Harvard University Herbaria Barcode(s) | 02282177 |
Collector | A. C. Church, Ismail & A. Ruskandi [do not use; Ismail = I. A. Rachman] |
Collector number | 2618 |
Country | Indonesia |
State | Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) |
Geography | Asia: Southeast Asia (Region): Indonesia: Kalimantan: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) |
Locality | Summit of Bk. Raya |
Georeference | 0 39 35.8 S, 112 41 21.6 E |
Date Collected | 1995-10-21 |
Verbatim Elevation | 2300 m |
Habitat | Cloud forest. Major associates include Vaccinium, Rhododendron, Nepenthes, Orchidaceae. Light exposed area. growing on rich moss-covered soil on Ericaceae shrub. |
Container | Plants of Indonesia |
Frequency | common |
Project | All Asia TCN |
GUID | http://purl.oclc.org/net/edu.harvard.huh/guid/uuid/0e68deb9-f241-44b0-83c8-470551095f47 |
Harvard University Herbaria Barcode | 02282177 |
Herbarium | A |
Determination | Plagiogyria egenolfioides var. latipinna (Copeland) X. C. Zhang & Nooteboom |
Determined by | dup. det. by Peter Edwards |
Date Determined | 2005-01-04 |
Determination Remarks | [is filed under name] [is Current name] |
Sex | not determined |
Phenology | NotDetermined |
Preparation Type | Sheet |
Preparation Method | Pressed |