Acanthaceae GH: 00093768 Carlowrightia arizonica A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 224 1885-11
GH: 00093768 Carlowrightia cordifolia A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 224 1885-11
GH: 00442338 Elytraria imbricata (Vahl) Persoon Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer EE 1885-8
GH: 00093985 Henrya costata A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 211 1885-11
GH: 00094049 Jacobinia ovata A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 220 1885-11
GH: 00094083 Justicia caudata A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 189 1885-11
Adiantaceae GH: 00021708 Notholaena weatherbiana R. M. Tryon Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, Batopilas Edw. Palmer 215 1885-11
Amaranthaceae GH: 00037143 Alternanthera stellata (S. Watson) Uline & W. L. Bray Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 4 1885-8
GH: 00037144 Alternanthera stellata (S. Watson) Uline & W. L. Bray Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 4 1885-8
GH: 00037024 Amaranthus chihuahuensis S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 197 1885-9
GH: 00303750 Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 1885-8
GH: 00037057 Froelichia alata S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 47 1885-8
GH: 00263867 Gomphrena decipiens S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilas, South-We... Edw. Palmer 27 1885-8
GH: 00263867 Gomphrena sonorae Torrey Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilas, South-We... Edw. Palmer 27 1885-8
GH: 00037114 Iresine schaffneri S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua South-Western Chihuahua. Hacienda San Miguel... Edw. Palmer 111 1885-8
GH: 00898463 Iresine schaffneri S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua South-Western Chihuahua. Hacienda San Miguel... Edw. Palmer 12 1885-8
GH: 00037143 Telanthera stellata S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 4 1885-8
GH: 00037144 Telanthera stellata S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 4 1885-8
Apiaceae GH: 00075087 Arracacia edulis S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Novogachi, north of Batapilas Edw. Palmer HH 1885-11
Apocynaceae GH: 02382463 Plumeria rubra Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua. Edw. Palmer 231 1885-8
Aquifoliaceae GH: 00049344 Ilex rubra S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Summit above Batopilas Edw. Palmer 322 1885-10
Asclepiadaceae GH: 00040956 Gonolobus caudatus A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 75 1885-11
GH: 00040963 Gonolobus petiolaris A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Batopilas Edw. Palmer 7 1885-11
GH: 00040964 Gonolobus petiolaris A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Batopilas Edw. Palmer 208 1885-11
GH: 00093985 Henrya insularis Nees Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 211 1885-11
GH: 00040956 Matelea caudata (A. Gray) Woodson Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 75 1885-11
GH: 00040963 Matelea petiolaris (A. Gray) Woodson Mexico: Chihuahua Batopilas Edw. Palmer 7 1885-11
GH: 00040964 Matelea petiolaris (A. Gray) Woodson Mexico: Chihuahua Batopilas Edw. Palmer 208 1885-11
Aspleniaceae GH: 00020562 Asplenium modestum Maxon Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 162 1885-11
Asteraceae GH: 00000554 Achaetogeron affinis A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua South-Western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 255 1885-11
GH: 00000560 Achaetogeron palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 362 1885-11
GH: 00273577 Acourtia mexicana (Lagasca ex D. Don) H. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 272 1885-8
GH: 00273577 Acourtia thurberi (A. Gray) Reveal & R. M. King Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 272 1885-8
GH: 00011281 Ageratina palmeri (A. Gray) Gage Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 280 1885-8
GH: 00007414 Ageratina venulosa (A. Gray) King & H. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 329 1885-11
GH: 00000645 Ageratum corymbosum Zuccagni Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 31 1885-8
GH: 00000658 Ageratum corymbosum Zuccagni Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 110 1885-11
GH: 00000645 Ageratum corymbosum longipetiolatum B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 31 1885-8
GH: 00000658 Ageratum corymbosum longipetiolatum B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 110 1885-11
GH: 00000645 Ageratum corymbosum album B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 31 1885-8
GH: 00303744 Artemisia ludoviciana mexicana (Willdenow ex Sprengel) D. D. Keck Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 1885-8
GH: 00303744 Artemisia mexicana Willdenow ex Sprengel Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 1885-8
