Amblystegiaceae FH: 00544657 Amblystegium serpens (Linnaeus) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4681 1963-5-18
FH: 00059264 Calliergonella conardii E. Lawton USA: Wyoming Yellowstone National Park, Lost Lake E. Lawton 1821 1953-8-17
FH: 00539723 Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedwig) Spruce USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 2976 1955-7-16
FH: 00795794 Drepanocladus uncinatus (Hedwig) Warnstorf USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 3070 1955-7-26
FH: 00839284 Hygrohypnum ochraceum (Turner ex Wilson) Loeske USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5176 1963-8-25
Andreaeaceae FH: 00536275 Andreaea nivalis Hooker USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3509 1956-9-2
FH: 00536277 Andreaea nivalis Hooker USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4539 1962-9-12
FH: 00964933 Andreaea rothii F. Weber & D. Mohr USA: New Jersey Terrace Pond, NJ E. Lawton 1949-5-15
Anthocerotaceae FH: 00495146 Anthoceros punctatus Linnaeus USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5801 1967-6-29
Aulacomniaceae FH: 00520018 Aulacomnium androgynum (Hedwig) Schwägrichen USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 2342 1954-7-16
FH: 00964937 Aulacomnium heterostichum (Hedwig) Bruch & Schimper USA: New Jersey Netcong, NJ E. Lawton 1950-5-7
FH: 00520710 Aulacomnium palustre (Hedwig) Schwägrichen USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 2854 1955-7-4
Aytoniaceae FH: 00495187 Asterella ludwigii (Schwägrichen) Underwood ex Frye & L. Clark USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 2651 1955-6-15
FH: 00508308 Plagiochasma wrightii Sullivant USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 2674 1955-6-16
Bartramiaceae FH: 00536219 Anacolia menziesii (Taylor) Paris USA: Oregon [data not captured] E. Lawton 3379 1956-8-12
FH: 00516728 Bartramia ithyphylla Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3732 1960-9-6
FH: 00787129 Bartramia pomiformis Hedwig USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4315 1962-8-1
FH: 00824900 Philonotis fontana (Hedwig) Bridel USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 2818 1955-7-2
FH: 00304385 Philonotis fontana pumila (Turner) Bridel USA: Oregon [data not captured] E. Lawton 4419 1962-6-25
Brachytheciaceae FH: 00787528 Brachythecium asperrimum (Mitten ex Müller Halle) Sullivant USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5482 1964-10-4
FH: 00787663 Brachythecium frigidum (Müller Halle) Bescherelle USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3680 1960-7-19
FH: 00625802 Bryhnia stokesii (Turner) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5755 1967-2-4
FH: 00981782 Camptothecium megaptilum Sullivant USA: Washington Olympic Peninsula, trail from Olympic Hot Sp... E. Lawton 2545 1954-8-20
FH: 00837603 Homalothecium aureum (Spruce) H. Robinson USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 3062 1955-7-25
FH: 00837722 Homalothecium aureum (Spruce) H. Robinson USA: Oregon [data not captured] E. Lawton 4486 1962-8-26
FH: 00837729 Homalothecium aureum (Spruce) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3950 1962-7-9
FH: 00837846 Homalothecium lutescens (Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 2431b 1954-7-26
FH: 00837905 Homalothecium megaptilum (Sullivant) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4893 1963-7-7
FH: 00981782 Homalothecium megaptilum (Sullivant) H. Robinson USA: Washington Olympic Peninsula, trail from Olympic Hot Sp... E. Lawton 2545 1954-8-20
FH: 01091140 Homalothecium nuttalii (Wilson) A. Jaeger USA: Washington NW of Bremerton, off hwy 21; Shellbanks E. Lawton 2435b 1954-8-6
FH: 00885492 Scleropodium obtusifolium (Mitten) Kindberg USA: Oregon [data not captured] E. Lawton 3409 1956-8-14
Bryaceae FH: 00798193 Bryum bicolor Dickson USA: Washington Seattle: [data not captured] E. Lawton 5860 1978-4-3
