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R... 6156 1936-7-28
GH: 00005485 Piper scalarispicum Trelease Honduras: Comayagua Above El Achote, above plains of Siguatepequ... T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R... 5991 1936-7-21
GH: 01980800 Piper scalarispicum Trelease Honduras: Cerro Uyuca, Tatumbla M. Hernández M. & J. Hernández R. 5048 1970-4-8
GH: 01980801 Piper scalarispicum Trelease Honduras: El Hatillo Ernesto Vargas & F. A. Barkley H 45028 1975-8-1
GH: 01980802 Piper scalarispicum Trelease Honduras: Cerro Uyuca, Tatumbla, D. C. M. Hernández M. & J. Hernández R. 5048 1970-4-8
GH: 01980803 Piper scalarispicum Trelease Honduras: La Tigra, between Jutiapa and Quebrada La Ti... Ant. Molina 20288 1967-2-8
GH: 01980806 Piper scalarispicum Trelease Honduras: noroeste de la Mt. Uyuca, entre La Labranza ... Ant. Molina 1306 1948-10-22
GH: 01980807 Piper scalarispicum Trelease Honduras: On Mt. Uyuca, Drainage of the Rio Yeguare, D... L. O. Williams & Ant. Molina 14951 1949-1-4
GH: 01980804 Piper scalarispicum Trelease Nicaragua: Matagalpa between Disparate de Potter and Aranjuez, Co... L. O. Williams, A. Jimenez & T. P.... 23686 1963-1-12
GH: 01980805 Piper scalarispicum Trelease Nicaragua: Matagalpa between Disparate de Potter and Aranjuez, Co... L. O. Williams, A. Jimenez & T. P.... 23686 1963-1-12
GH: 01980808 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Belize: Maya mounds vicinity Cockscomb Mts. W. A. Schipp 532 1930-6-9
A: 01980810 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Belize: Cayo near Camp 6 P. H. Gentle 2588 1938-5-9
A: 01980811 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Belize: Toledo Swasey Branch, Monkey River, near falls P. H. Gentle 3985 1942-3-20
A: 01980812 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Belize: Maya mouns vicinity Cockscomb Mts. W. A. Schipp 532 1930-6-9
A: 01980813 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Belize: Stann Creek Valley, Big Eddy Ridge P. H. Gentle 3316 1940-4-27
GH: 01980814 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Belize: Toledo E of Laguna Village. Trail to cave M. J. Balick, P. Anderson, R. Avig... 3505 1993-3-11
GH: 01980815 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Belize: Toledo beyond Central Camp, Edwards Road beyond Col... P. H. Gentle 7297 1951-4-24
GH: 01980816 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Belize: Toledo 1 mile in from 7 Miles, San Antonio-Punta Go... P. H. Gentle 7077 1950-7-1
GH: 01980817 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Belize: Toledo Vicinity of San Jose Myan Indian Village; 6.... T. B. Croat 24467 1973-6-13
A: 01980818 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Belize: Stann Creek Valley, Antelope Ridge P. H. Gentle 3180 1940-1-29
GH: 01980840 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Belize: [no additional data] M. E. Peck 846
A: 01934083 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Ecuador: Esmeraldas Río Onzolé, upstream from San Francisco de... L. B. Holm-Nielsen, J. Jaramillo, ... 25738 1980-9-3
A: 01980827 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Guatemala: Petén along Río San Román, west of Chinajá J. A. Steyermark 45527 1942-3-30
A: 01980839 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Guatemala: Mountains east of Tactic, on road to Tamahú P. C. Standley 71106 1939-4-9
GH: 00005583 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Honduras: Atlántida Vicinity of La Ceiba, lower slopes of Mt. Ca... T. G. Yuncker, J. M. Koepper & K. ... 8495 1938-7-26
A: 00005456 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Honduras: Atlántida Lancetilla Valley, near Tela P. C. Standley 53483 1927-12-6
GH: 00005415 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Honduras: Comayagua near El Achote, hills above plains of Siguat... T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R... 5997 1936-7-21
GH: 00005414 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Honduras: Comayagua El Achote above plains of Siguatepeque T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R... 6124 1936-7-26
GH: 01980809 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Veracruz vic. "Cerro del Águila", 13 km. N of Altoto... M. Nee & B. F. Hansen 18536 1980-6-28
GH: 01980819 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Oaxaca Loc. Chiltepec G. Martinez C. 59 1965-6-22
A: 01980821 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Veracruz [near Huatusco], [Hacienda] Zacuapan [new na... C. A. Purpus 14298 1932-5
A: 01980822 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Veracruz Mt. Mirador C. A. Purpus 15429 1933-5
A: 01980823 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Hidalgo Puerto del Zopilote, near Km. 329 on highway... H. E. Moore, Jr. 2709 1947-4-28
A: 01980824 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Veracruz [near Huatusco], [Hacienda] Zacuapan [new na... C. A. Purpus 7767 1919-5
A: 01980825 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Veracruz Cerro Chicola, Santa Ana Atzacan M. Rosas R. 1264 1968-4-28
A: 01980826 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Veracruz [near Huatusco], [Hacienda] Zacuapan [new na... C. A. Purpus 7767 1919-5
GH: 01980828 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Veracruz 6.5km al oeste de Tlapacoyan camino a Teziut... L. I. Nevling & A. Gomez-Pompa 1091 1970-6-20
GH: 01980829 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Veracruz 6.5 km. al oeste de Tlapacoyan, camino a Tzi... L. I. Nevling & A. Gomez-Pompa 1079 1970-6-20
GH: 01980830 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Veracruz Orillas del Rio Jamapa, cerca del Ixhuatlan ... A. Lot Helgueras 881 1970-4-13
A: 01980831 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Veracruz Chiconquiaco, Canada del Huerfano M. Rosas R. 566 1967-7-30
A: 01980832 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Hidalgo near km. 327 on highway between Santa Anaa a... H. E. Moore, Jr. & C. E. Wood, Jr. 3959 1948-7-12
GH: 01980833 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Veracruz Region of San Andrés Tuxtla: near Zapoapan,... R. L. Dressler & Q. Jones 92 1953-8-17
A: 01980834 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Veracruz Coscomatepec E. Matuda 1307 1937-5-10
A: 01980835 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Veracruz [near Huatusco], [Hacienda] Zacuapan [new na... C. A. Purpus 15208 1930-10
GH: 01980836 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Veracruz [near Huatusco], [Hacienda] Zacuapan [new na... C. A. Purpus 7767 1917-2
A: 01980837 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Chiapas Pico de Loro, near Escuintla E. Matuda 4273 1941-6-25
A: 01980838 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Mexico: Chiapas Mt. Pasiten E. Matuda 1073 1936-12-30
GH: 01980820 Piper schiedeanum Steudel Panama: Bocas del Toro Changuinola to 5 miles S at junction of Río... W. Hepw. Lewis, J. D. Dwyer, T. S.... 968 1966-12-17
GH: 01154759 Piper schippianum Trelease Belize: Middlesex W. A. Schipp 316 1929-7-31
A: 01154760 Piper schippianum Trelease Belize: Near Middlesex W. A. Schipp 316 1929-7-30
A: 01936984 Piper schizonephos C. de Candolle Malaysia: Bukit Kajang, Kemaman E. J. H. Corner 30593 1935-11-26
A: 01936291 Piper schizonephos C. de Candolle Thailand: Songkhla Ampoe Satingpra, Wat Pakok, small hill G. Congdon & C. W. Hamilton 133 1978-12-24
A: 01980797 Piper schlechtendalianum C. de Candolle Mexico: Hgo., 17 mi. s. Temazunchale L. A. Kenoyer & H. A. Crum 3979 1948
GH: 01980798 Piper schlechtendalianum C. de Candolle Mexico: Puebla Loc. 2 Km al NE de Zapotitlan, Mpio. Zapotit... P. Tenorio L., A. Campos V. & G. T... 13883 1987-7-3
GH: 01980799 Piper schlechtendalianum C. de Candolle Mexico: San Luis Potosí Tamazunchale L. A. Kenoyer C195 1940-8-16
GH: 00005851 Piper schultesii Yuncker Colombia: Vaupés Macaya-Ajaju River confluence, Mount Chiribi... 1943-5-15
GH: 01934086 Piper schwackei C. de Candolle Brazil: Pará BR 163, Cuiabá-Santarém Highway. BR 163, k... G. T. Prance, A. S. L. da Silva, M... P 25436 1977-11-15
GH: 01934085 Piper schwackei C. de Candolle Brazil: Pará Rio Tocantins near Igarapé Cajazeirinha, ap... D. C. Daly, R. Callejas, M. G. da ... 1618 1981-12-1
GH: 01934084 Piper schwackei C. de Candolle Brazil: Maranhao Municipio Sta. Luzia; Fazenda Cacique, entra... Eliz. L. Taylor, M. da Graca Albuq... E1057 1983-3-25
A: 01882790 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Kieta. S. F. Kajewski 1585 1930-3-27
A: 01882805 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Marmaromino. S. F. Kajewski 2185 1930
A: 01882801 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Siwai J. H. L. Waterhouse cf. 87 168-B 1931-5
A: 01882800 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: 14 miles NW of Tonolei ... D. B. Foreman NGF 45627 1969-8-15
A: 01882799 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Vicinity of Kugugai vil... R. Schodde & L. A. Craven 3984 1964-9-5
A: 01882798 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Vicinity of Aku village... L. A. Craven & R. Schodde 513 1964-9-22
A: 01882797 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Siwai J. H. L. Waterhouse 168-B 1930-7
A: 01882796 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Pavairi P. Lavarack & C. E. Ridsdale N.G.F. 31239 1967-1-26
A: 01882795 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal Island: Tambulusu E. J. H. Corner 187 1965-11-2
A: 01882794 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Solomon Islands: N.E. San Cristobal, c. 8 miles inland Banks ... T. C. Whitmore 6144 1965-7-23
A: 01882793 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Solomon Islands: Warahito River ca. 8 miles inland, N.E. San ... T. C. Whitmore 6222 1965-7-28
A: 01882792 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Solomon Islands: Malaita Kwara-ae dist., mt. Alasaa E. J. H. Corner 3038 1965-11-21
A: 01882791 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal Island: Hidden Valley tributary,... P. F. Hunt 2124 1965
A: 01882789 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Solomon Islands: Kolombangara, 2 miles NNW of Kuzi village P. F. Hunt 2392 1965-8-24
A: 01882788 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Solomon Islands: San Cristoval Island: Waimamura L. J. Brass 3139 1932-9
A: 01882787 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal Island: Uulolo, Tutuve Mt. S. F. Kajewski 2598 1931-4-29
A: 01882807 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Solomon Islands: Tiratona, Isabel. L. J. Brass 3345 1932
A: 01882806 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Solomon Islands: San Cristoval Island: Waimamura L. J. Brass 2577 1932-8-4
A: 01882804 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Solomon Islands: San Cristoval Island: Waimamura L. J. Brass 3139
