Plagiotheciaceae FH: 00060291 Catagonium myurum Cardot & Thériot Chile: Punta Arenas R. Thaxter 135 1906-2
FH: 00060292 Catagonium myurum Cardot & Thériot Chile: Punta Arenas R. Thaxter 203 1905
FH: 00060293 Catagonium myurum Cardot & Thériot Chile: Punta Arenas R. Thaxter 203 1905
FH: 00060294 Catagonium myurum Cardot & Thériot Chile: Punta Arenas R. Thaxter 203 1905
FH: 00060290 Catagonium myurum Cardot & Thériot Chile: Punta Arenas R. Thaxter 135 1906-2
FH: 00797095 Entodontopsis leucostega (Bridel) W. R. Buck & Ireland Mexico: Oaxaca [data not captured] J. Vera Santos 3843 1944-12-9
FH: 00797096 Entodontopsis leucostega (Bridel) W. R. Buck & Ireland Mexico: Yucatán [data not captured] W. C. Steere 1703 1932-6-30
FH: 00797097 Entodontopsis leucostega (Bridel) W. R. Buck & Ireland Mexico: Yucatán [data not captured] W. C. Steere 1639 1932-6-29
FH: 00797098 Entodontopsis leucostega (Bridel) W. R. Buck & Ireland Mexico: Quintana Roo Lake Chichancanab (Laguna Chan-kabnab) W. C. Steere 2375 1932-7-28
FH: 00797099 Entodontopsis leucostega (Bridel) W. R. Buck & Ireland Mexico: Quintana Roo Lake Chichancanab (Laguna Chan-kabnab) W. C. Steere 2476 1932-7-28
FH: 00797100 Entodontopsis leucostega (Bridel) W. R. Buck & Ireland Mexico: Yucatán [data not captured] W. C. Steere 2214 1932-7-26
FH: 00797093 Entodontopsis nitens (Mitten) W. R. Buck & Ireland Mexico: Veracruz [data not captured] J. Vera Santos 3955 1944-12-22
FH: 00060640 Entodontopsis rhabdodonta Cardot Mexico: Jalisco Atzatlan, 7000 feet. C. G. Pringle 15221 1908-10-6
FH: 00060641 Entodontopsis rhabdodonta Cardot Mexico: Jalisco Atzatlan, 7000 feet. C. G. Pringle 15221 1908-10-6
FH: 00797094 Entodontopsis rhabdodonta Cardot Mexico: México [data not captured] B. C. Tan 95-154 1995-8-12
FH: 01091457 Entodontopsis rhabdodonta Cardot Mexico: Jalisco state of jalisco C. R. Barnes & W. J. G. Land 252 1908
FH: 00842211 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 11483 1968-7-7
FH: 00842212 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 13068 1970-7-14
FH: 00842213 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 14497 1970-8-14
FH: 00842214 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] G. Bellolio & R. R. Ireland 18143 1978-8-31
FH: 00842215 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. F. Collins 4588a 1906-8-15
FH: 00842216 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. F. Collins 4589c 1906-8-15
FH: 00842217 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province Bic: [data not captured] J. F. Collins 5185 1907-7-29
FH: 00842218 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 17483 1974-7-16
FH: 00842219 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 17160 1974-7-7
FH: 00842220 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador Newfoundland Island: [data not captured] A. C. Waghorne 1895-7-27
FH: 00842221 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: New Brunswick Campobello Island: [data not captured] [no data available] 1902-7
FH: 00842222 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] F. J. Hermann 15779 1959-8-18
FH: 00842223 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. F. Collins 4588-A 1906-8-15
FH: 00842224 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province Bic: [data not captured] J. F. Collins 5185 1907-7
FH: 00842225 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. F. Collins 4589-C 1906-8-15
FH: 00842226 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 1886-8-4
FH: 00842243 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Ontario Parry Sound District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 23913 1989-9-6
FH: 00842244 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Ontario Parry Sound District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 24082 1989-9-9
FH: 00842246 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Ontario [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 22000 1986-7-23
FH: 00842247 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Ontario Parry Sound District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 23004 1987-7-25
FH: 00842248 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Ontario Algoma District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 14757 1971-8-3
FH: 00842227 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] [no data available] 1903-9
FH: 00842228 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New Hampshire Plymouth: [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1898-6-14
FH: 00842229 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New Hampshire Woodstock: [data not captured] N. L. Cleavitt 1050 1995-7-13
FH: 00842230 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New Hampshire Plymouth: [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1898-4-1
FH: 00842231 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Vermont Newfane: [no additional data] A. J. Grout 1900-7-4
FH: 00842232 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New Hampshire Wilton: [no additional data] E. W. Thompson 1935-10-27
FH: 00842233 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] [data not captured]
FH: 00842234 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Vermont Windsor: [data not captured] N. G. Miller 7896 1975-10-19
FH: 00842235 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Massachusetts Cheshire: [data not captured] A. M. Small 1897-10
FH: 00842236 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New York [data not captured] B. D. Gilbert 1905-8-3
FH: 00842237 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Massachusetts Warwick: [no additional data] E. W. Thompson 1934-5-22
FH: 00842238 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Massachusetts South Sutton: [data not captured] E. W. Thompson 1934-8-18
FH: 00842239 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Massachusetts Petersham: [data not captured] N. G. Miller 8821 1980-10-7
FH: 00842240 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: North Carolina [data not captured] W. B. Schofield 9566 1958-8-7
FH: 00842241 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: North Carolina [data not captured] L. E. Anderson 4196 1936-6-21
FH: 00842242 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Massachusetts Rowe: [data not captured] [no data available] 1996-11-22
FH: 00842245 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Michigan [data not captured] W. C. Steere 1935-9
NEBC: 01144324 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge. Clear Pond. E. B. Chamberlain 3349 1906-7-7
FH: 00996529 Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimper) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New Hampshire under side of boulder near brook crossing on... E. P. Hutchinson 1945-10
FH: 00996009 Isopterygiopsis pulchella (Hedwig) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: British Columbia Wolf Lake Trail, Salmo dist. F. A. MacFadden 16873 1935-7-23
FH: 00842250 Isopterygiopsis pulchella (Hedwig) Z. Iwatsuki Mexico: [data not captured] C. A. Purpus 1908-9
FH: 00842249 Isopterygiopsis pulchella (Hedwig) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Arizona [data not captured] E. B. Bartram 600 1923-2-13
FH: 01142696 Isopterygiopsis pulchella (Hedwig) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Vermont Willoughby: [no additional data] [no data available] 1905-6-9
FH: 00996014 Isopterygiopsis pulchella (Hedwig) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Alaska Port San Juan, Evans Island W. J. Eyerdam 5053 1948-6-20
FH: 00220115 Pilosium serrulatum R. S. Williams Haiti: Nord Vicinity of St. Michel de l'Atalaye E. C. Leonard 7248 1925-11-20
FH: 00213384 Plagiothecium anderssonii Angstrom : Hawaii N. J. Andersson 1852-6
FH: 00220138 Plagiothecium brevipungens Kindberg Canada: Ontario Ottawa: McKay's Woods J. Macoun 99 1885-5-21
FH: 00848840 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 13448 1970-7-21
FH: 00848841 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 12999 1970-7-13
FH: 00848842 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 12756 1970-7-9
FH: 00848843 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 17175 1974-7-10
FH: 00848844 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Nova Scotia Pictou: [data not captured] A. H. McKay 1976-9-23
FH: 00848845 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province Bic: [data not captured] J. F. Collins 5050-A 1907-7-15
