Classification | Hypnaceae: Hypnum |
Harvard University Herbaria Barcode(s) | 00301334 |
Type Status | Type |
Collector | F. X. R. Von Höhnel |
Collector number | 745a |
Country | Spain |
Geography | Europe: Europe (Region) (Region): Spain |
Locality | in Vacares-Thale, Sûdostabhänge des Cerro de Alcazaba, Sierra Nevada, Spanien |
Date Collected | 1892-09-29 |
Elevation | 2200 m |
Verbatim Elevation | 2200 |
GUID | |
Harvard University Herbaria Barcode | 00301334 |
Herbarium | FH |
Previous ownership | ex. Herbarium Prof Dr. Fr. von Höhnel |
Family | Hypnaceae |
Type Status | Type |
Type of | Hypnum alcazabae Höhnel |
Taxon Reference | (for Hypnum alcazabae Höhnel) Sitzungsber. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Cl., Abt. 1 1895. 104: 328. |
Family | Hypnaceae |
Determination | Hypnum revolutum var. dolomiticum (Milde) Mönkemeyer |
Determined by | Ando, Hisatsugu |
Date Determined | 1972 |
Determination Remarks | [current name] |
Annotation Text | (syn. Hypnum alcaxabae v. Hoehn.) |
Family | Hypnaceae |
Determination | Hypnum vaucheri var. coelophyllum (Molendo) Pfeffer |
Determined by | Schiffner, Victor Felix |
Date Determined | 1904-06-** |
Determination Remarks | [filed under] |
Family | Hypnaceae |
Determination | Hypnum alcazabae Höhnel |
Determined by | Ando, Hisatsugu |
Date Determined | 1972 |
Annotation Text | Type. Schiffner (1904) reduced this species to a synonym of H. vaucheri v. coelophyllum (Mol.) Mol. H voleophyllum Mol. (type seen), whose [... see label for full notes] |
Determination | |
Determined by | Ando, Hisatsugu |
Date Determined | 1972 |
Annotation Text | (basionym: H. alcazabae v. Höhn.) |
Family | Hypnaceae |
Determination | Hypnum alcazabae Höhnel |
Determined by | Von Höhnel, F. = Höhnel, Franz Xaver Rudolf von q.v. |
Determination Remarks | [label name] |
Subcollection | Schiffner Herbarium |
Preparation Type | Packet |
Preparation Method | Dried |