GH: 00053229 Bidens Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua Alt 2400 ft. Hacienda San Miguel, S. W. Chih... Edw. Palmer 131 1885-8
GH: 00053229 Bidens cornuta Sherff Mexico: Chihuahua Alt 2400 ft. Hacienda San Miguel, S. W. Chih... Edw. Palmer 131 1885-8
GH: 00303745 Bidens leucantha Willdenow Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 282 1885-8
GH: 00303746 Bidens odorata Cavanilles Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 283 1885-8
GH: 00303745 Bidens odorata Cavanilles Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 282 1885-8
GH: 00004403 Brickellia brachiata A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 169 1885-11
GH: 00006160 Coreocarpus arizonicus macrophyllus Sherff Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 294 1885-11
GH: 00012399 Encelia exaristata (A. Gray) A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 440 1885-8
GH: 00000554 Erigeron fraternus Greene Mexico: Chihuahua South-Western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 255 1885-11
GH: 00006833 Erigeron inoptatus A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 442 1885-11
GH: 00006842 Erigeron neomexicanus A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 419 1885-11
GH: 00006842 Erigeron oreophilus Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 419 1885-11
GH: 00000560 Erigeron strigulosus Greene Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 362 1885-11
GH: 00007244 Eupatorium lemmonii B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 332 1885-11
GH: 00007316 Eupatorium palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 263 1885-8
GH: 00007317 Eupatorium palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 144 1885-11
GH: 00007244 Eupatorium schaffneri Schultz Bipontinus ex B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 332 1885-11
GH: 00007399 Eupatorium strictum A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 330 1885-8
GH: 00007414 Eupatorium venulosum A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 329 1885-11
GH: 00008726 Haplopappus tenuilobus A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 408 1885-11
GH: 00009339 Hymenopappus L'Heritier Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 395 1885-11
GH: 00009339 Hymenothrix palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 395 1885-11
GH: 00303778 Iostephane heterophylla Hemsley Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 333 1885-8
GH: 00008726 Machaeranthera stenoloba (Greene) Shinners Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 408 1885-11
GH: 00010046 Melampodium appendiculatum B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 245 1885-8
GH: 00010046 Melampodium longicorne A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 245 1885-8
GH: 00010556 Montanoa leucantha arborescens (de Candolle) V. A. Funk Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 164 1885-11
GH: 00010556 Montanoa patens A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 164 1885-11
GH: 00010559 Montanoa patens A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 164 1885-8
GH: 00010898 Parthenium arctium Bartlett Mexico: Chihuahua Municipio de Batopilas, Hacienda San Miguel,... Edw. Palmer 123 1885-8
GH: 00010898 Parthenium stramonium Greene Mexico: Chihuahua Municipio de Batopilas, Hacienda San Miguel,... Edw. Palmer 123 1885-8
GH: 00010898 Parthenium tomentosum de Candolle Mexico: Chihuahua Municipio de Batopilas, Hacienda San Miguel,... Edw. Palmer 123 1885-8
GH: 00010898 Parthenium tomentosum stramonium (Greene) Rollins Mexico: Chihuahua Municipio de Batopilas, Hacienda San Miguel,... Edw. Palmer 123 1885-8
GH: 00010931 Pectis berlandieri palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chiuhahua Edw. Palmer 61 1885-11
GH: 00010931 Pectis capillaris paucicapitata Fernald Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chiuhahua Edw. Palmer 61 1885-11
GH: 00589283 Pectis prostrata Cavanilles Mexico: Chihuahua [protologe: "Hacienda San José"] Edw. Palmer 53 1885-8
GH: 00589283 Pectis prostrata urceolata Fernald Mexico: Chihuahua [protologe: "Hacienda San José"] Edw. Palmer 53 1885-8
GH: 00010981 Pectis stenophylla A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 81 1885-11
GH: 00010931 Pectis uniaristata uniaristata Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chiuhahua Edw. Palmer 61 1885-11
GH: 00022799 Perezia paniculata A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 279 1885-8
GH: 00273577 Perezia thurberi A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 272 1885-8
GH: 00011133 Perityle microcephala A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 268 1885-10
GH: 00011281 Piptothrix Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 280 1885-8
GH: 00011281 Piptothrix palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 280 1885-8
GH: 00011282 Piptothrix palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 274 1885-8