FH: 00848846 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador Newfoundland Island: [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & K. M. Wiegand E. B... 6524 1911-7-18
FH: 00848847 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: New Brunswick Campobello Island: [no additional data] [no data available] 1898-9
FH: 00848848 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] G. Bellolio & R. R. Ireland 18112 1978-8-31
FH: 00848849 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador Newfoundland Island: [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & K. M. Wiegand E. B... 6524 1911-7-18
FH: 00848850 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province Bic: [data not captured] J. F. Collins 5050A 1907-7-15
FH: 00848851 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. F. Collins 4382 1906-8-6
FH: 00848852 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province Bic: [data not captured] J. F. Collins 4917 1907-7-8
FH: 00848853 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] F. H. Dupret 1910-8-8
FH: 00848855 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador Newfoundland Island: [data not captured] A. C. Waghorne 1895-7-23
FH: 00848856 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador Newfoundland Island: [data not captured] A. C. Waghorne 1891-9-24
FH: 00848857 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province Bic: [data not captured] J. F. Collins 4917 1907-7-8
FH: 00848858 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. F. Collins 4382 1906-8-6
FH: 00848859 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. F. Collins & M. L. Fernald 3208 1904-7-12
FH: 00848860 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Prince Edward Island [no additional data] [no data available] 1888
FH: 00848919 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Yukon Territory [data not captured] J. Macoun 1902-8-11
FH: 00848920 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Ontario [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 22933 1987-7-24
FH: 00848921 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Ontario [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 23059 1987-7-26
FH: 00848922 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Ontario Parry Sound District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 24247 1989-9-12
FH: 00848923 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] [no data available] 1889-5-17
FH: 00848925 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] J. Macoun 1889-8-10
FH: 00848926 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Ontario [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 15877 1972-6-1
FH: 00848927 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Ontario [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 22003 1986-7-12
FH: 00848928 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Ontario [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 20368 1982-7-13
FH: 00848929 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Ontario [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 20037 1982-7-6
FH: 00848930 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Ontario Nipissing District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland, T. J. Koponen & S. ... 15729 1971-10-19
FH: 00848938 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 14464 1970-8-14
FH: 00848939 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Ontario Algoma District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 14891 1971-8-5
FH: 00848940 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] C. B. Robinson 1903-7-17
FH: 00848941 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] C. B. Robinson 1903-7-17
FH: 00848918 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: Ontario Parry Sound District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 23109 1987-7-27
FH: 00848924 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki Canada: [data not captured] [no data available] 1888
FH: 00848854 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Maine [data not captured] R. M. King & R. M. Garvey B945 2005-10-14
FH: 00848861 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Maine Cornish: [no additional data] M. L. Fernald 246 1891-7-21
FH: 00848862 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Maine Camden: [no additional data] G. K. Merrill 1918-9-28
FH: 00848863 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Maine Hebron: [no additional data] J. A. Allen 1878-7
NEBC: 00848864 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Maine Cornish: [no additional data] M. L. Fernald 1891-7-22
NEBC: 00848865 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Maine Cornish: [no additional data] M. L. Fernald 1891-7-21
NEBC: 00848866 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Maine Cornish: [no additional data] M. L. Fernald 1891-7-21
FH: 00848867 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Maine Cornish: [no additional data] M. L. Fernald 1891-7-21
FH: 00848868 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Vermont Newfane: [no additional data] [no data available] 1927-8-30
FH: 00848869 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Vermont Mount Mansfield: [no additional data] A. J. Grout 1906-7-8
FH: 00848870 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Vermont Newfane: [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1913-7-8
FH: 00848871 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Vermont Rutland: [no additional data] G. L. Kirk 1921-9-10
FH: 00848872 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Vermont Manchester (Vermont): [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1904-8-30
FH: 00848873 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Vermont Mount Mansfield: [no additional data] A. J. Grout 1906-8-8
FH: 00848874 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New Hampshire Barrington: [data not captured] N. L. Cleavitt 925 1995-3-22
FH: 00848875 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Vermont Montgomery: [data not captured] B. C. Tan 90-10-6 1990-7-22
FH: 00848876 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Vermont [data not captured] [no data available] 1901-5-27
FH: 00848877 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Vermont [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1898-7-1
FH: 00848878 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Massachusetts Brookfield: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-10-13
FH: 00848879 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Massachusetts Holden: [no additional data] R. L. Lowe 1914-12-3
FH: 00848880 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] N. G. Miller 8441 1978-9-23
FH: 00848881 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] S. Cooper-Ellis 1993-7-14
FH: 00848882 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Massachusetts Canton: [data not captured] G. G. Kennedy 1905-4-14
FH: 00848883 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Connecticut East Haven: [no additional data] J. A. Allen 1979-6-22
FH: 00848884 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Massachusetts Amesbury: [no additional data] J. W. Huntington 1901-10-31
FH: 00848885 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] M. S. G. Lincoln BH84 2002
FH: 00848897 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New York [data not captured] S. J. Smith W. V. Glider 43190 1968-9-4
FH: 00848898 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] E. B. Bartram 357 1919-6-30
FH: 00848899 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New York [data not captured] E. J. Winslow 1908-6-6
FH: 00848900 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New York [data not captured] L. M. Underwood 1884-7
FH: 00848901 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1895-11-25
FH: 00848902 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] B. H. Allen 16093 1994-7-21
FH: 00848903 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New York [data not captured] B. C. Tan S. CooperEllis 94-179 1994-9-10
FH: 00848904 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New York Clayville: [data not captured] B. D. Gilbert 1903-7-25
FH: 00848905 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] J. M. Holzinger 1901-7-12
FH: 00848906 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] E. B. Bartram 951 1922-9-19
FH: 00848907 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] E. B. Bartram 588 1921-5-22
FH: 00848908 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] D. A. Burnett 1894-8-4
