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Next page >Piperaceae GH: 00005410 Piper epilosipes Trelease Honduras: Comayagua El Achote, above plains of Siguatepeque T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R... 6296 1936-8-3
A: 01979770 Piper epilosipes Trelease Honduras: on Mt Uyuca, Departamento Morazán L. O. Williams & Ant. Molina 10014 1946-7-8
A: 01979771 Piper epilosipes Trelease Honduras: on Mt Uyuca, Departamento Morazán L. O. Williams & Ant. Molina 10394 1946-8-20
GH: 01979772 Piper epilosipes Trelease Honduras: area Valle Encantado on Mt. Uyuca, Departame... Ant. Molina 772 1948-1-27
GH: 01979773 Piper epilosipes Trelease Honduras: Mt. Uyuca, Department of Morazán S. F. Glassman 1633 1948-6-16
GH: 01979774 Piper epilosipes Trelease Honduras: on Mt. Uyuca, Drainage of the RÃo Yeguare, ... L. O. Williams 15780 1949-5-21
GH: 00005411 Piper epilosipes heterophyllum Trelease Honduras: Comayagua El Achote above plains of Siguatepeque T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R... 6097 1936-7-26
GH: 01979775 Piper epilosipes Trelease Panama: Panama Goofy Lake to ca 8 mi S of Goofy Lake toward... J. D. Dwyer 7071 1966-11-26
A: 01936748 Piper erecticaule C. de Candolle Malaysia: Near summit of Gunong Jasar. K. G. Pearce 295 1980-3-6
A: 01936747 Piper erecticaule C. de Candolle Malaysia: Pahang Slopes of gunong Beremban, Tanah Rata K. G. Pearce 296 1980-3-7
GH: 01933172 Piper erectipilum Yuncker Brazil: Rondonia (Terr.) Porto Velho to Cuiabá highway. Vicinity of ... G. T. Prance & J. F. Ramos 7006 1968-8-16
GH: 01933171 Piper erectipilum Yuncker Brazil: Amazonas Floresta de Vertente. Reserva Florestal Duck... M. A. S. Costa Assunção, P.A.C.L. 367 1995-9-21
GH: 00005709 Piper eriocladum Sodiro Ecuador: Pichincha Prope Verde-cocha L. Sodiro
A: 01933190 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Magdalena Santa Marta: [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith 1228 1898
A: 01933189 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, estreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 52 1932-5-25
A: 01933188 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Santander Northern slope of Mesa de los Santos E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 15421 1926-12-11
A: 01933187 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Santander Northern slope of Mesa de los Santos E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 15026 1926-12-11
A: 01933186 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Santander Between Piedecuesta and Las Vegas E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 15509 1926-12-19
A: 01933185 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Santander RÃo Suratá valley, near Bucaramanga E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16216 1926-12-28
A: 01933184 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Charta E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 19093 1927-2-1
GH: 01933183 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Magdalena Santa Marta: [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith 1228 1898
GH: 01933182 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Santander Between Piedecuesta and Las Vegas E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 15509 1926-12-19
GH: 01933181 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Santander Northern slope of Mesa de los Santos E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 15421 1926-12-11
GH: 01933180 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Santander Northern slope of Mesa de los Santos E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 15026 1926-12-11
GH: 01933179 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Antioquia Cordillera Central. Medellin Valley at Prima... W. H. Hodge 6679 1945-10-25
GH: 01933178 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Charta E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 19093 1927-2-1
GH: 01933177 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Norte de Santander Vicinity of Chinácota E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 20781 1927-3-18
GH: 01933176 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Norte de Santander Cordillera Oriental; región del Sarare: Hoy... J. Cuatrecasas, R. E. Schultes & E... 12199 1941-10-13
GH: 01933175 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Norte de Santander Carretera de Abrego a Sardinata, rÃo Tarra H. GarcÃa-Barriga & R. Jaramillo ... 19959 1969-5-27
GH: 01933174 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Cundinamarca Sasaima; Vereda de Guane. Entre los rÃos Gu... H. GarcÃa-Barriga 20.459 1974-1-8
GH: 01933173 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Antioquia Vereda Venados, Parque Nacional Natural Las ... J. J. Pipoly et al. 18346 1995-2-3
A: 00005412 Piper erubescentispica Trelease Panama: Bocas del Toro Vicinity of Nievecita; ca. 0-50 m. R. E. Woodson, Jr., P. H. Allen & ... 1817 1938-8-8
GH: 01979776 Piper erubescentispica Trelease Panama: Darién Vicinity of Paya, RÃo Paya, trail between P... W. L. Stern, K. L. Chambers, J. D.... 194 1959-6-10
ECON: 00057326 Piper erythroxyloides R. E. Schult. & GarcÃa-Barr. Colombia: Santander "La Matilonia" Frontero Colombo-Venezolana, ... H. GarcÃa-Barriga & G. Lozano-C. 18318 1965-5-15
A: 00005710 Piper esperancanum Yuncker Brazil: Amazonas Municipality Sao Paulo de Olivença, near Es... B. A. Krukoff 7660 1935-12
GH: 01933191 Piper estrellense C. de Candolle Brazil: Minas Gerais Vicosa: Fazenda do Deserto; woods adjoining ... Y. E. J. Mexia 5419 1930-12-18
GH: 01933193 Piper eucalyptifolium Rudge Brazil: São Paulo [no additional data] H. L. Everett 8
GH: 01933192 Piper eucalyptifolium Rudge Brazil: São Paulo [no additional data] H. L. Everett 9
A: 01883265 Piper eupodum C. de Candolle Philippines: Capiz Mt. Bulilao A. Martelino & G. Edaño 35725 1919-6
GH: 00005413 Piper evulsipilosum Trelease Honduras: Atlántida Vicinity of La Ceiba T. G. Yuncker, J. M. Koepper & K. ... 8015 1938-6-25
GH: 00005414 Piper exigens Trelease Honduras: Comayagua El Achote above plains of Siguatepeque T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R... 6124 1936-7-26
GH: 01979777 Piper exigens Trelease Honduras: Comayagua near Trincheras L. O. Williams & Ant. Molina 12510 1947-4-30
GH: 01979778 Piper exigens Trelease Honduras: Comayagua Barranco Trincheras, about 20 Kms. north of ... L. O. Williams & Ant. Molina 18065 1951-4-17
GH: 00005415 Piper exigens subovatum Trelease Honduras: Comayagua near El Achote, hills above plains of Siguat... T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R... 5997 1936-7-21
A: 01965863 Piper fadyenii C. de Candolle : Caribbean: [no additional data] W. Fawcett 8197 1901-9
GH: 01965864 Piper fadyenii C. de Candolle Jamaica: Portland Parish Trail from Morce's Gap north toward Vinegar ... W. R. Anderson & D. C. Sternberg 3480 1966-8-19
A: 01965865 Piper fadyenii C. de Candolle Jamaica: Saint Andrew Parish West slope of Catherines Peak, Port Royal Mt... G. R. Proctor 7345 1952-11-16
A: 01965866 Piper fadyenii C. de Candolle Jamaica: Near Cinchona W. Fawcett 8197 1901-9
GH: 01965867 Piper fadyenii C. de Candolle Jamaica: Portland Parish Near Vinegar Hill W. R. Maxon & E. P. Killip 832 1920-3-7
GH: 01965868 Piper fadyenii C. de Candolle Jamaica: Clyde R., Cuichona G. E. Nichols 166 1903-7-24
GH: 01965869 Piper fadyenii C. de Candolle Jamaica: Saint Andrew Parish Upper ravine of the Flora River, Port Royal ... G. R. Proctor 23741 1963-6-29
GH: 00005416 Piper fagopyricarpum Trelease Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of Puerto Armuelles; 0-75 m. R. E. Woodson, Jr. & R. W. Schery 852 1940-7-28
GH: 01933194 Piper falculispicum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Putumayo Alta cuenca del RÃo Uchupayaco, al suroeste... R. E. Schultes 3335 1942-2-27
GH: 01933195 Piper falculispicum Trelease & Yuncker Ecuador: Province of Napo-Pastaza. Bank of Rio Masqua... Y. E. J. Mexia 7230 1935-4-2
A: 00005417 Piper fallens Trelease Honduras: Atlántida Lancetilla Valley, near Tela P. C. Standley 53968 1927-12-6
A: 01979780 Piper fallens Trelease Honduras: Atlántida Lancetilla Valley, near Tela P. C. Standley 56820 1927-12-6
GH: 01979779 Piper fallens Trelease Mexico: Oaxaca Loc. 26 Km al SW de San Jerónimo Coatlán, ... A. Campos V., R. Torres C. & L. Co... 1620 1988-3-19
GH: 01933196 Piper faroense Yuncker Brazil: Amazonas Collected along the Rio Negro between Manaus... J. M. Poole 1926 1979-7-7
A: 00005711 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Charta; 2000-2600 m. E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 19102 1927-2-1
GH: 00005712 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Charta; 2000-2600 m. E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 19102 1927-2-1
A: 01933212 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Charta E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 18873 1927-2-1
A: 01933211 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Vicinity of California E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 17057 1927-1-11
A: 01933210 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Southern slope of Mount San MartÃn, near Ch... E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 19146 1927-2-10
A: 01933209 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander RÃo Suratá valley, above Suratá E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16559 1927-1-5
A: 01933208 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander RÃo Suratá valley, above Suratá E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16651 1927-1-5
A: 01933207 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Charta E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 18920 1927-2-1
A: 01933206 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander RÃo Suratá valley, above Suratá E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16671 1927-1-5
A: 01933205 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Charta E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 19011 1927-2-1
GH: 01933204 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Southern slope of Mount San MartÃn, near Ch... E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 19146 1927-2-10
GH: 01933203 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander RÃo Suratá valley, above Suratá E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16559 1927-1-5
GH: 01933202 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander RÃo Suratá valley, above Suratá E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16651 1927-1-5
GH: 01933201 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Charta E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 18873 1927-2-1
GH: 01933200 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Charta E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 18920 1927-2-1
GH: 01933199 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Charta E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 19011 1927-2-1
GH: 01933198 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Vicinity of California E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 17057 1927-1-11
GH: 01933197 Piper fastiditum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander RÃo Suratá valley, above Suratá E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16671 1927-1-5
A: 00005713 Piper fastiditum pubescnes Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Wooded banks of RÃo de la Baja, below La Ba... E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 18283 1927-1-26
GH: 00005714 Piper fastiditum pubescnes Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Wooded banks of RÃo de la Baja, below La Ba... E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 18283 1927-1-26
GH: 00005418 Piper faviculiferum Trelease Honduras: Comayagua El Achote, hills above plains of Siguatepequ... T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R... 6368 1936-8-7
A: 01936746 Piper febrifugum C. de Candolle Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands M. Nur Bin Mohamed Ghose 32879 1937-4-4
GH: 00005715 Piper fendlerianum C. de Candolle Venezuela: Aragua Prope coloniam Tovar A. Fendler 1w140 1854
GH: 01979781 Piper fimbriulatum C. de Candolle Costa Rica: east of Las Cruces and 5 to 6 km. south of S... W. C. Burger & G. Matta U. 1967-1-15
A: 01979783 Piper fimbriulatum C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Alajuela Llano Bonito de Zarcero. Canton: Alfaro Ruiz... Aust. P. Smith NY823 1938-7-2
GH: 01979784 Piper fimbriulatum C. de Candolle Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of El General A. F. Skutch 2625 1936-2
GH: 01979785 Piper fimbriulatum C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Puntarenas Osa Peninsula. Pacific Road 5-7 miles from R... H. Kennedy 1982 1972-11-15
A: 01979786 Piper fimbriulatum C. de Candolle Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of El General A. F. Skutch 3807 1939-1
A: 01979787 Piper fimbriulatum C. de Candolle Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of El General A. F. Skutch 2625 1936-2
GH: 01979788 Piper fimbriulatum C. de Candolle Costa Rica: San José Forêts de Las Gueltas - Tucurrique A. Tonduz 12857 1898-12
GH: 01979782 Piper fimbriulatum C. de Candolle Honduras: Comayagua Barranco Trincheras, about 20 Kms. north of ... L. O. Williams & Ant. Molina 18069 1951-4-17
GH: 00005419 Piper firmifolium Trelease Honduras: Comayagua In thicket near El Rincon, 10 mi. W of Sigua... T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R... 6048 1936-7-24
GH: 01883272 Piper firmolimbum C. de Candolle Philippines: Laguna Los Baños (Mt. Maquiling) A. D. E. Elmer 17607 1917-6
GH: 01883271 Piper firmolimbum C. de Candolle Philippines: Laguna Los Baños (Mt. Maquiling) A. D. E. Elmer 17985 1917-6
GH: 01883270 Piper firmolimbum C. de Candolle Philippines: Laguna Los Baños (Mt. Maquiling) A. D. E. Elmer 18190 1917-6
A: 01883269 Piper firmolimbum C. de Candolle Philippines: Laguna Los Baños (Mt. Maquiling) A. D. E. Elmer 17607 1917-6
A: 01883268 Piper firmolimbum C. de Candolle Philippines: Laguna Los Baños (Mt. Maquiling) A. D. E. Elmer 17499 1917-6
A: 01883267 Piper firmolimbum C. de Candolle Philippines: Laguna Los Baños (Mt. Maquiling) A. D. E. Elmer 17985 1917-6
A: 01883266 Piper firmolimbum C. de Candolle Philippines: Laguna Los Baños (Mt. Maquiling) A. D. E. Elmer 18190 1917-6
GH: 00005951 Piper firmolimbum parvilimbum Quisumbing Philippines: Sorsogon Luzon Island, Irosin (Mt. Bulusan) A. D. E. Elmer 14517 1916-9
A: 01936750 Piper firmum (Miquel) C. de Candolle Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Loemban Ria Rahmat Si Boeea 7315 1934-2-5
A: 01936749 Piper firmum (Miquel) C. de Candolle Malaysia: Perak Tapa L. Wray, Jr. 1281
A: 01936748 Piper firmum (Miquel) C. de Candolle Malaysia: Near summit of Gunong Jasar. K. G. Pearce 295 1980-3-6
A: 01936747 Piper firmum (Miquel) C. de Candolle Malaysia: Pahang Slopes of gunong Beremban, Tanah Rata K. G. Pearce 296 1980-3-7
A: 01936746 Piper firmum (Miquel) C. de Candolle Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands M. Nur Bin Mohamed Ghose 32879 1937-4-4
A: 01933245 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Argentina: Jujuy Sierra do Santa Barbara Sant. Venturi 9604 1929-10-5
A: 01933244 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Argentina: Tucumán Quebrada de Lules Sant. Venturi 6142 1928-6-10
A: 01933243 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Argentina: Tucumán [no additional data] Sant. Venturi 866 1920-8
GH: 01933241 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Argentina: Misiones Dep. Iguazú. Puerto Peninsula A. Krapovickas, C. L. Cristóbal, ... 18329 1971-2-17
GH: 01933254 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Argentina: Misiones Dep. Cainguás. Ruta 14, 5 Km E de Aristóbu... R. O. Vanni, J. Daviña, M. de Pom... 829 1987-7-29
GH: 01933253 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul São Francisco de Paula: Padilha R. A. Wasum & J. Bordin 1953 2003-8-16
GH: 01933251 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Brazil: Rio de Janeiro Road between Aguas Ferreas and Paineiras, Co... Lyman B. Smith 1225 1928-11-15
A: 01933248 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Brazil: Minas Gerais Vicosa: Agricultural College lands; north bo... Y. E. J. Mexia 4610 1930-4-14
GH: 01933239 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Brazil: Paraná Porto de Cima P. K. H. Dusén 7465 1908-10-19
