Apocynaceae A: 02180000 Alyxia stellata (J. R. Forster & G. Forster) Roemer & Schultes Guam: Oca Point S. F. Glassman 217 1945-5-13
A: 02381159 Ochrosia oppositifolia (Lamarck) K. Schumann Guam: Oca Point. S. F. Glassman 219 1945-5-13
Araceae GH: 01634839 Amydrium medium Nicolson Philippines: Leyte N. Palo, near Palo River S. F. Glassman 732 1945-7-22
GH: 01655961 Epipremnum pinnatum (Linnaeus) Engler Philippines: Leyte 1.5 mils SW of Tacloban S. F. Glassman 568 1945-7-1
GH: 01627301 Homalomena philippinensis Engler Philippines: Leyte S. outskirts of Palo S. F. Glassman 660 1945-7-19
GH: 01629655 Pothoidium lobbianum Schott Philippines: Leyte Gacao S. F. Glassman 566 1945-7-6
Asclepiadaceae A: 00286275 Hoya R. Brown Philippines: Leyte Vicinity of Lake Bito S. F. Glassman 790 1945-8-14
A: 00286275 Hoya leytensis Elmer ex C. M. Burton Philippines: Leyte Vicinity of Lake Bito S. F. Glassman 790 1945-8-14
Begoniaceae GH: 02228945 Begonia sp. Philippines: Leyte Vicinity of Lake Bito S. F. Glassman 779 1945-8-14
Bromeliaceae GH: 01817389 Tillandsia butzii Mez Honduras: Francisco Morazán Mt. Uyuca S. F. Glassman 1640 1948-6-16
GH: 01817558 Tillandsia fasciculata Swartz Honduras: Francisco Morazán Las Meses S. F. Glassman 1554 1948-6-11
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02232432 Phanera integrifolia cumingiana (Bentham) de Wit Philippines: Leyte 1 1/2 miles NE of Gacao S. F. Glassman 683 1945
Cucurbitaceae GH: 00252123 Luffa aegyptiaca Miller Philippines: Leyte 1-1/2 miles SW of Tacloban S. F. Glassman 557 1945-7-1
GH: 00261803 Zehneria guamensis (Merrill) Fosberg Guam: Oca Point S. F. Glassman 200 1945-5-13
GH: 00261804 Zehneria guamensis (Merrill) Fosberg Guam: Mt. Lamlam S. F. Glassman 238 1946-1-20
Cupressaceae GH: 02106420 Juniperus scopulorum Sargent USA: Wyoming Medicine Bow Mountains; along Route 130 abou... S. F. Glassman 1952-7-5
Cyperaceae GH: 02412916 Cyperus cyperoides (Linnaeus) Kuntze Philippines: Leyte 1/2 miles SW. of Tacloban. S. F. Glassman 530 1945-6-27
GH: 02430195 Fimbristylis dichotoma (Linnaeus) Vahl Philippines: Leyte 1 1/2 miles SW. of Tacloban. S. F. Glassman 515 1945-6-27
GH: 02430288 Fimbristylis quinquangularis (Vahl) Kunth Philippines: Leyte 1 1/2 miles SW. of Tacloban. S. F. Glassman 521 1945-6-27
GH: 02430298 Fimbristylis tomentosa Vahl Philippines: Leyte 1 1/2 miles SW. of Tacloban. S. F. Glassman 514 1945-6-27
GH: 02468405 Scleria scrobiculata Nees & Meyen Philippines: Leyte 1 1/2 miles SW. of Tacloban. S. F. Glassman 533 1945-6-27
Euphorbiaceae A: 01767700 Acalypha lanceolata Willdenow Philippines: Leyte: NW. outskirts of Tacloban S. F. Glassman 598 1945-7-8
A: 01767914 Acalypha sp. Philippines: Leyte: 1 mile SW. by W. of Tacloban. S. F. Glassman 590 1945-7-9
Fabaceae A: 02259289 Vigna sp. Philippines: Leyte S. outskirts of Palo S. F. Glassman 765 1945-8-12
