Aceraceae GH: 01870820 Acer glabrum Torrey USA: Idaho Blackwater St. Josephs Riv. Alt. 650 m. J. B. Leiberg 1292 1895-7-14
A: 01870833 Acer glabrum Torrey USA: Idaho Ridges between South Fork Coeur d'Alene Rive... J. B. Leiberg 1350 1895-7-24
Amaranthaceae GH: 01928580 Amaranthus albus Linnaeus USA: Idaho Coeur d'Alene. Alt. 640 m. J. B. Leiberg 1551 1895-8-17
GH: 01928582 Amaranthus albus Linnaeus USA: Idaho Coeur d'Alene. Alt. 640 m. J. B. Leiberg 1549 1895-8-17
Apiaceae GH: 00076988 Peucedanum orogenioides J. M. Coulter & Rose USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene Mountains J. B. Leiberg 1027 1895-6-24
Apocynaceae GH: 02179361 Apocynum androsaemifolium Linnaeus USA: Idaho Plants from the region of the Coeur d'Alene ... J. B. Leiberg 1546 1895-8-17
GH: 02179347 Apocynum androsaemifolium Linnaeus USA: Idaho Divide bet. Mullan + Canyon Crk.; Region of ... J. B. Leiberg 1500 1895-8-7
GH: 02179791 Apocynum cannabinum Linnaeus USA: Idaho Clarks Fork Valley below Parma Mountain J. B. Leiberg 1557 1895-8-21
GH: 02178208 Apocynum floribundum Greene USA: Idaho Clarks Fork Valley near Weeksville; Plants f... J. B. Leiberg 1565 1895-8-22
Araceae GH: 00163017 Acorus calamus Linnaeus USA: Idaho Coeur d'Alene Mountains Region, Northern Ida... J. B. Leiberg 1278 1895-7-14
GH: 01634017 Acorus calamus Linnaeus USA: Idaho Slackwater, St. Jose'hs River; Coeur d'Alene... J. B. Leiberg 1278 1895-7-14
Aristolochiaceae GH: 01682318 Asarum caudatum Lindley USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1151 1895-7-3
Asteraceae GH: 02140934 Agoseris aurantiaca aurantiaca USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1367 1895-7-26
GH: 02141172 Agoseris glauca (Pursh) Rafinesque USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1402 1895-7-28
GH: 02141171 Agoseris glauca (Pursh) Rafinesque USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1183 1895-7-6
GH: 02141166 Agoseris glauca (Pursh) Rafinesque USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1301 1895-7-15
GH: 02141450 Agoseris grandiflora (Nuttall) Greene USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1280 1895-7-14
GH: 02141474 Agoseris grandiflora leptophylla G. I. Baird USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1413 1895-7-30
GH: 02141585 Agoseris heterophylla (Nuttall) Greene USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1121 1895-7-1
GH: 00002671 Arnica teucriifolia Greene USA: Idaho Coeur d'Alene Mountains region, div. bet. St... J. B. Leiberg 1229 1895-7-10
GH: 00002672 Arnica teucriifolia Greene USA: Idaho Coeur d'Alene Mountains region, div. bet. St... J. B. Leiberg 1229 1895-7-10
GH: 01003782 Artemisia biennis Willdenow USA: Idaho Coeur d'Alene Mountains; near Horse Plains-C... J. B. Leiberg 1590 1895-8-24
GH: 00968251 Artemisia campestris caudata (Michaux) H. M. Hall & Clements USA: Idaho near Horse Plains-Clarks Fork Valley J. B. Leiberg 1580 1895-8-24
GH: 00968390 Artemisia campestris pacifica Hall & Clements USA: Idaho Near Horse Plains - Clark Fork Valley J. B. Leiberg 1580 1895-8-24
GH: 02215493 Canadanthus modestus (Lindley) G. L. Nesom USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1417 1895-8-1
GH: 02021158 Cirsium kelseyi (Rydberg) Petrak USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1188 1895-7-6
GH: 02142928 Crepis runcinata Torrey & A. Gray USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1039 1895-6-24
GH: 02207422 Erigeron acris kamteschaticus (de Candolle) Herder USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1382 1895-7-27
GH: 02206342 Erigeron compositus Pursh USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1468 1895-8-5
GH: 02206736 Erigeron coulteri Porter USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1074 1895-6-26
GH: 02206852 Erigeron divergens Torrey & A. Gray USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1579 1895-8-23
GH: 02348948 Erigeron glacialis (Nuttall) A. Nelson USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1230 1895-7-10
GH: 02351462 Erigeron speciosus de Candolle USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1340 1895-7-15
GH: 02351445 Erigeron speciosus de Candolle USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1306 1895-7-15
GH: 02351442 Erigeron speciosus de Candolle USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1623 1895-8-29
