Asteraceae GH: 01234329 Artemisia pycnocephala (Lessing) de Candolle USA: California Hwy 1 just S of the San Francisco County lin... B. Anderson 3060 1986-6-18
GH: 00386872 Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz & Pavon) Persoon USA: California Mines Rd, 19 km from N Livermore Rd. Canyon ... B. Anderson 2893 1986-4-24
GH: 00386872 Baccharis viminea de Candolle USA: California Mines Rd, 19 km from N Livermore Rd. Canyon ... B. Anderson 2893 1986-4-24
GH: 02020439 Cirsium californicum A. Gray USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3004 1986-5-25
GH: 02021653 Cirsium proteanum J. T. Howell USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 2918 1986-4-24
GH: 02021652 Cirsium proteanum J. T. Howell USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3054 1986-6-12
GH: 02216776 Conyza bonariensis (Linnaeus) Cronquist USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3271 1986-11-9
GH: 02142523 Crepis capillaris (Linnaeus) Wallroth USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3098 1986-6-18
GH: 02352488 Erigeron philadelphicus Linnaeus USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3181 1986-7-9
GH: 02352487 Erigeron philadelphicus Linnaeus USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 2983 1986-5-23
GH: 00427014 Eriophyllum lanatum grandiflorum (A. Gray) Jepson USA: California Pine Gulch Rd off Shake Hill Rd. B. Anderson 2978 1986-5-23
GH: 00427066 Eriophyllum lanatum arachnoideum (Fischer, C. A. Meyer & Avé-Lallemant) Jepson USA: California Native Son's Rd off Star Hill Rd. B. Anderson 3093 1986-6-18
GH: 00417570 Grindelia camporum Greene USA: California Mines Rd., 8.3 km from Del Valley Rd. B. Anderson 3222 1986-7-29
GH: 00417678 Grindelia camporum Greene USA: California Sutter Creek/Volcano Rd E of Sutter Creek B. Anderson 2986 1986-5-23
GH: 00417661 Grindelia hirsutula Hooker & Arnott USA: California West Beach Rd near Pajaro Dunes B. Anderson 3270 1986-11-9
GH: 00417662 Grindelia hirsutula Hooker & Arnott USA: California Just off the Hwy 1 & 101 intersection NW of ... B. Anderson 3027 1986-6-12
GH: 00417686 Grindelia nana Nuttall USA: California Fall River Valley near McArthur along Hwy 29... B. Anderson 3121 1986-7-9
GH: 00417796 Gutierrezia californica (de Candolle) Torrey & A. Gray USA: California Del Puerto Canyon Rd., 4.7 km from the Count... B. Anderson 3247 1986-7-29
GH: 02204024 Heterotheca grandiflora Nuttall USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3273 1986-11-9
GH: 02204077 Heterotheca oregona rudis (Greene) J. C. Semple USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3240 1986-7-29
GH: 00414046 Lessingia micradenia arachnoidea (Greene) R. S. Ferris USA: California Skyline Blvd just N of Crystal Springs Rd. B. Anderson 3260 1986-8-12
GH: 00414043 Lessingia tenuis (A. Gray) Coville USA: California Del Puerto Rd., E of the Santa Clara County ... B. Anderson 2962 1986-5-20
GH: 00282427 Pseudognaphalium beneolens (Davidson) Anderberg USA: California Point San Pedro Rd along San Rafael Bay, sea... B. Anderson 3212 1986-7-22
GH: 00427761 Senecio flaccidus douglasii (de Candolle) B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley USA: California Mines Rd., 8.3 km from Del Valle Rd. B. Anderson 3220 1986-7-29
Brassicaceae GH: 00974815 Barbarea verna (Miller) Ascherson USA: California Head of Ashland Creek off Hwy 88 B. Anderson 2991 1986-5-24
GH: 00986416 Descurainia incana (Bernhardi ex Fischer & C. A. Meyer) Dorn USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3164 1986-7-9
GH: 00422266 Streptanthus tortuosus Kellogg USA: California Sutter Creek/Volcano Rd E of Sutter Creek B. Anderson 2985 1986-5-23