FH: 00799067 Bryum miniatum Lesquereux USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3697 1960-8-26
FH: 00799296 Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedwig) Gaertner USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5696b 1966-8-14
FH: 00996334 Bryum sandbergii Holzinger USA: Washington Lake Kachess E. Lawton 2409 1954-7-21
FH: 00799717 Bryum weigelii Sprengel USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5697 1966-8-14
FH: 00845608 Mniobryum longibracteatum (V. F. Brotherus) V. F. Brotherus USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5754 1967-2-4
FH: 00850978 Pohlia cardotii (Renauld) Brotherus USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4973 1963-8-20
Catoscopiaceae FH: 00514761 Catoscopium nigritum (Hedwig) Bridel Canada: Alberta [data not captured] E. Lawton 1425 1951-8-24
Conocephalaceae FH: 00497390 Conocephalum conicum (Linnaeus) Underwood USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3648b 1960-6-19
Cryphaeaceae FH: 00540236 Dendroalsia abietina (Hooker) E. Britton ex Brotherus USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3708 1960-8-26
Dicranaceae FH: 00540759 Dichodontium olympicum Renauld & Cardot USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5213 1963-8-29
FH: 00540812 Dichodontium pellucidum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3699 1960-8-26
FH: 00541440 Dicranella subulata (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5633 1966-7-12
FH: 00541514 Dicranodontium denudatum (Bridel) E. Britton USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4501 1962-9-12
FH: 00791862 Dicranum scoparium Hedwig USA: Oregon [data not captured] E. Lawton 3416 1956-8-14
FH: 00791877 Dicranum scoparium Hedwig USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3701 1960-8-26
FH: 00842817 Kiaeria falcata I. Hagen USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5051 1963-8-22
FH: 00842867 Kiaeria starkei (F. Weber & D. Mohr) I. Hagen USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3508 1956
FH: 00842869 Kiaeria starkei (F. Weber & D. Mohr) I. Hagen USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4256 1962-7-30
Ditrichaceae FH: 00793344 Distichium capillaceum (Hedwig) Bruch & Schimper USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 1955-6-14
FH: 00793525 Ditrichum heteromallum (Hedwig) E. Britton USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4305 1962-8-1
FH: 00793516 Ditrichum montanum Leiberg USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5737 1966-8-15
FH: 00964962 Ditrichum pallidum (Hedwig) Hampe USA: New York Arden, N.Y. E. Lawton 1950-5-21
Encalyptaceae FH: 00796118 Encalypta affinis R. Hedwig Canada: Alberta [data not captured] E. Lawton 1392 1951-8-24
FH: 00981149 Encalypta rhaptocarpa Schwägrichen Canada: Alberta Jasper Park, 4 mi. north of Chalet on Jasper... E. Lawton 1371 1951-8-23
FH: 00796487 Encalypta vulgaris mutica Bridel USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 2947 1955-7-14
Entodontaceae FH: 00850360 Pleurozium schreberi (Willdenow ex Bridel) Mitten USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5784 1967-6-10
FH: 00919860 Pterigynandrum filiforme Hedwig USA: Wyoming [data not captured] E. Lawton 1892 1953-8-18
Fontinalaceae FH: 02160308 Fontinalis antipyretica gigantea (Sullivant) Sullivant USA: New York Arden, New York E. Lawton 1950-5-21
FH: 02160308 Fontinalis gigantea Sullivant USA: New York Arden, New York E. Lawton 1950-5-21
FH: 02160305 Fontinalis novae-angliae Sullivant USA: New York Arden, New York E. Lawton 1950-5-21
Fossombroniaceae FH: 00497750 Fossombronia dumortieri (Huebener & Genth) Lindberg USA: Oregon [data not captured] E. Lawton 3357 1956-8-10
Frullaniaceae FH: 00498149 Frullania californica (Austin ex Underwood) A. W. Evans USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3706 1960-8-26
FH: 02160300 Frullania eboracensis Lehmann USA: New Jersey Lakewood E. Lawton 1949-11-6