A: 02259290 Vigna sp. Philippines: Leyte North outskirts of Gacao S. F. Glassman 748 1945-8-9
Hippocrateaceae GH: 01677597 Pereskia autumnalis (Eichlam) Rose Honduras: Pedregal. Department of Morazán S. F. Glassman 1713 1948-6-23
Icacinaceae A: 02589156 Merrilliodendron megacarpum Sleumer Guam: Mt. Tenjo; base of the west slope S. F. Glassman 240 1946-1-20
Lauraceae A: 02537411 Cinnamomum oblongum Kostermans Philippines: Leyte: N. Palo, near Palo river S. F. Glassman 786 1945-8-16
Melastomataceae A: 01771256 Melastoma sp. Philippines: Leyte 1 mile SW by W of Tacloban S. F. Glassman 577 1945-7-9
A: 01771257 Melastoma sp. Philippines: Leyte 1 1/2 miles SW of Tacloban S. F. Glassman 619 1945-7-13
Myrsinaceae GH: 00057732 Parathesis vulgata Lundell Honduras: Department of Morazan, Mount Uyuca, cloud fo... S. F. Glassman 1616 1948-6-16
Orchidaceae AMES: 01828699 Acriopsis javanica Reinwardt ex Blume Philippines: Leyte: 1 1/2 miles NE. of Gacao. S. F. Glassman 700 1945-7-24
GH: 02388830 Bletia campanulata La Llave & Lexarza Honduras: Mt. Uyuca; Department of Marazán S. F. Glassman 1993 1948-7-20
AMES: 02337133 Dendrobium guamense Ames Guam: 1/2 mile north of Didedo S. F. Glassman 128 1945-5-4
GH: 02159179 Elleanthus tonduzii Schlechter Honduras: Mt. Uyuca. Department of Morazán S. F. Glassman 2180 1948-8-7
AMES: 02127661 Eria rostriflora H. G. Reichenbach Guam: Vicinity of Mt. Lamlam S. F. Glassman 234 1946-1
AMES: 02341659 Eulophia macgregorii Ames Guam: Mt. Sta. Rosa. S. F. Glassman 216 1945-5-9
AMES: 02341658 Eulophia macgregorii Ames Guam: Mt. Sta. Rosa S. F. Glassman 226 1945-3-9
AMES: 02341666 Eulophia pulchra Lindley Guam: Oca Point S. F. Glassman 46 1945-1
AMES: 02341665 Eulophia pulchra Lindley Guam: Oca Point S. F. Glassman 46 1945-1
AMES: 02341664 Eulophia pulchra Lindley Guam: Oca Point S. F. Glassman 46 1945-1
GH: 02152672 Pleurothallis tuerckheimii Schlechter El Salvador: Morazán Mt. Uyaca S. F. Glassman 1946 1948-7-17
GH: 02124235 Prosthechea rhynchophora (A. Richard & Galeotti) W. E. Higgins Honduras: Mt. Uyuca; Drainage of the Río Yeguare S. F. Glassman 1842 1948
AMES: 02550757 Pteroceras unguiculatum H. A. Pedersen Philippines: Leyte: 1 1/2 miles NE. of Gacao S. F. Glassman 718 1945-7-24
AMES: 02550574 Thrixspermum wenzelii Ames Philippines: Leyte S. outskirts of Palo S. F. Glassman 693 1945-7-20
Pandanaceae A: 02225506 Pandanus clementis Merrill Philippines: Leyte N. outskirts of Gacao S. F. Glassman 690 1945-7-27
Piperaceae A: 01983746 Macropiper guahamense (C. de Candolle) A. C. Smith Guam: Oca Point S. F. Glassman 78 1945-2-17
A: 01978643 Peperomia guamana C. de Candolle Guam: 5 mi. SE of Ritidion Point S. F. Glassman 225 1945-5-4
A: 01978747 Peperomia mariannensis C. de Candolle Guam: Oca Point S. F. Glassman 97 1945-2-27
A: 01883080 Piper abbreviatum Opiz Philippines: Leyte S. outskirts of Palo S. F. Glassman 642 1945-7-18
