Apiaceae GH: 00424333 Perideridia gairdneri (Hooker & Arnott) Mathias USA: California Montezuma Hills J. T. Howell 11689 1933-9-17
Asteraceae GH: 02141536 Agoseris heterophylla (Nuttall) Greene USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11260 1933-5-14
GH: 00387007 Benitoa occidentalis (H. M. Hall) D. D. Keck USA: California Near Hernandez J. T. Howell 11549 1933-8-17
GH: 00414568 Blepharizonia laxa Greene USA: California 16 miles east of Jamesburg, Santa Lucia Mts.... J. T. Howell 11572 1933-8-18
GH: 02172880 Cirsium amplifolium (Greene) Petrak USA: California San Francisco: [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11424 1933-7-9
GH: 00427940 Cirsium andrewsii (A. Gray) Jepson USA: California Marsh near summit of road from Inverness to ... J. T. Howell 11478 1933-7-30
GH: 00427973 Cirsium crassicaule (Greene) Jepson USA: California 2 mi. nw. of Lathrop bridge on San Joaquin R... J. T. Howell 11447 1933-7-20
GH: 02021476 Cirsium occidentale (Nuttall) Jepson USA: California San Francisco: [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11432 1933-7-9
GH: 02021693 Cirsium quercetorum (A. Gray) Jepson USA: California San Francisco: [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11439 1933-7-9
GH: 02021699 Cirsium quercetorum (A. Gray) Jepson USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11302 1933-5-21
GH: 02021948 Cirsium venustum Porta USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11556 1933-8-17
GH: 00387085 Corethrogyne filaginifolia (Hooker & Arnott) Nuttall USA: California 4.5 miles s. of Aptos J. T. Howell 11611 1933-8-19
GH: 00387100 Corethrogyne filaginifolia (Hooker & Arnott) Nuttall USA: California Mt. Hermon, Santa Cruz Mts. J. T. Howell 11613 1933-8-19
GH: 02352356 Erigeron petrophilus Greene USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 1503 1933-8-13
GH: 02351326 Erigeron reductus angustatus (A. Gray) G. L. Nesom USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11625 1933-8-27
GH: 00417566 Grindelia camporum Greene USA: California Ignacia J. T. Howell 11721 1933-11-19
GH: 00417598 Grindelia hirsutula Hooker & Arnott USA: California Sausilito Hills J. T. Howell 11454 1933-7-23
GH: 00417599 Grindelia hirsutula Hooker & Arnott USA: California Sausilito Hills J. T. Howell 11455 1933-7-23
GH: 00417612 Grindelia hirsutula Hooker & Arnott USA: California Summit of Cuesta Pass J. T. Howell 11415 1933-7-2
GH: 00417613 Grindelia hirsutula Hooker & Arnott USA: California Monterey Peninsula near Carmel Bay and the D... J. T. Howell 11602 1933-8-19
GH: 00417614 Grindelia hirsutula Hooker & Arnott USA: California White's Hill, between Fairfax and Woodacre J. T. Howell 11463 1933-7-30
GH: 00417664 Grindelia hirsutula Hooker & Arnott USA: California Summit of Cuesta Pass J. T. Howell 11415 1933-7-2
GH: 00417673 Grindelia hirsutula Hooker & Arnott USA: California San Francisco: Visitacion Valley J. T. Howell 11436 1933-7-9
GH: 00417674 Grindelia hirsutula Hooker & Arnott USA: California East side of Napa Valley near Stag's Leap J. T. Howell 11394 1933-6-4
GH: 00037696 Grindelia hirsutula subintegra Steyermark USA: California 2 miles east of Ojai J. T. Howell 11414 1933-7-1
GH: 00037696 Grindelia hirsutula hirsutula USA: California 2 miles east of Ojai J. T. Howell 11414 1933-7-1
GH: 00417657 Grindelia hirsutula maritima (Greene) M. A. Lane USA: California San Francisco: Summit of Twin Peaks J. T. Howell 11661 1933-9-15