GH: 00282470 Pseudognaphalium arizonicum (A. Gray) Anderberg Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 411 1885-8
GH: 00282452 Pseudognaphalium jaliscense (Greenman) Anderberg Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua [Novogachic] Edw. Palmer 417 1885-8
GH: 00282443 Pseudognaphalium pringlei (A. Gray) Anderberg Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 443 1885-8
GH: 00282471 Pseudognaphalium viscosum (Kunth) Anderberg Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 410 1885-8
GH: 00012399 Simsia amplexicaulis (Cavanilles) Persoon Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 440 1885-8
GH: 00012399 Simsia amplexicaulis decipiens (S. F. Blake) S. F. Blake Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 440 1885-8
GH: 00012399 Simsia foetida decipiens S. F. Blake Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 440 1885-8
GH: 00012714 Stevia anadenotricha (B. L. Robinson) Grashoff Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 257 1885-8
GH: 00012714 Stevia berlandieri anadenotricha B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 257 1885-8
GH: 00012739 Stevia linoides grisea A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 251 1885-8
GH: 00012746 Stevia madrensis A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 328 1885-7
GH: 00012714 Stevia monardifolia Kunth Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 257 1885-8
GH: 00012757 Stevia palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua About 25 miles south of Batopilitas, near ha... Edw. Palmer 30 1885-11
GH: 00012746 Stevia plummerae A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 328 1885-7
GH: 00012789 Stevia venosa A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 376 1885-8
GH: 00012739 Stevia villaregalis McVaugh Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 251 1885-8
GH: 00442186 Tagetes jaliscensis Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 267 1885-8
GH: 00303773 Tagetes lucida Cavanilles Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer LL 1885-8
GH: 00303777 Tagetes micrantha Cavanilles Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer GG 1885-8
GH: 00002833 Tagetes palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Los Frailes, on the mountain halfway between... Edw. Palmer 265 1885-10
GH: 00442186 Tagetes wislizenii A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 267 1885-8
GH: 00013164 Tragoceros mocinianus A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 67 1885-7
GH: 00013164 Tragoceros zinnioides Kunth Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 67 1885-7
GH: 00013214 Tridax balbisioides A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 425 1885-8
GH: 00013233 Tridax bicolor A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 130 1885-8
GH: 00013211 Tridax erecta A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 285 1885-8
GH: 00013214 Tridax leptophylla A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 425 1885-8
GH: 00013233 Tridax tenuifolia Rose Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 130 1885-8
GH: 00013361 Verbesina cymosa A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 135 1885-8
GH: 00013397 Verbesina leptochaeta A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 170 1885-7
GH: 00013361 Verbesina pauciflora Hemsley Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 135 1885-8
GH: 00022799 Vernonia serratuloides Kunth Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 279 1885-8
GH: 00303740 Xanthocephalum gymnospermoides (A. Gray) Bentham & Hooker f. Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 439 1885-11
GH: 00303740 Xanthocephalum gymnospermoides eradiatum M. A. Lane Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 439 1885-11
Begoniaceae GH: 00257799 Begonia palmeri Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Baropilas Edw. Palmer 139 1885-9
Betulaceae GH: 00303733 Alnus acuminata Kunth Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 339 1885-10
GH: 00303733 Alnus acuminata arguta (Schlechtendal) Furlow Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 339 1885-10
Bombacaceae GH: 00303730 Ceiba acuminata (S. Watson) Rose Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 7 1885-8
GH: 00303730 Eriodendron acuminatum S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 7 1885-8
Boraginaceae GH: 00097845 Heliotropium mexicanum Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua South western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 98 1885-11
GH: 00097842 Heliotropium mexicanum Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua South western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 31 1885-11
GH: 00097845 Heliotropium ternatum Vahl Mexico: Chihuahua South western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 98 1885-11
GH: 00097842 Heliotropium ternatum Vahl Mexico: Chihuahua South western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 31 1885-11