A: 01882803 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Solomon Islands: San Cristoval Island: Waimamura L. J. Brass 2583 1932-8-4
A: 01882802 Piper sclerophloeum C. de Candolle Solomon Islands: Kolombangara, 2 miles NNW of Kuzi village. P. F. Hunt 2408 1965-8-25
A: 00005852 Piper scutilimbum C. de Candolle Colombia: Santa Marta; 4000 ft. Herbert H. Smith 1235 1898-3
GH: 00005853 Piper scutilimbum C. de Candolle Colombia: Santa Marta; 4000 ft. Herbert H. Smith 1235 1898-3
GH: 00005544 Piper segoviarum Standley & L. O. Williams Nicaragua: Jinotega Finca Aventina, in sierra E of Jinotega; 140... P. C. Standley 9912 1947-6-23
A: 01936987 Piper semangkoanum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Sintang. Bukit Baka National Park. North of ... A. C. Church Mahyar, U.W., Ruskand... 691 1993-11-11
A: 01936986 Piper semangkoanum C. de Candolle Malaysia: Kelantan Gua Musang-Kuala Betis track. M. R. Henderson 29661 1935-7-14
A: 01936985 Piper semangkoanum C. de Candolle Singapore: Botanic Gardens. W. L. Chew CWL. 1283 1966-10-21
A: 00005910 Piper semiimersum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan Mongtse, SE mountain forests; 5000 ft. A. Henry 11037
A: 00966186 Piper semiimersum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan D. E. Boufford, S. Christoph, C. R... 44156 2018-5-5
A: 00966187 Piper semiimersum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan D. E. Boufford, S. Christoph, C. R... 44150 2018-5-5
A: 01934987 Piper semiimmersum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan [no additional data] G. Forrest 8427
A: 01934986 Piper semiimmersum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan Ma-kuan-hsien: Ching-kou (Loa-chun-shan) K. M. Feng 13657 1947-12-6
A: 01934985 Piper semiimmersum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan Si-chour-hsien: Ting-mann K. M. Feng 12188 1947-10-5
A: 01934984 Piper semiimmersum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan Fo Hai C. W. Wang 73658 1936-5
A: 00005854 Piper semivolubile C. de Candolle Paraguay: Near Igatimi E. Hassler 4811
GH: 00005855 Piper semperflorens C. de Candolle Colombia: Rio Paez, Tolima F. C. Lehmann 5624
A: 01934992 Piper senporeiense Yamamoto China: Hainan Bak Sa S. K. Lau 25679 1936-3-11
A: 01934991 Piper senporeiense Yamamoto China: Hainan Yaichow F. C. How 70496 1933-3
A: 01934990 Piper senporeiense Yamamoto China: Hainan Po-ting F. C. How 72683 1935-5-31
A: 01934989 Piper senporeiense Yamamoto China: Hainan Po-ting F. C. How 72417 1935-5-10
A: 01934988 Piper senporeiense Yamamoto China: Hainan on rock C. Wang 33179 1933-7-19
A: 00005545 Piper sesquimetrale Trelease ex Standley Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of El General; 950 m. A. F. Skutch 2314 1935-12
GH: 00005856 Piper setosum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Valle del Cauca "Calima", on Rio Calima E. P. Killip 11219 1922-9-14
A: 00005546 Piper sibunense Trelease ex Standley Belize: Gracie Rock, Sibun River P. H. Gentle 1562 1935-3-24
GH: 00005547 Piper siguatepequense Trelease Honduras: Comayagua Vicinity of Siguatepeque T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R... 6042 1936-7-23
GH: 00005548 Piper siguatepequense Trelease Honduras: Comayagua Vicinity of Siguatepeque T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R... 5617 1936-7-3
GH: 00005548 Piper siguatepequense subrhombifolium Trelease Honduras: Comayagua Vicinity of Siguatepeque T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R... 5617 1936-7-3
GH: 00005857 Piper silvarum minus Trelease & Yuncker Ecuador: Pichincha Corazon L. Sodiro 1/22 1904
GH: 01980904 Piper silvivagum C. de Candolle Panama: Darién Vicinity of Paya, Río Paya, trail between P... W. L. Stern, K. L. Chambers, J. D.... 208 1959-6-10
GH: 01934994 Piper sinense (Champion ex Bentham) C. de Candolle China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wilford
A: 01934993 Piper sinense (Champion ex Bentham) C. de Candolle China: Sichuan Mt. Omei W. P. Fang 14241 1940-5-5
A: 01934999 Piper sintenense Hatusima China: Taiwan [no additional data] U. J. Faurie 8391 1915
A: 01934998 Piper sintenense Hatusima China: Taiwan Sun-moon Lake T. I. Chuang 4873 1962-4-13
A: 01934997 Piper sintenense Hatusima China: Taiwan Urai U. J. Faurie 631 1914-4
A: 01934996 Piper sintenense Hatusima China: Taiwan Wulai: Ayushan W. P. Leu 1276 1991-12-1
A: 01934995 Piper sintenense Hatusima China: Taiwan Chutung; Wuchihshan Tseng C. Huang & S. F. Huang 15159 1991-5-30
GH: 00005645 Piper sinuatispicum Trelease & Ekman Haiti: Les Roseaux, La Hotte E. L. Ekman H10166 1928-6-28
A: 01980905 Piper sinugaudens C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Alajuela Villa Quesada. Canton: San Carlos Aust. P. Smith P2607 1940-3-12
A: 01936293 Piper siriboa Linnaeus Sri Lanka: Wewelkandura, E. of Kalawana, Ratnapura Dist... A. H. M. Jayasuriya, M. Mii, J. J.... 3284 1985-4-7
A: 01936292 Piper siriboa Linnaeus Sri Lanka: Peradeniya: South Garden D. M. A. Jayaweera 1493 1956-1-23
GH: 01934089 Piper sodiroi C. de Candolle Ecuador: Pichincha Carretera Quito-Aloag-Sto. Domingo de los Co... V. Zak 1536 1986-12-25
GH: 01934088 Piper sodiroi C. de Candolle Ecuador: Pichincha carretera Quito-Chiriboga-Empalme, Km 85, "E... V. Zak & J. Jaramillo 2286 1987-7-31
GH: 01934087 Piper sodiroi C. de Candolle Ecuador: Pichincha Carretera Quito-Lloa-Mindo, Hacienda "El Ped... V. Zak & J. Jaramillo 2162 1987-7-10
GH: 00005858 Piper sodiroi incanum Sodiro Ecuador: Near Niebly; 2000 m. L. Sodiro 1/11(?)
A: 00005859 Piper sodiroi incanum Sodiro Ecuador: Near Niebly; 2000 m. L. Sodiro 1/11(?)
GH: 00005860 Piper sodiroi incanum Sodiro Ecuador: Near Niebly; 2000 m. L. Sodiro 1/11(?)
GH: 01934091 Piper soledadense Trelease Colombia: Vaupés Mitú and vicinity; lower Río Kubiyú J. L. Zarucchi & E. W. Davis 1174 1975-4-11
GH: 01934092 Piper soledadense Trelease Peru: Loreto Río Yaguasyacu, affluent of Río Ampiyacu B... T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O.... 6762 1977-4-12
GH: 01934090 Piper soledadense Trelease Peru: Loreto Río Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity. Trail to ... T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O.... 7053 1977-4-26
GH: 00005861 Piper soledadense angustum Trelease Peru: Loreto San Antonio, on Río Itaya, ca. 110 m. E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 29350 1929-9-18
GH: 01934093 Piper solmsianum C. de Candolle Brazil: Santa Catarina Sombrio R. Ruiz C1036 1945-4-25
GH: 00005549 Piper sonsonatense Trelease ex Standley & S. Calderón El Salvador: Sonsonate Vicinity of Nahulingo; ca. 220 m. P. C. Standley 22028 1922-3-21
A: 00005976 Piper sorsogonum C. de Candolle ex Quisumbing Philippines: Sorsogon Luzon Island, Irosin (Mt. Bulusan) A. D. E. Elmer 14921 1916-9
GH: 00005975 Piper sorsogonum C. de Candolle ex Quisumbing Philippines: Sorsogon Luzon Island, Irosin (Mt. Bulusan) A. D. E. Elmer 14921 1916-9
A: 01883531 Piper sorsogonum C. de Candolle ex Quisumbing Philippines: Leyte Mt. Abucayan G. E. Edaño 41833 1923-2
GH: 00289721 Piper sp. : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 32335 2006-8-17
GH: 00291633 Piper sp. : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 23968 2005-5-12
GH: 00291717 Piper sp. : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 24897 2005-5-25
GH: 00291957 Piper sp. : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 29531 2006-5-24
GH: 00292620 Piper sp. : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 30444 2006-5-20
GH: 00297264 Piper sp. : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 31088 2006-6-5
GH: 00297811 Piper sp. : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 23970 2005-8-12
GH: 00294688 Piper sp. : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 29090 2006-5-18
GH: 00294750 Piper sp. : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 24826 2005-5-24
GH: 00294797 Piper sp. : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 25239 2005-5-31
GH: 00294932 Piper sp. : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 24231 2005-5-15
GH: 00293146 Piper sp. : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 33075 2006-8-11
GH: 01965195 Piper sp. : Central America: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 01964290 Piper sp. : Puerto Rico: Carib. Natl. Forest. Trail to M... E. L. Little 13709 1950-8-20
A: 01964292 Piper sp. : Guadeloupe: Bananier, Le Grand Etang J. Jéremie 100 1974-9-9
A: 01934494 Piper sp. : South America: Purviae (loci A usque G) et V... L. Bernardi, A. Charpin & F. Jacqu... B C J no 16786 1976
GH: 01936445 Piper sp. : India: [no additional data] Herb. Falconer 907
GH: 01883820 Piper sp. : Africa: Mauritius or Madagascar J. Blackburn 1863-7-17
A: 01883671 Piper sp. : Hawaii Panoa Flats O. Degener 1,654 1923-4-22
GH: 01934486 Piper sp. Argentina: Buenos Aires Municipio de Anorí, Corregimiento de Provid... D. D. Soejarto 2991 1971-6-9
GH: 01934275 Piper sp. Argentina: Distrito Federal: Estrada D. Castorina (Gave... A. H. G. Alston & K. Lutz 217 1938-10-27
A: 01934357 Piper sp. Argentina: Misiones Eldorado T. Meyer 5714 1944-3-3
A: 01934356 Piper sp. Argentina: Distrito Federal: Estrada D.Castorina (Gavea... A. H. G. Alston & K. Lutz 217 1938-10-27
A: 01883770 Piper sp. Australia (Country): Queensland Mossman River L. J. Brass 2149 1932-2-13
A: 01883769 Piper sp. Australia (Country): Queensland Cape York Peninsula: Upper Parrot Creek, Ann... L. J. Brass 20248 1948-9-15
A: 01883768 Piper sp. Australia (Country): Queensland North Queensland: Intake Creek, 15 miles fro... R. Melville, W. Pont & S. Stephens... 3660 1953-4-8
A: 01883767 Piper sp. Australia (Country): Queensland Cape York Peninsula: Tozer Range, 1/2 mile e... L. J. Brass 19459 1948-7-6
A: 01883766 Piper sp. Australia (Country): Queensland Bailey' Creek area, to south of McLean Creek... L. S. Smith 11630 1962-10-3
A: 01883765 Piper sp. Australia (Country): Queensland Cape York Peninsula: Mt. Bellenden-Ker, east... L. J. Brass 18273 1948-4-3
ECON: 00571759 Piper sp. Belize: British Honduras: Toledo District. San Benit... J. Boster 1973-2
ECON: 00571760 Piper sp. Belize: British Honduras: Toledo District. San Benit... J. Boster 1973-2
GH: 01154755 Piper sp. Belize: Honey Camp, British Honduras, Coastal Region C. L. Lundell 570 1929-10
GH: 01154759 Piper sp. Belize: Middlesex W. A. Schipp 316 1929-7-31
A: 01154760 Piper sp. Belize: Near Middlesex W. A. Schipp 316 1929-7-30
A: 01154761 Piper sp. Belize: Cayo El Cayo District: Vaca P. H. Gentle 2264 1938-2-25
GH: 01965315 Piper sp. Belize: Stann Creek Road along right side of Kanantik airstrip, ... F. Farruggia & D. Sampliner 772 2004-1-3
GH: 01965316 Piper sp. Belize: Stann Creek Along Southern Hwy. F. Farruggia & D. Sampliner 717 2003-12-30
GH: 01965333 Piper sp. Belize: Big Creek W. A. Schipp 11 1929-2-18