GH: 02351735 Erigeron strigosus Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1284 1895-7-14
GH: 02587226 Grindelia hirsutula Hooker & Arnott USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1586 1895-8-24
GH: 02204647 Heterotheca villosa minor (Hooker) Semple USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1566 1895-8-22
GH: 01831224 Hieracium albiflorum Hooker USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1345 1895-7-23
GH: 01831223 Hieracium albiflorum Hooker USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1269 1895-7-12
GH: 01831516 Hieracium cynoglossoides Arvet-Touvet USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1482 1895-8-5
GH: 01831512 Hieracium cynoglossoides Arvet-Touvet USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1295 1895-7-15
GH: 01831719 Hieracium gracile Hooker USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1199 1895-7-9
GH: 01832305 Hieracium kalmii Linnaeus USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1561 1895-8-22
GH: 01834164 Lactuca biennis (Moench) Fernald USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1436 1895-8-2
GH: 01834792 Lactuca sativa Linnaeus USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1600 1895-8-25
Betulaceae GH: 02196406 Alnus viridis sinuata (Regel) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Idaho Divide bet. Mullan and Canyon Creek. 1220 m. J. B. Leiberg 1499 1895-8-7
A: 02196403 Alnus viridis sinuata (Regel) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Idaho Divide between Mullan and Canyon Creek. 1020... J. B. Leiberg 1499 1895-8-7
A: 02194316 Betula occidentalis Hooker USA: Idaho Clarks Fork Valley below Leeksville [?]. 650... J. B. Leiberg 1578 1895-8-23
Boraginaceae GH: 01956638 Amsinckia lycopsoides Lehmann USA: Montana Near Naxon Mont. J. B. Leiberg 1626 1895-8-30
GH: 02025696 Cryptantha torreyana calycosa Greene USA: Idaho Valley og N. Fork of C. D. A. River J. B. Leiberg 1539 1895-8-14
GH: 00062070 Mertensia paniculata laevigata (Piper) L. O. Williams USA: Idaho Region of the Coeur d'Alene Mountains. Divid... J. B. Leiberg 1217 1895-7-9
GH: 00062070 Mertensia paniculata borealis (J. F. Macbride) L. O. Williams USA: Idaho Region of the Coeur d'Alene Mountains. Divid... J. B. Leiberg 1217 1895-7-9
GH: 00062070 Mertensia paniculata subcordata (Greene) J. F. Macbride USA: Idaho Region of the Coeur d'Alene Mountains. Divid... J. B. Leiberg 1217 1895-7-9
GH: 00062070 Mertensia pratensis borealis J. F. Macbride USA: Idaho Region of the Coeur d'Alene Mountains. Divid... J. B. Leiberg 1217 1895-7-9
GH: 00062070 Mertensia sibirica (Linnaeus) G. Don USA: Idaho Region of the Coeur d'Alene Mountains. Divid... J. B. Leiberg 1217 1895-7-9
Brassicaceae GH: 00974407 Arabis nuttallii B. L. Robinson USA: Idaho Divide bet. St. Joe and Clearwater Riv. 1900... J. B. Leiberg 1239 1895-7-11
GH: 00974765 Barbarea orthoceras Ledebour USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1004 1895-6-15
GH: 00946327 Boechera lyallii (S. Watson) Dorn USA: Idaho Ridge south from Wiessner's Peak J. B. Leiberg 1362 1895-7-26
GH: 00946328 Boechera lyallii (S. Watson) Dorn USA: Idaho Divide bet st. Joe and Clearwater Rd. J. B. Leiberg 1260 1895-7-11
GH: 00960874 Boechera retrofracta (Graham) A. Löve & D. Löve USA: Idaho Forks of St. Mary's Riv. 1050 m. J. B. Leiberg 1161 1895-7-3
GH: 00960875 Boechera retrofracta (Graham) A. Löve & D. Löve USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1404 1895-7-28
GH: 00948886 Boechera stricta (Graham) Al-Shehbaz USA: Idaho Divide between St. Joe & Clearwater River J. B. Leiberg 1212 1895-7-9
GH: 01098185 Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Idaho Fork of St. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 1165 1895-7-4
GH: 00999407 Cardamine pensylvanica Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Idaho Santianne Creek Bottom J. B. Leiberg 1055 1895-6-25
GH: 00019031 Draba laevicapsula Payson USA: Idaho Summit of Stevens Peak, Coeur d'Alene Mounta... J. B. Leiberg 1477 1895-8-5
GH: 01561847 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: Idaho Lower Valley of Clarks Fork J. B. Leiberg 1677 1895-10-6
GH: 01561864 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: Idaho Old Mission Peak J. B. Leiberg 1409 1895-7-29