A: 01933267 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Brazil: Minas Gerais Vicosa: Agricultural College lands; Corriga ... Y. E. J. Mexia 4895 1930-7-23
GH: 01933266 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Brazil: Minas Gerais Vicosa: Cha-Cha Valley, just outside Agricul... Y. E. J. Mexia 4465 1930-3-15
A: 01933264 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Brazil: Paraná Sta. Helena Velha T. M. Pedersen 11000 1975
GH: 01933263 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul Neu-Württemberg, Urmalt A. Bornmüller 525 1905-7-20
GH: 01933259 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Brazil: Paraná Norretes P. K. H. Dusén 8814 1909
GH: 01933258 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Brazil: Paraná [illegible] P. K. H. Dusén 15352 1914
GH: 01933257 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Brazil: Minas Gerais Vicosa: Beyond Areponga. Fazenda da Serra. C... Y. E. J. Mexia 4669-a 1930-5-4
GH: 01933256 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul Lagoa da Pinguela, prope Osorio B. Rambo 46501 1950-3-27
GH: 01933255 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Brazil: Minas Gerais Vicosa: Fazenda de Paraios Y. E. J. Mexia 5133 1930-10-1
GH: 00005716 Piper flagellicuspe villosulum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Chocó Quibdó W. A. Archer 1915 1931-4
GH: 01933216 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Ecuador: Esmeraldas Parroquia Concepcion; below Playa Rica Y. E. J. Mexia 8492 1936-12-23
GH: 01979789 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Panama: Panama El Llano-Carti Road, 8.1 km from Inter-Ameri... S. A. Mori & J. A. Kallunki B. Han... 4187 1974-12-28
GH: 01979790 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Panama: Panama along El Llano Carti-Tupile road; 12 mi abov... R. L. Liesner 1117 1973-3-26
GH: 01979791 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Panama: Panama 19 km above Pan-Am Highway on road from El L... H. Kennedy 2522 1973-2-20
GH: 01979792 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Panama: Coclé La Messa above El Valle; on both sides of ju... T. B. Croat 25394 1974-7-21
GH: 01979793 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Panama: Panama El Llano-Carti Road, 7-12 km from Inter-amer... T. B. Croat 25083 1974-7-18
A: 01933272 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Paraguay: Paraguaria Centralis: In regione lacus Ypaca... E. Hassler 11852 1913
GH: 01933269 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Paraguay: Paraguaria Centralis: In regione lacus Ypaca... E. Hassler 11852 1913-7
A: 01933268 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Paraguay: Misiones Santiago. Estancia "La Soledad" T. M. Pedersen 5217 1959-10-24
GH: 01933214 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Venezuela: Distrito Federal El Junquito E. P. Killip & E. Rohl 37172 1943-3-26
GH: 01933213 Piper flagellicuspe Trelease & Yuncker Venezuela: Distrito Federal on seaward side of road leading to Carayaca,... J. A. Steyermark 91747 1963-10-24
A: 01979794 Piper flavidum C. de Candolle Guatemala: Quiche "La Taña" "Zona Reyna" A. F. Skutch 1819 1934-12-2
A: 01979795 Piper flavidum C. de Candolle Guatemala: Quiche on bank of Rio Copón, Finca Chailá, "Zona ... A. F. Skutch 1794 1934-11-29
A: 01979796 Piper flavidum C. de Candolle Guatemala: Izabal along RÃo FrÃo J. A. Steyermark 41618 1941-12-19
GH: 01979797 Piper flavidum C. de Candolle Guatemala: Alta Verapaz Hussafer bei Lasis H. v. Türckheim II2206 1908-5
GH: 01979798 Piper flavidum C. de Candolle Guatemala: Alta Verapaz Sachichá H. v. Türckheim 8564 1903-12
A: 00005901 Piper flaviflorum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan S of Szemao; 4000 ft. A. Henry 12931
A: 00005902 Piper flaviflorum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan Szemao forest; 5000 ft. A. Henry 11767
A: 00005903 Piper flaviflorum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan Szemao forest; 5000 ft. A. Henry 11767
A: 00487994 Piper flaviflorum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan Manlin Village, Xisogming Township J. F. Maxwell 12-240 2012-7-9
A: 01934672 Piper flaviflorum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan Sheau-meng-yeang, Che-li Hsien C. W. Wang 75827 1936-9
A: 01934671 Piper flaviflorum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan Watershed of the Black River, or Papienho, b... J. F. Rock 2908 1922-3-20
A: 01934670 Piper flaviflorum C. de Candolle China: Yunnan Nan-hsien-ho, Che-li Hsien C. W. Wang 79466 1936-10
A: 00005927 Piper flavifructum Trelease Papua New Guinea: Central Domara river L. J. Brass 1644 1926-6-4
A: 01936751 Piper flavimarginatum C. de Candolle Malaysia: Bukit Kajang, Kemaman E. J. H. Corner 30323 1935-11-8
GH: 01933217 Piper fockei Trelease & Yuncker Brazil: Amazonas Mun. de No NOvo Aripuanã, BR 230, Rod. Tran... C. A. Cid Ferreira 5705 1985-4-23
A: 00005420 Piper formici-tolerans Trelease ex Standley Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of El General; 915 m. A. F. Skutch 2156 1935-12
GH: 01933219 Piper formosum (Miquel) C. de Candolle Peru: JunÃn Huacapistana E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 24187 1929-6-5
GH: 01933218 Piper formosum (Miquel) C. de Candolle Peru: Huánuco Distrito Churubamba; Hacienda Exito; bank of... Y. E. J. Mexia 8115 1936-9-3
A: 01936752 Piper forstenii C. de Candolle Indonesia: Maluku Utara Gomi itji Idjan & B. M. Mochtar 134 1951
A: 01936753 Piper fragile Bentham Indonesia: Irian Jaya Barat Kabupaten Manokwari; Kecamatan Manokwari. Pa... M. J. S. Sands 6901 1995-4-23
A: 01936755 Piper fragile Bentham Malaysia: Sabah Banguey Island P. Castro & F. Melegrito 1486 1923-7
A: 01936754 Piper fragile Bentham Malaysia: Sabah Banguey Island P. Castro & F. Melegrito 1594 1923-7
GH: 01883584 Piper fragile Bentham Micronesia, Federated States of: Yap Ifaluk Islet, Ifaluk Atoll F. R. Fosberg 47214 1965-8-13
A: 01883582 Piper fragile Bentham Micronesia, Federated States of: Chuuk Tadiu T. Hosokawa 8396 1936-8-11
A: 01883581 Piper fragile Bentham Micronesia, Federated States of: Chuuk Natusima, [illegible] T. Hosokawa 6521 1936-7-22
A: 01883580 Piper fragile Bentham Micronesia, Federated States of: Chuuk Melot T. Hosokawa 8355 1936-8-21
A: 01883578 Piper fragile Bentham Micronesia, Federated States of: Chuuk Mt. Troman Trowasi T. Hosokawa 8500 1936-8-26
A: 01883583 Piper fragile Bentham Palau: Peliliu T. Hosokawa 9219 1937-9-9
A: 01883579 Piper fragile Bentham Palau: Peliliu T. Hosokawa 9212 1937-9-9
A: 01882318 Piper fragile Bentham Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Kieta. S. F. Kajewski 1595 1930-3-25
A: 01882317 Piper fragile Bentham Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Wagalasa Island, Losuia subdistrict E. B. Mann & D. M. Osborn NGF 43037 1969-3-13
A: 01882316 Piper fragile Bentham Papua New Guinea: Madang Madang: Shoreline, Christmas Bay, Bagabag Is... J. Vandenberg & E. Mann NGF.42263 1969-6-16
A: 01882315 Piper fragile Bentham Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Selio Island, Aitape subdist. A. N. Millar & J. Vandenberg NGF 40900 1969
A: 00005928 Piper fragrans Trelease Papua New Guinea: Central Iawarere, 1200 feet L. J. Brass 701 1925-11-25
A: 00005421 Piper fraguanum viride Trelease Honduras: Near Lancetilla; 90 ft. T. G. Yuncker 4918 1934-8-5
GH: 01979801 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Rio Turrialba H. E. Stork 3231 1932-7-19
GH: 01979802 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Limón Edge RÃo Madre de Diós, La Lola M. Carlson 3261 1957-1-9
A: 01979803 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of El General A. F. Skutch 2175 1935-12
GH: 01979806 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Puntarenas Rio Corozal A. Tonduz 7136 1896-4
GH: 01979807 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Limón Montana Andromeda. Drenaje de RÃo Valle Est... P. J. Shank & A. Molina R. 4548 1951-10-26
GH: 01979810 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Costa Rica: San José Basin of El General A. F. Skutch & Barrantes 5089 1943-7
GH: 01979811 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Cartago Valley of the RÃo Grande del Orosi, Tapanti... R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon 7105 1970-12-21
GH: 01979813 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Puntarenas along RÃo Sonador, near Panamerican Highway... L. O. Williams, A. Molina R., T. P... 28763 1965-1-31
GH: 01979814 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Puntarenas along the Camino al Pacifico, west of Rincon... P. H. Raven 20846 1967-3-21
A: 01979815 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Cartago Vicinity of Pejivalle A. F. Skutch 4620 1940-1
A: 01979816 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Alajuela El Selencio. Canton: Alfaro Ruiz Aust. P. Smith P2126 1939-12-18
GH: 01979817 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Puntarenas Vcty. Palmar Norte de Osa P. H. Allen 5769 1951-1-11
GH: 01979799 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Panama: Chiriqui Burica Peninsula. San Bartolo Limite. 14 Km ... P. Busey 434 1973-2-18
GH: 01979800 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Panama: Chiriqui Boquete, roadway at Hotel Dos RÃos J. D. Dwyer & S. M. V. Hayden 7569 1967-8-6
GH: 01979804 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of El Boquete W. R. Maxon 5140 1911-3-2
GH: 01979805 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2003 1939-9-17
GH: 01979808 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Panama: Bocas del Toro Chiriquicito to 5 miles S along RÃo Guarumo W. H. Lewis, N. Escobar, B. MacBry... 1979 1967-6-5
GH: 01979809 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Panama: Chiriqui vicinity of Boquete, from Boquete to 3 miles... W. Hepw. Lewis, D. G. Burch, J. D.... 576 1966-12-12
GH: 01979812 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Panama: Chiriqui just south of Boquete W. G. D'Arcy & J. J. D'Arcy 6315 1972-8-4
GH: 00005422 Piper frijolesanum grandifolium Trelease Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle; 600-1000 m. P. H. Allen 1193 1938-12-8
A: 00005616 Piper fuertesii C. de Candolle Dominican Republic: Barahona Las Filipinas; 700 m. Miguel Fuertes 950 1911-9
GH: 00005615 Piper fuertesii C. de Candolle Dominican Republic: Barahona Las Filipinas; 700 m. Miguel Fuertes 950 1911-9
GH: 01933221 Piper fuligineum Kunth Bolivia: Santa Cruz Nuflo de Chavez, Est. San Josecito, 5 km NW ... T. J. Killeen 1434 1985-11-11
GH: 01933223 Piper fuligineum Kunth Brazil: Minas Gerais Morro das Pedras, 3 km. south of Belo Horizo... L. O. Williams 5027 1945-2-12
A: 01933234 Piper fulvescens C. de Candolle Argentina: Corrientes, Provincia de Estancia " El Plata" T. Meyer 6263 1944-2-6
GH: 01933232 Piper fulvescens C. de Candolle Argentina: Corrientes, Provincia de Estancia San Francisco (23 Km. NW de Goberna... A. Krapovickas, C. L. Cristobal, M... 17193 1970-12-5
A: 01933231 Piper fulvescens C. de Candolle Argentina: Corrientes, Provincia de Ea. Santa Rita. Ayo. próximo al casco A. Krapovickas, C. L. Cristóbal, ... 41115 1987-3-4
GH: 00005717 Piper fulvescens C. de Candolle Paraguay: T. Morong 760 1888
GH: 01933229 Piper fulvescens C. de Candolle Paraguay: Paraguaria Centralis: In regione lacus Ypaca... E. Hassler 11854 1913-7
GH: 01933228 Piper fulvescens C. de Candolle Paraguay: In regione collium: Cordillera de Villa-Rica E. Hassler 8772 1905-1
A: 01933226 Piper fulvescens C. de Candolle Paraguay: In regione cursus superioris fluminis Y-acá E. Hassler 6670 1900-12
A: 01933225 Piper fulvescens C. de Candolle Paraguay: Paraguaria Centralis: Prope Sapucay E. Hassler 11854 1913-7
GH: 00005952 Piper fuscescentirameum C. de Candolle Philippines: Leyte Island C. A. Wenzel 1184 1914-11-1
A: 01883274 Piper fuscinervium Quisumbing Philippines: Capiz Mt. Madiaas M. Ramos & G. E. Edaño 30664 1918-4
GH: 01883273 Piper fuscinervium Quisumbing Philippines: Capiz Mt. Madiaas M. Ramos & G. E. Edaño 30691 1918-4
A: 01934704 Piper futokadsura Siebold : East Asia: [data in Chinese] T. Matsuiama 9386 1904-7-1
A: 01934683 Piper futokadsura Siebold China: Taiwan Mt. Tatung J. H. Liu 30 1958
A: 01934682 Piper futokadsura Siebold China: Zhejiang Boli Wenchaw R. C. Ching 1880
A: 01934681 Piper futokadsura Siebold China: Hainan Near Po-ting, Lingshin H. Y. Liang 61543 1932-4-24
A: 01934680 Piper futokadsura Siebold China: Taiwan [no additional data] U. J. Faurie 8387 1915
A: 01934679 Piper futokadsura Siebold China: Taiwan Taihoku-syû, Sitisei-gun, Sirin S. Hidetaro SH 1350 1937-4-16
A: 01934678 Piper futokadsura Siebold China: Taiwan Bukai J. L. Gressitt 291 1934-5
A: 01934677 Piper futokadsura Siebold China: Taiwan Rokki J. L. Gressitt 49 1934-5
A: 01934676 Piper futokadsura Siebold China: Taiwan Bukai J. L. Gressitt 294 1934-5
A: 01934675 Piper futokadsura Siebold China: Taiwan Tamsuy R. Oldham 468
GH: 01934674 Piper futokadsura Siebold China: Taiwan Tamsuy R. Oldham 468 1864
A: 01176608 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Okinawa Shuri, Okinawa Is. E. H. Wilson 8123 1917-3-4
GH: 01934684 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Nagasaki [no additional data] R. Oldham 670 1862
GH: 01934673 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Ryukyu Islands: [no additional data] C. Wright 259 1853
A: 01934703 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Kagoshima Satsuma, Krusru M. Kentaro 9384 1928-5-31
A: 01934702 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Ehime I. Yogo 9483 1933-5-25
A: 01934701 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Shizuoka Suruga Hondo J. Sugimoto 1926-6-22
A: 01934699 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Kanagawa Sagami; [illegible], am Meer K. Sakurai 1913
A: 01934694 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Haha-jima E. H. Wilson 8327 1917-4-26
A: 01934693 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Kagoshima Yakushima E. H. Wilson 1914
A: 01934692 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Kagoshima Yakushima E. H. Wilson 1914
A: 01934691 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Kanagawa Sagami: Yenoshima [Enoshima] E. H. Wilson 1908-6
A: 01934690 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Tokushima Awa: Takeyama E. H. Wilson 1904-7
A: 01934689 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Wakayama Mt. Shirami Higashimuro-gun K. Uno 1952-7-23
GH: 01934688 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 01934687 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Nagasaki [no additional data] C. J. Maximowicz 1863
GH: 01934686 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Nagasaki [no additional data] R. Oldham 1862
GH: 01934685 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Nagasaki [no additional data] R. Oldham 669 1862
A: 01934700 Piper futokadsura Siebold South Korea: Jeju-do Sicki-ho. Quelpaert Island [Jeju Island] E. H. Wilson 9540 1917-11-3
A: 01934698 Piper futokadsura Siebold South Korea: Jeju-do Quelpaert Island [Jeju Island] T. Taquet 4468 1910-10-30
A: 01934697 Piper futokadsura Siebold South Korea: Jeju-do Quelpaert [Jeju Island] T. Taquet 1337 1908-9
A: 01934696 Piper futokadsura Siebold South Korea: Jeju-do Quelpaert Ilandens [Jeju Island] T. Taquet 4400 1910-7-2
A: 01934695 Piper futokadsura Siebold South Korea: Jeju-do Quelpaert Ilandens [Jeju Island] T. Taquet 3149 1909-5
GH: 01933235 Piper futuri Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Putumayo RÃo Putumayo, Puerto AsÃs y los alredadore... R. E. Schultes 3386 1942-3-9
GH: 00005423 Piper gamboanum yapense Trelease Panama: Darién Vicinity of Yape; ca. 30 m. P. H. Allen 854 1938-10-4
A: 01979818 Piper garagaranum C. de Candolle Panama: Darién Cana-Cuasi Trail (Camp 2) M. E. Terry & R. A. Terry 1432 1940-3-9
GH: 00005425 Piper gatunense latum Trelease Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle; 600-1000 m. P. H. Allen 1808 1939-5-21
GH: 00005424 Piper gatunense cocleanum Trelease Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle de Anton; 600-1000 m. P. H. Allen 1784 1939-5-14
A: 00005426 Piper gaumeri Trelease Mexico: [Yucatan, Buena Vista Xbac] G. F. Gaumer & sons 783
GH: 01154753 Piper gaumeri Trelease Mexico: Yucatán [Buena Vista, Xbac ] G. F. Gaumer 783 1895
GH: 00005427 Piper gentlei Trelease ex Standley Belize: Corozal District; San Andres P. H. Gentle 1077 1933-12