A: 01936409 Piper sp. Bhutan: Gaylegphug Lodrai Khola near Gaylegphug A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3881 1982-3-21
A: 01936408 Piper sp. Bhutan: Tongsa near Pertimi A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4279 1982-4-3
A: 01936402 Piper sp. Bhutan: Sarbhang district: Burborte Khola near Phips... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3841 1982-3-18
A: 01936394 Piper sp. Bhutan: Samchi Tamangdhanra Forest, Samchi A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3300 1982-2-28
A: 01936473 Piper sp. Bhutan: Sarbhang district: Singi Khola 10 km SW of S... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3599 1982-3-9
A: 01934437 Piper sp. Bolivia: Santa Cruz Bosque del rio Suratá J. Steinbach 6090 1924-7-8
GH: 01934496 Piper sp. Bolivia: Cochabamba Todos Santos R. F. Steinbach 639 1966-10-26
GH: 01934580 Piper sp. Bolivia: Cochabamba Todos Santos R. F. Steinbach 398 1966-10-16
A: 01934579 Piper sp. Bolivia: Santa Cruz Bosques ralos de Buenavista J. Steinbach 7290 1925-10-15
GH: 01934314 Piper sp. Bolivia: Cochabamba Cmmd. de Incachaca. The trail along the old ... N. Ritter 1320 1994-10-2
GH: 01934311 Piper sp. Bolivia: Cochabamba Province of Carrasco. Trail from Estancia Se... N. Ritter 970 1994-5-13
GH: 01934310 Piper sp. Bolivia: El Beni Province of Ballivian. Río Isla Bon, ca. 5 ... N. Ritter 1417 1994-11-20
GH: 01934401 Piper sp. Bolivia: Santa Cruz Angostura R. F. Steinbach 311 1966-6-23
GH: 01934002 Piper sp. Bolivia: Cochabamba Wald bei San Onofre J. Steinbach 9346 1929-2-24
GH: 01934436 Piper sp. Brazil: Pará Belém J. Murca Pires & G. A. Black 683 1945-11-19
GH: 01934490 Piper sp. Brazil: Distrito Federal Parque Nacional de Brasília R. Martin 451 1965-7-26
A: 01934471 Piper sp. Brazil: São Paulo Parqe de Anhanguera, Vairo de Pelusu, São P... S. Tsugaru & Y. Sano B-3 1987-7-4
GH: 01934470 Piper sp. Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul Vila Oliva p.Caxias B. Rambo 43143 1949-8-28
A: 01934467 Piper sp. Brazil: São Paulo Municipio São Jose Do Rio Preto K. Mizoguchi 2246 1982-8-22
GH: 01934512 Piper sp. Brazil: Amazonas Rio Negro: Rio Cauaburi R. E. Schultes 24560 1967-7-5
GH: 01934560 Piper sp. Brazil: Paraná Porto de Cima P. K. H. Dusén 6905 1908-10-19
GH: 01934249 Piper sp. Brazil: Rondonia (Terr.) Município de Porto Velho, Vila Caneco-Miner... M. G. Vieira, J. L. Zarucchi, A. S... 240 1979-10-4
A: 01934611 Piper sp. Brazil: Bahia Munic. Sao Paulinho B. A. Krukoff 12676/41 1942-11-10
GH: 01934610 Piper sp. Brazil: Santa Catarina Turvo, Araranguá. Nome pop. Jaborandi R. Reitz C179 1943-11-11
GH: 01934608 Piper sp. Brazil: Paraná Municipio de Cerro Azul, estrada antiga Cerr... R. Callejas, J. M. Silva bis & C. ... 1874 1983-12-7
GH: 01934607 Piper sp. Brazil: Paraná Municipio de Antonina, 6 km de Antonina entr... R. Callejas, G. G. Hatschbach & C.... 1836 1983-12-1
GH: 01964872 Piper sp. Brazil: Paraná Serra do Mar, Porto de Cima P. K. H. Dusén 14303 1914
GH: 01964871 Piper sp. Brazil: Paraná Serra do Mar, Porto de Cima P. K. H. Dusén 14303 1914
GH: 01964870 Piper sp. Brazil: Paraná Porto de Cima P. K. H. Dusén 7062 1908
GH: 01934598 Piper sp. Brazil: Rondonia (Terr.) Mineração Camp Novo BR- 421a 2km a Oeste d... M. G. Vieira, J. L. Zarucchi, R. H... 393 1979-10-13
A: 01934258 Piper sp. Brazil: Minas Gerais Vicosa: Agricultural College lands; along ra... Y. E. J. Mexia 4788 1930-6-24
A: 01934257 Piper sp. Brazil: Minas Gerais Vicosa: Agricultural College lands; northeas... Y. E. J. Mexia 4351 1930-2-14
GH: 01934256 Piper sp. Brazil: Minas Gerais Vicosa: Agricultural College lands. Near wes... Y. E. J. Mexia 4401-a 1930-2-25
A: 01934255 Piper sp. Brazil: Pará Belem, circa urbem cultam A. Ducke 1651 1944-11-10
A: 01934254 Piper sp. Brazil: Minas Gerais Vicosa: Cha-Cha Valley, just outside Agricul... Y. E. J. Mexia 4465 1930-3-15
GH: 01934253 Piper sp. Brazil: Minas Gerais Vicosa: Agricultural College lands; north sl... Y. E. J. Mexia 4617 1930-4-22
GH: 01934252 Piper sp. Brazil: Minas Gerais Three-fourths of a mile south of Alegre Y. E. J. Mexia 4005 1929-11-20
GH: 01934251 Piper sp. Brazil: [no additional data] F. Sellow 200
GH: 01934250 Piper sp. Brazil: [no additional data] F. Sellow 189
A: 01934293 Piper sp. Brazil: São Paulo Tabão, Municipio De Mogidas Cruzes K. Mizoguchi 699 1978-8-15
GH: 01934292 Piper sp. Brazil: Pará Serra dos Carajás. AMZA camp AZUL, an aband... C. R. Sperling, R. S. Secco, M. A.... Sperling No. 5882 1982-5-31
GH: 01934290 Piper sp. Brazil: Amazonas Mun. de Maués, across Rio Maués from town ... J. L. Zarucchi et al. 3142 1983-7-22
GH: 01934289 Piper sp. Brazil: Amazonas Mun. de Maués, across Rio Maués from town ... J. L. Zarucchi et al. 3140 1983-7-22
GH: 01934339 Piper sp. Brazil: Distrito Federal Botanical-Zoological Gardens Brasilia (Funda... R. Martin 438 1965-7-22
GH: 01934343 Piper sp. Brazil: near Rio Janeiro Wilkes Expedition 1838
A: 01934376 Piper sp. Brazil: São Paulo vicinity of Panela, Municipio de Miracatu, 1... S. Tsugaru, Y. Fujimoto & T. Tariki B-2298 1987-12-8
A: 01934375 Piper sp. Brazil: Amazonas river side and small islets of Rio Amazonas ... S. Tsugaru & Y. Sano B-859 1987-8-9
A: 01934374 Piper sp. Brazil: Amazonas Tarumá, 18km N from Manaus S. Tsugaru & Y. Sano B-590 1987-8-1
A: 01934370 Piper sp. Brazil: Amazonas river side and small islets of Rio Solimões... S. Tsugaru & Y. Sano B-1082 1987-8-15
A: 01934369 Piper sp. Brazil: Espirito Santo near Rio Nova do Sul, 90km SW from Vitória S. Tsugaru & Y. Sano B-1523 1987-9-8
A: 01934368 Piper sp. Brazil: Mato Grosso Fazenda Maringa, Municipio de Juará, 45km S... S. Tsugaru & H. A. Guinoza B-1773 1987-10-27
GH: 01934408 Piper sp. Brazil: Amapá (Terr.) Rio Oiapoque. Lower and middle slopes of Mt.... H. S. Irwin 48666 1960-10-12
GH: 01934407 Piper sp. Brazil: Rio de Janeiro Município de Rio Claro: 5.4 km along road s... G. Eiten & L. T. Eiten 7888 1966-11-22
GH: 01934422 Piper sp. Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 9798
GH: 01934421 Piper sp. Brazil: Pará Belém; igapó, Horta do I. A. N. J. Murca Pires & G. A. Black 792 1945-11-27
GH: 01934420 Piper sp. Brazil: Pará Tucuruí, Rio Tocantins R. L. Fróes 23520 1948-9-24
A: 01934419 Piper sp. Brazil: Maranhao Estrado to Gurupy. Carutapera Region R. L. Fróes 2021 1933-1-20
GH: 01934416 Piper sp. Brazil: Roraima (Terr.) Upper west facing slopes of Serra Tepequem G. T. Prance, E. Forero, B. da S. ... 4571 1967-2-20
GH: 01934412 Piper sp. Brazil: Amazonas Mun. de Manaus, ca. 90 km. N de Manaus, Dist... M. Nee 46254 1995-8-20
A: 01934346 Piper sp. Brazil: Amazonas Municipality São Paulo de Olivença, near P... B. A. Krukoff 8581 1936-9-11
GH: 02263761 Piper sp. Brazil: Minas Gerais [data not captured] [see remarks] 254 1971-11-28
A: 01937213 Piper sp. Brunei: Belait Labi, path to Rampayoh Waterfall L. L. Forman J. B. J. Blewett 1064 1989-10-24
A: 01937302 Piper sp. Brunei: Belait Bukit Sawat. Sungai Mau Ariffin Kalat (Brunei) Jangarun Er... BRUN 16458 1996
GH: 00268423 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Heshun. Shitou Shan. Old lava flow area ca. ... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 29809 2006-6-1
GH: 00275053 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Jietou. Datang Cun. Vicinity of Dayingpingzi... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 30488 2006-5-20
GH: 00275054 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Xinhua. Longjin Cun. Vicinity of Xiaoheiqin.... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 31085 2006-6-5
A: 00277207 Piper sp. China: Yunnan A. Henry 11,635 E
GH: 00285190 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Jietou. Datang Cun. Vicinity of Dongyanjiao,... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 30260 2006-5-18
GH: 00285273 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Xinhua. Longjin Cun. Vicinity of Xiaoheiqin.... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 29666 2006-5-27
GH: 00288199 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Qingshui. Liangying Cun. In the vicinity of ... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 30839 2006-6-1
GH: 00289346 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Xinhua. Longjin Cun. Vicinity of Xiaoheiqin.... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 29575 2006-5-27
GH: 00292187 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Longjiang Xiang. Daguntang of Jintang villag... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 24770 2005-5-24
GH: 00297593 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Longyang Qu, Mangkuan Xiang. Vicinity of Mas... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 26275 2005-6-2
GH: 00297660 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Longyang Qu, Bawan Xiang. Vicinity of 21 km ... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 23838 2005-5-27
GH: 00293283 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Wutai Xiang. A humid valley in the W side of... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 24980 2005-5-27
GH: 00300059 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Longjiang Xiang. Xiaoheishan Provincial Pres... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 17294 2003-8-21
GH: 00300183 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Zheng'an Zheng. Linggang area near Xiaohei S... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 17782 2003-8-24
GH: 00307538 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Longyang Qu: Mangkuan Xiang. Baihualing Cun,... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 18973 2003-9-9
GH: 00307540 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Longyang Qu: Mangkuan Xiang. Baihualing Cun,... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 18979 2003-9-9
GH: 00353303 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Pianma Xiang. N or Pianma between Gulang and... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 22856 2005-5-13
GH: 00353347 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Zhen'an Zheng. Vicinity of Weiming Qiao, ca.... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 23399 2005-5-25
GH: 01936059 Piper sp. China: Yunnan 52km from Xiao Meng Yang to Menglun Sino-Amer. Exped. Yunnan (1983) 0226 1983-9-18
GH: 01936058 Piper sp. China: Yunnan 52km from Xiao Meng Yang Menglun Sino-Amer. Exped. Yunnan (1983) 0232 1983-9-18
GH: 01581911 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Menglun Sino-Amer. Exped. Yunnan (1983) 0182 1983-9-17
A: 01936056 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Chen-Kang Hsien C. W. Wang 72663 1936-3
A: 01936055 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Chen-Kang Hsien C. W. Wang 72167 1936-3
A: 01936054 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Hwei-du, Jenn-yeh Hsien C. W. Wang 80288 1936-10
A: 01936053 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Meng-pung, Jenn-yeh Hsien C. W. Wang 78954 1936-10
