Aceraceae GH: 01792274 Acer negundo violaceum (G. Kirchner) H. Jaeger USA: New Jersey Pleasantville I. Tidestrom 11361 1923-7-10
GH: 01793133 Acer rubrum Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Pleasantville I. Tidestrom 11395 1923-7-10
GH: 01793281 Acer rubrum Linnaeus USA: Delaware Marshallton I. Tidestrom 11492 1923
GH: 01793355 Acer rubrum Linnaeus USA: Virginia Region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11606 1923-8-27
GH: 01793878 Acer saccharinum Linnaeus USA: Maryland Chesapeake City. I. Tidestrom 11417 1923-7-11
Alismataceae GH: 01617985 Alisma subcordatum Pursh USA: Virginia Region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11639 1923-8-27
Amaranthaceae GH: 01928913 Amaranthus cannabinus (Linnaeus) J. D. Sauer USA: Delaware Along Delaware River, south of Newcastle I. Tidestrom 11529 1923-8-2
Anacardiaceae GH: 01868569 Rhus typhina Linnaeus USA: Delaware Along Delaware River south of New Castle. I. Tidestrom 11541 1923
GH: 01868944 Toxicodendron radicans (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Delaware Region west of Wilmington I. Tidestrom 11500 1923
GH: 01868945 Toxicodendron radicans (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Delaware along Delaware River south of New Castle I. Tidestrom 11547 1923
Apocynaceae GH: 02179766 Apocynum cannabinum Linnaeus USA: Delaware Along Delaware River, south of New Castle. I. Tidestrom 11538 1923-8-2
GH: 02179765 Apocynum cannabinum Linnaeus USA: Delaware Region west of Wilmington I. Tidestrom 11516 1923-8-1
Araceae GH: 01627837 Peltandra virginica (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex Schott USA: New Jersey Pleasantville I. Tidestrom 11366 1923
Asclepiadaceae GH: 00993376 Asclepias incarnata pulchra (Ehrhart ex Willdenow) Woodson USA: Delaware along Delaware River, south of New Castle. I. Tidestrom 11569 1923
GH: 00993387 Asclepias incarnata pulchra (Ehrhart ex Willdenow) Woodson USA: Maryland Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11415 1923-7-11
GH: 00993388 Asclepias incarnata pulchra (Ehrhart ex Willdenow) Woodson USA: Maryland Back Bay, near Annapolis I. Tidestrom 11470 1923-7-29
Asteraceae GH: 02214421 Baccharis halimifolia Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11685 1923-8-28
GH: 02188685 Conoclinium coelestinum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Virginia region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11610 1923-8-27
GH: 01925247 Elephantopus tomentosus Linnaeus USA: Virginia Region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11595 1923-8-3
GH: 02189845 Eupatorium perfoliatum Linnaeus USA: Delaware Region west of Wilmington I. Tidestrom 11517 1923
GH: 02189972 Eupatorium perfoliatum Linnaeus USA: Virginia Region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11609 1923-8-27
GH: 02190011 Eupatorium pilosum Walter USA: Maryland Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11444 1923-7-11
GH: 02190260 Eupatorium rotundifolium Linnaeus USA: Maryland Along the canal. Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11445 1923-7-11
GH: 02190729 Eupatorium serotinum Michaux USA: Virginia Region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11609a 1923-8-27
GH: 02191018 Eutrochium fistulosum (Barratt) E. E. Lamont USA: Maryland Along shore near light house. Havre de Grace I. Tidestrom 11589 1923-8-3
GH: 02190988 Eutrochium fistulosum (Barratt) E. E. Lamont USA: Delaware Marshallton I. Tidestrom 11493 1923
GH: 02217187 Mikania scandens (Linnaeus) Willdenow USA: Virginia Region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11645 1923-8-27
GH: 01924103 Vernonia noveboracensis (Linnaeus) Michaux USA: Delaware Region west of Wilmington I. Tidestrom 11521 1923
Betulaceae GH: 02197402 Alnus serrulata (Aiton) Willdenow USA: New Jersey Pleasantville I. Tidestrom 11377 1923-7-10
GH: 02195930 Betula nigra Linnaeus USA: Maryland near light house. Havre de Grace I. Tidestrom 11583 1923-8-3
Bignoniaceae GH: 02054685 Campsis radicans (Linnaeus) Bureau USA: Virginia Region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11601 1923-8-27
Brassicaceae GH: 01097589 Cakile edentula (Bigelow) Hooker USA: Virginia region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11663 1923-8-28
GH: 01549783 Lepidium virginicum Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Pleasantville I. Tidestrom 11359 1923-7-10