GH: 00417706 Grindelia hirsutula maritima (Greene) M. A. Lane USA: California San Francisco: Presidio J. T. Howell 11489 1933-8-11
GH: 00417734 Grindelia paludosa Greene USA: California Suisun Marshes at Pierce Station J. T. Howell 11727 1933-11-19
GH: 00417738 Grindelia paludosa Greene USA: California Suisun: [No Additional Data] J. T. Howell 11671 1933-9-17
GH: 00417739 Grindelia paludosa Greene USA: California 8 miles s. of Watsonville J. T. Howell 11609 1933-8-19
GH: 00417722 Grindelia sp. USA: California Bolinas Bay J. T. Howell 11486 1933-7-30
GH: 00417723 Grindelia sp. USA: California Head of Tomales Bay J. T. Howell 11483 1933-7-30
GH: 00417734 Grindelia sp. USA: California Suisun Marshes at Pierce Station J. T. Howell 11727 1933-11-19
GH: 00417738 Grindelia sp. USA: California Suisun: [No Additional Data] J. T. Howell 11671 1933-9-17
GH: 00417739 Grindelia sp. USA: California 8 miles s. of Watsonville J. T. Howell 11609 1933-8-19
GH: 00417715 Grindelia stricta angustifolia (A. Gray) M. A. Lane USA: California at head of Tomales Bay J. T. Howell 11472 1933-7-30
GH: 00417717 Grindelia stricta angustifolia (A. Gray) M. A. Lane USA: California Head of Tomales Bay J. T. Howell 11472 1933-7-30
A: 00417721 Grindelia stricta angustifolia (A. Gray) M. A. Lane USA: California Tomales Bay at Inverness J. T. Howell 11482 1933-7-30
GH: 00417722 Grindelia stricta angustifolia (A. Gray) M. A. Lane USA: California Bolinas Bay J. T. Howell 11486 1933-7-30
GH: 00417724 Grindelia stricta angustifolia (A. Gray) M. A. Lane USA: California Inverness J. T. Howell 11482 1933-7-30
GH: 00414568 Hemizonia plumosa (Kellogg) A. Gray USA: California 16 miles east of Jamesburg, Santa Lucia Mts.... J. T. Howell 11572 1933-8-18
GH: 02204149 Heterotheca sessiliflora echioides (Bentham) Semple USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11614 1933-8-19
GH: 02204130 Heterotheca sessiliflora echioides (Bentham) Semple USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11511 1933-8-13
GH: 00417991 Isocoma arguta Greene USA: California Montezuma Hills J. T. Howell 11685 1933-9-17
GH: 00414645 Layia heterotricha (de Candolle) Hooker & Arnott USA: California 11 miles from Hernandez on road to San Benit... J. T. Howell 11156 1933-4-23
GH: 00443007 Malacothrix saxatilis arachnoidea (E. A. McGregor) E. W. Williams USA: California Carmel Valley, 10 miles east of Carmel J. T. Howell 11590 1933-8-18
GH: 00443005 Malacothrix saxatilis arachnoidea (E. A. McGregor) E. W. Williams USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11590 1933-8-18
GH: 01835924 Microseris douglasii tenella (A. Gray) K. L. Chambers USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11008 1933-4-22
Aytoniaceae FH: 00497697 Fimbraria californica Hampe & Austin USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 1933-4
Boraginaceae GH: 00424569 Amsinckia douglasiana de Candolle USA: California Between Paicines and Pinnacles P.O. J. T. Howell 11059 1933-4-22
GH: 00424570 Amsinckia douglasiana de Candolle USA: California Between Paicines and Pinnacles P.O. J. T. Howell 11069 1933-4-22
GH: 00403902 Amsinckia eastwoodiae J. F. Macbride USA: California Corral Hollow J. T. Howell 10889 1933-3-26
GH: 01956330 Amsinckia intermedia Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California 1.5 miles s. of Tres Pinos J. T. Howell 11039 1933-4-22
