Next page >Iridaceae GH: 02517175 Acidanthera bicolor Hochstetter : Earth: Ex. Hort. Leichtlei [?] [no data available]
GH: 02517176 Acidanthera laxiflora Baker Kenya: Kedong Valley A. G. Curtis 433 1923-5-23
GH: 02517181 Acidanthera sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517180 Acidanthera sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517179 Acidanthera sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517178 Acidanthera sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517177 Acidanthera sp. South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Caledon Div. between Babylonschetoo... [data not captured]
GH: 02517351 Acidanthera tubulosa Baker : Africa: in humidri inter cyprus ad margi ner... P. MacOwan 1973 1896-9
GH: 01700879 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700880 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Louisiana [no additional data] [data not captured]
GH: 01700881 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700882 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700883 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700884 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700885 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700886 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700887 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas ca. one fourth mile northeast of cooling tow... F. R. Waller 3651 1975-7-23
GH: 01700888 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Bailey's Wholesale Nursery, 6 mi. W of Silsb... E. S. Nixon [data not captured] 13888 1984-7-6
GH: 01700889 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Third Street, Seabrook F. R. Waller [data not captured] 2688 1974-5-21
GH: 01700890 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas two miles north of West Point F. A. Barkley [data not captured] 47030 1947-5-4
GH: 01700891 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Welder Wildlife Foundation, N of Sinton. Nea... A. Traverse 1263 1959-5-6
GH: 01700892 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas near camphouse, along west bank of the Arans... S. R. Hill 7813 1978-9-23
GH: 01700893 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas [no additional data] T. Drummond 2nd 360
GH: 01700894 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas [no additional data] F. J. Lindheimer 1843
GH: 01700895 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas near Dallas J. Reverchon No. 2861
GH: 01700896 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Yturrica Ranch. C. L. Lundell & A. A. Lundell 8711 1940-5-6
GH: 01700897 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Western DeWitt Co. M. Riedel 1941-7-4
GH: 01700898 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Galveston Co. B. C. Tharp 1942-6-28
GH: 01700899 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas [no additional data] C. Wright
GH: 01700900 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Mineola J. Reverchon 2179 1900-6-12
GH: 01700901 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas 3 1/2 miles north of Jasper V. L. Cory 22639 1937-5-18
GH: 01700902 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas 23 miles NW. of Jasper V. L. Cory 22185 1937-5-14
GH: 01700903 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Vicinity of Huntsville R. A. Dixon 338 1909-7-9
GH: 01700904 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Hempstead: Hempstead E. Hall 639 1872-6-1
GH: 01700905 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Pena C. G. Pringle 2406 1889-8-11
GH: 01700906 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Pena C. G. Pringle 2406 1889-8-11
GH: 01700907 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Arkansas Camden. A. Fendler 1850-6-10
GH: 01700908 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Cypreess City J. Reverchon 791 1877-8
GH: 01700909 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas New Braunfels: [no additional data] F. J. Lindheimer 325 1850-4
GH: 01700910 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas New Braunfels: Comanche Spring, New Braunfel... F. J. Lindheimer 1204 1850-4
GH: 01700911 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas [no additional data] T. Drummond 414
GH: 01700912 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas [no additional data] C. Wright
GH: 01700913 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Two miles north of West Point F. A. Barkley [data not captured] 47027 1947-5-4
GH: 01700914 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas 4.4 miles northeast of Fannin G. B. Ownbey & F. Ownbey 1597 1952-3-20
GH: 01700915 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Columbia: [no additional data] B. F. Bush 117 1899-4-11
GH: 01700916 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas [no additional data] B. C. Tharp 1939-4-7
GH: 01700917 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Galveston Co. A. F. Nelson 1942-4-14
GH: 01700918 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas [no additional data] C. Wright
GH: 01700919 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas [no additional data] T. Drummond 3 414
GH: 01700920 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas [no additional data] T. Drummond 415
GH: 01700921 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas Mathis Harris B. Parks 29466 1938-3-17
GH: 01700922 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas 3 miles southeast of Brookshire R. C. Rollins 5353 1953-4-8
GH: 01700923 Alophia drummondii (Graham) R. C. Foster USA: Texas ca. 50 yds. W of SW corner central ball park... A. Traverse 331 1957-4-23
GH: 00030448 Anaclanthe namaquensis N. E. Brown South Africa: In arenosismaritimis prope Port Nolloth, in ... H. Bolus 699 1883-9
GH: 02517182 Anaclanthe namaquensis N. E. Brown South Africa: Lamberts Bay E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 484 1958-10-8
GH: 02517183 Anapalina burchellii N. E. Brown South Africa: Wellington M. E. Cummings 274
A: 02517184 Anapalina caffra (Baker) G. J. Lewis South Africa: Millwood bei Knysna E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 991 1958-11-12
GH: 02517189 Anapalina revoluta (N. L. Burman: N. L. Burman) N. E. Brown : Africa: in sivis montis Tabularis septen-[il... P. MacOwan 1659 1896-2
GH: 02517188 Anapalina revoluta (N. L. Burman: N. L. Burman) N. E. Brown : Africa: Capshavt [?] A. W. Spilhaus 1877
GH: 02517187 Anapalina revoluta (N. L. Burman: N. L. Burman) N. E. Brown : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 314
GH: 02517186 Anapalina revoluta (N. L. Burman: N. L. Burman) N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Riversdale Div. near Zoetmelks River W. J. Burchell 66A2
GH: 02517185 Anapalina revoluta (N. L. Burman: N. L. Burman) N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] C. B. S. [Cap Bon Spei] Villett
GH: 02517190 Anapalina triticea (N. L. Burman) N. E. Brown : Earth: [no additional data] [data not captured]
GH: 02517191 Anapalina triticea (N. L. Burman) N. E. Brown : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7371
GH: 02517193 Anapalina triticea (N. L. Burman) N. E. Brown : Africa: In erectis [?] in livis [?] moutis D... H. Bolus 4528 1880
GH: 02517192 Anapalina triticea (N. L. Burman) N. E. Brown : Africa: in sivis Montis Diaboli orientem [?]... P. MacOwan 1660 1896-2
GH: 02517195 Anomalesia cunonia (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02517194 Anomalesia cunonia (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province [no additional data] R. N. Parker 3844 1943-9-27
GH: 00030449 Antholyza burchellii N. E. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Between Donker Hoek and Houw Hoek M... W. J. Burchell 2013
GH: 00030458 Antholyza caffra Baker South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Albany Division: near Riebeek W. J. Burchell 3487
A: 02517196 Antholyza plicata Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province near Citrusdal R. D. A. Bayliss BS 8027 1977-6-10
GH: 02517200 Antholyza rigens Linnaeus : Africa: In arenosis Plantitiei Capensis prop... P. MacOwan 271 1884-9
GH: 02517202 Antholyza rigens Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Clanwilliam Olifantrivier C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517201 Antholyza rigens Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright
GH: 02517199 Antholyza rigens Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] in arenosis [illegible] Muizenburg R. A. Dümmer 10.9 1908-8
GH: 02517198 Antholyza rigens Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] between Cape Town + Simon's Bay W. J. Burchell 8563
A: 02517197 Antholyza rigens Linnaeus South Africa: C. P. [Cape Province] Botriuler H. P. v. der Schijff & J. K. v. de... 7235 1967-9-3
GH: 02517204 Antholyza sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517203 Antholyza sp. South Africa: bae of Table Mountain [no data available] 1843-6
GH: 02517205 Antholyza sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517215 Aristea africana (Linnaeus) Hoffmannsegg : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 727
GH: 02517216 Aristea africana (Linnaeus) Hoffmannsegg South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] C. B. S.
GH: 02517214 Aristea africana (Linnaeus) Hoffmannsegg South Africa: Wellington M. E. Cummings 2
GH: 02517213 Aristea africana (Linnaeus) Hoffmannsegg South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Worcester Div. C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517212 Aristea africana (Linnaeus) Hoffmannsegg South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Camp's Bay, Cape 1846-9
GH: 02517211 Aristea africana (Linnaeus) Hoffmannsegg South Africa: near Kloofnek, Capetown F. T. McLean 134 1920-10-31
GH: 02517210 Aristea africana (Linnaeus) Hoffmannsegg South Africa: Vicinity of Cape Town [no data available]
A: 02517209 Aristea africana (Linnaeus) Hoffmannsegg South Africa: Western Cape Province Strand to Gordans Bay R. N. Parker 4135 1946-10-21
GH: 02517208 Aristea africana (Linnaeus) Hoffmannsegg South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright
GH: 02517207 Aristea africana (Linnaeus) Hoffmannsegg South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Cape flats [no data available]
A: 02517206 Aristea africana (Linnaeus) Hoffmannsegg South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Kap Prov. AM Fuss des Sir Lowrys Pass E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 256 1958-9-27
GH: 02517220 Aristea anceps Ecklon ex Klatt South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Albany Div. C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517219 Aristea anceps Ecklon ex Klatt South Africa: Albany Div. from near Riebeck [data not captured]
GH: 02517218 Aristea anceps Ecklon ex Klatt South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Albany Div. from Zwarturater Poort
GH: 02517217 Aristea anceps Ecklon ex Klatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] C. B. S. C. L. P. Zeyher
A: 02517221 Aristea angolensis Baker South Africa: Transvaal; Zwischen Sabie w. Lydenburg (Long... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 2140 1959-2-2
A: 02517222 Aristea bakeri Klatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Humansdorp. Cape. R. D. A. Bayliss BS 3050 1965-12-4
GH: 02517223 Aristea cladocarpa Baker Madagascar: Toamasina Moroamanga, Ambohibary, Ampitambe, Ambatovy.... L. Andriamahefarivo et al. P. Anti... 38 2004-12-15
A: 02517224 Aristea coerulea elongata Weimarck South Africa: Bokkeveld Mts., Giftberg E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 525 1958-10-9
GH: 02517225 Aristea cognata N. E. Brown ex Weimarck South Africa: [illegible]afrika, Natal, Drakensberg [?] Na... A. Hafström & J. P. H. Acocks 266 1938
GH: 02517226 Aristea corymbosa (Ker Gawler) Bentham & Hooker f. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Regio: Prov. austro-occid.col.Cap.Bonae Spei... H. W. R. Marloth 47 1923-3
GH: 02517229 Aristea dichotoma (Thunberg) Ker Gawler South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Calderon Div.: by the Zonder Einde ...
GH: 02517228 Aristea dichotoma (Thunberg) Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Van Camp's Bay C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517227 Aristea dichotoma (Thunberg) Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] vicinity of Cape Town W. J. Burchell 758
GH: 02517231 Aristea ecklonii Baker Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2097 1927-2-16
GH: 00338995 Aristea ecklonii Baker Jamaica: Saint Andrew Parish H. E. Ahles 74960 1971-8-24
GH: 02517230 Aristea ecklonii Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Uitenhage Div. near Uitenhage W. J. Burchell 4256
A: 02517232 Aristea ensifolia J. Muir : Africa: Reg. Occidentalis, Knysna - District... R. Schlechter 5923 1894-11-10
A: 02517233 Aristea ensifolia J. Muir South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Kap Prov. Berghochwald bei Knysna E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 926 1958-11-9
GH: 00338996 Aristea gerrardii Weimarck Jamaica: Saint Andrew Parish H. E. Ahles 74937 1971-8-24
A: 02517234 Aristea grandis Weimarck South Africa: Natal; Underberg distr., 2929 CB, Cobham For... J. C. Manning, O. M. Hilliard & B.... 16017 1982-12-13
A: 02517235 Aristea kitchingii Baker Madagascar: Antananarivo Tampoketsa d'Ankozobe T. C. Flores & J. Andriantiana 93 1998-12-29
A: 02517236 Aristea montana Baker South Africa: Natal; Mpendhle distr., 2929 AD. Path from L... O. M. Hilliard & B. L. Burtt 16113 1982-12-26
GH: 02517237 Aristea polycephala Harms Tanzania: Kyimbila District (North of Lake Nyasa) A. F. Stolz 2458
GH: 02517238 Aristea pusilla (Thunberg) Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Bathurst Div. W. J. Burchell 3954
GH: 00030450 Aristea schizolaena Harvey ex Baker South Africa: In clivis umbrosis prope Grahamstown
GH: 00030451 Aristea schizolaena Harvey ex Baker South Africa: In clivis umbrosis prope Grahamstown P. MacOwan
A: 02517242 Aristea sp. Madagascar: Massif de L'andohahelo (Sud-Est) J.-H. Humbert 6183 1928-10-21
A: 02517241 Aristea sp. Madagascar: Envurons de Fort-Dauphin (Pic St. Louis) J.-H. Humbert 5900 1928-9-20
GH: 02517246 Aristea sp. South Africa: Barberton Tvl [Transvaal], on lower slopes o... L. C. C. Liebenberg 3327 1934-12
GH: 02517245 Aristea sp. South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Caledon Div. Zwarteberg C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517244 Aristea sp. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Albany Div. C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517243 Aristea sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [data not captured]
GH: 02517239 Aristea spiralis Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Riversdale Div. W. J. Burchell 6710
A: 02517240 Aristea woodii N. E. Brown South Africa: Transvaal Dullstroom E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 2040 1959-1-30
GH: 02517290 Babiana South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517247 Babiana ambigua (Roemer & Schultes) G. J. Lewis South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Sandveld. Slangkop, 10 miles north of Darlin... M. Rolla & A. F. Tyron 6289 1963-9-16
GH: 02517248 Babiana ambigua (Roemer & Schultes) G. J. Lewis South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Cape Div. eastern side of Table Mt., near Co... C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 00030454 Babiana angustifolia Ecklon South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Stellenbosch, Doornhoogde C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher 78.8
GH: 02517267 Babiana angustifolia Ecklon South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Sandveld. Slangkop, 10 miles north of Darlin... M. Rolla & A. F. Tyron 6278 1963-9-16
GH: 02517268 Babiana angustifolia Ecklon South Africa: in arenosis campis in Groenekloof in ditinie... P. MacOwan 586 1885-9
GH: 02517266 Babiana disticha Ker Gawler South Africa: Wellington; Bain's Kloof M. E. Cummings 5
GH: 02517265 Babiana disticha Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Worcester Div. C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517249 Babiana fourcadei G. J. Lewis South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] George Div. Kaymans River W. J. Burchell 5806
A: 02517256 Babiana hypogaea Burchell : Africa: [illegible] [no data available] 2340
A: 02517257 Babiana hypogaea Burchell Namibia: Windhuk Bergland Finkenstein M. Finke 4404 1966-4-6
GH: 00030452 Babiana hypogaea Burchell South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2241
A: 02517255 Babiana hypogaea Burchell South Africa: Transvaal. Lyttleton, 5m. S. of Pretoris P. Inglis 1944-3
A: 02517254 Babiana hypogaea Burchell South Africa: Transvaal; Lake Chrissie E. F. Potgieter 2 1955-6
A: 02517253 Babiana hypogaea Burchell South Africa: Transval. Dist. Krugerdorp; Jack Scott Priva... M. J. Wells 2541 1961-2-23
A: 02517252 Babiana hypogaea Burchell South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Prov. Transvaal. Nr. Rietvlei on P... A. D. J. Meeuse 9248 1954-2-26
A: 02517251 Babiana hypogaea Burchell South Africa: Regio Transvaal. Lyltleton, 5 m. S. of Preto... P. Inglis 1944-3
GH: 02517250 Babiana hypogaea Burchell South Africa: Regio Middleburg TVL [Transvaaal]. 5 miles f... R. A. Dyer 3935 1939-3-8
GH: 00030453 Babiana macrantha MacOwan South Africa: In humidis circa Otagua prope pagum Darling,... P. MacOwan 811 1887-10
GH: 02517258 Babiana nana angustifolia (Ecklon) Lewis South Africa: in arenosis Planitei capensis prope Wynberg P. MacOwan 273 1885-9
GH: 02517259 Babiana nana angustifolia (Ecklon) Lewis South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: in dunis arenosis Claremont H. H. Bolus 4750 1874
GH: 02517260 Babiana odorata L. Bolus : Africa: in campis pr. Naymans [?] bay [?], i... P. MacOwan 543 1885-11
A: 02517262 Babiana patersoniae L. Bolus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Between Mosselbaai and Albertinia H. P. van der Schijff & J. K. van ... 7257
A: 02517261 Babiana patersoniae L. Bolus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] C.P. Botrivier H. P. van der Schijff & J. K. van ...