Caprifoliaceae GH: 00422882 Lonicera hispidula (Lindley) Douglas ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: California Tunitas Creek Rd, about 5 km E of Hwy 1 B. Anderson 3086 1986-6-18
GH: 00422882 Lonicera hispidula vacillans A. Gray USA: California Tunitas Creek Rd, about 5 km E of Hwy 1 B. Anderson 3086 1986-6-18
Chenopodiaceae GH: 01783674 Salicornia virginica Linnaeus USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3209 1986-7-22
Convolvulaceae GH: 00369472 Calystegia purpurata (Greene) Brummitt USA: California Tunitas Creek Rd, about 5 km e of Hwy 1 B. Anderson 3088 1986-6-18
Cornaceae GH: 00385552 Cornus stolonifera Michaux USA: California Gazos Creek Rd E of Hwy 1 B. Anderson 2887 1986-4-18
Crassulaceae GH: 01987504 Dudleya setchellii (Jepson) Britton & Rose USA: California Mines Rd. 17 km S of Del Valle Rd. Foothill ... B. Anderson 2927 1986-5-20
Cupressaceae GH: 00356191 Juniperus californica Carr USA: California Mines Rd, 30-32 km from N Livermore Rd. Cree... B. Anderson 2902 1986-4-24
Cyperaceae GH: 00424176 Bolboschoenus maritimus (Linnaeus) Palla USA: California Just off the Hwy 1 & 101 intersection NW of ... B. Anderson 3026 1986-6-12
GH: 00424176 Scirpus maritimus Linnaeus USA: California Just off the Hwy 1 & 101 intersection NW of ... B. Anderson 3026 1986-6-12
Ericaceae GH: 00350595 Arctostaphylos manzanita Parry USA: California Trinity Rd just E of Glen Elen B. Anderson 2849 1986-1-10
GH: 00362499 Arctostaphylos sp. USA: California Trinity Rd just E of Glen Elen B. Anderson 2850 1986-1-10
Fabaceae GH: 00366798 Lupinus arboreus Sims USA: California Hwy 1 just S of the San Francisco County lin... B. Anderson 3063 1986-6-18
GH: 02176339 Lupinus formosus Greene USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3257 1986-8-12
GH: 02176733 Lupinus latifolius Lindley ex J. Agardh USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 2879 1986-4-18
GH: 00369031 Lupinus latifolius barbatus (L. F. Henderson) Munz USA: California Warner Mountains. Stough Reservoir Rd just E... B. Anderson 3169 1986-7-9
GH: 02177213 Lupinus microcarpus densiflorus (Bentham) Jepson USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 2889 1986-4-24
GH: 02128735 Lupinus subvexus C. P. Smith USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 2890 1986-4-24
GH: 02133449 Pickeringia montana Nuttall USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3049 1986-6-12
GH: 02342556 Trifolium ciliolatum Bentham USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 2989 1986-5-23
GH: 02343020 Trifolium hirtum Allioni USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3008 1986-5-25
GH: 02289238 Trifolium willdenovii Sprengel USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3000 1986-5-25
GH: 02347592 Vicia villosa varia (Host) Corbière USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3036 1986-6-12
GH: 02347591 Vicia villosa varia (Host) Corbière USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 2973 1986-5-23
Fagaceae GH: 00343586 Quercus wislizenii A. de Candolle USA: California Fairfax-Bolinas Rd along Lake Alpine B. Anderson 3269 1986-10-16
Frankeniaceae GH: 00376193 Frankenia grandifolia Chamisso & Schlechtendal USA: California Just off the Hwy 1 & 101 intersection NW of ... B. Anderson 3024 1986-6-12
GH: 00376193 Frankenia salina (Molina) I. M. Johnston USA: California Just off the Hwy 1 & 101 intersection NW of ... B. Anderson 3024 1986-6-12
Hydrophyllaceae GH: 00402783 Eriodictyon californicum (Hooker & Arnott) Torrey USA: California Del Puerto Rd E of the Santa Clara County li... B. Anderson 2961 1986-5-20
GH: 00402784 Eriodictyon californicum (Hooker & Arnott) Torrey USA: California State Rte 16 just W of Rumsey B. Anderson 2868 1986-4-9
Juncaceae GH: 02399393 Juncus patens E. Meyer USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3068 1986-6-18