FH: 00848909 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: District of Columbia [data not captured] J. M. Holzinger 324 1894
FH: 00848910 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Virginia [data not captured] E. C. Leonard 17772 1937-8-5
FH: 00848911 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: West Virginia [data not captured] F. W. Gray M738 1927-11-23
FH: 00848912 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: North Carolina [data not captured] L. E. Anderson 23,659 1980-6-1
FH: 00848913 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: West Virginia [data not captured] F. W. Gray 1927-11-23
FH: 00848914 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: West Virginia [data not captured] F. W. Gray 1928
FH: 00848915 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: West Virginia [data not captured] F. W. Gray 1927-12-14
FH: 00848916 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: North Carolina [data not captured] P. L. Redfearn, Jr. Alice Redfearn 36273 1990-5-6
FH: 00848917 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: North Carolina [no additional data] [no data available] 1881-5
FH: 00848931 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll
FH: 00848932 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll 1888
FH: 00848933 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Illinois [data not captured] C. H. Demetrio 1894
FH: 00848934 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Minnesota [data not captured] J. M. Holzinger 1901-5-6
FH: 00848935 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] J. M. Holzinger 1900-10-20
FH: 00848936 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Indiana [data not captured] W. H. Welch 10463 1938
FH: 00848937 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Alaska [data not captured] K. Stephens 362 1907-7-22
FH: 00848942 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: North Carolina [data not captured] L. E. Anderson 20,910 1970-7-2
NEBC: 00897428 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Maine Vassalboro: [no additional data] E. B. Chamberlain 1064 1902
FH: 00996052 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Vermont Windsor: Quechee Gorge, below junction of Rt... A. M. M. Reid Q-31 1975-10-25
FH: 00996053 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Vermont Windsor: Quechee Gorge, below junction of Rt... A. M. M. Reid Q-36a 1975-10-25
FH: 00996134 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: New Hampshire Temple: no additional information [data not captured] NR0008 1963-11-15
FH: 00996150 Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: California Lagunitas, S. Taylor Park, Pioneer Tree Trai... [no data available] 1964-8-8
FH: 00996603 Plagiothecium curvifolium Schliephacke ex Limpricht USA: Idaho base of trees, above cemetary, Atlanta, Bois... F. A. MacFadden 1942-9-22
FH: 00996667 Plagiothecium curvifolium Schliephacke ex Limpricht USA: New Hampshire Temple: on wood, base of tree [data not captured] NR0008 1961
FH: 00849121 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper : North America (CA, US, MX): [no additional d... [no data available]
FH: 00849122 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper : North America (CA, US, MX): [no additional d... [no data available]
FH: 00849131 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper : North America (CA, US, MX): [no additional d... T. J. Howell
FH: 00220151 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Bernard Inlet J. Macoun 107 1889-4-27
FH: 00220152 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Bernard Inlet J. Macoun 107 1889-4-27
FH: 00848943 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador [data not captured] A. C. Waghorne 1892-8-18
FH: 00848944 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador Newfoundland Island: [data not captured] B. H. Long 256 1925-7-28
FH: 00848945 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 16969 1974-7-3
FH: 00848946 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador [data not captured] M. L. Wickes 1938-7-20
FH: 00848947 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Quebec Province Outaouais (Quebec): Hull. Vicinity of Ottawa... Fr. Rolland-Germain 1917-6
FH: 00848948 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] F. J. Hermann 22259 1967-10-9
FH: 00848949 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Prince Edward Island 6 miles northeast of Summerville R. R. Ireland 13959 1970-7-30
FH: 00848950 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 17849 1974-7-27
FH: 00848951 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 21378 1983-7-21
FH: 00848952 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Quebec Province Montréal, Agglomération de (Quebec): [data... F. H. Dupret 1910-7-5
FH: 00848953 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] F. H. Dupret 1910-7-20
FH: 00848954 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. F. Collins 4640-D 1906-8-15
FH: 00848955 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. F. Collins 4204b 1906-7-28
FH: 00848956 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. F. Collins 4486 1906-8-10
FH: 00848957 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. F. Collins 4486 1906-8-10
FH: 00849103 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario Parry Sound District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 23021 1987-7-25
FH: 00849104 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario Parry Sound District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 23078 1987-7-26
FH: 00849105 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario [data not captured] E. A. Moxley 1937-7-31
FH: 00849106 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario Parry Sound District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 23098 1987-7-26
FH: 00849107 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario Algoma District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 14819 1971-8-3
FH: 00849108 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario Algonquin Provincial Park: [no additional da... J. Macoun 1900-6-8
FH: 00849109 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario Nipissing District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland, T. J. Koponen & S. ... 15769 1971-10-19
FH: 00849110 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario Ottawa: [no additional data] [no data available] 1892-9-16
FH: 00849111 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: [no additional data] [no data available]
FH: 00849112 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario Algoma District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 15054 1971-8-8
FH: 00849113 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario Parry Sound District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 24104 1989-9-9
FH: 00849114 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 22012 1986-7-23
FH: 00849115 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 23876 1989-9-5
FH: 00849116 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario Parry Sound District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 20662 1982-7-20
FH: 00849117 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario Ottawa: [data not captured] L. M. Ley 939 1988-9-5
FH: 00849118 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario Parry Sound District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 23008 1987-7-25
FH: 00849150 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] C. C. Kingman 1911-5-21
FH: 00849151 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] A. H. Brinkman 1908-7-10
FH: 00849152 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] R. R. Ireland & G. Bellolio 18226 1977-7-19
FH: 00849154 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] D. S. Correll 11838 1943-6-17
FH: 00849155 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia New Westminster: [no additional data] A. J. Hill 1902-4
FH: 00849156 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Revelstoke: [data not captured] W. R. Taylor 1921-8-21
FH: 00849157 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] A. H. Brinkman 1911-11-9
FH: 00996008 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Marian Lake Trail, Glacier dist. F. A. MacFadden 17999 1941-7-23
FH: 00981311 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Glacier, House site, Trail above spring near... F. A. MacFadden 17955 1941-7-22
