Caesalpiniaceae GH: 02504535 Baikiaea insignis Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District; Pania Mutumbo... J. Becquaert 45 1934-7-17
GH: 02568340 Cryptosepalum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga District; Environs of Elizabethville J. Becquaert 102 1934-8-7
Celastraceae GH: 02452466 Gymnosporia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Katanga District. Environs of... J. Becquaert 92 1934-8-3
A: 02452952 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Katanga District. Environs of... J. Becquaert 95 1934-8-5
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Katanga District. Environs of... J. Becquaert 95 1934-8-5
Connaraceae GH: 02453521 Jaundea pubescens (G.Schellenb.) G.Schellenb. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kasai-Oriental Village of Mulubule (about 20 Kilom. south o... J. Becquaert 36 1934-7-13
GH: 02453521 Jaundea pubescens oddonii (De Wildeman) Troupin Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kasai-Oriental Village of Mulubule (about 20 Kilom. south o... J. Becquaert 36 1934-7-13
GH: 02453546 Manotes sanguineoarillata Gilg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District. Village of Ma... J. Becquaert 18 1934-7-6
Crassulaceae GH: 01987989 Kalanchoe crenata (Andrews) Haworth Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga District. Environs of Elizabethsvill... J. Becquaert 97 1934-8-5
Ebenaceae GH: 02504192 Diospyros pallens (Thunberg) F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Forest gallery of Kafubo R. Environs of Elis... J. Becquaert 93 1934-8-3
Hippocrateaceae GH: 02452912 Salacia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District. Pania Mutombo J. Becquaert 41 1934-7-15
Lentibulariaceae GH: 01977440 Utricularia gibba Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kasai District. Kabinda. J. Becquaert 56 1934-7-26
Nymphaeaceae GH: 00978750 Nymphaea caerulea Savigny Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kasai District; Kabinda J. Becquaert 53 1934-7-6
GH: 00978749 Nymphaea caerulea Savigny Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kasai District; Kabinda J. Becquaert 54 1934-7-26
GH: 00978748 Nymphaea caerulea Savigny Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kasai District; Kabinda J. Becquaert 54 1934-7-26
Olacaceae GH: 02437084 Heisteria parvifolia ledermannii Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kasai-Oriental Belgian Congo, Kasai District. Pania Mutombo J. Becquaert 44 1934-7-17
Opiliaceae GH: 02437011 Opilia celtidifolia (Guill. & Perr.) Endlicher ex Walpers Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Katanga District. Forest gall... J. Becquaert 90 1934-8-3
GH: 02437011 Opilia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Katanga District. Forest gall... J. Becquaert 90 1934-8-3
Orchidaceae AMES: 02341888 Eulophia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District; Village of Mu... J. Becquaert 35 1934-7-13
Phyllanthaceae GH: 02588905 Hymenocardia acida Tulasne Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District; Savanna, Vill... J. Becquaert 26 1934-7-9
GH: 02553146 Phyllanthus odontadenius Müller Arg. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District. Kabinda J. Becquaert 73a 1934-7-27
GH: 02553216 Phyllanthus sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kasai-Oriental Belgian Congo, Kasai District. Village of Mu... J. Becquaert 33 1934-7-13
GH: 02553215 Phyllanthus sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District. Kabinda J. Becquaert 73 1934-7-27
GH: 02553367 Uapaca sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Katanga Dsitict; Forest galle... J. Becquaert 91 1934-8-3
Poaceae GH: 02447191 Eragrostis patens Oliver Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District. Kabinda J. Becquaert 75 1934-7-27
Rhamnaceae GH: 02553764 Gouania longipetala Hemsley Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District; Vollage of Ma... J. Becquaert 11 1934-7-2
Rubiaceae GH: 02452968 Canthium sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Katanga District. Environs of... J. Becquaert 96 1934-8-5
GH: 02435011 Mussaenda sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District. Village of Ma... J. Becquaert 16 1934-7-3
GH: 02437538 Oldenlandia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Katanga District. Environs of... J. Becquaert 103 1934-8-7
Verbenaceae GH: 02516550 Clerodendrum scandens P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Belgian Congo, Kasai District. Village of Ma... J. Becquaert 4 1934-6-29
GH: 02525256 Vitex ferruginea Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District; village of Ma... J. Becquaert 17 1934-7-6
GH: 02525353 Vitex sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District; Village of Ma... J. Becquaert 21 1934-7-7
GH: 02525476 Volkameria glabra (E. Meyer) Mabb. & Y. W. Yuan Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District, Kabinda J. Becquaert 47 1934-7-22
GH: 02525475 Volkameria glabra (E. Meyer) Mabb. & Y. W. Yuan Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District; Kabinda J. Becquaert 47 1934-7-22