A: 01936052 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Sheau-meng-yeang, Che-li Hsien C. W. Wang 75724 1936-8
A: 01936061 Piper sp. China: Yunnan Xishuangbanna: Mt. Nannuo F. Konta & H. Koyama 2882 1993-10-3
GH: 01934434 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino. Vereda Venados, Parque Na... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18059 1995-1-30
GH: 01934433 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino. Vereda Venados, Parque Na... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18339 1995-2-3
GH: 01934432 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino. Vereda Venados, Parque Na... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18336 1995-2-3
GH: 01934431 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Urrao. Corregimiento La Encarnació... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18583 1995-2-8
GH: 01934430 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino. Vereda Venados, Parque Na... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18269 1995-2-2
GH: 01934429 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Urrao. Corregimiento La Encarnació... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18575 1995-2-8
GH: 01934428 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino. Vereda Venados, Parque Na... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18378 1995-2-4
GH: 01934427 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino. Vereda Venados, Parque Na... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18386 1995-2-4
GH: 01934426 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino. Vereda Venados, Parque Na... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18403 1995-2-5
GH: 01934425 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino. Vereda Venados, Parque Na... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18428 1995-2-5
GH: 01934424 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca [illegible] F. A. Barkley & G. Bouthillette 38983 1968-7-8
GH: 01934456 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Municipio de Zaragoza, Corregimiento de Prov... D. D. Soejarto & J. D. Villa 2668 1971-2-9
GH: 01934438 Piper sp. Colombia: Norte de Santander Cordillera Oriental; Hoya del Rio Chitagá, ... J. Cuatrecasas, R. E. Schultes & E... 12365 1941-10-17
GH: 01934466 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Mitú and vicinity J. L. Zarucchi 1601 1976-5-20
GH: 01934465 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Mitú and vicinity; along road from town J. L. Zarucchi 1661 1976-5-26
GH: 01934464 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Mitú amd vocomotu' mear base pf Cerrp de Mi... J. L. Zarucchi 1914 1976-8-29
GH: 01934463 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Along portage trail between Ríos Vaupés an... J. L. Zarucchi 2085 1976-9-17
GH: 01934462 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Mitú and vicinity; lower Río Kubiyú J. L. Zarucchi 1238 1975-4-20
GH: 01934461 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Mitú and vicinity; between lower Río Kubiy... J. L. Zarucchi 1390 1975-7-7
GH: 01934459 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia The vicinity of the Hot Springs of Santo Dom... F. A. Barkley & G. Gutiérrez V. 35406 1965-7-30
GH: 01934458 Piper sp. Colombia: Valle del Cauca Cordillera Central near Tulua F. A. Barkley & R. Lozano L. 38C600 1968-8-7
GH: 01934457 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia a 4 kilómetros al oeste de Palmitas Hno. Constantino, Jorge A. Molina ... 19Am141 1949-3-5
GH: 01934491 Piper sp. Colombia: Meta Cordillera La Macarena, trocha entre el río... J. M. Idrobo & R. E. Schultes 821 1950-12-20
GH: 01934489 Piper sp. Colombia: Putumayo Valle de Sibundoy, 5 kms. S Sibundoy M. L. Bristol 1209 1963-7-12
GH: 01934485 Piper sp. Colombia: Putumayo Valle de Sibundoy, 2-5 kms. N San Pedro P. J. Chindoy B. 176 1963-8-3
GH: 01934484 Piper sp. Colombia: Llanos Orientales: La Macarena (Parte Sur); ... H. García Barriga & R. Jaramillo ... 17069 1959-1
GH: 01934483 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Along road 5 km. from Fusagasuga near road t... T. C. Plowman & R. T. Martin 120 1967-6-27
GH: 01934482 Piper sp. Colombia: Amazonas Puerto Narino at mouth of Rio Loretoyacu T. C. Plowman 3211 1972-5-8
GH: 01934481 Piper sp. Colombia: Nariño Pasto Region: San Fernando, 5 km. from Pasto T. C. Plowman 1945 1968-10-20
GH: 01934478 Piper sp. Colombia: Santander del Sur: Municipio de Pie de Cuest... H. García-Barriga & R. Jaramillo ... 19670 1969-5-16
GH: 01934475 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Cordillera de Bogota, Cerro del Chico R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 18434 1952-11-30
GH: 01934474 Piper sp. Colombia: Putumayo Río Putumayo, Buena vista R. E. Schultes 22574 1960-8-1
GH: 01934473 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Cordillera de Bogota, Cerro del Chico R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 18434 1952-11-30
GH: 01934472 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca on road to Facatativa R. E. Schultes 22406 1960-7-6
GH: 01934503 Piper sp. Colombia: Boyacá Cordillera Oriental; al N.E. de Arcabuco, li... H. García-Barriga & R. Jaramillo ... 20.260 1972-5-7
GH: 01934502 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Río Kananarí (affluent of Río Apaporis), ... R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 14763 1951
GH: 01934501 Piper sp. Colombia: Meta Cordillera La Macarena, trocha entre el río... J. M. Idrobo & R. E. Schultes 744 1950-12-20
GH: 01934500 Piper sp. Colombia: Meta Cordillera La Macarena, trocha entre el rio ... J. M. Idrobo & R. E. Schultes 729 1950-12-20
A: 01934498 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca locality El Chico above Bogota M. B. Foster, R. Jaramillo M., J. ... 1895 1946-10-14
GH: 01934497 Piper sp. Colombia: 30 km north of Tunja, Boyoca F. A. Barkley 38C067 1968-7-11
GH: 01934495 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Municipio de Zaragoza, Corregimiento de Prov... D. D. Soejarto & J. D. Villa 2668 1971-2-9
GH: 01934493 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia near bridge 5 miles from Palmitas on the roa... F. A. Barkley & G. Bouthillette 38C501 1968-7-28
GH: 01934492 Piper sp. Colombia: Huila San Agustín and vicinity R. E. Schultes & M. Villarreal 5301 1943-1
GH: 01934520 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Junín a Gama; Río Rucio H. García-Barriga 17520 1962-9-18
GH: 01934517 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca carretera Gutiérrez-Fosca H. García-Barriga 17439 1962-4-15
GH: 01934511 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca 3 km east of Caqueza F. A. Barkley & G. Bouthillette 38C001 1968-7-8
GH: 01934510 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia 20 km west of Sopotran F. A. Barkley & G. Bouthillette 38C439 1968-7-23
GH: 01934509 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca [no additional data] F. A. Barkley & G. Bouthillette 38983 1968-7-8
GH: 01934508 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino Vereda Venados, Parque Nac... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18517 1995-2-5
GH: 01934507 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Along portage trail between Ríos Vaupés an... J. L. Zarucchi 2089 1976-9-17
GH: 01934506 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Mitú and vicinity; along road from town J. L. Zarucchi 1614 1976-5-20
GH: 01934537 Piper sp. Colombia: Magdalena Alto Río Buritaca Ciudad Perdida, Buritaca ... S. Madriñan & C. E. Barbosa 364 1989-7-18
GH: 01934536 Piper sp. Colombia: Magdalena Alto Río Guachaca Por el camino reál de La... S. Madriñan & C. E. Barbosa 114 1989-7-11
GH: 01934535 Piper sp. Colombia: Magdalena Alto Río Frio Cabeceras del Río Congo; Ciu... S. Madriñan & C. E. Barbosa 470 1989-7-25
GH: 01934534 Piper sp. Colombia: Magdalena Alto Río Frio Cabeceras del Río Congo; Ciu... S. Madriñan & C. E. Barbosa 504 1989-7-25
GH: 01934533 Piper sp. Colombia: Magdalena Alto Río Frio Cabeceras del Río Congo; Ciu... S. Madriñan & C. E. Barbosa 547 1989-7-26
GH: 01934532 Piper sp. Colombia: Magdalena Alto Río Buritaca Alto de Mira; por el cami... S. Madriñan & C. E. Barbosa 293 1989-7-15
GH: 01934531 Piper sp. Colombia: Magdalena Alto Río Guachaca Escuela La María (Macho ... S. Madriñan & C. E. Barbosa 136 1989-7-11
GH: 01934530 Piper sp. Colombia: Magdalena Alto Río Guachaca Escuela La María (Macho ... S. Madriñan & C. E. Barbosa 141 1989-7-11
GH: 01934529 Piper sp. Colombia: Magdalena Alto Río Guachaca Escuela La María (Macho ... S. Madriñan & C. E. Barbosa 146 1989-7-11
GH: 01934528 Piper sp. Colombia: Magdalena Alto Río Frio Cabeceras del Río Congo; Ciu... S. Madriñan & C. E. Barbosa 549 1989-7-26
GH: 01934527 Piper sp. Colombia: Magdalena Alto Río Buritaca Alto de Mira; por el cami... S. Madriñan & C. E. Barbosa 170 1989-7-13
GH: 01934526 Piper sp. Colombia: Magdalena Alto Río Guachaca Por el camino de la escue... S. Madriñan & C. E. Barbosa 150 1989-7-12
GH: 01934524 Piper sp. Colombia: Valle del Cauca 10 km south of Cali F. A. Barkley & K. P. Mullen 38C660 1968-8-13
GH: 01934523 Piper sp. Colombia: Valle del Cauca Mountains near Tulua K. P. Mullen 38C600 1968-8-7
GH: 01934522 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca 3 km east of Caqueza F. A. Barkley & G. Bouthillette 38C001 1968-7-8
GH: 01934578 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia cerca de Santa Elena, camino entre Medellín... G. Gutierrez V. 1076 1946-5-13
GH: 01934577 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia A orillas de la Carretera entre Medellín y ... G. Gutierrez V. 1056 1946-5-5
GH: 01934576 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia cerca de Porcesito en el valle del Rio Medel... W. H. Hodge 6769 1946-4-16
GH: 01934575 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia cerca de Porcesito en el valle del Rio Medel... W. H. Hodge 6809 1946-4-16
GH: 01934574 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Anolaima, roadside to Cerralejas D. D. Soejarto & R. M. Martin 107 1963-7-25
A: 01934573 Piper sp. Colombia: Santander Vicinity of La Baja E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 17167 1927-1-14
GH: 01934572 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Municipio de Fusagasugá entre los kilómetr... G. Gutierrez V. 314 1942-6-5
GH: 01934606 Piper sp. Colombia: Santander Río Suratá valley, near Bucaramanga E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16240 1926-12-28
GH: 01934605 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia alrededores de Medellín A. Giraldo 134 1945-10
GH: 01934604 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia alrededores de Medellín L. J. Moreno 268 1945-10-1