GH: 01538554 Erysimum cheiranthoides Linnaeus USA: Idaho Shove of Coeur D'Alene Lake J. B. Leiberg 1309 1895-7-17
GH: 01733094 Turritis glabra Linnaeus USA: Idaho Forks of St. Mary's River; region of the Coe... J. B. Leiberg 1171 1895-7-4
Campanulaceae GH: 01796930 Downingia elegans corymbosa (de Candolle) A. Gray USA: Idaho Middle, St. Jo[???] River J. B. Leiberg 1275 1895-7-13
Caryophyllaceae GH: 00037575 Alsine viridula Piper USA: Idaho Ridges south of Wiesner's Peak, alt. 1700 m J. B. Leiberg 1396 1895-7-28
GH: 01741094 Arenaria capillaris americana Maguire USA: Idaho Divide bet. St. Joe and Clearwater Riv. 1950... J. B. Leiberg 1242 1895-7-11
GH: 01741193 Arenaria congesta Nuttall USA: Idaho Florks of St. Mary Rio J. B. Leiberg 1164 1895-7-4
GH: 01741972 Arenaria serpyllifolia Linnaeus USA: Idaho Shove of LAke Coeur D'alene J. B. Leiberg 1308 1895-7-17
GH: 00353729 Cerastium arvense villosum (Muhlenberg ex Darlington) Hollick & Britton USA: Idaho on Upper St. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 1102 1895-6-28
GH: 00353729 Cerastium leibergii Rydberg USA: Idaho on Upper St. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 1102 1895-6-28
GH: 00353729 Cerastium vulgatum Linnaeus USA: Idaho on Upper St. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 1102 1895-6-28
GH: 00037575 Stellaria obtusa Engelmann USA: Idaho Ridges south of Wiesner's Peak, alt. 1700 m J. B. Leiberg 1396 1895-7-28
Chenopodiaceae GH: 01781903 Chenopodium album Linnaeus USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1624 1895-8-29
GH: 01782942 Corispermum americanum (Nuttall) Nuttall USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1602 1895-8-25
GH: 01783112 Oxybasis glauca (Linnaeus) S. Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1584 1895-8-24
Cornaceae A: 02019030 Cornus stolonifera Michaux USA: Idaho Clarks Fork Valley below Weeksville [?] 650 ... J. B. Leiberg 1572 1895-8-22
A: 02019087 Cornus stolonifera Michaux USA: Idaho Upper St. Mary's J. B. Leiberg 1114 1895-6-29
GH: 02019085 Cornus stolonifera Michaux USA: Idaho On upper st. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 114 1895-6-29
GH: 02019075 Cornus stolonifera Michaux USA: Idaho Clarks Fork Valley below Weeksville [?] 650 ... J. B. Leiberg 1572 1895-8-22
GH: 02018969 Cornus unalaschkensis Ledebour USA: Idaho Forks of St. Mary's Riv. 1450 m. J. B. Leiberg 1148 1895-7-3
GH: 02018968 Cornus unalaschkensis Ledebour USA: Idaho Santianne Creek Bottom J. B. Leiberg 1046 1895-6-25
Crassulaceae GH: 01990116 Rhodiola integrifolia Rafinesque USA: Idaho Near Stevens Peak J. B. Leiberg 1460 1895-8-4
GH: 01991522 Sedum lanceolatum Torrey USA: Idaho Ridges north from [Carbon] J. B. Leiberg 1511 1895-8-10
GH: 01991523 Sedum lanceolatum Torrey USA: Idaho Ridges south from Wiesners Peak J. B. Leiberg 1369 1895-7-26
GH: 01990116 Sedum rosea integrifolium (Rafinesque) Hultén USA: Idaho Near Stevens Peak J. B. Leiberg 1460 1895-8-4
GH: 01990562 Sedum stenopetalum stenopetalum R. T. Clausen USA: Idaho Ridges south from Wiesner's Peak. J. B. Leiberg 1383 1895-7-27
Cupressaceae GH: 02104559 Juniperus communis montana Aiton USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1385 1895-7-27
A: 02104581 Juniperus communis montana Aiton USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1385 1895-7-27
A: 02104574 Juniperus communis montana Aiton USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1650 1895-9-10
A: 02106111 Juniperus scopulorum Sargent USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg [illegible] 1895-8-22
A: 02107453 Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1492 1895-8-7
GH: 02107446 Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1492 1895-8-7
Cyperaceae GH: 02392583 Carex arcta Boott USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1110 1895-6-29
GH: 02392773 Carex laeviculmis Meinshausen USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1150 1895-7-3
GH: 02368306 Carex nigricans C. A. Meyer USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1207 1895-7-9
GH: 02395903 Carex stipata Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1129 1895-7-1
GH: 01773677 Carex utriculata Boott USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1112 1895-6-29
Dysphaniaceae GH: 01784406 Dysphania aristata (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1601 1895-8-25
