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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for genus:[lupinus] and species:[texensis]
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GH: 00032614
Lupinus texensis
Hooker Mexico: Nuevo León Guajuco 27 miles southeast of Monterey Edw. Palmer 198 1880-3
GH: 00274764
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas San Antonio: Bejar J. L. Berlandier 1655=375 1828-4
GH: 00274767
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas T. Drummond [III.]143 1835
GH: 01153496
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas McGinnis Farm, 2 miles n. and 1/2 mile w. of... L. H. Shinners 9115 1947-4-15
GH: 02128929
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Austin: Austin B. C. Tharp 1938-4-20
GH: 02128928
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas on highway between Mertson and San Angelo B. H. Warnock T10 1937-4-18
GH: 02128927
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Galveston: behind seawall by Municipal Golf ... E. Lowe 49 1955-4-9
A: 02128926
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas limestone hills M. Rubin 3 1979-3-25
GH: 02128925
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Kilgore along the road to White Oak. R. R. Haynes 4797 1975-4-24
GH: 02128924
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas above Mountain Creek C. L. Lundell & A. A. Lundell 8562 1940-4-25
GH: 02128923
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Cedar Park E. J. Palmer 33393 1928-4-18
GH: 02128922
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Commerce [illegible] 1931-4
GH: 02128921
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas between railroad and Rte. #77, just north of... D. S. Correll 36785 1969-2-12
GH: 02128920
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas 3.8 mi W of Richards, TX on Hwy 149. E. S. Nixon 14434 1985-4-5
GH: 02128919
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas 24 airline miles S.E. of Sonora; deer exclos... V. L. Cory 53649 1947-5-4
GH: 02128918
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Leon River, 9 miles N.E. of Hamilton V. L. Cory 53804 1947-5-29
GH: 02128917
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas near laboratory building, at the Chaparral W... D. S. Seigler & J. E. Ebinger 15180 2002-3-20
GH: 02128916
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas between Beltline Rd. Bridge and the confluen... E. S. Nixon 11908 1972-5-14
GH: 02128915
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas 20 miles NW. of Rocksprings. V. L. Cory 38786 1942-4-10
GH: 02128914
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Along U. S. Highway 87, 21 miles north of Fr... A. Nelson & R. A. Nelson 5190 1942-4-27
GH: 02128913
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Austin: Austin M. S. Young 39 1918-3-25
GH: 02128912
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Somerville H. C. Benke 4570 1928-3-29
GH: 02128911
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Eagle Pass H. C. Hanson 372 1919-3-5
GH: 02128910
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas about 200 miles on way from Lubbock to Austi... [data not captured] 7536 1930-4-20
GH: 02128909
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas near Uvalde E. J. Palmer 33600 1928-4-28
GH: 02128908
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas north of Laredo K. M. Wiegand & M. C. Wiegand 1202 1935-3-15
GH: 02128907
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Washington Co. E. S. Brackett 1939-4-12
GH: 02128906
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Washington Co. E. S. Brackett 1939-4-29
GH: 02128905
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas 3 miles southeast of Abilene W. L. Tolstead 7034 1943-4-26
GH: 02128956
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Along Corpus Christi Bay A. A. Heller 1466 1894-3-21
GH: 02128955
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas San Antonio de Bexar A. A. L. Trécul 1386 1849
GH: 02128954
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Near Mathis S. D. McKelvey 1719 1931-4-5
GH: 02128953
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Texas C. Wright
GH: 02128952
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Bet. Fort. Worth & Waco. S. D. McKelvey 1688 1931-4-3
GH: 02128951
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Fort Clark E. A. Mearns 1301 1893-3-15
GH: 02128950
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Dallas: in woods B. F. Bush 585 1900-4-14
GH: 02128949
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas In scattered chaparral, in buff to orange-co... W. L. McCart 7180 1960-3-18
GH: 02128948
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas south of Temple R. T. Clausen 7642 1949-5-6
GH: 02128947
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Washington Co. E. S. Brackett 1938-4-20
GH: 02128946
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Bracken B. H. A. Groth 219 1903-7-20
GH: 02128944
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Texas C. Wright
GH: 02128945
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Texas C. Wright
GH: 02128943
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas San Antonio: San Antonio [no data available] 1853-4
GH: 02128942
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas San Antonio: S. Antonio V. Havard 176 1881-3
GH: 02128941
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Dallas: Dallas J. Reverchon No. 528
GH: 02128940
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Near Persimmon Gap S. D. McKelvey 1981 1931-4-24
GH: 02128939
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Comanche Spring: New Braunfels, etc. F. J. Lindheimer 771 1850-3
GH: 02128938
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Texana F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. IV. No. 600 1847
GH: 02128936
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Texana F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. IV. No. 600 1847
GH: 02128935
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Texas C. Wright 1848
GH: 02128937
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas N.W. Texas J. Reverchon 1879
GH: 02128934
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Laredo J. Gonzalez 1965-3-27
GH: 02128933
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas shores of the Rio Grande, oppiset [opposite]... A. Nelson & R. A. Nelson 5038 1942-4-2
GH: 02128932
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas 19 miles west of Freer W. L. McCart 7197 1960-3-20
GH: 02128931
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas near Bastrop E. J. Palmer 33383 1928-4-13
GH: 02128930
Lupinus texensis
Hooker USA: Texas Corpus Christi: Corpus Christi S. M. Tracy 9080 1905-4-5