GH: 01956374 Amsinckia intermedia Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California Soscol J. T. Howell 11304 1933-5-21
GH: 01956375 Amsinckia intermedia Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California St. Mary's College J. T. Howell 11224A 1933-5-14
GH: 01956384 Amsinckia intermedia Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California Soscol J. T. Howell 11304 1933-5-21
GH: 01956395 Amsinckia intermedia Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California Tesla J. T. Howell 10879 1933-3-26
GH: 01956397 Amsinckia intermedia Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California Strawberry Canyon, Berkeley Hills J. T. Howell 11365 1933-5-28
GH: 01956444 Amsinckia intermedia Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California Phoenix Lake, north side of Mt. Tamalpais J. T. Howell 11199 1933-4-30
GH: 00424658 Amsinckia sp. USA: California Corral Hollow J. T. Howell 10891 1933-3-26
GH: 00424664 Amsinckia sp. USA: California Corral Hollow J. T. Howell 10890 1933-3-26
GH: 00424762 Amsinckia sp. USA: California San Francisco: Golden Gate Park J. T. Howell 11293 1933-5-16
GH: 00424763 Amsinckia sp. USA: California San Francisco: Visitacion Valley J. T. Howell 11208 1933-5-3
GH: 00424764 Amsinckia sp. USA: California San Francisco: Visitacion Valley J. T. Howell 11207 1933-5-3
GH: 00424765 Amsinckia sp. USA: California San Francisco: Visitacion Valley J. T. Howell 11206 1933-5-3
GH: 00424773 Amsinckia sp. USA: California Nortonville hills J. T. Howell 10910 1933-3-29
GH: 00424774 Amsinckia sp. USA: California Nortonville hills J. T. Howell 10908 1933-3-29
GH: 00424775 Amsinckia sp. USA: California Nortonville hills J. T. Howell 10908A 1933-3-29
GH: 00424776 Amsinckia sp. USA: California Pittsburg J. T. Howell 10916 1933-3-29
GH: 00424777 Amsinckia sp. USA: California Nortonville hills J. T. Howell 10911 1933-3-29
GH: 00424778 Amsinckia sp. USA: California Nortonville hills J. T. Howell 10912 1933-3-29
GH: 00424779 Amsinckia sp. USA: California Nortonville hills J. T. Howell 10913 1933-3-29
GH: 00424780 Amsinckia sp. USA: California St. Mary's College J. T. Howell 11224A 1933-4-15
GH: 00424781 Amsinckia sp. USA: California St. Mary's College J. T. Howell 11224 1933-4-15
GH: 00424782 Amsinckia sp. USA: California St. Mary's College J. T. Howell 11225 1933-4-15
GH: 00424783 Amsinckia sp. USA: California Between Paicines and Pinnacles P.O. J. T. Howell 11068 1933-4-22
GH: 00424784 Amsinckia sp. USA: California Near San Benito J. T. Howell 11074 1933-4-22
GH: 00424786 Amsinckia sp. USA: California 10 miles nw. of Hollister J. T. Howell 11010 1933-4-22
GH: 00424788 Amsinckia sp. USA: California 1/5 miles s. of Tres Pinos J. T. Howell 11040 1933-4-22
GH: 00424789 Amsinckia sp. USA: California 10 miles nw. of Hollister J. T. Howell 11011 1933-4-22
GH: 00424813 Amsinckia sp. USA: California San Francisco: Golden Gate Park J. T. Howell 11296 1933-5-16
GH: 00424814 Amsinckia sp. USA: California San Francisco: Golden Gate Park J. T. Howell 11294 1933-5-16
GH: 00424815 Amsinckia sp. USA: California San Francisco: Golden Gate Park J. T. Howell 11297 1933-5-16
GH: 00424816 Amsinckia sp. USA: California San Francisco: Golden Gate Park J. T. Howell 11295 1933-5-16
GH: 00424835 Amsinckia sp. USA: California 7 miles nw. of Hollister J. T. Howell 11017 1933-4-22
GH: 00424836 Amsinckia sp. USA: California 7 miles nw. of Hollister J. T. Howell 11018 1933-4-22