GH: 01784406 Dysphania botrys (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1601 1895-8-25
Ericaceae GH: 01562357 Chimaphila umbellata occidentalis (Rydberg) S. F. Blake USA: Idaho Slopes of Wiesner's Peak J. B. Leiberg 1344 1895-7-23
GH: 01591961 Gaultheria ovatifolia A. Gray USA: Idaho The region of the Coeur d'Alene Mountains, F... J. B. Leiberg 1153 1895-7-3
GH: 01719990 Orthilia secunda (Linnaeus) House USA: Idaho Forks of St. Mary's Riv. J. B. Leiberg 1154 1895-7-3
GH: 01683352 Phyllodoce glanduliflora (Hooker) Coville USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1356 1895-7-25
A: 01683355 Phyllodoce glanduliflora (Hooker) Coville USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1356 1895-7-25
GH: 01683634 Pterospora andromedea Nuttall USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1518 1895-8-10
GH: 01684858 Pyrola asarifolia bracteata (Hooker) Haber USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1487 1895-8-7
GH: 01761946 Pyrola picta Smith USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1347 1895-7-23
Fabaceae GH: 01992973 Acmispon americanus (Nuttall) Rydberg USA: Idaho near Slackwater, St. Josephs River. Altitude... J. B. Leiberg 1306 1895-7-10
GH: 01963788 Acmispon nevadensis (S. Watson) Brouillet USA: Idaho 640 m. J. B. Leiberg 1321 1895-7-18
GH: 02064861 Astragalus bourgovii A. Gray USA: Idaho Summit of Stevens Peak. Altitude 1980 meters J. B. Leiberg 1470 1895-8-5
GH: 02047208 Astragalus canadensis mortonii (Nuttall) S. Watson USA: Idaho Forks of St. Mary's Riv. 1100 m. J. B. Leiberg 1156 1895-7-3
GH: 01959594 Glycyrrhiza lepidota Nuttall ex Pursh USA: Idaho Clarks Fork Valley below Parma[?] J. B. Leiberg 1556 1895-8-21
GH: 01958363 Hedysarum occidentale Greene USA: Idaho Ridges south from Wiesner's Peak J. B. Leiberg 1366 1895-7-26
GH: 01958360 Hedysarum occidentale Greene USA: Idaho Divide between St. Joe & Clearwater River J. B. Leiberg 1213 1895-7-9
GH: 02148490 Lathyrus bijugatus T. G. White USA: Idaho Santianne Creek Botoom J. B. Leiberg 1037 1895-6-24
GH: 02149509 Lathyrus ochroleucus Hooker USA: Idaho Forks of St. Mary's Riv. J. B. Leiberg 1134 1895-7-1
GH: 00065504 Lupinus depressus Rydberg USA: Idaho Coeur d'Alene Mountains, divide between St. ... J. B. Leiberg 1201 1895-7-9
GH: 02176963 Lupinus leucophyllus canescens (Howell) C. P. Smith USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1208 1895-7-9
GH: 02176920 Lupinus leucophyllus belliae C. P. Smith USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1016 1895-6-22
GH: 00065504 Lupinus lyallii A. Gray USA: Idaho Coeur d'Alene Mountains, divide between St. ... J. B. Leiberg 1201 1895-7-9
GH: 02177581 Lupinus ornatus Douglas ex Lindley USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1089 1895-6-27
GH: 02619451 Trifolium cyathiferum Lindley USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1675 1895-10-6
GH: 02342822 Trifolium douglasii House USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1033 1895-6-24
GH: 02343288 Trifolium latifolium Greene USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1348 1895-7-23
GH: 02344981 Vicia americana Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1414 1895-7-30
Gentianaceae GH: 02069770 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Idaho Santiam Creek Bottom J. B. Leiberg 1064 1895-6-25
GH: 02069767 Frasera fastigiata A. Heller USA: Idaho Lantern Creek Bottom J. B. Leiberg 1064 1895-6-25
GH: 02069986 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Idaho Valley of N. Fork of Coeur D'Alene River J. B. Leiberg 1531 1895-8-13
GH: 02072396 Gentiana calycosa Grisebach USA: Idaho Stevens Peak J. B. Leiberg 1442 1895-8-3
GH: 02072395 Gentiana calycosa Grisebach USA: Idaho Ridges south from wiesner's Peak J. B. Leiberg 1386 1895-7-27
Geraniaceae GH: 01864907 Geranium pusillum Linnaeus USA: Idaho Blue Creek J. B. Leiberg 1325 1895-7-20
Hydrophyllaceae GH: 00093565 Romanzoffia leibergii Greene USA: Idaho Near Stevens Peak, region of the Coeur D'Ale... J. B. Leiberg 146 1895-8-4
GH: 00093565 Romanzoffia sitchensis Bongard USA: Idaho Near Stevens Peak, region of the Coeur D'Ale... J. B. Leiberg 146 1895-8-4
Isoetaceae GH: 00309035 Isoetes howellii Engelmann USA: Idaho From the region of the Cæur D'Alene Mountai... J. B. Leiberg 1149 1895-7-3