GH: 01934603 Piper sp. Colombia: Department of El Valle. Dagua. Dagua Valley E. P. Killip 5434 1922-5-11
GH: 01934602 Piper sp. Colombia: Santander Upper Río Lebrija valley, northwest of Buca... E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16327 1926-12-29
A: 01934601 Piper sp. Colombia: Magdalena near Codazzi O. L. Haught 3744 1943-10-15
A: 01934600 Piper sp. Colombia: Santander Río Suratá valley, near Bucaramanga E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16240 1926-12-28
A: 01934599 Piper sp. Colombia: Santander Upper Río Lebrija valley, northwest of Buca... E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16327 1926-12-29
GH: 01934595 Piper sp. Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Charta E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 18857 1927-2-1
GH: 01934594 Piper sp. Colombia: Department of El Valle. "Calima," on Rio Cal... E. P. Killip 11183 1922-9-14
GH: 01934593 Piper sp. Colombia: Santander "Kilometer 16," between Puerto Wilches and P... E. P. Killip 14876 1926-11-29
GH: 01934592 Piper sp. Colombia: Department of El Valle. Dagua. Dagua Valley E. P. Killip 5425 1922-5-11
GH: 01934591 Piper sp. Colombia: Santander Vicinity of California E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 17049 1927-1-11
GH: 01934590 Piper sp. Colombia: Putumayo Río Putumayo, trocha entre Puerto Ospina y ... R. E. Schultes 3679 1942-4-20
GH: 01934589 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia alrededores de Medellín J. M. Noguera 40 1945-9
GH: 01934588 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia alrededores de Medellín Alvaro Rodriguez 51 1945-10
A: 01934587 Piper sp. Colombia: Santander Vicinity of California E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 17049 1927-1-11
A: 01934586 Piper sp. Colombia: Santander "Kilometer 16," between Puerto Wilches and P... E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 14876 1926-11-29
A: 01934585 Piper sp. Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Charta E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 18857 1927-2-1
GH: 01934284 Piper sp. Colombia: Dep. El Valle, near Queremal P. J. M. Maas & T. C. Plowman 1852 1974-10-3
GH: 01934283 Piper sp. Colombia: Dep. El Valle, new road Cali-Buenaventura, k... P. J. M. Maas 2019 1974-10-9
GH: 01934281 Piper sp. Colombia: Dep. El Valle, near Queremal P. J. M. Maas & T. C. Plowman 1851 1974-10-3
GH: 01934265 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Rio Piraparana R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 15837 1952-3-8
GH: 01934309 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Bogotá: Hacienda Chicó, near Usaquen H. Schiefer 437 1945-2-11
GH: 01934308 Piper sp. Colombia: Putumayo along Rumiyaco River, above the confluence w... D. D. Soejarto, H. Vogelmann, F. O... 1262 1964-8-8
GH: 01934307 Piper sp. Colombia: Amazonas-Vaupés. Río Apaporis, Raudal de J... R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 13444 1951
GH: 01934306 Piper sp. Colombia: Putumayo Buenos Aires Point. Cerro Portachuelo D. D. Soejarto 1063 1964-7-25
GH: 01934305 Piper sp. Colombia: Putumayo Putumayo River, Pto. Asís "El Horizonte" H. W. Vogelmann, D. D. Soejarto, F... 1309 1964-8-14
GH: 01934304 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Río Kananarí: Cerro Isibukuri R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 14462 1951-10-28
GH: 01934303 Piper sp. Colombia: Amazonas Río Popeyacá (affluent of Río Apaporis): ... R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 15643 1952-2-25
GH: 01934301 Piper sp. Colombia: Cesar Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Southeastern s... E. W. Davis 551 1977-1-8
GH: 01934300 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Quetamé R. E. Schultes 5682 1943-8-6
GH: 01934299 Piper sp. Colombia: Amazonas-Vaupés R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 13012 1951-7-10
GH: 01934298 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Macaya River: Mount Chiribiquete R. E. Schultes 5628 1943-7-24
GH: 01934297 Piper sp. Colombia: Amazonas-Vaupés. Río Apaporis: entre el r... R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 12631 1951-6-17
GH: 01934296 Piper sp. Colombia: Putumayo Valle de Sibundoy: Sibundoy and vicinity R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 18925 1953-3-12
GH: 01934295 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Páramo de Chisacá D. D. Soejarto 398 1963-8-13
ECON: 01934325 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Río Kuduyarí: Cerro Yapobodà R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 14191 1951-10-1
ECON: 01934323 Piper sp. Colombia: Chocó Trail between Alto Curiche and Camp Curiche,... J. A. Duke J Idrobo 11292(4) 1967-5-20
GH: 01934322 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino. Vereda Venados, Parque Na... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18489 1995-2-5
GH: 01934320 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino. Vereda Venados, Parque Na... J. J. Pipoly et al. 18340 1995-2-3
GH: 01934319 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino. Vereda Venados, Parque Na... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18344 1995-2-3
GH: 01934318 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino. Vereda Venados, Parque Na... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18442 1995-2-5
GH: 01934317 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino. Vereda Venados, Parque Na... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18430 1995-2-5
GH: 01934316 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino. Vereda Venados, Parque Na... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18148 1995-1-31
GH: 01934315 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. de Frontino. Vereda Venados, Parque Na... J. J. Pipoly et al. J. Ramírez, J... 18046 1995-1-30
GH: 01934312 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Cogua, Savannah of Bogotá R. E. Schultes 11316 1951-2-4
GH: 01934337 Piper sp. Colombia: Dep. El Valle, near Queremal P. J. M. Maas & T. C. Plowman 1850 1974-10-3
GH: 01934334 Piper sp. Colombia: Amazonas Leticia, opened road Leticia-Tarapacá, 12 k... D. D. Soejarto 727 1963-9-11
GH: 01934333 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca 3 km east of Caqueza F. A. Barkley & G. Bouthillette 38C001 1968-7-8
GH: 01934332 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca north of Bogotá, La Caro, along mountain sl... D. D. Soejarto 235 1963-7-10
GH: 01934331 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Río Kananarí: Cerro Isibukuri. Near summit R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 15022 1952-1-23
GH: 01934330 Piper sp. Colombia: Amazonas-Vaupés. Río Apaporis: entre el R... R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 13714 1951-8-24
GH: 01934329 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Río Kananarí (affluent of Río Apaporis), ... R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 14756 1951
GH: 01934328 Piper sp. Colombia: Amazonas Río Miritiparaná: Caño Guacayá R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 15701 1952-3-1
GH: 01934354 Piper sp. Colombia: Cesar Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, southeastern s... T. C. Plowman & E. W. Davis 3644 1974-5-9
GH: 01934352 Piper sp. Colombia: Tolima 18 km E of Cajamarca (on road to Ibagué) P. J. M. Maas & T. C. Plowman 1819 1974-10-1
GH: 01934351 Piper sp. Colombia: Dep. El Valle, new road Cali-Buenaventura, k... P. J. M. Maas & T. C. Plowman 1953 1974-10-6
GH: 01934349 Piper sp. Colombia: Dep. El Valle, old road Cali-Buenaventura, S... P. J. M. Maas 2004 1974-10-9
GH: 01934347 Piper sp. Colombia: Cauca km 56 of road from Timbío to Veinte de Juli... P. J. M. Maas & T. C. Plowman 2084 1974-10-14
GH: 01934345 Piper sp. Colombia: Meta Cordillera La Macarena (extremo nordeste), m... J. M. Idrobo & R. E. Schultes 908 1950-12-30
GH: 01934344 Piper sp. Colombia: Vaupés Rio Piraparana, near mouth R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 15840 1952-3-8
GH: 01934342 Piper sp. Colombia: Meta Cordillera La Macarena (extremo nordeste), m... J. M. Idrobo & R. E. Schultes 907 1950-12-30
GH: 01934340 Piper sp. Colombia: Meta Cordillera La Macarena (extremo nordeste), m... J. M. Idrobo & R. E. Schultes 969 1951-1-6
GH: 01934355 Piper sp. Colombia: Amazonas Río Popeyacá (affluent of Río Apaporis): ... R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 15643 1952-2-25
GH: 01934389 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Municipio de Zaragoza, Corregimiento de Prov... D. D. Soejarto & J. D. Villa 2659 1971-2-8
GH: 01934388 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Municipio de Zaragoza, Corregimiento de Prov... D. D. Soejarto & J. D. Villa 2659 1971-2-8
GH: 01934387 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. Zaragoza, Corr. Providencia, mountain ... D. D. Soejarto & J. D. Villa 2744 1971-2-10
GH: 01934386 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Municipio de Zaragoza, Corregimiento de Prov... D. D. Soejarto & J. D. Villa 2679 1971-2-9
GH: 01934385 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Municipio de Zaragoza, Corregimiento de Prov... D. D. Soejarto & J. D. Villa 2803 1971-2-12
GH: 01934384 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Municipio de Zaragoza Corregimiento de Provi... D. D. Soejarto & J. D. Villa 2815 1971-2-12
GH: 01934383 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Mpio. Zaragoza, Corr. Providencia, mountain ... D. D. Soejarto & J. D. Villa 2744 1971-2-10
GH: 01934382 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia Municipio de Zaragoza, Corregimiento de Prov... D. D. Soejarto & J. D. Villa 2815 1971-2-12
GH: 01934381 Piper sp. Colombia: Llanos Orientales: La Macarena (Parte Sur); ... H. García Barriga & R. Jaramillo ... 17075 1959-1
GH: 01934373 Piper sp. Colombia: Santander del Sur: Municipio de Pie de Cuest... H. García Barriga & R. Jaramillo ... 19672 1969-5-16
GH: 01934402 Piper sp. Colombia: Meta Cordillera La Macarena, trocha entre el río... J. M. Idrobo & R. E. Schultes 788 1950-12-20
GH: 01934393 Piper sp. Colombia: Putumayo Putumayo River, Pto. Asís "El Horizonte" H. W. Vogelmann, D. D. Soejarto, F... 1309 1964-8-14
GH: 01934418 Piper sp. Colombia: Amazonas-Vaupés. Río Apaporis: entre el r... R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 13646 1951-8-20
GH: 01934417 Piper sp. Colombia: Cauca Puerto Limón, bosques en el lado caucano de... R. E. Schultes 3315 1942-2-28
GH: 02289628 Piper sp. Colombia: Antioquia en los alrededores de Villa Arteaga J. Araque M. & F. A. Barkley 180751 1948-8-14
A: 01883822 Piper sp. Comoros: Grande Comore: montis Karthala ignivomi A. L. Bernardi 11715 1967
A: 01883828 Piper sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Monsagne P. Quarre 567 1927
GH: 01965205 Piper sp. Costa Rica: Alajuela Volcan Arenal. Along roadside at base of vol... J. F. Smith & E. Frost 464 1987