GH: 00424837 Amsinckia sp. USA: California 7 miles nw. of Hollister J. T. Howell 11020 1933-4-22
GH: 00424838 Amsinckia sp. USA: California Between Paicines and Pinnacles P.O. J. T. Howell 11061 1933-4-22
GH: 01956912 Amsinckia spectabilis Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California San Francisco: Presidio J. T. Howell 1109 1933-5-5
GH: 01956913 Amsinckia spectabilis Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California San Francisco: Pt. Lobos J. T. Howell 11334 1933-5-24
GH: 01956914 Amsinckia spectabilis Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California San Francisco: Pt. Lobos J. T. Howell 11335 1933-5-24
GH: 01956918 Amsinckia spectabilis Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California San Francisco: Lake Merced J. T. Howell 11429 1933-7-9
GH: 01956920 Amsinckia spectabilis Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California San Francisco: Pt. Lobos J. T. Howell 11333 1933-5-24
GH: 01956921 Amsinckia spectabilis Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California San Francisco: slopes west of Sutro J. T. Howell 11331 1933-5-23
GH: 01956959 Amsinckia spectabilis Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California Cypress Point, Monterey Peninsula J. T. Howell 11606 1933-8-19
GH: 01956964 Amsinckia spectabilis Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California San Francisco: Presidio J. T. Howell 11209 1933-5-5
GH: 01957020 Amsinckia tessellata A. Gray USA: California Near San Benito J. T. Howell 11073 1933-4-22
GH: 01957021 Amsinckia tessellata A. Gray USA: California 4 miles from San Benito on road to King City J. T. Howell 11152 1933-4-23
GH: 01957022 Amsinckia tessellata A. Gray USA: California Near San Benito J. T. Howell 11079 1933-4-22
GH: 01957075 Amsinckia tessellata A. Gray USA: California Nortonville hills J. T. Howell 10914 1933-3-29
GH: 00420016 Plagiobothrys diffusus (Greene) I. M. Johnstone USA: California San Francisco: above Mountain Lake, Presidio... J. T. Howell 11223 1933-5-7
Brassicaceae GH: 00378951 Cardamine californica cuneata (Greene) Rollins USA: California The Pinnacles J. T. Howell 11110 1933-4-23
GH: 01540362 Guillenia flavescens (Hooker) Greene USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 10881 1933-3-26
GH: 01548445 Lepidium dictyotum acutidens A. Gray USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 10894 1933-3-29
Chenopodiaceae GH: 00295481 Atriplex cordulata Jepson USA: California Montezuma Hills J. T. Howell 11687 1933-9-17
GH: 01784579 Extriplex joaquinana (A. Nelson) E. H. Zacharias USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11440 1933-7-20
GH: 01785663 Suaeda nigra (Rafinesque) J. F. Macbride USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11441 1933-7-20
Convolvulaceae GH: 00369470 Calystegia purpurata (Greene) Brummitt USA: California North side of Mt. Tamalpais J. T. Howell 11197 1933-4-30
Cupressaceae A: 00356108 Cupressus sargentii Jepson USA: California Serpentine ridge, 2 miles east of Occidental J. T. Howell 10960 1933-4-2
Ericaceae A: 00015001 Arctostaphylos bakeri Eastwood USA: California Serpentine ridge, 2 miles east of Occidental... J. T. Howell 10955 1933-4-2
GH: 00015000 Arctostaphylos bakeri Eastwood USA: California Serpentine ridge, 2 miles east of Occidental... J. T. Howell 10955 1933-4-2
A: 00014999 Arctostaphylos bakeri Eastwood USA: California Serpentine ridge, 2 miles east of Occidental... J. T. Howell 10957 1933-4-2