A: 02517263 Babiana patersoniae L. Bolus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Heidelberg Cape R. D. A. Bayliss BS 2301 1964-8-30
GH: 02517264 Babiana patula N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Namakwaland. Between Garies and Kemmieskroon H. P. Van der Schijff 7009 1967-7-20
GH: 02517269 Babiana purpurea Ker Gawler USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517271 Babiana rubrocyanea (Jacquin) Ker Gawler : Africa (Region): [no additional data] [data not captured] 584
GH: 02517270 Babiana rubrocyanea (Jacquin) Ker Gawler South Africa: in arenosis in valle Groenklooof, in ditione... P. MacOwan 584 1885-9
A: 02517272 Babiana sambucina (Jacquin) Gawlowska South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] C. P. Namakwaland; Spektakel H. P. Van der Schijff 6978 1967-7-20
A: 02517273 Babiana sambucina (Jacquin) Gawlowska South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Springbok H. P. Van der Schijff 8125 1967-8-14
A: 02517274 Babiana secunda (Thunberg) Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Worcester Div. C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517291 Babiana sp. : Earth: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517296 Babiana sp. : Earth: Ex tempidaris Celsianis, absqusno min... [data not captured]
GH: 02517297 Babiana sp. : Earth: Laujaune [?] serre de Coulin [data not captured]
GH: 02517290 Babiana sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517300 Babiana sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] C.B.S. [Cap. Bon Spei] W. H. Harvey
GH: 02517289 Babiana sp. South Africa: in campis circa Kuitie Kraal [illegible] Cen... W. Tyson 1542 1888-8
GH: 02517288 Babiana sp. South Africa: Western Cape Province near Kloofnek, Capetown F. T. McLean 30 1920-10-31
GH: 02517287 Babiana sp. South Africa: Sydafrika [South Africa], Kapkolmein, Milner... A. Hafström 1936-9-20
GH: 02517286 Babiana sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Base of Table Mountain [no data available] 1843-6
GH: 02517299 Babiana sp. South Africa: Sydafrika, Kapkolmein, Citrusdal [?] G. Lindeberg 1936-9-12
GH: 02517298 Babiana sp. South Africa: in graminosis planituim pr. Claremont R. A. Dümmer 716 1908-8
GH: 02517295 Babiana sp. South Africa: Cape [data not captured]
GH: 02517294 Babiana sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Worcester Div. C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517293 Babiana sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517292 Babiana sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517301 Babiana sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
A: 02517275 Babiana stricta erectifolia G. J. Lewis South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright 263
A: 02517276 Babiana stricta erectifolia G. J. Lewis South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Caledon Div. C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
A: 02517277 Babiana stricta sulphurea (Jacquin) Baker South Africa: in arenosis campis prope Malmesbury P. MacOwan 1567 1890-9
A: 02517278 Babiana tubata Sweet South Africa: Western Cape Province Saldanha, Malmesbury division R. N. Parker 4626 1951-9-12
GH: 02517282 Babiana tubiflora (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler South Africa: in arenosis inter frutices in valle Groenklo... P. MacOwan 544 1885-10
A: 02517279 Babiana tubiflora (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Kap Prov. Kap de Vlakte E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 230 1958-9-27
A: 02517280 Babiana tubiflora (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler South Africa: Western Cape Province at Saldanha, Malmesbury Division R. N. Parker 4630 1951-9-12
GH: 02517281 Babiana tubulosa (N. L. Burman) Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] CBS [Cap. Bon Spei] [data not captured]
GH: 02517283 Babiana villosa (Aiton) Ker Gawler South Africa: in Capidosis livis ad pedem montis Diaboli [... P. MacOwan 272 1884-6
GH: 02517285 Babiana villosa (Aiton) Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Camp Ground, near Capetown [no data available]
GH: 02517284 Babiana villosa (Aiton) Ker Gawler USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 00031358 Beatonia bracteolata Klatt Bolivia: La Paz Viciniis Sorata G. Mandon 1226 1858-2
A: 00963596 Belamcanda chinensis (Linnaeus) de Candolle China: Guizhou Xuefeng Shan on the S side of the Fanjing Sh... B. Bartholomew, D. E. Boufford, Q.... 832 1986-9-4
A: 00963595 Belamcanda chinensis (Linnaeus) de Candolle China: Yunnan Central-Yunnan plateau, Kunming reg. P. I. Chiou 59567 1985-1-25
A: 00963594 Belamcanda chinensis (Linnaeus) de Candolle China: Beijing Municipality Jietansi temple ca. 35 km W of Beijing.; abo... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 2054 1984-8-29
A: 00963593 Belamcanda chinensis (Linnaeus) de Candolle China: Shandong Tianhuang Zoucheng Co. Cheng-Yong Guo 052313 2005-8-11
A: 00963592 Belamcanda chinensis (Linnaeus) de Candolle China: Shandong Shilaizhen Cheng-Yong Guo 20061-366-10 2007-2-22
GH: 00030455 Bobartia anceps Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Riversdale Division: between Little Vet Rive... W. J. Burchell 6913
A: 02525024 Bobartia anceps Baker South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Makhanda: Grahamstown R. D. A. Bayliss 2262 1964-8-8
GH: 02525025 Bobartia aphylla (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Caledon Div. Zwarteberg C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 00030456 Bobartia burchellii Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Riversdale Division: on or at the foot of th... W. J. Burchell 7145
GH: 02525026 Bobartia burchellii Baker South Africa: [illegible] pr. [?] Grahamstown P. MacOwan 1237
GH: 02525028 Bobartia gladiata (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler South Africa: [data not captured] F. T. McLean 14 1920-10-31
GH: 02525027 Bobartia gladiata (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Vicinity of Cape Town [no data available]
A: 02525029 Bobartia gracilis Baker South Africa: Combes Valley, Bathurst dist. R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4286 1972-12-16
A: 02525031 Bobartia indica Linnaeus South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Alicedale road, Albany R. D. A. Bayliss BS 5760 1973-7-15
A: 02525030 Bobartia indica Linnaeus South Africa: Mountains above Gordons Bay, Cape R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4068 1967-12-7
GH: 00030457 Bobartia robusta Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] George Division: between Malgat River and Gr... W. J. Burchell 6124
GH: 00031368 Calydorea approximata R. C. Foster Bolivia: Toldos bei Bermejo, 1850 m. K. A. G. Fiebrig 2344 1903-12-5
GH: 00031369 Calydorea approximata R. C. Foster Bolivia: Toldos bei Bermejo, 1850 m. K. A. G. Fiebrig 2344 1903-12-5
GH: 00112700 Calydorea cipuroides Klatt Colombia: C. F. E. Otto 996
GH: 00031370 Calydorea gardneri Baker Brazil: Piaui George Gardner 2322
GH: 00031349 Calydorea guatemalensis (Standley) R. C. Foster Guatemala: Alta Verapaz Cobán: Alt. 1350 m H. v. Türckheim II 1885 1907-6
GH: 00031347 Calydorea texana Baker USA: Texas [Galveston Bay] T. Drummond 415
GH: 00031410 Cardenanthus boliviensis R. C. Foster Bolivia: Potosí 4000 m. M. Cárdenas H. 124 1932-1
GH: 00031411 Cardenanthus longitubus R. C. Foster Bolivia: La Paz Rosario, 12500 feet Mrs. R. S. Shepard 235 1921-1-13
GH: 00031412 Cardenanthus shepardae R. C. Foster Peru: Puno Umuchi, 3125 m. Mrs. R. S. Shepard 99 1919-12-10
GH: 00031415 Cardenanthus tunariensis R. C. Foster Argentina: Jujuy Hamahuaca, Cerro La Soledad, 3500 m. Sant. Venturi 9025 1928-1
GH: 00031413 Cardenanthus tunariensis R. C. Foster Bolivia: Bolivian Plateau M. Bang 1042 1891
GH: 00351307 Cardenanthus tunariensis R. C. Foster Bolivia: Bolivian Plateau 1891
GH: 00031414 Cardenanthus vargasii R. C. Foster Peru: Puno Pampa de Lacka, Macusani J. C. Vargas Calderón 7135 1948-2-15
GH: 00031415 Cardenanthus venturii R. C. Foster Argentina: Jujuy Hamahuaca, Cerro La Soledad, 3500 m. Sant. Venturi 9025 1928-1
GH: 02517308 Chasmanthe aethiopica (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5422 B
GH: 02517304 Chasmanthe aethiopica (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown : Africa: in livis ad calera [?] montis Taku-l... P. MacOwan 1550 1891-9
GH: 02517310 Chasmanthe aethiopica (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown South Africa: in sylvis livorum montis Diaboli [Diablo] H. H. Bolus 4747 1879
GH: 02517309 Chasmanthe aethiopica (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown South Africa: Stellenbosch Div. [no data available]
GH: 02517307 Chasmanthe aethiopica (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown South Africa: Albany [no data available] 894
GH: 02517306 Chasmanthe aethiopica (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] CBS. [Cap Bon Spei] C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517305 Chasmanthe aethiopica (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] CBS. [Cap. Bon Spei]
GH: 02517302 Chasmanthe aethiopica (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Knysna Cape R. D. A. Bayliss BS 1446 1963-5-12
GH: 02517303 Chasmanthe aethiopica (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: raised from see in Botanic Garden... [data not captured]
GH: 02517312 Chasmanthe bicolor (Gasparrini) N. E. Brown : Earth: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517311 Chasmanthe bicolor (Gasparrini) N. E. Brown USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Grown from see in the greenhouse ... R. C. Foster 1935
GH: 00030458 Chasmanthe caffra (Baker) N. E. Brown South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Albany Division: near Riebeek W. J. Burchell 3487
GH: 02517313 Chasmanthe caffra (Baker) N. E. Brown South Africa: In lapidouis [?] livis montium circa Grahmst... [data not captured] 1737 1896-7
GH: 02517315 Chasmanthe intermedia (Baker: Baker) N. E. Brown : Africa: in umbrosis montis leonis R. A. Dümmer 99b 1908-10
GH: 02517314 Chasmanthe intermedia (Baker: Baker) N. E. Brown : Africa: [illegible] in saltubus ad pedem mon... P. MacOwan 1549 1892-9
GH: 02517318 Chasmanthe intermedia (Baker: Baker) N. E. Brown South Africa: Sud-Afrika, Kapkolmen [?], Buffets Near [?] ... A. Hafström & G. Lindeberg 1936-12-9
GH: 02517316 Chasmanthe intermedia (Baker: Baker) N. E. Brown South Africa: Sudafrika, Kapkdomen, [?] Lions Head den A. Hafström & G. Lindeberg 1936-9-7
GH: 02517317 Chasmanthe intermedia (Baker: Baker) N. E. Brown USA: Minnesota [no additional data] [data not captured]
GH: 00030459 Chasmanthe peglerae N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Kentari District A. M. Pegler 500
GH: 02517320 Chasmanthe sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517319 Chasmanthe vittigera N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Julbagh [?] CBS [Cap. Bon Spei] 1827
GH: 00030460 Chasmatocallis macowanii R. C. Foster South Africa: In lapidoso-graminosis montis Pakhuis, prope... P. MacOwan 1975 1897-10
GH: 00030592 Chlamydostylus multiflorus Baker Mexico: Hidalgo Zimapan T. Coulter 1536
GH: 00031359 Chlamydostylus tenuis Baker Mexico: K. T. Hartweg 229
GH: 02517322 Crocosmia aurea (Pappe ex Hooker) Planchon : Africa: in apensis sylvis prope Komgha in va... H. G. Flanagan 1543 1890-12
A: 02517321 Crocosmia aurea (Pappe ex Hooker) Planchon : Africa: Collected Piggs Peak, Swaziland. Cul... R. D. A. Bayliss BS 5619 1973-4-4
A: 02517323 Crocosmia aurea (Pappe ex Hooker) Planchon South Africa: Havelock Mine E. TVR [Transvaal] R. D. A. Bayliss BS 2739 1965-3-15
GH: 02517324 Crocosmia aurea (Pappe ex Hooker) Planchon South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Kentani [Centane], C.P. A. M. Pegler 339
GH: 01700924 Crocosmia aurea (Pappe ex Hooker) Planchon USA: California Orick: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700925 Crocosmia crocosmiiflora (Lemoine) N. E. Brown USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700926 Crocosmia crocosmiiflora (Lemoine) N. E. Brown USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700927 Crocosmia crocosmiiflora (Lemoine) N. E. Brown USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700928 Crocosmia crocosmiiflora (Lemoine) N. E. Brown USA: Alabama s. side Mobile near Bay; probably an escape ... R. Kral 53553 1974-6-27
A: 02517325 Crocosmia sp. Madagascar: Fianarantsoa: Parc National de Ranomafana. B... T. C. Flores & J. Andriantiana 109 1999-1-10
A: 02517326 Crocosmia sp. Madagascar: Antananarivo Tampoketsa d'Ankozobe. Forested region along... T. C. Flores & J. Andriantiana 91 1998-12-29
ECON: 01700933 Crocus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Milton: my garden N. T. Kidder 1922-4-16
GH: 00030461 Crocus alexandrii Nicic ex Velenovsky Croatia: Yugoslavia; Serbica: in filicetis Pteridis a... L. Adamovic 8186 1892-2-28