Brassicaceae GH: 00018989 Descurainia edentata Payson Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 421 1885-11
Burseraceae GH: 00044388 Bursera fragilis S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer W 1885-8
GH: 00044393 Bursera inopinata Bullock Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer Y 1885-8
GH: 00044392 Bursera inopinata Bullock Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer Y 1885-8
GH: 00044411 Bursera stenophylla Sprague & L. Riley Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 200 1885-9
Byttneriaceae GH: 00303737 Guazuma tomentosa Kunth Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer J 1885-8
GH: 00303755 Guazuma tomentosa Kunth Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer J 1885-8
GH: 00303737 Guazuma ulmifolia Lamarck Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer J 1885-8
GH: 00303755 Guazuma ulmifolia Lamarck Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer J 1885-8
Cactaceae GH: 00061812 Cereus pecten-aboriginum Engelmann Mexico: Chihuahua Batopilas Edw. Palmer 1885
GH: 01677542 Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum (Engelmann ex S. Watson) Britton & Rose Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer AA 1885
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 00059871 Caesalpinia platyloba S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer "K" 1885-8
GH: 00303768 Caesalpinia pulcherrima (Linnaeus) Swartz Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer B 1885-8
GH: 00303767 Caesalpinia pulcherrima (Linnaeus) Swartz Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer B 1885-8
GH: 00257173 Cassia leptadenia mensalis Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilitas Edw. Palmer 175 1885-9
GH: 00257173 Cassia nictitans Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilitas Edw. Palmer 175 1885-9
GH: 00257173 Chamaecrista nictitans mensalis (Greenman) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilitas Edw. Palmer 175 1885-9
Caryophyllaceae GH: 00037720 Drymaria confusa Rose Mexico: Chihuahua 25 miles south of Batopilas Edw. Palmer 59 1885-8
Chenopodiaceae GH: 00037183 Chenopodium berlandieri Moquin-Tandon Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua, Hacienda San Miguel... Edw. Palmer 9 1885-8
GH: 00037183 Chenopodium palmeri Standley Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua, Hacienda San Miguel... Edw. Palmer 9 1885-8
Cleomaceae GH: 00042304 Cleome melanosperma S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 94 1885-9
Cochlospermaceae GH: 00303735 Amoreuxia palmatifida de Candolle Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer Q 1885-8
Commelinaceae GH: 00029572 Tinantia macrophylla S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel Edw. Palmer 184 1885-9
Convolvulaceae GH: 00303783 Ipomoea bracteata Cavanilles Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 296 1885-8
GH: 00303782 Ipomoea bracteata Cavanilles Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer R 1885-8
GH: 00303734 Ipomoea longifolia Bentham Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 297 1885-8
GH: 00054626 Jacquemontia pringlei A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 107 1885-11
GH: 00054617 Jacquemontia pringlei A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 248 1885-11
GH: 00054626 Jacquemontia pringlei glabrescens A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 107 1885-11
GH: 00054617 Jacquemontia pringlei glabrescens A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 248 1885-11
Crassulaceae GH: 00042579 Sedum vinicolor S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua 150 miles north of Batolipas, 8000 feet Edw. Palmer 374 1885-11
GH: 01990887 Sedum vinicolor S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Norogachi. 150 m. N. of Batopilas. Edw. Palmer 373 1885-11
Cucurbitaceae GH: 00303784 Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer NN 1885-8
GH: 00303784 Cucurbita perennis (E. James) A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer NN 1885-8
GH: 00254773 Sicyosperma gracile A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 148 1885-9
Cupressaceae GH: 00303732 Juniperus deppeana robusta Martinez Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer UU 1885-11
GH: 00303732 Juniperus pachyphlaea Torrey Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer UU 1885-11
Cyperaceae GH: 00027662 Cyperus asper (Liebmann) O'Neill Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Jose, Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 49 1885-8
GH: 00027662 Cyperus flavomariscus peduncularis Britton Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Jose, Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 49 1885-8
GH: 00037057 Froelichia interrupta Moquin-Tandon Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 47 1885-8
Ericaceae GH: 00303785 Arbutus xalapensis Kunth Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer VV 1885-8