FH: 00981320 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Glacier dist., Sir Donald Trail F. A. MacFadden 17953 1941-7-29
FH: 00848918 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Ontario Parry Sound District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 23109 1987-7-27
FH: 00220147 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Idaho J. H. Sandberg
FH: 00220148 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Idaho northern Idaho J. H. Sandberg, D. T. MacDougal & ... 1174 1892
NEBC: 00848958 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine York: [data not captured] M. L. Fernald 1891-7-14
NEBC: 00848959 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine [data not captured] T. G. White 1892-7-1
NEBC: 00848960 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine [data not captured] E. L. Rand 1890-6-21
NEBC: 00848961 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Mount Katahdin: [data not captured] E. D. Merrill 177 1898
NEBC: 00848962 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Camden: [no additional data] A. L. Crockett 1902-8-10
NEBC: 00848963 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine [data not captured] M. L. Fernald 1894-8-17
NEBC: 00848964 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Gilead: [no additional data] Kate Furbish 1897-9
NEBC: 00848965 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Mount Katahdin: [data not captured] E. D. Merrill 177 1898-11-5
NEBC: 00848966 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine [data not captured] T. G. White 1892-7-1
NEBC: 00848967 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Orono: [no additional data] M. L. Fernald 1892-7-1
NEBC: 00848968 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Wells: [no additional data] Jos. Blake 1877-10
NEBC: 00848969 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Bristol: [no additional data] E. B. Chamberlain 1897-7-13
FH: 00848970 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Bristol: [no additional data] E. B. Chamberlain 10 1897-7-13
FH: 00848971 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Camden: [data not captured] G. K. Merrill 1918-10-20
FH: 00848972 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine [data not captured] J. C. Parlin 1946-4-11
FH: 00848973 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Gilead: [data not captured] J. F. Collins 1897-10-3
FH: 00848974 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Orono: [no additional data] M. L. Fernald 1891-7-8
FH: 00848975 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Orono: [no additional data] M. L. Fernald 1891-7-8
FH: 00848976 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Orono: [no additional data] M. L. Fernald 1892-7-1
FH: 00848977 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Bristol: [no additional data] E. B. Chamberlain 2 1897-7-13
FH: 00848978 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: [no additional data] [no data available] 1899-10
FH: 00848979 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Mt. Adams: [data not captured] [no data available] 1897-9
FH: 00848980 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Mt. Washington: [data not captured] R. Thaxter 1886-8-20
FH: 00848981 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: [data not captured] [no data available] 1894-8
FH: 00848982 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Holderness: [no additional data] E. M. Dunham 1915-6
FH: 00848983 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] J. A. Allen 1880-7
FH: 00848984 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Chocorua: [data not captured] [no data available] 1904-8
FH: 00848985 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: [no additional data] [no data available] 1899
FH: 00848986 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Chocorua: [no additional data] [no data available] 1917-7
FH: 00848987 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] G. G. Kennedy 1895-7-28
NEBC: 00848988 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Franconia Notch: [no additional data] E. Faxon 1891-5-30
NEBC: 00848989 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Mt. Washington: [data not captured] E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1884-7-18
NEBC: 00848990 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1884-6-12
NEBC: 00848991 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Mt. Washington: [data not captured] S. N. F. Sanford 1916-8-16
NEBC: 00848992 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Base Mt. Washington 1/2 mile from Mt. Pleasa... G. G. Kennedy 1895-7-28
NEBC: 00848993 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1883-6-18
NEBC: 00848994 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1884-6-16
NEBC: 00848995 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1884-7-17
NEBC: 00848996 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Mt. Moosilauke: [data not captured] E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1886-7-11
FH: 00848997 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Newfane: [no additional data] [no data available] 1921-7-18
NEBC: 00848998 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Newfane: [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1903-8-16
NEBC: 00848999 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Burlington: [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1901-8-9
NEBC: 00849000 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont [data not captured] [no data available] 1884-6-23
NEBC: 00849001 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Rochester: [data not captured] D. L. Dutton 1333 1921-8-20
NEBC: 00849002 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Mount Mansfield: [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1906-7-8
NEBC: 00849003 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Westmore: [data not captured] E. J. Winslow 1077 1910-7-20
NEBC: 00849004 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Westmore: [data not captured] E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1885-6-20
FH: 00849005 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Warren: [no additional data] E. W. Thompson 1920-7-13
FH: 00849006 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Sherburne [= Killington]: [data not captured... D. L. Dutton 1913-5-24
FH: 00849007 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Rochester: [data not captured] D. L. Dutton 1921-8-20
FH: 00849008 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Newfane: [no additional data] [no data available] 1921-7-23
FH: 00849009 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Brandon: [no additional data] D. L. Dutton 1921-7-9
FH: 00849010 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Burlington: [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1901-8-9
FH: 00849011 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Newfane: [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1903-8-16
FH: 00849012 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1897-8-26
FH: 00849013 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Rochester: [data not captured] D. L. Dutton 1907-9-17
FH: 00849014 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Dorset: [data not captured] E. W. Thompson 1934-6-2
FH: 00849015 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont [data not captured] C. B. Bliss 1918
FH: 00849016 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Warren: [data not captured] F. C. Seymour 1920-6-13
FH: 00849017 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Sherburne [= Killington]: [data not captured... D. L. Dutton & J. G. Kirk 1913-5-24
FH: 00849018 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Mount Mansfield: [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1906-7-8
FH: 00849019 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Vermont Goshen: [data not captured] D. L. Dutton 1924-12-21
NEBC: 00849020 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [data not captured] R. C. Ingraham 1850
NEBC: 00849021 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Melrose: Cascade region [Middlesex Fells Res... H. A. Young 1881-5-3
NEBC: 00849022 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Lunenburg: [no additional data] F. L. Sargent & C. W. Swan 1891-6-28
FH: 00849023 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Petersham: [data not captured] N. G. Miller 8745 1980-9-9