FH: 00498778 Frullania tamarisci nisquallensis (Sullivant) S. Hattori USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5579 1965-4-4
FH: 00498779 Frullania tamarisci nisquallensis (Sullivant) S. Hattori USA: Oregon [data not captured] E. Lawton 3373 1956
Geocalycaceae FH: 00496948 Chiloscyphus pallescens (Ehrhart ex Hoffmann) Dumortier USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 2769 1955-6-28
Grimmiaceae FH: 00539423 Coscinodon calyptratus (Drummond) C. E. O. Jensen USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 3007 1955-7-20
FH: 00487710 Grimmia anodon Bruch & Schimper USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 3033 1955-7-23
FH: 00487662 Grimmia anomala Hampe ex Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3329 1956-7-14
FH: 00545375 Grimmia incurva Schwägrichen USA: South Dakota [data not captured] E. Lawton 1095 1951-7-14
FH: 00487720 Grimmia laevigata (Bridel) Bridel USA: Minnesota [data not captured] E. Lawton 1593 1952-6-30
FH: 00557792 Grimmia ovalis (Hedwig) Lindberg USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 2910 1955-7-8
FH: 00780488 Grimmia ovalis (Hedwig) Lindberg USA: South Dakota [data not captured] E. Lawton 1951-7-14
FH: 00487956 Grimmia plagiopoda Hedwig USA: South Dakota [data not captured] E. Lawton 1170 1951-7-15
FH: 00557921 Grimmia reflexidens Müller Halle USA: Montana [data not captured] E. Lawton 2157 1953-8-27
FH: 00557978 Grimmia torquata Drummond USA: California [data not captured] E. Lawton 3152 1955-7-31
FH: 01091053 Grimmia torquata Drummond USA: Washington Silver Springs, near Mt. Rainier Park E. Lawton 242la 1954-7-26
FH: 01091082 Hedwigia ciliata (Hedwig) P. Beauvois USA: Vermont Milton: Cobble Hill E. Lawton L-24 1961-8-15
FH: 00623535 Racomitrium aciculare (Hedwig) Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3903 1962-5-5
FH: 00902137 Racomitrium heterostichum sudeticum (Funck) E. Bauer USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4193 1962-7-28
FH: 00902138 Racomitrium heterostichum sudeticum (Funck) E. Bauer USA: Oregon [data not captured] E. Lawton 3217 1955-8-7
FH: 00902443 Racomitrium patens (Dickson ex Hedwig) Huebener USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3811 1961-9-22
FH: 00902471 Racomitrium varium (Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Oregon [data not captured] E. Lawton 3417 1956-8-14
FH: 00899677 Schistidium apocarpum (Hedwig) Bruch & Schimper USA: South Dakota [data not captured] E. Lawton 1142 1951-7-15
FH: 00921059 Scouleria aquatica Hooker USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3693 1960-8-26
FH: 00921010 Scouleria marginata E. Britton USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5100 1963-8-24
Gyrothyraceae FH: 00498955 Gyrothyra underwoodiana M. Howe USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3574 1959-8-6
FH: 01091057 Gyrothyra underwoodiana M. Howe USA: Washington near Mt. Rainier, Cayuse Pass near Dewey Cre... E. Lawton 2427 1954-7-26
Hylocomiaceae FH: 00995965 Hylocomium splendens (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska Mt. McKinley National Park E. Lawton 1959-9
Hypnaceae FH: 00964969 Herzogiella striatella (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki : E. Lawton 1949-10-30
FH: 00842453 Isopterygium piliferum (Swartz) Loeske USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4160 1962-7-28
Jungermanniaceae FH: 00495457 Barbilophozia lycopodioides (Wallroth) Loeske Canada: Alberta Banff: [data not captured] E. Lawton 1296 1951-8-22
FH: 00508754 Plectocolea crenulata (Mitten) A. Evans USA: Oregon [data not captured] E. Lawton 3366 1956-8-10
Lembophyllaceae FH: 00842714 Isothecium stoloniferum Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3709 1960-8-26
Leskeaceae FH: 00843703 Lescuraea atricha (Kindberg) E. Lawton USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3506 1956-9-2