GH: 00442263 Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer OO 1885-11
Euphorbiaceae GH: 00045412 Acalypha subviscida S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Jose, 25 miles south of Batopil... Edw. Palmer 39 1885-8
GH: 00047155 Croton tenuilobus S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San José, 25 miles south of Batopi... Edw. Palmer 29 1885-8
GH: 00435034 Dalechampia scandens Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 222 1885-9
GH: 00303731 Dalechampia scandens Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 222 1885-9
GH: 00062514 Euphorbia colletioides Bentham Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 246 1885-10
GH: 00021923 Euphorbia colletioides Bentham Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 181 1885-9
GH: 00047778 Euphorbia gracillima S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 68 1885-8
GH: 00021923 Euphorbia plicata S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 181 1885-9
GH: 00062514 Euphorbia plicata S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 246 1885-10
GH: 00012508 Euphorbia subreniforme S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Jose, 25 miles south of Batopil... Edw. Palmer 60 1885-8
GH: 00048408 Manihot caudata Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 201 1885-9
GH: 00048408 Manihot sp. Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 201 1885-9
Fabaceae GH: 00068738 Coursetia mexicana S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilas Edw. Palmer C 1885-8
GH: 00053675 Dalea pringlei A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel; [near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 241 1885-10
GH: 00053675 Dalea pringlei multijuga Barneby Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel; [near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 241 1885-10
GH: 00053761 Desmodium bioculatum S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 168 1885-9
GH: 00303769 Erythrina coralloides de Candolle Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer E 1885-8
GH: 00303769 Erythrina flabelliformis Kearney Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer E 1885-8
GH: 00066159 Haematoxylum boreale S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilas Edw. Palmer T 1885-9
GH: 00066160 Haematoxylum boreale S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel Edw. Palmer 247 1885-10
GH: 00303770 Indigofera anil Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 80 1885-9
GH: 00303770 Indigofera suffruticosa Miller Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 80 1885-9
GH: 00068738 Lonchocarpus hermannii M. Sousa Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilas Edw. Palmer C 1885-8
GH: 00065363 Lupinus chihuahuensis S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Combre, summit above Batopilas, 8500 feet Edw. Palmer 318 1885-10
GH: 00064511 Nissolia confertiflora S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Jose, 25 miles south of Batopil... Edw. Palmer 42 1885-8
GH: 00064511 Nissolia microptera Poiret Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Jose, 25 miles south of Batopil... Edw. Palmer 42 1885-8
GH: 00053675 Parosela pringlei A. Heller Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel; [near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 241 1885-10
GH: 00064284 Parosela watsoni Rose Mexico: Chihuahua The Frailes above Batopilas, 7000 feet Edw. Palmer 252 1885-10
GH: 00063509 Tephrosia affinis S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Jose, 25 miles south of Batopil... Edw. Palmer 55 1885-9
GH: 00063509 Tephrosia leiocarpa A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Jose, 25 miles south of Batopil... Edw. Palmer 55 1885-9
GH: 00303775 Tephrosia tenella A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 214 1885-9
GH: 00063346 Vicia leucophaea Greene Mexico: Chihuahua Cembro, summit above Batopilas, 8500 feet Edw. Palmer 341 1885-10
GH: 00063346 Vicia mediocincta S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Cembro, summit above Batopilas, 8500 feet Edw. Palmer 341 1885-10
GH: 00068738 Willardia mexicana (S. Watson) Rose Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilas Edw. Palmer C 1885-8
Fagaceae GH: 00303781 Quercus emoryi Torrey Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 302 1885-11
Gentianaceae GH: 01246086 Gentiana bicuspidata (G.Don) Briq. Mexico: Chihuahua South-wetsern Chihuahua. Edw. Palmer 335 1885-8
GH: 00061850 Halenia palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 359 1885-11
Geraniaceae GH: 00043644 Geranium niveum S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua, 150 m. N. [miles Nor... Edw. Palmer 406 1885-11
GH: 00043663 Geranium wislizeni S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua, 150 m. N. [miles nor... Edw. Palmer 428 1885-11
