Next page >Rubiaceae A: 00092287 Acranthera athroophlebia Bremekamp Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Penibukan, 4000-5000 feet J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 30616 1933-1-4
GH: 00339935 Acranthera griffithii Hooker f. : India: East Himalaya W. Griffith 3089
GH: 00339934 Acranthera involucrata Valeton Malaysia: Sarawak G. D. Haviland 887 1892-9-8
A: 00092288 Acranthera longipes Merrill Indonesia: Sumatra, East Coast, Marbau, Bilah, near Bil... Rahmat Si Toroes 315 1928-3
GH: 00092289 Acranthera maingayi Hooker f. Malaysia: Malaya [Malacca] A. C. Maingay 940
A: 00095008 Acranthera siamensis (Kerr) Bremekamp Thailand: Pattani Buluit, evergreen forest, ca. 100 m A. F. G. Kerr 7114 1923
A: 00404646 Acranthera sinensis C. Y. Wu China: Yunnan Ping-pien Hsien H. T. Tsai 60568 1934-6-29
A: 00619994 Acranthera sinensis C. Y. Wu China: Yunnan Ping-pien Hsien H. T. Tsai 55229 1934-5-19
A: 00404646 Acranthera sp. China: Yunnan Ping-pien Hsien H. T. Tsai 60568 1934-6-29
GH: 00339934 Acranthera sp. Malaysia: Sarawak G. D. Haviland 887 1892-9-8
A: 00032297 Acranthera velutinervia Bremekamp Malaysia: Sabah Mount Kinabalu, Penibukan, 4000 feet J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 32093 1933-3-11
A: 00092290 Acrosynanthus jamaicensis R. A. Howard & Proctor Jamaica: Trelawny Parish Ramgoat Cave district of the Cockpit country R. A. Howard 14133 1954-9-26
A: 00092291 Acrosynanthus lucidus Britton Cuba: Oriente, Navas to Camp Buena Vista J. A. Shafer-1 4417 1910-3-23
A: 00092292 Acrosynanthus ovatus Urban Cuba: Oriente, Sierra de Cristal, 1200-1300 m. E. L. Ekman 6818 1916-3-8
A: 00092293 Acrosynanthus revolutus Urban Cuba: Oriente, Camp La Gloria, south of Sierra Moa... J. A. Shafer-1 8237 1910-12-30
GH: 00096216 Adenosacme apoensis Elmer Philippines: Davao del Sur Todaya (Mount Apo), Mindanao Island A. D. E. Elmer 10504 1909-5
A: 00096214 Adenosacme apoensis Elmer Philippines: Davao del Sur Todaya (Mount Apo), Mindanao Island A. D. E. Elmer 10504 1909-5
GH: 00096215 Adenosacme apoensis Elmer Philippines: Davao del Sur Todaya (Mount Apo), Mindanao Island A. D. E. Elmer 10504 1909-5
GH: 00518639 Adenosacme lawii Hooker f. India: R. Wight 1450
GH: 00518640 Adenosacme macrostachya Hooker f. India: Arunachal Pradesh East Bengal [Mishmi Hills] W. Griffith 2849
A: 00092294 Adenosacme mindanaensis Elmer Philippines: Davao Todayo (Mount Apo), Mindanao Island A. D. E. Elmer 10831 1909-6
GH: 00518639 Adenosacme sp. India: R. Wight 1450
GH: 00518640 Adenosacme sp. India: Arunachal Pradesh East Bengal [Mishmi Hills] W. Griffith 2849
A: 02605859 Adina dissimilis Craib Malaysia: Kedah Ulu Muda Forest Reserve, N. Kedah. Y. C. Chan FRI 6755 1969-1-20
A: 00214396 Adina fauriei H. Léveillé South Korea: Quelpaert (Island) prope Hongno (of Jeju) U. J. Faurie 701 1906-10
A: 00061046 Adina fauriei H. Léveillé South Korea: Jeju-do Quelpaert [Cheju Island] in petiosis torrent... T. Taquet 1366 1908-8-22
A: 00107021 Adina garciae Elmer Philippines: Romblon Sibuyan Island, Magallanes (Mount Giting-Git... A. D. E. Elmer 12051 1910-3
GH: 00061047 Adina garciae Elmer Philippines: Romblon Sibuyan Island, Magallanes (Mount Giting-Git... A. D. E. Elmer 12051 1910-3
A: 00061048 Adina indivisa Lace Myanmar: Maymyo, 3500 feet J. H. Lace 6151 1913-4-15
A: 00061049 Adina metcalfii Merrill ex H. L. Li China: Guangxi Pai-yun-an and vicinity, Hwang-sha-ho P.O., ... W. T. Tsang 27683 1937-6-18
A: 00061050 Adina multifolia Haviland Philippines: Quezon Pr. Tayabas, Luzon Island S. Vidal y Soler 2948
A: 00061051 Adina philippinensis D. Vidal Philippines: Rizal San Mateo, Pr. Manila, Luzon Island S. Vidal y Soler 371
A: 00061052 Adina polycephala glabra F. C. How China: Guangdong Lokchong District, in wood C. L. Tso 20919 1929-6-2
A: 00214395 Adina pubicostata Merrill Vietnam: Lao Cai Chapa P. A. Pételot 3571
A: 00061053 Adina pubicostata Merrill Vietnam: Tonkin, Chapa, foret, 1500 m. P. A. Pételot 3571 1929-8
A: 00061045 Adina racemosa Miquel China: J. H. Esquirol 407 1905-6
A: 02605861 Adina sp. Philippines: Quezon Tagkawayan, Brgy. Bagong Silang II Barbon, Garcia & Fernando PPI 12208 1993-9-9
A: 02605860 Adina sp. Philippines: Quezon Burdeos, Mt. Kinabawan E. M. Romero, H. G. Garcia & R. S.... PPI 15375 1995-4-2
GH: 00107022 Adina zschokkei Elmer Philippines: Capiz Sibuyan Island, Magallanes (Mount Giting-Git... A. D. E. Elmer 12176 1910-4
A: 00061054 Adina zschokkei Elmer Philippines: Romblon Sibuyan Island, Magallanes (Mount Giting-Git... A. D. E. Elmer 12176 1910-4
A: 02605955 Adinauclea fagifolia (Teijsm. & Binn. ex Havil.) Ridsdale Indonesia: Maluku Boeroe, Djikoemerasa [see remarks] NIFS bb 22781 1937-3-15
A: 02605954 Adinauclea fagifolia (Teijsm. & Binn. ex Havil.) Ridsdale Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Manado, Banggai, Boenta. [see remarks] NIFS bb 31865 1940-3-25
A: 02605953 Adinauclea fagifolia (Teijsm. & Binn. ex Havil.) Ridsdale Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Manado, Boalemo [see remarks] NIFS bb 17209 1932-10-26
A: 02605952 Adinauclea fagifolia (Teijsm. & Binn. ex Havil.) Ridsdale Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Manado, Gorontalo Molingka-poto [see remarks] NIFS bb 27549 1938-12-7
A: 02605951 Adinauclea fagifolia (Teijsm. & Binn. ex Havil.) Ridsdale Indonesia: Maluku Utara Molukken, Soela Eilanden, (Eil. Mangoli) 't ... [see remarks] NIFS bb 29838 1939-9-20
A: 02605950 Adinauclea fagifolia (Teijsm. & Binn. ex Havil.) Ridsdale Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Manado, Banggai, Kadodi. [see remarks] NIFS bb 31832 1939-11-11
A: 02605949 Adinauclea fagifolia (Teijsm. & Binn. ex Havil.) Ridsdale Indonesia: Maluku Molukken, Soela Eilanden, (Sanana) Wai Taboe... [see remarks] NIFS bb 28821 1939-8-7
GH: 02455029 Afrocanthium mundianum (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Lantz : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4245
GH: 02455027 Afrocanthium mundianum (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Lantz : Africa: Afr. auct. J. F. Drège
GH: 02455028 Afrocanthium mundianum (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Lantz : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7211
A: 02455032 Afrocanthium mundianum (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Lantz South Africa: Limpopo Province Waterberg Div. Transvaal F. A. Rogers 29435 1920-1
A: 02455031 Afrocanthium mundianum (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Lantz South Africa: Limpopo Province Potgietersrust, Tvl. Pyramid Estate, near Po... E. E. Galpin 9138 1922
A: 02455030 Afrocanthium mundianum (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Lantz South Africa: Western Cape Province Knysna J. D. M. Keet 432.9.K 1919-12
A: 02455026 Afrocanthium mundianum (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Lantz South Africa: Mariepskop. Eastern Transvaal. Bridge over K... H. P. v. der Schijff 58721 1961
A: 02455025 Afrocanthium mundianum (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Lantz South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Grahamstown. near quarry R. D. A. Bayliss 5193 1972-10-17
A: 02437569 Agathisanthemum bojeri Klotzsch Kenya: British East Africa: Mombasa, Kenya Colony D. H. Linder 2648 1927-4-23
GH: 02437568 Agathisanthemum bojeri Klotzsch Malawi: Nyasaland J. Buchanan, C. M. G. 166 1891
A: 02437570 Agathisanthemum bojeri Klotzsch Mozambique: Maputo L. [Lorenzo] Marques J. M. Borle 297 1920
A: 02437567 Agathisanthemum bojeri Klotzsch South Africa: Limpopo Province Transvaal. Waterberg, Kransberg E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1676 1959
GH: 02437566 Agathisanthemum bojeri Klotzsch Tanzania: Tanga Tanga Dist., 5.2 miles N of Tanga W. Hepw. Lewis 6056 1962-10-18
A: 02437571 Agathisanthemum chlorophyllum (Hochstetter) Bremekamp South Africa: Limpopo Province Waterberg, Transvaal. Mosdene, Naboomspruit E. E. Galpin m174 1919
GH: 01154590 Agathisanthemum globosum (Hochstetter ex A. Richard) Klotzsch Ethiopia: Ad latera montium verus aquilonem prope Doch... G. H. W. Schimper 1839-11-20
GH: 02437572 Agathisanthemum globosum (Hochstetter ex A. Richard) Klotzsch Kenya: Rift Valley West Suk Dist., 0.3 miles N of Keringer - 6 ... W. Hepw. Lewis 5987 1962-9-26
A: 02437573 Agathisanthemum globosum (Hochstetter ex A. Richard) Klotzsch Malawi: Kyimbila District (North of Lake Nyasa) A. F. Stolz 2468
GH: 02437576 Agathisanthemum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Mimania. ferme R[?]gie P. Quarre 1181 1928-5
GH: 02437575 Agathisanthemum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Mimama. ferme Regie P. Quarre 1134 1928-4
GH: 02437574 Agathisanthemum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à l'Etoile. ferme Prince Leopold P. Quarre 314 1927-5
A: 00092298 Aidia auriculata indigiriensis Ridsdale Indonesia: Central Sumatra, Indragiri Uplands, Kuala Be... P. Buwalda 6765 1939-4-29
: 00936833 Aidia canthioides (Champion ex Bentham) Masamune :
GH: 00936832 Aidia canthioides (Champion ex Bentham) Masamune China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 211, 235 1853
GH: 00936834 Aidia canthioides (Champion ex Bentham) Masamune Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands Ousima C. Wright 121 1853
A: 00092297 Aidia chantonea Tirvengadum Vietnam: Dong Nai Ad Bao Chiang in prov. Bien Hoa J. B. L. Pierre 154 1865-8
GH: 00292895 Aidia cochinchinensis Loureiro : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 23927
A: 00092297 Aidia cochinchinensis Loureiro Vietnam: Dong Nai Ad Bao Chiang in prov. Bien Hoa J. B. L. Pierre 154 1865-8
A: 01154045 Aidia densiflora (Wallich) Masamune Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2381 1987-7-11
A: 00092299 Aidia endertii Ridsdale Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) West Koetai, No. 37, near the Kemoel F. H. Endert 3565 1925-9-26
GH: 02435303 Aidia genipiflora (de Candolle) Dandy : Africa: West Trop. Africa G. Mann 228 1859
GH: 02435302 Aidia genipiflora (de Candolle) Dandy : Africa: West Trop Africa G. Mann 228 1859
A: 02435297 Aidia genipiflora (de Candolle) Dandy Côte d'Ivoire: Ivory-Coast, c. 14 km South of Taï J. J. F. E. de Wilde & A. J. M. Le... 3569 1962-3-9
GH: 02435301 Aidia genipiflora (de Candolle) Dandy Equatorial Guinea: Bioko (Fernando Póo) Fernando Po [data not captured] 1857
GH: 02435309 Aidia genipiflora (de Candolle) Dandy Ghana: Western Subiri Forest Reserve. Daboase A. A. Enti FE 1347 1974
A: 02435300 Aidia genipiflora (de Candolle) Dandy Ghana: Ashanti Ashanti, Obuasi Distr., Ampunyasi J. E. Andoh 4413 1937-7
A: 00242314 Aidia genipiflora (de Candolle) Dandy Liberia: Bong Gbanga: [data not captured] D. H. Linder 690 1926-9-19
A: 02435304 Aidia genipiflora (de Candolle) Dandy Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 403 1929
GH: 02435299 Aidia genipiflora (de Candolle) Dandy Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 403 1929
GH: 02435298 Aidia genipiflora (de Candolle) Dandy Liberia: Firestone Plantation No. 3, Du River D. H. Linder 260 1926-8-7
A: 02435310 Aidia genipiflora (de Candolle) Dandy Sierra Leone: Northern Kabala. Mt Loma - Benikoro J. G. Adam 23615 1966-2-7
A: 02435308 Aidia genipiflora (de Candolle) Dandy Sierra Leone: [no data available] [data not captured] 79
A: 02435307 Aidia genipiflora (de Candolle) Dandy Sierra Leone: Eastern Gbangbama N. W. Thomas 9019 1915
A: 02435306 Aidia genipiflora (de Candolle) Dandy Sierra Leone: Eastern Gbangbama N. W. Thomas 9485 1915
A: 02435305 Aidia genipiflora (de Candolle) Dandy Sierra Leone: [no additional data] N. W. Thomas 10597 1915
A: 00311827 Aidia henryi (E. Pritzel) T. Yamazaki China: Guangdong D. E. Boufford & S. H. Shi 30350 2002-12-6
A: 00092300 Aidia lancifolia K. M. Wong Malaysia: Johor Kluang, second niche toward Meisung R. E. Holttum 9348 1922-11-17
GH: 00936829 Aidia leucocarpa (Champion ex Bentham) T. Yamazaki China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1854-8-14
GH: 00936830 Aidia leucocarpa (Champion ex Bentham) T. Yamazaki China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936831 Aidia leucocarpa (Champion ex Bentham) T. Yamazaki China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 245 1853
GH: 00936837 Aidia leucocarpa (Champion ex Bentham) T. Yamazaki China: Hong Kong: Lamma Isld. near Hong Kong C. Wright 1864-5-4
GH: 02435333 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White : Africa: Sangha Economique. Ndakan, gorilla s... D. J. Harris & J. M. Fay 78 1988-1-7
GH: 02435318 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 69
A: 02435312 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Cameroon: between Ebaka and Ndemba I, 46 km. N. W. of ... F. J. Breteler 2906 1962
A: 01154667 Aidia micrantha zenkeri (S. Moore) E. M. A. Petit Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 3173 1904
A: 02435327 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Central African Republic: Pl. de l'Oubangui. Région de la Ouaka R. P. Tisserant 1961
GH: 02435332 Aidia micrantha acarophyta (De Wildeman) E. M. A. Petit Central African Republic: Sangha Economique. 45 km South of Lidjombo, ... D. J. Harris & J. M. Fay 1792 1989-2-8
A: 02435328 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Efandu D. H. Linder 1869 1927-1-5
A: 02435322 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo (Bas-Congo) F. M. C. Vermoesen 1691 1919-2-26
A: 02435321 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 1079 1930
A: 02435320 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 1242 1930
A: 02435319 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 876 1930
GH: 02435317 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Pundusana (Congo Belge) M. G. Mortehan 676 1913-11
A: 02435316 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1845 1927-1-2
GH: 02435315 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo (Bas-Congo) F. M. C. Vermoesen 1744 1919-3-6
GH: 02435314 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo F. M. C. Vermoesen 1691 1919-2-26
GH: 02435313 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo (Bas-Congo) F. M. C. Vermoesen 1744 1919-3-6
GH: 02435331 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Gabon: Nyanga Tchibanga G. M. P. C. Le Testu 1943
A: 02435330 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Gabon: Estuaire environs de Libreville T.-J. Klaine 2035
A: 02435329 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Gabon: Estuaire environs de Libreville T.-J. Klaine 2.559
A: 02435326 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Gabon: Nyanga Tchibanga G. M. P. C. Le Testu 1943 1917
A: 02435325 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Gabon: Nyanga Tchibanga. Région de la Nyanga G. M. P. C. Le Testu 1703 1917
A: 02435324 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Gabon: Ogooué-Lolo Région de Lastoursville G. M. P. C. Le Testu 7321 1929
A: 02435323 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Gabon: Ogooué-Lolo Région de Lastoursville G. M. P. C. Le Testu 7600 1929
GH: 02435311 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Gabon: Ngounié Massif de Chaillu, au nord-est de Mouila; ch... G. D. McPherson 13957 1989-4-26
A: 00092301 Aidia moluccana Ridsdale Indonesia: Northwest Buru, ca. 10 km. south of Bara, 65... M. M. J. van Balgooy 4938 1984-11-26
A: 02435336 Aidia ochroleuca (K. Schumann) E. M. A. Petit : Africa: "Lusambo" Kouilou infr. (Congo) Sargos
A: 02435335 Aidia ochroleuca (K. Schumann) E. M. A. Petit : Africa: Région entre Ogooué et Cameroun. O... G. M. P. C. Le Testu 9521 1932
A: 02435341 Aidia ochroleuca (K. Schumann) E. M. A. Petit Cameroon: Centre Kamerun, Jaunde-Station G. A. Zenker 245
A: 02435340 Aidia ochroleuca (K. Schumann) E. M. A. Petit Cameroon: Centre Yaúnde. Jaunde-Station G. A. Zenker 807 1896
A: 02435334 Aidia ochroleuca (K. Schumann) E. M. A. Petit Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Léopoldville. Luki Mahieu 137 1957
A: 02435339 Aidia ochroleuca (K. Schumann) E. M. A. Petit Gabon: Nyanga Tchibanga G. M. P. C. Le Testu 1840
A: 02435338 Aidia ochroleuca (K. Schumann) E. M. A. Petit Gabon: Ogooué-Lolo Région de Lastoursville G. M. P. C. Le Testu 1929
A: 02435337 Aidia ochroleuca (K. Schumann) E. M. A. Petit Gabon: Nyanga Tchibanga. Région du Nyanga G. M. P. C. Le Testu 1871
A: 00095703 Aidia pycnantha (Drake) Tirvengadum China: Guangdong White Cloud Mountains C. O. Levine 3130 1918-8-29
GH: 02435296 Aidia rhacodosepala (K. Schumann) E. M. A. Petit Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 377 1913-5
