Harvard University Herbaria Barcode(s) | 00000589 |
Type Status | Possible Type |
Collector | I. H. Burkill & R. E. Holttum |
Collector number | 7797 |
Country | Malaysia |
State | Pahang |
Geography | Asia: Southeast Asia (Region): Malaysia: Semenanjung Malaysia: Pahang |
Locality | Fraser Hill, upon the Selangor border |
Date Collected | 1922 |
GUID | http://purl.oclc.org/net/edu.harvard.huh/guid/uuid/eb74c14a-903f-421d-9cbc-efe66648f1d7 |
Harvard University Herbaria Barcode | 00000589 |
Herbarium | AMES |
Type Status | Possible Type |
Possible Type of | Bulbophyllum minutulum Ridley |
Verified by | G. A. Romero & T. Chehaibar |
Determination Remarks | [is filed under name] |
Taxon Reference | (for Bulbophyllum minutulum Ridley) Gard. Bull. Straits Settlem. 1923. 3: 78. |
Accession Number | AMES 28661 |
Sex | not determined |
Phenology | NotDetermined |
Preparation Type | Sheet |
Preparation Method | Pressed |