GH: 01937039 Piper gibbiflorum C. de Candolle Malaysia: Sarawak in Kuching G. D. Haviland & C. Hose 3626 M 1895-1-18
A: 00429067 Piper gibbiflorum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Enga Paiela area, expedition Camp 2, river flowin... W. N. Takeuchi 20004 2005-8-31
A: 00429068 Piper gibbiflorum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Enga Porgera area, Paiela Road near end of limest... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & A. Towati 20169 2005-9-5
A: 00429069 Piper gibbiflorum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Crater Mt. Wildlife Management Area, ridge a... W. N. Takeuchi 12268 1998-7-20
A: 00429070 Piper gibbiflorum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Crater Mt. Wildlife Management Area, ridge a... W. N. Takeuchi 12455 1998-7-22
A: 01882364 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle : New Guinea: Putide P. M. Walker NU 419 1962-7-27
A: 01882379 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle : New Guinea: Mt. Perameles, south top A. A. Pulle 517 1912
A: 01882329 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Conces... J. H. Beaman 12228 1998-8-16
A: 01882328 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua PT-Freeport Indonesia Concession Area: Temba... R. J. Johns A. Hidayat 10379 1999
A: 01882342 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Irian Jaya Barat Olima River, Wamena. M. Mendum 92603 1992-10-7
A: 01882340 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Conces... C. Barker J. Beaman, A. Hidayat, R... 12 1998
A: 01882337 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Irian Jaya Barat Baliem valley. above Wellesey A. J. G. H. Kostermans & W. Soegen... 662 1966-8-27
A: 01882335 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Conces... R. J. Johns 9184 1998-10-15
A: 01882368 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Bele River, 18 km. NE of Lake Habbema L. J. Brass 11054 1938-11
A: 01882367 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Balim River L. J. Brass 11670 1938-12
A: 01882366 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Balim River L. J. Brass 11671 1938-12
A: 01882359 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Star Mts, Sibil-valley C. Kalkman 4044 1959-5-14
A: 01882357 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Kloof-biv. A. A. Pulle 172 1912-10-17
A: 01882353 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Conces... C. Barker J. Beaman, A. Hidayat, R... 017 1998
A: 01882352 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Conces... S. Atkins B Adjie (Kebun Raya, Bal... 631 2000-11-18
A: 01882351 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Conces... C. Barker J. Beaman, A. Hidayat, R... 17 1998
A: 01882350 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Conces... P. Puradyatmika R. J. Johns, P.J. ... 10475 1999-3-20
A: 01882349 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Conces... R. J. Johns 10351 1999-4-4
A: 01882348 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Conces... R. J. Johns A. Hidayat, R. Woodman... 9702 1998-8-22
A: 01882347 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Conces... C. D. Heatubun W. Baker, J. Dransf... 210 1998-3-3
A: 01882345 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Conces... R. J. Johns 9201 1998-10-15
A: 01882344 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Conces... F. R. Willis 154 1999-3-18
A: 01882343 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Conces... P. Puradyatmika R.J. Johns, Asep S... 10323 1998-2-24
A: 01882375 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Irian Jaya Barat Snow Mountains region, E of the Baliem Valle... W. Milliken 1485 1992-10
A: 01882374 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Irian Jaya Barat Baliem Valley; Watdangu area, north of km 42... J. S. Burley & I. A. Rachman 4576B 1991-5-20
A: 01882370 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Indonesia: Papua 15 km. S.W. of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River L. J. Brass 12252 1939-1
A: 01882313 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay North slopes of Mt. Dayman, Maneau Range. L. J. Brass 23235 1953-7-1
A: 01882312 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands near Gesigi, Lake Kutubu R. Schodde 2355 1961-9-30
A: 01882311 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Central Enarotali, Wissel Lakes W. Vink & F. A. W. Schram BW 8593 1960
A: 01882310 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Daulo Road Camp, Chimbu Divide J. S. Womersley, A. G. Floyd & H. ... 6082 1954-11-16
A: 01882309 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Hela Tari: Vicinity of Habono rest house, 6 1/2 m... D. G. Frodin NGF 28407 1966-8-20
A: 01882308 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Hela Tari: Vicinity of Habono rest house, 6 1/2 m... D. G. Frodin N.G.F. 32052 1966-8-27
A: 01882307 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands Mendi: Creek North Onim hill South slope Mt.... J. Croft et al LAE 60884 1973-12-28
A: 01882306 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands Iaro River, Onim, 14 km NNW of Ialibu. H. Streimann 8577 1982
A: 01882305 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Otto, south slopes L. J. Brass 30918 1959-8-9
A: 01882304 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Hela Lake Kopiago: 3 miles from Kopiago on Paga H... J. Vandenberg & M. Galore NGF.42071 1968
A: 01882303 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Mu Village, near Kundiawa G. D. Weiblen & W. L. Clement GW2653 2005-10-15
A: 01882327 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Western Juha South (Expedition Bivouac 2), survey tr... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 23146 2008-2-19
A: 01882326 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Western Juha North (Expedition Bivouac 1) W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 23326 2008-3-26
A: 01882325 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands South Karius (Expedition Bivouac 4), survey ... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 22586 2008-2-7
A: 01882324 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Western Baia River (Expedition Bivouac 3), survey tr... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 22809 2008-2-12
A: 01882323 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands ridgecrest SE of the Beneria River expeditio... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Towati & T. Jis... 19371 2005-5-3
A: 01882322 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Western Baia River (Expedition Bivouac 3), survey tr... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 22848 2008-2-12
A: 01882321 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands vicinity of the Hides 3 natural gas wellhead W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 19017 2005-4-24
A: 00429067 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Enga Paiela area, expedition Camp 2, river flowin... W. N. Takeuchi 20004 2005-8-31
A: 00429068 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Enga Porgera area, Paiela Road near end of limest... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & A. Towati 20169 2005-9-5
A: 00429069 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Crater Mt. Wildlife Management Area, ridge a... W. N. Takeuchi 12268 1998-7-20
A: 00429070 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Crater Mt. Wildlife Management Area, ridge a... W. N. Takeuchi 12455 1998-7-22
GH: 01882320 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Madang Yawan Village G. D. Weiblen YS1G0029 2010-11-19
GH: 01882319 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Madang Yawan Village G. D. Weiblen YS4F0463 2010-8-31
A: 01882341 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Chimbu 10 km due east of Haia. Crater Mountain Biol... Debra Wright 1536
A: 01882339 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Haumuga village environs, 1 mile east of Ase... R. Schodde & L. A. Craven 4794 1966-4-2
A: 01882338 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Bismarck Range, Mt. Oibo, ridgeline communit... W. N. Takeuchi 10411 1995-10-4
A: 01882336 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Bismarck Range, Mt. Oibo, ridgeline communit... W. N. Takeuchi 10411 1995-10-4
A: 01882334 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Near Keglsugl mission H. Streimann & A. Kairo N.G.F.27750. 1966-5-22
A: 01882333 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Raba Raba: Track from Mayu 2 to Otukai [ille... P. F. Stevens & J. F. Veldkamp LAE 54351 1972
A: 01882332 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Marafunga, extension area 1, by Rive... P. F. Stevens LAE 51097 1970
A: 01882331 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Track between Busilmin and Tel Ba... J. R. Croft & Y. LeLean LAE 65803 1975
A: 01882330 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kainantu: North foothills, Mt. Piora. J. R. Croft & O. Akakavara LAE 68234 1975
A: 01882365 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Edie Creek Road - about 4 miles SW of Wau T. G. Hartley 11,796 1963-5-6
A: 01882363 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulldog Road, Edie Creek, near Wau A. N. Millar & R. E. Holttum N.G.F. 15824 1963-8-13
A: 01882362 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Vicinity Kiiepa village near Wantoat Patrol ... J. S. Womersley & R. F. Thorne N.G.F. 11860 1960-6
A: 01882361 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands Lake Kutubu E. C. G. Gray NGF. 8109 1956-5-22
A: 01882360 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: near Dunantina village R. D. Hoogland & R. Pullen 5253 1956-6-6
A: 01882358 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands 6 miles east of Kundiawa A. N. Millar & D. H. Nicolson N.G.F. 13847 1961-9-27
A: 01882356 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Kubor Range: Uinba, Nona-Minj Divide. W. Vink 16419 1963-6-28
A: 01882355 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Madang Madang: Kar Kar Is., edge of crater E. B. Mann & J. Vandenberg NGF.43192 1969
A: 01882354 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wambanguiak. Wantoat Sub-province. K. Kerenga LAE 77613 1981-5-30
A: 01882346 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm L. J. Brass 30363 1959-7-7
A: 01882381 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Nondugl J. S. Womersley 4349 1951-4
A: 01882380 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Okapa Patrol Post E. E. Henty N.G.F 10626 1959-1
A: 01882378 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: West Sepik near Wantipi village (on Bliri River), Aitap... P. J. Darbyshire & R. D. Hoogland 8254 1961-7-25
A: 01882377 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Asaro-Mairifutica divide 1/2 mile S.... R. Pullen 454 1957-8-3
A: 01882376 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Enga Wabag: near Poio village, Yaki river valley R. D. Hoogland & R. Schodde 6817 1960-6-29
A: 01882373 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Kubor Range: Uinba, Nona-Minj Divide W. Vink 16341 1963-8-22
A: 01882372 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: near Sosomepari vilalge, Upper Dunan... R. D. Hoogland & R. Pullen 5301 1956-6-11
A: 01882371 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Mt. Hellwig, north slope. A. A. Pulle 932 1913
A: 01882369 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Daulo Road Camp, Chimbu Divide J. S. Womersley, A. G. Floyd & H. ... 6097 1954-11-16
A: 01979819 Piper gibbosum C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Alajuela San Luis de Zarcero. Canton: Hefaro Ruiz Aust. P. Smith NY867 1938-7-8
A: 01979820 Piper gibbosum C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Vara Blanca de SarapiquÃ, north slope of Ce... A. F. Skutch 3605 1938-2
A: 01979821 Piper gibbosum C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Vara Blanca de SarapiquÃ, north slope of Ce... A. F. Skutch 3365 1937-10
A: 01979822 Piper gibbosum C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Alajuela hills above Zapote. Canton: Hefaro Ruiz Aust. P. Smith P2268 1940-1-10
A: 01979823 Piper gibbosum C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Alajuela hills above Zapote. Canton: Hefaro Ruiz Aust. P. Smith P2268 1940-1-10
GH: 01965870 Piper gigantifolium C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Tobago Lot 42, [illegible] Bay W. E. Broadway 1913-7-24
A: 00005428 Piper gigas Trelease Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of Casita Alta, Volcán Barú (Chir... R. E. Woodson, Jr., P. H. Allen & ... 846 1939-7
GH: 01979825 Piper glabratum Kunth Costa Rica: Heredia Finca la Selva, the OTS field station on the... M. H. Grayum 2694 1980-3-16
GH: 01979824 Piper glabratum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Gorge of Rio Metlac, just downstream and ben... M. Nee & K. R. Taylor 29417 1984-2-7
GH: 01965871 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle : Puerto Rico: Utuado, Bo. Roncador, Hacienda ... J. C. Trejo & R. Núñez 2821 2004-12-9
A: 01965875 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle : Puerto Rico: Route 191 at km. 19.2 in Luquil... R. J. Wagner 1695 1968-10-16
GH: 01965878 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle : Guadeloupe: [no additional data] A. Duss 4101 1902
GH: 01965886 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle : Puerto Rico: Distrito de Arecibo: Municipio ... W. R. Stimson 3558 1966-7-20
GH: 01965887 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle : Puerto Rico: Distrito de Aguadilla: Municipi... W. R. Stimson 3309 1966-7-7
GH: 01965888 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle : Puerto Rico: Maricao Br. Alain 9857 1963-7-10
A: 01965891 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle : Puerto Rico: bordering kilometer 10, Rt. 191... T. G. Hartley 13358 1967-9-6
GH: 01965893 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle : Puerto Rico: Las Marias P. E. E. Sintenis 5989 1887-1-21
GH: 01965894 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle : Puerto Rico: Cabo-Rojo, in Monte Grande P. E. E. Sintenis 462b 1885-1-16
GH: 01965900 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle : Puerto Rico: Municipio Ciales: Reserva Tres ... D. E. Atha, D. Adamsons & A. Sakel... 6106 2008-3-25
GH: 01965901 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle : Puerto Rico: Municipio Ciales: Reserva Tres ... D. E. Atha, D. Adamsons & A. Sakel... 6107 2008-8-21
A: 01965903 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle : Puerto Rico: Luquillo National Forest; area ... J. W. Terborgh 341 1970-1-31
A: 01965905 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle : Puerto Rico: Municipio de Naguabo, Rte. 191,... G. P. DeWolf Jr. 1915 1967-12-30
A: 01965906 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle : Puerto Rico: At km. 17.7 on Palmer to Florid... R. J. Wagner 673 1964-9-13
GH: 01933294 Piper glabrescens caparonum (C. de Candolle) Yuncker Brazil: Roraima (Terr.) Serra dos Surucucus. South of Mission statio... G. T. Prance, J. R. Steward, J. F.... 10021 1969-2-18
GH: 01933291 Piper glabrescens caparonum (C. de Candolle) Yuncker Brazil: Roraima (Terr.) Posto MucajaÃ, Rio Mucajaà G. T. Prance, W. C. Steward, J. F.... 11029 1971-3-16
GH: 01933293 Piper glabrescens caparonum (C. de Candolle) Yuncker Brazil: Amazonas Middle slopes of Western Massif of Serra Ara... G. T. Prance & I. Cordeiro 29709 1985-7-20
A: 01979826 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Cartago Vicinity of Pejivalle A. F. Skutch 4594 1940-1
A: 01979827 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Cartago Vicinity of Pejivalle A. F. Skutch 4562 1940-1
GH: 01979828 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Alajuela Llanura de San Carlos. near Los Angeles Ant. Molina, L. O. Williams, W. C.... 17635 1966-2-21
A: 01979830 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Forêts de Las Vueltas, Tucurrique A. Tonduz 13185 1899-2
A: 01979831 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Vara Blanca de SarapiquÃ, north slope of Ce... A. F. Skutch 3609 1938-2
A: 01979832 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Alajuela Villa Quesada. Canton: San Carlos Aust. P. Smith N. Y. 1631 1939-2-21
