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ECON Artifacts
Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[2574] and year collected:[1908]
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GH: 00738523
[bad data, blank import]
USA: New Hampshire Randolph: Randolph A. H. Moore 4189 1908-6-30
GH: 00751199
Mollugo verticillata
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: Whitefield A. H. Moore 4418 1908-8-31
GH: 01032335
Alisma triviale
Pursh USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4382 1908-8-31
GH: 01032608
Sagittaria latifolia
Willdenow USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4379 1908-8-31
GH: 01032614
Sagittaria latifolia
Willdenow USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4279 1908-8-19
GH: 01161671
Allium schoenoprasum
Linnaeus USA: Maine Randolph: Randolph A. H. Moore 4187 1908-6-30
GH: 00614689
Amaranthus albus
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4269 1908-8-19
GH: 00598370
Amaranthus hybridus
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: NE. of King's Square on outskirt... A. H. Moore 4351 1908-8-31
GH: 00598370
Amaranthus hybridus hypochondriacus
(Linnaeus) B. L. Robinson USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: NE. of King's Square on outskirt... A. H. Moore 4351 1908-8-31
GH: 00598370
Amaranthus hypochondriacus
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: NE. of King's Square on outskirt... A. H. Moore 4351 1908-8-31
GH: 00598370
Amaranthus leucocarpus
S. Watson USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: NE. of King's Square on outskirt... A. H. Moore 4351 1908-8-31
GH: 00614937
Amaranthus retroflexus
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4293 1908-8-19
GH: 00772303
Toxicodendron rydbergii
(Small ex Rydberg) Greene USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4171 1908-6-26
A: 00772304
Toxicodendron rydbergii
(Small ex Rydberg) Greene USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4156 1908-6-26
GH: 00483659
Cicuta bulbifera
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: Whitefield A. H. Moore 4423 1908-8-31
GH: 01051015
Conioselinum chinense
Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4368 1908-8-31
GH: 01051428
Hydrocotyle americana
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4297 1908-8-19
GH: 00483020
Pastinaca sativa
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4240 1908-7-6
GH: 00713487
Ilex verticillata
(Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: Whitefield A. H. Moore 4388 1908-8-31
GH: 00816748
Aralia hispida
Ventenat USA: New Hampshire Randolph: Randolph A. H. Moore 4220 1908-6-30
GH: 00567493
Asparagus officinalis
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4264 1908-8-19
GH: 00566853
Achillea millefolium
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: Whitefield A. H. Moore 4356 1908-8-31
GH: 00531218
Achillea ptarmica
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: Whitefield A. H. Moore 4339 1908-8-31
GH: 00566494
Ambrosia psilostachya
de Candolle USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4505 1908-9-23
GH: 01007006
Anaphalis margaritacea
(Linnaeus) Bentham & Hooker f. USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4322 1908-8-24
GH: 00531362
Anthemis cotula
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4440 1908-8-31
GH: 00531598
Artemisia biennis
Willdenow USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4490 1908-9-23
GH: 00531838
Artemisia vulgaris
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 1908-9-23
GH: 01066947
Bidens cernua
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4376 1908-8-31
GH: 01037749
Bidens frondosa
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: Whitefield A. H. Moore 4411 1908-8-31
GH: 00587926
Cichorium intybus
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Green Grant A. H. Moore 4299 1908-8-22
GH: 00580929
Cirsium arvense
(Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4281 1908-8-19
GH: 00834854
Erigeron canadensis
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Greens A. H. Moore 4302 1908-8-22
GH: 01028910
Hieracium scabrum
Michaux USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4275 1908-8-19
GH: 01066381
Pseudognaphalium macounii
(Greene) Kartesz USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4430 1908-8-31
GH: 00553086
Solidago bicolor
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4288 1908-8-19
GH: 01054624
Solidago hispida
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4512 1908-9-23
GH: 01056785
Solidago squarrosa
Nuttall USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4311 1908-8-24
GH: 00637289
Sonchus arvensis
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4328 1908-8-24
GH: 00637535
Sonchus oleraceus
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4485 1908-9-23
GH: 00832417
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii
(Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4513 1908-9-23
GH: 00832445
Symphyotrichum puniceum
(Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: New Hampshire Randolph: Randolph A. H. Moore 4461 1908-9-7
A: 00634047
Betula cordifolia
Regel USA: New Hampshire Randolph: Randolph A. H. Moore 4191 1908-6-30
A: 00727531
Corylus cornuta
Marshall USA: New Hampshire Randolph: Randolph A. H. Moore 4180 1908-6-29
GH: 01565186
Erysimum cheiranthoides
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Berlin: E. side of Boston & Maine R.R. [Rail... A. H. Moore 4493 1908-9-23
GH: 01565187
Erysimum cheiranthoides
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Berlin: siding E. of Grand Trunk Ry. [Railwa... A. H. Moore 4476 1908-9-23