ECON: 01700929 Crocus maesiacus Ker Gawler USA: Rhode Island Providence: [no additional data] J. F. Collins 1884-4
GH: 02411144 Crocus sativus Linnaeus France: [no additional data]
ECON: 01700930 Crocus speciosus M. Bieberstein USA: Massachusetts Milton: my garden N. T. Kidder 1931-10-5
NEBC: 00567340 Crocus vernus (Linnaeus) Hill USA: Massachusetts Barnstable: Barnstable M. L. Fernald 1918-4-17
ECON: 01700931 Crocus vernus (Linnaeus) Hill USA: Massachusetts Easton: Borderland, N. Easton C. Schweinfurth 1916-4-21
ECON: 01700932 Crocus versicolor Ker Gawler USA: Massachusetts Milton: my garden N. T. Kidder 1921-4-9
A: 02517327 Curtonus paniculatus (Klatt) N. E. Brown South Africa: Transvaal; Dullstroom E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 2031 1959-1-30
GH: 00031417 Cypella goodspeediana Vargas Peru: Cusco Hacienda Potrero, 1300 m. J. C. Vargas Calderón 2509 1942-3-20
GH: 00112700 Cypella linearis (Kunth) Baker Colombia: C. F. E. Otto 996
GH: 00031416 Cypella mexicana C. V. Morton ex R. C. Foster Mexico: Guerrero Petatlan, District Montes de Oca G. B. Hinton et al. 10322 1937-6-15
GH: 02517328 Dierama cupuliflorum Klatt Tanzania: Tanganjika: Mount Kilimanjaro R. L. Piemeisel & L. W. Kephart 422
GH: 02517329 Dierama davyi N. E. Brown South Africa: Piet Retief, TVL [Transvaal]; 24 miles north... G. W. Reynolds 3115
A: 02517330 Dierama igneum Klatt South Africa: Transvaal; Dullstroom E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 2052 1959-1-30
A: 02517331 Dierama medium N. E. Brown South Africa: Badplaats E. Transvaal R. D. A. Bayliss BS 2377 1964-9-18
GH: 02517332 Dierama medium mossii N. E. Brown South Africa: Vlei near Ermelo I. B. Pole-Evans 1935-12
GH: 02517333 Dierama parviflorum Marais Tanzania: Iringa Top of Kitonga gorge. Image mountain J. Lovett & Congdon 1081 1986-12-9
A: 02517334 Dierama pauciflorum N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Mataliele. Naude's Neck. South-western Drake... F. A. Brusse 3028CA 1991-1-6
GH: 02517338 Dierama pendulum Baker : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3529
GH: 02517337 Dierama pendulum Baker : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3529
A: 02517336 Dierama pendulum Baker South Africa: Blue Mountain Pass - Basutoland R. D. A. Bayliss BS 2631 1965-1-31
A: 02517335 Dierama pendulum Baker South Africa: Greenhills near Grahamstown R. D. A. Bayliss BS 8648 1977-12-16
A: 02517339 Dierama robustum N. E. Brown South Africa: Drakensberge, zwischen Underberg und Drakens... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1407 1958-12-16
GH: 02517344 Dierama sp. South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province one trip to greytown I. B. Pole-Evans 3837 1931-10-30
GH: 02517340 Dierama tysonii N. E. Brown South Africa: in livis graminosis montinus circa Kokstad. ... W. Tyson 1201 1883-10
GH: 02517341 Dierama vagum N. E. Brown : Africa: Ost-Afrika: Mt. Elgon [illegible]
GH: 02517342 Dierama vagum N. E. Brown Tanzania: Nyassa Hochland - Station Kyimbila; Bunduli ... A. F. Stolz 129 1907-11-25
A: 02517345 Dietes bicolor (Steudel) Sweet ex Klatt South Africa: Kap Valley, Bathurst dist. R. D. A. Bayliss BS 8462 1978-1-10
GH: 02517346 Dietes bicolor (Steudel) Sweet ex Klatt South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Kaprivier. (Albany) P. MacOwan 1538 1890-2
GH: 02517347 Dietes compressa Klatt USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: [no additional data] [no data available] 1878
A: 02517349 Dietes prolongata (Baker) N. E. Brown Eswatini: Zwischen Piggs Peak und Mbabane E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 2199 1959-2-7
A: 02517350 Dietes vegeta (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown South Africa: Eastern Cape Province near Patensie R. D. A. Bayliss BS 7628 1976-10-10
GH: 00031349 Eleutherine guatemalensis Standley Guatemala: Alta Verapaz Cobán: Alt. 1350 m H. v. Türckheim II 1885 1907-6
A: 02517354 Engysiphon exscapus (Thunberg: Thunberg) G. J. Lewis South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Kap Prov. Bokkeveld Mts., Giftberg E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 497 1958-10-9
A: 02517355 Engysiphon schinzii (Baker: Baker) G. J. Lewis South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Kap Prov. Houw Hoek Pass E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 158 1958-9-24
GH: 00031418 Eurynotia penlandii R. C. Foster Ecuador: Imbabura Lake Cuicocha, alt. 3100 m C. W. T. Penland & R. H. Summers 736 1939-5-28
GH: 00031430 Eustylis purpurea Engelmann & A. Gray USA: Texas T. Drummond 413
GH: 00030462 Exohebea caledonensis R. C. Foster South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: [data not captured] A. Hafström 1936-11-8
GH: 02517359 Exohebea caledonensis R. C. Foster South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Top of Houw Hoek Pass, S-E aspect W. F. Barker 8810 1958-11-20
GH: 00030463 Exohebea fraterna (N. E. Brown) R. C. Foster South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Table Mountain W. J. Burchell 640
GH: 02517361 Exohebea fraterna (N. E. Brown) R. C. Foster South Africa: in monte tabularis R. A. Dümmer 89D
GH: 02517360 Exohebea fraterna (N. E. Brown) R. C. Foster South Africa: Sydafrika, Kapkolmein, Tafelberge A. Hafström 1935-1-7
A: 02517362 Exohebea lata (L. Bolus) R. C. Foster South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Above Sir Lowry's Pass R. N. Parker 1951-5-14
GH: 02517363 Exohebea nemorosa (E. Meyer ex Klatt) R. C. Foster : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7921
GH: 02517366 Exohebea parviflora (Jacquin) R. C. Foster South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] c. Prom Bonae Spei [data not captured]
GH: 02517365 Exohebea parviflora (Jacquin) R. C. Foster South Africa: pr. Claremont R. A. Dümmer 57a 1908-10
GH: 02517364 Exohebea parviflora (Jacquin) R. C. Foster South Africa: Clanwilliam Div: Olifantrivier or Villa Brak... C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517368 Exohebea ramosa (Klatt) R. C. Foster South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Baviaans Kloof near Genaendal W. J. Burchell 7602
GH: 02517367 Exohebea ramosa (Klatt) R. C. Foster South Africa: Western Cape Province Grietgesgat, btw. [between] Lowry's Pass & P... C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517369 Exohebea ramosa (Klatt) R. C. Foster South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Tulbagh, C. P. [illegible] Winterhoek Mts. E. E. Galpin 12580 1934-2-13
GH: 02517370 Exohebea sp. South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Caledon Div.; Nieuwe Kloof, Houw Ho... W. J. Burchell 81113
A: 02517357 Ferraria ferrariola Willdenow South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] C. P. Between Springbok and Steinkopf H. P. Van der Schijff 8250 1967-8-15
GH: 00049506 Ferraria pavonia Linnaeus f. Mexico: Hidalgo Valley near Tula, alt. 6800 feet C. G. Pringle 6618 1896-10-24
GH: 00049507 Ferraria pavonia Linnaeus f. Mexico: Hidalgo Valley near Tula, alt. 6800 feet C. G. Pringle 6618 1896-10-24
A: 02517358 Ferraria undulata Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6196
GH: 00031367 Fosteria oaxacana Molseed Mexico: Oaxaca Just southeast of Nochixtlan at K 455, alt. ... E. W. Molseed 472 1966-7-21
A: 02517371 Freesia corymbosa N. E. Brown South Africa: Eastern Cape Province auf Cradock Road, 7 Meilen NW ausserhalb Gra... H. U. Stauffer 5194 1963-9-21
GH: 02517374 Freesia leichtlinii Klatt USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: [no additional data] [no data available] 1876
GH: 02517380 Freesia refracta (Jacquin) Klatt Australia (Country): New South Wales Garden plant, Liston M. S. Clemens 1943-11-16
A: 02517375 Freesia refracta (Jacquin) Klatt New Zealand: North Mairangi Bay: New Haven Terrace E. B. Bangerter 5188 1974-9-12
GH: 02517379 Freesia refracta (Jacquin) Klatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517378 Freesia refracta (Jacquin) Klatt South Africa: Wellington, Eastern Province M. E. Cummings 270
GH: 02517376 Freesia refracta (Jacquin) Klatt South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Albany R. C. Alexander Prior 1847-8
GH: 02517381 Galaxia fugacissima Druce South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: in grammenosis pr [prope ?] Clare... R. A. Dümmer 9.9.
GH: 02517382 Galaxia fugacissima Druce South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: circa Cape Town main in platis [?... P. MacOwan 1509 1890-9
GH: 02517385 Galaxia ovata Thunberg South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West R. N. Parker 3813 1943-7-4
GH: 02517384 Galaxia ovata Thunberg South Africa: ad latera montis Leonis prope Urbem. P. MacOwan 253 1882-9
GH: 02517383 Galaxia ovata Thunberg South Africa: ad latera montis Leonis prope Urbem P. MacOwan 253 1882-9
A: 02517386 Galaxia ovata purpurea Ker Gawler South Africa: Western Cape Province Helderberg R. N. Parker 4228 1947-8-20
A: 00246175 Geanthus Malaysia: Sabah Tawau, 14 miles along Tawau road from Branti... P. F. Stevens et al. 538 1976-1-17
GH: 00030526 Geissorhiza alpina Hooker f. Nigeria: West Tropical Africa: Corner Mountain, alt. ... G. Mann 2134 1859
GH: 02517394 Geissorhiza aspera Goldblatt : Africa: Olifant Rivier R. Schlechter 5029 1894-8-25
GH: 02517399 Geissorhiza aspera Goldblatt South Africa: Sydafrika [South Africa], Kapkolmein, Lions ... A. Hafström & G. Lindeberg 1936-9-7
GH: 02517398 Geissorhiza aspera Goldblatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Camgow [?] [no data available]
A: 02517397 Geissorhiza aspera Goldblatt South Africa: Western Cape Province Helderberg R. N. Parker 4257 1949-9-28
GH: 02517396 Geissorhiza aspera Goldblatt South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: [no additional data] C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517395 Geissorhiza aspera Goldblatt South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: prope Rondebosch H. H. Bolus 4609 1880
GH: 02517393 Geissorhiza aspera Goldblatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02517392 Geissorhiza aspera Goldblatt South Africa: in silvis ad circa [?] montis Tabularis, occ... P. MacOwan 807 1887-10
GH: 02517391 Geissorhiza aspera Goldblatt South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: Brinkwater Ravine F. T. McLean 65 1920-10-31
GH: 00030464 Geissorhiza bellendenii MacOwan South Africa: In arenosis subhumidis, Groenkloof, in ditio...
GH: 00030465 Geissorhiza bicolor macowanii R. C. Foster South Africa: In campis arenosis circa pagum Malmesburg, 4... P. MacOwan 1568
GH: 00030466 Geissorhiza bracteata Klatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Uitenhage Division: Urwalder von Olifantshoe... C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher 10.9
A: 02517604 Geissorhiza bracteata Klatt South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Albany dist., Cape. R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4769 1971-9-4
GH: 00030467 Geissorhiza foliosa Klatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Swellendam Division: mountains near Puspusva... C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher 218
GH: 02517401 Geissorhiza hispidula Goldblatt South Africa: in arenosis summi montis Muizenberg pone [?]... P. MacOwan 257 1883-9
GH: 02517400 Geissorhiza hispidula Goldblatt South Africa: Wynberg Flats, Cape R. C. Alexander Prior 1846-9-16
GH: 02517402 Geissorhiza hispidula Goldblatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright 265 1853
GH: 02517403 Geissorhiza humilis (Thunberg) Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright 253 1853
GH: 02517404 Geissorhiza imbricata Ker Gawler South Africa: in Capidosis ad pedem montis Tabularis septe... P. MacOwan 258 1882-8
GH: 02517405 Geissorhiza imbricata Ker Gawler South Africa: in lapidosis montium circa Pakhuis (Clanvill... P. MacOwan 1969 1897-10
GH: 02517406 Geissorhiza inconspicua Baker South Africa: in decliv. Montagu Pass R. Schlechter 5796 1894-11-2
GH: 02517410 Geissorhiza inflexa Ker Gawler South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Zwarteberg C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517409 Geissorhiza inflexa Ker Gawler South Africa: In graminiso-rupestibus [?] fone [?] sinum H... P. MacOwan 261 1884-9
GH: 02517408 Geissorhiza inflexa Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517407 Geissorhiza inflexa Ker Gawler South Africa: in campis subhumidis prope Groenekloof in di... P. MacOwan 590 1886-9
GH: 02517412 Geissorhiza juncea A. Dietrich South Africa: In graminosis in summit [?] monte Tabulari H. H. Bolus 4615 1880
GH: 02517411 Geissorhiza juncea A. Dietrich South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright 248 1853
GH: 00030528 Geissorhiza lutea Ecklon South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Caledon Division: Zwarteberg, alt. ... C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher 51.9
GH: 00030464 Geissorhiza monantha (Thunberg) Ecklon South Africa: In arenosis subhumidis, Groenkloof, in ditio...