GH: 01979833 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Forêts de Las Guellas, Tucurrique A. Tonduz 13185b 1899-2
GH: 01979834 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Forêts de Trejos-Las Vueltas, Tucurrique A. Tonduz 12868 1898-12
GH: 01979835 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Forêts de Trejos-Las Vueltas, Tucurrique A. Tonduz 12868 1898-12
GH: 01979836 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Forêts de Trejos-Las Vueltas, Tucurrique A. Tonduz 12868 1898-12
GH: 01979840 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Heredia Finca La Selva, the OTS Field Station on the... T. McDowell 1079 1982-12-7
GH: 01979842 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Puntarenas along Rio Coto Brus, near Coton, 23 km north... T. B. Croat 26609 1974-8-9
GH: 01965907 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Dominica: on northwest slopes of Morne Diablotin W. H. Hodge & B. T. Hodge 2788 1940-4-11
GH: 01965909 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Dominica: bordering Pegoua River in vicinity of Deux B... W. H. Hodge & B. T. Hodge 3119 1940-4-19
GH: 01965872 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo [no additional data] C. Wright, C. C. Parry & H. Brummel 448 1871-1-3
GH: 01965873 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Dominican Republic: La Vega Loma Campana. On bank of ravine off Rio Los ... H. A. Allard 18291 1948-1-1
GH: 01965889 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Dominican Republic: Old Heart River (Jato Viejo), Samaná Penins... W. L. Abbott 1365 1921-4-16
GH: 01965899 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo at Arroyo Blanco, Camlita E. L. Ekman 11340 1929-1-27
GH: 01965902 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Dominican Republic: El Seibo 23 km. S of Miches on road to El Seibo M. M. MejÃa & T. A. Zanoni 7962 1980-8-19
A: 01965904 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Dominican Republic: La Vega near Jima, West of Bonao J. W. Terborgh 31 1969-12-30
GH: 01965919 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Dominican Republic: Laguna de Concha, on road from Santiago to P... Br. Alain 10983 1968-4-27
GH: 01933297 Piper glabrescens caparonum (C. de Candolle) Yuncker Guyana: Kartabo. I. W. Bailey 91 1920-8-11
GH: 01933296 Piper glabrescens caparonum (C. de Candolle) Yuncker Guyana: Waini River, Northwest District J. S. de la Cruz 3680 1923-4-3
GH: 01933288 Piper glabrescens caparonum (C. de Candolle) Yuncker Guyana: Vicinity of Bartica, on the Essequibo River J. S. de la Cruz 1932 1922-9-3
GH: 01965874 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Haiti: Nord trail to Citadel. Vicinity of Dondon E. C. Leonard 8605 1926-1-7
GH: 01965898 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Haiti: Nord Port Margot, at Bras Gauche de Rivière Limo... E. L. Ekman H2778 1924-12-7
GH: 01979837 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Mexico: Chiapas Municipio San Cristobal de Las Casas: Santa ... A. M. Ton & M. C. Mtz. de Lopez 9668 1986-11-15
GH: 01979838 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Nicaragua: Zelaya entre Santa Martha y La Finca Ginney Point, ... Ant. Molina 1886 1949-3-19
GH: 01979843 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Nicaragua: Zelaya La Esperanza, RÃo Grande. Guamil o breñas ... Ant. Molina 2128 1949-4-10
GH: 01979844 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Nicaragua: Zelaya entre Santa Martha y La Finca. Ginney Point.... Ant. Molina 1882 1949-3-19
GH: 01979829 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Panama: Chiriqui 2-8 Km north of Cañas Gordas P. Busey 654 1973-2-26
GH: 01979839 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Panama: Veraguas 5 mi w of Santa Fe on road past Escuela Agri... T. B. Croat 23041 1973-3-18
GH: 01979841 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Panama: Veraguas Above Santa Fé on slopes of Cerro Tute A. H. Gentry 6279 1972-9-28
A: 01965876 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Lucia: track east of pump station near Forestiere V. C. Slane 7 1983-4-13
A: 01965895 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Lucia: Along track between Barre de l'Isle & Morne ... G. R. Proctor 21630 1960-11-26
A: 01965908 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Lucia: Quilesse G. R. Proctor 17652 1958-4-4
A: 01965914 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Lucia: Piton Flore B. M. Sturrock 456 1968-2
A: 01965918 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Lucia: Piton Flor R. A. Howard & R. E. Weaver 17942 1971-3-16
A: 01965877 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Mt. St. Andrews H. F. A. B. von Eggers 6797 1889-12
GH: 01965879 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew west slope of Grand Bonhomme Mountain G. R. Cooley 8389 1962-2-15
GH: 01965890 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Charlotte Southeast slopes of The Soufriere G. R. Proctor 25979 1965-2-26
GH: 01965910 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Along Chateaubelair River C. V. Morton 5097 1947-4-22
GH: 01965911 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Valley of north fork of Cumberland River C. V. Morton 5561 1947-5-2
GH: 01965912 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Upper valley of Richmond River C. V. Morton 6212 1947-5-26
GH: 01965913 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 30
A: 01965915 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) on trail up the Soufriere R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17873 1971-3-11
GH: 01965916 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Silver Spoon area above Three Rivers R. A. Howard 11156 1950-4-1
A: 01965917 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Trail from Golden Grove to Majorca crest to ... R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18028 1972-2-23
GH: 01965880 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Mount Aripo, North Range R. S. Cowan 1360 1959-3-29
A: 01965881 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Near Maracas Bay W. E. Broadway 6065 1926-3-28
A: 01965882 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Shark river forests road to Matelot, via Soc... W. E. Broadway 9032 1932-10-23
A: 01965883 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Near Maracas Bay, Maracas W. E. Broadway 6065 1926-3-28
A: 01965884 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Trois Forest W. E. Broadway 6720 1928-1-25
A: 01965885 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Mount Tamana, halfway up the hill W. E. Broadway 7981 1932-4-3
GH: 01965892 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Maqueripe E. G. Britton, D. Coker & W. R. Ro... 206 1920-3-3
GH: 01965896 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Mount Tamana N. L. Britton, E. G. Britton & T. ... 1939 1920-4-18
GH: 01965897 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Siparia Quarry N. L. Britton & W. E. Broadway 2819 1921-4-8
GH: 01965920 Piper glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Heights of Aripo W. E. Broadway 9868 1922-1-10
GH: 01933300 Piper glabrescens venezuelense (C. de Candolle) Trelease & Yuncker Venezuela: Miranda Cárdenas (Guinand Estate), Siquire Valley H. F. Pittier 7093 1917-4-7
GH: 01933298 Piper glabrescens venezuelense (C. de Candolle) Trelease & Yuncker Venezuela: Distrito Federal Hacienda El Limón and vicinity, valley of P... H. F. Pittier 9233 1921-2-15
A: 00005904 Piper glabricaule C. de Candolle China: Yunnan Mongtse; 5000 ft. A. Henry 9482A
GH: 01933276 Piper glanduligerum C. de Candolle : South America (Region): [illegible] [illegible]
GH: 01933273 Piper glanduligerum C. de Candolle Brazil: Rondonia (Terr.) Mineração Campo Novo BR- 421 a Oeste da Mi... M. G. Vieira, J. L. Zarucchi, R. H... 400 1979-10-13
GH: 01933282 Piper glanduligerum C. de Candolle Colombia: Caldas "Canaan," South of Salento, Cordillera Centr... F. W. Pennell 9075 1922-7-31
GH: 01933281 Piper glanduligerum C. de Candolle Colombia: Caldas Salento. Cordillera Central E. P. Killip 9047 1922-7-25
GH: 01933280 Piper glanduligerum C. de Candolle Colombia: Cundinamarca Municipio de Fusagasugá; monte en la finca ... G. Gutierrez V. & R. Jaramillo M. 347 1942-6-6
GH: 01933277 Piper glanduligerum C. de Candolle Ecuador: Sodiro in declis. mont. Fungmakua L. Mille 1904
GH: 00005718 Piper glanduligerum C. de Candolle Venezuela: Aragua Prope coloniam Tovar A. Fendler 1137 1854
A: 01933275 Piper glanduligerum C. de Candolle Venezuela: Colonia Tovar A. Allart 482 1924-12
GH: 01933274 Piper glanduligerum C. de Candolle Venezuela: Aragua Colonia Tovar and vicinity H. F. Pittier 9350 1921-3-23
GH: 01933285 Piper gleasonii Yuncker Brazil: Amazonas Rio Purus, Rio Itaxi. Rio Purus between Camp... G. T. Prance, P. J. M. Maas, A. A.... 13402 1971-6-19
GH: 01933284 Piper gleasonii Yuncker Brazil: Pará Lageira, airstrip on Rio Maicuru. Near airst... J. J. Strudwick & G. L. Sobel B. W... 3075 1981-7-17
GH: 01933283 Piper gleasonii Yuncker Brazil: Rondonia (Terr.) MunicÃpio de Ariquemes, Mineração Mibrasa... L. O. A. Teixeira, A. J. Fife, K. ... 363 1982
GH: 00005719 Piper gleasonii Yuncker Guyana: Rockstone H. A. Gleason 857 1921-8
A: 01154754 Piper gracillimum Trelease Honduras: Atlántida Lancetilla Valley, near Tela P. C. Standley 54684 1927-12-6
GH: 00005429 Piper gracillimum dantoense Trelease Honduras: Atlántida Vicinity of La Ceiba near the Danto river, s... T. G. Yuncker, J. M. Koepper & K. ... 8485 1938-7-16
A: 01883593 Piper graeffei Warburg Samoa: Island of Tutuila. along Pago Pago-Fagasa tr... T. G. Yuncker 9317 1939-10-25
GH: 01883592 Piper graeffei Warburg Samoa: Savai'i: [no additional data] Paul A. Cox 824 1985-7-25
A: 01883591 Piper graeffei Warburg Samoa: Savai'i: Salailua E. Christophersen & E. P. Hume 2613 1931-9-15
A: 01883590 Piper graeffei Warburg Samoa: Island of Tutuila. Pago Pago, ridge west E. Christophersen 1260 1929-11-14
A: 01883589 Piper graeffei Warburg Samoa: Upolu: Matautu E. Christophersen 474 1929-8-30
A: 01883588 Piper graeffei Warburg Samoa: Island of Ofu. slope back of Ofu village T. G. Yuncker 9447 1939-11-25
A: 01883587 Piper graeffei Warburg Samoa: Upolu: at Afiamalu W. A. Whistler W 792 1973-10-2
GH: 01883586 Piper graeffei Warburg Samoa: [no additional data] Wilkes Expedition 6 1838
GH: 01883585 Piper graeffei Warburg Samoa: Manua Wilkes Expedition 7 1838
GH: 00005720 Piper grande puberulentum Yuncker Ecuador: Chimborazo Cañon of the rÃo Chanchan, ca. 5 km. N of ... W. H. Camp E-3319 1945-5-19
A: 01936756 Piper grande J. Vahl Malaysia: Sarawak Sungei Sedupak, Ulu Sg. Balleh, 7th Division P. C. Yii et al. S.52068 1988
GH: 01979845 Piper grande J. Vahl Mexico: Jalisco sobre la carretera 80 a 20-27 km al sur de A... M. A. Jaramillo, Deneb Garcia & A.... 542 1999-7-11
GH: 01979846 Piper grande J. Vahl Mexico: Tabasco Mun. Teapa: just north of Cerro de Azufre C. L. Gilly, Sr. & E. Hernandez X. 293 1944-9-20
GH: 01979847 Piper grande J. Vahl Panama: Canal Zone: Albrook Research Forest Site, ne... C. Gallegos, F. W. Woods & R. N. M... 5135 1967-6-16
GH: 01979848 Piper grande J. Vahl Panama: Barro Colorado Island: Snyder Molino Trail J. E. Ebinger 1960
GH: 01979849 Piper grande J. Vahl Panama: Barro Colorado Island: [no additional data] P. C. Standley 40875 1925-11-18
GH: 01979850 Piper grande J. Vahl Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of San Felix H. F. Pittier 5189 1912-1
GH: 01979851 Piper grande J. Vahl Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of San Felix, eastern Chiriquà H. F. Pittier 5262 1912-1
GH: 01979852 Piper grande J. Vahl Panama: Colón Along trail to triangulation station on top ... C. W. Dodge, J. A. Steyermark & P.... 16924 1934-12-12
GH: 01979853 Piper grande J. Vahl Panama: Canal Zone. K-6 Road J. D. Dwyer 2851 1962-8
GH: 01979854 Piper grande J. Vahl Panama: Barro Colorado Island: Snyder-Molino trail H. Kennedy 1845 1972-10-26
GH: 01979855 Piper grande J. Vahl Panama: Darién Vicinity of Paya, RÃo Paya, trail between P... W. L. Stern, K. L. Chambers, J. D.... 403 1959-6-12
GH: 01979856 Piper grande J. Vahl Panama: Darién Vicinity of Yaviza, along RÃo Chucunaque, E... W. L. Stern, K. L. Chambers, J. D.... 173A 1959-6-7
GH: 01979857 Piper grande J. Vahl Panama: Canal Zone. Between Frijoles and Monte Lirio E. P. Killip 12145 1922-10-18
GH: 01979858 Piper grande J. Vahl Panama: Colón Loma de la Gloria, near Fató (Nombre de Dio... H. F. Pittier 3845 1911-7
GH: 01979859 Piper grande J. Vahl Panama: Coclé Vicinity of Olá H. F. Pittier 5075 1911-12-7
GH: 01979862 Piper grandilimbum C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Santo Domingo de Golfo Dulce A. Tonduz 7128 1896-3
A: 01979860 Piper grandilimbum C. de Candolle Guatemala: Huehuetenango opposite river from Finca Soledad, 5 miles s... J. A. Steyermark 49522 1942-7-26
A: 01979861 Piper grandilimbum C. de Candolle Guatemala: Huehuetenango between Ixcan and RÃo Ixcan, Sierra de los ... J. A. Steyermark 49216 1942-7-23
GH: 01933301 Piper granulosum Ruiz & Pavon Brazil: Pará Municipio Conceição do Araguaia: Range of ... T. C. Plowman, G. Davidse, N. A. R... 8775 1980-2-13
GH: 01933313 Piper granulosum Ruiz & Pavon Colombia: Santander RÃo Suratá valley, above Suratá E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16586 1927-1-5
A: 01933311 Piper granulosum Ruiz & Pavon Colombia: Santander RÃo Suratá valley, above Suratá E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 16586 1927-1-5
GH: 01933306 Piper granulosum Ruiz & Pavon Colombia: Magdalena Santa Marta: [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith 1232 1898
GH: 01933305 Piper granulosum Ruiz & Pavon Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1507 1935-1-8
A: 01933304 Piper granulosum Ruiz & Pavon Colombia: Magdalena Santa Marta: [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith 1232 1898
GH: 01933303 Piper granulosum Ruiz & Pavon Colombia: Norte de Santander región del Sarare: Hoya del rÃo Chitagá, ... J. Cuatrecasas, R. E. Schultes & E... 12361 1941-10-17
GH: 01933302 Piper granulosum Ruiz & Pavon Colombia: Putumayo RÃo San Miguel ó Sucumbios, Santa Rosa y l... R. E. Schultes 3574 1942-4-7
GH: 01933310 Piper granulosum Ruiz & Pavon Peru: Cajamarca Colassay F. Woytkowski 6959 1961-10-18
GH: 01936141 Piper griffithii C. de Candolle Vietnam: Ninh Binh Cuc Phuong National Park. CP5: Bong, helipad... D. D. Soejarto, N. T. Hiep, T. H. ... 10388 1998-11-23
GH: 00011474 Piper guadeloupense C. de Candolle : Martinique: Piton de Champflore L. Hahn 1303 1870-2
GH: 00011475 Piper guadeloupense C. de Candolle : Martinique: L. Hahn 1303 1870-2
GH: 00005617 Piper guadeloupense C. de Candolle Dominica: Laudat H. F. A. Eggers 664 1882-1
GH: 00005721 Piper guanaianum C. de Candolle Bolivia: La Paz Guanai, 2000 feet H. H. Rusby 2175 1886-5
GH: 00005722 Piper guaremalesanum Trelease & Yuncker Venezuela: Carabobo Guaremales, road from Puerto Cabello to San ... H. F. Pittier 9107 1920-10
A: 01933314 Piper guayasanum C. de Candolle Ecuador: Balao H. F. A. B. von Eggers 14164 1891-12
GH: 01965921 Piper guayranum C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Tobago Ridge Forest above Hermitage River, north en... R. S. Cowan 1545 1959-4-12
A: 01965922 Piper guayranum C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Tobago District of Les Coteaux W. E. Broadway 9059 1932-11-9
GH: 01965923 Piper guayranum C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Tobago The Whim W. E. Broadway 3104 1909-10-24
GH: 01965924 Piper guayranum C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad [no additional data] W. E. Broadway 2679 1908-6-5
A: 01965925 Piper guayranum C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Tobago [illegible] H. F. A. B. von Eggers 5843 1889-11
A: 01965926 Piper guayranum C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Tobago ad Bacoles River H. F. A. B. von Eggers 5673 1889-10
GH: 01965927 Piper guayranum C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Matchepoorie N. L. Britton & E. G. Britton 2218 1921-3-11
GH: 01965928 Piper guayranum C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Heights of Aripo W. E. Broadway 9867 1922-1-10
GH: 01965929 Piper guayranum C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Tobago The Whim W. E. Broadway 3104 1909-10-24
GH: 01965930 Piper guayranum C. de Candolle Trinidad and Tobago: Tobago Montpellier W. E. Broadway 4849 1913-11-19