GH: 02435295 Aidia rhacodosepala (K. Schumann) E. M. A. Petit Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Southwest: Mile 15. Mamfe road. J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 196 1986-9-12
GH: 00293542 Aidia sp. : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 32517
A: 02435334 Aidia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Léopoldville. Luki Mahieu 137 1957
A: 02435294 Aidia sp. Malawi: Kyimbila District (North of Lake Nyasa) A. F. Stolz 1794
A: 02435293 Aidia sp. Malawi: Kyimbila District (North of Lake Nyasa) A. F. Stolz 1794
A: 01154657 Aidia tomentosa (Blume) Ridsdale Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 3908 1990-3-15
A: 01154045 Aidia wallichiana Tirvengadum Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2381 1987-7-11
A: 00092302 Aidia waugia Ridsdale Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Crystal Creek, 3700 feet J. J. Havel & A. Kairo 17114 1963-5
A: 00092303 Airosperma fuscum S. Moore Papua New Guinea: Vailala River, Hohoro, 300 feet L. J. Brass 1050 1926-2-22
A: 00092304 Airosperma fuscum S. Moore Papua New Guinea: Vailala River, Hohoro, 300 feet L. J. Brass 1050 1926-2-22
GH: 00092305 Airosperma trichotomum (Gillespie) A. C. Smith Fiji: Northern Division Vanua Levu: Mathuata, Wainunu-Ndreketi Divid... Albert C. Smith 1849 1934-5-17
GH: 00092305 Airosperma vanuense S. P. Darwin Fiji: Northern Division Vanua Levu: Mathuata, Wainunu-Ndreketi Divid... Albert C. Smith 1849 1934-5-17
GH: 00092306 Aitchisonia rosea Hemsley ex Aitchison Pakistan: [Kurrum Valley] J. E. T. Aitchison 260 1880-6-30
GH: 00092307 Aitchisonia rosea Hemsley ex Aitchison Pakistan: [Kurrum Valley] J. E. T. Aitchison 260 1880-6-30
A: 02435852 Alberta magna E. Meyer : Africa: [no additional data] [no data available] 1936-8-11
GH: 02435850 Alberta magna E. Meyer : Africa: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02435851 Alberta magna E. Meyer South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Great Noodsberg, Natal John M. Wood 1007
A: 02605220 Aleisanthia rupestris (Ridl.) Ridl. Malaysia: Selangor Kelang gates Ridges C. F. Symington 37440 1935-3-31
A: 02605219 Aleisanthia rupestris (Ridl.) Ridl. Malaysia: Selangor Klang Gates, West. James Sinclair 9832 1958-10-19
A: 02605218 Aleisanthia rupestris (Ridl.) Ridl. Malaysia: Selangor the Klang Gates Quartizite Ridge K. M. Wong FRI 32454 1985-12-1
A: 02605217 Aleisanthia rupestris (Ridl.) Ridl. Malaysia: Selangor Klang Gates Quartzite Ridge B. C. M. Stone 14102 1979-7-22
A: 02605222 Aleisanthiopsis distantiflora (Merr.) Tange : Borneo: Longbagum H. Wiriadinata 561 1975-6-24
A: 02605229 Aleisanthiopsis distantiflora (Merr.) Tange Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Berau Inhutani area, km 28 road Labanan to S... Z. Arifin et al. Berau714 1997-9-27
A: 02605228 Aleisanthiopsis distantiflora (Merr.) Tange Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) PT. KEM area, Gunung Runcing P. J. A. Kessler et al. Ambri/Hamd... PK2234 1997-3-23
A: 02605227 Aleisanthiopsis distantiflora (Merr.) Tange Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Berau, Inhutani I area, rd. camp to Samarind... P. J. A. Kessler et al. Berau41 1996-10-3
A: 02605226 Aleisanthiopsis distantiflora (Merr.) Tange Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) N. Kutai, Pt. Kiani Lestari, Batu Ampar, km ... K. Sidiyasa 1217 1994-11-25
A: 02605225 Aleisanthiopsis distantiflora (Merr.) Tange Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) W. Koetai. F. H. Endert 2199 1925-7-25
A: 02605224 Aleisanthiopsis distantiflora (Merr.) Tange Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) P.B.U. base camp and environs. C. E. Ridsdale PBU 288 1990-6-3
A: 02605223 Aleisanthiopsis distantiflora (Merr.) Tange Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) P.B.U. base camp and environs. C. E. Ridsdale PBU 288 1990-6-3
A: 02605221 Aleisanthiopsis distantiflora (Merr.) Tange Indonesia: Kalimantan: Indonesian East Borneo; Berau; M... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 21458 1963-10-23
A: 00106926 Aleisanthiopsis multiflora Tange Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Headwaters of S. Kahayan, 5 km. northeast of... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo & I... 404 1988-3-25
GH: 00139554 Alibertia bertierifolia K. Schumann Uruguay: Rio Negro Prope Barra R. Spruce 1881 1851-10
GH: 00338731 Alibertia claviflora K. Schumann Peru: San Martín Tarapoto: Prope Tarapoto, Peruviae orientali... R. Spruce 4477 1855
GH: 00216960 Alibertia edulis edulis Trinidad and Tobago: W. E. Broadway 4256 1912-10-23
GH: 00139552 Alibertia edulis edulis Trinidad and Tobago: The Widow W. E. Broadway 4627 1913-8-18
A: 00216959 Alibertia edulis edulis Venezuela: Lower Orinoco, Catalina H. H. Rusby & R. W. Squires 174 1896-5
GH: 00216958 Alibertia edulis edulis Venezuela: Lower Orinoco, Catalina H. H. Rusby & R. W. Squires 174 1896-5
A: 00216959 Alibertia granulosa Rusby Venezuela: Lower Orinoco, Catalina H. H. Rusby & R. W. Squires 174 1896-5
GH: 00216958 Alibertia granulosa Rusby Venezuela: Lower Orinoco, Catalina H. H. Rusby & R. W. Squires 174 1896-5
A: 00216957 Alibertia hadrantha Standley Brazil: Acre Basin of Rio Purus, near mouth of Rio Macauh... B. A. Krukoff 5735 1933-9-2
A: 00139553 Alibertia hassleriana Chodat Paraguay: Cordillera Central Cordillera, in regione cursus superi... E. Hassler 6777 1900-12
A: 00097963 Alibertia hassleriana Chodat Paraguay: In calle Tobaty C. F. P. Martius 3985
GH: 00073067 Alibertia jacquinioides Grisebach Cuba: buchellas de Baracra C. Wright 2663 1860
GH: 00139551 Alibertia latifolia (Bentham) K. Schumann Guyana: Roraima R. Schomburgk 62 1842
GH: 00139551 Alibertia latifolia parvifolia K. Schumann Guyana: Roraima R. Schomburgk 62 1842
GH: 00073068 Alibertia myrciifolia Spruce ex K. Schumann Brazil: Pará In vicinibus Santarem R. Spruce 978 1850-9
GH: 00073069 Alibertia steinbachii Standley Bolivia: Santa Cruz Bosques, campos region, Buena vista, altitud... J. Steinbach 6597 1924-10-9
A: 00073070 Alibertia steinbachii Standley Bolivia: Santa Cruz Bosques, campos region, Buena vista, altitud... J. Steinbach 6597 1924-10-9
GH: 00216960 Alibertia tobagensis Sprague & R. O. Williams Trinidad and Tobago: W. E. Broadway 4256 1912-10-23
GH: 00139552 Alibertia tobagensis Sprague & R. O. Williams Trinidad and Tobago: The Widow W. E. Broadway 4627 1913-8-18
GH: 00073071 Alibertia triloba Steyermark Guyana: Upper Mazaruni River Basin, Mt. Ayanganna, a... S. S. Tillett, C. L. Tillett & R. ... 45180 1960-8-7
GH: 00092308 Alibertia tutumilla Rusby Bolivia: Rurrenabaque, 1000 feet O. E. White 2354 1922-1-27
GH: 00092309 Allaeophania decipiens Thwaites Sri Lanka: G. H. K. Thwaites 3093
GH: 00092310 Allaeophania decipiens flavescens Thwaites Sri Lanka: G. H. K. Thwaites 3094
A: 00460371 Alleizettella leucocarpa (Champion ex Bentham) Tirvengadum China: Guangdong [data not captured] D. E. Boufford & S. H. Shi 30368 2002-12-6
GH: 00936837 Alleizettella leucocarpa (Champion ex Bentham) Tirvengadum China: Hong Kong: Lamma Isld. near Hong Kong C. Wright 1864-5-4
GH: 00936830 Alleizettella leucocarpa (Champion ex Bentham) Tirvengadum China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00092311 Allenanthus erythrocarpus Standley Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle de Anton, ca. 600 m. P. H. Allen 1999 1939-9-17
A: 00092312 Alseis latifolia Gleason Brazil: Maranhao Region of River Grajahu, near Coroatasinho B. A. Krukoff 2043 1933-3-24
GH: 00092313 Alseis leiantha S. F. Blake Venezuela: Carabobo Guaremales, road from Puerto Cabello to San ... H. F. Pittier 8850 1920-6
A: 00064140 Alseis smithii Standley Guyana: In dense forest near western extremity of Ka... Albert C. Smith 3236 1938-3-14
GH: 00359512 Alseïs yucatana Standley Mexico: Yucatán G. F. Gaumer & sons 24247 1917
GH: 00338731 Amaioua Aublet Peru: San Martín Tarapoto: Prope Tarapoto, Peruviae orientali... R. Spruce 4477 1855
A: 00092319 Amaioua contracta Standley Brazil: Amazonas Humayta, plateau between Rio Livramento and ... B. A. Krukoff 7230 1934-11-7
GH: 00092317 Amaioua pedicellata Dwyer Panama: Veraguas Along road between Escuela Agricola and Alto... T. B. Croat 25937 1974-7-26
GH: 00092318 Amaioua pedicellata Dwyer Panama: Veraguas Along road between Escuela Agricola and Alto... T. B. Croat 25937 1974-7-26
A: 00057036 Amaracarpus apoensis Elmer Philippines: Davao Todaya (Mount Apo), Mindanao Island A. D. E. Elmer 10737 1909-5
A: 00057037 Amaracarpus archboldianus Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Central Murray Pass, Wharton Range, 2840 m L. J. Brass 4614 1933-9
A: 00057038 Amaracarpus atrocarpus Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Fly River, 528 mile camp, 80 m. L. J. Brass 6741 1936-5
A: 00057039 Amaracarpus attenuatus Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Fly River, Oroville Camp L. J. Brass 7419 1936-8
A: 00057040 Amaracarpus belensis Merrill & L. M. Perry Indonesia: Papua Bele River, 18 km. northeast of Lake Habbema... L. J. Brass 11055 1938-11
A: 00057041 Amaracarpus bicolor Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Central Mount Tafa, damp valley forest, 2400 m L. J. Brass 5019 1933-9
A: 00057042 Amaracarpus brachypus Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Central Dieni, Ononge Road, rain forest, 500 m. L. J. Brass 3876 1933-4
A: 00057043 Amaracarpus brassii Merrill & L. M. Perry Indonesia: Papua 9 km. northeast of Lake Habbema, rain-forest... L. J. Brass 10823 1938-10
A: 00057044 Amaracarpus caeruleus Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Central Murray Pass, Wharton Range, forest borders, ... L. J. Brass 4525 1933-9
A: 00057045 Amaracarpus calcicola Merrill & L. M. Perry Indonesia: Papua Tabati, Jautefa Bay, abundant in brushes of ... L. J. Brass 8849 1938-6-17
A: 00057046 Amaracarpus clemensae Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Morobe Rawlinson Range, 7000-12000 feet M. S. Clemens 12328 1941-6-19
A: 00057054 Amaracarpus compactus Merrill & L. M. Perry Indonesia: Papua 9 km. northeast of Lake Habbema, 2800 m. cam... L. J. Brass 10522 1938-10
A: 00057047 Amaracarpus compactus Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Central East Mount Tafa, common in foothill forest, ... L. J. Brass 4133 1933-5
A: 00057048 Amaracarpus confertifolius Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Central Murray Pass, Wharton Range, common on pathwa... L. J. Brass 4715 1933-8
A: 00112389 Amaracarpus fimbristipularis P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Hela Tari: Mount Ambua, mossy forest, 3300 m C. Kalkman 5106 1966-8-8
A: 00092314 Amaracarpus giluwensis P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands Western summit grasslands of Mount Giluwe, c... R. Schodde 1869 1961-8-16
A: 00057049 Amaracarpus grandifolius Valeton Papua New Guinea: In den Waldern am Kaulo, ca. 180 m R. Schlechter 16702 1907-10-22
A: 00057055 Amaracarpus grandifolius grandifolius Papua New Guinea: Ulawa Island L. J. Brass 2955 1932
A: 00057042 Amaracarpus grandifolius grandifolius Papua New Guinea: Central Dieni, Ononge Road, rain forest, 500 m. L. J. Brass 3876 1933-4
A: 00057050 Amaracarpus humilis Valeton Papua New Guinea: In den waldern auf dem Rani, ca. 1000 m. R. Schlechter 17368 1908-2-26
A: 00057051 Amaracarpus idenburgensis Merrill & L. M. Perry Indonesia: Papua 18 km. southwest of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg ... L. J. Brass 12647 1939-2
A: 00057039 Amaracarpus longifolius Valeton Papua New Guinea: Fly River, Oroville Camp L. J. Brass 7419 1936-8
A: 00057059 Amaracarpus longifolius Valeton Papua New Guinea: Central Mount Tafa, common undergrowth bush in valle... L. J. Brass 4998 1933-9
A: 00092315 Amaracarpus montiswilhelmii P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde, 12500 feet A. N. Millar 14685 1962-9-26
GH: 00057052 Amaracarpus musciferus A. C. Smith Fiji: Northern Division Vanua Levu: Mbua, Navotuvotu, summit of Moun... Albert C. Smith 1646 1934-4-27
A: 00057045 Amaracarpus nymanii Valeton Indonesia: Papua Tabati, Jautefa Bay, abundant in brushes of ... L. J. Brass 8849 1938-6-17
A: 00112782 Amaracarpus nymanii Valeton Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Peria Creek, Kwagiri River, rain forest unde... L. J. Brass 24011 1953-8-17
A: 00112391 Amaracarpus papuanus Valeton Indonesia: Papua [Hugelland am] Noord-Fluss, [Biwak Alkmaar] G. M. Versteeg 1591
A: 00055065 Amaracarpus rotensis Hosokawa Northern Mariana Islands: Rota Island T. Hosokawa 7614 1934-7-12
A: 00057038 Amaracarpus schlechteri Valeton Papua New Guinea: Fly River, 528 mile camp, 80 m. L. J. Brass 6741 1936-5
A: 00057053 Amaracarpus schlechteri Valeton Papua New Guinea: Bolobo, 1000 m. R. Schlechter 16550 1907-9-11
A: 00057054 Amaracarpus simulans Merrill & L. M. Perry Indonesia: Papua 9 km. northeast of Lake Habbema, 2800 m. cam... L. J. Brass 10522 1938-10
A: 00057055 Amaracarpus solomonensis Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Ulawa Island L. J. Brass 2955 1932
A: 00092316 Amaracarpus subalpinus P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Below Lake Aunde, 12500 feet A. N. Millar 14690 1962-9-26
A: 00057056 Amaracarpus trichanthus Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Central Murray Pass, Wharton Range, abundant as unde... L. J. Brass 4615 1933-9
A: 00057058 Amaracarpus trichocarpus Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Hohoro, Vailala River, rain forests, 300 fee... L. J. Brass 1039 1926-2-22
A: 00057059 Amaracarpus urophyllus Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Central Mount Tafa, common undergrowth bush in valle... L. J. Brass 4998 1933-9
A: 00057060 Amaracarpus xanthocarpus Merrill & L. M. Perry Indonesia: Papua 6 km. south of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River... L. J. Brass 12861 1939-2
A: 02437577 Amphiasma divaricatum (Engler) Bremekamp Namibia: Kubasberg, Namibrand R. H. W. Seydel 378 1954-12-17
A: 02437579 Amphiasma merenskyanum Bremekamp Namibia: Erongo Südwestafrika. Erongogebirge. bei Karibib E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 2408 1959
A: 02437578 Amphiasma merenskyanum Bremekamp Namibia: Erongo Farm Amaib am Erongogebirge R. H. W. Seydel 3118 1962-4-22
GH: 00092320 Amphidasya neblinae Steyermark Brazil: Amazonas Rio Cauaburi, Rio Tucano, Camp No. II, 850 f... B. Maguire, J. A. Steyermark & C. ... 60295 1965-12-1
GH: 00092322 Anisomeris apodantha Standley Bolivia: Santa Cruz Rio Surutu, 400 m. J. Steinbach 7263 1925-10-2
A: 00092321 Anisomeris apodantha Standley Bolivia: Santa Cruz Rio Surutu, 400 m. J. Steinbach 7263 1925-10-2
GH: 00092323 Anisomeris ecuadorensis K. Schumann & K. Krause Ecuador: El Recreo H. F. A. Eggers 15411
GH: 00092324 Anisomeris parvifolia Standley Brazil: Paraná Serra do Mar, Ttupava, 460 m. P. K. H. Dusén 6728 1908-9-17
A: 00092325 Anisomeris rauwolfioides Standley Bolivia: Santa Cruz Rio Palametillar, 400 m. J. Steinbach 6768 1924-12-19
GH: 00092326 Anotis longiflora Bentham Mexico: K. T. Hartweg 206
A: 00094723 Antherostele banahaensis (Elmer) Bremekamp Philippines: Quezon Tayabas, Luzon, Island A. D. E. Elmer 7746 1906-5
A: 00092327 Antherostele callophylla Bremekamp Philippines: Ilocos Norte Mount Palimlim M. Ramos 33326 1918-8
A: 00092328 Antherostele luzoniensis (Merrill) Bremekamp Philippines: Quezon Mount Dingalan, Luzon Island M. Ramos 26522 1916-9
GH: 00061056 Anthocephalus chinensis (Lamarck) A. Richard ex Walpers Indonesia: Sumatra P. W. Korthals
A: 00898884 Anthocephalus chinensis (Lamarck) A. Richard ex Walpers Thailand: Khao Chong 24-hectare plot A. Sinbumroong & S. J. Davies 407 2003
A: 00061055 Anthocephalus indicus glabrescens H. L. Li China: Yunnan Che-li-hsien, mixed forest, 1000 feet C. W. Wang 78648 1936-9
GH: 00061056 Anthocephalus morindaefolius Korthals Indonesia: Sumatra P. W. Korthals
A: 00092329 Anthorrhiza areolata C. R. Huxley & Jebb Papua New Guinea: Normanby Island, Mount Pabinama, 750 m. L. J. Brass 25710 1956-5-3
A: 00092333 Anthorrhiza chrysacantha C. R. Huxley & Jebb Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Near turnoff to Eddie creek, on summit ... M. H. P. Jebb 110 1980-10-7
A: 00092334 Anthorrhiza echinella C. R. Huxley & Jebb Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae Bulolo Road, just before Perakles Pass C. R. Huxley & M. A. Worthing 3463 1975-9-28
A: 00092335 Anthorrhiza recurvispina C. R. Huxley & Jebb Papua New Guinea: Rossel Island, Abaleti L. J. Brass 28346 1956-10-7