A: 02517413 Geissorhiza monantha (Thunberg) Ecklon South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Kap Prov. Kalabaskraal E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 323 1958-9-29
GH: 02517414 Geissorhiza monantha (Thunberg) Ecklon South Africa: in arenosis subhumidis in valle Groenkloof i... P. MacOwan 506 1884-9
GH: 02517415 Geissorhiza monanthos Ecklon South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] R. C. Alexander Prior 1847
GH: 00030468 Geissorhiza ornithogaloides Klatt South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Caledon Division: Zwarteburg, alt. ... C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher 225
GH: 02517416 Geissorhiza ornithogaloides Klatt South Africa: Strand do Gordon's Bay. Stellenbosch divisio... R. N. Parker 4241 1947-9-12
GH: 02517421 Geissorhiza ovata (N. L. Burman) Asch. & Graebn. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] near rivulets, Table Mts. 1846-8-27
GH: 02525022 Geissorhiza ovata (N. L. Burman) Asch. & Graebn. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright
GH: 02517420 Geissorhiza ovata (N. L. Burman) Asch. & Graebn. South Africa: in lapidosis ad lasua [?] montis Diaboli [Di... P. MacOwan 259 1882-8
GH: 02517419 Geissorhiza ovata (N. L. Burman) Asch. & Graebn. South Africa: in livis [?] orientalibus montis Tabularis H. H. Bolus 4704 1879
GH: 02517418 Geissorhiza ovata (N. L. Burman) Asch. & Graebn. South Africa: in lapidosis ad latera montis Diaboli [Diabl... P. MacOwan 259 1882-8
GH: 02517417 Geissorhiza ovata (N. L. Burman) Asch. & Graebn. South Africa: Helderberg; Stellenbosch division R. N. Parker 3920 1944-10-7
GH: 02517422 Geissorhiza ovata (N. L. Burman) Asch. & Graebn. South Africa: Sydarfika, Kapkolmein, passit Bains Kloof A. Hafström & G. Lindeberg 1936-9-27
GH: 00030469 Geissorhiza ramosa Klatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Clanivilliam Division: Worcester C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517387 Geissorhiza ramosa Klatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517373 Geissorhiza schinzii (Baker) Goldblatt South Africa: Clanevilliam Div.: Olifantriver or at Villa ... [no data available]
GH: 02517372 Geissorhiza schinzii (Baker) Goldblatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright 258 1853
GH: 00030530 Geissorhiza schlechteri Baker South Africa: In saxosis summi mont. Houtboschberg pr. Mam... R. Schlechter 4701 1894-3-27
A: 02517388 Geissorhiza secunda Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Kogel Bay E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 288 1958-9-28
GH: 02517390 Geissorhiza setacea Ker Gawler South Africa: Western Cape Province Faure R. N. Parker 3972 1945-8-27
GH: 02517389 Geissorhiza setacea Ker Gawler South Africa: Western Cape Province Strand to Gordons Bay R. N. Parker 4227 1947-8-15
GH: 00030470 Geissorhiza wrightii Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope C. Wright 243 1853
GH: 00031347 Gelasine texana Herbert USA: Texas [Galveston Bay] T. Drummond 415
GH: 00031348 Gelasine texana Herbert USA: Texas T. Drummond 415
GH: 00031343 Gelasine texana Herbert USA: Texas San Antonio: V. Havard 36 1884-4
GH: 00030567 Genosiris juncea (Lindley) F. Mueller Australia (Country): Western Australia J. Drummond 772 1843
ECON: 01700949 Gladiolus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: [no additional data] J. F. Collins 1926-9-5
GH: 02517432 Gladiolus arcuatus Klatt Namibia: in monte Spektakel prope Naries, in Namaland... H. H. Bolus 700 1883-9
GH: 02517431 Gladiolus arcuatus Klatt South Africa: in planitiebus pr. Kraaifontein R. A. Dümmer 81b 1908-9
GH: 02517430 Gladiolus arcuatus Klatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] CBS [Cap. Bon Spei] Tulbagh [illegible]
GH: 02517428 Gladiolus arcuatus Klatt South Africa: prope Duiker Vlly [valley] P. MacOwan 278 1884-10
GH: 02517429 Gladiolus arcuatus Klatt South Africa: Wllington M. E. Cummings 9
A: 02517427 Gladiolus arcuatus Klatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Kap Prov. Kalabaskraal E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 322 1958-9-29
GH: 02517426 Gladiolus arcuatus Klatt South Africa: Jn rip. flum. Olifant Rivier R. Schlechter 4984 1894-8-23
GH: 02517425 Gladiolus arcuatus Klatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Sandy roadside 2 miles n. of Darling M. Rolla & A. F. Tyron 6303 1963-9-16
A: 02517433 Gladiolus atropurpureus Baker Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Leopoldville; Matadi, Suadi A. A. Dacrémont 329 1932-11-10
GH: 02517434 Gladiolus benguellensis Baker Angola: Bailundo (Donde) A. G. Curtis 154 1923-9-8
GH: 02517439 Gladiolus blandus Aiton : Earth: [illegible] [data not captured]
GH: 02517438 Gladiolus blandus Aiton South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02517437 Gladiolus blandus Aiton South Africa: in humidis montis tabularis R. A. Dümmer 956
GH: 02517440 Gladiolus blommesteinii L. Bolus South Africa: Western Cape Province Helderberg R. N. Parker 3878 1943-11-7
GH: 02517441 Gladiolus bojeri (Baker) Goldblatt Madagascar: Massif de L'andringitra (Iratsy): valles de ... J.-H. Humbert 3655 1924-11-27
A: 00030471 Gladiolus bolusii burchelii F. Bolus South Africa: W. J. Burchell 5631
GH: 02517442 Gladiolus bowkeri G. J. Lewis South Africa: ad lat. [?] montis Diaboli pone urbem P. MacOwan 946 1887-6
GH: 02517446 Gladiolus brevifolius Jacquin South Africa: montis Diaboli pone urbem P. MacOwan 947 1888-6
GH: 02517445 Gladiolus brevifolius Jacquin South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517444 Gladiolus brevifolius Jacquin South Africa: In monte leonis R. A. Dümmer 97D
GH: 02517443 Gladiolus brevifolius Jacquin South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] CBS [Cap. Bon Spei] R. C. Alexander Prior
GH: 02517449 Gladiolus byzantinus Miller Algeria: Oran sur les coteaux incultes B. Balansa 1852-10-8
GH: 02517450 Gladiolus byzantinus Miller Algeria: Mostaganem, dans les moissons B. Balansa 1851-4-25
GH: 02517448 Gladiolus byzantinus Miller Algeria: Le Gouraya de Bougie E. Reverchon 87 1896-6
GH: 02517451 Gladiolus byzantinus Miller Morocco: Kenintra H. A. Romieux 1485 1921-3-29
GH: 01700934 Gladiolus byzantinus Miller USA: Alabama just s. Wilsonville. R. Kral 65087 1908-5-16
A: 01700935 Gladiolus byzantinus Miller USA: Alabama [no additional data] D. L. Bayne 1960-5-7
A: 01700936 Gladiolus byzantinus Miller USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 01700937 Gladiolus byzantinus Miller USA: Alabama [no additional data] B. Brian 1960-5-1
ECON: 01700938 Gladiolus callistus Bolus USA: Maryland Glenn Dale Introduction Garden W. H. Cowgill 539 1938-4-14
GH: 02517529 Gladiolus carinatus Aiton South Africa: [no additional data] R. C. Alexander Prior
A: 02517452 Gladiolus carinatus Aiton South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: near Riversdale R. D. A. Bayliss BS 5827 A 1973-8-1
ECON: 01700939 Gladiolus colvillei Sweet USA: Rhode Island Providence: 126 E. Ave J. F. Collins 1895-8-11
GH: 02517453 Gladiolus colvillei Sweet USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Hort. [data not captured]
NEBC: 00872428 Gladiolus communis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: Boston Basin Ecoregion: Muddy River ... Zachary Nowak 2016-058 2016-7-30
GH: 02517454 Gladiolus concolor Salisbury South Africa: in livis Montis Zwarteberg pone Caledon P. MacOwan 808 1887-9
A: 02517456 Gladiolus crassifolius Baker Lesotho: Sehlabathebe Reserve R. D. A. Bayliss BS 865 1975-2-6
GH: 02517457 Gladiolus crassifolius Baker South Africa: Middelburg Tvl. 23 miles n. east of Middlebu... R. A. Dyer 3938 1939-3-8
A: 02517455 Gladiolus crassifolius Baker South Africa: Mondeor Reserve near Klipsriviersberg, 9 km ... M. Bourell, R. Patterson & R. Robi... 2629 1985-3-25
GH: 02517460 Gladiolus cruentus T. Moore USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517459 Gladiolus cuspidatus Jacquin : Europe: Jardin du Luxembourg 1824-5-3
GH: 02517462 Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel Malawi: Southern Region: Mt. Mulanje; Litchenya Plat... J. D. Chapman & E. G. Chapman 8227 1986-11-17
GH: 02517461 Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel South Africa: Mts. Zwarteburg (Caledon) pone Thermas 1886-9
GH: 02517463 Gladiolus dracocephalus Hooker f. USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: [no additional data] [no data available] 1877
GH: 02517464 Gladiolus ecklonii Lehmann South Africa: Middelburg, Tvl. [Transvaal, now Mpumalanga] R. A. Dyer 3932 1939-3-8
GH: 02517465 Gladiolus ecklonii Lehmann South Africa: Pilgrims rest, Tvl [Transvaal, now Mpumalang... F. Z. Van der Merwe 1663 1938-3-21
A: 02517473 Gladiolus elliotii Baker South Africa: Oranje-Freistaat; Zwischen reitz und Heidelb... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1592 1958-12-30
GH: 02517472 Gladiolus erectiflorus Baker : Earth: no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517470 Gladiolus erectiflorus Baker : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2240
GH: 02517468 Gladiolus erectiflorus Baker : Europe: Lichenstein K. Dinter 4433 1923-2-20
A: 02517466 Gladiolus erectiflorus Baker Namibia: Windhuk Bergland Avis; beim aufsteig zum "Sc... R. H. W. Seydel 4359 1965-4-17
GH: 00030472 Gladiolus erectiflorus Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] In arenosis graminosis circa Malmesburg P. MacOwan 1548 1892-10
GH: 02517471 Gladiolus erectiflorus Baker South Africa: Western Cape Province in planiti a [illegible] pr. Kraaifontein R. A. Dümmer 12D
GH: 02517469 Gladiolus erectiflorus Baker South Africa: Eastern Cape Province montium circa Kingwilliamstown [Qonce] W. Tyson 840 1886-9
GH: 02517467 Gladiolus erectiflorus Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] C. B. Spei [Cap. Bon Spei] [data not captured]
GH: 00030463 Gladiolus fraternus N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Table Mountain W. J. Burchell 640
GH: 01700940 Gladiolus gandavensis Van Houtte USA: Virginia south of Petersburg M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 10593 1939-7-21
GH: 01700941 Gladiolus gandavensis Van Houtte USA: Arkansas P. O. Jonesboro D. Demaree 24912 1944-5-14
A: 01700942 Gladiolus gandavensis Van Houtte USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 01700943 Gladiolus gandavensis Van Houtte USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 02517481 Gladiolus gracilis Jacquin South Africa: Sable Mtn. Cape R. C. Alexander Prior 1846-1
GH: 02517480 Gladiolus gracilis Jacquin South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Caledon Div. Zwarteberg [no data available]
GH: 02517479 Gladiolus gracilis Jacquin South Africa: Cape G. M. [data not captured]
A: 02517478 Gladiolus gracilis Jacquin South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Riversdale R. D. A. Bayliss BS 5827 B 1973-8-1
GH: 02517477 Gladiolus gracilis Jacquin South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Cape Flats [no data available]
GH: 02517476 Gladiolus gracilis Jacquin South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: pone Van Kamp's Bay pr. Urbem P. MacOwan 281 1884-8
GH: 02517560 Gladiolus grandiflorus Andrews South Africa: prope Wynberg P. MacOwan 287 1884-9
GH: 02517483 Gladiolus grandis Thunberg South Africa: Wellington M. E. Cummings 272
GH: 02517482 Gladiolus grandis Thunberg South Africa: in livis montis Zwarteberg (Caledon) pone Th... R. Templeman 2607
GH: 02517484 Gladiolus gregarius Welwitsch ex Baker Tanzania: Mbeya Ufipa: Ufipa Plateau, SW Tanzania. Sma... D. Moyer & D. Sanane 218 1987-3-16
A: 02517485 Gladiolus hanningtonii Baker Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Prov. Katanga. Territ. Mitwaba. Loc: Parc Na... G. De Witte 5.821 1949-3-8
A: 02517486 Gladiolus hibernus Ingram South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Between Riversdal and Swellendam H. P. Van der Schijff 7277 1967-9-3
GH: 02517488 Gladiolus hirsutus Jacquin : Earth: no data available] [data not captured]
GH: 02517489 Gladiolus hirsutus Jacquin : Earth: [no additional data] [data not captured]
GH: 02517556 Gladiolus hirsutus Jacquin South Africa: Wellington M. E. Cummings 271
GH: 02517557 Gladiolus hirsutus Jacquin South Africa: Pr. Wynberg P. MacOwan 288 1885-8
GH: 02517558 Gladiolus hirsutus Jacquin South Africa: Pr. Claremont R. A. Dümmer 77c 1908-9
GH: 02517559 Gladiolus hirsutus Jacquin South Africa: in subhumidis montanum pone Bot river: Caled... P. MacOwan 1885-7
GH: 02517487 Gladiolus hirsutus Jacquin South Africa: in campis prope Groenkloof in ditione Malmes... P. MacOwan 585 1885-11
ECON: 01700944 Gladiolus lemoinei Baker USA: Massachusetts [no additional data] O. Ames 1917-7-4
GH: 02517491 Gladiolus linearis (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown South Africa: Pr. Wynberg P. MacOwan 279 1884-9
A: 02517492 Gladiolus longicollis Baker Lesotho: Maseru, God help me-Pass (Molimo-Nthuse), be... A. P. M. de Kruif 1160 1983-11-15
GH: 02517493 Gladiolus luteus Lamarck Madagascar: Province Tamatave. Foulpointe L. J. Dorr & L. C. Barnett 3307 1984-12-7
GH: 02517494 Gladiolus mac-owanianus Klatt South Africa: in rupestri-graminosis pone Hout Bay P. MacOwan 284 1884-10
GH: 02517496 Gladiolus maculatus Sweet South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: in monte tabularis pr. C. Town R. A. Dümmer 39a 1908-9
GH: 02517495 Gladiolus maculatus Sweet South Africa: montis Leonis pone Urbem P. MacOwan 283 1884-6
GH: 02517497 Gladiolus melleri Baker South Africa: Heidelberg Cape R. D. A. Bayliss BS 2303 1964-8-30
GH: 02517502 Gladiolus multiflorus Baker Angola: Giant Sable Country A. G. Curtis 219 1923-9-19
GH: 02517501 Gladiolus multiflorus Baker Angola: Cuanze River A. G. Curtis 176 1923-9-13
GH: 02517500 Gladiolus multiflorus Baker Angola: Cuanza River A. G. Curtis 178 1923-9-13
GH: 02517499 Gladiolus multiflorus Baker Angola: Cuanza River A. G. Curtis 181 1923-9-13
GH: 02517503 Gladiolus oppositiflorus Herbert South Africa: in vallibus graminosis circa Komgha H. G. Flanagan 1655 1894-12
GH: 02517506 Gladiolus ornatus Klatt South Africa: Western Cape Province monte Muizenberg H. H. Bolus 3883 1881
GH: 02517505 Gladiolus ornatus Klatt South Africa: Western Cape Province monte Muizenberg H. H. Bolus 3883 1881
GH: 02517504 Gladiolus ornatus Klatt South Africa: Planitiei Capensis prope Rondebosch P. MacOwan 285 1884
GH: 02517508 Gladiolus papilio Hooker f. South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Clairmont [Claremont] J. Medley Wood 9416 1904-4-13
GH: 01700945 Gladiolus papilio Hooker f. USA: Kentucky on Ky. 129 R. Athey 2310 1973-5-24
GH: 02517510 Gladiolus permeabilis D. Delaroche : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2251
GH: 02517511 Gladiolus permeabilis D. Delaroche South Africa: Uitenhaag Div.: Zwartkopsrivier C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517514 Gladiolus praelongitubus G. J. Lewis South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province St. Lucia Bay Natal I. B. Pole-Evans 3659 1934-8-4