GH: 01965931 Piper guayranum humilior (C. de Candolle) Trelease & Yuncker Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Shark-river forests, road to Matelot, via So... W. E. Broadway 9033 1932-10-23
A: 01965932 Piper guayranum humilior (C. de Candolle) Trelease & Yuncker Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Blanchisseuse W. E. Broadway 9150 1933-3-26
A: 01933318 Piper guayranum humilior (C. de Candolle) Trelease & Yuncker Venezuela: Distrito Federal Caruao valley H. F. Pittier 11835 1925-7-14
GH: 01933317 Piper guayranum humilior (C. de Candolle) Trelease & Yuncker Venezuela: Aricagua. Vicinity of Cristobal Colon W. E. Broadway 557 1923-1-5
GH: 01933316 Piper guayranum humilior (C. de Candolle) Trelease & Yuncker Venezuela: Vicinity of Cristobal Colon W. E. Broadway 312 1923-1-5
GH: 01933315 Piper guayranum humilior (C. de Candolle) Trelease & Yuncker Venezuela: The Balcon W. E. Broadway 668 1923-1-5
GH: 01979863 Piper guazacapanense Trelease & Standley Mexico: Chiapas 19.9 km N of Arriaga along Hwy 195 on the W ... A. J. Bornstein & S. Rutledge 74 1983-5-6
GH: 01979864 Piper guazacapanense Trelease & Standley Mexico: Chiapas 12 km S of Hwy 190 near Rizo de Oro, behind ... A. J. Bornstein, M. Chase & C. Bor... 59 1982-2-26
GH: 01933320 Piper guianense (Klotzsch) C. de Candolle Brazil: Amazonas In vicinibus Barra, Prov. Rio Negro [Manaus,... R. Spruce 242 1850-12
GH: 01933319 Piper guianense (Klotzsch) C. de Candolle Brazil: Basin of Rio Negro. Rio Negro between Ilha U... G. T. Prance, P. J. M. Maas, D. B.... 15220 1971-10-14
GH: 01883809 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Cameroon: Southwest. Forest at Matoh. P. Mambo & D. W. Thomas 119 1986-8-25
A: 01883807 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Cameroon: 24 Km NE of Bertoua, along road to Betaré O... F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2433 1962-1-8
A: 01883806 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Cameroon: Village Djang, 40 km West of Bertoua, along ... F. J. Breteler 1348 1961-5-17
GH: 01883805 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Cameroon: Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 183
A: 01883797 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. G. A. Zenker 2414 1902
GH: 01883803 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Central African Republic: Sangha Economique Prefecture: Ndakan, gorill... David J. Harris & J. Michael Fay 619 1988-5-7
A: 01883813 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bumba D. H. Linder 1858 1927-1-2
A: 01883808 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Prov.: Léopoldville. Territ. Boma. Loc.: Lu... J. Wagemans 1737 1957-9
A: 01883796 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4265 1937-4-12
GH: 01883795 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Côte d'Ivoire: Bingerville A. Jolly 263
A: 01883794 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Côte d'Ivoire: Guiglo 2 km NE of Basobli, c. 15 km W of Toulepleu. W. J. van der Burg 1017 1975-9-10
A: 01883793 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Côte d'Ivoire: Guiglo 6 km E of Taï. W. J. van der Burg 946 1975-9-6
A: 01883792 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Côte d'Ivoire: Agboville Yapo forest. 16 km NW of Azaguié-Ahoua. W. J. van der Burg 461 1975-5-21
A: 01883812 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Liberia: Gbanga D. H. Linder 672 1926-9-14
A: 01883811 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Liberia: Gbanga D. H. Linder 672 1926-9-14
A: 01883810 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Liberia: Gbanga D. H. Linder 569 1926-9-14
GH: 01883804 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 305 1929
A: 01883800 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 134 1928
A: 01883799 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 305 1929
A: 01883798 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Liberia: Gbanga D. H. Linder 786 1926-9-23
A: 01883802 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Uganda: Bugabe R. A. Dümmer 5457 1922-9
A: 01883801 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Uganda: forest road Kampala E. H. Wilson 1921-12-22
GH: 00395308 Piper gutierrezii Yuncker Colombia: Antioquia en selva de los alrededores de Villa Arteaga G. Gutierrez V. & F. A. Barkley 17C105 1947-10-10
A: 01883297 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Mindanao: Mambajao, Camaguin Island A. D. E. Elmer 14225 1912-11
A: 01883296 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Bohol [no additional data] M. Ramos 42798 1923-8
A: 01883295 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Mindoro: Pinamalayan M. Ramos 40926 1922-6
A: 01883294 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Surigao C. A. Wenzel 2631 1927-5-9
A: 01883293 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Capiz Libacao A. Martelino & G. Edaño 35477 1919-5
A: 01883292 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Capiz Jamindan M. Ramos & G. E. Edaño 31260 1918-4
GH: 01883291 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Leyte [no additional data] C. A. Wenzel 1734 1916-4
GH: 01883290 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Sorsogon [no additional data] M. Ramos 23309 1915-7
GH: 01883289 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Leyte [no additional data] C. A. Wenzel 308 1913-8-29
GH: 01883288 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Mindanao: Mambajao, Gamaguin Island A. D. E. Elmer 14225 1912-11
GH: 01883287 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: Mt. Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 15182 1916-9
GH: 01883286 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Leyte [no additional data] C. A. Wenzel 1791 1916-4-28
GH: 01883285 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: Mt. Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 14763 1916-9
GH: 01883284 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Leyte [no additional data] C. A. Wenzel 1660 1916-3-18
GH: 01883283 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: Mt. Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 15979 1916-5
GH: 01883282 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Laguna [no additional data] R. C. McGregor 22828 1915-6
GH: 01883281 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Surigao C. A. Wenzel 3289 1928-4-27
A: 01883280 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: Mt. Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 14763 1916-9
A: 01883279 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: Mt. Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 15979 1916-5
A: 01883278 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: Mt. Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 15182 1916-9
GH: 01883277 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Samar [no additional data] M. Ramos 1689 1914-4
GH: 01883276 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Surigao C. A. Wenzel 3413 1928-5-28
A: 01883275 Piper haenkeanum Opiz Philippines: Bohol [no additional data] M. Ramos 42751 1923-8
A: 01934717 Piper hainanense Hemsley China: Hainan [no additional data] H. Y. Liang 66555 1933-12-22
A: 01934716 Piper hainanense Hemsley China: Hainan [no additional data] H. Y. Liang 64614 1934-1-14
A: 01934715 Piper hainanense Hemsley China: Hainan Yaichow H. Y. Liang 62633 1933-8-15
A: 01934714 Piper hainanense Hemsley China: Hainan Yaichow H. Y. Liang 62114 1933-7-16
A: 01934713 Piper hainanense Hemsley China: Hainan Bak Sa S. K. Lau 26215 1936-4-11
A: 01934712 Piper hainanense Hemsley China: Hainan Shaan Lau T'ang. Lin Fa Shan, (Taam Chau-Lam... W. T. Tsang 86 1928-4-27
A: 01934711 Piper hainanense Hemsley China: Hainan Chim Fung Ling near Sam Mo Watt village (Kan... S. K. Lau 3515 1934-3-21
A: 01934710 Piper hainanense Hemsley China: Hainan Ka Chik Shan and vicinity (Ch'ang-kiang Dist... S. K. Lau 1382 1933-3-24
A: 01934709 Piper hainanense Hemsley China: Hainan Beside the stream of this mt. near Hung Mo T... W. T. Tsang, S. P. Tang & H. Fung 22 1929-5-2
A: 01934708 Piper hainanense Hemsley China: Hainan Pak Shik Ling and vicinity, Ku Tung Village ... C. I. Lei 76 1932-10-3
A: 01934707 Piper hainanense Hemsley China: Hainan Tai Pin J. L. Gressitt 1082 1935-7-21
GH: 01934706 Piper hainanense Hemsley China: Hainan Pak Shik Ling and vicinity, Ku Tung Village ... C. I. Lei 76 1932-10-3
A: 01934705 Piper hainanense Hemsley China: Hainan Ka Chik Shan and vicinity (Ch'ang-kiang Dist... S. K. Lau 2873 1933-12-19
A: 01883304 Piper halconense C. de Candolle Philippines: Mindoro: Mt. Halcon M. Ramos & G. E. Edaño 40729 1922-3
GH: 01883303 Piper halconense C. de Candolle Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: Mt. Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 15778 1916-5
GH: 01883302 Piper halconense C. de Candolle Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: Mt. Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 17310 1916-9
GH: 01883301 Piper halconense C. de Candolle Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: Mt. Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 14706 1916-9
A: 01883300 Piper halconense C. de Candolle Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: Mt. Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 17310 1916-9
A: 01883299 Piper halconense C. de Candolle Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: Mt. Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 14706 1916-9
A: 01883298 Piper halconense C. de Candolle Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: Mt. Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 15778 1916-4
A: 01936143 Piper hamiltonii C. de Candolle Thailand: Chiang Mai District: Mae Dang. Ban Bah Bae, Bah Bae Sub... J. F. Maxwell 90-1069 1990-9-29
A: 01936142 Piper hamiltonii C. de Candolle Thailand: Chiang Mai District: Jawm Tong. Doi Intanou National Pa... P. Palee 253 1994-9-10
GH: 00294932 Piper hancei Maximowicz : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 24231 2005-5-15
GH: 00297811 Piper hancei Maximowicz : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 23970 2005-8-12
GH: 00291633 Piper hancei Maximowicz : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 23968 2005-5-12
GH: 00353303 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Yunnan Pianma Xiang. N or Pianma between Gulang and... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 22856 2005-5-13
GH: 00352025 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Yunnan Pianma Xiang. Vicinity of Gangfang village, ... Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 23357 2005-5-18
A: 01934740 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong ad austro-occid. jugi Tsatmukngao prope oppi... R. E. Mell 652 1920-7-22
A: 01934739 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hong Kong: at Cape Daquilar [illegible] 2035 1913-12-14
A: 01934738 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hainan Tai-Por, foot of Seven Finger Mt. H. Y. Liang 61686 1932-4-30
A: 01934737 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Fan Shiu Shan, Fan Shiu Au and vicinity (Wun... S. K. Lau 2571 1933-10-7
A: 01934736 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Tsing Wan Shan, Wong Chuk I and vicinity (Wu... S. K. Lau 2284 1933-9-12
A: 01934735 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Yung-Yun City and vicnity (Wung-yuen Distric... S. K. Lau 872 1932-12-25
A: 01934734 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hainan Po-ting F. C. How 71785 1935-4-10
A: 01934733 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hainan Manning F. C. How 71423 1935-3-26
A: 01934732 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hainan Ta Han J. L. Gressitt 731 1935-6-7
A: 01934731 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangxi Wong Sa Shue J. L. Gressitt 1625 1931-7-10
A: 01934730 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Zhejiang Feng Yang Mountain H. Y. Zou 473 1980-5-23
A: 01934729 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Fujian Vicinity of Amoy. University H. H. Chung 5609 1923-5-17
A: 01934728 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Fujian Kushan, Foochow H. H. Chung 8005 1928-5-15
A: 01934727 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Yunnan Mar-li-po: Sze-tai-po (Loa-chün-shan) K. M. Feng 14041 1947-12-20
A: 01934726 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangxi Na Pao Kett San Chiang Hsien A. N. Steward & H. C. Cheo 996 1933-9-6
A: 01934725 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Yunfou District Y. K. Wang 1849 1938-2-13
A: 01934723 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Ding-hu Shan K. C. Ting etc. 1428 1964-4-28
GH: 01934724 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Sei Wei Dist. C. O. Levine 3271 1918-12-22
A: 01934722 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Pak-Wan Cheung (Wai-yeung District) T. M. Tsui 111 1932-3
A: 01934721 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Yung-Yun City and vicinity (Wung-yuen Distri... S. K. Lau 669 1932-12-5
A: 01934720 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Kochow Y. Tsiang 2178 1929-5-6
A: 01934719 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hong Kong: Tung Chung, Lantau Island L. L. Chan 72 1969-2-21
A: 01934718 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hong Kong: Kadoorie Farm S. Y. Hu 13228 1973-4-4
A: 01934758 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong [no additional data] X. W. Wang etc. 689 1983-6-1
A: 01934757 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hainan Yeung Lam Shan near Yeung Lam Village, Yai-h... S. K. Lau 6383 1935-5-4
A: 01934756 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Shan Lau Ip. Nam Shan. Ho-yuen District W. T. Tsang 28742 1938-5-1
A: 01934755 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Shan Au Tang. Naam Kwan Shan, (Tsengshing Di... W. T. Tsang 20211 1932-4-12
A: 01934754 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Kau Lung Fung (Wai-yeung District) Ye Kui Ta... W. T. Tsang 20066 1932-4-16
A: 01934753 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong along Kwangtung-Tonkin Border. Na Leung and ... W. T. Tsang 26531 1936-7-24
A: 01934752 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Fujian Kushan, Foochow H. H. Chung 8241 1928-8-12
A: 01934751 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Fujian Kuchan, Foochow H. H. Chung 7875 1928-5-15
A: 01934750 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Loh Fau Mountain (Lofaushan) E. D. Merrill 10958 1917-8-9
A: 01934749 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Fujian Amoy H. H. Chung 5805 1921-12
A: 01934748 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hainan Chim Shan, Fan Maan Ts'uen and vicinity, (Li... F. A. McClure 20119 1932-5-4
A: 01934747 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Ting Wu Shan Y. Tsiang F.No.842 1928-7-6
A: 01934746 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Fujian Buong Kang, Yenping H. H. Chung 3273 1925-6-9
A: 01934745 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hainan Lam Ko District and Vicinity C. I. Lei 1451 1934-8-8
A: 01934744 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangxi Yao Shan, Ping Nan C. Wang 39030 1936-4-19
A: 01934743 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Foo Lung, Sup Man Ta Shan H. Y. Liang 69695 1937-7-16
A: 01934742 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangxi Tou Ngok Shan (along Kwamngtung border) near... W. T. Tsang 23220 1933-11-18
A: 01934741 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Jiangxi Yi-feng Y. K. Hsiung 6441 1947-10-15
A: 01934779 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hong Kong: Lantau Island S. Y. Hu 3207 1968-11-18
A: 01934778 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hong Kong: Tai Mo Shan S. Y. Hu 11628 1972-3-23
A: 01934777 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hong Kong: Kadoorie Farm S. Y. Hu 11466 1972-2-17
A: 01934776 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hong Kong: Kadoorie Farm S. Y. Hu 11837 1972-4-12
A: 01934775 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hong Kong: Kadoorie Farm S. Y. Hu 11744 1972-4-1
A: 01934774 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hong Kong: Kadoorie Farm S. Y. Hu 11745 1972-4-1
A: 01934773 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hong Kong: Ma On Shan, Sai Kung side S. Y. Hu 11792 1972-4-7