GH: 00617909
Lepidium densiflorum
Schrader USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4286 1908-8-19
GH: 00582426
Raphanus raphanistrum
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4290 1908-8-24
GH: 00735954
Rorippa palustris
(Linnaeus) Besser USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4261 1908-8-19
GH: 00612242
Sinapis arvensis
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4516 1908-9-23
GH: 00721015
Sambucus nigra canadensis
(L.) R. Bolli USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4223 1908-7-6
GH: 02036889
Symphoricarpos rivularis
Suksdorf USA: New Hampshire Randolph: a little west of Scates' Cor. [Cor... A. H. Moore 4460 1908-9-18
GH: 00702113
Viburnum acerifolium
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4148 1908-6-26
A: 00611121
Viburnum nudum cassinoides
(Linnaeus) Torrey & A. Gray USA: New Hampshire Randolph: Randolph A. H. Moore 4205 1908-6-30
GH: 00765065
Viburnum opulus trilobum
(Marsh.) Clausen USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4367 1908-8-31
GH: 00700080
Minuartia groenlandica
(Retzius) Ostenfeld USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4100 1908-6-25
GH: 00732843
Silene antirrhina
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4501 1908-9-23
GH: 00525890
Spergularia rubra
(Linnaeus) J. Presl & C. Presl USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: Whitefield A. H. Moore 4354 1908-8-31
GH: 00581423
Stellaria graminea
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4474 1908-9-23
GH: 00598954
Chenopodium glaucum
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4484 1908-9-23
GH: 00610591
Salsola tragus pseudotragus
(Beck) Mosyakin USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4304 1908-8-24
GH: 00573825
Lechea intermedia juniperina
(E. P. Bicknell) B. L. Robinson USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4273 1908-8-19
GH: 00573833
Lechea intermedia juniperina
(E. P. Bicknell) B. L. Robinson USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4366 1908-8-31
GH: 00552901
Echinocystis lobata
(Michaux) Torrey & A. Gray USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4295 1908-7-6
GH: 00869169
Carex lupulina
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4143 1908-6-26
GH: 01042283
Cyperus bipartitus
Torrey USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4442 1908-8-31
GH: 01061817
Eleocharis acicularis
(Linnaeus) Roemer & Schultes USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4298 1908-8-19
GH: 00714166
Eleocharis obtusa
(Willdenow) Schultes USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4228 1908-7-6
GH: 00766771
Eriophorum vaginatum
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4116 1908-6-25
GH: 00894502
Scirpus atrocinctus
Fernald USA: New Hampshire Randolph: Randolph A. H. Moore 4204 1908-6-30
GH: 00894907
Scirpus caespitosus
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4126 1908-6-25
GH: 01161960
Scirpus cyperinus
(Linnaeus) Kunth USA: New Hampshire Randolph: Randolph A. H. Moore 4200 1908-6-30
GH: 00770014
Empetrum eamesii atropurpureum
(Fernald & Wiegand) D. Löve USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4124 1908-6-25
GH: 00517695
Epigaea repens
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4112 1908-6-25
A: 00484597
Kalmia angustifolia
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4119 1908-6-25
A: 00461648
Vaccinium angustifolium
Aiton USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4095 1908-6-25
A: 00638181
Vaccinium uliginosum
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4017 1908-6-25
GH: 00638267
Vaccinium vitis-idaea minus
Loddiges USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4098 1908-6-25
GH: 00754993
Chamaesyce maculata
Gray USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4329 1908-8-24
GH: 00699228
Chamaesyce vermiculata
(Rafinesque) House USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4470 1908-9-23
GH: 00643053
Euphorbia helioscopia
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4494 1908-9-23
GH: 00562229
Amphicarpaea bracteata
(Linnaeus) Fernald USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4177 1908-6-26
GH: 00747407
Apios americana
Medikus USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4172 1908-6-26
GH: 00534290
Medicago lupulina
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4325 1908-8-24
GH: 00643456
Phaseolus vulgaris
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4486 1908-9-23
GH: 00643484
Pisum sativum
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Randolph: Randolph A. H. Moore 4251 1908-7-6
GH: 00586409
Trifolium campestre
Schreber USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4498 1908-9-23
GH: 00586992
Vicia sativa nigra
(Linnaeus) Ehrhart USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4499 1908-9-23
GH: 00716105
Quercus rubra ambigua
(A. Gray) Fernald USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4175 1908-7-26
GH: 01174767
Juncus bufonius
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4224 1908-7-6
GH: 00860192
Juncus greenei
Oakes & Tuckerman USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4315 1908-8-24
GH: 00734075
Juncus trifidus
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4127 1908-6-25
GH: 00562511
Glechoma hederacea
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4165 1908-6-26
GH: 00751515
Mentha arvensis
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: Whitefield A. H. Moore 4349 1908-8-31
GH: 00761187
Linum usitatissimum
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4472 1908-9-23