A: 02517513 Gladiolus praelongitubus G. J. Lewis South Africa: Transvaal Zwischen Lydenburg n. Sabie (Pong ... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 2098 1959-1-31
GH: 02517515 Gladiolus praelongitubus G. J. Lewis South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province St. Lucia Bay, Natal I. B. Pole-Evans 3659 1934-8-4
GH: 02517516 Gladiolus pretoriensis Kuntze South Africa: Potgietersrust, Tvl., 6 miles north of Potgi... [no data available] 1729
ECON: 01700946 Gladiolus primulinus Baker USA: Idaho Ricks College Campus, Rexburg. Nerthoof Bldg... G. Cook 52 1967-8-31
A: 02517517 Gladiolus psittacinus Hooker South Africa: South Coast Navae R. D. A. Bayliss BS 2205 1964-5-1
A: 02517518 Gladiolus psittacinus Hooker South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal Drakensberge, Oliviershoek-Pass E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1478 1959-9
ECON: 01700947 Gladiolus psittacinus Hooker USA: Maryland Glenn Dale Introduction Garden W. H. Cowgill 1004 1938-8-26
GH: 02517521 Gladiolus purpureoauratus Hooker f. USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: [no data available] [no data available]
GH: 02517436 Gladiolus quadrangulus Barnard South Africa: in udis pr. Claremont R. A. Dümmer 44a 1908-6
GH: 02517522 Gladiolus quartinianus A. Richard Eritrea: Eritrea-Amasen: Pianura Sabargama A. Pappi 3881 1902-3-2
GH: 02517523 Gladiolus quartinianus A. Richard Malawi: Mt. Zomba. Nyasaland A. Whyte
GH: 02517528 Gladiolus recurvus Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 8559
GH: 02517527 Gladiolus recurvus Linnaeus South Africa: Planitiei Capensis prope Diep River P. MacOwan 286 1885-9
GH: 02517526 Gladiolus recurvus Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] in cal. [?] orientali montis Muizenberg prop... H. H. Bolus 4023 1880
GH: 02517525 Gladiolus recurvus Linnaeus South Africa: in sabulosis pr. Wynberg R. A. Dümmer 58 b 1908-9
GH: 02517524 Gladiolus recurvus Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: [no additional data] H. H. Bolus 4591 1880
A: 02517530 Gladiolus rogersii Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Albertinia H. P. van der Schijff & J. K. van ... 7266 1967-9-3
GH: 02517531 Gladiolus saundersii Hooker South Africa: Aliwal North [data not captured] 1546 1892-2
A: 02517532 Gladiolus scaphochlamys Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Kap Prov. Jonkers Hoek E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 347 1958-10-1
A: 02517533 Gladiolus schlechteri Baker South Africa: Transvaal, Zwischen Lydenburg n. Sabie (Long... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 2076 1959-1-31
GH: 02517534 Gladiolus segetum Ker Gawler Egypt: Inter segetes haud procul a palatio envirso ... A.-H. Letourneux 141 1877-3
GH: 02517535 Gladiolus sericeovillosus Hooker f. South Africa: in livis montinus Emyembe, m. flum. Umzimkul... W. Tyson 1547 1885-3
GH: 02517552 Gladiolus sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4081
GH: 02517589 Gladiolus sp. : Africa: Elakoa [?] ferme [illegible Jose Guarre 1503 1929-1
GH: 02517586 Gladiolus sp. : Africa: [illegible] Guarre 957 1928-1
GH: 02517573 Gladiolus sp. : Africa: Niger [River] Expedition C. Barter 1857
GH: 02517570 Gladiolus sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7069
GH: 02517569 Gladiolus sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4261 B
GH: 02517353 Gladiolus sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02517590 Gladiolus sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Dembo de U. M. du sommet du dembo dans sol [... Guarre 951 1928-1
GH: 02517587 Gladiolus sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga Guarre 538 1927
GH: 02517588 Gladiolus sp. Namibia: a Kafubu, ferme [illegible] Guarre 1549 1929-2
GH: 02517572 Gladiolus sp. Nigeria: foot of Moramballa Hill Sir J. Kirk
GH: 02517583 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Bain's Kloof [no data available]
GH: 02517582 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Wagen Maker's Valley [no data available]
GH: 02517581 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Bain's Kloof [no data available]
GH: 02517580 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517579 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Camp ground, near Capetown [no data available]
GH: 02517578 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright 251 1853
GH: 02517577 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517576 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517575 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517574 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517571 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Uitenhaag Div. Olifantshoek C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517567 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] C.B.S. [Cap Bon Spei] W. H. Harvey
GH: 02517566 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: in gramminosis montis Tabularis R. A. Dümmer 15D
GH: 02517564 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Table Mt. C.B.S. [Cap Bon Spei] W. H. Harvey 3750
GH: 02517352 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright 264
A: 02517507 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: Transvaal Waterberge, Kransberg E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1650 1959-1-6
GH: 02517591 Gladiolus sp. South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province in summo [?] monte Kara, Pr. Clydesdale in d... [data not captured] 1202 1886-4
GH: 02517585 Gladiolus sp. Tanzania: Kyimbila District (North of Lake Nyasa) A. F. Stolz 2345
GH: 02517584 Gladiolus sp. Tanzania: Kyimbila District (North of Lake Nyasa) A. F. Stolz 2540
GH: 02517563 Gladiolus sp. USA: Maryland Glenn Dale Introduction Garden W. H. Cowgill 1208 1939-1-18
GH: 02517536 Gladiolus spathaceus Linnaeus South Africa: montis Zwarteberg (Caledon) pones Thermas R. Templeman 282 1884-9
GH: 02517537 Gladiolus spathaceus Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Zwarteberg [no data available]
GH: 02517539 Gladiolus splendidus Rendle Kenya: Mau Range A. G. Curtis 462 1923-5-30
GH: 02517538 Gladiolus splendidus Rendle Kenya: Mau Range A. G. Curtis 843 1923-7-27
GH: 02517472 Gladiolus stellatus G. J. Lewis : Earth: no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517540 Gladiolus stellatus G. J. Lewis : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4048
GH: 02517541 Gladiolus stellatus G. J. Lewis South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517542 Gladiolus tenellus Jacquin South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright 244 1853
GH: 02517544 Gladiolus tenellus Jacquin South Africa: In gamminosis montis tabularis R. A. Dümmer 51 a 1908-9
GH: 02517551 Gladiolus tristis Linnaeus : Earth: [no additional data] [data not captured]
GH: 02517550 Gladiolus tristis Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6116 B
GH: 02517549 Gladiolus tristis Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5824
GH: 02517548 Gladiolus tristis Linnaeus : Earth: [illegible] [data not captured] 816
ECON: 01700948 Gladiolus tristis Linnaeus USA: Maryland Glenn Dale Introduction Garden W. H. Cowgill 645 1938-5-26
A: 02517498 Gladiolus unguiculatus Baker South Africa: Zwischen Sabie n. Lydenburg (Long Tom Pan), ... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 2129 1959-2-2
A: 02517554 Gladiolus varius F. Bolus South Africa: Barberton E. Tvl. [Transvaal] R. D. A. Bayliss BS 2718 1965-3-10
GH: 02517553 Gladiolus velutinus De Wildeman Tanzania: Iringa Mufindi District Lake Kihanga J. C. Lovett 1992 1987-4-11
GH: 02517555 Gladiolus versicolor Andrews South Africa: montis Tabularis, orientem versus, pone Clar... P. MacOwan 809 1887-11
GH: 02517561 Gladiolus watsonioides Baker Kenya: Kenya Colony; British East Afrcia, Mount Ken... M. Rolla & A. F. Tyron 6205 1963-9-7
GH: 02517562 Gladiolus watsonioides Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Cape flats [no data available]
GH: 00030524 Gynandriris burchellii (Baker) R. C. Foster South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2250
A: 02517592 Gynandriris rogersii R. C. Foster South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Greyton R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4030 1967-10-21
GH: 00030525 Gynandriris serifolia (Linnaeus f.) R. C. Foster South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] In campis graminosis prope Capetown P. MacOwan 1968 1896
GH: 02517593 Gynandriris sisyrinchium (Linnaeus) Parlatore : Africa: Calabar [?] [data not captured]
GH: 02517595 Gynandriris sisyrinchium (Linnaeus) Parlatore Algeria: Bone, coteaux, a la baie des Corailleurs H. A. Romieux 1044 1906-5-10
GH: 02517594 Gynandriris sisyrinchium (Linnaeus) Parlatore Algeria: in arenosis Asecus [?] via ubique [no data available] 1840
GH: 02517597 Gynandriris sisyrinchium (Linnaeus) Parlatore Egypt: Landes seches, Gyzeh [?] [Giza] pres da Cair... [data not captured] 1848-3-21
GH: 02517596 Gynandriris sisyrinchium (Linnaeus) Parlatore Morocco: Environs de Fes H. A. Romieux 1486 1921-3-24
GH: 02475047 Gynandriris sisyrinchium (Linnaeus) Parlatore Morocco: South Marocco J. D. Hooker 1871-4
GH: 02475048 Gynandriris sisyrinchium (Linnaeus) Parlatore South Africa: Cape Prov. Uitenhage Div: Olifantshoek C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 00031343 Herbertia watsonii Baker USA: Texas San Antonio: V. Havard 36 1884-4
GH: 00030526 Hesperantha alpina (Hooker f.) Baker Nigeria: West Tropical Africa: Corner Mountain, alt. ... G. Mann 2134 1859
GH: 02517598 Hesperantha bachmannii Baker : Africa: Jn arenosis pr. Olifant Rivier R. Schlechter 4999 1893-8-24
GH: 02517601 Hesperantha bachmannii Baker Namibia: in lapidosis prope Klipfontein, in Namaland ... H. H. Bolus 693 1883-8
GH: 02517600 Hesperantha bachmannii Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517599 Hesperantha bachmannii Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Clanwilliam Div.: Olifant rivier, nr. Brakfo... C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
A: 02517603 Hesperantha baurii Baker Lesotho: Sehlabathebe Resereve R. D. A. Bayliss Lesotho 898 1975-2-8
A: 02517602 Hesperantha baurii Baker South Africa: Transvaal Zwischen Lydenburg n. [near] Sabie... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 2078 1959-1-31
GH: 00030527 Hesperantha bolusii R. C. Foster South Africa: In apertis Nomabeep, in Namaland Minore, alt... H. Bolus 694 1883-9
A: 02517605 Hesperantha cucullata Klatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Nieuwoudtville. Van Rhynspass H. P. Van der Schijff 7044 1967-7-20
A: 02517606 Hesperantha cucullata Klatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] C. P. Nieuwoudville [Nieuwoudtville] H. P. Van der Schijff 7220 1967-8-17
GH: 00030528 Hesperantha falcata (Linnaeus f.) Ker South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon: Caledon Division: Zwarteberg, alt. ... C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher 51.9
A: 02517609 Hesperantha falcata (Linnaeus f.) Ker South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West R. N. Parker 3814 1943-7-17
GH: 02517611 Hesperantha falcata (Linnaeus f.) Ker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Cap. bon. Spei. [illegible]
GH: 02517610 Hesperantha falcata (Linnaeus f.) Ker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517608 Hesperantha falcata (Linnaeus f.) Ker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Tullagh C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517607 Hesperantha falcata (Linnaeus f.) Ker South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: [no additional data] R. C. Alexander Prior 1846-8
A: 02517612 Hesperantha grandiflora G. J. Lewis South Africa: in proeruptsi [?] ad Cataradam [?] Mts Curri... W. Tyson 895 1883-4
A: 02517613 Hesperantha hygrophila Hilliard & B. L. Burtt Lesotho: Sehlabathebe R. D. A. Bayliss BS 5415 1973-1-7
GH: 02517615 Hesperantha lactea Baker South Africa: Jn planitiee pr. Claremont R. Schlechter 3051 1893-8-8
GH: 02517614 Hesperantha lactea Baker South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province in gramminosis pr. Durban Natal J. Medley Wood 1380 1887-10
GH: 00030529 Hesperantha lutea luculenta R. C. Foster South Africa: In collib. ad flum. Berg Rivier pr. Piquetbe... R. Schlechter 5261 1894-4-10
GH: 02517617 Hesperantha petitiana Baker Kenya: Kenya Colony; British East Africa. Nora Moru... M. Rolla & A. F. Tyron 6195 1963-9-7
GH: 02517620 Hesperantha pilosa Ker Gawler : Earth: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517621 Hesperantha pilosa Ker Gawler South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: [no additional data] R. C. Alexander Prior 1846-8
GH: 02517619 Hesperantha pilosa Ker Gawler South Africa: Wellington M. E. Cummings 266
GH: 02517618 Hesperantha pilosa Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Cap. Bon. Sp. [Cap. Bon. Spei] [no data available]
GH: 02517624 Hesperantha radiata Ker Gawler : Africa: Zwellanian [?] Div. C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 02517631 Hesperantha radiata Ker Gawler South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: from burn at Kloofnek F. T. McLean 19 1920-10-31
GH: 02517622 Hesperantha radiata Ker Gawler South Africa: Wellington M. E. Cummings 87
GH: 02517623 Hesperantha radiata Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517625 Hesperantha radiata Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright
GH: 02517626 Hesperantha spicata graminifolia (Sweet) Goldblatt South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: From burn at Kloofnek F. T. McLean 19 1920-10-31
GH: 02517629 Hesperantha spicata cinnamomea R. C. Foster South Africa: montis Tabularis R. A. Dümmer 44c
GH: 02517628 Hesperantha spicata cinnamomea R. C. Foster South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] C. B. S. [Cap. Bon. Spei] W. H. Harvey 1245
GH: 02517627 Hesperantha spicata cinnamomea R. C. Foster South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02517630 Hesperantha tenuifolia Salisbury South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: in collibus pr. Cape Town R. A. Dümmer D
GH: 00030531 Hesperantha uniflora Hochstetter ex A. Richard Ethiopia: In monte Bachit G. H. W. Schimper 1239
GH: 02517634 Hexaglottis lewisiae Goldblatt : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6151
A: 02517632 Hexaglottis lewisiae Goldblatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Strasse Houw Hoek Pass nach Kleinmond E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 678 1958-10-22
GH: 02517635 Hexaglottis lewisiae Goldblatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright 269 1853
A: 02517636 Hexaglottis longifolia Ventenat South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Kap Prov. Jonkers Hoek E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 722 1958-10-25
GH: 02517637 Hexaglottis longifolia Ventenat South Africa: Sydafrika, Kapkolmein, flatstrand [?] [illeg... A. Hafström & G. Lindeberg 1936-11-10