A: 01934772 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong [no additional data] X. W. Wang etc 81 1982-6-28
A: 01934771 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Dinghu-shan C. J. Liao 15199 1985-7-12
A: 01934770 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Dinghu-shan C. J. Liao etc. 15209 1985-7-22
GH: 01934769 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Kau Lung Fung. Ye Kui Tang (Wai-yeung Distri... W. T. Tsang 20066 1932-4-16
GH: 01934768 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Jiangxi Oo Chi Shan near Lam Uk Tung Village. Lungna... S. K. Lau 4582 1934-9-16
GH: 01934767 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Jiangxi Sai Hang Cheung near Tung Lei Village Kienna... S. K. Lau 4133 1934-8-1
GH: 01934766 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangxi Loh Hoh Tsuen, Lin Yuin Hsien A. N. Steward & C. C. Cheo 439 1933-5-18
GH: 01934765 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Canton and Vicinity C. O. Levine 1393 1917-8-25
A: 01934764 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Hainan Chim Fung Mt. near Sha Mo Kwat Village. Kan-... S. K. Lau 4977 1934-12-13
A: 01934763 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Lofoushan Mountains Y. Tsiang F.No.1632 1928-12-19
A: 01934762 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong Teng Wu Shan W. Y. Chun 6258 1928-5-4
A: 01934761 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong In monte Lofou-schan ad orient. urbis Kanton... R. E. Mell 165 1920-4-5
A: 01934760 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangxi [no additional data] R. C. Ching 8227 1928-10-25
A: 01934759 Piper hancei Maximowicz China: Guangdong In montibus Lungtou-schan 60 km ad orientem ... R. E. Mell 763 1917-5-9
A: 01936144 Piper hancei Maximowicz Vietnam: Da Nang Da Nang: Tourane and Vicinity (Tourane is on... J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 3920 1927-5
GH: 00005430 Piper hanckeli Trelease ex Standley Costa Rica: Guanacaste Upper slopes of Cerro San José de Libano; 5... C. W. Dodge, R. Hanckel & W. S. Th... 6384 1930-2-15
A: 00005723 Piper hassleri C. de Candolle Paraguay: Sierra de Maracayu E. Hassler 5217
A: 00005724 Piper hassleri C. de Candolle Paraguay: Fluminis Jejui guazu, Sierra de Maracayu E. Hassler 5720
A: 00005725 Piper hastularum Yuncker Colombia: Chocó BahÃa Solano, along Quebrada Jellita; 50-10... E. P. Killip & H. Garcia 33568 1939-2-22
GH: 01979865 Piper hastularum Yuncker Panama: Veraguas 5 mi w of Santa Fe on road past Escuela Agri... R. L. Liesner 884 1973-3-18
GH: 01933345 Piper haughtii Trelease & Yuncker Argentina: Tucumán Quebrada de Loules R. Schreiter 7030 1922-8-20
GH: 01933344 Piper haughtii Trelease & Yuncker Argentina: Tucumán Cerro do Taficillo Sant. Venturi 6142 1928-6-10
GH: 01933343 Piper haughtii Trelease & Yuncker Argentina: Jujuy Sierra Sta. Barbara Sant. Venturi 9604 1929-10-5
A: 01933340 Piper haughtii Trelease & Yuncker Argentina: Salta Dep. Yasiguarenda. Las Pilitos J. Schulz 5014 1944-6-30
A: 01933339 Piper haughtii Trelease & Yuncker Argentina: Tucumán Parque Aconquija T. Meyer 4292 1941-8-14
A: 01933336 Piper haughtii Trelease & Yuncker Argentina: Tucumán Dep. Chichigasta. Puente del Rio Cochuna R. Schreiter 7031 1926-6-3
A: 01933335 Piper haughtii Trelease & Yuncker Argentina: Tucumán Aconquija T. Meyer 2992 1939-10-8
GH: 01933333 Piper haughtii Trelease & Yuncker Argentina: Salta Dep. Santa Victoria L. A. Marmol, A. R. Cuezzo (h) & A... 9226 C 1972-9-18
GH: 01933346 Piper haughtii Trelease & Yuncker Brazil: Acre Rio Branco Municipality; Rio Branco-Porto Ve... B. W. de Albuquerque, C. D. A. da ... 1259 1979-1-27
GH: 01933322 Piper haughtii Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Amazonas RÃo Caraparaná entre las bocas y El Encant... R. E. Schultes 3810 1942-5-22
GH: 01933321 Piper haughtii Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: El Valle: Las Nieves, west of Cali; Western ... E. P. Killip, J. Cuatrecasas & E. ... 39205 1944-6-22
GH: 01933323 Piper hayneanum C. de Candolle Brazil: [no additional data] L. Riedel
A: 01979866 Piper hebetifolium W. C. Burger Costa Rica: Vicinity of Vara Blanca, north slope of Cent... A. F. Skutch 3739 1938-3
GH: 00244038 Piper henryci C. de Candolle China: Ichang and immediate neighbourhood. A. Henry 3311 1887-10
A: 01934781 Piper henryei C. de Candolle China: [no additional data] A. Henry
A: 01934780 Piper henryei C. de Candolle China: Yunnan [no additional data] A. Henry 9400
GH: 00005432 Piper heraldi cocleanum Trelease Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle; 600-1000 m. P. H. Allen 1192 1938-12-8
A: 00005431 Piper heraldi amplius Trelease Panama: Chiriqui Finca Lérida to Boquete; ca. 1300-1700 m. R. E. Woodson, Jr., P. H. Allen & ... 1095 1938-7-8
A: 00005433 Piper heterophlebium Trelease ex Standley Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of el General A. F. Skutch 2293 1935-12
GH: 01933325 Piper heterophyllum Ruiz & Pavon Bolivia: Pando Prov. Madre de Dios, along Rio Madre de Dios... M. Nee 31822 1985-9-6
GH: 01933324 Piper heterophyllum Ruiz & Pavon Ecuador: Tungurahua RÃo Negro V. Zak & J. Jaramillo 3585 1987-9-18
GH: 01933330 Piper heterophyllum Ruiz & Pavon Peru: Cajamarca Colasay F. Woytkowski 6835 1961-10-4
GH: 01933328 Piper heterophyllum Ruiz & Pavon Peru: San MartÃn District San Martin. West side of RÃo Huall... C. M. Belshaw 3227 1937-8-4
GH: 01933327 Piper heterophyllum Ruiz & Pavon Peru: Amazonas Al lado de Cenepa; monte R. Kayap 1266 1974-7-22
GH: 00005726 Piper heterotrichum porrectifolium Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Valle del Cauca Santa Rosa, Dagua Valley; 200-300 m. E. P. Killip 11529 1922-9-22
A: 00005435 Piper hians Trelease ex Standley Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of El General; 1040 m. A. F. Skutch 2624 1936-2
GH: 00005434 Piper hians Trelease ex Standley Costa Rica: San José Vicinity of El General; 1040 m. A. F. Skutch 2624 1936-2
GH: 00005436 Piper hirsutum longepilosum C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Rio Corozal, Comarca de Puntarenas A. Tonduz 7137 (=9932) 1896-4
GH: 01979867 Piper hirtellipetiolum C. de Candolle Panama: Panama Cerro Campana, 3/4 of the way to the summit ... J. D. Dwyer, T. B. Croat & J. R. C... 4856 1969-3-31
GH: 01979868 Piper hirtellipetiolum C. de Candolle Panama: Panama Cerro Campana, 3/4 of the way to the summit ... J. D. Dwyer, T. B. Croat & J. R. C... 4721 1969-3-31
GH: 01979869 Piper hirtellipetiolum C. de Candolle Panama: Panama [no additional data] [data not captured]
GH: 01979870 Piper hirtellipetiolum C. de Candolle Panama: Darién 1-5 miles downstream from El Real J. A. Duke 4923 1962-6-30
GH: 01979871 Piper hirtellipetiolum harveyanum (Trelease) Yuncker Panama: West of Camp (to Enlisted Mens Beach) San Jo... I. M. Johnston 754 1945-4-22
GH: 01979872 Piper hirtellipetiolum harveyanum (Trelease) Yuncker Panama: M-area Road, (=Canyon Road) San Jose Island,... I. M. Johnston 81 1944-10-9
GH: 01979873 Piper hirtellipetiolum harveyanum (Trelease) Yuncker Panama: San José Island, Pearl Archipelago, vicinit... C. O. Erlanson 227 1945-5-26
GH: 01979874 Piper hirtellipetiolum harveyanum (Trelease) Yuncker Panama: along M-Area road. Northern half of island (... C. O. Erlanson 176 1945-5-21
GH: 01979875 Piper hirtellipetiolum harveyanum (Trelease) Yuncker Panama: Canyon Road near Loop. San Jose Island, Perl... I. M. Johnston 1360 1946-2-11
GH: 01979876 Piper hirtellipetiolum harveyanum (Trelease) Yuncker Panama: Canal Zone. Albrook; U. S. Army Tropic Test ... J. D. Dwyer 7132 1966-11-28
A: 00005727 Piper hirtilimbum Trelease & Yuncker Guyana: Basin of Kuyuwini River, Essequibo tributary... Albert C. Smith 2632 1937-11-21
GH: 00005953 Piper hirtirache C. de Candolle Philippines: Leyte Island C. A. Wenzel 819 1914-6-6
GH: 00005954 Piper hirtirache C. de Candolle Philippines: Leyte Island C. A. Wenzel 779 1914-9-5
A: 00005437 Piper hispidiseptum Trelease Honduras: Atlántida Lancetilla Valley, near Tela P. C. Standley 52715 1927-12-6
GH: 01965945 Piper hispidum Kunth : Puerto Rico: Municipio Ciales: Reserva Tres ... D. E. Atha, D. Adamsons & A. Sakel... 6105 2008-3-25
GH: 01965966 Piper hispidum Kunth : Puerto Rico: La Juanita, near las Marias N. L. Britton, J. F. Cowell & S. B... 3891 1915-2-7
A: 01965967 Piper hispidum Kunth : Guadeloupe: Route du Morne Cézanne J. P. Fournet H-3566 1979-12-28
GH: 01965969 Piper hispidum Kunth : Puerto Rico: Cabo-Rojo ad rivulas P. E. E. Sintenis 873 1885-1-29
GH: 01965974 Piper hispidum Kunth : Puerto Rico: Botanic Garden, Rio Piedras Br. Alain & J. Oquendo 063 1994-8-4
A: 01965986 Piper hispidum Kunth : Martinique: Morne Calebasse, north of Morne ... G. R. Proctor 21770 1960-12-10
A: 01964005 Piper hispidum Kunth : Puerto Rico: Km. 22.3 on route 191 through L... L. Evans 65 1965-3-22
GH: 01964010 Piper hispidum Kunth : Puerto Rico: Near or on the boundary between... W. R. Stimson 1672 1965-7-19
GH: 01933447 Piper hispidum Kunth : South America (Region): [illegible] [illegible]
A: 01979919 Piper hispidum Kunth Belize: Big Creek W. A. Schipp 11 1929-2-18
GH: 01979920 Piper hispidum Kunth Belize: Toledo hill top beyond Carmelita Camp, Edwards Road... P. H. Gentle 7291 1951-4-21
GH: 01979921 Piper hispidum Kunth Belize: Stann Creek Coxcomb Mountain Basin J. D. Dwyer, T. S. Elias & Maxwell 481 1967-3-22
GH: 01933347 Piper hispidum Kunth Bolivia: Santa Cruz Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, 14 km. (by air) NW of... M. Nee 40105 1990-11-30
GH: 01933428 Piper hispidum obliquum Trelease & Yuncker Bolivia: Antahuacana, Espiritu Santo, unos 160 klm al... O. Buchtien 2333 1909-6
GH: 01933365 Piper hispidum Kunth Brazil: Paraná Narretes P. K. H. Dusén 8816 1909
GH: 01933364 Piper hispidum Kunth Brazil: Goiaz. Near Goiania L. O. Williams 8189 1944-8-20
GH: 01933363 Piper hispidum Kunth Brazil: Amapá (Terr.) Rio Oiapoque. Middle slopes of Mt. Tipac H. S. Irwin 48702 1960-10-14
GH: 01933349 Piper hispidum Kunth Brazil: Amazonas MunicÃpio de Tefé, rio Solimões, margem d... C. A. Cid Ferreira & J. Lima 3160 1982
GH: 01933390 Piper hispidum Kunth Brazil: Amazonas E bank of rio Abacaxis, black water, across ... S. R. Hill 13015 1983-7-8
GH: 01933378 Piper hispidum Kunth Brazil: Acre 45 km from Rio Branco on Rio Branco-Brasilei... S. R. Lowrie, B. Lowy & V. M. de S... 329 1980-10-2
GH: 01933376 Piper hispidum Kunth Brazil: [no additional data] L. Riedel 440
A: 01933350 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Quebrada Arara, 2 hours N of Leticia near Am... T. B. Croat 7544 1969-1-27
GH: 01933400 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Amazonas along roadside west of Leticia T. C. Plowman 130 1967-7-2
GH: 01933389 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Near Santandercito L. A. Garay & W. Schopf 113 1965-3-13
GH: 01933422 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Department of El Valle; "Miraflores," Palmir... E. P. Killip 6119 1922-5-27
GH: 01933421 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Putumayo Mocoa y los alredadores al norte R. E. Schultes & C. Earle Smith 2038 1942-12-3
GH: 01933417 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Department of El Valle. La Cumbre. Cordiller... E. P. Killip 5552 1922-5-14
GH: 01933415 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Amazonas RÃo Caquetá, La Pedrera and vicinity R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 16355 1952-5-2
GH: 01933413 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Amazonas Trapecio amazónico. Rio Hamacayaca. Interio... R. E. Schultes 8243 1943-9
ECON: 01933409 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Chocó [illegible] Forest no. of Curiche J. A. Duke 9683(3) 1967-2-1
ECON: 01933407 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Amazonas Leticia, opened road Letica - Tarapacá, 12 ... D. D. Soejarto & H. Cardozo 727 1963-9-11
GH: 01933404 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Amazonas RÃo Caquetá, La Pedrera and vicinity R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 16355 1952-5-2
A: 01933403 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Caldas S:a Cecilia, Tatamá K. von Sneidern 5070 1945-11-15
A: 01933449 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Caqueta Morelia K. von Sneidern A.1016 1941-9-27
GH: 01933446 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Department of El Valle. Cisneros. Dagua Vall... E. P. Killip 11491 1922-9-21
GH: 01933445 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Tolima "La Virginia," Libano F. W. Pennell 3301 1917-12-22
GH: 01933444 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Department of El Valle. Cordoba. Dagua Valle... E. P. Killip 5062 1922-5-6
GH: 01933443 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Department of El Valle, Cisneros, Dagua Vall... E. P. Killip 11486 1922-9-21
GH: 01933442 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: El Valle. Buenaventura: Quebrada San Joachim R. E. Schultes & M. Villarreal 7313 1946-5-18
GH: 01933441 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Vaupés Alto Vaupès. Alrededores de Miraflores G. Gutierrez V. 734 1944-2-4
GH: 01933440 Piper hispidum Kunth Colombia: Caldas "Canaan," South of Salento. Cordillera Centr... F. W. Pennell 9051 1922-7-31
GH: 01933424 Piper hispidum lanceolatum Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Putumayo RÃo Caucaya, entre Puerto Jaramillo y el RÃ... R. E. Schultes 3730A 1942-5-16
GH: 01979878 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: S. E. Costa Rica. San Isidro del General R. E. Danforth 14 1936-8-3
A: 01979906 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Alajuela Llano Bonito. Alfero Ruiz Aust. P. Smith P2068 1939-12-5
GH: 01979907 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Sisière des forets á la Palma A. Tonduz 12588 1898-9
A: 01979908 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Cartago Vicinity of Pejivalle A. F. Skutch 4586 1940-1
A: 01979909 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Cartago Vicinity of Pejivalle A. F. Skutch 4568 1940-1
GH: 01979910 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Buissons à Las Gueltas. Tucurrique A. F. Skutch 12781 1898-11
GH: 01979923 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Heredia Finca La Selva, the OTS Field Station on the... B. E. Hammel 11751 1982-4-17
GH: 01979924 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Heredia Finca La Selva, the OTS Field Station on the... B. E. Hammel 8868 1980-5-29
A: 01979935 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Las Nubes: ravine off main road, to left of ... B. G. Schubert & D. L. Rogerson 636 1955-6-2
GH: 01979937 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Buissons á Las Vueltas, Tucurrique A. Tonduz 12781 1898-11
A: 01979956 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Alajuela La Pena. Canton: Alfaro Ruiz Aust. P. Smith P2115 1939-12-13
A: 01979957 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Alajuela Guadalupe de Zarcero. Canton: Alfaro Ruiz Aust. P. Smith NY661 1938-5-20
A: 01979958 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Alajuela San Luis de Zarcero. Canton: Alfaro Ruiz Aust. P. Smith NY868 1938-7-8
A: 01979959 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Summit, ridge La Carpintera P. H. Allen 633 1937-12-1
A: 01979976 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Limón Vicinity of U.S. Department of Agriculture R... R. W. Holm & H. H. Iltis 349 1949-7-9
GH: 01979977 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Bords des chemins á Nicaya A. Tonduz 13691 1900-1
GH: 01979982 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Alajuela bordea al Rio BurÃo A. Jiménez M. 1777 1964-2-21
A: 01965946 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Puntarenas Monteverde: [no additional data] H. F. A. B. von Eggers 5098 1889-4
A: 01965935 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Santa Clara San Blas F. M. Salvoza 699 1929-7-12
GH: 01965936 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Mina Carlota, Trinidad Mts. J. G. Myers 1925-3
GH: 01965937 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: prope villam Monte Verde dictam C. Wright 493 1859-1
GH: 01965938 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Vento, Province of Havana A. H. Curtiss 694 1905-3-27
GH: 01965939 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: north of San Antonio J. A. Shafer 248 1903-4-20