GH: 00043663 Geranium wislizenii S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua, 150 m. N. [miles nor... Edw. Palmer 428 1885-11
Krameriaceae GH: 00055280 Krameria bicolor S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Jose, 25 miles north of Batopil... Edw. Palmer 37 1885-8
Lamiaceae GH: 00303772 Agastache micrantha durangensis R. W. Sanders Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 420 1885-8
GH: 00303786 Agastache pallida (Lindley) Cory Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer FF 1885-8
GH: 00442334 Agastache pringlei (Briquet) Lint & Epling Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer FF 1885-8
GH: 00589348 Asterohyptis seemannii (A. Gray) Epling Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua. [protologue: "Mount... Edw. Palmer 177 1885-8
GH: 00001091 Cedronella aurantiaca A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 402 1885-11
GH: 00303786 Cedronella cana Hooker Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer FF 1885-8
GH: 00442334 Cedronella cana Hooker Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer FF 1885-8
GH: 00303772 Cedronella micrantha A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 420 1885-8
GH: 00589348 Hyptis seemannii A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua. [protologue: "Mount... Edw. Palmer 177 1885-8
GH: 00023871 Salvia elegans sonorensis Fernald Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 270 1885-11
GH: 00001641 Salvia galinsogifolia Fernald Mexico: Chihuahua Southwest Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 205 1885-11
GH: 00001692 Salvia microphylla wislizenii A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua 150 miles north of Batopilas Edw. Palmer 379 1885-11
GH: 00001718 Salvia palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 259 1885-11
GH: 00023884 Salvia scorodoniaefolia crenaea Fernald Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 0 1885-11
GH: 00001759 Salvia setosa Fernald Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Jose Edw. Palmer 64 1885-11
GH: 00303759 Salvia tiliaefolia J. Vahl Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 1885-8
Lobeliaceae GH: 00033276 Lobelia gracilens A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 360 1885-8
Loganiaceae GH: 00303776 Buddleja cordata Kunth Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 314 1885-8
GH: 00303776 Buddleja humboldtiana (Kunth) Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 314 1885-8
Loranthaceae GH: 00035794 Loranthus palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 219 1885-9
GH: 00035794 Psittacanthus palmeri (S. Watson) Engler & Prantl Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 219 1885-9
Lythraceae GH: 00068410 Cuphea leptopoda Hemsley Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 127 1885-9
GH: 00068410 Cuphea palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 127 1885-9
Malpighiaceae GH: 00045086 Galphimia vestita S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 187 1885-9
GH: 00255111 Gaudichaudia palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Baholoparia [?] Edw. Palmer 132 1885-9
Malvaceae GH: 00052648 Abutilon reventum S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Jose, 25 m. [miles] south of Ba... Edw. Palmer 56 1885-8
GH: 00052694 Anoda crenatiflora glabrata Rose Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miquel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 128 1885-10
GH: 00052801 Hibiscus biseptus S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 3 1885-8
GH: 00052938 Malvastrum bicuspidatum bicuspidatum Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, 1 mile from Batopilas a... Edw. Palmer 8 1885-8
GH: 00058161 Malvastrum jacens S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Norogachic, 150 miles north of Batopilas, ca... Edw. Palmer 430 1885-11
GH: 00052938 Malvastrum tricuspidatum bicuspidatum S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, 1 mile from Batopilas a... Edw. Palmer 8 1885-8
Mimosaceae GH: 00058244 Acacia millefolia S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 45 1885-8
GH: 00100944 Anneslia chihuahuana Britton & Rose Mexico: Chihuahua [?] Frailes, above Batopilas, 7000 ft Edw. Palmer 266 1885-10
GH: 00100944 Calliandra anomala (Kunth) J. F. Macbride Mexico: Chihuahua [?] Frailes, above Batopilas, 7000 ft Edw. Palmer 266 1885-10
GH: 00100944 Calliandra grandiflora (L'Heritier) Bentham Mexico: Chihuahua [?] Frailes, above Batopilas, 7000 ft Edw. Palmer 266 1885-10
GH: 00053729 Desmanthus bicornutus S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 43 1885-8
GH: 00065800 Leucaena lanceolata S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 6 1885-8
GH: 00303760 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxburgh) Bentham Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 1885-8
Nyctaginaceae GH: 00062491 Boerhavia palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 209 1885-9