GH: 02074845 Isoetes howellii Engelmann USA: Idaho Shores of Lakes P D'o J. B. Leiberg 1663 1895-10-2
GH: 02074844 Isoetes howellii Engelmann USA: Idaho Forks of St. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 1149 1895-7-3
GH: 02074843 Isoetes howellii Engelmann USA: Idaho Lake Coeur D'Alene J. B. Leiberg 1656 1895-10-1
Juncaceae GH: 02101457 Juncus confusus Coville USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1177 1895-7-6
GH: 02102126 Juncus drummondii E. Meyer USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1393 1895-7-28
GH: 02401044 Juncus ensifolius Wikström USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1336 1895-7-21
GH: 02401416 Juncus filiformis Linnaeus USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1092 1895-6-28
GH: 02401415 Juncus filiformis Linnaeus USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1440 1895-8-2
GH: 02400601 Juncus mertensianus Bongard USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1215 1895-7-9
GH: 02399320 Juncus parryi Engelmann USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1465 1895-8-5
GH: 02398746 Juncus suksdorfii Rydberg USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1126 1895-7-1
GH: 02398938 Juncus tenuis Willdenow USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1068 1895-6-26
GH: 02117399 Luzula glabrata Desvaux USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1204 1895-7-9
GH: 02366369 Luzula parviflora (Ehrhart) Desvaux USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1187 1895-7-6
GH: 02366464 Luzula piperi M. E. Jones USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1355 1895-7-25
Lamiaceae GH: 01555119 Agastache urticifolia (Bentham) Kuntze USA: Idaho Forks of St. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 1186 1895-7-6
GH: 01555776 Clinopodium douglasii (Bentham) Kuntze USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene: Slackwater, St. [?] River J. B. Leiberg 1282 1895-7-14
GH: 01554518 Dracocephalum parviflorum Nuttall USA: Idaho Forks of St. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 1117 1895-7-1
GH: 00002048 Stachys leibergii Rydberg USA: Idaho Cour D'Alene Mts, Blue Creek, 700 m J. B. Leiberg 1328 1895-7-20
GH: 00002048 Stachys palustris pilosa (Nuttall) Epling USA: Idaho Cour D'Alene Mts, Blue Creek, 700 m J. B. Leiberg 1328 1895-7-20
Malvaceae GH: 02201413 Iliamna rivularis (Douglas) Greene USA: Idaho Forks of St. Mary's Riv J. B. Leiberg 1160 1895-7-3
Onagraceae GH: 01625978 Camissonia subacaulis (Pursh) P. H. Raven USA: Idaho Santianne Creek Bottom J. B. Leiberg 1043 1895-6-24
GH: 01674542 Circaea alpina pacifica (Ascherson & Magnus) P. H. Raven USA: Idaho 4 July Canyon. Alt. 700 m. J. B. Leiberg 1337 1895-7-21
GH: 01673932 Epilobium anagallidifolium Lamarck USA: Idaho Summit of Stevens Peak J. B. Leiberg 1469 1895-8-5
GH: 01672131 Epilobium brachycarpum C. Presl USA: Idaho Near Horse Plains, Clark F. Valley J. B. Leiberg 1594 1895-8-25
GH: 01671225 Epilobium ciliatum glandulosum (Lehmann) Hoch & P. H. Raven USA: Idaho Old Mission Peak J. B. Leiberg 1411 1895-7-29
GH: 01671572 Epilobium foliosum (Torrey & A. Gray) Suksdorf USA: Idaho Near Britton St. Joseph's River J. B. Leiberg 1297 1895-7-15
GH: 01671732 Epilobium haleanum Haussknecht USA: Idaho Bank of upper St. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 1093 1895-6-28
GH: 01776024 Epilobium hornemannii Reichenbach USA: Idaho Wiesner's Peak J. B. Leiberg 1406 1895-7-28
GH: 01778572 Gayophytum diffusum parviflorum F.H. Lewis & Szweyk. USA: Idaho St. Joe and Clearwater Riv. J. B. Leiberg 1261 1895-7-11
GH: 01778573 Gayophytum diffusum parviflorum F.H. Lewis & Szweyk. USA: Idaho Ridges north from Carlon J. B. Leiberg 1514 1895-8-10
Orchidaceae AMES: 02051306 Listera cordata (Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: Idaho Region of the Coeur d'Alene Mountains, Forks... J. B. Leiberg 1155 1895-7-3
AMES: 02063546 Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindley ex Beck USA: Idaho Region of the Coeur d'Alene Mountains. [ille... J. B. Leiberg 1035 1895-6-24
AMES: 02063945 Platanthera elegans Lindley USA: Idaho Region of the Coeur d'Alene Mountains, North... J. B. Leiberg 1527 1895-8-13
Orobanchaceae GH: 01878124 Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hooker USA: Idaho Dicide Between St. Joseph & Clearwater River J. B. Leiberg 1202 1895-7-9
