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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for genus:[Bulbostylis] and species:[barbata]
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GH: 02428539
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Indonesia: Jawa: Trope Samadjang. H. Zollinger 2671 1844-2-10
A: 02428534
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Indonesia: Maluku Tenimber Isl. (Timor Laoet) P. Jamdena. Road... P. Buwalda 4069 1938-3-8
A: 02428533
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Indonesia: Maluku (Timor Laoet.) Tenimber Isl. P. Jamdena, Sau... P. Buwalda 4075 1938-3-9
GH: 02428536
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Malaysia: Pahang Pahang Tua. E. J. H. Corner SF 25801 1932-6-14
A: 02428535
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Malaysia: Johor Summit of Gunung Blumut, Kluang. M. Shah Bin Mohamad Nur & Sanusi MS 2199 1970-9-25
A: 02428551
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Papua New Guinea: Central Rona, Laloki River. L. J. Brass 3575 1933-4
A: 02428550
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Papua New Guinea: Western Daru Island. L. J. Brass 6385 1936-3-19
A: 02428549
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wantoat. M. S. Clemens 10957a 1940-1-10
A: 02428548
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Papua New Guinea: Northern Near new Inota village. R. D. Hoogland 3851 1953-9-7
A: 02428547
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Papua New Guinea: Gulf Vailala. L. J. Brass 1176 1926-3-19
A: 02428546
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Papua New Guinea: Western Mabadauan. Subdistrict Daru. E. E. Henty NGF 49626 1973-6-9
A: 02428545
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Papua New Guinea: Central Hisiu. C. E. Carr 11370 1935-2-16
GH: 02428577
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: Mt. Bulusan. A. D. E. Elmer 14338 1915-10
GH: 02428576
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Philippines: Bulacan [no additional data] M. Ramos 1456 1913-9
GH: 02428575
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Philippines: Rizal Nahe dem Meere bei Paranaque. E. D. Merrill 1911-7-8
GH: 02428574
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Philippines: Rizal Morong. M. Ramos BS 1428 1906-8
GH: 02428573
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Philippines: Cavite Mendez Nunes. L. Mangubat BS 1331 1906-8
A: 02428572
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Philippines: Zambales Mt. Pinatubo - Villar. R. B. Fox 196 1948-5-25
A: 02428537
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Singapore: Brighton Bungalow, Teluk Paku. H. M. Burkill HMB 2125 1959-9-6
GH: 02428538
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke Timor-Leste: [no additional data] [no data available] 1838
GH: 00112839
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida Eustis: High pine land G. V. Nash 1423 1894-7-16
GH: 02367018
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] R. Kral 7259 1958-7-10
GH: 02367017
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] R. Kral 5207 1957-7-12
A: 02367016
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] R. K. Godfrey Angus Gholson 83424 1989-8-4
GH: 02367015
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] A. H. Curtiss 6704 1900-8-2
GH: 02367014
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] O. K. Lakela 24572 1962-8-24
GH: 02367013
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand & W. E. Manning 660 1927-7-29
GH: 02367012
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] R. Kral 5505 1957-8-21
GH: 02367011
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] R. L. Wilbur & G. L. Webster 2686 1950-8-18
GH: 02367010
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] W. C. Brumbach 7326 1970-11-8
GH: 02367009
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] R. Kral 7895 B 1958-8-20
GH: 02367008
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] R. Kral 7862 1958-8-14
GH: 02367007
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] R. K. Godfrey 53685 1955-7-20
GH: 02367006
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] R. N. Jones 14 1919-8-2
GH: 02367005
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] O. K. Lakela 23462 1960-10-23
GH: 02367004
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] G. V. Nash 1129 1894-7-1
GH: 02367003
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] R. K. Godfrey 55977 1957-8-23
GH: 02367002
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Florida [data not captured] H. T. O'Neill 1929-8-12
GH: 02367001
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Alabama [data not captured] R. M. Harper 1927-8-31
GH: 02367000
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Alabama [data not captured] R. M. Harper 3132 1933-10-8
GH: 02366999
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Alabama [data not captured] H. K. Svenson & R. M. Harper 9804 1936-8-2
GH: 02366998