GH: 01965206 Piper sp. Costa Rica: Puntarenas Golfit.o near wildlife reserve J. F. Smith & E. Frost 315 1987-6-29
GH: 01965207 Piper sp. Costa Rica: [no additional data] Karl Hoffmann
GH: 01965208 Piper sp. Costa Rica: Heredia L. R. Holdridge's Finca La Selva, Rio Puerto... G. B. Rossbach 3721 1961-8-13
A: 01965209 Piper sp. Costa Rica: Alajuela La Peña. Canton: Alfaro Ruiz Aust. P. Smith P2285 1940-1-15
GH: 01965210 Piper sp. Costa Rica: Cartago 6 mi NE of Paraíso G. L. Webster, K. Miller & L. Mill... 12294 1962-7-14
GH: 01965211 Piper sp. Costa Rica: Finca has Cruces, South-West of San Vito de ... C. E. Schnell 1072 1969-8-20
GH: 01965212 Piper sp. Costa Rica: Limón Along Río Madre de Diós, La Lola M. C. Carlson 3317 1957-1-11
GH: 01965213 Piper sp. Costa Rica: Puntarenas Cantón de Coto Brus. City of San Vito. Wils... B. Boyle & D. Fulop 6248 2002-6-17
GH: 01965214 Piper sp. Costa Rica: Puntarenas Coto Brus, Las Cruces Biological Station, Wi... W. J. Kress & D. M. Ferguson 94-4202 1994-6-25
GH: 01965215 Piper sp. Costa Rica: Cartago near Tapanti G. L. Webster, K. Miller & L. Mill... 12437 1962-7-17
GH: 01965216 Piper sp. Costa Rica: [no additional data] A. Jiménez M. 25959
GH: 01965289 Piper sp. Costa Rica: Heredia L. R. Holdridge's Finca La Selva, Rio Puerto... G. B. Rossbach 3721 1961-8-13
GH: 01965290 Piper sp. Costa Rica: Heredia L. R. Holdridge's Finca La Selva, Rio Puerto... G. B. Rossbach 3676 1961-8-12
GH: 01965291 Piper sp. Costa Rica: Limón Piuta, 1 1/2 mi. nw. of Limon G. B. Rossbach 3644 1961-8-6
GH: 01965292 Piper sp. Costa Rica: Cartago Inter-American Highway s. of & above San Isi... G. B. Rossbach 3265 1961-7-12
GH: 02263760 Piper sp. Costa Rica: Puntarenas [data not captured] [see remarks] 10295 1976-11-25
A: 01964293 Piper sp. Cuba: Santa Clara San Blas, La Sierra J. G. Jack 7916 1930-4-11
A: 01964294 Piper sp. Cuba: Oriente Baracoa to Rio Guaba J. A. Shafer 4297 1910-3-14
GH: 01964297 Piper sp. Cuba: Pinar del Rio At the foot of the Mogotes, El Ancón, Viña... Br. Alain 14332 1955-5-21
GH: 01964298 Piper sp. Cuba: Prov. Habana. Guatao Br. Alain 776 1949-5
GH: 01964289 Piper sp. Dominican Republic: El Seibo Parque Nacional Los Haitises: aprox. 20min a... T. A. Zanoni, M. M. Mejia Pimental... 36193 1986-2-20
GH: 01964296 Piper sp. Dominican Republic: Aceitillar-Cayo. Baoruco Mts. Pedernales Br. Alain 14109 1969-2-22
A: 01934441 Piper sp. Ecuador: Vicinity of Puyo, Prov. Napo Pastaza, (Easte... A. F. Skutch 4400 1939-8
GH: 01934460 Piper sp. Ecuador: Tungurahua near Baños. Near roadside of Baños-Puyo ro... L. Bohs 2186 1983-8-8
A: 01934480 Piper sp. Ecuador: above Yangana, south of Loja J. Hart 1161 1977-8-17
A: 01934479 Piper sp. Ecuador: Morona-Santiago Bamboiza J. Hart 1213 1977-8-24
A: 01934477 Piper sp. Ecuador: Morona-Santiago Near Bamboiza J. Hart 1234 1977-8-26
A: 01934476 Piper sp. Ecuador: immediately east of ravine J. Hart 1122 1977-8-13
A: 01934469 Piper sp. Ecuador: Morona-Santiago Near Bamboiza J. Hart 1191 1977-8-23
GH: 01934468 Piper sp. Ecuador: Tungurahua near Baños. Near roadside of Baños-Puyo ro... L. Bohs 2186 1983-8-8
GH: 01934505 Piper sp. Ecuador: Napo Limoncocha J. L. Zarucchi 2366 1978-8-17
GH: 01934504 Piper sp. Ecuador: Napo Limoncocha J. L. Zarucchi 2367 1978-8-17
GH: 01934519 Piper sp. Ecuador: Zamora-Chinchipe 2 km N of Zamora M. T. Madison 2454 1975-12-16
A: 01934525 Piper sp. Ecuador: Morona-Santiago Los Tayos, by Rio Coangos G. C. G. Argent 101 1976-7-14
A: 01934571 Piper sp. Ecuador: Loja Near Yangana J. Hart 1039 1977-7-30
A: 01934570 Piper sp. Ecuador: above Yangana, south of Loja J. Hart 1152 1977-8-17
GH: 01934584 Piper sp. Ecuador: Province of Napo-Pastaza. Near Tena. Between... Y. E. J. Mexia 7137 1935-4-2
A: 01934261 Piper sp. Ecuador: Loja [no additional data] J. Hart 879 1977-7-18
GH: 01934286 Piper sp. Ecuador: Napo Canton Putumayo. Rio Aguarico. town of Duren... T. C. Plowman, C. J. Sheviak & E. ... 4024 1974-8-1
GH: 01934285 Piper sp. Ecuador: Napo 31 miles west of Lago Agrio on road to Baeza T. C. Plowman, C. J. Sheviak & E. ... 3986 1974-7-30
A: 01934280 Piper sp. Ecuador: Foot of Western Cordillera A. Rimbach 71
A: 01934279 Piper sp. Ecuador: [no additional data] A. Rimbach 30
GH: 01934302 Piper sp. Ecuador: Napo Road from Baeza to Cosanga E. W. Davis 538 1976-12-18
GH: 01934288 Piper sp. Ecuador: Esmeraldas Carretera 20 Km al sureste de San Mateo cerc... H. Balslev & Steere 3110 1982-9-16
A: 01934321 Piper sp. Ecuador: Morona-Santiago Los Tayos G. C. G. Argent & R. B. Burbidge 42 1976-7-10
GH: 01934313 Piper sp. Ecuador: Esmeraldas Carretera Alto Tambo-San Lorenzo M. A. Jaramillo & D. F. Tobar Suar... 684 2000-8-4
GH: 01934338 Piper sp. Ecuador: Morona-Santiago Cordillera de Cutucú, western slopes, along... M. T. Madison, E. O. Bush, III & E... 3170 1976-11
GH: 01934353 Piper sp. Ecuador: Napo Canton Quijos. 28 miles east of Baeza, befor... T. C. Plowman, C. J. Sheviak & E. ... 3935 1974-7-29
GH: 01934348 Piper sp. Ecuador: Napo Canton Quijos. Above Baeza on road to Papall... T. C. Plowman, C. J. Sheviak & E. ... 3894 1974-7-28
A: 01934341 Piper sp. Ecuador: Loja Cerro Villonaco. Old road Loja-Pedestal-La T... Per M. Jørgensen, C. Ulloa & H. V... 47 1994-4-10
A: 01934372 Piper sp. Ecuador: Manabi Cojimies, "Villa Italia", ca 10 km SE Cojimi... Sparre 19809 1981-2-27
A: 01934400 Piper sp. Ecuador: Vicinity of Puyo, Prov. Napo-Pastaza, (Easte... A. F. Skutch 4507 1939-9
A: 01934399 Piper sp. Ecuador: Vicinity of Puyo, Prov. Napo-Pastaza, (Easte... A. F. Skutch 4472 1939-9
GH: 01934415 Piper sp. Ecuador: Napo 2 Km al oeste de Shushufindi H. Balslev 2298 1982-4-10
GH: 01965186 Piper sp. El Salvador: Chalatenango along Nonuapa river, El Refugio vicinity La ... Ant. Molina & E. A. Montalvo 21560 1968-2-22
GH: 01965200 Piper sp. El Salvador: La Libertad Vicinity of Ateos P. C. Standley 23418 1922-4-17
GH: 01965201 Piper sp. El Salvador: Sonsonate Vicinity of Sonsonate P. C. Standley 22339 1922-3-18
GH: 01965202 Piper sp. El Salvador: San Salvador [no additional data] P. C. Standley 19128 1921-12-20
GH: 01965203 Piper sp. El Salvador: Sonsonate Vicinity of Armenia P. C. Standley 23522 1922-4-18
GH: 01965204 Piper sp. El Salvador: San Salvador Vicinity of Tonacatepeque P. C. Standley 19438 1921-12-30
GH: 01965265 Piper sp. El Salvador: San Salvador [no additional data] L. V. Velasco 8909 1906-6
A: 01883815 Piper sp. Ethiopia: Coffa, olbre il Gogeb D. Saccardo 32 1937-11
GH: 01883680 Piper sp. French Polynesia: Tahiti [no additional data] Wilkes Expedition 6 1838
A: 01883670 Piper sp. French Polynesia: Society Islands: Raiatea, north side of Faor... J. W. Moore 758 1927-4-23
A: 01176175 Piper sp. Guatemala: Quiche Nebaj, 8600 ft A. F. Skutch 1702 1934-11-17
A: 01979595 Piper sp. Guatemala: Escuintla Between Río Jute and Río Pantaleón, on ro... P. C. Standley 63537 1939-1-24
A: 01965191 Piper sp. Guatemala: Retalhuleu San Felipe J. A. Steyermark 34507 1940-1-21
GH: 01965192 Piper sp. Guatemala: Sacatepéquez Nacimiento del Cangrejal, Cuesta de Las Cañ... Ant. Molina 15435 1949-2-3
A: 01965194 Piper sp. Guatemala: Suchitepéquez near Santiago farm. vicinity of Tiquisate J. A. Steyermark 47645 1942-6-17
A: 01965217 Piper sp. Guatemala: Quezaltenango Along old road between Finca Pirineos and Pa... P. C. Standley 86605 1941-2-9
A: 01965218 Piper sp. Guatemala: Alta Verapaz 2 1/2 miles west of Cubilgüitz J. A. Steyermark 44252 1942-2-28
A: 01965233 Piper sp. Guatemala: Santa Rosa Valley of Río de los Esclavos, near El Moli... P. C. Standley 60720 1938-12-20
A: 01965239 Piper sp. Guatemala: Quiche Finca San Francisco, Cotzal A. F. Skutch 1865 1934-12-6
GH: 01965244 Piper sp. Guatemala: Chimaltenango Cumbre de Soledad. Volcan Acatenango F. W. Hunnewell 14,648 1937-2-16
GH: 01965247 Piper sp. Guatemala: Alta Verapaz Coban H. v. Türckheim 976 1886-6
GH: 01965248 Piper sp. Guatemala: Eastern Portions of Vera Paz and Chiquimula S. Watson 5 1885
A: 01965257 Piper sp. Guatemala: Quezaltenango Colomba A. F. Skutch 1365 1934-10-4
A: 01965258 Piper sp. Guatemala: Retalhuleu Retalhuleu P. C. Standley 66735 1939-2-27
GH: 01965260 Piper sp. Guatemala: Sacatepéquez Nacimiento del Cangrejal Cuesta de Las Caña... Ant. Molina 15425 1949-2-3
GH: 01965268 Piper sp. Guatemala: Izabal Vicinity of Puerto Barrios P. C. Standley 25099 1922-6-2
GH: 01965269 Piper sp. Guatemala: Izabal Vicinity of Quiriguá P. C. Standley 23834 1922-5-15
A: 01965270 Piper sp. Guatemala: Escuintla La Trinidad, on road between Escuintla and F... P. C. Standley 64831 1939-2-9
A: 01965271 Piper sp. Guatemala: Escuintla Near San José P. C. Standley 64176 1939-1-30
A: 01965272 Piper sp. Guatemala: Escuintla Between Río Jute and Río Pantaleón, on ro... P. C. Standley 63518 1939-1-24
ECON: 01965287 Piper sp. Guatemala: Petén Paso Caballos D. K. Cox & Guzmán 2884 1956-7-15
ECON: 01965288 Piper sp. Guatemala: Suchitepéquez Finca Mocá D. K. Cox GC1004 1955-5-25
GH: 01965293 Piper sp. Guatemala: Sololá 15 km S Panajachel, S of Lake Atitlan D. G. Burch 5994 1972-5
GH: 01965309 Piper sp. Guatemala: [illegible] W. T. Brigham
GH: 01965310 Piper sp. Guatemala: Izabal Vicinity of Quiriguá P. C. Standley 24674 1922-5-15
A: 01965312 Piper sp. Guatemala: Chimaltenango Region of Las Calderas P. C. Standley 57789 1938-11-22
A: 01965313 Piper sp. Guatemala: Retalhuleu along road between Retalhuleu and Nueva Lind... P. C. Standley 85285 1941-2-16
ECON: 01965317 Piper sp. Guatemala: Petén Paso Cabellos D. K. Cox & Guzmán 2925 1956-7-14
GH: 01176174 Piper sp. Guatemala: Chimaltenango Chichavac: Chichavac; alt. 2400-2700 meters A. F. Skutch 381 1933-7-10
A: 01176173 Piper sp. Guatemala: Chimaltenango Chichavac: Chichavac, alt. 8000-9000 ft A. F. Skutch 381 1933-7-10
GH: 01934435 Piper sp. Guyana: Barima River, Northwest District J. S. de la Cruz 3418 1923-3-19
A: 01934555 Piper sp. Guyana: Basin of Essequibo River. near mouth of Blac... A. C. Smith 2827 1937-12-29
GH: 01964299 Piper sp. Haiti: Massif du Nord, Ennery, top of Morne Basile,... E. L. Ekman H9646 1928-3-6
GH: 01176172 Piper sp. Honduras: Edge of cloud forest above San Juancito, San... L. O. Williams 17450 1951-3-24
GH: 01965177 Piper sp. Honduras: Margen de la Quebrada de La Páz, en medio d... Ant. Molina 2830 1950-5-14
GH: 01965178 Piper sp. Honduras: Cortés La Cumbre desprendimiento de Sierra de Omoa Ant. Molina 3473 1950-11-30
GH: 01965179 Piper sp. Honduras: Chagüite area de pinos, El Chagüite, Drain... Ant. Molina 1076 1948-8-24
GH: 01965180 Piper sp. Honduras: along Santa Clara Creek, Drainage of the Rí... L. O. Williams & Ant. Molina 15868 1949-8-6
GH: 01965181 Piper sp. Honduras: El Paraíso Near El Limonal P. C. Standley 28162 1951-1-6
GH: 01965182 Piper sp. Honduras: Cortés near Agua Azul, Lake Yojoa L. O. Williams & Ant. Molina 17927 1951-4-14
GH: 01965183 Piper sp. Honduras: Dept. Morazán near Las Mesas P. C. Standley 28666 1951-9-2