GH: 02455876 Anthospermum aethiopicum Linnaeus South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Clarkson. Cape. H. J. Thode A854 1926-8
GH: 02455875 Anthospermum aethiopicum Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province In decliv. Langebergen R. Schlechter 5676 1894-10-22
GH: 02455874 Anthospermum aethiopicum Linnaeus South Africa: ad pedem Montis Tabulavis prope Matte Klip P. MacOwan 1882
A: 02455873 Anthospermum aethiopicum Linnaeus South Africa: Gauteng Province Kleinfontein, near Hankey. E. Cape R. D. A. Bayliss BS 8676 1976-10-27
A: 02455872 Anthospermum aethiopicum Linnaeus South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Vaalvlei, near Grahamstown. E. Cape R. D. A. Bayliss BS 7625 1976-9-22
A: 02455871 Anthospermum aethiopicum Linnaeus South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Cradock Common, Grahamstown R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4704 1971
GH: 00092579 Anthospermum aethiopicum reflexifolium Kuntze South Africa: Western Cape Province Swellendam: 300 m. C. E. O. Kuntze 1894
GH: 02455878 Anthospermum asperuloides Hooker f. : Africa: West Trop. Africa G. Mann 1290 1859
GH: 02455877 Anthospermum asperuloides Hooker f. : Africa: West Trop Africa G. Mann 1290 1859
GH: 02455880 Anthospermum bergianum Cruse : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7821
GH: 02455881 Anthospermum bergianum Cruse South Africa: prope Rompe Valley H. H. Bolus 4745
GH: 02455882 Anthospermum bergianum Cruse South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02455879 Anthospermum bergianum Cruse South Africa: Western Cape Province pr. "Retreat" R. A. Dümmer 65a 1908-9
GH: 02455883 Anthospermum bicorne Puff South Africa: Western Cape Province Houw Hoek H. H. Bolus 341
A: 02455884 Anthospermum dregei Sonder South Africa: Northern Cape Province Little Namaqualand. Steinkopf. Flats of Anen... H. W. R. Marloth 12225 1925-8-20
GH: 02455889 Anthospermum galioides Reichenbach ex Sprengel : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7292
GH: 02455888 Anthospermum galioides Reichenbach ex Sprengel : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1029
GH: 02455887 Anthospermum galioides Reichenbach ex Sprengel : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6381
GH: 02455886 Anthospermum galioides Reichenbach ex Sprengel South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02455885 Anthospermum galioides Reichenbach ex Sprengel South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00092579 Anthospermum galioides reflexifolium (Kuntze) Puff South Africa: Western Cape Province Swellendam: 300 m. C. E. O. Kuntze 1894
GH: 02455894 Anthospermum galioides reflexifolium (Kuntze) Puff South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
A: 02455893 Anthospermum galioides reflexifolium (Kuntze) Puff South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
A: 02455892 Anthospermum galioides reflexifolium (Kuntze) Puff South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Inland from Pringle Bay R. N. Parker 4895 1953-8-17
A: 02455891 Anthospermum galioides reflexifolium (Kuntze) Puff South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Inland from Pringle Bay R. N. Parker 4896 1953-8-17
A: 02455890 Anthospermum galioides reflexifolium (Kuntze) Puff South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: above Rooi Els R. N. Parker 4690 1951
GH: 02455913 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. : Africa: Gebel Schibam. Monacha G. A. Schweinfurth 1427 1889-2-17
GH: 02455902 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. : Earth: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02455901 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4349
GH: 02455911 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo-Belge. Mukarumbi F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 2385 1926-5-29
GH: 02455912 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. Ethiopia: Tigre regionis mediae et superioris montis Scholod... G. H. W. Schimper 194 1837-6-11
A: 02455898 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. Kenya: B. E. A. [British East Africa] Protectorate R. A. Dümmer 5178 1922-3
GH: 02455909 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. Malawi: Nyasaland J. Buchanan, C. M. G. 247 1891
A: 02455908 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. Malawi: Zomba Plateau, Zomba District L. J. Brass 16189 1946-6-3
A: 02455907 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. Malawi: Nchisi Mountain, Kota-Kota District L. J. Brass 17107 1946-8-2
GH: 02455906 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. South Africa: circa Kokstad in ditione Griqualand East W. Tyson 576
GH: 02455905 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province circa Clyderdale in ditione Griqualand East W. Tyson 733
GH: 02455904 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Clarkson. Cape. H. J. Thode A855 1926-5
A: 02455903 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Komgha CP. near Komgha H. G. Flanagan 24 1891-1
A: 02455900 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. South Africa: Northern Cape Province Orientalis, Ost-Griqualand R. Schlechter 6435 1895-1-26
A: 02455899 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. South Africa: Western Cape Province Knysna J. D. M. Keet 706 1921-3
A: 02455897 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. South Africa: Western Cape Province George, C. P. [data not captured] 1917-7
A: 02455910 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. Uganda: Nyakabande, Ruanda Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 401 1939-1-27
GH: 02455895 Anthospermum hirtum Cruse : Africa: in monte Diaboli [no data available] 2311 1892-8
A: 02455896 Anthospermum hispidulum E. Meyer ex Sonder South Africa: Mariepskop. Eastern Transvaal. H. P. v. der Schijff 5996 1962
A: 02455914 Anthospermum madagascariense Homolle ex Puff Madagascar: Massif du Beampingaratra (Sud-Est): Vallée ... J.-H. Humbert 6304 1928-10-31
GH: 02455917 Anthospermum paniculatum Cruse : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4476
GH: 02455918 Anthospermum paniculatum Cruse : Africa: Afr. austr. I. L. Drege 7662
GH: 02455915 Anthospermum paniculatum Cruse : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 262
GH: 02455916 Anthospermum paniculatum Cruse South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02455920 Anthospermum prostratum Sonder : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5663
GH: 02455921 Anthospermum prostratum Sonder South Africa: Western Cape Province pr. "Claremont" R. A. Dümmer 63b 1908-9
GH: 02455919 Anthospermum prostratum Sonder South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
A: 02455926 Anthospermum pumilum Sonder : Africa: [no additional data] K. Dinter 6115 1929-3-4
A: 02455923 Anthospermum pumilum Sonder Namibia: Windhuk Bergland R. H. W. Seydel 4104 1965
A: 02455922 Anthospermum pumilum Sonder Namibia: Windhuk Bergland Finkenstein R. H. W. Seydel 3887 1964-2-23
GH: 02455925 Anthospermum pumilum Sonder South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province circa Clydesdale in ditine Griqualand East W. Tyson 818
A: 02455924 Anthospermum pumilum Sonder South Africa: Transvaal Province [do not use] 20-30 Meilen nordöstlich von Pretoria E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1270 1958
GH: 02455928 Anthospermum sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1551
A: 02455944 Anthospermum sp. Kenya: Coast Mombasa: [no additional data] N. Fukuoka 478 1987-9-14
A: 02455927 Anthospermum sp. South Africa: Sydafrika, Kapkolomien [illegible] A. Hapström 1058 1936-10-22
GH: 02455930 Anthospermum spathulatum Sprengel : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1028
A: 02455934 Anthospermum spathulatum Sprengel South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Willowmore. Blydeberg nr. Willowmore H. Andreae 945 1923-9-18
A: 02455933 Anthospermum spathulatum Sprengel South Africa: Western Cape Province Knysna C. P. Grootkops River J. D. M. Keet 32 1919-9
A: 02455932 Anthospermum spathulatum Sprengel South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Steenbras river month R. N. Parker 1946-6-13
A: 02455931 Anthospermum spathulatum Sprengel South Africa: Western Cape Province Below Sir Lowry's Pass. Stellenbosch divisio... R. N. Parker 4261 1947-9-29
A: 02455929 Anthospermum spathulatum Sprengel South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West, Cape Province R. N. Parker 3597 1941-9-30
A: 02455938 Anthospermum usambarense K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2098 1927-2-16
A: 02455937 Anthospermum usambarense K. Schumann Kenya: [no additional data] J. B. Gillett 16258
A: 02455940 Anthospermum usambarense K. Schumann Malawi: Kyimbila District (North of Lake Nyasa) A. F. Stolz 2009
A: 02455939 Anthospermum usambarense K. Schumann Malawi: Kyimbila District (North of Lake Nyassa) A. F. Stolz 2009
A: 02455935 Anthospermum usambarense K. Schumann Malawi: Nyika Plateau, North Nyasa District L. J. Brass 17265 1946-8-16
A: 02455941 Anthospermum welwitschii Hiern Kenya: B. E. A. [British East Africa] Protectorate R. A. Dümmer 5105 1922-3
A: 02455942 Anthospermum welwitschii Hiern South Africa: Mariepskop. E. Tvl. On road to Blyde river p... H. P. v. der Schijff 6128 1962
A: 02455943 Anthospermum whyteanum Britten Malawi: Luchenya Plateau, Mlanje Mountain, Mlanje Di... L. J. Brass 16430 1946-6-25
GH: 00518774 Antirhea acutata latifolia Urban : Puerto Rico: Prope Guanico P. E. E. Sintenis 3480 1886-1-25
A: 00312867 Antirhea anodon (Miquel) Chaw Indonesia: Maluku Amboina
GH: 00404974 Antirhea aromatica Cast.-Campos & Lorence Mexico: Veracruz Barranca de Monterrey al S de Cuetzalan, Apa... G. Castillo-Campos 2957 1983-9-17
GH: 00404975 Antirhea aromatica Cast.-Campos & Lorence Mexico: Veracruz Barranca de Monterrey al S de Cuetzalan, Apa... G. Castillo-Campos 2957 1983-9-17
GH: 02455262 Antirhea bifurcata (Desrousseaux) Bentham & Hooker f. bis : Africa: Mauritius or Madagascar J. Blackburn
GH: 02455261 Antirhea bifurcata (Desrousseaux) Bentham & Hooker f. bis Mauritius: [no additional data] [illegible]
A: 00312847 Antirhea bombysia Chaw Philippines: Palawan Mt. Victoria (SE slope) Panacan, Aborlan M. D. Sulit 12400 1950-5-18
GH: 02455264 Antirhea borbonica J. F. Gmelin Madagascar: Fianarantsoa Vatovavy-Fitovinany: Ranomafana: Vohiparara C. DeSisto Jean-Claude Rakotonirina 138 2017
GH: 02455263 Antirhea borbonica J. F. Gmelin Madagascar: Fianarantsoa Vatovavy-Fitovinany: Ranomafana: Vohiparara C. DeSisto Jean-Claude Rakotonirina 143 2017
A: 02455266 Antirhea borbonica J. F. Gmelin Mauritius: [no additional data] P. B. Ayres
A: 02455265 Antirhea borbonica J. F. Gmelin Mauritius: [no additional data] P. B. Ayres
A: 00092350 Antirhea cahosiana Urban & Ekman Haiti: Massif de Cahos, Dessalines, Hatte-Grammant E. L. Ekman H8537a 1927-6-24
A: 00312851 Antirhea caudata (Jansen) Chaw Philippines: Palawan Mt. Victoria (SE base) Panacan, Aborlan, ban... M. D. Sulit 12315 1950-5-10
A: 00970835 Antirhea chinensis Bentham & Hooker f. ex F. B. Forbes & Hemsley China: Guangdong Dapeng Jiedao: E of city of Shenzhen proper ... D. E. Boufford, Wei Guo & T. T. Yu... 42980 2013-5-28
A: 00312848 Antirhea edanoi Chaw Philippines: Sulu Tawitawi M. Ramos & G. E. Edaño 44015 1924-7
GH: 00518773 Antirhea ekmanii Borhidi Dominican Republic: Hispaniola. Civ. Santo Domingo: Cordillera C... E. L. Ekman 15429 1930-6-25
GH: 00092341 Antirhea elliptica Urban & Ekman Dominican Republic: Barahona On Isla de Cabritos, Laguna de Enriquillo, h... E. L. Ekman H9863 1928-4-16
A: 00032377 Antirhea esquirolii H. Léveillé China: J. H. Esquirol 867
A: 00112727 Antirhea hexasperma (Roxburgh) Merrill Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) W. Koetai, no. 45 Kombeng, limestone rock, h... F. H. Endert 5397 1925-11-29
A: 00312848 Antirhea hexasperma (Roxburgh) Merrill Philippines: Sulu Tawitawi M. Ramos & G. E. Edaño 44015 1924-7
A: 00312849 Antirhea hexasperma (Roxburgh) Merrill Philippines: Cagayan Mt. Babatngin G. E. Edaño 79440 1930-5
A: 00112728 Antirhea inaequalis Chaw Malaysia: Sabah Kinabatangan: 0.25 mile east of Bumbulud Sum... G. H. S. Wood SAN A4623 1954-7-22
GH: 00312860 Antirhea inconspicua (Seemann) Christophersen Fiji: B. C. Seemann 257 1860
GH: 00312899 Antirhea inconspicua (Seemann) Christophersen Fiji: B. C. Seemann 893 1860
GH: 00312900 Antirhea inconspicua (Seemann) Christophersen Fiji: Feejee Islands Wilkes Expedition 1838
GH: 00092336 Antirhea involucrata Urban & Ekman Haiti: Foothills at La Hotte Guormant E. L. Ekman H3527 1925-3-14
A: 00312850 Antirhea livida Elmer Philippines: Quezon Mt. Binuang, Province of Tayabas, Luzon [Isl... M. Ramos & G. E. Edaño 28869 1917-5
A: 00046680 Antirhea martini H. Léveillé China: Guizhou Environs de Gan-Pin, rochers pres de la vill... J. Cavalerie 1025 1903-6-3
A: 00312859 Antirhea megacarpa Merrill & L. M. Perry Indonesia: Papua Netherlands New Guinea, Forestgarden "Tafelb... C. Versteegh 4759 1957-5-27
A: 00312866 Antirhea megacarpa Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Western Oriomo River K. J. White & E. C. G. Gray 10439 1959-1
A: 00312898 Antirhea megacarpa Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Gulf Ghu, Vailala River L. J. Brass 946 1926-2-12
GH: 00092338 Antirhea montecristina Urban Dominican Republic: Monte Cristi Monte Cristi, top of El Morro, ca. 200 m. E. L. Ekman H13142 1929-8-2
A: 00092339 Antirhea montecristina Urban Dominican Republic: Monte Cristi Monte Cristi, top of El Morro, ca. 200 m. E. L. Ekman H13142 1929-8-2
GH: 00092340 Antirhea mucronata Urban Cuba: C. Wright 2782 1860
A: 00312864 Antirhea novobrittaniense (Jansen) Chaw Papua New Guinea: South New Britain, Eliak creek bank K. J. White 10058 1958
A: 00092348 Antirhea oligantha Urban Dominican Republic: Barahona In cacumine Noche Buena, 1800 m. Miguel Fuertes 1496 1912-4
A: 00092349 Antirhea oligantha Urban Dominican Republic: Barahona Inter brachia rivulorum Cañada maluca, 1500... Miguel Fuertes 1471 1912-4
A: 00312863 Antirhea ovatifolia (Jansen) Chaw Australia (Country): Queensland Cape York Peninsula, Newcastle Bay, 2 1/2 mi... L. J. Brass 18667 1948-5-7
GH: 00518782 Antirhea panamensis Standley Panama: San Blas District Perme G. P. Cooper 238 1933-4-23
A: 00312849 Antirhea paxillata Chaw Philippines: Cagayan Mt. Babatngin G. E. Edaño 79440 1930-5
GH: 00312924 Antirhea putaminosa (F. Mueller) F. M. Bailey Australia (Country): Queensland Rockhampton A. Thozet
GH: 00589988 Antirhea radiata (Grisebach) Urban Cuba: C. Wright 3581
A: 00092345 Antirhea shaferi Urban Cuba: J. A. Shafer-1 3160
GH: 00518772 Antirhea sintenesii Urban : Puerto Rico: Prope Utuado ad Los Angeles P. E. E. Sintenis 5945 1887-1-17
GH: 00312922 Antirhea smithii (Fosberg) Merrill & L. M. Perry Fiji: Moala, above Maloku Albert C. Smith 1347 1934-3-20
A: 00312863 Antirhea sp. Australia (Country): Queensland Cape York Peninsula, Newcastle Bay, 2 1/2 mi... L. J. Brass 18667 1948-5-7
GH: 00518773 Antirhea sp. Dominican Republic: Hispaniola. Civ. Santo Domingo: Cordillera C... E. L. Ekman 15429 1930-6-25
A: 00312846 Antirhea sp. Indonesia: Papua Rouffaer river W. M. Docters van Leeuwen 10353 1926-9
A: 00312847 Antirhea sp. Philippines: Palawan Mt. Victoria (SE slope) Panacan, Aborlan M. D. Sulit 12400 1950-5-18
A: 00312846 Antirhea sphaerocarpa Chaw Indonesia: Papua Rouffaer river W. M. Docters van Leeuwen 10353 1926-9
A: 00312850 Antirhea tayabensis Chaw Philippines: Quezon Mt. Binuang, Province of Tayabas, Luzon [Isl... M. Ramos & G. E. Edaño 28869 1917-5
GH: 00092346 Antirhea tenuiflora Urban Cuba: C. Wright 2710 1860
GH: 00092346 Antirhea urbaniana C. T. White Cuba: C. Wright 2710 1860
GH: 00092331 Antirrhoea albobrunea Urban & Ekman Haiti: Ile la Tartue, in limestone terraces at Pte.... E. L. Ekman H4146 1925-5-28
A: 00092332 Antirrhoea cahosiana Urban & Ekman Haiti: Massif de Cahos, Dessalines, Hatte-Grammant E. L. Ekman H8537a 1927-6-24
GH: 00092337 Antirrhoea granulata (Grisebach) Urban Cuba: Monte Verde, dense woods C. Wright 1271 1859-7-19
A: 00046681 Antirrhoea martini H. Léveillé China: Guizhou Environs de Gan-Pin, rochers pres de la vill... L. Martin 2300
GH: 00092342 Antirrhoea pitoniana Urban & Ekman Haiti: Massif du Nord, Port-de-Paix, Haut-Piton, ca... E. L. Ekman H4596 1925-8-10
GH: 00092343 Antirrhoea radiata (Grisebach) Urban Cuba: Monte Verde C. Wright 2712 1860-4-2
GH: 00092344 Antirrhoea rotundata (Grisebach) Bentham & Hooker f. Cuba: Retiro C. Wright 2714 1860-7-12