GH: 01878468 Castilleja pallescens (A. Gray) Greenman USA: Idaho Divide bet St. Joe and Clearwater Rio J. B. Leiberg 1242 1895-7-11
GH: 01879677 Castilleja sp. Linnaeus USA: Idaho {Sauti??] Creek J. B. Leiberg 1026 1895-6-24
Papaveraceae GH: 01738601 Corydalis caseana hastata (Rydberg) G. B. Ownbey USA: Idaho [?] Clearwater River J. B. Leiberg 1190 1895-7-8
Pinaceae A: 00395765 Abies grandis (Douglas ex D. Don) Lindley USA: Idaho Ridges south from Clarks Fork. 1100 m. J. B. Leiberg 1636 1895-9-3
A: 00395895 Abies lasiocarpa (Hooker) Nuttall USA: Idaho Little North Fork Basin. 1200 m. J. B. Leiberg 1641 1895-9-4
A: 00396394 Larix occidentalis Nuttall USA: Idaho Lower valley of Clark's Fork J. B. Leiberg 1671 1895-10-5
Plantaginaceae GH: 00466590 Callitriche hermaphroditica Linnaeus USA: Idaho Near Thompson Mountain. Alt. 620 m. J. B. Leiberg 1604 1895-8-27
GH: 02212555 Callitriche palustris Linnaeus USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1175 1895-7-6
GH: 01999441 Gratiola ebracteata Bentham ex A. de Candolle USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1056 1895-6-25
GH: 01999595 Gratiola neglecta Torrey USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1276 1895-7-13
GH: 02000947 Linaria vulgaris Miller USA: Illinois [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1521 1895-8-11
GH: 02002298 Penstemon attenuatus Douglas ex Lindley USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1133 1895-7-1
GH: 02002321 Penstemon attenuatus Douglas ex Lindley USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1032 1895-6-24
GH: 02118438 Penstemon confertus Douglas ex Lindley USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1021 1895-6-24
GH: 02118830 Penstemon deustus Douglas USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1081 1895-6-27
GH: 02119311 Penstemon ellipticus Coulter & Fisher USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1379 1895-7-27
GH: 02120430 Penstemon humilis Nuttall ex A. Gray USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1232 1895-7-10
GH: 02120999 Penstemon lyallii (A. Gray) A. Gray USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1342 1895-7-15
GH: 02121772 Penstemon procerus Douglas ex Graham USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1023 1895-6-24
GH: 01802487 Plantago lanceolata Linnaeus USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1597 1895-8-25
GH: 01802935 Plantago major Linnaeus USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1517 1895-8-10
GH: 01804535 Synthyris missurica (Rafinesque) Pennell USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1238 1895-7-11
GH: 01804969 Veronica americana Schweinitz ex Bentham USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1079 1895-6-27
GH: 01805632 Veronica cusickii A. Gray USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1392 1895-7-28
GH: 01811160 Veronica peregrina xalapensis (Kunth) Pennell USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1170 1895-7-4
GH: 01811723 Veronica serpyllifolia Linnaeus USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1052 1895-6-25
Polemoniaceae GH: 01092092 Collomia grandiflora Douglas ex Lindley USA: Idaho Mullan Peak J. B. Leiberg 1435 1895-8-2
GH: 01092199 Collomia heterophylla Hooker USA: Idaho Slackwater - St Joseph's River J. B. Leiberg 1291 1895-7-7
GH: 01092398 Collomia linearis Nuttall USA: Idaho Upper St. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 1107 1895-6-29
GH: 00985159 Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. E. Grant USA: Idaho Forks of st. Mary's Riv J. B. Leiberg 1184 1895-7-6
GH: 00091602 Polemonium columbianum Rydberg USA: Idaho Northern Idaho, region of the Coeur D'Alene ... J. B. Leiberg 1205 1895-7-9
GH: 00091602 Polemonium pulcherrimum delicatum (Rydberg) Brand USA: Idaho Northern Idaho, region of the Coeur D'Alene ... J. B. Leiberg 1205 1895-7-9
Polygonaceae GH: 02346290 Aconogonon phytolaccifolium glabrum S. P. Hong USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1195 1895-7-8
GH: 02346388 Bistorta bistortoides (Pursh) Small USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1371 1895-7-26
GH: 01652583 Eriogonum flavum piperi (Greene) M. E. Jones USA: Idaho Ridges south from Wiessner's Peak J. B. Leiberg 1358 1895-7-25