GH: 02517639 Homeria aurantiaca Sweet South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Town: prope Capetown, vulga tissinia P. MacOwan 252 1884-9
GH: 02517643 Homeria elegans Sweet South Africa: montis Zwarteberg pone Caledon P. MacOwan 799 1884-11
A: 02517649 Homeria miniata (Andrews) Sweet South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Between Steinkopf and Springbok H. P. v. der Schijff 8241 1967-8-15
A: 02517648 Homeria miniata (Andrews) Sweet South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] C. P. Between Calivinia and Williston H. P. v. der Schijff 7222 1967-8-17
A: 02517647 Homeria miniata (Andrews) Sweet South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] C. P. Outside Williston H. P. v. der Schijff 7045 1967-7-20
GH: 02517646 Homeria miniata (Andrews) Sweet South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] 2 miles n. of Darling M. Rolla & A. F. Tyron 6297 1963-9-16
A: 02517645 Homeria miniata (Andrews) Sweet South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] C. P. Namakwaland, Between Kammieskroon an d... H. P. v. der Schijff 7010 1967-7-20
GH: 00030532 Homeria pallida Baker South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2252-1
A: 02517650 Homeria pallida Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] C. P. Between Philippolis and Trompsburg H. P. van der Schijff & J. K. van ... 7282 1967-9-3
A: 02517652 Homeria sp. Namibia: Windhuke Bergland, Finkaustein [?] R. H. W. Seydel 3640 1963-10-19
GH: 02517651 Homeria sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [do not use] Simon's Bay C. Wright 272 1853
GH: 02517653 Homoglossum fourcadei (L. Bolus) N. E. Brown South Africa: in graminosis collis Signal R. A. Dümmer 15b
A: 02517654 Homoglossum hollandii L. Bolus South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Cape St. Francis R. D. A. Bayliss BS 6815 1974-9-12
GH: 02517657 Homoglossum merianella (Linnaeus) Baker South Africa: montium pones Simonstown [data not captured] 290 1882-3
GH: 02517656 Homoglossum merianella (Linnaeus) Baker South Africa: montium pone Simonstown P. MacOwan 1551 1893-4
GH: 02517655 Homoglossum merianella (Linnaeus) Baker South Africa: in montibus pr. Simon's town R. A. Dümmer 32a 1908-8
GH: 02517658 Homoglossum priorii (N. E. Brown) N. E. Brown Sierra Leone: montis Leonis, prope Urbem P. MacOwan 289 1884-6
GH: 02517659 Homoglossum revolutum Baker : Africa: Zambi [?] [Zambia ?] [data not captured] 1822-4-29
GH: 02517662 Homoglossum revolutum Baker South Africa: Wellington M. E. Cummings 78
GH: 02517660 Homoglossum watsonioides (Baker) N. E. Brown Kenya: Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the tra... E. A. Mearns 1462 1909-9-21
GH: 02517661 Homoglossum watsonioides (Baker) N. E. Brown Uganda: Below Johannes Hut; Mt. Kilimanjaro R. H. Goodwin 43 1937-7-23
GH: 02517663 Homoglossum watsonium (Thunberg) N. E. Brown France: jardin des plantes, Orangerie [data not captured] 1819-6-10
GH: 02517662 Homoglossum watsonium (Thunberg) N. E. Brown South Africa: Wellington M. E. Cummings 78
GH: 00298080 Houttuynia : Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey... 32746
GH: 00031350 Hydastylus borealis E. P. Bicknell Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: Near Lake Shawnigan W. M. Canby 287 1897-8-18
GH: 00031353 Hydastylus borealis E. P. Bicknell Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [no additional data] J. Macoun 4 1887
GH: 00031351 Hydastylus borealis E. P. Bicknell Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [no additional data] J. Macoun 4389 1893-8-3
GH: 00031352 Hydastylus borealis E. P. Bicknell USA: Washington W. N. Suksdorf 1004 1890
GH: 00031354 Hydastylus brachypus E. P. Bicknell USA: Oregon E. Hall 515 1871
GH: 00031376 Hydastylus cernuus E. P. Bicknell Mexico: Chihuahua High places between Cusihuiriachic and Guerr... C. G. Pringle 1376 1887-9-7
GH: 00031355 Hydastylus longipes E. P. Bicknell USA: Arizona San Francisco Mountain D. T. MacDougal 378 1898-8-4
GH: 00031356 Hydastylus subcernuus E. P. Bicknell Mexico: Baja California Sur Sierra de Laguna, L. Calif. T. S. Brandegee 1889-1-23
GH: 00030584 Hydrotaenia meleagris Lindley Mexico: Jalisco Hillsides near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 2553 1889-7-2
GH: 00030585 Hydrotaenia meleagris Lindley Mexico: Jalisco Hillsides near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 2553 1889-7-2
GH: 00272798 Iris Linnaeus China: Yunnan Bingzhonglou. About 2.8 direct km S of Gawag... H. Li, Z. Dao, Y. H. Ji, X. H. Jin... 31494 2006-8-28
GH: 00289542 Iris Linnaeus China: Yunnan Bingzhongluo. About 3 direct km S of Gawagap... H. Li, Z. Dao, Y. H. Ji, X. H. Jin... 31259 2006-8-20
GH: 00289604 Iris Linnaeus China: Yunnan Bingzhongluo. About 2.6 direct km SSW of Gaw... H. Li, Z. Dao, Y. H. Ji, X. H. Jin... 31634 2006-8-29
GH: 00291550 Iris Linnaeus China: Yunnan Mingguang. Zizhi Cun. Vicinity of Huojioashu... H. Li, Z. Dao, Y. Ji, X. H. Jin, B... 29376 2006-5-21
GH: 00292943 Iris Linnaeus China: Yunnan Lumadeng Xiang. W side of the Nujiang, ca. 2... H. Li, Z. L. Dao, R. Li, Z. Jiang,... 19754 2004-5-9
GH: 00297396 Iris Linnaeus China: Yunnan Wutai Xiang. Ridge at the pass of Daohaoping... H. Li, Z. Dao, Y. Ji, F. Gao, B. L... 25186 2005-5-30
GH: 00297583 Iris Linnaeus China: Yunnan Luzhang Zheng. Vicinity of Yaojiaping, betwe... H. Li, Z. Dao, Y. Ji, F. Gao, B. L... 24406 2005-5-18
GH: 00293539 Iris Linnaeus China: Yunnan Jietou. Datang Cun. Vicinity of Shuidongyan,... H. Li, Z. Dao, Y. Ji, X. H. Jin, B... 30456 2006-5-20
GH: 00352164 Iris Linnaeus China: Yunnan Pianma Xiang. Vicinity of Pianma primary sch... H. Li, Z. Dao, Y. Ji, F. Gao, B. L... 22751 2005-5-12
GH: 00231753 Iris Linnaeus USA: Florida East Florida M. Treat 1 1877-4
GH: 00231752 Iris Linnaeus USA: Florida Banks of St. Johns, East Florida M. Treat 2 1877-4
NEBC: 01044530 Iris Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boxford: Boxford S. K. Harris & R. C. Bean 19466 1959-6-8
NEBC: 01044531 Iris Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: Boston, Back Bay Fens F. S. Collins 3550 1916-6-18
NEBC: 01044532 Iris Linnaeus USA: Connecticut South Windsor: South Windsor C. W. Vibert 1919
GH: 00962522 Iris aequiloba Ledebour Russia: Saratov Oblast Gouvern. Saratow: Sarepta A. K. Becker 1896
GH: 00962453 Iris aitchisonii (Baker) Boissier Pakistan: Punjab [no additional data] Mrs. Aitchison 1878-3
GH: 00962452 Iris aitchisonii (Baker) Boissier Pakistan: Punjab [no additional data] R. R. Stewart 14611 1935-3-19
GH: 00962525 Iris alberti Regel : East Asia: Turkestania [Hanaur ?] D. I. Litvinov 1929-6
A: 00962524 Iris alberti Regel Kazakhstan: rami septentrionales jugi Alatau Transiliens... V. P. Goloskokov 1963-5-12
A: 00962526 Iris alberti Regel Kyrgyzstan: Dzhalabad Oblast [see label] [data not captured] 568 1945-8-21
A: 00962523 Iris alberti Regel Kyrgyzstan: [see label] [Sary-Chelek Lakes] [illegible] 1965-5-17
GH: 00030533 Iris amabilis Eastwood USA: California Nevada City: C. W. Kitts 1902-5
A: 00962527 Iris aphylla Linnaeus : Europe (Region): [Moldavia] [illegible] 1948-3-24
GH: 00962528 Iris aphylla Linnaeus Czech Republic: [illegible] Deblik F. Petrak 1911-5
GH: 00962529 Iris aphylla Linnaeus Hungary: [no additional data] J. Gusztáv
GH: 00962530 Iris aphylla Linnaeus Hungary: In sylvis Matræ [data not captured]
GH: 00962532 Iris attica Boissier & Heldreich Greece: Central Greece and Euboea [no additional data] E. F. Franchschi 345 1892
GH: 00962531 Iris attica Boissier & Heldreich Greece: Central Greece and Euboea 1/2 way up Pentelikon J. B. Patten G290 1900-3-24
GH: 00962533 Iris aucheri (Baker) Sealy Iraq: NE Iraq; Jebel Barodost H. Field 35 1950-4-19
GH: 00962534 Iris balkana Janka Romania: Nagy Enyed. Transsilvania. In horto culta & ... J. Csató 1890-5
GH: 00962535 Iris biflora Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Botanic Garden of Harvard Univers... [no data available] 1882
GH: 00962537 Iris bloudowii Ledebour China: Chorgos [Khorgos] A. v. Regel 1878-5-15
GH: 00962538 Iris bloudowii Ledebour Kazakhstan: Sibira occident. Altai. In valle fl. Kok-su V. V. Saposhnikov 1897-5-18
GH: 00962536 Iris bloudowii Ledebour Kazakhstan: Alatau A. G. Schrenk
A: 00977820 Iris bloudowii Ledebour Russia: [see label] V. N. Vassiljev 1950-6
A: 00977819 Iris bloudowii Ledebour Russia: Altay Kray Prov. Altai distr. Ongudai fl. Schebelik, pr... Doronkin 1982-7-31
GH: 00962542 Iris bohemica F. W. Schmidt Italy: Culta in R. Horto Botanico Taurinensi e plan... [no data available] 1910-5
GH: 00962541 Iris bohemica F. W. Schmidt Italy: Culta in R. Horto Botanico Taurinensi e plan... [data not captured] 1910-5
GH: 00962540 Iris bohemica F. W. Schmidt Italy: Culta in R. Horto Botanico Taurinensi e plan... [data not captured] 1910-5
GH: 00962539 Iris bohemica F. W. Schmidt USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Botanic Garden of Harvard Univers... [no data available] 1882
GH: 00962543 Iris bosniaca Beck ex Nyman Bosnia and Herzegovina: Kajabasa prope Travnik E. S. J. Brandis 1889-5
GH: 00030534 Iris bracteata S. Watson USA: Oregon Waldo T. J. Howell 272 1884-6
GH: 01700950 Iris bracteata S. Watson USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700951 Iris bracteata S. Watson USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700952 Iris bracteata S. Watson USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700953 Iris bracteata S. Watson USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700954 Iris bracteata S. Watson USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700955 Iris bracteata S. Watson USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700956 Iris bracteata S. Watson USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700957 Iris bracteata S. Watson USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700958 Iris bracteata S. Watson USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700959 Iris bracteata S. Watson USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700960 Iris bracteata S. Watson USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700961 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Alabama Backwaters of Tombigee River ca. 5 mi. SW of... R. R. Haynes 6469 1978-5-25
GH: 01700962 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Alabama ca. 2.3 mi. n. e. Abbeville R. Kral 47942 1972-7-30
GH: 01700963 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Alabama s. side Montgomery. R. Kral 46118 1972-5-1
GH: 01700964 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Alabama On railroad right-of-way in bottoms Bassett'... R. M. Harper 1927-5-15
GH: 01700965 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Georgia [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 01700966 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700967 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Illinois [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700968 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Illinois [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700969 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Illinois [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700970 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Kansas 22 mil. NNW of Ft. Leavenworth A. Fendler 1849-6-7
GH: 01700971 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Kentucky 1.4 mi. on Paducah-Wadesboro Rd. from Hardmo... R. Athey 2791 1974-6-14
GH: 01700972 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Kentucky on Paducah-Wadesboro Rd. .4 mi. from Hardmon... R. Athey 1728 1972-5-23
GH: 01700973 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Missouri [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700974 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Missouri Columbia: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700975 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Missouri [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700976 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Missouri [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700977 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Missouri [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700978 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Missouri [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700979 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Missouri [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700980 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Missouri [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700981 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Missouri [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700982 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Missouri Independence: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700983 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Missouri Buckner: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700984 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Ohio Toledo: Toledo H. A. Young 1883-7-1
GH: 01700985 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Oklahoma about 6 miles south of Broken Bow. east of U... R. John Taylor & C. E. S. Taylor 15966 1974-4-27
GH: 01700986 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700987 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Texas 4 miles north of Hemphill V. L. Cory 22641 1937-5-18
GH: 01547994 Iris brevicaulis Rafinesque USA: Illinois [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 00962545 Iris brevituba Vvedensky Kyrgyzstan: [see label] [illegible] 1965-5-11
A: 00962544 Iris brevituba Vvedensky Kyrgyzstan: [see label] [data not captured] 1926-6-16
A: 00962546 Iris bucharica Foster : East Asia: [see label] [illegible] 30 1964-3-25
A: 00962547 Iris bucharica Foster Tajikistan: Southern Tajikistan [see label] E. A. Varivceva & G. N. Nepli 149 1947-3-8
A: 00268581 Iris bulleyana Dykes China: Sichuan West of the city of Kangding; between Ertaiz... D. E. Boufford, M. J. Donoghue & R... 27564 1997-8-26
A: 00459180 Iris bulleyana Dykes China: Yunnan Xiao Zhongdian: Tianbao Shan, east of Xiao Z... D. E. Boufford, S. Christoph, C. R... 43982 2017-8-10
A: 00459181 Iris bulleyana Dykes China: Yunnan Xiao Zhongdian: Tianbao Shan, east of Xiao Z... D. E. Boufford, S. Christoph, C. R... 43982 2017-8-10
A: 00977823 Iris bulleyana Dykes China: Sichuan Between the town of Daocheng and the N side ... D. E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, C.... 28302 1998-7-5
A: 00977822 Iris bulleyana Dykes China: Sichuan East side of Wuming Shan D. E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, C.... 28151 1998-7-2
A: 00977821 Iris bulleyana Dykes China: Yunnan [no additional data] S. Y. Hu & Y. C. Kong Y140 1999-7-9
GH: 00977826 Iris bungei Maximowicz China: Aurato A. David
GH: 00977825 Iris bungei Maximowicz China: Nei Mongol Wang Yeh Fu R. C. Ching 27 1923-5-4
GH: 00977824 Iris bungei Maximowicz China: Gansu Ho Lan Shan Mountains R. C. Ching 132 1923-5-10