FH: 00849024 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Petersham: [data not captured] N. G. Miller 8739 1980-9-9
FH: 00849025 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Petersham: [data not captured] N. G. Miller 8725 1980-9-8
FH: 00849026 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Petersham: [data not captured] N. G. Miller 8735 1980-9-9
FH: 00849027 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Warwick: [no additional data] E. W. Thompson 1934-5-22
FH: 00849028 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Amesbury: [no additional data] [no data available] 1899-12-13
FH: 00849029 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Amesbury: [no additional data] G. G. Kennedy J. W. Huntington 1900-6-7
FH: 00849030 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Canton: [data not captured] [no data available] 1905-3-30
FH: 00849031 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Milton: [data not captured] [no data available] 1905-3-25
FH: 00849032 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Mt. Washington: [data not captured] E. G. Britton 1897-9-29
FH: 00849033 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Boston: near Mt. Hope Cemetery [Mattapan/Ros... G. G. Kennedy 1896-5-22
FH: 00849034 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Magnolia: [no additional data] [no data available] 1903
FH: 00849035 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Sharon: [no additional data] J. Piquet 1902-11-27
FH: 00849036 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Canton: [no additional data] G. G. Kennedy 1905-3-30
FH: 00849037 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Boxford: [no additional data] [no data available] 1906-4-5
FH: 00849038 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Canton: [data not captured] G. G. Kennedy 1900-4-1
NEBC: 00849039 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Hingham: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1911-4-30
NEBC: 00849040 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Boston: Bussey Mt. [Hill], Jamaica Plain [A... E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1881-10-16
FH: 00849041 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Reading: [no additional data] C. C. Kingman 1908-3-5
FH: 00849042 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Stow: [no additional data] E. W. Thompson 1935-5-11
FH: 00849043 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Weston: [no additional data] W. Gerritson 1908-6-6
FH: 00849044 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Reading: [no additional data] C. C. Kingman 1909-2-25
NEBC: 00849045 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Prides Crossing: [no additional data] C. H. Clarke 1905-11-26
NEBC: 00849046 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Boston: Jamaica Plain, Williams St. E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1881-4-16
NEBC: 00849047 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Sudbury: [no additional data] C. H. Clarke
NEBC: 00849048 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Salisbury: [data not captured] [no data available] 1901-8-10
NEBC: 00849049 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Northborough: [no additional data] A. M. Small
NEBC: 00849050 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Boston: Bussey Woods, J. [Jamaica] Plain C. E. Faxon
NEBC: 00849051 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New England: [no additional data] J. H. Dean 1864-8
NEBC: 00849052 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Melrose: Cascade region [Middlesex Fells Res... [no data available] 1881-5-3
FH: 00849053 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Mt. Washington: [data not captured] E. G. Britton 1897-9-29
FH: 00849054 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Dalton: [data not captured] A. M. Small 1900-10-22
FH: 00849055 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Cliftondale: [no additional data] J. W. Huntington
FH: 00849056 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Petersham: [no additional data] R. L. Lowe 1928-10-17
FH: 00849057 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] M. S. G. Lincoln BH222a 2002
FH: 00849058 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Canton: [data not captured] W. S. Judd 1052 1975-11-19
NEBC: 00849059 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Amesbury: [no additional data] J. W. Huntington 1900-11-27
FH: 00849060 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Petersham: [no additional data] R. L. Lowe 1928-10-17
NEBC: 00849061 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Johnston: [data not captured] J. F. Collins 1920-4-16
NEBC: 00849062 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 47 1897-2
NEBC: 00849063 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Southington: [data not captured] E. B. Chamberlain & C. H. Bissell 1440 1903-6-17
NEBC: 00849064 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 3 1900-8-20
NEBC: 00849065 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 13 1897-7
NEBC: 00849066 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Providence: [no additional data] J. L. Bennett 1858
NEBC: 00849067 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Stafford: [no additional data] L. W. Riddle 1911-6-19
NEBC: 00849068 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 1901-7-16
FH: 00849069 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut North Granby: [no additional data] J. Holcomb 1903-11
FH: 00849070 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Providence: [no additional data] J. L. Bennett 1858
FH: 00849071 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 396 1901-7-16
FH: 00849072 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 3 1900-8-20
FH: 00849073 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Providence: [no additional data] [no data available] 1858
FH: 00849074 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Ellsworth: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1884
FH: 00849075 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 54 1900-8-15
FH: 00849076 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1899-11-25
FH: 00849077 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1900-5-28
FH: 00849078 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1900-5-28
FH: 00849079 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] B. C. Tan S. CooperEllis 94-172 1994-9-10
FH: 00849080 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] E. G. Britton 1900-8
FH: 00849081 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York Adirondack Mountains: [data not captured] H. Wheeler 1898-8-18
FH: 00849082 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] E. G. Britton & A. M. Small 1901-6-9
FH: 00849083 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York Adirondack Mountains: [data not captured] [no data available] 1902-9
FH: 00849084 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] E. G. Britton & A. M. Small 1901-6-9
FH: 00849085 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] T. R. Robinson & W. R. Maxon 38 1902-6-28
FH: 00849086 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] D. A. Burnett 1897-5-30
FH: 00849087 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] E. B. Bartram 421 1919-7-3
FH: 00849088 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] E. B. Bartram 468 1919-3-8
FH: 00849089 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] E. B. Bartram 1005 1923-6-30
FH: 00849090 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] E. B. Bartram 189 1919-3-23
FH: 00849091 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] E. B. Bartram 294 1920-9-6
FH: 00849092 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] E. B. Bartram 6 1918-3-17
FH: 00849093 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] [no data available] 1923-6-30
FH: 00849094 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] D. A. Burnett 1894-7-22
FH: 00849095 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] [no data available] 1923-6-30
FH: 00849096 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] [no data available] 1923-6-30
FH: 00849097 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] E. A. Rau
FH: 00849098 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maryland [data not captured] E. C. Leonard & G. M. Leonard 5950 1926-5-30
FH: 00849099 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: South Carolina [data not captured] D. S. Correll E. T. Wherry 11014 1939