A: 02435343 Aoranthe annulata (K. Schumann) Somers Gabon: Région entre Ogooué et Cameroun G. M. P. C. Le Testu 9339 1932
A: 02435342 Aoranthe annulata (K. Schumann) Somers Gabon: [illegible]a[illegible]irlo G. M. P. C. Le Testu 9355 1932
GH: 02435350 Aoranthe cladantha (K. Schumann) Somers : Africa: Gabon. Région entre Ogooué et Came... G. M. P. C. Le Testu 9283 1932
A: 01154666 Aoranthe cladantha (K. Schumann) Somers Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1872 1898
GH: 02435352 Aoranthe cladantha (K. Schumann) Somers Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 326 1913-7
A: 02435348 Aoranthe cladantha (K. Schumann) Somers Cameroon: Doumé F. J. Breteler 654 1960
GH: 02435347 Aoranthe cladantha (K. Schumann) Somers Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Southwest: Bolo-Meboka, Mamfe road. Between ... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 255 1986-9-22
GH: 02435351 Aoranthe cladantha (K. Schumann) Somers Gabon: Ogooué-Lolo Région de Lastoursville G. M. P. C. Le Testu 7798 1929
GH: 02435349 Aoranthe cladantha (K. Schumann) Somers Gabon: Nyanga Tchibanga G. M. P. C. Le Testu 1690
A: 02435354 Aoranthe cladantha (K. Schumann) Somers Nigeria: [no additional data] J. D. Kennedy bis 353
A: 02435353 Aoranthe cladantha (K. Schumann) Somers Nigeria: [no additional data] J. D. Kennedy bis 1463
A: 02435344 Aoranthe nalaensis (De Wildeman) Somers Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Entre Wamba et Gombo[?] J. A. Lebrun 3317 1931
A: 02435346 Aoranthe penduliflora (K. Schumann) Somers Tanzania: Tanga Amani, D. O. Afr. [Deutsch-Ostafrika Africa] [no data available] 394 1903-6
A: 02435345 Aoranthe penduliflora (K. Schumann) Somers Tanzania: Tanga Amani, Msambaras P. J. Greenway 991 1928-11-15
A: 00092351 Appunia parviflora Lundell Belize: Stann Creek Silk Grass Creek Reserve P. H. Gentle 2986 1939-9-5
A: 00092352 Appunia seibertii Standley Panama: Panama Vicinity of Arenoso, lower Rio Trinidad, 26-... R. J. Seibert 624 1935-8-7
GH: 01154549 Arachnothryx buddleioides (Bentham) Planchon Mexico: Veracruz [protologue: "Sierra de Zongolica"] A. L. J. F. Sumichrast
GH: 01154550 Arachnothryx buddleioides (Bentham) Planchon Mexico: Chiapas près du village J[ardin?] de Guajitepeque A. B. Ghiesbreght 686 1864
A: 01154978 Arachnothryx chiapensis (Brandegee) Borhidi Mexico: Chiapas Cerro d. Boqueron C. A. Purpus 7514 1913-8
GH: 00096126 Arachnothryx chiapensis (Brandegee) Borhidi Mexico: Chiapas Cerro del Boqueron C. A. Purpus 7041 1913-8
GH: 00359367 Arachnothryx villosa (Hemsley) Borhidi Mexico: Oaxaca Trapiche de la Concepción F. M. Liebmann 70 1842-10
GH: 00092353 Arcytophyllum aristatum Standley Colombia: Caldas Paramo del Quindio, 3700-4200 m. F. W. Pennell & T. E. Hazen 10003 1922-8-15
GH: 00092580 Arcytophyllum cachirense K. Schumann Colombia: I. Linden 1340 1842
GH: 02355985 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas Rockport: [no additional data] B. C. Tharp 1932
GH: 02355984 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas Blue Creek Canyon old Wilson Ranch, Big Bend... D. S. Correll 33828 1966-9-23
GH: 02355983 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas Big Bend National Park. Chisos Mountains, Pi... D. S. Correll & D. C. Wasshausen 27876 1963-6-17
GH: 02355982 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas Chisos Mountains; head of Blue Creek Canyon J. A. Moore (Texas) & J. A. Steyer... 3323 1931-7-1
A: 02355981 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas Chisos Mountains; head of Blue Creek Canyon J. A. Moore (Texas) & J. A. Steyer... 3323 1931-7-1
A: 02355980 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas Chisos Mts. C. H. Muller 8169 1931
GH: 02355979 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas Rio Grande Basin; on east side of Green Cany... R. T. Clausen & H. Trapido 5289 1940-9-5
A: 02355978 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas near Oak Canyon; Chisos Mountains E. J. Palmer 34134 1928-5-24
A: 02355977 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas Upper Juniper canyon; Chisos Mts. C. H. Muller 1932-7-30
A: 02355976 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas Chisos Mts. C. H. Muller 8169 1931-6-28
GH: 02355975 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas Chisos Mts. C. H. Muller 8169 1931
GH: 02355974 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas Chisos Mts upper Juniper canyon C. H. Muller 1932-7-30
GH: 02355973 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas above Lower Juniper Spring, Chisos Mts. B. H. Warnock 897 1937-6-23
GH: 02355972 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas in Burnt Camp Canyon ; near the Solitario L. C. Hinckley 2257 1941-11-30
GH: 02355971 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas Chisos Mts V. Harvard 31 1883-8
GH: 02355970 Arcytophyllum fasciculatum (A. Gray) Terrell & H. Robinson USA: Texas Chisos Mts M. S. Young 1915-8-8
GH: 00092354 Arcytophyllum macbridei Standley Peru: Cajamarca Eastern side of the Cordillera east of Huanc... A. Weberbauer 6102 1912-4
GH: 02411603 Arcytophyllum serpyllaceum (Schlechtendal) Terrell Guatemala: San Marcos Volcan Tacana; east side of mtn. at La Hacie... J. H. Beaman 3197 1959-8-11
A: 02455268 Argocoffeopsis eketensis (Wernham) Robbrecht : Africa: Niger C. Barter 1249 1857
A: 02455267 Argocoffeopsis eketensis (Wernham) Robbrecht Cameroon: Bertoua, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 875 1960-12-20
GH: 02455271 Argocoffeopsis subcordata (Hiern) Lebrun Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 291 1913-1
A: 02455269 Argocoffeopsis subcordata (Hiern) Lebrun Cameroon: Station [?]annde G. A. Zenker & A. Staudt 709 1894
A: 02455270 Argocoffeopsis subcordata (Hiern) Lebrun Gabon: Gabonia T.-J. Klaine 1642 1899-12
GH: 02604763 Argostemma angustifolium Miq. Indonesia: Sumatera: East Coast H. S. Yates 1540
GH: 02604762 Argostemma angustifolium Miq. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Headwaters of Aek Liang (region between Dolo... Rahmat Si Boeea 9719 1936-7-28
GH: 02604761 Argostemma angustifolium Miq. Indonesia: Sumatera: Tapianoeli: Vicinity of Loemban Lo... Rahmat Si Boeea 9474 1936-7-27
A: 02604764 Argostemma anisophyllum Merr. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Ketapang. Gunung Palung National Park, Caban... T. G. Laman, I. A. Rachman & E. Mi... TL783 1997-3-13
GH: 02604797 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Headwaters of Aek Liang (region between Dolo... Rahmat Si Boeea 9708 1936-7-28
GH: 02604796 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Serawai. Kaki Bk. Raya base camp; foothills ... A. C. Church, I. A. Rachman & A. R... 2596 1995-10-19
A: 02604795 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Nirmala Estate, Gn Kalimun area, Cikandi Riv... M. M. J. van Balgooy & H. Wiriadin... 2939 1980-6-10
A: 02604791 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Aceh Gajolanden. From Sanger bivouac 2 to 3 at th... C. G. G. J. van Steenis 9890 1937-3-20
A: 02604789 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Riau Tigapuluh Mts., 10 km SW of Talanglakat on R... J. S. Burley 2139 1988-11-25
A: 02604785 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Aceh Gajolanden. From bivouac 7 via Aer Panas to ... C. G. G. J. van Steenis 10088 1937-3-24
A: 02604784 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Serawai. Uut Labang; immediate environs surr... A. C. Church, I. A. Rachman & A. R... 2235 1995-10-6
A: 02604783 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Serawai. 3 km south of Nanga Jelundung, grow... A. C. Church, I. A. Rachman & A. R... 2784 1995-10-29
A: 02604782 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) G. Bentuang area: 5-10 km north of Masa vila... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 3265 1989-7-1
A: 02604780 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] H. Zollinger 1310
A: 02604779 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Kalimantan: Headwaters of S. Kahayan; 5 km N... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 619 1988-4-9
A: 02604778 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Tengah (Central Java) Batu raden; Mt. Slamet, south slope, Plot 1 ... H. Wiriadinata, W. S. Hoover, J. M... HW 11255 2004-3-13
GH: 02474453 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Sumatera: [Sumindoeng?] H. O. Forbes 2133 1881
A: 02604807 Argostemma borragineum corymbosum (Ridley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Aek Moente (Aer Moette), (northe... Rahmat Si Boeea 9304 1936-6-15
A: 02604806 Argostemma borragineum corymbosum (Ridley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Tomoean Dolok (Topographic Sheet... Rahmat Si Boeea 9892 1936-8-1
GH: 02604805 Argostemma borragineum corymbosum (Ridley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Adian Rindang, vicinity of Hoeta Tomoean Dol... Rahmat Si Boeea 8811 1935-11-17
GH: 02604804 Argostemma borragineum corymbosum (Ridley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Hoeta Bagasan Rahmat Si Boeea 7080 1934-9-7
GH: 02604803 Argostemma borragineum corymbosum (Ridley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Haboko (southeast corner of topo... Rahmat Si Boeea 8421 1935-10-20
GH: 02604802 Argostemma borragineum corymbosum (Ridley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Loemban Ria Rahmat Si Boeea 7574 1934-2-5
GH: 02604801 Argostemma borragineum corymbosum (Ridley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera: Karo Highlands; Km 57 on Medan Roa... C. Hamel & R. S. Toroes 485 1928-6-7
GH: 02604800 Argostemma borragineum corymbosum (Ridley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Tor Matoetoeng (The summit is Secondary Tria... Rahmat Si Boeea 9527 1936-7-10
GH: 02604798 Argostemma borragineum corymbosum (Ridley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Adian Rindang, vicinity of Hoeta Tomoean Dol... Rahmat Si Boeea 8671 1935-11-17
GH: 02604799 Argostemma borragineum corymbosum (Ridley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Tor Matoetoeng (The summit, alt. 1792 m., is... Rahmat Si Boeea 9460 1936-7-10
A: 02604794 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Kinabalu National Park, Silam-Silam t... P. F. Stevens et al. 659 1976-1-23
A: 02604793 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Malaysia: Sarawak Sungei Balang, a tributary of the extreme he... J. A. R. Anderson & Ilias bin Paie S 28881 1969-7-17
A: 02604792 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Malaysia: Sarawak Balleh/Balang watershed ridge, extreme headw... J. A. R. Anderson S 28396 1969-7-5
GH: 02604790 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: below first resting point belo... A. L. Bogle & M. P. Bogle 545 1962-2-17
A: 02604788 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Malaysia: Sabah Penampang: Crocker Range, Km 49.5 on Kota Ki... J. H. Beaman Reed S. Beaman, Teofi... 10473 1984-7-3
A: 02604787 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Malaysia: Sabah Marai Parai spur J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 32962 1933-4-25
A: 02604786 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Malaysia: Sarawak Bukit Mersing, Tau Range J. W. Purseglove P 5282 1956-6-1
GH: 02604781 Argostemma borragineum Blume ex DC. Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Ridge above Pina Taki river; P... J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 31077 1933-1-16
A: 02604774 Argostemma brachyantherum Stapf Indonesia: Kalimantan: Kalteng. Samba. 1994-1995 cuttin... J. K. Jarvie & A. Ruskandi 5858 1995-2-1
A: 02604773 Argostemma brachyantherum Stapf Indonesia: Kalimantan: Headwaters of S. Kahayan; 5 km N... J. J. Afriastini, G. W. Argus et a... 612 1988-4-7
A: 02604768 Argostemma brachyantherum Stapf Indonesia: Bali Pujungan District, Kayan Mentarang Reserve: ... J. A. McDonald & I. A. Rachman 3583 1992-7-22
A: 02604766 Argostemma brachyantherum Stapf Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Central East Borneo; West Koetai; F. H. Endert 4171 1925-10-15
A: 02604765 Argostemma brachyantherum Stapf Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Serawai. 3 km south of Nanga Jelundung, grow... A. C. Church, I. A. Rachman & A. R... 2792 1995-10-29
A: 02604775 Argostemma brachyantherum Stapf Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu National Park: along Liwagu Riv... M. Kato, H. Okada, R. Imaichi, M. ... 1303 1997-12-21
GH: 02604772 Argostemma brachyantherum Stapf Malaysia: Sabah Penampang: Crocker Range, Km 49.5 on Kota Ki... J. H. Beaman Reed S. Beaman, Teofi... 10427 1984-7-3
GH: 02604771 Argostemma brachyantherum Stapf Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: East Mesilau River near Mesilau Cave. J. H. Beaman 10683 1984-7-14
GH: 02604770 Argostemma brachyantherum Stapf Malaysia: Sabah Penampang: Crocker Range, Km 51.8 on Kota Ki... J. H. Beaman Reed S. Beaman and K.... 6930 1983-9-7
GH: 02604769 Argostemma brachyantherum Stapf Malaysia: Sabah Penampang: Crocker Range, Km 51.8 on Kota Ki... J. H. Beaman 8931 1984-3-16
GH: 02604767 Argostemma brachyantherum Stapf Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Vicinity of Kambaranga. A. L. Bogle, M. P. Bogle & R. B. K... 389 1962-2-7
A: 02604776 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Indonesia: Sulawesi Tenggara (Southeast Sulawesi) Distr. Koloka; Uluhgalo I. Erlinawati IW 205 2008-5-13
A: 02605078 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Indonesia: Papua Pegunungan 15 Km. SW. of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River L. J. Brass 12343 1939-1
A: 02605073 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Indonesia: Papua Pegunungan Star Mts, Mt Antare, along river Bon, near m... C. Kalkman 4315 1959-6-28
A: 02605071 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Indonesia: Papua Pegunungan 15 Km. SW. of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River L. J. Brass 12346 1939-1
A: 02605068 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Indonesia: Papua Pegunungan 6 km. SW. of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River L. J. Brass 12921 1939-2
A: 02605062 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Indonesia: Papua Barat Mountains south of the Arfak Plains; steep r... M. J. S. Sands Jitmau, Markus, War... 6436 1994-4-29
A: 00092362 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Idenburg River, 4 km. southwest of Bernhard ... L. J. Brass 13422 1939-3
GH: 02605113 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Above Bakaia - about 15 miles SW of Garaina T. G. Hartley TGH 12689 1964-1-22
A: 02605077 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Madang London Mission, Moru; Akaifu-Kunimaipa Divid... H. A. Brown 355 1954
A: 02605075 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Edie Creek Road - about 4 miles SW of Wau T. G. Hartley TGH 12314 1963-11-1
A: 02605074 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Edie Creek Road W of Wau T. G. Hartley TGH 9980 1962-3-8
A: 02605072 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Two miles W of Omaura T. G. Hartley TGH 11975 1963-7-5
A: 02605070 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Central Mavi L. J. Brass 4987 1933-5
A: 02605067 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Esa'ala: E. slopes Mt. Kilkerran (Woiataub),... J. R. Croft et al. LAE 71021 1976-12-6
A: 02605066 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Crater Mt. Wildlife Management Area, E of Ha... W. N. Takeuchi 11150 1996-9-13
A: 02605065 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wantoat (Wantot) M. S. Clemens 11082 1940-2-3
A: 02605064 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Esa'ala: Fergusson Isl.; Mts. between Agamoi... L. J. Brass 27146 1956-6-14
A: 02605061 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Chimbu 10 km due east of Haia, Crater Mountain Biol... A. Mack 513 1991-7-25
A: 02605060 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Enga Waile Creek area, expedition Camp 1 W. N. Takeuchi, A. Towati & D. Ama 19722 2005-8-23
A: 02605059 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Western Juha South (Expedition Bivouac 2), survey tr... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 23286 2008-2-21
A: 02605058 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Western Juha North (Expedition Bivouac 1), survey tr... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 23580 2008-3-30