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 01852040 Chamaecrista fasciculata (Michaux) Greene USA: Delaware Along Delaware River, south of New Castle. I. Tidestrom 11562 1923
GH: 01852395 Chamaecrista fasciculata (Michaux) Greene USA: Virginia Region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11683 1923-8-28
GH: 01679285 Senna hebecarpa (Fernald) H. S. Irwin & Barneby USA: Maryland Along shore near light house. Havre de Grace I. Tidestrom 11584 1923-8-3
Caprifoliaceae A: 02183202 Sambucus nigra canadensis (Linnaeus) Bolli USA: Delaware Along Delaware River, south of New Castle. I. Tidestrom 11568 1923
GH: 02184805 Viburnum dentatum Linnaeus USA: Maryland Along canal. Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11449 1923-7-11
Chenopodiaceae GH: 01783517 Salicornia europaea Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11384 1923-7-10
GH: 01783812 Salsola kali Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11671 1923-8-28
GH: 01785596 Suaeda maritima (Linnaeus) Dumortier USA: New Jersey [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11385 1923-7-10
Convolvulaceae GH: 02055330 Calystegia sepium americana (Sims) Brummitt USA: Maryland near light house. Havre de Grace I. Tidestrom 11590 1923-8-3
GH: 02055336 Calystegia sepium americana (Sims) Brummitt USA: New Jersey Pleasantville I. Tidestrom 11368 1923-7-10
Cornaceae GH: 01843794 Cornus amomum Miller USA: Maryland Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11403 1923-7-11
Cupressaceae GH: 02107000 Juniperus virginiana Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11632 1923-8-27
Fabaceae GH: 01881236 Baptisia tinctoria (Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: Delaware Region west of Wilmington I. Tidestrom 11514 1923
GH: 01881275 Baptisia tinctoria (Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: New Jersey Pleasantville I. Tidestrom 11399 1923-7-10
GH: 01884630 Cytisus scoparius (Linnaeus) Link USA: Maryland Along the canal. Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11440 1923-7-11
GH: 02150729 Lespedeza capitata Michaux USA: Delaware Along Delaware River, south of New Castle. I. Tidestrom 11515 1923
GH: 02087737 Lespedeza stuevei Nuttall USA: Virginia Region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11634 1923-8-27
GH: 02129985 Medicago sativa Linnaeus USA: Maryland [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11425 1923-7-11
GH: 02130433 Melilotus officinalis (Linnaeus) Lamarck USA: Delaware [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11535 1923-8-2
GH: 02135026 Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus USA: Maryland [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11443 1923-7-11
GH: 02135144 Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11675 1923-8-28
GH: 02136104 Strophostyles helvola (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Delaware [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11537 1923-8-2
GH: 02136511 Strophostyles umbellata (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Britton USA: Virginia [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11636 1923-8-27
Lamiaceae GH: 01555941 Clinopodium vulgare Linnaeus USA: Delaware Marshallton I. Tidestrom 1923
GH: 01552066 Leonurus marrubiastrum Linnaeus USA: Delaware New Castle: Along Delaware River. south of N... I. Tidestrom 11533 1923
GH: 01552531 Lycopus europaeus Linnaeus USA: Maryland Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11434 1923-7-11
GH: 01551021 Lycopus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Virginia Region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11649 1923-8-27
GH: 01598451 Physostegia virginiana (Linnaeus) Bentham USA: Maryland near light house. Havre de Grace I. Tidestrom 11579 1923-8-3
GH: 01699940 Teucrium canadense Linnaeus USA: Maryland Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11463 1923-7-11
GH: 01699941 Teucrium canadense Linnaeus USA: Maryland Back back, near Annapolis I. Tidestrom 11473 1923-7-29
Lobeliaceae GH: 01797540 Lobelia cardinalis Linnaeus USA: Maryland near Light House. Havre de Grace I. Tidestrom 11586 1923-8-3
GH: 01797710 Lobelia cardinalis Linnaeus USA: Virginia Region about ape Charles. I. Tidestrom 11612 1923-8-27
GH: 01798148 Lobelia inflata Linnaeus USA: Delaware at Marshallton I. Tidestrom 11494 1923