FH: 00849100 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] K. Schwartz
FH: 00849101 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: West Virginia [data not captured] F. W. Gray 1927-12-1
FH: 00849102 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: North Carolina [data not captured] G. F. Atkinson 1901-9-10
FH: 00849119 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Ohio [no additional data] C. L. Lesquereux
FH: 00849120 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Ohio [data not captured] E. C. Leonard 6886 1929-9-10
FH: 00849123 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Michigan [data not captured] F. Pitelka 1938-8-5
FH: 00849124 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Minnesota [data not captured] W. A. Olson 607 1960-8-2
FH: 00849125 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Michigan [data not captured] F. Pitelka 1938-7-25
FH: 00849126 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Minnesota [data not captured] J. M. Holzinger 1894-6
FH: 00849127 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Texas [no additional data] C. Wright 1849
FH: 00849128 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Colorado [data not captured] W. B. Kiener 1935-8-30
FH: 00849129 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Colorado [data not captured] W. B. Kiener 8006 1939-7-7
FH: 00849130 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Montana [data not captured] F. J. Hermann 22360 1968-8-25
FH: 00849132 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: California Santa Barbara: [no additional data] Mrs. A. E. Bush
FH: 00849133 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured] 1895
FH: 00849134 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Oregon Portland: [data not captured] L. G. Brenner, Jr. 1942-10-28
FH: 00849135 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: California [data not captured] L. C. Wheeler 3043 1934-8-5
FH: 00849136 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: California San Jose: [no additional data] Mrs. A. E. Bush
FH: 00849137 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Oregon Oregon City: [no additional data] T. J. Howell 1885
FH: 00849138 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Oregon [data not captured] L. F. Henderson
FH: 00849139 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 860
FH: 00849140 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 748
FH: 00849141 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] A. S. Foster 1905
FH: 00849142 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] A. S. Foster 1905-4-15
FH: 00849143 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. M. Grant 1930-5
FH: 00849144 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] B. I. Brown & W. L. C. Muenscher 112 1950-7-24
FH: 00849145 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. A. Allen 139 1899-6-27
FH: 00849146 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 439
FH: 00849147 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] M. P. Harthill 33 1959
FH: 00849148 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. M. Grant 1922
FH: 00849149 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Mount Katahdin: [data not captured] [no data available] 1900-7-5
FH: 00849153 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska Sitka: [no additional data] G. E. Cooley
FH: 00913422 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Ohio Columbus: [data not captured] [no data available] 1841-7-4
FH: 00913423 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Texas [no additional data] C. Wright 191 1849
FH: 00913424 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] W. Oakes
FH: 00913425 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Ohio Columbus: [data not captured] [no data available]
FH: 00913426 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] W. Oakes
NEBC: 00897429 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine [data not captured] E. B. Chamberlain 1368 1902-8-18
NEBC: 00897430 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Providence: [no additional data] E. B. Chamberlain 740 1900-5-22
FH: 01144146 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Cumberland: Above Wilson's Mill E. B. Chamberlain & J. F. Collins 1660 1903-8-18
NEBC: 01144147 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Mt. Washington: Tuckerman's Ravine, above he... E. B. Chamberlain 6030 1914-7-5
NEBC: 01144148 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Cumberland: Above Wilson's Mill E. B. Chamberlain & J. F. Collins 1673 1903-8-19
NEBC: 01144149 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Cumberland: Above Wilson's Mill E. B. Chamberlain & J. F. Collins 1670 1903-8-19
NEBC: 01144150 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Brunswick: [no additional data] E. B. Chamberlain 1350 1899-5-10
NEBC: 01144776 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Brunswick: [no additional data] E. B. Chamberlain 97 1898-6-16
NEBC: 01144781 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Bristol: [no additional data] E. B. Chamberlain 10 1897-7-13
FH: 01146919 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Pennsylvania Open hickory woods, Dalton Dairy Farm 5 mi S... J. E. Friedel 1948-10-24
FH: 00848879 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Holden: [no additional data] R. L. Lowe 1914-12-3
FH: 00996031 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Ohio Park east of Cleveland H. S. Conard
FH: 00996066 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Concord: Turtle Pond, Estabrook Woods S. S. Hall 1976-7
FH: 00996067 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Arlington, on hillside nest to sidewalk 1472... A. M. M. Reid 18 1977-6-27
FH: 00996106 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York Mt. Whiteface, Station 1 on road to summit o... A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-24
FH: 00996127 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Concord: Concord Town Forest A. M. M. Reid A-7 1960-11-25
FH: 00996150 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: California Lagunitas, S. Taylor Park, Pioneer Tree Trai... [no data available] 1964-8-8
FH: 00996005 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Idaho Atlanta, near small water [c- something] F. A. MacFadden 19029 1942-6-24
FH: 00996548 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Underside of large rock, dark moist woods, N... E. P. Hutchinson 1946-9-29
FH: 00996574 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire on rock, under waterfall, Wildcat Gorge Broo... E. P. Hutchinson 253 1950-10-10
FH: 00996578 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Path to boathouse, Brighthollow, Grafton E. P. Hutchinson 1961-6-10
FH: 00996580 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire on wet rocks beside waterfilled shaft, Canaa... E. P. Hutchinson 1955-9-9
FH: 00996584 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Maine Bridgton: Bear Trap Mt. R. L. Lowe 1949-9-11
FH: 00996643 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New Hampshire On wet log beside small stream, 2nd swamp, L... E. P. Hutchinson NH 318 1957-6-5
FH: 00996687 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Wellesley Hills: On stone in swamp, with oth... E. S. Erickson 1961-11
FH: 00964980 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Indiana Bloomington: Baxter's Bog, 7 mi S of Bloomin... A. F. Clewell 1959-8-18
FH: 00965265 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts South Weymouth: L. W. Riddle 1912-5-10
FH: 00825246 Plagiothecium denticulatum bullulae Grout USA: Idaho Atlanta, Boise National Forest F. A. MacFadden 1942-9-22
FH: 00849161 Plagiothecium denticulatum obtusifolium (Turner) Moore USA: New Hampshire Mt. Washington: [no additional data] [no data available] 1894-9
FH: 00849162 Plagiothecium denticulatum obtusifolium (Turner) Moore USA: Alaska [data not captured] O. E. G. Hultén 8206 1932-9-7
FH: 00849163 Plagiothecium denticulatum obtusifolium (Turner) Moore USA: Vermont Sherburne [= Killington]: [no additional dat... G. L. Kirk 1910-11-1
FH: 00849164 Plagiothecium denticulatum obtusifolium (Turner) Moore USA: New Hampshire Mt. Monadnock: [data not captured] [no data available] 1896-7-1
FH: 00996668 Plagiothecium denticulatum obtusifolium (Turner) Moore USA: New Hampshire Holderness: on the ground E. M. Dunham 1915-6