A: 02605057 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Western Juha North (Expedition Bivouac 1), survey tr... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 23391 2008-3-27
GH: 00092363 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Laguna Los Banos: Mount Maquiling A. D. E. Elmer 17637 1917-7
GH: 00092365 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin, Mount Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 16175 1916-5
GH: 02605127 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin (Mt. Bulusan) A. D. E. Elmer 16543 1916-7
GH: 02605126 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Laguna Los Baños (Mt. Maquiling) A. D. E. Elmer 17721 1917-6
GH: 02605125 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: [no additional data] [see remarks] 1838
A: 02605123 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Negros Oriental Lake Balinsasayao; Tanjay G. E. Edaño PNH 6738 1948-9-15
A: 02605124 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Negros Oriental Cuernos de Negros G. E. Edaño PNH 7271 1949-5-5
A: 02605122 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Mindoro: Mt. Ilong G. E. Edaño PNH 3372 1948-2-20
GH: 02605121 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Agusan Diuata Mts. M. Ramos & P. Convocar BS 83727 1931-4
GH: 02605120 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Pampanga Camp Stotsenburg (Mt. Pinatubo) A. D. E. Elmer 22123 1927-5
GH: 02605119 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin (Mt. Bulusan) A. D. E. Elmer 15397 1915-12
GH: 02605118 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Batanes Mt. Iraya; Batan Island M. Ramos BS 79956 1930-4
A: 02605117 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Sorsogon Mt. Bulusan M. D. Sulit PNH 3666 1947-7
A: 02605116 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Negros Oriental Lake Danao; Sibulan G. E. Edaño PNH 6605 1948-8-22
GH: 02605115 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Batanes Mt. Iraya Batan Island M. Ramos BS 80252 1930-6
GH: 02605114 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Mindoro: Mt. Calavite M. Ramos BS 39462 1921-4
GH: 02605112 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Batanes Mt. Iraya; Batan Island M. Ramos BS 80202 1930-6
A: 02605076 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Mindanao Island: Province of Lanao; Vicinity... A. L. Zwickey 99 1938-9-7
A: 02605063 Argostemma bryophilum K. Schumann Philippines: Mindanao Island: Province of Lanao; Mt. Maka... A. L. Zwickey 509 1938-10-22
A: 02604777 Argostemma burttii B.Bremer Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) G. Bentuang area: 5-10 km north of Masa vill... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 3109 1989-6-28
A: 02604808 Argostemma calcicola B.Bremer Malaysia: Sarawak Gunong Subis J. A. R. Anderson S 31672 1972-4-24
A: 02604809 Argostemma densifolium Ridl. Brunei: Temburong Batu Apoi: Bukit Gelagas. Sg Arur downstream... D. A. Simpson M. Marsh 2420 1991-10-27
A: 00092355 Argostemma discolor Merrill China: Hainan Southern slope of Five Finger Mountain [Wuzh... F. A. McClure 9408 1922-5-3
A: 02605081 Argostemma distichum Valeton Indonesia: Papua Pegunungan 15 Km. SW. of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River L. J. Brass 11892 1939-1
A: 02605079 Argostemma distichum Valeton Indonesia: Papua Pegunungan 4 km. SW. of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River L. J. Brass 13316 1939-3
A: 02605080 Argostemma distichum Valeton Papua New Guinea: Palmer River, 2 mi. below junction Black R. L. J. Brass 7205 1936-7
A: 02605130 Argostemma distichum quadripetalum (Elmer) Bakhuizen f. Philippines: Samar Mt. Maliñgon, Wright M. D. Sulit PNH 6190 1948-4-13
A: 02605131 Argostemma distichum quadripetalum (Elmer) Bakhuizen f. Philippines: Quezon Anibawan; Polillo Island A. P. Castro PNH 8514 1948-12-4
A: 02604810 Argostemma elatostemma Hook.f. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) G. Bentuang area; 5-10 km N. of Masa village... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 2666 1989-6-17
GH: 02604812 Argostemma elatostemma obovata King Indonesia: Sumatera: Madan Brastagi road. Kilometers 59... W. N. Bangham & C. M. Bangham-Mast... 1153 1932-2-21
A: 02604811 Argostemma elatostemma Hook.f. Malaysia: Semenanjung Malaysia: Kampong Gobek, Kerilla... Mohd. Shah & Kadim MS 480 1959-2-28
A: 02604816 Argostemma geesinkii B.Bremer Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Central East Borneo; W. Koetai, no. 38, near... F. H. Endert 3916 1925-10-12
A: 02604814 Argostemma geesinkii B.Bremer Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Kecamatan Batangtoru, Kabupaten Tapanuli Sel... W. N. Takeuchi, Z. Efendi & D. Jun... 18780 2004-3-24
A: 02604815 Argostemma geesinkii B.Bremer Malaysia: Sabah Track from Keningau past Crocker Range headq... S. J. Davies, D. J. Middleton & S.... SJD 1999-10-17
GH: 02604813 Argostemma geesinkii B.Bremer Malaysia: Sabah Penampang: Crocker Range, Km 51.8 on Kota Ki... J. H. Beaman Reed S. Beaman, Teofi... 9270 1984-4-7
A: 02604821 Argostemma gracile Stapf Indonesia: Bali Pujungan District, Kayan Mentarang Reserve: ... J. A. McDonald & I. A. Rachman 3582 1992-7-22
A: 02604822 Argostemma gracile Stapf Malaysia: Sabah Kinabalu National Park, Bukit Burong and Liw... P. F. Stevens et al. 598 1976-1-21
GH: 02604820 Argostemma gracile Stapf Malaysia: Sabah Penampang: Crocker Range, Km 41 on Kota Kina... J. H. Beaman George Argent, Reed S... 8885 1984-3-14
GH: 02604819 Argostemma gracile Stapf Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Penibukan J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 32113 1933-3-13
GH: 02604818 Argostemma gracile Stapf Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Columbon river; E. Marai Parai... J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 34110 1933-5-7
A: 02604817 Argostemma gracile Stapf Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Ulu Langanani W. L. Chew, E. J. H. Corner & J. D... RSNB 1713 1961-8-10
A: 02604825 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Brunei: Temburong Amo; Ulu Belalong. L. P. 382, south-facing s... J. Dransfield M. J. E. Coode, D. W... 7435 1994-1-23
A: 02604840 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Serawai. .5 km west of Uut Labang. A. C. Church, I. A. Rachman & A. R... 2428 1995-10-12
A: 02604829 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Indonesia: Kalimantan Selatan (South Kalimantan) Gunong Besar G. Murata, M. Kato, J. P. Mogea B 3490 1979-2-18
A: 02604828 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Central East Borneo; W. Koetai, no. 38, near... F. H. Endert 4172 1925-10-15
GH: 02604823 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) G. Bentuang area: 5-10 km north of Masa vill... J. S. Burley 3198 1989-7-4
A: 02604841 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Malaysia: Sabah Sosopodon. Kundasan Sidek bin Kiah S 2 1966-9-18
GH: 02604839 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 26990 1931-11-7
GH: 02604838 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Dallas J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 26033 26486 1931-9-9
GH: 02604837 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu J. A. Griswold 29 1937-6-12
A: 02604836 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Malaysia: Sarawak Path to Gunong Silantek, Ulu Sg. Silantek Ki... Ilias bin Paie S 42549 1980-8-24
A: 02604835 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Malaysia: Sarawak Gunong Lesong, Lingga, 2nd Division. B. Lee S 44281 1981-12-3
GH: 02604834 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Marai Parai J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 32578 1933-4-4
A: 02604833 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Malaysia: Sabah Kinabalu National Park, Bukit Burong Trail P. F. Stevens et al. 564 1976-1-21
A: 02604832 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Malaysia: Malaysia Timor: Bettotan near Sandakan. C. B. Kloss SF 19154 1927-8-19
A: 02604831 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Malaysia: Sarawak Bukit Mersing, Tau Range J. W. Purseglove P 5256 1956-6-1
A: 02604830 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Malaysia: Sarawak Mount Dulit; Dulit Ridge P. W. Richards 1799 1932-9-14
GH: 02604827 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Crocker Range, Bukit Lugas, Kg. Himba... J. H. Beaman Reed S. Beaman, Pamla... 8443 1984-2-4
GH: 02604826 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Malaysia: Sabah Tambunan: Crocker Range, Km 57 on Kota Kinab... J. H. Beaman 7953 1983-12-18
GH: 02604824 Argostemma hameliifolium Wernham Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Pinosuk Plateau, Mt. Kinabalu golf co... J. H. Beaman David Perkins 8493 1984-2-5
A: 02604845 Argostemma havilandii Ridl. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Ketapang. Gunung Palung National Park, Caban... T. G. Laman, I. A. Rachman & E. Mi... TL626 1997-3-6
A: 02604846 Argostemma havilandii Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] Native Collector [Malaysia] 299
A: 02604844 Argostemma havilandii Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] Native Collector [Malaysia] 2403 1914-2
A: 02604843 Argostemma havilandii Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak Gat, Upper Rejang River J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 21739 1929
A: 02604842 Argostemma havilandii Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] Native Collector [Malaysia] 1232
A: 02604847 Argostemma hookeri King Malaysia: Pahang Taman Negara: between Kuala Kenyam to Kuala ... H. Okada, D. Darnaedi, H. Akiyama,... 1013 1990-8-23
A: 02604848 Argostemma humifusum W.W.Sm. Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] Native Collector [Malaysia] D 131
GH: 00092358 Argostemma humile Bennett Malaysia: Penang W. Jack 8391
A: 02604850 Argostemma involucratum Hemsl. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) inland (N-NW) of the town of Batangtoru, Kec... W. N. Takeuchi, J. Zegar & K. Sino... 18500 2003-6-16
A: 02604849 Argostemma involucratum Hemsl. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) inland (N-NW) of the town of Batangtoru, Kec... W. N. Takeuchi & E. Sambas 18200 2003-6-5
A: 02604852 Argostemma involucratum Hemsl. Malaysia: Selangor G. Bunga Buah ridge trail, Genting Highlands B. C. M. Stone 14492 1980-5-15
A: 02604851 Argostemma involucratum Hemsl. Malaysia: Selangor along the way from Kuala Lumbur to Gunong Ul... T. Shimizu, K. Iwatsuki, N. Fukuok... M 14079 1967-10-29
A: 02604854 Argostemma laeve Benn. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Gaju & Alas Lands; Mt. Goh Lemboeh. From biv... C. G. G. J. van Steenis 8963 1937-2-18
A: 02604853 Argostemma laevigatum Benn. Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] H. Zollinger 1691
A: 02604855 Argostemma longifolium Benn. Malaysia: Pahang Jerantut, Gunung Aais Forest Reserve, trail ... Y. Y. Sam Markandan, M.; Ayau, K.;... FRI 49110 2004-7-7
GH: 00092363 Argostemma maquilingense Elmer Philippines: Laguna Los Banos: Mount Maquiling A. D. E. Elmer 17637 1917-7
GH: 00092356 Argostemma monophyllum Ridley India: Meghalaya Khasia, 4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 02604856 Argostemma monophyllum Ridley Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Singkawang; gunung (Mt.) Poteng M. Kato, H. Okada, R. Imaichi, D. ... 31647 1991-12-22
A: 02604876 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) 220 km W. of Manado; 50 km inland from Pangi... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 3506 1990-2-25
A: 02604875 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) 220 km W. of Manado; 50 km inland from Pangi... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 3698 1990-3-7
GH: 02604874 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Sumatra, East Coast H. H. Bartlett & C. D. La Rue 250 1918
GH: 02604873 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa: South East Java H. O. Forbes 943 1880
GH: 02604872 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Sumatera: Medan Brastagi road. Kilometers 59... W. N. Bangham & C. M. Bangham-Mast... 1154 1932-2-21
GH: 02604871 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] T. Horsfield 1859
A: 02604870 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Tengah (Central Java) en route from Baturaden to Gunung Slamet. G. Murata, N. Fukuoka & Sukasdi J 733 1973-8-18
A: 02604869 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Tengah (Central Java) en route from Baturaden to Gunung Slamet. G. Murata, N. Fukuoka & Sukasdi J 732 1973-8-18
A: 02604868 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Gaju & Alas Lands; Mt. Goh Lemboh. From bivo... C. G. G. J. van Steenis 8957 1937-2-18
A: 02604867 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Aceh Gajolanden. Mt. Kemiri, east slope, bivouac ... C. G. G. J. van Steenis 9552 1937-3-6
A: 02604866 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Mt. Gede/Pangrango National Forest: On mount... J. A. McDonald & I. A. Rachman 3645 1992-8-27
GH: 02604865 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Sumatera: Residency of Tapianoeli; Vicinity ... Rahmat Si Boeea 9829 1936-7-27
A: 02604864 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Bali Bali Timur; Tabanan. Ridge of Gunung Catur, ... J. A. McDonald & I. A. Rachman 4895 1994-7-27
A: 02604863 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa: Mt. Bintang Gading, Halimun National P... W. S. Hoover, J. M. Hunter, H. Wir... 746 2002-5-17
A: 02604862 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Tengah (Central Java) Mt. Slamet H. Wiriadinata, W. S. Hoover, J. M... Deden 28 2004-3-13
A: 02604861 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa: Mt. Bintang Gading, Halimun National P... W. S. Hoover, J. M. Hunter, H. Wir... SH 5024 2002-5-17
A: 02604860 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Mt. Halimun National Park, Cikaniki Research... H. Wiriadinata, W. S. Hoover, Jame... HW 10654 2002-5-20
A: 02604859 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, Gunung Cikanik... W. S. Hoover, H. Wiriadinata & J. ... 31318 2000-3-7
A: 02604858 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, Gunung Cikanik... W. S. Hoover, H. Wiriadinata & J. ... 31453 2000-3-9
A: 02604857 Argostemma montanum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National park, east of Gunung... W. S. Hoover, D. Girmansyah & J. M... 32019 2000-3-5
GH: 02604887 Argostemma moultonii Ridl. : Borneo: Mt. Tibang E. G. Mjoberg 1925-11
A: 02604886 Argostemma moultonii Ridl. Malaysia: Sabah Kinabalu National Park, Bukit Burong and Liw... P. F. Stevens et al. 590 1976-1-21
A: 02604885 Argostemma moultonii Ridl. Malaysia: Sabah Track from Keningau past Crocker Range headq... S. J. Davies, D. J. Middleton & S.... SJD 99143 1999-10-17
GH: 02604884 Argostemma moultonii Ridl. Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Colombon basin J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 40049 1933-8-18
A: 02604883 Argostemma moultonii Ridl. Malaysia: Sabah southern slope of Mt. Kinabalu, ca. 5 mi. NW... E. C. Abbe, L. B. Abbe, W. Meijer ... 9987 1960-5-11
A: 02604882 Argostemma moultonii Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak Bukit Batu Tibang, Balang/ Balleh ridge Ilias bin Paie S 28445 1969-7-8
GH: 02604881 Argostemma moultonii Ridl. Malaysia: Sabah Penampang: Crocker Range, Km 50.7 on Kota Ki... J. H. Beaman Reed S. Beaman, Pamla... 8168 1984-1-2
GH: 02604880 Argostemma moultonii Ridl. Malaysia: Sabah Penampang: Crocker Range, Km 51.8 on Kota Ki... J. H. Beaman Reed S. Beaman and Pa... 8930 1984-3-16
GH: 02604879 Argostemma moultonii Ridl. Malaysia: Sabah Penampang: Crocker Range, Km 40 on Kota Kina... J. H. Beaman Reed S. Beaman, Pamla... 8342 1984-1-20
A: 02604878 Argostemma moultonii Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak Ga Amau, Ulu Mujong, Balleh P. S. Ashton S 21249 1964-4-15
GH: 02604877 Argostemma moultonii Ridl. Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: [no additional data] J. A. Griswold 27 1937-6-12
A: 02604919 Argostemma nervosum Ridl. Malaysia: Selangor Genting Highlands, G. Bunga Buah ridge trail... B. C. M. Stone 14494 1930-5-15
A: 02604918 Argostemma nervosum Ridl. Malaysia: Pahang Below Bishop's House, Fraser's Hill J. W. Purseglove P 4091 1955-4-16
GH: 02604920 Argostemma neurocalyx Miquel Indonesia: Jawa: [Roeria?] C. N. A. de Voogd 943
GH: 00092360 Argostemma neurocalyx Miquel Malaysia: Sabah Elphinstone Province, Tawao A. D. E. Elmer 21138 1922-10