Malvaceae GH: 02201200 Hibiscus moscheutos Linnaeus USA: Delaware along Delaware River, south of New Castle I. Tidestrom 11540 1923
GH: 02201207 Hibiscus moscheutos Linnaeus USA: Maryland Along the canal, Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11446 1923-7-11
A: 02201211 Hibiscus moscheutos Linnaeus USA: Maryland Back Bay near Annapolis I. Tidestrom 11484 1923-7-29
Moraceae GH: 01545651 Morus sp. USA: Virginia Region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11692 1923-9-8
Nymphaeaceae GH: 01739867 Nuphar advena (Aiton) W. T. Aiton USA: Maryland near canal. Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11431 1923-7-11
GH: 01740684 Nymphaea odorata tuberosa (Paine) Wiersema & Hellquist USA: Maryland along the canal, Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11436 1923-7-11
Oleaceae GH: 01849082 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall USA: Delaware at Marshallton I. Tidestrom 11491 1923
Pinaceae GH: 01113067 Pinus taeda Linnaeus USA: Virginia Region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11693 1923-8-28
GH: 01113252 Pinus virginiana Miller USA: Virginia Region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11631 1923-8-27
Plantaginaceae GH: 02000960 Linaria vulgaris Miller USA: Maryland [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11456 1923-7-11
GH: 02001536 Nuttallanthus canadensis (Linnaeus) D. A. Sutton USA: Maryland [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11439 1923-7-11
Polygonaceae GH: 02006406 Rumex acetosella Linnaeus USA: Maryland [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11423 1923-7-11
GH: 02005051 Rumex crispus Linnaeus USA: Maryland [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11428 1923-7-11
GH: 02005651 Rumex obtusifolius Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11369 1923-7-10
Pontederiaceae GH: 01919367 Pontederia cordata Linnaeus USA: Delaware Along Delaware River, south of New Castle. I. Tidestrom 11574 1923
GH: 02068344 Pontederia cordata Linnaeus USA: Maryland Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11402 1923-7-11
Primulaceae GH: 01920964 Lysimachia ciliata Linnaeus USA: Maryland near light house. Havre de Grace I. Tidestrom 11587 1923-8-3
GH: 01918943 Lysimachia quadrifolia Linnaeus USA: Delaware Region west of Wilmington I. Tidestrom 11520 1923
Rosaceae GH: 01730801 Aronia melanocarpa (Michaux) Elliott USA: Maryland Along canal. Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11447 1923-7-11
GH: 01760206 Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus USA: Delaware Along Delaware River, south of New Castle. I. Tidestrom 1923
GH: 01760231 Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus USA: Delaware Region west of Wilmington I. Tidestrom 1923
GH: 01609181 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Maryland Elkton I. Tidestrom 11461 1923-7-11
A: 01603143 Rubus argutus Link USA: Maryland Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11410 1923-7-11
GH: 01604753 Rubus frondosus Bigelow USA: Delaware Along Delaware River, south of New Castle I. Tidestrom 11543 1923
Rubiaceae GH: 02358399 Hexasepalum teres (Walter) J. H. Kirkbride USA: Virginia [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11662 1923-8-27
Scrophulariaceae GH: 02040102 Verbascum blattaria Linnaeus USA: Delaware Along Delaware River, south of New Castle. I. Tidestrom 11552 1923
Solanaceae GH: 01542364 Solanum carolinense Linnaeus USA: Delaware Region west of Wilmington I. Tidestrom 11512 1923
GH: 00310639 Solanum dulcamara Linnaeus USA: Delaware Along Delaware River, south of New Castle. I. Tidestrom 11542 1923
Typhaceae GH: 00933270 Typha latifolia Linnaeus USA: Maryland Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11438 1923-7-11
Urticaceae GH: 02170040 Boehmeria cylindrica (Linnaeus) Swartz USA: Delaware [data not captured] I. Tidestrom 11544 1923-8-2
Verbenaceae GH: 01800136 Callicarpa americana Linnaeus USA: Virginia Region about Cape Charles I. Tidestrom 11620 1923-8-27
GH: 01955071 Verbena hastata Linnaeus USA: Delaware Along Delaware River, south of New Castle. I. Tidestrom 1151 1923
GH: 01956004 Verbena urticifolia Linnaeus USA: Delaware Along Delaware River, south of New Castle. I. Tidestrom 11572 1923
GH: 01956039 Verbena urticifolia Linnaeus USA: Maryland Chesapeake City I. Tidestrom 11413 1923-7-11