FH: 00996577 Plagiothecium denticulatum obtusifolium (Turner) Moore USA: New Hampshire Stones in brook in Wildcat Gorge, Mt. Cardig... E. P. Hutchinson 1950-10-15
FH: 00996584 Plagiothecium denticulatum obtusifolium (Turner) Moore USA: Maine Bridgton: Bear Trap Mt. R. L. Lowe 1949-9-11
FH: 00996005 Plagiothecium denticulatum aptychus (Spruce) F. Lees USA: Idaho Atlanta, near small water [c- something] F. A. MacFadden 19029 1942-6-24
FH: 00996603 Plagiothecium denticulatum aptychus (Spruce) F. Lees USA: Idaho base of trees, above cemetary, Atlanta, Bois... F. A. MacFadden 1942-9-22
FH: 00996667 Plagiothecium denticulatum aptychus (Spruce) F. Lees USA: New Hampshire Temple: on wood, base of tree [data not captured] NR0008 1961
FH: 00996577 Plagiothecium denticulatum donnii Lindberg USA: New Hampshire Stones in brook in Wildcat Gorge, Mt. Cardig... E. P. Hutchinson 1950-10-15
FH: 00996668 Plagiothecium denticulatum donnii Lindberg USA: New Hampshire Holderness: on the ground E. M. Dunham 1915-6
FH: 00996651 Plagiothecium denticulatum tenellum Schimper USA: New Hampshire Dry rock, dry woods, between two high swamps... E. P. Hutchinson
FH: 00996675 Plagiothecium denticulatum propaguliferum R. Ruthe ex Limpricht USA: Vermont Woodstock: on humus in hemlock grove W. of E... E. C. Taylor 1621 1959-10-29
FH: 00996680 Plagiothecium denticulatum propaguliferum R. Ruthe ex Limpricht USA: Vermont Woodstock: On rotten wood over soil in hemlo... E. C. Taylor 1556 1959-11-15
FH: 00996050 Plagiothecium deplanatum (Schimper ex Müller Halle) Grout Canada: Ontario Owen Sound E. A. Moxley 1945-7-6
FH: 00213417 Plagiothecium deplanatum (Schimper ex Müller Halle) Grout Guatemala: Alta Verapaz Cerro de Agua Tortuga (Sahacoc), vicinity of... J. A. Steyermark 44584 1942-3-4
FH: 00213415 Plagiothecium deplanatum (Schimper ex Müller Halle) Grout Guatemala: Alta Verapaz Montaña Yxocubvain, 2.5 miles west of Cubil... J. A. Steyermark 44970a 1942-3-12
FH: 00913431 Plagiothecium elegans (Bridel) Schimper USA: New Jersey [data not captured] C. F. Austin 1866-6
FH: 00913432 Plagiothecium elegans (Bridel) Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] C. F. Austin 1871-6
FH: 00913433 Plagiothecium elegans (Bridel) Schimper USA: New Jersey [data not captured] C. F. Austin 1869-6
FH: 00913434 Plagiothecium elegans (Bridel) Schimper USA: New Jersey [data not captured] C. F. Austin 1866
FH: 00913435 Plagiothecium elegans (Bridel) Schimper USA: Massachusetts [no additional data] [data not captured]
FH: 00996080 Plagiothecium elegans (Bridel) Schimper USA: New York East of Ellenville A. T. Beals 1938-8-28
FH: 00996122 Plagiothecium elegans (Bridel) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Mt. Wachusett A. M. M. Reid 1962-8-7
FH: 00996576 Plagiothecium elegans (Bridel) Schimper USA: New Hampshire on moist ledge on mountainside, West Trail, ... E. P. Hutchinson 250 1951-4-28
FH: 00996675 Plagiothecium elegans (Bridel) Schimper USA: Vermont Woodstock: on humus in hemlock grove W. of E... E. C. Taylor 1621 1959-10-29
FH: 00996706 Plagiothecium elegans (Bridel) Schimper USA: Maine Belfast, underneath Balanced Rock E. P. Hutchinson 1963-9-11
FH: 00913436 Plagiothecium fulvum A. Jaeger USA: New Jersey Closter: [no additional data] C. F. Austin 1868-11-16
FH: 00913437 Plagiothecium fulvum A. Jaeger USA: Georgia Augusta: [no additional data] [no data available] 1845
FH: 00913438 Plagiothecium fulvum A. Jaeger USA: Georgia Augusta: [no additional data] A. Gray 1843
FH: 00913439 Plagiothecium fulvum A. Jaeger USA: New Jersey [data not captured] A. Gray 1866-10
FH: 00913440 Plagiothecium fulvum A. Jaeger USA: New Jersey [no additional data] C. F. Austin 1862-10
FH: 00220139 Plagiothecium groutii Cardot & Thériot USA: New York Hempstead: Long Island A. J. Grout 196 1899-12-1
FH: 00290486 Plagiothecium handelii Brotherus China: Sichuan [data not captured] J. R. Shevock 36111 2010-8-4
FH: 00849226 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper : Lake Superior: [data not captured] [no data available]
FH: 00849165 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: [data not captured] [no data available] 1885-6-26
FH: 00849166 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador [data not captured] M. L. Wickes 1938-8-4
FH: 00849167 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 17558 1974-7-18
FH: 00849168 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] R. R. Ireland & T. J. Koponen 16107 1972-6-14
FH: 00849169 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 12461 1968-8-3
FH: 00849170 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 1909-8
FH: 00849171 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Prince Edward Island trail in Strathgartney Park, near town of St... R. R. Ireland 13760 1970-7-26
FH: 00849172 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Prince Edward Island 1 mile north of Argyle Shore R. R. Ireland 13563 1970-7-24
FH: 00849173 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador [data not captured] A. C. Waghorne 1892
FH: 00849174 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador Newfoundland Island: [data not captured] A. C. Waghorne 1895-1-28
FH: 00849175 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 14187 1970-8-6
FH: 00849176 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 13067 1970-7-14
FH: 00849177 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: New Brunswick Campobello Island: [no additional data] [no data available] 1902-7
FH: 00849224 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Ontario Algoma District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 14741 1971-9-3
FH: 00849225 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 15164 1971-8-12
FH: 00849227 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Ontario Parry Sound District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 22155 1986-7-27
FH: 00849228 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Ontario Parry Sound District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 23898 1989-9-6
FH: 00849229 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Ontario [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 20452 1982-7-14
FH: 00849231 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Ontario Sudbury District: [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 24273 1989-9-13
FH: 00849240 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] J. Will. Bailey 1901-6-24
FH: 00849241 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] R. R. Ireland & G. Bellolio 18470 1977-7-25
FH: 00849242 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] W. R. Taylor 1921-9-4
FH: 00996020 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper Canada: Ontario Gull L.P., L. Timagami R. F. Cain 2890 1945-8-21
FH: 00849246 Plagiothecium laetum tenellum (Schimper) Mönkemeyer Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] A. H. Brinkman 1908-9-30
NEBC: 00849178 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Maine [data not captured] E. L. Rand 1891-6-25
FH: 00849179 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New Hampshire Montibus Albis [White Mountains] W. Oakes
FH: 00849180 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Maine [data not captured] E. M. Dunham 1912-9
NEBC: 00849181 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Maine Camden: [no additional data] A. L. Crockett 1902-8-10
NEBC: 00849182 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Maine [data not captured] E. L. Rand 1891-8-23
NEBC: 00849183 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Maine Camden: [data not captured] A. L. Crockett 183 1904-9-9
FH: 00849184 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New Hampshire Ellsworth: [data not captured] N. L. Cleavitt 475 1994-9-14
NEBC: 00849185 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: [no additional data] [no data available] 1899-9
FH: 00849186 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: [data not captured] [no data available] 1899-9
FH: 00849187 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] G. G. Kennedy 1906-9-25
FH: 00849188 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Maine [data not captured] E. M. Dunham 1913-9
FH: 00849189 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Vermont Mount Mansfield: [data not captured] [no data available] 1897-8-28
FH: 00849190 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Savoy: [data not captured] S. Cooper-Ellis 1993-6-29
FH: 00849191 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] N. G. Miller 8440 1978-9-23