GH: 01965185 Piper sp. Honduras: Gracias a Dios Alrededores del Río Plátano. Guamil Andre Clewell & G. Cruz 4053 1973-5-17
GH: 01965219 Piper sp. Honduras: Comayagua above La Misión L. O. Williams & Ant. Molina 12363 1943-4-8
GH: 01965230 Piper sp. Honduras: on Mt. Uyuca, Drainage of the Río Yeguare, ... L. O. Williams & Ant. Molina 14953 1949-1-4
GH: 01965231 Piper sp. Honduras: Dept. Morazán: Cerro de Uyuca, trail betwee... P. C. Standley 18899 1949-4-7
GH: 01965294 Piper sp. Honduras: Mount Uyuca H. W. Pfeifer 1401 1960-8
GH: 01965295 Piper sp. Honduras: Mount Uyuca H. W. Pfeifer 1397 1960-8
GH: 01965311 Piper sp. Honduras: Cortés near the Spanish Castle at Omoa F. A. Barkley & M. Hernández M. 40433 1970-5-29
ECON: 01965314 Piper sp. Honduras: Colón Mukurung (Mosquitio) D. K. Cox & Guzmán 1481 1956-3-9
GH: 01965347 Piper sp. Honduras: Atlántida near Peru F. A. Barkley & M. Hernández M. 40231 1970-5-1
GH: 01965352 Piper sp. Honduras: Intibucá east of La Esperanza F. A. Barkley & M. Nickle 40358 1970-5-22
GH: 01965353 Piper sp. Honduras: Atlántida near Peru F. A. Barkley & M. Hernández M. 40225 1970-5-1
GH: 01936342 Piper sp. India: Karnataka (Mysore) Attikkan Estate E. Barnes 874 1939-9-23
GH: 01936341 Piper sp. India: Karnataka (Mysore) Billigirirangan Hills E. Barnes 364 1938-5
A: 01936367 Piper sp. India: States of Travancore and Cochin. On road to ... J. Fernandes 258 1953-2-20
A: 01936364 Piper sp. India: Kerala Cardamom Hills, Travancore State J. Fernandes 275 1953
A: 01936428 Piper sp. India: Bengal (Northern). Buxa Duars K. P. Biswas 1773 1934-2-28
A: 01936427 Piper sp. India: Hort. Bot. Calcuttensis [no data available] 1903-12-15
A: 01936426 Piper sp. India: from the Bot. Gardens of Calcutta and Seramp... J. O. Voigt 28 1834
A: 01936425 Piper sp. India: from the Bot. Gardens of Calcutta and Seramp... J. O. Voigt 192 1834
A: 01936424 Piper sp. India: Sikkim [illegible] E. H. Wilson 1921-9-10
A: 01936422 Piper sp. India: [no additional data] H. Mayr 1886
A: 01936420 Piper sp. India: Rajabhakkhawa, Jalpaigur Bengal R. N. Parker 3192 1932
GH: 01936407 Piper sp. India: Karnataka (Mysore) Billigirirangan Hills E. Barnes 434 1938-5
GH: 01936406 Piper sp. India: [no additional data] [no data available] 1903-12-15
A: 01936405 Piper sp. India: Assam 19 miles from Ledo G. E. Juan 67 1945-3-10
A: 01936398 Piper sp. India: Portuguese India, near Dudh Sagur. Region ea... J. Fernandes 520 1949-11-28
A: 01936397 Piper sp. India: Devimane Ghaut. Road from Kumta to Sirsi, No... J. Fernandes 140 1949-3-14
GH: 01936455 Piper sp. India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01936454 Piper sp. India: East Bengal W. Griffith 4406
GH: 01936446 Piper sp. India: Kala Nuddi D. Ritchie 1387 1853-5
GH: 01936444 Piper sp. India: Ram Ghaut D. Ritchie
GH: 01936443 Piper sp. India: Tenasserim and Andamans J. W. Helfer 4425
GH: 01936442 Piper sp. India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis R. Wight 2532
GH: 01936440 Piper sp. India: East Bengal W. Griffith 4402
A: 01936472 Piper sp. India: Sikkim Suriel E. H. Wilson 1921-9-9
A: 01936471 Piper sp. India: Sikkim Suriel E. H. Wilson 1921-9-9
A: 01936500 Piper sp. India: Pambar Valley Rev. St. Munch S. J. 61 1912-7-16
A: 01937038 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Tor Matoetoeng Rahmat Si Boeea 9525 1936-7-10
A: 01937037 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Aek Moente (Aer Moette) (northea... Rahmat Si Boeea 9315 1936-6-15
A: 01937036 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Dumoga Bone National Park, Distr. Bolaang-Mo... W. Milliken 1118 1991-9-29
A: 01937035 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Mt. Nokilalaki, south of Palu M. Kato, Hir. Okada, H. Setoguchi ... 506 1995-12-28
A: 01937033 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: between Lau Simerah & Lau Penangga... A. H. G. Alston 14549 1954-3-20
A: 01937031 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Lawe Sigala, near Kutatjane. A. H. G. Alston 14673 1954-3-23
A: 01937028 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Mt. Nokilalaki, south of Palu M. Kato, Hir. Okada, H. Setoguchi ... 509 1995-12-28
A: 01937027 Piper sp. Indonesia: Java: G.Muriah S.E. slope [no data available] 8884 1951-11-26
A: 01937026 Piper sp. Indonesia: Java: G. Muriah above Tjolo. J. H. Kern 8477 1951-11-22
A: 01937025 Piper sp. Indonesia: Java: G. Muriah. above Djurang J. H. Kern 8612 1951
A: 01937047 Piper sp. Indonesia: Java: S. W. Java. Udjung Kulon Reserve, Mt. ... A. J. G. H. Kostermans et al. 138 1960-11-15
A: 01937046 Piper sp. Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Barat (W. Sunda Isl.) Mt. Batulanteh, N.W. slope, trail from Batud... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 18698 1961-5-7
A: 01937045 Piper sp. Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Barat (W. Sunda Isl.) Batu lanteh Mt.; trail from Batudulang to su... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 18121 1961-4-13
A: 01937044 Piper sp. Indonesia: Java: Besuki, Guning Ringgil, Kp. Agung P. Buwalda 7539 1940
A: 01937043 Piper sp. Indonesia: Bali Bedugul forest region, Mt. Batukau complex. A. J. G. H. Kostermans, E. Kuswata... KK + SS 74 1958-6-22
A: 01937040 Piper sp. Indonesia: Riau Tigapulu Mts., Riau Province, 5 km W. of Tal... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 1842 1988-12-3
A: 01937058 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Loemban Ria Rahmat Si Boeea 7924 1934-2-5
A: 01937057 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Tomoean Dolok Rahmat Si Boeea 9008 1936-6-10
A: 01937056 Piper sp. Indonesia: Java: Pasoeroean, Zuidhelling G.Welirang pas... C. G. G. J. van Steenis 7159
A: 01937055 Piper sp. Indonesia: Aceh Sumatra, Atjeh. Boer ni Bias C. G. G. J. van Steenis 6158 1934
A: 01937052 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi: Koelawi H. Curran 3427 1940-3
A: 01937078 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Utara Jailolo District, Kampung Pasir Putih P. M. Taylor P-387 1981-1-31
A: 01937076 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Utara Jailolo District, Kampung Pasir Putih P. M. Taylor P-298 1981-1-22
A: 01937075 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Seram: Manusela National Park, north side of... G. C. G. Argent C8753a 1987-8-26
A: 01937074 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Seram: Manusela National Park, north side of... G. C. G. Argent C8748 1987-8-26
A: 01937073 Piper sp. Indonesia: Gunung Palung, nature reserve, c. 100 KM S o... M. M. J. van Balgooy & A. K. van S... 5374 1986
A: 01937070 Piper sp. Indonesia: Aceh Gunung Leuser Nature Reserve, Atjeh, North S... W. J. J. O. de Wilde & B. E. E. Du... 15885 1975-3-26
A: 01937096 Piper sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Mt. [illegible] C. G. G. J. van Steenis 1940-11-20
A: 01937095 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Selatan (South Sulawesi) Bantimoeroeng and vicinity. P. Buwalda 3795 1938-2-20
A: 01937094 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Selatan (South Sulawesi) Bantimoeroeng and vicinity. P. Buwalda 3723 1937-2-20
A: 01937093 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Gaju & Alas Lands bivouac 9 at Lau Alas rive... C. G. G. J. van Steenis 8699 1937
A: 01937092 Piper sp. Indonesia: Aceh Sumatra; res. Atjeh, Gajolanden. From bivoua... C. G. G. J. van Steenis 9929 1937-3-21
A: 01937091 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Morotai. Tiai A. J. G. H. Kostermans 1642 1949-6-24
A: 01937090 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Morotai. Totodokoe. A. J. G. H. Kostermans 705 1949
GH: 01937089 Piper sp. Indonesia: Java: South East Java H. O. Forbes 1104 1880
A: 01937087 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Utara Pajahi road, Distirct Weda, North Moluccas, ... G. A. L. de Haan 1772 1950-10-26
A: 01937086 Piper sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Borneo. Sampit region, Sg. Penjahuan A. J. G. H. Kostermans 4674 1948-3-16
GH: 01937085 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) [no additional data] H. H. Bartlett & C. D. La Rue 469 1918
A: 01937083 Piper sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Parit tohaja. M. Enoh 304 1948-9-24
A: 01937116 Piper sp. Indonesia: Lampung Mt. Tanggamus M. Jacobs 8080 1968-4-27
A: 01937115 Piper sp. Indonesia: Lampung Mt. Tanggamus M. Jacobs 8141 1968-4-29
A: 01937114 Piper sp. Indonesia: Lampung NW of Kota Agung M. Jacobs 8501 1968-5-19
A: 01937112 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku along a trail between the foot of Mt. Batu P... M. Kato, K. Ueda, M. Okamoto, H. A... C-5842 1985-2-4
A: 01937111 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Seram: Manusela National Park: along a trail... M. Kato, K. Ueda, M. Okamoto, H. A... C-6930 1985-2-20
A: 01937110 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Seram: Manusela National Park: along a trail... M. Kato, K. Ueda, M. Okamoto, H. A... C-5418 1985-1-23
A: 01937109 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku around Mt. Batu Putih, about 4km north of Bu... M. Kato, K. Ueda, M. Okamoto, H. A... C-5492 1985-2-4
A: 01937108 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) 220 km W. of Manado; 50 km inland from Pangi... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 3638 1990-3-4
A: 01937107 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Luman, 15km south of Bula (sea level), Kecam... M. Kato, K. Ueda, M. Okamoto, B. S... C-7828 1985-2-26
A: 01937106 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) 220 km W. of Manado; 50 km inland from Pangi... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 3601 1990-3-1
A: 01937105 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Seram: Manusela National Park: along a trail... M. Kato, K. Ueda, M. Okamoto, H. A... C-6922 1985-2-19
A: 01937104 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Luman, 15km south of Bula (sea level), Kecam... M. Kato, K. Ueda, M. Okamoto, B. S... C-7856 1985-2-26
A: 01937103 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Seram: Manusela National Park: Gunung (Mt.) ... M. Kato, B. Sunarno & H. Akiyama C-3395 1985-1-11
A: 01937102 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Seram: Manusela National Park: along a trail... M. Kato, K. Ueda, M. Okamoto, H. A... C-7278 1985-2-20
A: 01937101 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku along a trail between Uweth(20m) (southeast ... M. Kato, K. Ueda, M. Okamoto, H. A... C-7089 1985-2-7
A: 01937100 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Kecamatan Poso, Wuasa, Lore Lindu National P... P. J. A. Kessler et al. PK 2900 2000-11-23
A: 01937099 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Kecamatan Poso, Wuasa, Lore Lindu National P... P. J. A. Kessler et al. Ramadhanil... PK 2920 2000-11-23