GH: 01965940 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: in Cuba Orientali C. Wright 1856
GH: 01965941 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: in Cuba Orientali C. Wright 493 1856
ECON: 01965952 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Santa Clara Mina Carlota, south-east of Cumanayagua, Sie... H. A. Senn 217 1938-3-21
A: 01965958 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Santa Clara San Blas to Las Vegas de Mataguá, Buenos Ai... J. G. Jack 7051 1929-3-8
A: 01965959 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Santa Clara San Blas, La Sierra J. G. Jack 5917 1928-4-4
A: 01965960 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Santa Clara San Blas, La Sierra J. G. Jack 5800 1928
GH: 01965976 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Oriente Mata Yegua, Gran Piedra Range, Sierra Maestr... Bro. Clemente 6402 1949-1
GH: 01965977 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Oriente Mata Yegua, Alto Pongo Bro. Clemente 6432 1949-2
A: 01965985 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Limones, Soledad, Cienfuegos J. G. Jack 4751 1927-2-16
A: 01965987 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Santa Clara San Blas A. Rehder 1139 1928-2-28
GH: 01965988 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Santa Clara Trail to Loma Ventana. Trinidad Mountains. S... R. A. Howard 5215 1941-6
A: 01965989 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Cienfuegos Limones, Soledad J. G. Jack 4654 1927-2-4
A: 01965990 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Santa Clara Mina Carlota, Sierra de San Juan, Trinidad M... W. L. White 698 1941-7-6
GH: 01965991 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Sierras of Western Cuba. Santa Catalina O. W. Caldwell & C. F. Baker 7023 1907-1
A: 01965992 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Vento, Province of Havana A. H. Curtiss 694 1905-3-27
A: 01965993 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Santa Clara Limones, Soledad, Cienfuegos J. G. Jack 7155 1929-4-2
GH: 01965994 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Southern Baracoa Region. Banks of Jauco rive... (Hermano) León 11988 1924-7-17
GH: 01965995 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Oriente Nicaro Nickel Co. Mayarà Bro. Alain, J. B. Acuna & M. Lópe... 5336 1956-4-2
GH: 01965996 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Oriente Sierra Maestra: above the Rio Yao, about km.... G. L. Webster 4166 1951-8-17
GH: 01965997 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Sierras of Western Cuba. Santa Catalina O. W. Caldwell & C. F. Baker 7023 1907-1
GH: 01965998 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Santa Clara Mina Carlota, south-east of Cumanayagua, Sie... H. A. Senn 227 1938-3-21
GH: 01965999 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Prov. Las Villas. Loma de la Ventana, Buenos... Bro. J. S. S. León & J. G. Jack 14012 1929-7-9
GH: 01964000 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Prov. Las Villas. near Amaro Springs (Hermano) León 9429 1920-8-11
A: 01965975 Piper hispidum Kunth Dominica: St. Peter Syndicate Estate C. Whitefoord 5566 1987-3-21
A: 01965981 Piper hispidum Kunth Dominica: Saint Peter Syndicate Estate C. Whitefoord 5160 1986-1-17
GH: 01965933 Piper hispidum Kunth Dominican Republic: Distrito Nacional approximately 13 km. S of Villa Altagracia o... M. M. MejÃa & T. A. Zanoni 6940 1980-6-11
GH: 01965934 Piper hispidum Kunth Dominican Republic: La Vega La Ciénega, south bank of RÃo Los Guanos, ... G. J. Gastony, G. C. Jones & D. H.... 209 1967-7-15
GH: 01965968 Piper hispidum Kunth Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo ad Rio Ozuma H. v. Türckheim 2577 1909-11
GH: 01965971 Piper hispidum Kunth Dominican Republic: La Vega en el valle del RÃo Baiguate, de Jarabacoa,... T. A. Zanoni, M. M. Mejia Pimental... 31039 1984-7-11
GH: 01965972 Piper hispidum Kunth Dominican Republic: Peravia El Manaclar (de Los Anones), 18 km. del Parq... T. A. Zanoni, M. M. Mejia Pimental... 21333 1982-7-6
GH: 01965973 Piper hispidum Kunth Dominican Republic: Peravia El Manaclar (de Los Anones), 18 km. de el pa... T. A. Zanoni, M. M. Mejia Pimental... 22867 1982-8-25
GH: 01965978 Piper hispidum Kunth Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo Peninsula de Samaná, prov. de Samaná, Lagu... E. L. Ekman H15192 1930-6-2
A: 01964006 Piper hispidum Kunth Dominican Republic: Barahona La Loma, El Hoyo Miguel Fuertes 1066 1911-9
A: 01964007 Piper hispidum Kunth Dominican Republic: Barahona Paradis prope H. v. Türckheim 2655 1909-12
GH: 01933374 Piper hispidum Kunth Ecuador: Pichincha [no additional data] A. J. Gilmartin 347 1963
GH: 01933370 Piper hispidum Kunth Ecuador: Esmeraldas Parroquia de Concepcion; Playa Rica Y. E. J. Mexia 8415 1936-12-6
GH: 01933369 Piper hispidum Kunth Ecuador: Esmeraldas Parroquia Concepcion; Playa Rica Y. E. J. Mexia 8407 1936-12-6
GH: 01933368 Piper hispidum Kunth Ecuador: Esmeraldas Parroquia Concepcion; below Playa Rica Y. E. J. Mexia 8490 1936-12-23
GH: 01933367 Piper hispidum Kunth Ecuador: Province of Napo-Pastaza. Near Tena Y. E. J. Mexia 7157 1935-4-2
A: 01933366 Piper hispidum Kunth Ecuador: Balao H. F. A. B. von Eggers 14267 1892-1
A: 01933398 Piper hispidum Kunth Ecuador: Vicinity of Puyo, Prov. Napo-Pastaza (Easter... A. F. Skutch 4478 1939-9
A: 01933397 Piper hispidum Kunth Ecuador: Vicinity of Puyo, Prov. Napo-Pastaza, (Easte... A. F. Skutch 4491 1939-9
ECON: 01933408 Piper hispidum Kunth Ecuador: RÃo Aguarico, village of Dureno R. T. Martin 167 1963-8
GH: 01933436 Piper hispidum obliquum Trelease & Yuncker Ecuador: El Recreo H. F. A. B. von Eggers 15277
GH: 01933433 Piper hispidum obliquum Trelease & Yuncker Ecuador: Los Rios Hacienda San Jose; Near Quevedo, Canton Vinc... Y. E. J. Mexia 6631 1934-10-28
GH: 01933425 Piper hispidum lanceolatum Trelease & Yuncker Ecuador: Esmeraldas Parroquia de Concepcion; Playa Rica Y. E. J. Mexia 8413 1936-12-7
GH: 01979965 Piper hispidum Kunth El Salvador: San Salvador Vicinity of Tonacatepeque P. C. Standley 19523 1921-12-30
GH: 01933357 Piper hispidum Kunth French Guiana: near Noleon's rum distillery, Matabon. Vicin... W. E. Broadway 511 1921-6-17
GH: 01933354 Piper hispidum Kunth French Guiana: Quarry lands, vicinity of Cayenne W. E. Broadway 416 1921-6-4
GH: 01933435 Piper hispidum obliquum Trelease & Yuncker French Guiana: Vicinity of Cayenne W. E. Broadway 676 1921-7-5
A: 01979929 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Suchitepéquez near Pueblo Nuevo P. C. Standley 66855 1939-3-1
A: 01979933 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Mountains east of Tactic, on road to Tamahú P. C. Standley 71111 1939-4-9
A: 01979969 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Quiche Nebaj A. F. Skutch 1713 1934-11-19
A: 01979970 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Quezaltenango Colomba A. F. Skutch 1317 1934-9-26
GH: 01979981 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Petén para El Rmate, a km. 13, lado noreste de Flo... R. Tún Ortiz 1546 1971-1-27
GH: 01979984 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Alta Verapaz Cubilquitz H. v. Türckheim 8559 1903-11
GH: 01979985 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Los Amates C. C. Deam 131 1905-2-11
GH: 01979986 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Alta Verapaz Cubilquitz H. v. Türckheim 8560 1903-11
GH: 01979987 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Izabal Vicinity of Quiriguá P. C. Standley 23697 1922-5-15
GH: 01979988 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Izabal Vicinity of Puerto Barrios P. C. Standley 24734 1922-6-2
GH: 01979989 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Izabal Vicinity of Quiriguá P. C. Standley 24040 1922-5-15
GH: 01979990 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Izabal Vicinity of Quiriguá P. C. Standley 24500 1922-5-15
GH: 01979991 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Izabal Vicinity of Quiriguá P. C. Standley 24550 1922-5-15
GH: 01979992 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Esatern portions of Vera Paz and Chiquimula S. Watson 6 1885
GH: 01979993 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Izabal Vicinity of Quiriguá P. C. Standley 24268 1922-5-15
GH: 01979994 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Izabal Vicinity of Quiriguá P. C. Standley 24563 1922-5-15
GH: 01979995 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Izabal Chickasaw Farm of teh United Fruit Company, ... P. C. Standley 24632 1922-5-28
GH: 01979996 Piper hispidum Kunth Guatemala: Izabal Vicinity of Quiriguá P. C. Standley 23721 1922-5-15
GH: 01933355 Piper hispidum Kunth Guyana: Wanama River, Northwest District J. S. de la Cruz 3894 1923-5-10
A: 01933432 Piper hispidum obliquum Trelease & Yuncker Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3567 1938-3-31
A: 01933431 Piper hispidum obliquum Trelease & Yuncker Guyana: Northwestern portion of Kanuku Mountains: Mo... A. C. Smith 3668 1938-4-22
GH: 01965943 Piper hispidum Kunth Haiti: Mt. Slope approaching Anetto from Lyon G. H. Pride 339 1939-7-19
GH: 01965950 Piper hispidum Kunth Haiti: Sud Massif de la Hotte; Parc National Pic Macaya... W. S. Judd 3948 1984-2-1
GH: 01964001 Piper hispidum Kunth Haiti: Mt. slope approaching Anette from Lyon G. H. Pride 337 1939-7-19
GH: 01964011 Piper hispidum Kunth Haiti: Vicinity of St. Louis du Nord E. C. Leonard & G. M. Leonard 14193 1929-4-7
GH: 01964013 Piper hispidum Kunth Haiti: Vicinity of Pétionville E. C. Leonard 4958 1920-6-15
A: 00005550 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Atlántida Vicinity of Tela; at sea level P. C. Standley 55184 1927-12-14
A: 00005542 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Near Lancetilla; 90 ft. T. G. Yuncker 4773 1934-7-27
A: 00005541 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Atlántida Lancetilla Valley, near Tela P. C. Standley 52681 1927-12-6
A: 00005527 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Cortés Near Paral, Lake Yojoa; 2100 ft. T. G. Yuncker 4873 1934-7-30
A: 00005517 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Atlántida Lancetilla Valley, near Tela P. C. Standley 54916 1928-3
A: 00005590 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Yoro Quebrada Seca P. C. Standley 53889 1927-12
A: 00005505 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Atlántida Lancetilla Valley, near Tela P. C. Standley 54872 1928-3-20
A: 00005487 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Atlántida Lancetilla Valley, near Tela P. C. Standley 54925 1927-12-6
GH: 00005464 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Atlántida Vicinity of La Ceiba T. G. Yuncker, J. M. Koepper & K. ... 8363 1938-7-12
A: 00005421 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Near Lancetilla; 90 ft. T. G. Yuncker 4918 1934-8-5
A: 00005359 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Atlántida Vicinity of Tela P. C. Standley 55125 1928-3
GH: 00005343 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Comayagua El Achote, above Siguatepeque T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R... 5885 1936-7-15
A: 00005453 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Atlántida Lancetilla Valley, near Tela P. C. Standley 56552 1927-12-6
A: 00005441 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Atlántida Vicinity of Tela; sea level P. C. Standley 54770 1927-12-14
A: 00005437 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Atlántida Lancetilla Valley, near Tela P. C. Standley 52715 1927-12-6
GH: 01979877 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Copán Monte Grueso, above Ruinas de Copán M. Hernández M. & J. Hernández R. 5188 1970-5-8
GH: 01979880 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Mount Bella Vista above San Pedro Sula A. Leiva W. & F. A. Barkley 39577 1969-10-4
A: 01979930 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Atlántida Lancetilla Valley, near Tela P. C. Standley 53231 1927-12-6
GH: 01979960 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Cuyamel M. A. Carleton 411 1922-12-22
GH: 01980014 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Quebrada de la Páz de la Montaña ZanquÃn,... Ant. Molina 2958 1950-5-23
A: 01980027 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Atlántida La Fragua P. C. Standley 55730 1928-2-7
GH: 01980028 Piper hispidum Kunth Honduras: Santa Bárbara San Pedro Sula C. Thieme 5458 1889-4
GH: 01965942 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Portland Parish Vicinity of Mill Bank W. R. Maxon & E. P. Killip 118 1920-2-16
GH: 01965944 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Trelawny Parish Island View Hill, 1 1/2 miles north of Warso... F. A. Barkley & G. R. Proctor 35082 1965-7-6
A: 01965954 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Near Troy W. H. Harris 8544 1903
A: 01965955 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Near Troy W. H. Harris 8544 1903
GH: 01965956 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Hardwall Gap G. E. Nichols 74 1903-7-17
GH: 01965965 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Saint Elizabeth Parish Near Ipswich W. R. Maxon & E. P. Killip 1512 1920-4-1
GH: 01965970 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: [no additional data] W. T. March
GH: 01965979 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Saint Catherine Parish Linstead G. R. Proctor 8028 1953-6-7
A: 01965980 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Portland Parish 5 miles southwest of Priestmans River G. R. Proctor 7632 1953-2-6
GH: 01965982 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Saint Elizabeth Parish Vicinity of Maggotty G. R. Proctor 7919 1953-5-21
GH: 01965984 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Portland Parish Trail north and west of Silver Hill Gap H. A. Hespenheide E. B. Hespenheid... 755 1965-8-5
GH: 01964002 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Saint Thomas Parish Mountain trail between House Hill and Cuna C... W. R. Maxon 8950 1926-6-7
GH: 01964003 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Saint Thomas Parish Mountain trail between House Hill and Cuna C... W. R. Maxon 8897 1926-6-7
GH: 01964004 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Silver Hill Gap W. R. Maxon 10278 1926-7-20
A: 01964008 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Portland Parish Stony River B. D. Morley & C. Whitefoord 853 1973-12-27
GH: 01964012 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Saint Thomas Parish Trail from Corn Puss Gap north W. R. Anderson & D. C. Sternberg 3319 1966-7-29
A: 01964015 Piper hispidum Kunth Jamaica: Saint Catherine Parish Northeast slope of Juan de Bolas G. R. Proctor 7140 1952-8-5
GH: 01979879 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Monte de San Juan Eug. Langlassé 74 1898-3-24
A: 01979881 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Nayarit foothills back of Jalisco R. S. Ferris 5815 1925-11-8
A: 01979883 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Vol, Tacana North E. Matuda 2988 1939-4-2
A: 01979884 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: [illegible] E. Matuda 0899 1938-4-5
GH: 01979885 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Chiapas [no additional data] C. A. Purpus 6957 1913
GH: 01979886 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Sierra Madre Eug. Langlassé 787 1899-1-24
GH: 01979887 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: El Talabasal Eug. Langlassé 409 1898-10-3
GH: 01979888 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Jalisco S. of Puerto Vallarta Y. E. J. Mexia 1123 1926-11-25
GH: 01979889 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: San Blas W. G. Wright 1356 1889-1
A: 01979890 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: México Carboneras; District Temascaltepec G. B. Hinton 3672 1933-3-30
A: 01979891 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: San Luis Potosà Tamasopo Canyon C. G. Pringle 3088 1890-6-25
A: 01979892 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: San Luis Potosà Tamasopo Canyon C. G. Pringle 3088 1890-6-25
GH: 01979893 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: San Luis Potosà 10 miles northwest of Tamazunchale C. L. Hitchcock & L. R. Stanford 6933 1940-7-3
GH: 01979894 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 2460 1866-5