GH: 00097882 Argostemma nutans glabra King Malaysia: Perak 100-500 feet Dr. King's Collector [Malaysia] 1985 1881-7
A: 02604917 Argostemma ophirense Maingay ex Hooker f. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Putussibau; a branch of the upper stream of ... H. Okada & D. Komara 32352 1992-1-15
GH: 00092359 Argostemma ophirense Maingay ex Hooker f. Malaysia: Malaya [Malacca, Mount Ophir] A. C. Maingay 897
A: 02604916 Argostemma ophirense Maingay ex Hooker f. Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] Native Collector [Malaysia] 2183 1914-2
GH: 02604915 Argostemma ophirense Maingay ex Hooker f. Malaysia: Johor Gunong Panti, west E. J. H. Corner SF 30968 1936-4-14
A: 02604914 Argostemma ophirense Maingay ex Hooker f. Malaysia: Sarawak Telok Delima, Bako National Park J. W. Purseglove P 4987 1956-5-19
A: 02604907 Argostemma parvifolium Benn. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Serawai. Uut Labang; immediate environs surr... A. C. Church, I. A. Rachman & A. R... 2216 1995-10-6
GH: 02604900 Argostemma parvifolium Benn. Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) In monte Singalang [On Mount Singalang] V. F. Schiffner 2513 1894-7-24
GH: 02604899 Argostemma parvifolium Benn. Indonesia: Sumatera: [no additional data] H. O. Forbes 2060 1880
A: 02604888 Argostemma parvifolium Benn. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Ketapang. Gunung Palung National Park, Caban... T. G. Laman, I. A. Rachman & E. Mi... TL245 1996-11-1
GH: 02604890 Argostemma parvifolium Benn. Indonesia: Sumatera: Westkust, Waterscheid-ing tusschen... S. M. Latif 11 1936-7-17
GH: 02604906 Argostemma parvifolium involucratum (Hemsley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Tomoean Dolok (Topographic Sheet... Rahmat Si Boeea 9912 1936-8-1
GH: 02604905 Argostemma parvifolium involucratum (Hemsley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Headwaters of Aek Liang (region between Dolo... Rahmat Si Boeea 9720 1936-7-28
GH: 02604904 Argostemma parvifolium involucratum (Hemsley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Tomoean Dolok (Topographic Sheet... Rahmat Si Boeea 9912 1936-8-1
GH: 02604902 Argostemma parvifolium involucratum (Hemsley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Aek Moente (Aer Moette), (northe... Rahmat Si Boeea 9159 1936-6-15
GH: 02604903 Argostemma parvifolium involucratum (Hemsley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Aek Salabt (northeast of Tomoean... Rahmat Si Boeea 9575 1936-7-15
GH: 02604901 Argostemma parvifolium involucratum (Hemsley) Bakhuizen f. Indonesia: Sumatera: Karo Highlands (East Coast): Delen... C. Hamel & R. S. Toroes 512 1928-6-8
A: 02604898 Argostemma parvifolium involucratum (Hemsley) Bakhuizen f. Malaysia: Pahang Richmond Bangalow, Fraser Hill M. Shah Bin Haji Mohamad Nur & M. ... MS 635 1959-9-25
A: 02604897 Argostemma parvifolium involucratum (Hemsley) Bakhuizen f. Malaysia: Sarawak Bkt. Salong, Hose Mountains, Ulu Melinau P. P. K. Chai S 37338 1976-5-2
GH: 02604896 Argostemma parvifolium involucratum (Hemsley) Bakhuizen f. Malaysia: Pahang [illegible] Miss A. D. Hancock 1937
A: 02604895 Argostemma parvifolium involucratum (Hemsley) Bakhuizen f. Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands; lower end of path from Ri... E. C. Abbe, L. B. Abbe, Kadim b. T... 9089 1959-11-9
A: 02604894 Argostemma parvifolium involucratum (Hemsley) Bakhuizen f. Malaysia: Pahang Bukit Fraser C. W. Franck 1091 1937-6-26
A: 02604893 Argostemma parvifolium involucratum (Hemsley) Bakhuizen f. Malaysia: Pahang Path to the Lodge, Fraser's Hill Mohd. Shah MS 2742 1972-8-30
A: 02604892 Argostemma parvifolium involucratum (Hemsley) Bakhuizen f. Malaysia: Pahang Richmond, Fraser's Hill. M. Shah & M. Noor MS 595
GH: 02604891 Argostemma parvifolium involucratum (Hemsley) Bakhuizen f. Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands Mohd. Nur SF 32689 1937-4-18
GH: 02604889 Argostemma parvifolium involucratum (Hemsley) Bakhuizen f. Malaysia: Pahang Fraser Hill E. J. H. Corner SF 33210 1937-8-15
GH: 00092364 Argostemma pedicellatum Elmer Philippines: Laguna Los Banos: Mount Maquiling A. D. E. Elmer 18412 1917-7
A: 02605082 Argostemma perplexum Merrill & L. M. Perry Indonesia: Papua Pegunungan Star Mts, Mt Antares C. Kalkman 4428 1959-7-18
A: 00092362 Argostemma perplexum Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Idenburg River, 4 km. southwest of Bernhard ... L. J. Brass 13422 1939-3
GH: 02604913 Argostemma pictum Wall. Malaysia: Selangor Bukit Batu Bendinding, Kanching Mohd. Nur SF 34336 1937-11-2
GH: 02604912 Argostemma pictum Wall. Malaysia: Pahang Sungai Teku M. S. Kiah bin Hadji SF 31791 1936-7-24
A: 02604911 Argostemma pictum Wall. Malaysia: Johor Gunong Panti East A. B. Shukor AS 37 1972-9-24
A: 02604910 Argostemma pictum Wall. Malaysia: Pahang Gunong Lalang, Pulau Tioman. T. Kadim & Md. Noor K 620
A: 02604909 Argostemma pictum Wall. Malaysia: Pahang Sabai Estate, near Bentong Mohd. Shah 210 1958-1-30
A: 02604908 Argostemma pictum Wall. Malaysia: Perak Belum Forest Reserve, Sungai Kejar, Sungai K... Syahida Emiza S. Kueh, H. L. FRI 55176 2007-6-19
GH: 00092360 Argostemma platyphyllum Merrill Malaysia: Sabah Elphinstone Province, Tawao A. D. E. Elmer 21138 1922-10
A: 02604921 Argostemma propinquum Ridl. Malaysia: Terengganu Bukit Kajang, Kemaman M. R. Henderson SF 30208 1935-11-4
A: 02604933 Argostemma psychotrioides Ridl. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Serawai. East of Uuut Labang .5 km along Sun... A. C. Church, I. A. Rachman & A. R... 2338 1995-10-9
A: 02604932 Argostemma psychotrioides Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak Sam, Sungai Tao J. W. Purseglove P 5106 1956-5-28
A: 02604931 Argostemma psychotrioides Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak Batu Anam Daud & Tachun SFN 35611 1938-7-15
A: 02604930 Argostemma psychotrioides Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak Nanga pelagos Daud & Tachun SFN 35678 1938-7-28
A: 02604929 Argostemma psychotrioides Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak Bank of S. Sepulan. Path to Bt. Kemantan, Ul... P. P. K. Chai 19532 1963-10-12
A: 02604928 Argostemma psychotrioides Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] Native Collector [Malaysia] 1244
A: 02604927 Argostemma psychotrioides Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] Native Collector [Malaysia] 294
A: 02604926 Argostemma psychotrioides Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] G. D. Haviland & C. Hose 2960 1894-9-3
A: 02604925 Argostemma psychotrioides Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] Native Collector [Malaysia] 408
GH: 02604924 Argostemma psychotrioides Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] Native Collector [Malaysia] 408
A: 02604923 Argostemma psychotrioides Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak Stapok F. R. P. F. Stevens et al. 150 1975-12-5
A: 02604922 Argostemma psychotrioides Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak Setapok J. W. Purseglove & M. Shah Bin Moh... P 4393 1955-9-14
A: 02604938 Argostemma rupestre Ridl. Malaysia: Sarawak Sabal Tapang P. F. Stevens et al. 163 1975-12-6
GH: 00092365 Argostemma rupestrinum Elmer Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin, Mount Bulusan A. D. E. Elmer 16175 1916-5
A: 00092361 Argostemma sarawakense W. W. Smith Malaysia: Sarawak
A: 02605129 Argostemma solaniflorum Elmer Philippines: Quezon Mt. Banahao, Pr. Tayabas S. Vidal y Soler 3071
A: 02605128 Argostemma solaniflorum Elmer Philippines: Laguna Mt. Makiling K. Iwatsuki, G. Murata & H. G. Gut... P 1082 1975-12-10
A: 02605096 Argostemma sp. : New Guinea: [no additional data] [no data available] 1952-4-18
A: 02233997 Argostemma sp. Brunei: Tutong Rambai, Nyamokning Dam. By the water body [see remarks] B 34 2016-8-20
A: 02605038 Argostemma sp. Brunei: Belait Belait R., around Kuala Ingai C. Puff, A. Igersheim & M. Martine... 900810 - 1/6 1990-9-10
A: 02605037 Argostemma sp. Brunei: Belait Batu Patam, beside the Sungei Ingei source, ... K. M. Wong WKM 1090 1989-6-10
A: 02605056 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Danau Tambing M. M. J. van Balgooy 3436 1979-5-23
A: 02605051 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan: Bukit Raya H. P. Nooteboom 4558 1983-1-22
A: 02605049 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan: Bukit Raya H. P. Nooteboom 4585 1983-1-24
A: 02605048 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Maluku Seram: Manusela National park, north side of... G. C. G. Argent C8731 1987-8-26
A: 02605047 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Adian Rindang, vicinity of Hoeta Tomoean Dol... Rahmat Si Boeea 8522 1935-11
A: 02605045 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Residency of Tapianoeli; Dolok Sop... Rahmat Si Boeea 10749 1936-10-20
A: 02605044 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) Mt. Sago; ravine of Butang Lahan P. Maradjo 426 1957-6-11
A: 02605043 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Riouw. Indragiri, Bovenlanden, Pen... P. Buwalda 6322 1939-4-3
A: 02605042 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Headwaters of Aek Liang (region between Dolo... Rahmat Si Boeea 10450 1936-10-15
A: 02605041 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Boundary Between East Coast and Ta... Rahmat Si Boeea 10194 1936-10-1
A: 02605040 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Boundary Between East Coast and Ta... Rahmat Si Boeea 10199 1936-10-1
A: 02605039 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Riau 5 km W. of Talanglakat on Rengat-Jambi Road,... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 1870 1988-12-4
A: 02605036 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Riau 5 km W of Talanglakat on Rengat-Jambi Road, ... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 1144 1988-11-4
A: 02605035 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Riau 5 km W of Talanglakat on Rengat-Jambi Road, ... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 1192 1988-11-6
GH: 02605034 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Pintan [?] E. H. S. Nielsen 1250 1929-11-11
A: 02605033 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Tapianoeli; Subdivision Toba, Dist... Rahmat Si Boeea 5893 1933-11-4
A: 02605032 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Residency of Tapianoeli; Vicinity ... Rahmat Si Boeea 10879 1936-10-14
A: 02605031 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Riouw. Indragiri, Bovenlanden. Soe... P. Buwalda 7042 1939-10-14
A: 02605029 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Tapianoeli; Subdivision Toba, Dist... Rahmat Si Boeea 5899 1933-11-4
A: 02605028 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Aek Si Oelak (second stream crossed north of... Rahmat Si Boeea 11063 1936-10-12
A: 02605027 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Jawa: S. W. Java, Udjongkulon Res. near ligh... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 21831 1964-12-9
A: 02605025 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, Cikaniki W. S. Hoover, D. Girmansyah & J. M... 32068 2000-3-7
A: 02605024 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Mount Halimun National Park, East Cikaniki W. S. Hoover, A. Sadeli & J. M. Hu... 30615 2000-3-7
GH: 02605020 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) between Papadi and Pamilau R. Geesink 9255 1981-8-7
A: 02605019 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Sei. Nurai, Long Sei. Barang, area Ambriansyah & J. L. C. H. van Valk... AA 805 1993-5-20
A: 02605018 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Maluku Seram: C. Seram, Manusela National Park: alo... M. Kato, K. Ueda, M. Okamoto, H. A... C 6644 1985-2-17
A: 02605015 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) 2 hours walk SE of Long Sungai Barang. J. L. C. H. van Valkenburg JVV 1212 1993-1-6
A: 02605014 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Surroundings Long Sungai Barang; 3 hours wal... J. L. C. H. van Valkenburg 1029
A: 02605013 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Ketapang. Gunung Palung National Park, Sunga... T. G. Laman, I. A. Rachman & E. Mi... TL 405 1996-11-8
A: 02605012 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Kalteng. Samba. 1994-1995 cutting blocks of ... J. K. Jarvie & A. Ruskandi 5149 1995-1-23
A: 02605011 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Bulungan: Long Bawan, between Long Riman and... H. Okada, J. Murata, H. Akiyama, Y... 25582 1990-10-5
A: 02605010 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Putussibau; a branch of the upper stream of ... H. Okada & D. Komara 32514 1992-1-20
A: 02605009 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Singkawang; Sanggau Ledo; Dawar village, Sun... M. Kato, H. Okada, R. Imaichi, D. ... 30477 1991-12-15
A: 02605008 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) ODA Km 92 from Sangai Kab. Kotawaringin Timu... Ambriansyah & Arbainsyah AA 1972 1996-9-9
A: 02605007 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Putussibau; a branch of upper stream of Sung... H. Okada & D. Komara 32308 1992-1-13
A: 02605006 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Cabang Panti Research Site. UB75.01s0. Nr. S... C. O. Webb & A. A. Hamid CW 3398 1998-2-3
A: 02605005 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Cabang Panti Research Site. Under MB rope br... C. O. Webb & A. A. Hamid CW 3379 1998-1-31
A: 02605004 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Sungai Rangkong, just above irrigation dam. ... C. O. Webb CW 3351 1998-1-28
A: 02605003 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Ulu Juwoi Deras. Upstream from visitor lodge... C. O. Webb & Medang CW 3647 1998-1-17
A: 02605002 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Ketapang. Gunung Palung National park, Caban... T. G. Laman, I. A. Rachman & E. Mi... TL 504 1996-12-3
A: 02605001 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Ketapang. Gunung Palung National park, Caban... T. G. Laman, I. A. Rachman & E. Mi... TL 501 1996-12-3
A: 02605000 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Betung Kerihun National Park, Putussibau, Je... K. Sidiyasa et al. 1904 2000-2-21
A: 02604999 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) [no additional data] G. C. G. Argent & Iqbar 99112 1999-2-27
A: 02604998 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi: Gorontalo: Route along the Olama r... M. Mendum, H. J. Atkins, M. F. New... 30 2002-4-8
A: 02604997 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Maluku Seram: Manusela National Park, north side of... G. C. G. Argent C8731 1987-8-26
A: 02604995 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Jawa Tengah (Central Java) Mt. Slamet W. S. Hoover, J. M. Hunter, H. Wir... Deden 27 2004-3-13
A: 02604994 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Leuweung tengah, Ranca upas, Gunung Cikoloto... W. S. Hoover & H. Wiriadinata 31112 2000-2-15
A: 02604993 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National park, Gunung Cikanik... W. S. Hoover, H. Wiriadinata & J. ... 31309 2000-3-7
A: 02604992 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, east of Gunung... W. S. Hoover, D. Girmansyah & J. M... 31998 2000-3-4
A: 02604991 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, along Cikaniki... W. S. Hoover, D. Girmansyah & J. M... 32141 2000-3-8
A: 02604990 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, Gunung Cikanik... W. S. Hoover, H. Wiriadinata & J. ... 31454 2000-3-9
A: 02604989 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, along Cikaniki... W. S. Hoover, D. Girmansyah & J. M... 32135 2000-3-8
A: 02604988 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Mount Halimun National Park, Gunong Kendeng W. S. Hoover, M. Hendra & J. M. Hu... 32721 2000-3-7
A: 02604987 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Salak W. S. Hoover & D. Girmansyah 31922 2000-2-22
A: 02604986 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) gunung Salak W. S. Hoover & D. Girmansyah 31915 2000-2-22
A: 02604985 Argostemma sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Salak, east slope W. S. Hoover & H. Wiriadinata 30491 2000-2
A: 02605055 Argostemma sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Matang Ridge P. F. Stevens et al. 276 1975-12-17
A: 02605054 Argostemma sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Gunong Mulu National Park; Gunong Mul... G. C. G. Argent & B. J. Coppins 1081 1978-4-26