Onagraceae GH: 00054209 Lopezia cornuta S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Cumbre, summit above Batopilos?, 8850 feet Edw. Palmer 367 1885-10
GH: 00054210 Lopezia gracilis S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Cumbre, summit above Batopilos? Edw. Palmer 337 1885-10
Orchidaceae GH: 02092298 Stenorrhynchos michoacanus Lindley Mexico: Chihuahua [illegible] Edw. Palmer 1885-11
Orobanchaceae GH: 00016921 Castilleja patriotica Fernald Mexico: Chihuahua Southwest Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 363 1885-11
GH: 00078576 Lamourouxia hyssopifolia A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 260 1885-11
GH: 00077865 Seymeria chihuahuana (Pennell) Standley Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 325 1885-11
Passifloraceae GH: 00303780 Passiflora foetida Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 199 1885-9
GH: 00303780 Passiflora foetida gossypiifolia (Desvaux ex Hamilton) Masters Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 199 1885-9
Plantaginaceae GH: 00091531 Penstemon coccineus filifolius A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 432 1885-11
GH: 00091534 Penstemon fasciculatus A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahuha Edw. Palmer 264 1885-9
GH: 00091531 Penstemon stenophyllus A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 432 1885-11
GH: 00303752 Plantago argyrea E. Morris Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 372 1885-8
GH: 00303751 Plantago deppeana Vatke Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 371 1885-8
GH: 00303751 Plantago hirtella Kunth Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 371 1885-8
GH: 00091746 Stemodia palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 221 1885-11
GH: 00091747 Stemodia palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 250 1885-11
Poaceae GH: 00303725 Bromus ciliatus Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer PP 1885-11
GH: 00303725 Bromus porteri (J. M. Coulter) Nash Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer PP 1885-11
GH: 00442072 Bromus porteri (J. M. Coulter) Nash Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 1885:PP Cult-1 1885-11
GH: 00442266 Bromus porteri (J. M. Coulter) Nash Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 1885:PP Cult-2 1885-11
GH: 00442072 Bromus segetum Kunth Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 1885:PP Cult-1 1885-11
GH: 00442266 Bromus segetum Kunth Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 1885:PP Cult-2 1885-11
GH: 00303757 Elionurus barbiculmis Hackel Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer QQ 1885-8
GH: 00303757 Elionurus candidus (Trinius) Hackel Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer QQ 1885-8
GH: 00354238 Eriochloa aristata Vasey Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 110E 1885-8
GH: 00024010 Muhlenbergia argentea Vasey Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel Edw. Palmer 160 1885-10
GH: 00024037 Muhlenbergia palmeri Vasey Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 16 1885-11
GH: 00024043 Muhlenbergia ramosissima Vasey Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 158 1885-11
GH: 00024048 Muhlenbergia speciosa Vasey Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 30 1885-11
GH: 02579222 Peyritschia deyeuxioides (Kunth) Finot Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 14 1885-8
GH: 00024435 Setaria latiglumis Vasey Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 117a 1885-11
GH: 00589927 Setaria pauciseta Vasey Mexico: Chihuahua South-Western Chihuahua, Hacienda San Jose 2... Edw. Palmer 78 1885-8
GH: 00589927 Setariopsis auriculata (E. Fournier) Scribner Mexico: Chihuahua South-Western Chihuahua, Hacienda San Jose 2... Edw. Palmer 78 1885-8
GH: 00024435 Setariopsis latiglumis (Vasey) Scribner & Merrill Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 117a 1885-11
GH: 00024009 Sporobolus annuus Vasey Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batolipas Edw. Palmer 4 1885-8
GH: 00024466 Sporobolus sheperdi Vasey Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batolipas Edw. Palmer 9 1885-8
Polemoniaceae GH: 00954966 Gilia macombii pringlei (A. Gray) Brand Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 431 1885-8
GH: 00954966 Gilia pringlei A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 431 1885-8
GH: 00954966 Ipomopsis pringlei (A. Gray) Henrickson Mexico: Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 431 1885-8
GH: 00303738 Loeselia caerulea (Cavanilles) G. Don Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 256 1885-8
GH: 00442285 Loeselia ciliata Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 193 1885-8
GH: 00442285 Loeselia ciliata echinophylla (Brand) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 193 1885-8
GH: 00442310 Loeselia coccinea (Cavanilles) G. Don Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 253 1885-8