GH: 00977827 Iris bungei Maximowicz Mongolia: Shabarakh Usu, Outer Mongolia R. W. Chaney 50 1925
GH: 00962553 Iris caespitosa Pallas ex Link Romania: In silvis [illegible] prope Coronam in Trans... J. Römer 1897-5
GH: 00962552 Iris caespitosa Pallas ex Link Romania: prope Langenthal, Transsylvania J. Barth 1881-5-15
GH: 00962551 Iris caespitosa Pallas ex Link Romania: Transsylvania: pr. Langenthal J. Barth 1893-5-1
GH: 00962550 Iris caespitosa Pallas ex Link Romania: Corona in Transsilvania in querceto; Kronsta... J. Römer 1888-5-10
GH: 00962549 Iris caespitosa Pallas ex Link Romania: [illegible] pr. Bükk pr. Klausenberg Transs... V. Janka von Bulcs 1868-5-27
GH: 00962548 Iris caespitosa Pallas ex Link Romania: Transsilvania. In collibus dumetosis ad Tord... G. Wolff & J. Wolff
GH: 00962554 Iris carthaliniae Fomin Azerbaijan: [see label] A. A. Grossheim, I. A. Ilyinskaya ... 1947-6-19
GH: 00962562 Iris caucasica Hoffmann : East Asia: Lausar [?] ador. a Kulab A. v. Regel 1885-4
GH: 01539189 Iris caucasica Hoffmann : East Asia: [illegible] A. v. Regel 1882-4
GH: 00962561 Iris caucasica Hoffmann : East Asia: [illegible] A. v. Regel 1885-4
GH: 00962557 Iris caucasica Hoffmann : East Asia: [illegible] A. v. Regel 1885-5
GH: 00962450 Iris caucasica Hoffmann Afghanistan: [no additional data] J. E. T. Aitchison 1127 1884
GH: 00962563 Iris caucasica Hoffmann Georgia: Tiflis [Tbilisi] et in distr. [Navitschivan ... J. N. Szovits
GH: 00962558 Iris caucasica Hoffmann Georgia: In aridis prope Schuschc, Helendorf, Tiflis ... R. F. Hohenacker 1838-5
A: 00962555 Iris caucasica Hoffmann Iraq: Mesopotamia P. M. R. Aucher-Éloy
GH: 00962560 Iris caucasica Hoffmann Syria: Rochers de la valée de Barghoutié, au-dess... C. I. Blanche 1853-1-31
A: 00962556 Iris caucasica Hoffmann Syria: 30 miles N. of Deir ez Zor H. Field & Y. Lazar 1950-3-17
GH: 00962559 Iris caucasica Hoffmann Uzbekistan: Гора Чупаната [Mount Chupanata (... [data not captured] 1869-3-14
GH: 00962564 Iris cengialti Ambrosi ex A. Kerner Italy: Trentino-Alto Adige Tirolia austr.-Rovereto, in pascuis rupestri... P. Porta 1906-5
GH: 00962566 Iris chamaeiris Bertoloni France: l'ile St. Marguerite A. Huet du Pavillon 1854-3
A: 00962565 Iris chamaeiris Bertoloni France: Languedoc Mediterraneen; Villeneuve-les-Magn... G. Blanchet 1973-4-8
GH: 00962567 Iris chamaeiris Bertoloni Poland: Mazowieckie Arynow [no data available]
A: 01782162 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Yunnan Haba Xue Shan (Haba Snow Mountain). N facing... D. E. Boufford, J. H. Chen, S. L. ... 35170 2006-7-23
GH: 00977845 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Sichuan Szechuan austr. in pratis [illegible] mont. ... C. Schneider [do not use] 1562 1914-6-15
GH: 00977844 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Yunnan Muli, NE of Deongomba T. T. Yü 6260 1937-6-15
GH: 00977843 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Yunnan [no additional data] T. T. Yü 6569
GH: 00977842 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Sichuan Muli: South of Dzampe sheren in Sagi Valley J. F. Rock 23792 1932-6
GH: 00977841 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Sichuan Muli: South of Dzampe sheren in Sagi Valley J. F. Rock 23796 1932-6
A: 00977840 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Yunnan [no additional data] T. T. Yü 12535
GH: 00977839 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Sichuan Muli: Dzampe sheren mountain, west of Wuato ... J. F. Rock 23771 1932-5
GH: 00977838 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Sichuan Muli: Dzampe sheren mountain, west of Wuato ... J. F. Rock 23771 1932-5
GH: 00977837 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Sichuan Baurong to Tachienlu, Via Hadjaha H. Stevens 1929-5
GH: 00977836 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Sichuan Muli: Dzampe sheren mountain, west of Wuato ... J. F. Rock 23761 1932-5
GH: 00977835 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Sichuan Western Szechuan E. H. Wilson 1304 1908-6
A: 00977834 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Sichuan Muli: Mountains of Kulu J. F. Rock 18203 1929-9
GH: 00977833 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Xizang (Tibet) Province of Tsarung; Forests and alpine regi... J. F. Rock 22682 1932-8
GH: 00977832 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Yunnan Kin-tzu shan or Dsho-yu nvlu, district of La... J. F. Rock 25139 1932-7
GH: 00977831 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Sichuan Dzampe sheren J. F. Rock 24324 1932-9
GH: 00977830 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Hubei Western Hupeh E. H. Wilson 3070 1908-7
A: 00977829 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Yunnan Upper Kiukiang Clolung Valley, Chialahmuto T. T. Yü 19745 1938-8-7
A: 00977828 Iris chrysographes Dykes China: Xizang (Tibet) Kongbo Province; nr. Yusum. Tsangpo Valley F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & G. Taylor 4530 1938-5-28
ECON: 01748291 Iris chrysographes Dykes USA: Massachusetts Milton: my garden N. T. Kidder 1927-6-25
GH: 00030535 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon Wolf Creek T. J. Howell 1884-5-20
GH: 01700988 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700989 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700990 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700991 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700992 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700993 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700994 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700995 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700996 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 01700997 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700998 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01700999 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747000 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747001 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747002 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747003 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747004 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747005 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747006 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747007 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747008 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon Ashland: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747009 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747010 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747011 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747012 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747013 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 00030536 Iris citrina Eastwood USA: California Log Spring Ridge between Log Spring and Gove... A. Eastwood & J. T. Howell 9722 1941-7-9
GH: 00962462 Iris clarkei Baker ex Hooker f. : India: [no additional data] B. N. Ghose 1938-10
A: 00962460 Iris clarkei Baker ex Hooker f. Bhutan: Sengor, NW of Mongar A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1925 1979-6-15
A: 00962458 Iris clarkei Baker ex Hooker f. Bhutan: Bumthang Dhur Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19496 1949-7-22
A: 00962457 Iris clarkei Baker ex Hooker f. Bhutan: Ju La. Dhur Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19471 1949-7-21
A: 00962454 Iris clarkei Baker ex Hooker f. Bhutan: Ju La. Mangde Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16898 1949-7-19
GH: 00962461 Iris clarkei Baker ex Hooker f. India: West Bengal Tonglo [no data available] 1938-1-4
A: 00962459 Iris clarkei Baker ex Hooker f. India: Sikkim Changu [illegible] R. E. Cooper 7 1913-6-26
A: 00962456 Iris clarkei Baker ex Hooker f. Nepal: Gandaki Muktinath (3650m)-Jharkot (3500m) (28°49'N ... S. Ishizawa, M. N. Subedi, Y. Ioka... 99912007 1999-9-12
A: 00962455 Iris clarkei Baker ex Hooker f. Nepal: Koshi Sagarmatha Zone, Thuli Kharka (4100m)-Kurki ... M. Wakabayashi, M. Amano, M. Mori,... 9715269 1997-8-28
A: 00977860 Iris collettii Hooker f. China: Yunnan Likiang Snow Range R. C. Ching 30069 1939-5-4
GH: 00977859 Iris collettii Hooker f. China: Yunnan prope Lichiang C. Schneider [do not use] 2462 1914-9-8
GH: 00977858 Iris collettii Hooker f. China: Yunnan District of Chung-tien; Alpine meadows north... J. F. Rock 25279 1932-4
A: 00977857 Iris collettii Hooker f. China: Yunnan Che-tse-lo; Pi-lo-shan H. T. Tsai 58151 1934-8-24
A: 00977856 Iris collettii Hooker f. China: Yunnan N flank of Haba Snow Range K. M. Feng 1181 1939-6-6
A: 00977855 Iris collettii Hooker f. China: Yunnan Ma-on-shan N, end of Likiang valley R. C. Ching 20412 1939-5-25
A: 00977854 Iris collettii Hooker f. China: Yunnan Ta li Hsien C. W. Wang 63437 1935-5
A: 00977853 Iris collettii Hooker f. China: Yunnan Li-kiang Hsien C. W. Wang 75109 1935-7
A: 00977852 Iris collettii Hooker f. China: Yunnan Likiang Snow Range R. C. Ching 30220 1939-6-16
A: 00977851 Iris collettii Hooker f. China: Yunnan Litiping between Likiang and Weihsi R. C. Ching 20931 1939-6-22
A: 00977850 Iris collettii Hooker f. China: Yunnan Ganhaitze SW of Likiang Snow Range R. C. Ching 20446 1939-5-29
A: 00977849 Iris collettii Hooker f. China: Yunnan N.W. Likiang: Tuchi R. C. Ching 20459 1939-5-27
A: 00977847 Iris collettii Hooker f. China: Yunnan S. Chungtien: Hsia-Chengtien K. M. Feng 1397 1939-6-25
A: 00977846 Iris collettii Hooker f. China: Yunnan Li-kiang Hsien C. W. Wang 71657 1935-7
A: 00977848 Iris collettii Hooker f. China: Yunnan Ta-li Hsien C. W. Wang 63154 1935-5
A: 00962465 Iris collettii Hooker f. Thailand: Chiang Mai District Muang; Dai Sutep, south side, CMU O... J. F. Maxwell 89-718 1989-6-7
A: 00962463 Iris collettii Hooker f. Thailand: Chiang Mai Mae Jam; summit of Doi Cha Pah Dih, above Bo... J. F. Maxwell 95-451 1995-5-25
A: 00962464 Iris collettii Hooker f. Thailand: Mae Hawng Sawn; Bahng Nah Pah; c. 1 km NE of... J. F. Maxwell 09-137 2009-5-18
GH: 00977865 Iris confusa Sealy China: Sichuan Mt. Omei T. T. Yü 245 1932-4-14
GH: 00977864 Iris confusa Sealy China: Sichuan O-pien Hsien T. T. Yü 719 1932-5-13
A: 00977863 Iris confusa Sealy China: Yunnan Kun-Ming C. W. Wang 62883 1935-4
A: 00977862 Iris confusa Sealy China: Sichuan [no additional data] Z. Y. Chen 113492 1981-5-4
A: 00977861 Iris confusa Sealy China: Sichuan [no additional data] Z. Y. Liu 15420 1996-3-20
NEBC: 00567341 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Massachusetts Andover: Andover J. A. Gould 1990-5-15
GH: 01747014 Iris cristata Aiton USA: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747015 Iris cristata Aiton USA: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747016 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Alabama Tuscaloosa: near Warrior River about ten mil... R. M. Harper 1940-4-13
GH: 01747017 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Alabama Davis Ravine. [no data available] 1937-4-23
GH: 01747018 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Alabama near Lock 14. Warrior River. R. M. Harper 3770 1940-4-13
GH: 01747019 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Alabama found about a 1/2 mile from the Black Warrio... H. Cleveland 75 1966-4-21
A: 01747020 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Alabama Along Cheaha Ck & Lake Chinnabee; T18S, R7E,... R. D. Whetstone & C. A. Bollinger 10504 1981-4-10
A: 01747021 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Alabama in Talledega National Forest on U. S. Route ... C. E. Wood & K. A. Wilson 92003 1959-4-27
GH: 01747022 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Alabama Simpson's Creek. M. Morgan 1941-4-27
GH: 01747023 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Arkansas Whisky Mt., Wickes N. C. Fassett 20943 1939-4-21
GH: 01747024 Iris cristata Aiton USA: [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 01747025 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Arkansas NNE of the town of Mena, 2.08 km N of U. S. ... D. E. Boufford, V. M. Bates & E. W... 25578 1991-5-11
GH: 01747026 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Arkansas 5 1/2 mi. E. Harriet. S. Stephens 20078 1968-5-5
GH: 01747027 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Arkansas Fourche A'Loupp Mt. P. O. Bismarck. D. Demaree 34859 1954-4-9
GH: 01747028 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Arkansas Ouachita National Forest. Rich Mountain. P. ... D. Demaree 36619 1955-5-3
GH: 01747029 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Arkansas Roadside bank, between St. Paul and Durham N. C. Fassett 17349 1935-4-25
GH: 01747030 Iris cristata Aiton USA: District of Columbia Washington: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747031 Iris cristata Aiton USA: District of Columbia Washington: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747032 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Georgia near Lake on Fort Mt., E. of Chatsworth A. J. Cronquist 5072 1948-4-25
GH: 01747033 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Georgia Cloudland Canyon, trail along stream, from C... S. R. Hill 16519 1986-4-21
GH: 01747034 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Georgia Rabun Ball Mountain R. Osburn 180 1961-5-14
GH: 01747035 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Georgia 1 1/2 mi. N. of Neels Gap, between Dahlonega... A. J. Cronquist 5109 1948-5-1
GH: 01747036 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Georgia North side ravine along Darnell's Creek ESE ... W. H. Duncan & G. W. McDowell 10875 1950-5-7
GH: 01747037 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Indiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747038 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Kentucky St Rt 854 at BM 979, 0.3 mi SE, jct of Rush ... A. W. Cusick 30,832 1993-5-11
GH: 01747039 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Kentucky Between Athertonville and White City M. E. Wharton & M. R. Beckett 13 1957-4-25
GH: 01747040 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Kentucky Irvine - Estill Springs W. A. Anderson 290 1926-5-9
GH: 01747041 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Kentucky Robard W. A. Anderson 21 1923-4
GH: 01747042 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Missouri [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747043 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Missouri [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747044 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Missouri [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747045 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Missouri [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747046 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Missouri Grandin: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747047 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina 8 mi. W. of Pittsboro on HW 64. J. R. Massey [data not captured] 3207 1972-4-27