A: 02605053 Argostemma sp. Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Kianbalu [Kinabalu] National Park, Bo... P. F. Stevens et al. 639 1976-1-22
A: 02605052 Argostemma sp. Malaysia: Sabah Kinabalu National Park, Bukit Burong and Liw... P. F. Stevens et al. 593 1976-1-21
A: 02605050 Argostemma sp. Malaysia: Sabah Tuaran: Jalan SRK. Ulu Tuaran A. Gambating & E. Suali SAN 65600 1984-7-16
GH: 02605046 Argostemma sp. Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu National Park. Along the Kiau v... E. F. Anderson 3036 1970-3-2
A: 02605030 Argostemma sp. Malaysia: Pahang Blue Valley Rd., C. H. E. A. Türnau 931 1964-3-26
A: 02605026 Argostemma sp. Malaysia: Perak Slim Hills F. R., SE Perak. Rocky banks of S... T. C. Whitmore FRI 0818 1966-9-8
A: 02605023 Argostemma sp. Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Tenompok F. R. J. T. Pereira, K. M. Wong, C. Puff... JTP 817 2001-8-30
A: 02605022 Argostemma sp. Malaysia: Terengganu Hulu Terengganu, Kenyir, Hulu Telemong Fores... A. R. Rafidah Syahrir Farihan, M.Z... FRI 51736 2006-7-27
GH: 02605021 Argostemma sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Bau: Bau hills ca. 3 km SW of Bau on road to... J. H. Beaman Teofila E. Beaman and... 12053 1996-5-1
GH: 02605017 Argostemma sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Mount Matang J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 20949 1929
GH: 02605016 Argostemma sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Mount Matang J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 20949 1929
A: 02604996 Argostemma sp. Malaysia: Sabah Tongod base of peak proper of Gunong Rara ap... K. M. Wong WKM 2146 1992-7-26
A: 02604984 Argostemma sp. Malaysia: Sabah Tawau Hills Park; path to Sulphur springs C. Puff & R. Buchner 920419-1/1 1992-4-19
A: 02605111 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau - Salamaua Road near Skindewai J. S. Womersley & A. N. Millar NGF 8418 1956-1-7
A: 02605110 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Menyamya: Piwi'anaga, Menyamya-Kaintiba Road H. Streimann & A. Kairo NGF 35922 1968-5-11
A: 02605109 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Carpentaria Exploration Base Camp, Nena area... W. S. Hoover 682 1977-12
A: 02605108 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Carpentaria Exploration Base Camp, ridge dow... W. S. Hoover 552 1977-12
A: 02605107 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Carpentaria Exploration Base Camp, ridge abo... W. S. Hoover 661 1977-12
A: 02605106 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Near Busilmin "airstrip" on track... W. R. Barker LAE 67609 1975-4-24
A: 02605105 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Carpentaria Exploration Base Camp; upper Pro... W. S. Hoover 482 1977-12
A: 02605104 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Carpentaria Exploration Base Camp; near K13 ... W. S. Hoover 608 1977-12
A: 02605103 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Carpentaria Exploration Base Camp, ridge abo... W. S. Hoover 578 1977-12
A: 02605102 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Carpentaria Exploration Base Camp, K40 to D3... W. S. Hoover 897 1978-1
A: 02605101 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Carpentaria Exploration Base Camp, K40 to D3... W. S. Hoover 853 1978-1
A: 02605100 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Carpentaria Exploration Base Camp, near KO h... W. S. Hoover 801 1978-1
A: 02605099 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near Wengomanga, via Oiwa, Aseki Patrol Area L. A. Craven & R. Schodde 1237 1966-4-11
GH: 02605098 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Mount Hagen: Kundip A. N. Millar & L. A. Garay 18717 1963-9-11
A: 02605097 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Aitape/Lumi: between Wantipi and Lougubli R. D. Hoogland 8319 1961-7-30
A: 02605095 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Arau L. J. Brass 32033 1959-10-12
A: 02605094 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Goodenough Island: east slopes. L. J. Brass 24496 1953-10-8
A: 02605093 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay North slopes of Mt. Dayman, Maneau Range L. J. Brass 23562 1953-7-20
A: 02605092 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Above Wau on Edie Creek Road J. S. Womersley & P. van Royen 1954-7-1
A: 02605091 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands near Wankl village, on mountain slope ca 5 k... R. D. Hoogland & R. Pullen 5923 1956-8-16
A: 02605090 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Western C. 2 miles N. of Kiunga, upper Fly River R. Pullen 7289 1967-9-8
A: 02605089 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Huon Peninsula Rawlinson Mts., south side of... P. J. B. Woods & Y. Lelean 2005 1968-6-22
A: 02605088 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Border of Northern and Central District, SE ... P. J. B. Woods 190 1962-10-29
A: 02605087 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu 10 km due east of Haia, Crater Mountain Biol... Debra Wright 751 1991-7-31
A: 02605086 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Strickland drainage, Gugusu (Expedition Bivo... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & B. Gamui 24484 2009-9-6
A: 02605085 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Strickland drainage, Muller Range, Gugusu (E... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & B. Gamui 24526 2009-9-8
A: 02605084 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Josephstaal District D. Ama & W. N. Takeuchi sn 2006-6
A: 02605083 Argostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Josephstaal District D. Ama & W. N. Takeuchi sn 2006-6
A: 02605144 Argostemma sp. Philippines: Pampanga Fort Stotsenberg R. B. Fox PNH 9829 1949-9-29
A: 02605143 Argostemma sp. Philippines: Samar Mount Sarawag G. E. Edaño PNH 15292 1951-12-3
A: 02605142 Argostemma sp. Philippines: Agusan Kitsarao, Jabonga D. Mendoza & P. Convocar PNH 10396 1949-3-14
A: 02605141 Argostemma sp. Philippines: Surigao del Norte Mt. Kabatuan D. Mendoza & P. Convocar PNH 10499 1949-3-22
A: 02605140 Argostemma sp. Philippines: Samar Mt. Capotoan G. E. Edaño PNH 15553 1952-1-12
GH: 02605139 Argostemma sp. Philippines: Sorsogon Bulusan Lake, Brgy. San Roque, Bulusan H. G. Garcia & L. Fernando PPI 22925 1996-11-2
A: 02605138 Argostemma sp. Philippines: Oriental Mindoro N face of Mt. Halcon Lagating River B. C. M. Stone, E. J. Reynoso & E.... PPI 538 1991-4-1
A: 02605137 Argostemma sp. Philippines: Leyte Ormoc: Lake Danao G. E. Edaño PNH 11973 1950-3
A: 02605136 Argostemma sp. Philippines: Leyte Ormoc: Antilao River G. E. Edaño PNH 11853 1950-3-15
A: 02605135 Argostemma sp. Philippines: Samar Mt. Caoptoan, Matuguinao F. S. Gachalian PNH 15474 1952-1-7
A: 02605134 Argostemma sp. Philippines: Samar Mount Sarawag G. E. Edaño PNH 15306 1951-12-3
A: 02605133 Argostemma sp. Philippines: Samar Mount Sarawag G. E. Edaño PNH 15303 1951-12-3
A: 02605132 Argostemma sp. Philippines: Camarines Norte Bicol National park E. Canicosa PNH 9770 1949-5-28
A: 02604937 Argostemma spinulosum C.B.Clarke Malaysia: Terengganu Path to Bukit Tangga via Ulu Besut, Jerteh Mohd. Shah & Mahmud MS 4914 1984-7-18
A: 02604936 Argostemma spinulosum C.B.Clarke Malaysia: Pahang Pine Tree Hill Path, Fraser's Hill J. W. Purseglove P 4187 1955-4-19
GH: 02604935 Argostemma spinulosum C.B.Clarke Malaysia: Pahang Fraser Hill E. J. H. Corner SF 33231 1937-8-17
A: 02604934 Argostemma spinulosum C.B.Clarke Malaysia: Pahang Bukit Fraser E. J. H. Corner SF 33231 1937-8-17
A: 02604940 Argostemma subcrassum King Malaysia: Selangor Ulu Gombak. NW of new Karah Hwy B. C. M. Stone 15119 1982-3-27
A: 02604939 Argostemma subcrassum King Malaysia: Terengganu Hulu Terengganu, Ulu Telemong Forest Reserve M. Y. Chew FRI 51847 2006-7-27
A: 02604946 Argostemma subfalcifolium Bakh.f. Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Sintang. HPH Km 86; along new subsidary logg... A. C. Church, U. W. Mahyar, Indah,... 1203 1994-4-28
A: 02604945 Argostemma subfalcifolium Bakh.f. Indonesia: Kalimantan: Headwaters of S. Kahayan; 5km NE... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 462 1988-3-27
A: 02604944 Argostemma subfalcifolium Bakh.f. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Serawai. .5 km east of Uut Labang A. C. Church, I. A. Rachman & A. R... 2425 1995-10-11
GH: 02604943 Argostemma subfalcifolium Bakh.f. Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Tenompok Ridge along Tamparuli - Rana... J. H. Beaman R. S. Beaman, T. E. B... 8201 1984-1-3
GH: 02604942 Argostemma subfalcifolium Bakh.f. Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Penibukan; below Camp. J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 30650 1933-1-4
GH: 02604941 Argostemma subfalcifolium Bakh.f. Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Penibukan J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 31963 1933-3-5
GH: 00092364 Argostemma timorense Bennett Philippines: Laguna Los Banos: Mount Maquiling A. D. E. Elmer 18412 1917-7
A: 02604947 Argostemma trichanthum Ridl. Malaysia: Pahang Merapoh, Taman Negara, Kuala Juram. Forest a... L. S. L. Chua FRI 33044 1996-7-31
A: 02604948 Argostemma trichosanthes Merr. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Serawai. 8 Km NE of Desa Jelundung, Batu Lin... A. C. Church, U. W. Mahyar & J. J.... 1695 1995-2-2
GH: 02604971 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Sumatera: [no additional data] H. O. Forbes 2197 1880
A: 02604970 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Gaju & Alas Lands Mt. Goh Lemboeh. From bivo... C. G. G. J. van Steenis 8972 1937-2-18
GH: 02604969 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Loemban Ria Rahmat Si Boeea 7756 1934-2-5
GH: 02604968 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Adian Rindang, vicinity of Hoeta Tomoean Dol... Rahmat Si Boeea 8522 1935-11-17
GH: 02604967 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Sumatera: Jungle trail over mountains from K... W. N. Bangham & C. M. Bangham-Mast... 892 1932-1-13
A: 02604966 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Sintang. Bukit Baka National Park. Along ban... A. C. Church Mahyar, U. W., Ruskan... 321 1993-10-22
A: 02604965 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] H. Zollinger 923 B
A: 02604964 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Tengah (Central Java) en route from Baturaden to Gunung Slamet. G. Murata, N. Fukuoka & Sukasdi J 731 1973-8-18
A: 02604963 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Aceh middle elevation of gunong Kemiri K. Iwatsuki, G. Murata, J. Dransfi... S 969 1971-8-23
A: 02604962 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Aceh Gajolanden. Mt. Kemiri, east side. From bivo... C. G. G. J. van Steenis 9732 1937-3-11
A: 02604961 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Deleng Singkoet C. Hamel & R. S. Toroes 517 1928-6-8
A: 02604960 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Nirmala Estate, Gn Halimun area, slope of Gn... M. M. J. van Balgooy & H. Wiriadin... 2849 1980-6-8
A: 02604959 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa: Gunong Salak near Bogor, on path from ... G. C. G. Argent, J. S. Burley, T. ... 1042 1988-10-19
A: 02604958 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Mt. Cikurai, Garut H. Wiriadinata & D. Girmansyah HW 10541 2002-3-12
A: 02604957 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Mt. Bintang Gading, Halimun National park H. Wiriadinata, W. S. Hoover, Jame... SH 5023 2002-5-17
A: 02604956 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Tengah (Central Java) Batu raden; Mt. Slamet south slope, Plot 1 H. Wiriadinata, W. S. Hoover, J. M... HW 11273 2004-3-14
A: 02604955 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Mt. Halimun National Park, Cikaniki Research... H. Wiriadinata, W. S. Hoover, Jame... HW 10663 2002-5-20
A: 02604954 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Tengah (Central Java) Slamet Mt W. S. Hoover, J. M. Hunter, H. Wir... Deden 64 2004-3-14
A: 02604953 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Leuweung tengah, Ranca upas, Gunung Tikukur W. S. Hoover & H. Wiriadinata 31182 2000-2-16
A: 02604952 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunng Halimun National Park, Gunung Cikaniki W. S. Hoover, H. Wiriadinata & J. ... 31301 2000-3-7
A: 02604951 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) inland (N-NW) of the town of Batangtoru, Kec... W. N. Takeuchi & E. Sambas 18315 2003-6-9
A: 02604950 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, east of Gunung... W. S. Hoover, D. Girmansyah & J. M... 32042 2000-3-5
A: 02604949 Argostemma uniflorum Blume ex DC. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Mount Halimun National Park, south of Gunung... W. S. Hoover, M. Hendra & J. M. Hu... 32637 2000-3-4
A: 02604973 Argostemma unifolioloides King Thailand: Kanchanaburi Teeng Yai Naresuan Wildlife Reserve, Lai Wo ... J. F. Maxwell 93-903 1993-8-13
GH: 02604972 Argostemma unifolioloides King Thailand: Kanchanaburi Rintin, near Kin Sayok, about 140 km. n.w. o... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 1407 1946-7-31
GH: 02604975 Argostemma unifolium Benn. Malaysia: Semenanjung Malaysia: [no additional data] A. C. Maingay 895
A: 02604974 Argostemma unifolium Benn. Malaysia: Perak Gunong Bubu W. L. Chew CWL 1204 1966-8-15
A: 02604976 Argostemma unifolium Benn. Thailand: Songkhla Songkla; Boripat Falls National Park J. F. Maxwell 84-227 1984-9-19
A: 02604977 Argostemma urticaefolium King Malaysia: Terengganu Ulu Telemong Forest Reserve S. N. Phoon FRI 51588 2006-7-25
A: 02604978 Argostemma variegatum Merr. Malaysia: Sarawak Bkt. Raya G. Smith S 28234 1969-4-4
A: 02604983 Argostemma yappii King Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands, Gunung Brinchang K. M. Wong FRI 35243 1986-8-12
A: 02604982 Argostemma yappii King Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands: foot of Gunong Berembun W. L. Chew CWL 1238 1966-10-1
GH: 02604981 Argostemma yappii King Malaysia: Pahang Pinetree Hill, Fraser Hill E. J. H. Corner SF 33221 1937-8-16
A: 02604980 Argostemma yappii King Malaysia: Pahang Pine Tree Hill Path, Fraser's Hill J. W. Purseglove P 4198 1955-4-19
A: 02604979 Argostemma yappii King Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands: Gunong Brinchang. W. L. Chew CWL 926 1963-10-11
GH: 00064558 Ariadne shaferi moaensis M. Fernandez Zequeira & Borhidi Cuba: Prov. Oriente, Cerro de Cananova, Serpentine... Bro. Clemente 6223 1948-8
GH: 00339935 Asemanthia griffithii (Hooker f.) Bremekamp : India: East Himalaya W. Griffith 3089
GH: 02453123 Asperula aristata Linnaeus f. Algeria: A. Gorges de la Chiffa J. A. Battandier 1880-5
GH: 02453122 Asperula aristata Linnaeus f. Algeria: Pelauses, ravin de la femme sauvage à Bouza... C. Romain 1186 1859-6-4
GH: 00765837 Asperula arvensis Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Fairfield: Fairfield E. H. Eames 11904 1938-6-20
NEBC: 00765838 Asperula arvensis Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Fairfield: Fairfield E. H. Eames 11904 1938-6-20
NEBC: 00765839 Asperula arvensis Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Waterbury: Waterbury A. E. Blewitt 4502 1916-7-22
NEBC: 00765840 Asperula arvensis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boxford: Boxford S. K. Harris 9599 1954-7-1
GH: 02358914 Asperula arvensis Linnaeus USA: Washington Spokane: [data not captured] L. F. Henderson 2400 1892-6
GH: 02358912 Asperula arvensis Linnaeus USA: Oregon [data not captured] R. D. Nevius 1873
GH: 02358913 Asperula arvensis Linnaeus USA: [data not captured] [no data available] 1871
GH: 02358911 Asperula arvensis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Worcester: [data not captured] B. N. Gates 1940-6-3
GH: 00092367 Asperula asperrima Boissier Spain: Málaga In dumetis Sierra d'Estepona P. E. Boissier 99 1837-6
GH: 00092794 Asperula baenitzii Heldreich ex Boissier Greece: In fissuris rupium regionis abietinae montis... C. Bartholomathos 1876-6
GH: 02453128 Asperula hirsuta Desfontaines : Earth: [?]esfuia fl atlas J. D. Hooker 1871
GH: 02453127 Asperula hirsuta Desfontaines Algeria: Oran N. Bové 1839/04
GH: 02453125 Asperula hirsuta Desfontaines Algeria: Zambezi E. S.-C. Cosson 1859-5-20
GH: 02453124 Asperula hirsuta Desfontaines Algeria: Oran [no data available] 1890
GH: 02453129 Asperula hirsuta Desfontaines Morocco: au S. O. de la ville d. Maroc Ibrahim Ammeribt 1873-6