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Alabama [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand & W. E. Manning 662 1927-8-12
GH: 02366997
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Alabama [data not captured] R. Kral 90276A 2000-9-10
GH: 02367053
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: South Carolina [data not captured] R. Kral 83867 1994-7-26
GH: 02367052
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: South Carolina [data not captured] S. R. Hill 24361 1992-9-12
GH: 02367050
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: South Carolina [data not captured] R. K. Godfrey & R. M. Tryon 624 1939-7-17
GH: 02367051
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: South Carolina [data not captured] R. K. Godfrey & R. M. Tryon 1100 1939-8-4
GH: 02367049
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: South Carolina [data not captured] S. R. Hill 18874 1987-9-21
A: 02367048
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: South Carolina [data not captured] D. E. Boufford 15856 1974-10-13
GH: 02367047
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: South Carolina [data not captured] R. K. Godfrey & R. M. Tryon 166 1939-6-27
GH: 02367046
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: South Carolina [data not captured] R. Kral 27155 1966-7-11
GH: 02367044
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: South Carolina [data not captured] R. K. Godfrey 8088 1939-9-7
GH: 02367045
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: South Carolina [data not captured] R. K. Godfrey & R. M. Tryon 1231 1939-8-8
GH: 02367043
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: South Carolina [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand & W. E. Manning 658 1927-7-18
A: 02367042
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: South Carolina [data not captured] S. A. Spongberg, D. E. Boufford & ... 17191a 1982-9-12
GH: 02367041
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: North Carolina [data not captured] H. E. Ahles R. S. Leisner 32746 1957-7-31
GH: 02367040
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: North Carolina [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand & W. E. Manning 657 1927-7-4
GH: 02367039
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: North Carolina [data not captured] R. Kral 19056 1963-8-24
GH: 02367038
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: North Carolina [data not captured] R. Kral 19091 1963-8-25
GH: 02367037
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Mississippi [data not captured] J. D. Ray 5333 1955-8-6
GH: 02367036
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Louisiana [data not captured] W. D. Reese & J. W. Thieret 9703 1962-10-15
GH: 02367035
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Louisiana [data not captured] W. D. Reese 1865 1958-10-5
GH: 02367034
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Louisiana [data not captured] R. Kral 25841 1965-9-3
GH: 02367033
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Georgia [data not captured] R. M. Harper 987 1901-7-2
GH: 02367032
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Georgia [data not captured] R. K. Godfrey 57790 1958-9-9
GH: 02367030
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Georgia [data not captured] R. F. Thorne 5544 1947-7-21
GH: 02367031
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Georgia [data not captured] R. M. Harper 691 1900-9-22
GH: 02367029
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Georgia [data not captured] R. M. Harper 1149 1901-8-2
GH: 02367028
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Georgia [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand & W. E. Manning 659 1927-7-23
GH: 02367027
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Georgia [data not captured] W. H. Duncan 20484 1956-8-15
GH: 02367026
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Georgia [data not captured] R. K. Godfrey 50787 1950-10-14
GH: 02367025
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Georgia [data not captured] R. M. Harper 622 1900-9-10
GH: 02367024
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Georgia [data not captured] R. Kral 18826 1963-8-17
GH: 02367023
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Georgia [data not captured] A. J. Cronquist 5447 1948-7-7
GH: 02367022
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Georgia [data not captured] R. Kral 2258 1964-8-28
GH: 02367021
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Georgia [data not captured] R. Kral 90345 2000-9-16
GH: 02367020
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Georgia [data not captured] R. Kral 92067 2001-10-24
GH: 02367019
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: Georgia [data not captured] R. Kral 93533 2002-10-24
GH: 02289337
Bulbostylis barbata
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke USA: South Carolina [data not captured] J. B. Nelson Keith A. Bradley, Cae... 42007 2020-12-12