GH: 01652605 Eriogonum flavum piperi (Greene) M. E. Jones USA: Idaho Forks of Mt. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 1185 1895-7-6
GH: 01652890 Eriogonum heracleoides Nuttall USA: Idaho Forks of St. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 1163 1895-7-4
GH: 01986500 Eriogonum ovalifolium Nuttall USA: Idaho at Stevens Peak J. B. Leiberg 1483 1895-8-5
GH: 02043639 Eriogonum umbellatum majus Bentham USA: Idaho Ridges south from [?] Peak J. B. Leiberg 1375 1895-7-26
GH: 02365350 Fallopia convolvulus (Linnaeus) Á. Löve USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1592 1895-8-24
GH: 02365997 Oxyria digyna (Linnaeus) Hill USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1354 1895-7-25
GH: 02361758 Polygonum aviculare Linnaeus USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1538 1895-8-14
GH: 02360504 Polygonum douglasii Greene USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1082 1895-6-27
GH: 02007197 Polygonum polygaloides confertiflorum (Nuttall ex Piper) J. C. Hickman USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1065 1895-6-25
GH: 02005030 Rumex crispus Linnaeus USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1504 1895-8-7
GH: 02005494 Rumex maritimus fueginus (Philippi) Dusén USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1326 1895-7-20
GH: 02004239 Rumex triangulivalvis (Danser) K. H. Rechinger USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1489 1895-8-7
Portulacaceae GH: 01858592 Claytonia cordifolia S. Watson USA: Idaho Divide between St. Joe & Clearwater River. A... J. B. Leiberg 1218 1895-7-9
GH: 01858742 Claytonia lanceolata Pursh USA: Idaho Divide bet. St. Joe and Clearwater Riv. 2050... J. B. Leiberg 1258 1895-7-11
GH: 01859325 Claytonia sibirica Linnaeus USA: Idaho Near Heron Mont J. B. Leiberg 1629 1895-8-31
GH: 00037525 Portulaca oleracea Linnaeus USA: Idaho Coeur d'Alene Lake, alt. 640 m J. B. Leiberg 1545 1895-8-17
GH: 00037525 Portulaca oleracea stellata Danin & H. G. Baker USA: Idaho Coeur d'Alene Lake, alt. 640 m J. B. Leiberg 1545 1895-8-17
Primulaceae GH: 01922299 Dodecatheon jeffreyi Van Houtte USA: Idaho St. Joe and Clearwater River J. B. Leiberg 1252 1895-7-11
Ranunculaceae GH: 00038073 Aconitum vestitum Greene USA: Idaho Forks of St. Mary's River, alt. 1100 m J. B. Leiberg 1177 1895-7-6
GH: 00038074 Aconitum vestitum Greene USA: Idaho Forks of St. Mary's River, alt. 1100 m J. B. Leiberg 1177 1895-7-6
GH: 01706055 Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willdenow USA: Idaho Divide bet. St. Joe and Clearwater Riv. 1600... J. B. Leiberg 1263 1895-7-11
GH: 01706224 Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willdenow USA: Idaho near stream at Mullan. Alt. 950 m. J. B. Leiberg 1490 1895-8-7
GH: 01706866 Anemone drummondii S. Watson USA: Idaho Summit of Stevens Peak. Altitide 1980 meters J. B. Leiberg 1474 1895-8-5
GH: 01708180 Anemone piperi Britton ex Rydberg USA: Idaho Divide bet. St. Joe and Clearwater Riv. 1610... J. B. Leiberg 1259 1895-7-11
GH: 01709631 Aquilegia formosa Fischer USA: Idaho Slopes on div. bet. St. Joe and Clearwater R... J. B. Leiberg 1191 1895-7-8
GH: 01710889 Clematis columbiana (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Idaho Carlon Camp J. B. Leiberg 1508 1895-8-9
A: 01710891 Clematis columbiana (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Idaho Carlon Camp J. B. Leiberg 1508 1895-8-9
Rhamnaceae A: 01790113 Ceanothus sanguineus Pursh USA: Idaho Divide between Mallan and Cayon Creek J. B. Leiberg 1497 1895-8-7
GH: 01790127 Ceanothus sanguineus Pursh USA: Idaho Divide between Mullau[?] and Canyon Creek J. B. Leiberg 1497 1895-8-7
GH: 01790250 Ceanothus velutinus Douglas USA: Idaho Divide between Mullam & Canyon Creek J. B. Leiberg 1495 1895-8-7
A: 01790257 Ceanothus velutinus Douglas USA: Idaho Divide between Mullam & Canyon Creek J. B. Leiberg 1495 1895-8-7
GH: 01972206 Frangula purshiana (de Candolle) A. Gray USA: Idaho Santianne Creek Bottom J. B. Leiberg 1051 1895-6-25
A: 01972210 Frangula purshiana (de Candolle) A. Gray USA: Idaho Santianne Creek Bottom J. B. Leiberg 1051 1895-6-25
Rosaceae A: 01726419 Amelanchier alnifolia (Nuttall) Nuttall ex M. Roemer USA: Idaho Divide between St. Joseph & Clearwater River... J. B. Leiberg 1203 1895-7-9