GH: 01747048 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina [no additional data] P. O. Schallert 1940-4-14
GH: 01747049 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina Pee Dee R., 11 mi. ne. of Wadesboro. A. E. Radford & L. S. Radford 6833 1953-4-5
GH: 01747050 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina n. side of Hickory Nut Gorge, on U. S. Rt. 7... W. B. Fox, R. K. Godfrey & F. W. W... 2211 1949-4-16
GH: 01747051 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina Asheville: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1924-5-11
GH: 01747052 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina In montibus Carolinæ Septentrionalis A. Gray & J. Carey 1841-7
GH: 01747053 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Alabama [no additional data] S. B. Buckley
GH: 01747054 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina [no additional data] H. C. Beardslee, Jr. & C. A. Kofoid 1891-7
A: 01747055 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina ca. 2.4 km (1.5 miles) NW of the city of Hot... D. E. Boufford, L. Schram, D. Wick... 13209 1974-5-16
GH: 01747056 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina Chapel Hill: [no additional data] F. W. Hunnewell 17612 1942-4-16
GH: 01747057 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina 1/2 mi. north of Parks Cross-roads on N. C. ... R. K. Godfrey, W. B. Fox & R. J. C... 48062 1948-4-25
GH: 01747058 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina Lake Raleigh R. K. Godfrey 1937-4-17
GH: 01747059 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina Winston-Salem: Flat-Rock P. O. Schallert 1921-4-20
GH: 01747060 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina 4 miles north of Raleigh R. K. Godfrey 3398 1938-4-11
GH: 01747061 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina Tar River, 3.7 miles north of Wilton on the ... H. E. Ahles A. E. Radford 11515 1956-4-26
GH: 01747062 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina Rte. 19, alongside Nantahala River, 5.4 mi S... S. R. Hill 16646 1986-4-24
GH: 01747063 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina Grandmother Mt. Linville F. W. Hunnewell 9227 1924-7-7
GH: 01747064 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina Highlands: "Shortia Gardens" E. E. Magee 1902-4
GH: 01747065 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina Hot Springs: [no additional data] C. E. Smith [N. Carolina] 1888-4
GH: 01747066 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina Biltmore: [no additional data] Biltmore Herbarium 1220b 1897
GH: 01747067 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Ohio Rocky River G. B. Ashcroft
GH: 01747068 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Ohio Scenic Park. J. R. Watson 1897-5
GH: 01747069 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Ohio Trumbull Co. R. H. Ingraham 1888-5
GH: 01747070 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Ohio Camp Gordon C.C.C. Old Lade Run. Friendship.... D. Demaree 11286 1935-5-2
GH: 01747071 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Ohio Old Lade. Camp Gordon C.C.C. Friendship. Sha... D. Demaree 10601 1934-5-8
GH: 01747072 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Oklahoma south of Honobia U. T. Waterfall 11778 1954-4-16
GH: 01747073 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Oklahoma south of "Skyline Drive" 2.7 miles south of ... C. B. Hellquist & L. Crouch 12882 1978-7-1
GH: 01747074 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Oklahoma 15 miles North of Smithville, on Beach creek R. C. Green 79 1969-7-21
GH: 01747075 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Oklahoma Near Page O. W. Blakley 1485 1914-5-1
GH: 01747076 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747077 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747078 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Tennessee Knoxville: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747079 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747080 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Tennessee Nashville: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747081 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 01747082 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747083 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747084 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747085 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747086 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747087 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01747088 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Virginia vicinity of Hilton, overlooking North Fork o... L. G. Carr 815 1942-6-16
GH: 01747089 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Virginia Goshen Pass C. F. Batchelder 2810 1911-5-22
GH: 01747090 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Virginia Goshen Pass C. F. Batchelder 2811 1911-5-22
GH: 01747091 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Virginia 2 mi. below Petites Gap, road to Arnolds Val... R. S. Freer 2379 1957-4-27
GH: 01747092 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Virginia Goshen Pass J. R. Churchill 1915-4-30
GH: 01747093 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Virginia Tobacco Row Mt. M. A. Coe 1903-4-30
GH: 01747094 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Virginia Middle Fork Holston River J. K. Small 1892-5-22
GH: 01747095 Iris cristata Aiton USA: West Virginia Anthony Creek F. W. Hunnewell 17424 1941-8-11
GH: 01747096 Iris cristata Aiton USA: West Virginia Huntington F. A. Gilbert 87 1928-5-18
ECON: 01748292 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: [Harvard] Botanic Garden [no data available] 1861-5
ECON: 01748293 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Massachusetts Fitchburg: [no additional data] G. F. Whittemore 1886
ECON: 01748294 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Massachusetts Easton: Borderland, N. Easton C. Schweinfurth 1916-5-22
GH: 01782091 Iris cristata Aiton USA: North Carolina on Gray Road at Rocky River. T. Daggy 1956-4-16
GH: 01782092 Iris cristata Aiton USA: Kentucky 11.3 km SSW of Stanford, 1.1 km N of W termi... J. E. Dorey & R. F. C. Naczi 300 2015-4-29
A: 01539197 Iris dahurica Herbert ex Klatt China: Hong Kong: From Japan for Hong Kong Flower S... S. Y. Hu 9661 1970-3-16
GH: 00962568 Iris darwasica Regel Uzbekistan: Bukhara Province Buchara Baldshuan; in mont. Wachseh [see lab... B. A. Fedtschenko 1913-3-13
GH: 00962513 Iris decora Wallich : Earth: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 00962512 Iris decora Wallich : India: Himal. Bor. Occ T. Thomson
GH: 00962511 Iris decora Wallich : India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00962472 Iris decora Wallich India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 00962470 Iris decora Wallich Myanmar: Yangon Division Kalaw F. G. Dickason 5089 1931-5-27
A: 00962469 Iris decora Wallich Myanmar: Kentung, Pangwai F. G. Dickason 9209 1938-4
A: 00962471 Iris decora Wallich Nepal: Arun Valley, Chyamtang (Long. 87°-88° E) J. D. A. Stainton 410 1956-5-24
A: 00962468 Iris decora Wallich Nepal: Gandaki Gnyu Pass (4100m)-Chhengar (3700m)-Muktinath... Y. Iokawa, M. N. Subedi, Y. Takaha... 20020203 2000-7-14
A: 00962467 Iris decora Wallich Nepal: Koshi Mechi Zone; Amjilasa (2390m)-bend of Ghunsa ... S. Noshiro, S. Akiyama & N. Acharya 9240527 1992-6-5
A: 00962466 Iris decora Wallich Nepal: Bagmati Langtan (3380m)-Kyanjin Gompa (3800m) Shinobu Akiyama, M. Amano, C. Mour... 20100363 2001-5-20
A: 00288553 Iris delavayi Micheli China: Sichuan Tanggu Cun, from Sida Niuchang (Four Large C... D. E. Boufford, J. H. Chen, K. Fuj... 33175 2005-7-19
GH: 00977882 Iris delavayi Micheli China: Djalantun , Greater Khingan Mountains B. V. Skvortzov 1958-7-27
GH: 00977880 Iris delavayi Micheli China: Yunnan [illegible] prope Lichiang C. Schneider [do not use] 3278 1914-10
GH: 00977881 Iris delavayi Micheli China: Sichuan Mountains of Kulu, Muli Territory J. F. Rock 24451 1932
GH: 00977879 Iris delavayi Micheli China: Sichuan Mountains of Kulu J. F. Rock 18044 1929-7
GH: 00977878 Iris delavayi Micheli China: Sichuan Between Baurong and Kulu, west of the Yalung... J. F. Rock 17849 1929-7
GH: 00977877 Iris delavayi Micheli China: Sichuan Mountains of Kulu J. F. Rock 18077 1929-7
GH: 00977876 Iris delavayi Micheli China: Yunnan prope Hsian Chungsien C. Schneider [do not use] 2418 1914-8
GH: 00977875 Iris delavayi Micheli China: Sichuan Western Szechuan E. H. Wilson 3071 1908-7
GH: 00977874 Iris delavayi Micheli China: West Szechuan and Tibetan Frontier: chiefly ... A. E. Pratt 247
GH: 00977873 Iris delavayi Micheli China: Sichuan Mountains of Kulu, Muli Territory J. F. Rock 23949 1932
A: 00977872 Iris delavayi Micheli China: Yunnan Ta-li Hsien C. W. Wang 63151 1935-5
A: 00977871 Iris delavayi Micheli China: Yunnan NW flank of Haba Snow Range K. M. Feng 1352 1939-6-22
A: 00977870 Iris delavayi Micheli China: Yunnan [no additional data] T. T. Yü 6650
A: 00977869 Iris delavayi Micheli China: des environe de Tatsienlou Mussot 1897
GH: 00977868 Iris delavayi Micheli China: Yunnan Yun-lu shan, southwest of the Likiang snow r... J. F. Rock 25033 1935-5
A: 00977867 Iris delavayi Micheli China: Yunnan E side of Diancang Shan mountain range. Vici... B. Bartholomew, D. E. Boufford, H.... 959 1984-7-10
A: 00977866 Iris delavayi Micheli Japan: Okinawa Kijyoka, Oogimi-son, Okinawa isl. K. Nakajima 2010-4-24
GH: 00977898 Iris dichotoma Pallas : East Asia: [illegible] [no data available] 1835
GH: 00977892 Iris dichotoma Pallas : East Asia: Manchuria; Jalatun P. H. Dorsett & J. H. Dorsett 3492 1925-6
GH: 00977886 Iris dichotoma Pallas : East Asia: Маньчжурия Западн... D. I. Litvinov 1902-6-25
A: 00977885 Iris dichotoma Pallas : East Asia: Near the Great Wall; Kiachta [Kya... G. Niederlein 1898-11-25
A: 00977884 Iris dichotoma Pallas : East Asia: Manshuria Chinensis. Prov. [illeg... V. L. Komarov 431 1897-7-9
GH: 00977899 Iris dichotoma Pallas China: Heilongjiang [no additional data] B. V. Skvortzov 1937-8-4
GH: 00977897 Iris dichotoma Pallas China: Hill near Peking S. W. Williams 1876-8
GH: 00977896 Iris dichotoma Pallas China: Hsinglungshan Tsinan Sung Top [no data available] 1926-9-8
GH: 00977895 Iris dichotoma Pallas China: Gansu Lower Tebbu country: dry grassy spurs of Nyb... J. F. Rock 14746 1926-9-5
GH: 00977894 Iris dichotoma Pallas China: Shandong (Thousand Buddah Hill); Chien Fu Shan; Tsina... C. Y. Chiao 3056 1930-9-5
GH: 00977893 Iris dichotoma Pallas China: mountains west of Peking E. V. Bretschneider 1970 1881
GH: 00977891 Iris dichotoma Pallas China: Guangxi Pai-yun-an & vicnity; (Hwang-sha-ho P. O.); ... W. T. Tsang 27604 1937-6-4
GH: 00977890 Iris dichotoma Pallas China: Sichuan Chien-Chang-Shan C. S. Fan & Class 84 1938-4-3
GH: 00977889 Iris dichotoma Pallas China: Shandong Ching Lung Shan C. Y. Chiao 3018 1930-11-9
GH: 00977888 Iris dichotoma Pallas China: Hailar [?] B. V. Skvortzov 1921-7-12
GH: 00977887 Iris dichotoma Pallas China: Shanxi W. of Lungchuan Tsun Wen Shu Kaus 79 1925-8-7
A: 00977883 Iris dichotoma Pallas China: Hebei Kalgan C. W. Wang 62161 1934-7
GH: 00977900 Iris dichotoma Pallas Russia: Dahuria [data not captured] 1836
GH: 01748295 Iris dichotoma Pallas USA: Maryland Glenn Dale Introduction Garden W. H. Cowgill 2011 1940-7-2
GH: 00977812 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley : Puerto Rico: Sierra de Juncos, in monte Guon... P. E. E. Sintenis 1885-8-28
A: 00977810 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley : Puerto Rico: Sierra de Luquillo; Cultivated ... R. A. Howard & G. Taylor 15719 1964-10-11
A: 00977809 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley : Puerto Rico: Cultivated at km. 22 on route 1... R. J. Wagner 865 1965-7-27
A: 00977808 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley : Puerto Rico: Cultivated at Martinson propert... R. J. Wagner 865 1965-7-27
GH: 00977912 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley : Russia (Region): In pratis Dahuriae [no data available] 1831
GH: 00977903 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley : East Asia: Haishan Yuintaishan, KU. [no data available] 1924-8
A: 01153308 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Hong Kong: Chung Chi College S. Y. Hu 13790 1975-6-20
GH: 00977911 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Hunan Ma-Ling-Tung; Sinning Hsien C. S. Fan & Y. Y. Li 589 1935-10-9
A: 00977910 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Guangxi Chin to Kau; Ling-chai-miao & vicinity; Hai-... W. T. Tsang 27837 1937-7-13
A: 00977909 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: [illegible] a Ki-Hen-Soo J. O. Debeaux 1860
A: 00977908 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] H. F. Hance 718
A: 00977907 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Yunnan Li-kiang Hsien C. W. Wang 65041 1935-6
A: 00977906 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Yunnan Che-li Hsien C. W. Wang 75529 1936-8
A: 00977905 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Yunnan W Likiang: Tze-yun-tze near Laschibe R. C. Ching 21359 1939-8-25
A: 00977904 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Guangxi Shap Man Taai Shan; Na Wai Village; S. E. of... W. T. Tsang 23847 1934-7-11
GH: 00977902 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Yunnan Fo-Hai C. W. Wang 76018 1936-7
GH: 00977901 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Yunnan In collibus versus occident. in reg. Lichian... C. Schneider [do not use] 2230 1914-8-11
GH: 00977942 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Jiangsu I-hsing K. Ling 1926-7-30
A: 00977941 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Guangxi Chuen Yuen City to Tai Shin Village Z. S. Chung 83406 1937-7-14
A: 00977940 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Guangxi [no additional data] H. Y. Liang 70104
GH: 00977939 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Shandong Hua Ying Sze; Lao Shan - Hwalingtze [?]; 140... C. Y. Chiao 2971 1920-8-20
GH: 00977938 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Hubei [no additional data] A. Henry 6399 1885
GH: 00977937 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Guangdong Kwong Tung Province; Poon Yue [Panyu] Distri... [no data available] 1918-9-4
GH: 00977936 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Central China: Tsingtau C. R. Zimmermann 1901
GH: 00977935 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Central China: Tsingtau C. R. Zimmermann 1901
GH: 00977934 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Hebei Near the Ming Tombs P. H. Dorsett & W. J. Morse 7108 1930-8
GH: 00977933 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Hunan Yang-Shan C. S. Fan & Y. Y. Li 333 1935-7-22
A: 00977932 Iris domestica (Linnaeus) Goldblatt & Mabberley China: Guizhou Liang Feng Yah A. N. Steward, C. Y. Chiao & H. C.... 182 1931-8-5