GH: 01979895 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Botteri 334
GH: 01979896 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Botteri 257
A: 01979897 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Barranca de Zacuapan C. A. Purpus 7768 1917-4
GH: 01979898 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Cordoba J. M. Greenman 203 1906-1-25
GH: 01979899 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Barranca de Zacuapan C. A. Purpus 7768 1917-4
GH: 01979900 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Zacuapan C. A. Purpus 7084 1914-2
A: 01979901 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: San Luis Potosà [illegible] Rd. 9 mi. L. A. Kenoyer & H. A. Crum 3994 1948
A: 01979902 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Hgo. 16 mi. s. Tamazunchale L. A. Kenoyer & H. A. Crum 3907 1948
A: 01979903 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: San Luis Potosà Xilitla Rd. L. A. Kenoyer & H. A. Crum 3987 1948
A: 01979904 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Hgo. 15 mi. s. Tamazunchale L. A. Kenoyer & H. A. Crum 3914 1948
A: 01979905 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Tabasco Retiro, Tenosique E. Matuda 3411 1939-6-19
A: 01979911 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Ig. de la Llave G. MartÃnez Calderón 1552 1967
A: 01979912 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Cerro de Chicola, Santa Ana Atzacan M. Rosas R. 1271 1968-4-28
A: 01979916 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Pacho Forest near Jalapa C. G. Pringle 8074 1899-4-3
A: 01979917 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Pacho Forest near Jalapa C. G. Pringle 8074 1899-4-3
GH: 01979918 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Guerrero Carretera 200 sobre la desviacion hacia Vall... M. A. Jaramillo, Deneb Garcia & A.... 554 1999-7-14
GH: 01979922 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Puebla Loc. Finca Los Flores, al SE de Xochical, Mp... P. Tenorio L., A. Campos V. & G. T... 13950 1987-7-5
GH: 01979926 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Jalisco 7.9 km WNW of Hwy 80 along Hwy 200 toward Pu... A. J. Bornstein & N. Weber-Bornste... 82 1983-6-27
GH: 01979927 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Nayarit N side of Cerro San Juan, 2.6 km S of the ro... B. Bartholomew, L. R. Landrum, H. ... 2668 1985-10-4
GH: 01979928 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Jalisco 20.5 km W of Tonaya on the road between El G... A. J. Bornstein, M. Chase & S. Rut... 52 1982-2-11
GH: 01979934 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz 2 km. (by air) SW of FortÃn, along gravel r... M. Nee 23862 1981-12-7
A: 01979936 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz San Andres Tuxtla G. MartÃnez Calderón 1731 1965-7-20
GH: 01979938 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Estacion Biologica Los Tuxtlas U.N.A.M. A. Gómez-Pompa 3916 1968-12-28
A: 01979939 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Cerro de Huacapan 2 Km. al N. de Atzacan M. Rosas R. 356 1967-4-7
A: 01979940 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Huacapan al N. de Sta. Ana Atzacan, 51-B-2 M. Rosas R. 111 1966-12-4
GH: 01979941 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Las Cruces L. I. Nevling & A. Gomez-Pompa 1457 1970-7-13
GH: 01979942 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz A 1km de los Mangos Rumbo a Juan Diaz Covarr... A. Gómez-Pompa 4470 1969-6-17
GH: 01979944 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz A 1km de los Mangos Rumbo a Juan Diaz Covarr... A. Gómez-Pompa 4545 1969-6-17
GH: 01979945 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Matalarga a Orillas del Rio Metlac a 2 km. d... A. Lot Helgueras 538 1969-10-19
GH: 01979946 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz A 1km de los Mangos Rumbo a Juan Diaz Covarr... A. Gómez-Pompa 4535 1969-6-17
A: 01979947 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Las Choapas G. MartÃnez Calderón 2026 1969-9-28
A: 01979948 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Barranca de San Miguel Km. 17 Carr. Orizaba-... M. Rosas R. 1149 1968-4-14
A: 01979949 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Balzapote M. Rosas R. 1314 1968-8-24
A: 01979950 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Cerro de Chicahuaxtla-Cuauhtlapan M. Rosas R. 1021 1968-1-22
GH: 01979952 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Orillas de la Laguna de Catemaco, Camino a C... L. I. Nevling & A. Gomez-Pompa 900 1969-4-14
GH: 01979953 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Zacuapan C. A. Purpus 3695 1908-11
GH: 01979954 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Rte 131 ca 25 km N of Fortin de las Flores R. W. Long & D. G. Burch 3235 1970-3-25
GH: 01979955 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Oaxaca [no additional data] M. Sousa 1464 1962-8-6
GH: 01979961 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Oaxaca Distrito Choapam. Santa Maria; Montaña Sant... Y. E. J. Mexia 9267 1938-4-7
GH: 01979967 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Oaxaca From about Santo Domingo E. W. Nelson 2663 1895-6-12
GH: 01979968 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Nayarit at Tepic Edw. Palmer 1896 1892-1-5
A: 01979978 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Estacion Biologica Los Tuxtlas U.N.A.M. G. MartÃnez Calderón 2280 1970-4-30
A: 01979979 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Coyame M. Rosas R. 1371 1968-10-5
GH: 01979997 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Colima Poblacion de Chandiablo, 15 km al norte de P... M. A. Jaramillo, Deneb Garcia & A.... 545 1999-7-12
GH: 01979998 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Colima San antonio, en la via Minatitlan-Colima (8) M. A. Jaramillo, Deneb Garcia & A.... 548 1999-7-13
GH: 01979999 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Jalisco sobre la carretera 80 a 20-27 km al sur de A... M. A. Jaramillo, Deneb Garcia & A.... 539 1999-7-11
GH: 01980000 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Lado se de Laguna Catemaco, Arriba de Rio Cu... J. H. Beaman 5159 1971-10-23
A: 01980001 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz El Amate, entre Catemaco y Coyame M. Rosas R. 1386 1968-10-9
GH: 01980002 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Jardin Botanico Estación Biológica Los Tux... A. Gómez-Pompa 4482 1969-6-18
A: 01980003 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Estacion Biologia U.N.A.M. M. Rosas R. 1230 1968-4-20
GH: 01980004 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Region de los Tuxtlas a los Lados del Camino... A. Lot Helgueras 969 1970-1-11
GH: 01980005 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Camino Viejo entre Huejutla, Hgo. y Tantoyuc... F. Chiang 298 1970-12-11
GH: 01980006 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Mun. Xico. Barranca de Texolo 3Km al SW de X... J. Dorantes L. 114 1971-5-22
GH: 01980007 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Estacion biologica de los Tuxtlas J. I. Calzada 518 1971-9-19
GH: 01980008 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Estacion Biologica de los Tuxtlas J. I. Calzada 517 1971-9-19
GH: 01980009 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Oaxaca Near Valle Nacional, along roadside G. J. Breckon & B. Christman 683 1969-5-11
A: 01980010 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Camino de Atzacan a Rincón Grande 51-B-1 M. Rosas R. 374 1967-5-14
GH: 01980011 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz 6.5 km al oeste de Tlapacoyan camino a Teziu... L. I. Nevling & A. Gomez-Pompa 1092 1970-6-20
A: 01980015 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Entre MartÃnez de la Torre y Misantla M. MartÃnez 86 1962-9-20
A: 01980016 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Veracruz Entre MartÃnez de la Torre y Misantla M. MartÃnez 24 1962-9-20
GH: 02289622 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Jalisco Barranca Santa Rosa, 45 miles NE of Guadalaj... B. C. Templeton 8830 1960-9-14
A: 01979882 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Jinotega [no additional data] V. Grant 7321 1940-12-18
GH: 01979915 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Comarca de el Cabo. Along bank of Coco River... J. T. Atwood 3552 1970-1-19
GH: 01979925 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Zelaya En El Diamante (La Richard), a 12 km al S de... O. Téllez V., R. Riviere, J. C. S... 5023 1981-11-14
GH: 01979951 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Jinotega Ocotillo near Sta. Lastenia, Cordilera Centr... L. O. Williams, A. Molina R., T. P... 27858 1965-1-17
GH: 01979963 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Zelaya Esquipulas y Alemán, drenaje de RÃo Alemá... P. J. Shank & A. Molina R. 4856 1951-11-27
GH: 01979964 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Zelaya Esquipulas y Alemán, drenaje de RÃo Alemá... P. J. Shank & A. Molina R. 4748 1951-11-27
GH: 01979966 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 01980012 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Sierra de Managua Fr. A. Garnier A.1336 1932-9
A: 01980013 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Ometepe Isl. Lake Nicaragua B. Shimek & C. L. Smith 94 1893
A: 01980017 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Sierra de Managua-Rio Las Nubes Fr. A. Garnier 1668 1936-3
A: 01980018 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Rio Las Nubes Fr. A. Garnier 1698 1937-3
A: 01980019 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Sierra de Managua. Hacienda Alemania Fr. A. Garnier 1669 1936-4
A: 01980020 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: W flank of Mt. Mombacho near Granada V. Grant 767 1940-12-23
A: 01980021 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Sierra de Managua-Rio Las Nubes Fr. A. Garnier 1662 1937-3
A: 01980022 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Hacienda Las Mercedes Fr. A. Garnier 1661 1936-7
A: 01980023 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Sierra de Managua- Hacienda Hemania Fr. A. Garnier 1705 1937-4
A: 01980024 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Hacienda El Rodeo Fr. A. Garnier 1683 1935-7
A: 01980025 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Sierra de Managua-Hacienda Hemania Fr. A. Garnier 1665 1936-3
A: 01980026 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: Leon Fr. A. Garnier 1746 1937-9
GH: 01979913 Piper hispidum Kunth Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La Mesa above El Valle A. H. Gentry 7420 1973-5-12
GH: 01979914 Piper hispidum Kunth Panama: Panama Cerro Campana R. L. Liesner 606 1973-3-11
A: 01979931 Piper hispidum Kunth Panama: Chiriqui Bajo Chorro M. E. S. Davidson 58 1938-1-6
A: 01979932 Piper hispidum Kunth Panama: Chiriqui Bajo Chorro M. E. S. Davidson 342 1938-2-27
ECON: 01979943 Piper hispidum Kunth Panama: Panama Along road from Panam Highway to Coronado Be... J. A. Duke 11798(3) 1967-6-3
A: 01979962 Piper hispidum Kunth Panama: Coclé Between Las Margaritas and El Valle R. E. Woodson, Jr., P. H. Allen & ... 1306 1938-7-15
GH: 01979971 Piper hispidum Kunth Panama: Panama Cerro Campana, above Su Lin Motel D. M. Porter, J. D. Dwyer, L. H. D... 4293 1969-3-25
GH: 01979972 Piper hispidum Kunth Panama: Colón Near Peluca, km 25.6 from Transismian Highwa... H. Kennedy 2646 1973-2-25
GH: 01979973 Piper hispidum Kunth Panama: Province of San Blas. along newly cut road f... R. L. Liesner 1291 1973-3-30
GH: 01979974 Piper hispidum Kunth Panama: Los Santos vicinity of headwaters of RÃo Pedregal, 25 ... W. Hepw. Lewis, B. MacBryde, R. L.... 1291 1973-3-30
GH: 01979975 Piper hispidum Kunth Panama: Panama Cerro Campana, above Su Lin Motel D. M. Porter, J. D. Dwyer, L. H. D... 4227 1969-3-25
GH: 01979980 Piper hispidum Kunth Panama: Bocas del Toro Changinola, forest near Luzon H. Kennedy 3249 1973-6-20
GH: 01979983 Piper hispidum Kunth Panama: Canal Zone. Gamboa: Naval Reservation J. E. Ebinger 901 1960-8-15
GH: 00005438 Piper hispidum gamboanum C. de Candolle Panama: Canal Zone, around Gamboa; 20-100 m. H. F. Pittier 3410
GH: 01933362 Piper hispidum Kunth Paraguay: Central on the bank of the R. Paraguay, Villa Elisa T. M. Pedersen 3148 1955-1-23
A: 01933353 Piper hispidum Kunth Paraguay: Iter ad "Yerbales" montium "Sierra de Maraca... E. Hassler 5394
A: 01933395 Piper hispidum Kunth Paraguay: Itinera in Paraguaria septentrionali. In alt... E. Hassler 10311 1907
A: 01933394 Piper hispidum Kunth Paraguay: Itinera in Paraguaria septentrionali. In als... E. Hassler 10314a 1907
A: 01933393 Piper hispidum Kunth Paraguay: Itinera in Paraguaria septentrionali. In alt... E. Hassler 10299 1907
A: 01933392 Piper hispidum Kunth Paraguay: Iter ad "Yerbales" montium "Sierra de Maraca... E. Hassler 5442
A: 01933388 Piper hispidum Kunth Paraguay: Iter ad "Yerbales" montium "Sierra de Maraca... E. Hassler 5214
A: 01933387 Piper hispidum Kunth Paraguay: Itinera in Paraguaria septentrionali In alta... E. Hassler 10235 1907
A: 01933411 Piper hispidum Kunth Paraguay: Guairá Colonia Independencia T. M. Pedersen 10123 1962-3-30
GH: 01933451 Piper hispidum Kunth Paraguay: Paraguaria Centralis: In regione lacus Ypaca... E. Hassler 12380 1913-12
GH: 01933450 Piper hispidum Kunth Paraguay: Caaguazú In region fluminis Yhú E. Hassler 9571 1905-10
GH: 01933372 Piper hispidum Kunth Peru: Huánuco Cachicoto F. Woytkowski 7862 1963-4-6
GH: 01933371 Piper hispidum Kunth Peru: JunÃn Agua Dulce F. Woytkowski 7459 1962-7-25
GH: 01933381 Piper hispidum Kunth Peru: San MartÃn CaserÃo Santa Cruz, al este de la Carretera... J. Schunke Vigo 7987 1974-8-2
GH: 01933379 Piper hispidum Kunth Peru: San MartÃn Cañutillo, Noroeste de la carretera margina... J. Schunke Vigo 7181 1974-7-6
GH: 01933377 Piper hispidum Kunth Peru: Loreto Rio Paranapura above Yurimaguas T. B. Croat 17930 1972-7-10
ECON: 01933410 Piper hispidum Kunth Peru: Loreto Iquitos and vicinity R. T. Martin, T. C. Plowman & C. A... 1607 1967-7-11
GH: 01933434 Piper hispidum obliquum Trelease & Yuncker Peru: JunÃn Yucapata F. Woytkowski 6636 1961-7-16
A: 01964020 Piper hispidum Kunth Saint Kitts and Nevis: Lower portion of Wingfield Ravine G. R. Proctor 19643 1959-3-26
A: 01964016 Piper hispidum Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) on trail up the Soufriere R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17875 1971-3-11
GH: 01964017 Piper hispidum Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1921 1890
GH: 01964018 Piper hispidum Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Along Chateaubelair River C. V. Morton 5127 1947-4-16
GH: 01964019 Piper hispidum Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Vicinity of Kingstown C. V. Morton 4743 1947-3-25
A: 01933423 Piper hispidum Kunth Suriname: Ad flum. Paloemeu et Tapanahoni confl.; on b... J. G. Wessels Boer 1269 1963-4-13
A: 01933452 Piper hispidum Kunth Suriname: along Zuidweg, behind base camp of Surocto, ... J. C. Lindeman 6447 1954-8-7
GH: 01965947 Piper hispidum Kunth Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad along Cedros Road, ca. Mile 67 R. S. Cowan & Robin Forster 1330 1959-3-27
A: 01965948 Piper hispidum Kunth Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Oropuche local Road via Valencia W. E. Broadway 6163 1926-5-7
A: 01965949 Piper hispidum Kunth Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Tamana forests W. E. Broadway 9347 1934-1-17
GH: 01965951 Piper hispidum Kunth Trinidad and Tobago: Tobago Lot 42, Englishman's Bay W. E. Broadway 4701 1913-7-24
GH: 01965953 Piper hispidum Kunth Trinidad and Tobago: Tobago Retreat Lands near Caledonia W. E. Broadway 4571 1913-6-2
GH: 01965957 Piper hispidum Kunth Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Along banks of Cascade. Trinidad Cascade J. R. Johnston 5 1903-6-9
A: 01965961 Piper hispidum Kunth Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Cascade, Diego Martin near bottom of the wat... W. E. Broadway 9275 1933-10-28
A: 01965962 Piper hispidum Kunth Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Tamana J. S. Beard 139 1943-7
A: 01965963 Piper hispidum Kunth Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Fair Roads, Tamana W. E. Broadway 7983 1932-4-3
A: 01965964 Piper hispidum Kunth Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Arima Valley: Santa Isabella trail, near Sim... A. C. Smith 10080 1956-3-10