GH: 00303738 Loeselia glandulosa cervantesii (Kunth) Brand Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 256 1885-8
GH: 00442310 Loeselia mexicana (Lamarck) Brand Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 253 1885-8
Polygalaceae GH: 00025894 Polygala alba suspecta S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua North of Batopilas, 4500 feet Edw. Palmer 369 1885-11
GH: 00025900 Polygala berlandieri S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Summit above Batopilas, 8500 feet Edw. Palmer 323 1885-11
Polygonaceae GH: 00303756 Eriogonum atrorubens Engelmann Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer JJ 1885-11
GH: 00303756 Eriogonum atrorubens intonsum Reveal Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer JJ 1885-11
Rubiaceae GH: 00092599 Crusea megalocarpa (A. Gray) S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Wet places in the higher mountains above Bat... Edw. Palmer 185 1885-11
GH: 00092600 Crusea palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 70 1885-11
GH: 00092600 Crusea psyllioides (Kunth) W. R. Anderson Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 70 1885-11
GH: 00303753 Genipa echinocarpa (de Candolle) A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer A 1885-8
GH: 00303753 Randia echinocarpa de Candolle Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer A 1885-8
GH: 00092599 Spermacoce megalocarpa A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Wet places in the higher mountains above Bat... Edw. Palmer 185 1885-11
Rutaceae GH: 00044181 Ptelea glauca Greene Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 152 1885-9
Sapindaceae GH: 00303758 Sapindus saponaria Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer G 1885-8
Scrophulariaceae GH: 00077865 Afzelia chihuahuana Pennell Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 325 1885-11
Selaginellaceae GH: 00267765 Selaginella chrismari karwinskyana Hieronymus Mexico: Chihuahua South-Western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 92 1885-8
GH: 00267765 Selaginella rupestris (Linnaeus) Spring Mexico: Chihuahua South-Western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 92 1885-8
GH: 00267765 Selaginella rupincola Underwood Mexico: Chihuahua South-Western Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 92 1885-8
Solanaceae GH: 00987728 Capsicum annuum glabriusculum (Dunal) Heiser & Pickersgill Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 230 1885-8
GH: 00303763 Datura alba Rumphius ex Nees Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer Z2 1885-8
GH: 00303763 Datura discolor Bernhardi Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer Z2 1885-8
GH: 00303761 Datura inoxia lanosa A. S. Barclay Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer Z1 1885-8
GH: 00303761 Datura meteloides de Candolle Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer Z1 1885-8
GH: 00303765 Nicotiana rustica Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer RR 1885-10
GH: 00303764 Nicotiana trigonophylla Dunal Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 114 1885-8
GH: 00077663 Solanum grayi Rose Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 54 1885-8
GH: 00077663 Solanum sisymbriifolium Lamarck Mexico: Chihuahua Southwestern Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 54 1885-8
Sterculiaceae GH: 00062744 Ayenia berlandieri S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 19 1885-9
GH: 00062741 Ayenia berlandieri S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel Edw. Palmer 83 1885-10
GH: 00062743 Ayenia jaliscana S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 19 1885-9
GH: 00062742 Ayenia jaliscana S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel Edw. Palmer 83 1885-10
GH: 00062757 Ayenia palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 179 1885-9
GH: 00062758 Ayenia palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 180 1885-9
Tiliaceae GH: 00052342 Heliocarpus attenuatus S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel Edw. Palmer 99 1885-9
GH: 00260631 Heliocarpus attenuatus S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hac. S. Miguel Edw. Palmer 99 1885-9
GH: 00260632 Heliocarpus attenuatus S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda S. Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 99 1885-9
GH: 00052354 Heliocarpus palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 97 1885-9
GH: 00052355 Heliocarpus palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 191 1885-9
GH: 00052356 Heliocarpus polyandra S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda San Miguel, near Batopilas Edw. Palmer 100 1885-9
Verbenaceae GH: 00303762 Vitex mollis Kunth Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer U 1885-8
Vitaceae GH: 00303741 Vitis arizonica Engelmann Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer TT 1885-11