A: 00350167 Arctostaphylos canescens sonomensis (Eastwood) J. E. Adams ex McMinn USA: California Rincon Ridge, near Santa Rosa J. T. Howell 10943 1933-4-2
A: 00350172 Arctostaphylos canescens sonomensis (Eastwood) J. E. Adams ex McMinn USA: California Rincon Ridge, near Santa Rosa J. T. Howell 10944 1933-4-2
GH: 00350173 Arctostaphylos canescens sonomensis (Eastwood) J. E. Adams ex McMinn USA: California Rincon Ridge, near Santa Rosa J. T. Howell 10942 1933-4-2
GH: 00350067 Arctostaphylos catalinae P. V. Wells USA: California 8 miles west of Santa Rosa J. T. Howell 10948 1933-4-2
GH: 00350216 Arctostaphylos crustacea Eastwood USA: California San Francisco: Lake Merced J. T. Howell 10865 1933-3-3
A: 00350273 Arctostaphylos crustacea rosei (Eastwood) McMinn USA: California Lake Merced, San Francisco J. T. Howell 10865 1933-3-3
A: 00350351 Arctostaphylos glandulosa campbelliae (Eastwood) J. E. Adams USA: California Summit of Mt. Hamilton J. T. Howell 11506 1933-8-13
A: 00350358 Arctostaphylos glandulosa cushingiana (Eastwood) J. E. Adams ex McMinn USA: California South side of Mt. Tamalpais above Mill Valle... J. T. Howell 10868 1933-3-19
A: 00350359 Arctostaphylos glandulosa cushingiana (Eastwood) J. E. Adams ex McMinn USA: California Slopes of Triniti[y] Mt., 2 miles ne. of Gle... J. T. Howell 10928 1933-4-1
GH: 00350364 Arctostaphylos glandulosa cushingiana (Eastwood) J. E. Adams ex McMinn USA: California Slopes at head of Muir Woods J. T. Howell 10866A 1933-3-19
GH: 00350366 Arctostaphylos glandulosa cushingiana (Eastwood) J. E. Adams ex McMinn USA: California South side of Mount Tamalpais, above Mill Va... J. T. Howell 10868 1933-3-19
A: 00350368 Arctostaphylos glandulosa cushingiana (Eastwood) J. E. Adams ex McMinn USA: California Slopes at head of Muir Woods J. T. Howell 10866A 1933-3-19
A: 00350546 Arctostaphylos manzanita Parry USA: California Serpentine Ridge, 2 miles east of Occidental J. T. Howell 10952 1933-4-2
GH: 00350067 Arctostaphylos sp. USA: California 8 miles west of Santa Rosa J. T. Howell 10948 1933-4-2
GH: 00350068 Arctostaphylos sp. USA: California 8 miles west of Santa Rosa J. T. Howell 10947 1933-4-2
GH: 00350069 Arctostaphylos sp. USA: California 8 miles west of Santa Rosa J. T. Howell 10950 1933-4-2
GH: 00350070 Arctostaphylos sp. USA: California 8 miles west of Santa Rosa J. T. Howell 10949 1933-4-2
GH: 00350071 Arctostaphylos sp. USA: California 8 miles west of Santa Rosa J. T. Howell 10951 1933-4-2
A: 00362314 Arctostaphylos stanfordiana hispidula (Howell) J. E. Adams USA: California 2 miles east of Occidental J. T. Howell 10953 1933-4-2
GH: 00362263 Arctostaphylos tomentosa Lindley USA: California Año Nuevo pines J. T. Howell 10987 1933-4-9
A: 00362343 Arctostaphylos tomentosa Lindley USA: California Año Nuevo pines, n. Santa Cruz Co. J. T. Howell 10987 1933-4-9
Fagaceae A: 00344838 Quercus durata Jepson USA: California Sage Canyon, Napa Range J. T. Howell 11642 1933-8-27
A: 00344921 Quercus garryana Douglas ex Hooker USA: California 2 miles from Smith Creek on road to San Jose J. T. Howell 11494 1933-8-13
A: 00343194 Quercus lobata Née USA: California 4 miles north of the Pinnacles J. T. Howell 11540 1933-8-17
Fossombroniaceae FH: 01135510 Fossombronia longiseta Austin USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 1933-5-28
Geraniaceae GH: 00363416 California macrophylla (Hooker & Arnott) Aldasoro, C. Navarro, P. Vargas, L. Sáez & Aedo USA: California Near San Benito J. T. Howell 11084 1933-4-22