Lamiaceae GH: 00400193 Acanthomintha lanceolata Curran USA: California Del Puerto Rd just E of the county line B. Anderson 2921 1986-4-24
GH: 00400328 Clinopodium douglasii (Bentham) Kuntze USA: California Fairfax/Bolinas Rd E of Hwy 1 B. Anderson 3046 1986-6-12
GH: 00400247 Lepechinia calycina (Bentham) Epling USA: California Jesus Maria Rd E of Hawver Rd. B. Anderson 3021 1986-5-25
GH: 00400512 Monardella breweri lanceolata (A. Gray) A. C. Sanders & Elvin USA: California Clark Creek Rd just W of Hwy 89 B. Anderson 3119 1986-7-9
GH: 00400603 Monardella odoratissima glauca Epling USA: California Warner Mountains. Hwy 299 just W of Cedar Pa... B. Anderson 3157 1986-7-9
GH: 00400707 Monardella villosa Bentham USA: California Hwy 1 just S of Pacifica B. Anderson 3065 1986-6-18
GH: 00400819 Pogogyne serpylloides (Torrey) A. Gray USA: California Mines Rd, 8.5 km S of Alameda County line B. Anderson 2947 1986-5-20
GH: 00400881 Salvia colombiana Epling USA: California San Antonio Rd 9 km from Del Puerto Rd. B. Anderson 2903 1986-4-24
GH: 00400328 Satureja douglasii (Bentham) Briquet USA: California Fairfax/Bolinas Rd E of Hwy 1 B. Anderson 3046 1986-6-12
GH: 00400989 Scutellaria californica A. Gray USA: California Sutter Creek/Volcano Rd E of Sutter Creek B. Anderson 2990 1986-5-23
GH: 00402025 Scutellaria tuberosa Bentham USA: California San Antonio Rd 9 km from Del Puerto Rd. B. Anderson 2905 1986-4-24
GH: 00402161 Stachys bullata Bentham USA: California Higgins-Purissima Rd, 4.8 km E of Half Moon ... B. Anderson 3074 1986-6-18
GH: 00402163 Stachys bullata Bentham USA: California Gazos Creek Rd E of Hwy 1 B. Anderson 2882 1986-4-18
GH: 00402353 Stachys rigida rivularis Epling USA: California Warner Mountains. County Rd 195 just E of Ce... B. Anderson 3161 1986-7-9
GH: 00402440 Trichostema lanceolatum Bentham USA: California Mines Rd, 8.3 km from Del Valle Rd. B. Anderson 3225 1986-7-29
GH: 00402481 Trichostema oblongum Bentham USA: California Banner Rd just off Railroad Flat Rd. B. Anderson 3017 1986-5-25
Lauraceae GH: 00381278 Umbellularia californica (Hooker & Arnott) Nuttall USA: California Mt Veeder Rd just east of Mt Veeder B. Anderson 2844 1986-1-10
Limnanthaceae GH: 01181246 Limnanthes douglasii R. Brown USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 2859 1986-4-9
Onagraceae GH: 01624362 Boisduvalia densiflora (Lindley) S. Watson USA: California Banner Rd just off Railroad Flat Rd. B. Anderson 3012 1986-5-25
GH: 01625703 Camissonia hirtella (Greene) P. H. Raven USA: California San Antonio Rd 9 km from Del Puerto Rd. B. Anderson 2904 1986-4-24
GH: 01625760 Camissonia micrantha (Hornemann ex Sprengel) P. H. Raven USA: California Mines Rd, 5 km S of Alameda County line B. Anderson 2933 1986-5-20
GH: 01673634 Clarkia rubicunda (Lindley) F. H. Lewis & M. E. Lewis USA: California Hwy 1 just S of Pacifica. Coastal Scrub/Gras... B. Anderson 3069 1986-6-18
GH: 01673731 Clarkia unguiculata Lindley USA: California Mines Rd, 17 km S of Del Valle Rd. B. Anderson 2923 1986-5-20
GH: 00367841 Epilobium canum mexicanum (C. Presl) P. H. Raven USA: California Mines Rd, 16.9 km from Del Valle Rd along Mu... B. Anderson 3228 1986-7-29
Orobanchaceae GH: 02033599 Castilleja applegatei fragilis (Zeile) N. H. Holmgren USA: California Warner Mountains. Hwy 299 just W of Cedar Pa... B. Anderson 3156 1986-7-9
GH: 01876827 Castilleja foliolosa Hooker & Arnott USA: California Del Puerto Rd E of the Santa Clara County li... B. Anderson 2959 1986-5-20
GH: 01876730 Castilleja franciscana Pennell USA: California Skyline Blvd N of Bear Creek Rd. B. Anderson 2878 1986-4-18
GH: 01876729 Castilleja franciscana Pennell USA: California Higgins-Purissima Rd, 4.8 km E of Half Moon ... B. Anderson 3082 1986-6-18