A: 01883077 Piper abbreviatum Opiz Philippines: Leyte SW. of Gacao. S. F. Glassman 681 1945
GH: 01979041 Piper aduncum Linnaeus Honduras: Department of Morazán S. F. Glassman 2088 1948-7-30
GH: 01979773 Piper epilosipes Trelease Honduras: Mt. Uyuca, Department of Morazán S. F. Glassman 1633 1948-6-16
A: 01883494 Piper retrofractum Vahl Philippines: Leyte N. Palo, near Palo River. S. F. Glassman 783 1945-8-16
Poaceae GH: 02471175 Digitaria ciliaris (Retzius) Koeler Philippines: Leyte 1 1/2 miles SW. of Tacloban. S. F. Glassman 612 1945-7-13
GH: 02471211 Digitaria setigera Roemer & Schultes Philippines: Leyte 1 1/2 miles SW. of Tacloban. S. F. Glassman 610 1945-7-13
GH: 02471349 Eriochloa procera (Retzius) C. E. Hubbard Philippines: Leyte NW. outskirts of Tacloban. S. F. Glassman 572 1945-7-8
GH: 02470002 Ischaemum sp. Philippines: Tacloban: 1 mile SW. by W. of Tacloban. S. F. Glassman 583 1945-7-9
GH: 02472303 Paspalum longifolium Roxburgh Philippines: Leyte 1 mile SW. by W. of Tacloban. S. F. Glassman 586 1945-7-9
GH: 02472324 Paspalum vaginatum Swartz Philippines: Leyte NW. outskirts of Tacloban. S. F. Glassman 564 1945-7-5
A: 02244470 Schizostachyum sp. Philippines: Leyte 1 mile SW by W of Tacloban. S. F. Glassman 580 1945-7-9
A: 02244469 Schizostachyum sp. Philippines: Leyte 1 mile SW. by W. of Tacloban. S. F. Glassman 580 1945-7-9
GH: 02472589 Setaria flavida (Retz.) Veldkamp Philippines: Leyte 1 mile SW. by W. of Tacloban. S. F. Glassman 582 1945-7-9
Rubiaceae GH: 00096847 Hoffmannia cryptoneura Standley Honduras: Francisco Morazán Mount Uyuca, cloud forest, 6000 feet S. F. Glassman 1996 1948-7-20
GH: 00096847 Hoffmannia nubium Standley & L. O. Williams Honduras: Francisco Morazán Mount Uyuca, cloud forest, 6000 feet S. F. Glassman 1996 1948-7-20
A: 00273796 Ixora longissima Merrill Philippines: Leyte S. F. Glassman 697 1945-7-24
Taccaceae GH: 02498993 Tacca palmata Blume Philippines: Leyte: 1 1/2 miles SW of Tacloban S. F. Glassman 708 1945-7-29
GH: 02498982 Tacca palmata Blume Philippines: Leyte: S. outskirts of Palo S. F. Glassman 644 1945-7-18
Thelypteridaceae GH: 02403920 Sphaerostephanos unitus (Linnaeus) Holttum Philippines: Leyte N. Palo, near Palo River S. F. Glassman 663 1945-7-22
GH: 02403919 Sphaerostephanos unitus (Linnaeus) Holttum Philippines: N. Palo, near Palo River S. F. Glassman 663 1945-7-22
Verbenaceae A: 02328807 Callicarpa pedunculata R. Brown Philippines: Leyte 1 miles SW. by W. of Tacloban S. F. Glassman 579 1945-7-9
A: 02518879 Premna sp. Philippines: Leyte: S. outskirts of Palo S. F. Glassman 636 1945-7-18
Vitaceae A: 02326548 Leea aculeata Blume Philippines: Leyte: North outskirts of Gacao S. F. Glassman 744 1945-8-9
A: 02326663 Leea guineensis G. Don Philippines: Leyte: S. outskirts of Palo S. F. Glassman 763 1945-8-12
Zingiberaceae GH: 02289152 Alpinia elegans K. Schumann Philippines: Leyte: 1 1/2 miles SW of Tacloban S. F. Glassman 546 1945-7-1