GH: 01726420 Amelanchier alnifolia (Nuttall) Nuttall ex M. Roemer USA: Idaho Divide between St. Joseph & Clearwater River... J. B. Leiberg 1203 1895-7-9
A: 00040180 Batidaea peramoena Greene USA: Idaho Low meadows on Upper St. Marys River, region... J. B. Leiberg 1105 1895-6-29
GH: 01607527 Comarum palustre Linnaeus USA: Idaho Near Slackwater, ST. Joseph's River J. B. Leiberg 1307 1895-7-15
GH: 01612481 Crataegus douglasii Lindley USA: Idaho Valley of N Fork of c. d.'a Riv J. B. Leiberg 1523 1895-8-11
A: 01612496 Crataegus douglasii Lindley USA: Idaho Valley of N Fork of c. d' a. Riv J. B. Leiberg 1523 1895-8-11
GH: 01615622 Crataegus macracantha occidentalis (Britton) Eggleston USA: Montana near Thompson's Mont. J. B. Leiberg 1612 1895-8-28
A: 01615627 Crataegus macracantha occidentalis (Britton) Eggleston USA: Montana near Thompson Mont. J. B. Leiberg 1612 1895-8-28
GH: 01607991 Dasiphora fruticosa (Linnaeus) Rydberg USA: Idaho Near Stevens Peak J. B. Leiberg 1457 1895-8-4
A: 01607998 Dasiphora fruticosa (Linnaeus) Rydberg USA: Idaho Near Stevens Peak J. B. Leiberg 1457 1895-8-4
GH: 01608629 Drymocallis glandulosa wrangelliana (Fischer & Ave-Lallemant) Ertter USA: Idaho Wilsner's Peak J. B. Leiberg 1388 1895-7-27
GH: 01608841 Fragaria sp. USA: Idaho Mullan J. B. Leiberg 1484 1895-8-7
GH: 01609757 Geum macrophyllum Willdenow USA: Idaho Upper St. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 1109 1895-6-29
GH: 01610494 Geum triflorum ciliatum (Pursh) Fassett USA: Idaho Santianne Creek Bottom J. B. Leiberg 1047 1895-6-25
GH: 00994561 Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maximowicz USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene J. B. Leiberg 1310 1895-7-17
A: 00994572 Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maximowicz USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene J. B. Leiberg 1310 1895-7-17
GH: 01610829 Horkelia fusca capitata (Lindley) D. D. Keck USA: Idaho Forks of St. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 1120 1895-7-1
GH: 01566194 Ivesia tweedyi Rydberg USA: Idaho Divide between St. Joseph & Clearwater J. B. Leiberg 1198 1895-7-9
A: 00040180 Rubus idaeus peramoenus (Greene) Fernald USA: Idaho Low meadows on Upper St. Marys River, region... J. B. Leiberg 1105 1895-6-29
Rubiaceae GH: 02358994 Galium aparine Linnaeus USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1410 1895-7-29
GH: 02359271 Galium boreale Linnaeus USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1562 1895-8-22
GH: 02140015 Galium trifidum subbiflorum (Wiegand) Puff (Wiegand) Puff USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1116 1895-6-29
GH: 02140306 Galium triflorum Michaux USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1431 1895-8-1
Saxifragaceae GH: 01735088 Heuchera cylindrica glabella (Torrey & A. Gray) Wheelock USA: Idaho Ridges between South Fork Coeur D'Alene Rive... J. B. Leiberg 1349 1895-7-24
GH: 00042736 Heuchera cylindrica valida Rosendahl, Butters & Lakela USA: Idaho Valley of North Fork of Coeur d"alene River,... J. B. Leiberg 1541 1895-8-14
Scrophulariaceae GH: 01841785 Erythranthe guttata (de Candolle) G. L. Nesom USA: Idaho Valley of North Fork of Coeur D'Alene J. B. Leiberg 1519 1895-8-11
GH: 01842404 Erythranthe moschata (Douglas ex Lindley) G. L. Nesom USA: Idaho Fork St. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 1168 1895-7-4
GH: 01842839 Erythranthe tilingii (Regel) G. L. Nesom USA: Idaho Ridges south from Wiesner's Peak J. B. Leiberg 1394 1895-7-28
GH: 01842838 Erythranthe tilingii (Regel) G. L. Nesom USA: Idaho Near Stevens Peak J. B. Leiberg 1446 1895-8-3
GH: 01842890 Erythranthe washingtonensis (Gandoger) G. L. Nesom USA: Idaho Forks of St. Mary's River J. B. Leiberg 1167 1895-7-4
Sphagnaceae FH: 00922248 Sphagnum fimbriatum Wilson USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 265 1895-7-11
FH: 00925815 Sphagnum teres (Schimper) Angstrom ex Hartman USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1265 1895-7-11
FH: 00925816 Sphagnum teres (Schimper) Angstrom ex Hartman USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1265 1895-7-11
Urticaceae GH: 02171291 Urtica dioica gracilis (Aiton) Selander USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1526 1895-8-13
GH: 02171493 Urtica dioica holosericea (Nuttall) Thorne USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. B. Leiberg 1593 1895-8-25