A: 01937098 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Kecamatan Poso, Wuasa, Lore Lindu National P... P. J. A. Kessler et al. PK 2923 2000-11-23
A: 01937097 Piper sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Serawai. Sungai Merah; 2 km to W of camp alo... A. C. Church, U. W. Mahyar & J. J.... 2040 1995-2-17
A: 01937118 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Dolok Sibual Buali, near Sipirok. S. J. Davies Siti Khadijah Rambe 2000-045 2000-1-15
A: 01937133 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Loemban Ria Rahmat Si Boeea 7715 1934-2-5
A: 01937132 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi: Menado, o.a.Paloe, langs den weg t... S. Bloembergen 4257 1939-7-13
A: 01937131 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi: Menado, o.a.Paloe,ten Oosten van h... S. Bloembergen 4121 1939-7-11
A: 01937130 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Soela Sanana, (Soela Eil.), langs kali Waj F... S. Bloembergen 4518 1939-8-9
A: 01937129 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Soela Mangoli, (Soela Eil.), t' Noorden van ... S. Bloembergen 4615 1939-8-30
A: 01937128 Piper sp. Indonesia: Jawa Tengah (Central Java) Tamanuari, Mt. Lawa J. J. Afriastini 463 1982-11-25
A: 01937126 Piper sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan. Headwaters of S. Kahayan; 5 km N... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 676 1988-4-17
A: 01937125 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Soela Mangoli, Molukken(Soela Eil.), Noordku... [no data available] 4702 1939-9
A: 01937149 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Buru: N. Buru, Waeha, between Waelanga and L... M. M. J. van Balgooy 4814 1984-11-17
A: 01937148 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Buru: NW Buru, c. 10 KM. S. of Bara M. M. J. van Balgooy 4996 1984-11-30
A: 01937147 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Buru: N. Buru, Waeha, between Waelanga and L... M. M. J. van Balgooy 4659 1984-9-11
A: 01937146 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Sopu-valley. E. Hennipman 5615 1979-5-26
A: 01937145 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Sopu-valley. E. Hennipman 5616 1979-5-26
A: 01937144 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Selatan (South Sulawesi) Mnt Wawonseru, S.W. of Soroako. E. Hennipman 6086 1979-7-1
A: 01937142 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) 220 km W of Manado, ca. 50 km inland from Pa... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 3786 1990-3-11
A: 01937141 Piper sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Ujung Kulon Reserve: Cijaga River watershed,... J. A. McDonald & J. J. Afriastini 3442 1992-5-29
A: 01937140 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Sekundur Forest Reserve, E. side of Gunung L... W. J. J. O. de Wilde & B. E. E. Du... 21090 1991-7-20
A: 01937137 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Sopu-valley. E. Hennipman 5681 1979-5-29
A: 01937136 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Sopu valley, c 80KM SSE of Palu M. M. J. van Balgooy 3011 1979-4-26
A: 01937135 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) 220 km W of Manado; km 50 inland from Pangi ... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 3614 1990-3-3
A: 01937134 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: East Coast. Tengkeh, Karoland C. Hamel & R. S. Toroes 664 1928-6-16
A: 01937163 Piper sp. Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Barat (W. Sunda Isl.) Baulanteh Mts; trail from Batudulang to summ... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 18252
A: 01937162 Piper sp. Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Barat (W. Sunda Isl.) Mt. Baulante N.W. slope A. J. G. H. Kostermans 18706 1961-5-7
A: 01937161 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Sibolangit reservation and garden. J. A. Lörzing 12103 1927-9-26
A: 01937158 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: C. Sumatra W. Side of Mt. Tudjuh-c... M. Jacobs 4451 1956-8-2
A: 01937155 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi: Kendari G. K. Kjellberg 637 1929-3-2
A: 01937154 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Mt-Roroka Timbu W.slope M. M. J. van Balgooy 3240 1979
A: 01937153 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Sopu valley, c 80 KM SSE of Palu M. M. J. van Balgooy 3049 1979-4-27
A: 01937151 Piper sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Bulungan Research Forest (BRF), around the B... I. A. Rachman & Z. Arifin BRF 1707 1999-10
A: 01937183 Piper sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Singang. Bukit Baka National Park. NE of cam... A. C. Church Mahyar, U.W., Ruskand... 381 1993-10-26
A: 01937180 Piper sp. Indonesia: Borneo. Loa Haur, west of Samarinda, low rid... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 6919 1952-5-14
A: 01937179 Piper sp. Indonesia: Borneo. Loa Haur, west of Samarinda, low rid... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 6919 1952-5-14
A: 01937178 Piper sp. Indonesia: East Borneo; E. Kutei. 15 Km upstream from S... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 4822 1951
A: 01937175 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Selatan (South Sulawesi) Latimojong Mts.; steep slopes of valley c. 2... M. J. S. Sands 374 1969
A: 01937174 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Tapianoeli. Subdivision Toba, Dist... Rahmat Si Boeea 6075 1933-11-4
A: 01937173 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Aek Garoenggang (region of the Asahan-Toba b... Rahmat Si Boeea 10336 1936-10-8
A: 01937172 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Pargambiran Rahmat Si Boeea 5760 1933-10-18
A: 01937171 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Tapianoeli. Subdivision Toba, Dist... Rahmat Si Boeea 6019 1933-11-4
A: 01937170 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Kairatu Gemba E. Kuswata Kartawinata & E. Soepad... 188 1959-6-18
A: 01937168 Piper sp. Indonesia: Maluku Kairatu Gemba E. Kuswata Kartawinata & E. Soepad... 63 1959-6-4
GH: 01937166 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Kampalug Lilo maradja H. H. Bartlett & C. D. La Rue 371 1918
A: 01937210 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Loemban Ria Rahmat Si Boeea 7859 1935-2-5
A: 01937209 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Loemban Ria Rahmat Si Boeea 7847 1934-2-5
A: 01937208 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Hoeta Bagasan Rahmat Si Boeea 6772 1934-9-7
A: 01937207 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Hoeta Bagasan Rahmat Si Boeea 6773 1934-9-7
A: 01937206 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Hoeta Bagasan. Rahmat Si Boeea 6778 1934-9-7
A: 01937205 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Hoeta Bagasan Rahmat Si Boeea 6759 1934-9-7
A: 01937204 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Hoeta Bagasan Rahmat Si Boeea 6883 1934-9-7
A: 01937203 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Hoeta Padang Rahmat Si Toroes 915 1928-5-1
A: 01937202 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Karo Highlands. Deleng Singkoet C. Hamel & R. S. Toroes 544 1928-6-8
A: 01937201 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Adian Rindang, vicinity of Hoeta Tomoean Dol... Rahmat Si Boeea 8889 1935-11-17
A: 01937200 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Trail from Goodyear bungalow to fo... W. N. Bangham & C. M. Bangham-Mast... 1002 1932-2-14
A: 01937199 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: East Coast H. S. Yates 773
A: 01937198 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: East Coast H. S. Yates 897
A: 01937197 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: East Coast. Aer Kandis (formerly R... Rahmat Si Toroes 4565 1932-5-28
A: 01937196 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Subdivision Laboehan Batoe, Distri... Rahmat Si Toroes 3796 1933-3-31
A: 01937195 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Subdivision Laboehan Batoe, Distri... Rahmat Si Toroes 3749 1933-3-31
A: 01937191 Piper sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) G. Bentuang area: 5-10 km north of Masa vill... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 3160 1989-6-28
A: 01937189 Piper sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) G. Bentuang area; 5-10 km north of Masa vill... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 3220 1989-6-28
A: 01937188 Piper sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) G. Bentuang area; 5-10 km N. of Masa vilalge... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 2505 1989-6-11
A: 01581909 Piper sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan. Wanariset. Rintis baru M. M. J. van Balgooy & P. J. A. Ke... 5946 1990
A: 01937187 Piper sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) G. Bentuang area; 5-10 km N. of Masa village... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 2603 1989-6-13
A: 01937186 Piper sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) G. Bentuang area; 5-10 km N. of Masa village... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 2693 1989-6-19
A: 01937224 Piper sp. Indonesia: Java: Besoeki. Jang Plateau East, Ravine of ... C. G. G. J. van Steenis 11117 1938-7-18
A: 01937222 Piper sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Tjibodas, G. Gede L. L. Forman 89 1956
A: 01937219 Piper sp. Indonesia: Java: S.W. Java. Udjung Kulon Nature Reserve... N. Wirawan 26 1963-4-18
A: 01937218 Piper sp. Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Barat (W. Sunda Isl.) Semongkat Atas, ± 17 km S.W. of Sumbawa Bes... E. Kuswata Kartawinata 99 1961-5-1
A: 01937215 Piper sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Road Wanariset - Semoi, km 1.5 Z. Arifin & Ambriansyah AA408 1992
A: 01937214 Piper sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Km.4,3 Samboja road, P.Aspa Ambriansyah & Z. Arifin AA576 1992-8-31
A: 01937212 Piper sp. Indonesia: Java: [no additional data] [data not captured]
A: 01937242 Piper sp. Indonesia: Riau Tigapuluh Mts., 10 km SW of Talanglakat on R... J. S. Burley 2146 1988-11-25
A: 01937240 Piper sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Berau, P.T. Inhutani I logging area, near km... P. J. A. Kessler & Arbainsyah B 1348 1998-10-13
A: 01937239 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi: S. of Gunung Lompobatang. Above De... G. C. G. Argent, M. Mendum & R. He... 0026 2000-2-9
A: 01937238 Piper sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Selatan (South Sulawesi) Rantemario above Rantelemo, Emrekang Distric... G. C. G. Argent, M. Mendum & R. He... 00234 2000-3-5
A: 01937237 Piper sp. Indonesia: Gorontalo Gunung Boliohutu. M. Mendum, H. J. Atkins, M. F. New... 175 2002-4-23