Classification | Orobanchaceae: Rhinanthus |
Harvard University Herbaria Barcode(s) | 02078674 |
Collector | D. H. Goldman |
Collector number | 3474 |
Country | United States of America |
State | Alaska |
Geography | North America: North America (CA, US, MX) (Region): United States of America: Alaska: Denali Borough |
Locality | To the N. side of the road to Clear, Anderson & the Clear Missile Early Warning Station, about 0.05mi W. of the intersection with Rt. 3. UTM 6 398486E, 7130623N (NAD83/WGS84). |
Georeference | 64 17 11.7 N, 149 05 50.0 W |
Date Collected | 2005-07-05 |
Verbatim Elevation | around 570ft. |
Habitat | Growing at the edge of a forest in a powerline right-of-way in loamy soil (Gerstle-Moosehead complex; coarse-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal, mixed superactive Aquic Haplocryepts) in a vast, nearly flat plain |
Container | Plants of Alaska |
Frequency | common |
Project | US and Canada - Mass Digitization |
GUID | |
Harvard University Herbaria Barcode | 02078674 |
Herbarium | GH |
Family | Orobanchaceae |
Determination | Rhinanthus minor Linnaeus |
Determination Remarks | [is filed under name] [is Current name] |
Sex | not determined |
Phenology | NotDetermined |
Preparation Type | Sheet |
Preparation Method | Pressed |