FH: 00843706 Lescuraea baileyi (Best & Grout) E. Lawton USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4533 1962-9-12
FH: 00843732 Lescuraea incurvata (Hedwig) E. Lawton USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4109 1962-7-27
FH: 00843759 Lescuraea incurvata gigantea E. Lawton USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 2540 1954-8-19
FH: 00843711 Lescuraea patens Lindberg USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4832 1963-7-6
FH: 00843796 Lescuraea radicosa (Mitten) Mönkemeyer USA: Wyoming [data not captured] E. Lawton 1745 1963-8-13
FH: 00843807 Lescuraea radicosa (Mitten) Mönkemeyer USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4254 1962-7-30
FH: 01091528 Lescuraea radicosa (Mitten) Mönkemeyer USA: Washington Olympic Peninsula, Trail from Olympic Hot Sp... E. Lawton 2590 1954-8-20
FH: 00843780 Lescuraea stenophylla (Renauld & Cardot) Kindberg USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3760 1960-10-1
FH: 01091515 Pseudoleskea radicosa (Mitten) Macoun & Kindberg USA: Wyoming Bear Tooth Creek near Bear Tooth Butte E. Lawton 1953-8-20
Leucodontaceae FH: 00537855 Antitrichia californica Sullivant ex Lesquereux USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3587 1960-4-30
Marchantiaceae FH: 00506643 Marchantia polymorpha Linnaeus USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 3109 1955-7-27
Metzgeriaceae FH: 00507337 Metzgeria conjugata Lindberg USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5070 1963-8-22
Mniaceae FH: 00848476 Plagiomnium insigne (Mitten) T. J. Koponen USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5762 1967-4-8
FH: 00848652 Plagiomnium venustum (Mitten) T. J. Koponen USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3647 1960-6-19
FH: 00902859 Rhizomnium glabrescens (Kindberg) T. J. Koponen USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5586 1965-4-4
Neckeraceae FH: 00919387 Porothamnium bigelovii (Sullivant) M. Fleischer USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3764 1960-10-22
Orthotrichaceae FH: 00544831 Amphidium californicum (Hampe ex Müller Halle) Brotherus USA: California [data not captured] E. Lawton 3153 1955-8-1
FH: 00544837 Amphidium californicum (Hampe ex Müller Halle) Brotherus USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3696 1960-8-26
FH: 00544905 Amphidium lapponicum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 2635 1955-6-14
FH: 00996931 Orthotrichum alpestre majus Lesquereux & James USA: Nevada Snake Mountains, Nevada National Forest, Sna... E. Lawton 2876 1955-7-5
FH: 00996930 Orthotrichum alpestre watsonii (James) Grout USA: Nevada Santa Rosa Mountains, Humboldt National Fore... E. Lawton 2620 1955-6-11
FH: 00996931 Orthotrichum alpestre occidentale (James) Grout USA: Nevada Snake Mountains, Nevada National Forest, Sna... E. Lawton 2876 1955-7-5
FH: 00825935 Orthotrichum cupulatum jamesianum (Sullivant) E. Lawton Canada: Alberta [data not captured] E. Lawton 1377 1951-8-23
FH: 00824016 Orthotrichum laevigatum J. E. Zetterstedt USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 3044 1955-7-25
FH: 00996929 Orthotrichum laevigatum J. E. Zetterstedt USA: Montana Glacier National Park, 10 mi. iknside park f... E. Lawton 1230 1951-8-19
FH: 00549991 Orthotrichum lyellii Hooker & Taylor USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3780 1961-6-14
FH: 01091719 Orthotrichum pulchellum Brunton USA: Washington between Cottage Lake and Duvall, about 3 mi.... E. Lawton 2360 1954-7-21
FH: 00898334 Orthotrichum rivulare Turner USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5187 1963-8-26
FH: 00456041 Orthotrichum speciosum Nees USA: California [data not captured] E. Lawton 3128 1955-7-29
FH: 00780821 Orthotrichum striatum Hedwig USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton
FH: 01147348 Ulota obtusiuscula Müller (of Halle) & Kindberg USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5638 1966-7-12