GH: 00363416 Erodium macrophyllum Hooker & Arnott USA: California Near San Benito J. T. Howell 11084 1933-4-22
Hydrophyllaceae A: 00402877 Eriodictyon tomentosum Bentham USA: California 17 miles east of Jamesburg, Santa Lucia Mts. J. T. Howell 11565 1933-8-18
GH: 00401054 Phacelia ramosissima Douglas ex Lehmann USA: California Mt. Hermon, Santa Cruz Mts. J. T. Howell 11617 1933-8-19
Juncaceae GH: 02101433 Juncus compressus Jacquin Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] J. T. Howell 7688 1933-8-4
Lamiaceae GH: 00400205 Acanthomintha obovata Jepson USA: California Near Hernandez J. T. Howell 11547 1933-8-17
GH: 00400666 Monardella sinuata nigrescens Elvin & A. C. Sanders USA: California San Francisco: Lake Merced J. T. Howell 11431 1933-7-9
Lauraceae A: 00381312 Umbellularia californica (Hooker & Arnott) Nuttall USA: California Sage Canyon, Napa Range J. T. Howell 11623 1933-8-27
Malvaceae A: 00420568 Malacothamnus fasciculatus (Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray) Greene USA: California Carmel Valley, 9 miles east of Carmel J. T. Howell 11599 1933-8-19
A: 00420568 Malacothamnus involucratus (B. L. Robinson) K. Morse USA: California Carmel Valley, 9 miles east of Carmel J. T. Howell 11599 1933-8-19
A: 00420568 Malacothamnus palmeri (S. Watson) Greene USA: California Carmel Valley, 9 miles east of Carmel J. T. Howell 11599 1933-8-19
Oleaceae A: 00401092 Forestiera neo-mexicana A. Gray USA: California Canyon below Nortonville J. T. Howell 10905 1933-3-29
Orobanchaceae GH: 01877449 Castilleja latifolia Hooker & Arnott USA: California Ano Nuevo pines, n. Santa Cruz Co. J. T. Howell 10983 1933-4-9
GH: 00056153 Castilleja latifolia pinnatifida Eastwood USA: California Berkeley: Strawberry Canyon, Berkeley Hills J. T. Howell 11364 1933-5-28
GH: 00365549 Castilleja latifolia wightii (Elmer) Zeile USA: California Granada J. T. Howell 10964 1933-4-9
GH: 00056153 Castilleja wightii Elmer USA: California Berkeley: Strawberry Canyon, Berkeley Hills J. T. Howell 11364 1933-5-28
GH: 00365549 Castilleja wightii Elmer USA: California Granada J. T. Howell 10964 1933-4-9
Papaveraceae A: 00381438 Dendromecon rigida Bentham USA: California The Pinnacles J. T. Howell 11145 1933-4-23
Pinaceae A: 00357166 Pinus radiata D. Don USA: California Año Nuevo pines, n. Santa Cruz Co. J. T. Howell 10989 1933-4-9
Plantaginaceae A: 00365777 Keckiella corymbosa (Bentham) Straw USA: California Summit of Mt. Hamilton J. T. Howell 11502 1933-8-13
GH: 02002783 Penstemon breviflorus Lindley USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11579 1933-8-18
Polemoniaceae GH: 00385111 Gilia capitata chamissonis (Greene) V. E. Grant USA: California San Francisco: west of Sutro Forest J. T. Howell 11332 1933-5-23
GH: 00385207 Leptosiphon ambiguus (Rattan) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson USA: California Near Hernandez J. T. Howell 11180 1933-4-23
GH: 00385207 Linanthus ambiguus (Rattan) Greene USA: California Near Hernandez J. T. Howell 11180 1933-4-23
Polygonaceae GH: 01717469 Chorizanthe biloba immemora Reveal & Hardham USA: California Near Hernandez J. T. Howell 11551 1933-8-17
GH: 00872196 Chorizanthe clevelandii Parry USA: California Near Hernandez, San Benito Co. J. T. Howell 11552 1933-8-17
GH: 00369969 Eriogonum argillosum J. T. Howell USA: California 11 miles from Hernandez on road to San Benit... J. T. Howell 11158 1933-4-23