GH: 00365480 Castilleja latifolia Hooker & Arnott USA: California Hwy 1 just S of Pacifica B. Anderson 3066 1986-6-18
GH: 01879564 Castilleja wightii Elmer USA: California Hwy 1 just N of Muir Beaach [Beach] B. Anderson 3057 1986-6-12
GH: 00365640 Cordylanthus maritimus Nuttall ex Bentham USA: California Just off the Hwy 1 & 101 intersection NW of ... B. Anderson 3030 1986-6-12
Plantaginaceae GH: 01998999 Collinsia sparsiflora collina (Jepson) Newsom USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 2896 1986-4-24
GH: 02120228 Penstemon heterophyllus Lindley USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 2917 1986-4-24
GH: 02121153 Penstemon neotericus D. D. Keck USA: California [data not captured] B. Anderson 3111 1986-7-8
Poaceae GH: 00355660 Distichlis spicata (Linnaeus) Greene USA: California Marin County. Just off the Hwy 1 & 101 inter... B. Anderson 3022 1986-6-12
GH: 00361092 Polypogon monspeliensis (Linnaeus) Desfontaines USA: California Richardson Bay at the 1/101 junction. B. Anderson 3262 1986-10-16
Polemoniaceae GH: 01083769 Allophyllum divaricatum (Nuttall) A. D. Grant & V. E. Grant USA: California Mines Rd, 5 km S of Alameda County line B. Anderson 2936 1986-5-20
Polygalaceae GH: 00347751 Polygala cornuta Kellogg USA: California Clark Creek Rd just W of Hwy 89. Yellow Pine... B. Anderson 3118 1986-7-9
Polygonaceae GH: 01717600 Chorizanthe membranacea Bentham USA: California Defender Rd, 0.8 km S of Pioneer Station B. Anderson 2998 1986-5-25
GH: 00364164 Eriogonum fasciculatum polifolium (Bentham) Torrey & A. Gray USA: California Del Puerto Rd. 29 km E of the Santa Clara Co... B. Anderson 2969 1986-5-20
Rhamnaceae GH: 00349665 Ceanothus integerrimus californicus (Kellogg) G. T. Benson USA: California Head of Ashland Creek off Hwy 88. B. Anderson 2995 1986-5-24
GH: 00425860 Frangula californica (Eschscholtz) A. Gray USA: California Fairfax/Bolinas Rd E of Hwy 1 B. Anderson 3047 1986-6-12
GH: 00425860 Rhamnus californica Eschscholtz USA: California Fairfax/Bolinas Rd E of Hwy 1 B. Anderson 3047 1986-6-12
Rosaceae GH: 00345322 Adenostoma fasciculatum Hooker & Arnott USA: California Del Puerto Rd E of the Santa Clara County li... B. Anderson 2960 1986-5-20
GH: 00354992 Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maximowicz USA: California Tunitas Creek Rd, about 5 km E or Hwy 1. B. Anderson 3087 1986-6-18
Rubiaceae GH: 00385660 Galium andrewsii A. Gray USA: California Mines Rd, 6.5 km S of Alameda County line B. Anderson 2943 1986-5-20
GH: 00417020 Galium parisiense Linnaeus USA: California Buena Vista Rd just off Hwy 88 B. Anderson 2972 1986-5-23
Salicaceae GH: 00383410 Salix lasiolepis Bentham USA: California Mines Rd, 30-32 km from N Livermore Rd. B. Anderson 2901 1986-4-24
Saxifragaceae GH: 00380107 Ribes cereum Douglas USA: California Warner Mountains. Stough Reservoir Rd just E... B. Anderson 3185 1986-7-9
GH: 00380836 Ribes sanguineum Pursh USA: California Alpine Rd east of Pescadero Rd B. Anderson 2856 1986-2-11
GH: 00381239 Tiarella unifoliata Hooker USA: California Tunitas Creek Rd, about 5 km E of Hwy 1. Red... B. Anderson 3092 1986-6-18
Scrophulariaceae GH: 00365993 Diplacus aurantiacus (Curtis) Jepson USA: California Fairfax/Bolinas Rd E of Hwy 1. B. Anderson 3048 1986-6-12
GH: 00365993 Mimulus aurantiacus Curtis USA: California Fairfax/Bolinas Rd E of Hwy 1. B. Anderson 3048 1986-6-12
Solanaceae GH: 00402678 Nicotiana glauca Graham USA: California Del Puerto Rd 29 km E of the Santa Clara Cou... B. Anderson 2968 1986-5-20
GH: 00267031 Solanum umbelliferum Eschscholtz USA: California Mines Rd., 19 km from N Livermore Rd. Canyon... B. Anderson 2891 1986-4-24
GH: 00267032 Solanum umbelliferum Eschscholtz USA: California gazos Creek Rd E of Hwy 1. Along Gazos Creek B. Anderson 2886 1986-4-18