FH: 00995834 Ulota obtusiuscula Müller (of Halle) & Kindberg USA: Washington Olympic Peninsula, Hoh River E. Lawton 2488 1954-8-17
Pelliaceae FH: 00508251 Pellia neesiana (Gottsche) Limpricht USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3605 1960-5-21
Plagiotheciaceae FH: 00964969 Plagiothecium striatellum (Bridel) Lindberg : E. Lawton 1949-10-30
FH: 00849363 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 2380 1954-7-21
Polytrichaceae FH: 00825082 Oligotrichum aligerum Mitten USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 1966-8-11
FH: 00918717 Polytrichum juniperinum Hedwig USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3799 1961-6-19
FH: 00965270 Polytrichum juniperinum Hedwig USA: New Jersey Netcong, N.J. E. Lawton 1950-5-7
Porellaceae FH: 00506310 Madotheca roellii (Stephani) Stephani USA: Oregon [data not captured] E. Lawton 3421 1956-8-15
FH: 02160296 Porella pinnata Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Netcong, N.J. E. Lawton
FH: 02160296 Porella platyphylloidea (Schweinitz) Lindberg USA: New Jersey Netcong, N.J. E. Lawton
Pottiaceae FH: 00516450 Barbula unguiculata Hedwig USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3900 1962-5-5
FH: 00516466 Barbula vinealis Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5640 1966-7-12
FH: 00540263 Desmatodon coloradensis Grout USA: South Dakota [data not captured] E. Lawton 1122 1951-7-15
FH: 00540436 Desmatodon latifolius (Hedwig) Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4087 1962-7-25
FH: 00792577 Didymodon fallax (Hedwig) R. H. Zander USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] E. Lawton 1953-9-5
FH: 00792731 Didymodon tophaceus (Bridel) Lisa USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5126 1963-8-24
FH: 00845356 Merceya latifolia Kindberg USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 2973 1955-7-16
FH: 01132293 Syntrichia latifolia (Bruch ex Hartman) Huebener USA: Washington Seattle: [data not captured] E. Lawton 4561 1963-1-25
FH: 01136059 Tortula ruralis hirsuta (Venturi) Paris USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 4088 1962-7-26
FH: 01136060 Tortula ruralis hirsuta (Venturi) Paris USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 3017 1955-7-21
Pterobryaceae FH: 00847159 Neckeradelphus menziesii (Drummond) Steere USA: South Dakota [data not captured] E. Lawton 2200 1953-8-30
Ptilidiaceae FH: 01091288 Ptilidium californicum (Austin) Pearson USA: Washington Kachess Lake E. Lawton 2404 1954-7-21
Ptychomitriaceae FH: 00920317 Ptychomitrium gardneri Lesquereux USA: Oregon [data not captured] E. Lawton 3412 1956-8-14
Rhytidiaceae FH: 00780853 Rhytidiopsis robusta (Hooker) Brotherus USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 5606 1965-8-11
Ricciaceae FH: 01091238 Riccia sorocarpa Bischoff USA: Nevada Ruby Mountains, Humboldt National Forest, An... E. Lawton 2683 1955-6-18
Scapaniaceae FH: 00510729 Scapania bolanderi americana (Müller Freib.) Frye & L. Clark USA: Oregon [data not captured] E. Lawton 3418 1956-8-14
FH: 00511180 Scapania nemorosa Dumortier USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3677 1960-7-19
Seligeriaceae FH: 00787318 Blindia acuta (Hedwig) Bruch & Schimper USA: Oregon [data not captured] E. Lawton 3380 1956
Splachnaceae FH: 00838401 Hookeria lucens (Hedwig) Swartz USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 3908 1962-6-13
Theliaceae FH: 00964992 Thelia asprella (Schimper) Sullivant USA: New York Southfields, New York E. Lawton 1949-9-3
Thuidiaceae FH: 00537596 Anomodon rostratus (Hedwig) Schimper USA: South Dakota [data not captured] E. Lawton 2177 1953-8-29
FH: 00836797 Helodium blandowii (F. Weber & D. Mohr) Warnstorf USA: Nevada [data not captured] E. Lawton 3068 1955-7-26
Timmiaceae FH: 00995597 Timmia bavarica Hessler USA: Nevada Snake Mountains, Nevada National Forest, Sna... E. Lawton 2882 1955-7-5