Title | Trudy Imperatorskago S.-Peterburgskago Botaniceskago Sada |
Abbreviation | Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada |
Variant title: | Acta Horti Petropolitani |
Variant title: | Trudy Glavnogo botanicheskogo sada |
Variant title: | Trudy Imperatorskago botanicheskago sada Petra Velikago |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-30(1), 1871-1909; vol. 31(1)-31(2), 1912-13; vol. 32, 1912; vols. 20 (1901), 22 (1904), and 25 (1907) constitute: Flora Manshuriae, vol. 1, 2, and 3, respectively (author V. L. Komarov) |
Place of publication | St. Petersburg |
Publisher | Tipografii︠a︡ Imperatorskoĭ akademii nauki", |
URL | http://fig.lib.harvard.edu/fig/?bib=003847275 |
BPH | 906.13 |
HOLLIS | 003847275 |
Remarks | For vols. 30(2), 1913, and 31(3), 1915, see Trudy Imp. Bot. Sada Petra Velikago. <1892-1899> text in Latin or German, <1901-1921> Latin or Russian. |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 42 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Berberis koreana Palibin [Isosyntype] 1899, 17(1): 22Leontice darwasica A. Regel [Isotype] 1884, 8: 692
Betula potaninii Batalin [Type] 1893, 13: 101
Trigonocaryum prostratum Trautvetter [Type] 1875, 3: 279
Caragana leveillei Komarov [Syntype] 1909, 29: 207
Gentiana prattii Kusnezow [Isotype] 1893, 13: 63
Gentiana ovatiloba Kusnezow [Isotype] 1893, 13: 60
Gentiana trichotoma Kusnezow [Isotype] 1893, 13: 61
Corallodiscus conchaefolius Batalin [Isotype] 1892, 12: 176
Corallodiscus conchaefolius Batalin [Isotype] 1892, 12: 176
Acer triflorum Komarov [Isosyntype] 1901, 18: 430
Acer betulifolium Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1889, 11: 108
Acer betulifolium Maximowicz [Syntype] 1889, 11: 108
Acer tschonoskii var. rubripes Komarov [Syntype] 1904, 2: 736
Clematoclethra lasioclada Maximowicz [Type] 1890, 11: 38
Clematoclethra actinidioides Maximowicz [Holotype] 1890, 11(1): 38
Actinidia callosa var. henryi Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1890, 11(1): 36
Actinidia callosa var. henryi Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1890, 11(1): 36
Actinidia callosa var. henryi Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1890, 11(1): 36
Actinidia callosa var. henryi Maximowicz [Type] 1890, 11(1): 36
Actinidia callosa var. henryi Maximowicz [Type] 1890, 11(1): 36
Rhus potaninii Maximowicz [Type] 1889, 11: 110
Kalimeris fruticosa C. Winkler [Isosyntype] 1886, 9: 419
Corydalis macrocentra A. Regel [Isotype] 1884, 8: 694
Corydalis maackii Ruprecht ex Trautvetter [Isotype] 1883, 8: 71
Corydalis nudicaulis A. Regel [Isotype] 1884, 8: 695
Corydalis kolpakowskiana A. Regel [Isotype] 1877, 5: 633
Anemone nemorosa subsp. amurensis Korshinsky [Isotype] 1903, 22: 262
Clematis koreana Komarov [Type] 1901, 18: 438
Sageretia paucicostata Maximowicz [Type] 1889, 11: 101
Prunus brachypoda Batalin [Type] 1892, 12: 166
Filipendula multijuga Maximowicz [Isotype] 1879, 6: 247
Salix linearifolia E. L. Wolf [Type] 1903, 21: 160
Ribes tripartitum Batalin [Holotype] 1891, 11(16): 488 (-489)
Coluria henryi Batalin [Isotype] 1893, 13(1): 94
Stelis fasciculiflora Regel [TypeMaterial] 1871, 1: 99
Onosma zerizaminum Lipsky ex O. Fedtschenko & B. Fedtschenko [Type] 1908, 28: 44
Zoegea baldschuanica C. Winkler [Syntype] 1886, 9: 426
Allium grayi Regel [Type] 1875, 3: 125
Allium grayi Regel [Type] 1875, 3: 125
Prunus armeniaca var. holosericea Batalin [Type] 1895, 14(1): 167
Salsola iliensis Lipsky [Isotype] 1911, 32: 6