GH: 02453126 Asperula hirsuta Desfontaines Morocco: Béni Mellal-Khénifra Dj. Azighza, Province de Demnat, Maroc Ibrahim Ammeribt 1879-8-8
GH: 02453130 Asperula laevigata Linnaeus Algeria: Monts Babors E. Reverchon 205 1897-6
A: 02453131 Asperula minima Hooker f. Australia (Country): Tasmania Mt. Ben. Lomond M. J. R. T. Talbot de Malahide 1968-1-19
GH: 00092633 Asperula orientalis Boissier & Hohenacker Syria: C. G. T. Kotschy 32 1843
GH: 02358916 Asperula orientalis Boissier & Hohenacker USA: North Dakota Fargo: [data not captured] L. R. Waldron 1945-8-25
ECON: 02358915 Asperula orientalis Boissier & Hohenacker USA: Massachusetts Milton: [data not captured] [no data available] 1923-6-16
GH: 00092582 Asperula paniculata Boissier Spain: Málaga In dumetis Sierra d'Estepona P. E. Boissier 98 1837-6
GH: 00092583 Asperula paniculata Boissier Spain: Málaga In dumetis Sierra d'Estepona P. E. Boissier 98 1837-6
GH: 00092584 Asperula pendula Boissier Spain: P. E. Boissier
GH: 00092366 Asperula platygalium Maximowicz China: Mandshuria austro-orientalis C. J. Maximowicz 1860
ECON: 02358917 Asperula tinctoria Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Milton: [data not captured] [no data available] 1921-6-15
A: 02435809 Aulacocalyx caudata (Hiern) Keay Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1861 1898
GH: 02435808 Aulacocalyx caudata (Hiern) Keay Cameroon: Bipinde, am Lokundje [no data available] 53
A: 02435811 Aulacocalyx jasminiflora Hooker f. Cameroon: Bertoua; 5 km along road to Nanga Eboko F. J. Breteler 2177 1961
A: 02435810 Aulacocalyx jasminiflora Hooker f. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Reigion de Buta F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 1184 1925
GH: 01154629 Aulacocalyx jasminiflora Hooker f. Equatorial Guinea: West Tropical Africa Lat. 1°N [Mt. John, Co... G. Mann 1788 1862
A: 00242313 Aulacocalyx jasminiflora Hooker f. Ghana: Bogosu, W. Prov. C. Vigne 3149 1933-12
A: 02435809 Aulacocalyx leptactinoides K. Schumann Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1861 1898
GH: 02435808 Aulacocalyx leptactinoides K. Schumann Cameroon: Bipinde, am Lokundje [no data available] 53
A: 01154727 Aulacocalyx pallens letestui Figueiredo Gabon: Tchibanga, Region du Nyanaga G. M. P. C. Le Testu 1833 1914
A: 01154728 Aulacocalyx pallens letestui Figueiredo Gabon: Tchibanga, Region du Nyanaga G. M. P. C. Le Testu 1833 1914
GH: 01154652 Aulacocalyx pallens (Hiern) Bridson & Figueiredo Sao Tomé and Príncipe: Sao Tomé West Trop. Africa G. Mann 1066 1859
A: 02435812 Aulacocalyx sp. Angola: R. Cuelei M. A. Pocock 731 1925-9-30
A: 02435807 Aulacocalyx sp. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 142 1928
A: 02435806 Aulacocalyx sp. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai Ri... G. P. Cooper 90 1928
GH: 01154544 Aulacocalyx trilocularis Scott Elliot Sierra Leone: By Scarcies River at Mofari G. F. Scott Elliot 4435
GH: 01154546 Aulacocalyx trilocularis Scott Elliot Sierra Leone: Moria G. F. Scott Elliot 4563
GH: 00094988 Aulacodiscus maingayi King & Gamble Malaysia: Malacca A. C. Maingay 938
A: 00094989 Aulacodiscus premnoides Hooker f. : India: Tenasserim and Andamans J. W. Helfer 2938
GH: 00094985 Axanthes enneandra Wight Malaysia: Malacca W. Griffith 2938
A: 00219730 Badusa corymbifera (G. Forster) A. Gray Papua New Guinea: Netherlands New Guinea. Div. Geelvinkbaai. A... H. W. Lugtmeyer BW 2365 1958-9-26
A: 00219730 Badusa corymbifera biakensis Ridsdale Papua New Guinea: Netherlands New Guinea. Div. Geelvinkbaai. A... H. W. Lugtmeyer BW 2365 1958-9-26
A: 02605856 Badusa corymbifera (G. Forster) A. Gray Solomon Islands: Isabel Cape Prielo L. J. Brass 3472 1933-1-14
A: 00092370 Badusa occidentalis Guillaumin Vanuatu: Eromanga Island, Dillon Bay S. F. Kajewski 393 1928-6-8
A: 00092369 Badusa palawanensis Ridsdale Philippines: Palawan Quezon, Lipuun Point, 500 feet H. G. Gutierrez & R. A. Espiritu 80766 1963-5-24
A: 02605857 Badusa palawanensis Ridsdale Philippines: Quezon Tabon Island, west-facing slope of the helip... D. D. Soejarto, F. Gaerlan, E. C. ... 8475 1994-6-21
A: 02605858 Badusa sp. Philippines: Davao Coronon valley near Santa Cruz [no data available] ANU 1603 1964-3
A: 00092371 Balmea stormae Martinez Mexico: Michoacán Near Uruapan, Palo Verde Maximino Martinez 3400 1941-9-20
A: 00092372 Balmea stormae Martinez Mexico: Michoacán Near Uruapan, Palo Verde Maximino Martinez 3400 1941-9-20
GH: 00092373 Basanacantha erythropoda Rusby Bolivia: Rurrenabaque, 1000 feet O. E. White 1806 1921-11-25
GH: 00898025 Basanacantha grandifolia Donnell Smith Costa Rica: Heredia Santo Domingo A. Tonduz 9878 1896-2
GH: 00046639 Basanacantha portoricensis Urban : Puerto Rico: P. E. E. Sintenis 3744 1886-2-13
GH: 00019925 Bathysa bathysoides (Steyermark) Delprete Venezuela: Amazonas Cerro Sipapo (Paráque) near base camp, 125 ... B. Maguire & L. P. Politi 28626 1949-1-25
GH: 00092374 Bathysa gymnocarpa K. Schumann Brazil: Rio de Janeiro L. Riedel 629 1832-9
GH: 00375502 Bathysa panamensis Dwyer Panama: Darién Río Ucurganti N. Bristan 1187 1967-7-7
GH: 00094587 Bathysa panamensis Dwyer Panama: Darién Río Ucurganti N. Bristan 1187 1967-7-7
A: 00055174 Bathysa pittiers (Standley) Steyermark Venezuela: Lengua de vaca; Upper Caruao Valley, in fore... H. F. Pittier 1954 1925-11-7
A: 00092375 Belicea hoffmannioides Lundell Belize: Toledo Monkey River, Swasey Branch P. H. Gentle 3945 1942-3-7
GH: 02435805 Belonophora coriacea Hoyle Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Baduma. Mamfe road J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 193 1986-8-25
A: 02435803 Belonophora coriacea Hoyle Nigeria: Igbakue Izigha. Jamieson River, Sapora J. D. Kennedy bis 1852 1931-11
A: 02435804 Belonophora sp. Cameroon: Kamerun C. G. T. Preuss 1335
A: 02435768 Bertiera africana Richard Sierra Leone: Northern Yonibana N. W. Thomas 4051 1914-10-30
A: 02435767 Bertiera africana Richard Sierra Leone: Jigaya N. W. Thomas 2778 1914-9-28
A: 02435766 Bertiera africana Richard Sierra Leone: Roruks N. W. Thomas 5758 1915-11-24
A: 02435765 Bertiera africana Richard Sierra Leone: Kunrabai N. W. Thomas 7045 1914-12-3
A: 02435764 Bertiera africana Richard Sierra Leone: Northern Magbile N. W. Thomas 6461 1915-12-8
GH: 00107037 Bertiera angustifolia Bentham Costa Rica: Puntarenas Cocos Island G. W. Barclay
GH: 02435770 Bertiera bracteolata Hiern : Africa: Near Sierra Leone G. F. Scott Elliot 3922
A: 02435775 Bertiera bracteolata Hiern Gabon: in ditione Munda. Sibange-Farm H. Soyaux 75 1880
A: 02435771 Bertiera bracteolata Hiern Gabon: environs de Libreville (Gabon) T.-J. Klaine 2032
A: 02435778 Bertiera bracteolata Hiern Liberia: Bonuta D. H. Linder 884 1926-10-3
A: 02435777 Bertiera bracteolata Hiern Liberia: Peáhtah D. H. Linder 985 1926-10-8
A: 02435776 Bertiera bracteolata Hiern Liberia: Peáhtah D. H. Linder 985 1926-10-8
A: 02435769 Bertiera bracteolata Hiern Liberia: Bong Gbanga: [no additional data] D. H. Linder 675 1926-9-17
A: 02435774 Bertiera bracteolata Hiern Sierra Leone: [no additional data] N. W. Thomas 7568 1914
A: 02435773 Bertiera bracteolata Hiern Sierra Leone: [no additional data] N. W. Thomas 3275 1914
A: 02435772 Bertiera bracteolata Hiern Sierra Leone: [no additional data] N. W. Thomas 3693 1914
GH: 02435779 Bertiera breviflora Hiern Guinea: Sumbaraya G. F. Scott Elliot 4939 1892-2-22
GH: 00092377 Bertiera diversiramea Steyermark Suriname: Wilhelmina Gebergte, 4 km. south of Juliana ... H. S. Irwin, G. T. Prance, T. R. S... 55299 1963-9-1
GH: 00092376 Bertiera gonzaleoides Grisebach Cuba: C. Wright 2668 1860
A: 02435780 Bertiera gracilis De Wildeman Cameroon: Centre Near village Oveng, 27 km from Sangmélima a... F. J. Breteler 2694 1962-3-22
A: 02435781 Bertiera gracilis De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 84 1935
A: 02435782 Bertiera laxissima K. Schumann Cameroon: Centre Yaoundé, 9 km along road to Makak F. J. Breteler 1971 1961-10-20
GH: 02435783 Bertiera macrocarpa Bentham Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 417 1913-10
A: 02435784 Bertiera naucleoides (S. Moore) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mombongo (Mongala) F. Thonner 159 1909-2-7
A: 02435786 Bertiera racemosa (G. Don) K. Schumann Liberia: Bong Gbanga: [no additional data] D. H. Linder 582 1926-9-12
A: 02435785 Bertiera racemosa (G. Don) K. Schumann Liberia: Bong Gbanga: [no additional data] D. H. Linder 582 1926-9-12
A: 02435799 Bertiera sp. : Reunion: Réunion ins. B. 4 L. Bernardi 15051 1975-1-14
GH: 02435798 Bertiera sp. : Reunion: Rubane[?]. Le long de lararinede l'... G. de L'Isle 509 1875-8-23
A: 02435801 Bertiera sp. Liberia: Monrovia Commonwealth District Paynesville, near Monrovia J. C. C. Bequaert 177 1944-4-16
A: 02435800 Bertiera sp. Liberia: Lofa Nyandamolahun J. C. C. Bequaert 82 1944-2-24
A: 02435797 Bertiera sp. Liberia: Peáhtah D. H. Linder 965 1926-10-8
A: 02435796 Bertiera sp. Liberia: Lofa Sodu J. C. C. Bequaert 47 1944-1-30
GH: 02435788 Bertiera spicata (C. F. Gaertner) K. Schumann : Africa: Sierra Leone G. F. Scott Elliot 4191
A: 02435790 Bertiera spicata (C. F. Gaertner) K. Schumann Liberia: Rippue's Town D. H. Linder 361 1926-8-28
A: 02435789 Bertiera spicata (C. F. Gaertner) K. Schumann Liberia: Rippue's Town D. H. Linder 361 1926-8-28
GH: 02435787 Bertiera spicata (C. F. Gaertner) K. Schumann Sierra Leone: [no additional data] T. Vogel
GH: 02435791 Bertiera subsessilis Hiern Equatorial Guinea: Guinea Ecuatorial: Bata-Bolondo. ao longo do... M. F. Carvalho 4762 1991-6-27
GH: 02435795 Bertiera zaluzania Commerson ex C. F. Gaertner : Africa (Region): Mauritius or Madagascar J. Blackburn 1863-7-17
GH: 02435794 Bertiera zaluzania Commerson ex C. F. Gaertner : Africa (Region): Mauritius or Madagascar [no data available]
GH: 02435793 Bertiera zaluzania Commerson ex C. F. Gaertner Mauritius: [no additional data] P. B. Ayres
GH: 02435792 Bertiera zaluzania Commerson ex C. F. Gaertner Mauritius: Maurit. [data not captured]
A: 02602823 Bikkia commerconiana K.Schum. : Papuasia: [illegible] O. Warburg 21495 1887-8
A: 02602825 Bikkia commerconiana K.Schum. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Ott Island 25 miles WNW of Fulleborn ... J. R. Croft et al. NGF 41297 1973-5-19
A: 02602824 Bikkia commerconiana K.Schum. Solomon Islands: Malaita, near the Mannu Anchorage F. S. Walker & C. T. White BSIP 100 1945-8-25
A: 02602826 Bikkia pancheri (Brongn.) Guillaumin Solomon Islands: Vio Island, near New Georgia. J. H. L. Waterhouse 206 1929-7-23
A: 02602847 Bikkia sp. Indonesia: Papua Res. Biak, Numfoor isl., Rumbai C. Koster BW 1050 1954-9-29
A: 02602846 Bikkia sp. Indonesia: Papua Barat Daya Div. West N. Guinea. Vogelkop Peninsula Ajam... C. Versteegh BW 4989 1958-5-8
GH: 02602850 Bikkia sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Gasmata: Cape Roebuck, west of Fullerborn Ha... J. S. Womersley NGF 41210 1973-5-9
A: 02602849 Bikkia sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Woodlark Island A. Kairo 163 1979-9-5
A: 02602848 Bikkia sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Misima Isl., Narian L. J. Brass 27628 1956-8-5
A: 02602845 Bikkia sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay near Boka-Boka, Cape Vogel Peninsula. R. D. Hoogland 4374 1954-7-23
A: 02602844 Bikkia sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Wewak: Tarawai Is. A. N. Millar & J. Vandenberg NGF 37594 1969-5-30
A: 02602843 Bikkia sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Gasmata: East coast of Marklos Is. near Araw... D. G. Frodin NGF 26605 1966-4-11
A: 02602840 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Indonesia: Papua Barat Isl. Rumberbon, 4 km. east off the coast of ... R. Kanehira & S. Hatusima 13315 1940-3-31
A: 02602839 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Indonesia: Papua: Tabati, Jautefa Bay. L. J. Brass 8850 1938-6-17
A: 02602838 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Indonesia: Papua Barat Daya Netherlands New Guinea; Segior NW side of La... W. Vink & M. Vink-van Leeuwen BW 1530 1962-3-10
A: 02602835 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea, Hollandia; Ja... H. A. v. der Sijde BW 4194 1957-3-29
A: 02602834 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Indonesia: Papua Barat waren, 60 miles south of Manokwari. R. Kanehira & S. Hatusima 13018 1940-3-13
A: 02602833 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Indonesia: Papua Biak Island: on coral cliff-top along coast ... M. E. Britton 88 1945-5-10
A: 02602832 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Indonesia: Papua Jayapura: distr. Hollandia, Cape Tanah Merah... P. van Royen & H. O. Sleumer 6518 1961-8-7
A: 02602830 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Indonesia: Papua Barat Daya Radjah Ampat, Waigeo Island, Lupintol villag... P. van Royen 5492 1955-2-10
A: 02602821 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: P. Kobroor, Kp. Kobroor M. M. J. van Balgooy & J. Mamesah 6488 1993-4-27
A: 02602820 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Indonesia: Maluku Utara Dagasoeli, N. Loloda Is; Halmaheira Isld D. G. Fairchild 404 1940-6-7
A: 02602819 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Aroe Isl. P. Kobroör, Dos... P. Buwalda 4989 1938-5-17
A: 02602818 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Indonesia: Maluku Ambon, Pulau: Soeli, Hitoe peninsula E. A. de Wiljes-Hissink 1 1947-10
A: 02602817 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Mandioli Isld, Batjan D. G. Fairchild 335 1940-5-19
A: 02602822 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Malaysia: Sabah Semporna: Pababag Is. F. R. H. G. Keith NBFD 7413 1937-8-19
A: 02602842 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Esa'ala: Laboda Village, Cape Pierson, Norma... H. Streimann & Y. LeLean LAE 52651 1971-12-23
A: 02602841 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Papua New Guinea: New Ireland Namatanai: Sali, north coast, Lihir Isl. O. G. Gideon LAE 57240 1984-11-13
A: 02602836 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik At the mouth of Musu River, near the old Mus... J. Wiakabu LAE 73320 1977-9-25
A: 02602831 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Gasmata: Awul C. D. Sayers NGF 24117 1965-3-21
A: 02602829 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Finschafen: [no additional data] K. J. White NGF 13660 1961-3-23
A: 02602852 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Philippines: Cebu Mualbual A. D. E. Elmer 12025 1909-10
GH: 02602851 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Philippines: Cebu Mualbual A. D. E. Elmer 12025 1909-9
A: 02602837 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Solomon Islands: Ulawa Island L. J. Brass 2973 1932-10-7
A: 02602828 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Solomon Islands: Makira: Mouth of Huni R., E. San Cristobal. T. C. Whitmore RSS 6298 1965-8-9
A: 02602827 Bikkia tetrandra (L.f.) A.Rich. Vanuatu: Santo/Malo Big Bay, Tolomako, rochers [rocks] Malotchir... J. Raynal RSNH 16399 1971-9-12
A: 00092378 Blepharidium mexicanum Standley Mexico: Chiapas Palenque, Rvina E. Matuda 3670 1939-7-10
A: 00092383 Bobea elatior molokaiensis Rock : Hawaii Molokai: Wailau Valley J. F. Rock 7028 1910-4
A: 00092382 Bobea elatior molokaiensis Rock : Hawaii Molokai: Wailau Valley J. F. Rock 7028 1910-4
GH: 00092381 Bobea elatior molokaiensis Rock : Hawaii Molokai: Wailau Valley J. F. Rock 7028 1910-4
GH: 00092379 Bobea elatior molokaiensis Rock : Hawaii Molokai: Wailau Valley J. F. Rock 7028 1910-4
GH: 00092380 Bobea elatior molokaiensis Rock : Hawaii Molokai: Wailau Valley J. F. Rock 7028 1910-4
GH: 00092532 Bobea sandwicensis (A. Gray) Hillebrand : Hawaii Sandwich Islands Wilkes Expedition 1838
GH: 00518833 Bobea sandwicensis (A. Gray) Hillebrand : Hawaii Lanai: H. Mann & W. T. Brigham 143
A: 00247312 Boholia Philippines: Mt. Yagaw (Eastern Slope). Mansalay, Orienta... M. D. Sulit & H. C. Conklin 16910 1952-12-13
A: 00247313 Boholia nematostylis Merrill Philippines: Bohol M. Ramos 43318 1923-8
A: 00092384 Boholia nematostylis Merrill Philippines: Bohol M. Ramos 43107 1923-10
GH: 00936824 Borreria articularis (Linnaeus f.) F. N. Williams China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong Cum-Syng-Moon C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936826 Borreria articularis (Linnaeus f.) F. N. Williams India: Concan J. E. Stocks
GH: 00936825 Borreria articularis (Linnaeus f.) F. N. Williams Indonesia: J. E. Teijsmann