Araceae GH: 01655208 Arisarum vulgare Targioni Tozzetti Greece: Central Greece and Euboea between Athens and Phaleron J. B. Patten G173a 1900-2-14
GH: 01655209 Arisarum vulgare Targioni Tozzetti Greece: Central Greece and Euboea Stadion Hill, Athens J. B. Patten G173 1900-2-1
Crassulaceae GH: 01988093 Sedum album Linnaeus Greece: Crete [no additional data] J. B. Patten 212 1900-7-1
GH: 01988092 Sedum album Linnaeus Greece: Crete ridge below summit of Mt. Psilorite J. B. Patten 198 1900-7-1
GH: 01988097 Sedum altissimum Poiret Greece: Central Greece and Euboea lower ridge, Delphi J. B. Patten G396 1900-7-16
GH: 01988015 Sedum amplexicaule de Candolle Greece: Crete Tomb Hill. Region of Kavousi, Isthmus of Hie... J. B. Patten K71 1900-5-20
GH: 01988307 Sedum gracile C. A. Meyer Greece: Crete Region of Kavousi, Isthmus of Hierapetra. J. B. Patten K234 1900-6-3
GH: 01988828 Umbilicus horizontalis de Candolle Greece: Crete Avgo, Region of Kavousi, Isthmus Hierapetra. J. B. Patten K4 1900-5-13
GH: 01988829 Umbilicus horizontalis de Candolle Greece: Crete Tomb Hill. Region of Kavousi, Isthmus of Hie... J. B. Patten K72 1900-5-20
Fabaceae GH: 00219960 Medicago gerardi Waldstein & Kitaibel ex Willdenow Greece: Crete Region of Kavousi, Isthmus of Hierapetra, Ph... J. B. Patten K59 1900-5-20
GH: 00219961 Medicago gerardi Waldstein & Kitaibel ex Willdenow Greece: Central Greece and Euboea Phrygana formation, hill by Athens J. B. Patten 1900-3-16
GH: 00219976 Medicago gerardi Waldstein & Kitaibel ex Willdenow Greece: Central Greece and Euboea Phaleron J. B. Patten 155 1900-1-29
GH: 00219960 Medicago rigidula (Linnaeus) Allioni Greece: Crete Region of Kavousi, Isthmus of Hierapetra, Ph... J. B. Patten K59 1900-5-20
Iridaceae GH: 00962531 Iris attica Boissier & Heldreich Greece: Central Greece and Euboea 1/2 way up Pentelikon J. B. Patten G290 1900-3-24
GH: 00962898 Iris tuberosa Linnaeus Greece: Central Greece and Euboea [no additional data] J. B. Patten G321 1900-4-3
GH: 00962894 Iris tuberosa Linnaeus Greece: Central Greece and Euboea Tatoi J. B. Patten G280 1900-3-20
Linaceae GH: 01247419 Linum strictum Linnaeus Greece: Crete Mt. Kabbousi J. B. Patten C83 1900-4-24
GH: 01247418 Linum strictum Linnaeus Greece: Crete Khordakia, Region of Kavoúsi, Isthmus of Hi... J. B. Patten K2 1900-5-13
GH: 01247417 Linum strictum Linnaeus Greece: Crete near 1st excavation, Region of Kavoúsi, Ist... J. B. Patten K24 1900-5-15
Orchidaceae GH: 01951351 Aceras anthropophorum (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton Greece: Crete Region of Kavoúsi, Isthmus of Hierapetra J. B. Patten K 238 1900-6-3
GH: 01951487 Anacamptis pyramidalis (Linnaeus) Richard Greece: Crete Gortyna J. B. Patten C47 1900-4-18
GH: 01951488 Anacamptis pyramidalis (Linnaeus) Richard Greece: Crete Goolas J. B. Patten C160 1900-5-12
GH: 01951519 Anacamptis pyramidalis (Linnaeus) Richard Greece: Crete a little below Castro, Region of Kavoúsi, I... J. B. Patten K181 1900-5-30
GH: 01951520 Anacamptis pyramidalis (Linnaeus) Richard Greece: Crete Region of Kavoúsi, Isthmus of Hierapetra J. B. Patten K227a 1900-6-3
AMES: 01951561 Himantoglossum robertianum (Loiseleur-Deslongchamps) P. Delforge Greece: Crete Gortyna J. B. Patten C46 1900-4-18
GH: 01952820 Ophrys atrata Linnaeus Greece: Crete Mt. Kabbousi [Kavousi] J. B. Patten 81 1900-4-24
GH: 01952894 Ophrys ferrum-equinum Desfontaines Greece: Central Greece and Euboea 1/2 way grotto, Pentelikon J. B. Patten 292 1900-3-24
GH: 01952916 Ophrys fusca Link Greece: Central Greece and Euboea by Marusi J. B. Patten G179 1900-2-4
GH: 01952917 Ophrys fusca Link Greece: Central Greece and Euboea Parnes J. B. Patten G331 1900-4-3
GH: 01951065 Ophrys oestrifera M. Bieberstein Greece: Crete Biarras J. B. Patten C80 1900-4-21
GH: 01950395 Orchis quadripunctata Cirillo ex Tenore Greece: Crete Bearnos J. B. Patten C64 1900-4-21
GH: 01950397 Orchis quadripunctata Cirillo ex Tenore Greece: Central Greece and Euboea [no additional data] J. B. Patten G324 1900-4-3
GH: 01950398 Orchis quadripunctata Cirillo ex Tenore Greece: Central Greece and Euboea by Elentherae J. B. Patten G310 1900-3-27
AMES: 01951163 Serapias lingua Linnaeus Greece: Crete by [Charanos] J. B. Patten C60 1900-4-19
GH: 01950443 Vermeulenia papilionacea (Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve Greece: Central Greece and Euboea by Marathon J. B. Patten G358 1900-4-1
Resedaceae GH: 02498026 Reseda alba Linnaeus Greece: Central Greece and Euboea [data not captured] J. B. Patten E 1900-3-23
GH: 02498021 Reseda alba Linnaeus Greece: Central Greece and Euboea [data not captured] J. B. Patten G 252 1900-3-13
GH: 02498020 Reseda alba Linnaeus Greece: Central Greece and Euboea [data not captured] J. B. Patten G 273 1900-3-19
Solanaceae GH: 00813252 Hyoscyamus aureus Linnaeus Greece: Crete Heraklion J. B. Patten C135 1900-5-6