GH: 00565015
Myrica gale
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 1908-8-31
GH: 01009993
Najas flexilis
(Willdenow) Rostkoius & W. L. E. Schmidt USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4449 1908-8-31
GH: 00654555
Botrychium dissectum
Sprengel USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4444 1908-8-31
A: 00230724
Larix laricina
(Du Roi) Koch USA: New Hampshire Success: By success Road (site of main line ... A. H. Moore 4314 1908-8-24
A: 00230937
Picea mariana
(Miller) Brittan, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: New Hampshire Success: Not far below east end of Mount Ing... A. H. Moore 4113 1908-6-25
A: 00576608
Pinus resinosa
Aiton USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4136 1908-6-26
A: 00629434
Pinus strobus
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4391 1908-8-31
A: 00629444
Pinus strobus
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4145 1908-6-26
A: 00629451
Pinus strobus
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4313 1908-8-4
GH: 00729421
Nuttallanthus canadensis
(Linnaeus) D. A. Sutton USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: Whitefield A. H. Moore 4345 1908-8-31
GH: 01178437
Agrostis perennans
(Walter) Tuckerman USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4322 1908-8-24
GH: 00609090
Avena sativa
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4263 1908-8-19
GH: 01151350
Echinochloa muricata microstachya
Wiegand USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4292 1908-8-19
GH: 00817566
Leersia oryzoides
(Linnaeus) Swartz USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4378 1908-8-31
GH: 00864868
Muhlenbergia mexicana
(Linnaeus) Trinius USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4387 1908-8-21
GH: 01148897
Oryzopsis asperifolia
Michaux USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4108 1908-6-25
GH: 00606213
Poa compressa
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Randolph: Randolph A. H. Moore 4171 1908-6-29
GH: 00614230
Setaria viridis
(Linnaeus) P. Beauvois USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: Whitefield A. H. Moore 4414 1908-8-31
GH: 01182294
Torreyochloa pallida fernaldii
(Hitchc.) Dore ex Koyama & Kawano USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4364 1908-8-31
GH: 00865113
Trisetum spicatum
(Linnaeus) K. Richter USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin A. H. Moore 4506 1908-9-23
GH: 00865114
Trisetum spicatum
(Linnaeus) K. Richter USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4151 1908-6-26
GH: 00729214
Polygonum sagittatum
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: Whitefield A. H. Moore 4426 1908-8-31
GH: 00759718
Portulaca oleracea
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4469 1908-9-21
A: 00661240
Amelanchier bartramiana
(Tausch) M. Roemer USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4118 1908-6-25
GH: 00661995
Aronia melanocarpa
(Michaux) Elliott USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4437 1908-8-31
GH: 00744306
Aronia prunifolia
(Marshall) Rehder USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4129 1908-6-25
GH: 00688104
Dalibarda repens
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: Whitefield A. H. Moore 4421 1908-8-31
GH: 00524243
Potentilla argentea
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4103 1908-6-25
A: 00742662
Prunus nigra
Aiton USA: New Hampshire Randolph: Randolph A. H. Moore 4192 1908-6-30
A: 00742663
Prunus nigra
Aiton USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4450 1908-8-31
GH: 00647151
Rubus vermontanus
Blanchard USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4163 1908-6-26
GH: 00647153
Rubus vermontanus
Blanchard USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4163 1908-6-26
GH: 00647154
Rubus vermontanus
Blanchard USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4163 1908-6-26
GH: 00755000
Galium lanceolatum
(Torrey) Torrey USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4416 1908-8-31
A: 00688564
Populus grandidentata
Michaux USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4153 1908-6-26
GH: 00771763
Populus jackii
Sargent USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4106 1908-6-25
GH: 00724228
Populus smithii
B. Boivin USA: New Hampshire Randolph: Randolph A. H. Moore 4456 1908-9-7
A: 00771914
Salix alba
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4137 1908-6-26
A: 00769026
Salix eriocephala
Michaux USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4235 1908-7-6
A: 00769721
Salix lucida
Muhlenberg USA: New Hampshire Whitefield: Whitefield A. H. Moore 4389 1908-8-31
A: 00646871
Salix pyrifolia
Andersson USA: New Hampshire Randolph: Randolph A. H. Moore 4206 1908-6-30
A: 00748669
Salix sericea
Marshall USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 416 1908-6-26
GH: 00686049
Geocaulon lividum
(Richardson) Fernald USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4096 1908-6-25
A: 00640619
Ribes cynosbati
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4160 1908-6-25
GH: 00686801
Lindernia dubia
(Linnaeus) Pennell USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4443 1908-8-31
GH: 00868741
Smilax herbacea
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne A. H. Moore 4173 1908-6-26
GH: 00668326
Taxus canadensis
Marshall USA: New Hampshire Dalton: Dalton A. H. Moore 4365 1908-8-31
GH: 00716951
Verbena hastata
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Success: Success A. H. Moore 4316 1908-8-24
GH: 00771674
Viola tricolor
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham A. H. Moore 4262 1908-8-19