A: 00364117 Eriogonum fasciculatum foliolosum (Nuttall) S. Stokes ex Abrams USA: California 17 miles east of Jamesburg, Santa Lucia Mts.... J. T. Howell 11567 1933-8-18
GH: 00364369 Eriogonum latifolium decurrens S. Stokes USA: California Mt. Hermon J. T. Howell 11612 1933-8-19
GH: 00036410 Eriogonum latifolium alternans S. Stokes USA: California Carmel Valley, 9 miles east of Carmel J. T. Howell 11592 1933-8-18
GH: 00036410 Eriogonum nudum auriculatum (Bentham) Tracey ex Jepson USA: California Carmel Valley, 9 miles east of Carmel J. T. Howell 11592 1933-8-18
GH: 00364369 Eriogonum nudum decurrens (S. Stokes) M. L. Bowerman USA: California Mt. Hermon J. T. Howell 11612 1933-8-19
GH: 01966367 Eriogonum roseum Durand & Hilgard USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11695 1933-9-17
GH: 01966385 Eriogonum roseum Durand & Hilgard USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11543 1933-8-17
GH: 02043998 Eriogonum vimineum Douglas ex Bentham USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11622 1933-8-27
GH: 02007126 Polygonum patulum M. Bieberstein USA: California [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11712A 1933-10-22
Ranunculaceae GH: 01709396 Aquilegia eximia Van Houtte USA: California Sage Canyon, Napa Range J. T. Howell 11636 1933-8-27
Rhamnaceae A: 00349262 Ceanothus divergens Parry USA: California Sonoma Creek Canyon J. T. Howell 10937 1933-4-2
A: 00349263 Ceanothus divergens Parry USA: California Rincon Ridge near Santa Rosa J. T. Howell 10946 1933-4-2
A: 00349264 Ceanothus divergens Parry USA: California top of Parker Hill (N end of Parker Hill Rd.... J. T. Howell 10946 1933-4-2
A: 00349264 Ceanothus divergens confusus (J. T. Howell) Abrams USA: California top of Parker Hill (N end of Parker Hill Rd.... J. T. Howell 10946 1933-4-2
A: 00349677 Ceanothus jepsonii Greene USA: California 2 miles east of Occidental J. T. Howell 10959 1933-4-2
A: 00425247 Ceanothus sonomensis J. T. Howell USA: California Slopes of Triniti Mt., 2 miles e. of Glen El... J. T. Howell 10930 1933-4-1
A: 00425265 Ceanothus sorediatus Hooker & Arnott USA: California Near Hernandez J. T. Howell 11161 1933-4-23
Rosaceae GH: 00345636 Horkelia marinensis (Elmer) Crum USA: California sandy downs, Pt. Reyes Peninsula J. T. Howell 11703 1933-10-8
A: 00345954 Rosa californica Chamisso & Schlechtendal USA: California Chiles Valley, Napa Range J. T. Howell 11649 1933-8-27
A: 00345956 Rosa californica Chamisso & Schlechtendal USA: California Sage Canyon, Napa Range J. T. Howell 11629 1933-8-27
Rubiaceae GH: 02138572 Galium nuttallii A. Gray USA: California San Francisco: [data not captured] J. T. Howell 11438 1933-7-9
Salicaceae A: 00382408 Salix breweri Bebb USA: California Sage Canyon Napa Range J. T. Howell 11641 1933-8-27
Saxifragaceae A: 00363978 Ribes aureum gracillimum (Coville & Britton) Jepson USA: California Near Hernandez J. T. Howell 11172 1933-4-23
A: 00363978 Ribes gracillimum Coville & Britton USA: California Near Hernandez J. T. Howell 11172 1933-4-23
A: 00380356 Ribes malvaceum Smith USA: California Near Hernandez J. T. Howell 11166 1933-4-23
Solanaceae A: 00244961 Solanum umbelliferum Eschscholtz USA: California Hills east of St. Mary's College J. T. Howell 11291 1933-5-14
GH: 00267009 Solanum umbelliferum Eschscholtz USA: California Strawberry Canyon, Berkeley Hills J. T. Howell 11352 1933-5-28