Harvard University Herbaria Barcode(s) | 00348503 |
Collector | E. J. Palmer |
Collector number | 28003 |
Country | United States of America |
State | Massachusetts |
Geography | North America: North America (CA, US, MX) (Region): United States of America: Massachusetts: Suffolk County: Boston |
Locality | The Arnold Arboretum. Along Bussey Brook [Jamaica Plain]
Date Collected | 1925-06-27 |
Container | Spontaneous Flora of the Arnold Arboretum |
GUID | http://purl.oclc.org/net/edu.harvard.huh/guid/uuid/6a1bd5dd-74be-409e-890e-e0617b6dace4 |
Harvard University Herbaria Barcode | 00348503 |
Herbarium | A |
Determination | Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (Linnaeus) Hayek |
Determination Remarks | [is label name] |
Determination | Rorippa microphylla (Boenninghausen ex Reichenbach) Hylander |
Determined by | Green, Peter Shaw |
Date Determined | 1961-11-** |
Determination | Nasturtium microphyllum (Boenninghausen) Reichenbach |
Determined by | Kittredge, Walter Tobey |
Date Determined | 2012 |
Determination Remarks | [is Current name] |
Phenology | FlowerAndFruit |
Preparation Type | Sheet |
Preparation Method | Pressed |