FH: 00849192 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Dudley: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-10-25
FH: 00849193 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Northborough: [no additional data] A. M. Small 1900-7-27
FH: 00849194 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Gardner: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-9-21
FH: 00849195 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Rowe: [data not captured] [no data available] 1996-11-16
FH: 00849196 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Oxford: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-8-11
FH: 00849197 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Paxton: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-10-13
FH: 00849198 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Petersham: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-9-21
FH: 00849199 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Canton: [data not captured] W. S. Judd 1043 1975-11-19
FH: 00849200 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Canton: [data not captured] W. S. Judd 1043 1975-11-19
FH: 00849201 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Royalston: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-9-21
FH: 00849202 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Rutland: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-10-11
FH: 00849203 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Spencer: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-7-29
FH: 00849204 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Sturbridge: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-10-25
FH: 00849205 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Templeton: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-9-21
FH: 00849206 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Warren: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-10-13
FH: 00849207 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Westminster: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-9-21
FH: 00849208 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Douglas: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-6-23
FH: 00849209 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] R. L. Davis 1956-9-22
FH: 00849210 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Athol: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-9-21
FH: 00849211 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Bolton: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-9-29
FH: 00849212 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Magnolia: [no additional data] W. G. Farlow 1903-8
FH: 00849213 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Northborough: [data not captured] A. M. Small 1900-9-24
FH: 00849214 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Milton: [data not captured] G. G. Kennedy 1899-1-22
FH: 00849215 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] E. B. Bartram 307 1920-10-4
FH: 00849216 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] E. B. Bartram 266 1920-4-25
FH: 00849217 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] J. M. Holzinger 1901-7-19
FH: 00849218 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] S. J. Smith D. Lewis & E. Ogden 43723 1968-9-19
FH: 00849219 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] E. A. Rau
FH: 00849220 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New York Clayville: [data not captured] B. D. Gilbert 1905-8-9
FH: 00849221 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: North Carolina [data not captured] L. E. Anderson 4118 1936-6-15
FH: 00849222 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: North Carolina [data not captured] F. J. Hermann 15213 1959-7-11
FH: 00849223 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: West Virginia [data not captured] F. W. Gray 1927-12-1
FH: 00849230 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Tennessee [data not captured] W. B. Schofield 9723 1958-8-13
FH: 00849232 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Michigan Isle Royale: [data not captured] J. L. Lowe 47 1930-7-26
FH: 00849233 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Tennessee [data not captured] F. J. Hermann 15441 1959-7-19
FH: 00849234 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Montana [data not captured] F. J. Hermann 20620 1966-9-1
FH: 00849235 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: California [data not captured] J. P. Tracy 9296 1931-3-26
FH: 00849236 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. H. Sandberg D. T. Macdougal & A... 1106 1892
FH: 00849237 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Idaho [no additional data] R. F. Daubenmire 1942-9-14
FH: 00849238 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Oregon Portland: [data not captured] L. G. Brenner, Jr. 1942-5-17
FH: 00849239 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Oregon [data not captured] R. R. Halse 5404 1998-7-7
FH: 00849243 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] F. J. Hermann 22890 1969-9-6
FH: 00849244 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. T. Howell 1931-7-15
FH: 00913316 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] W. Oakes
FH: 00913317 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] C. H. Peck 1868
NEBC: 00897267 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Maine [data not captured] E. B. Chamberlain 1924-9-14
FH: 01141901 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] N. G. Slack 276 1968-7-30
FH: 01141902 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] E. H. Ketchledge 303 1968
FH: 01142855 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Vermont Lake Willoughby [no data available] 1905-5-23
FH: 01142856 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Vermont Willoughby: Rock Lake Roadside [no data available] 1905-5-23
FH: 00996059 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New Hampshire along road to Halfway House site and forest ... A. M. M. Reid M-23 1975-10-13
FH: 00996123 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Lexington, unpaves section of Robinson Rd. n... A. Villers 17 1970-6-25
FH: 00996653 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New Hampshire In crevices, underside of overhang of ledge ... E. P. Hutchinson 1957-7-13
FH: 00996603 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Idaho base of trees, above cemetary, Atlanta, Bois... F. A. MacFadden 1942-9-22
FH: 00996667 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New Hampshire Temple: on wood, base of tree [data not captured] NR0008 1961
FH: 00981985 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Concord, Gowing Swamp, bog A. M. M. Reid 1976-10-26
FH: 00965265 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts South Weymouth: L. W. Riddle 1912-5-10
FH: 00781349 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Mount Washington, Mt. Plantain T. R. Phillips 4463 2021-10-14
FH: 00781384 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New York North East (New York): Brace Mountain, Tacon... T. R. Phillips 4246 2022-7-20
FH: 00781417 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: New York North East (New York): South Brace Mountain,... T. R. Phillips 4215 2022-8-2
FH: 01108418 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Mt. Washington; Darby Mountain T. R. Phillips 4332 2021-11-7
FH: 01108452 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Connecticut Salisbury: Round Mt. T. R. Phillips 4174 2022-10-29
FH: 01108481 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Mt. Washington; Undine Mountain T. R. Phillips 4565 2021-10-23
FH: 01108501 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Mt. Washington; Mt. Undine C. Mangels 4669 2021-9-19
FH: 01142803 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Vermont Willoughby: [no additional data] [no data available] 1905-5-16
FH: 01142812 Plagiothecium laetum Schimper USA: Vermont Lake Willoughby [no data available] 1905-5-24
FH: 00849245 Plagiothecium laetum tenellum (Schimper) Mönkemeyer USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] D. A. Burnett 1895-8-25
FH: 00996651 Plagiothecium laetum tenellum (Schimper) Mönkemeyer USA: New Hampshire Dry rock, dry woods, between two high swamps... E. P. Hutchinson
FH: 00849247 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 17370 1974-7-12
FH: 00849248 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] F. H. Dupret 1908-8-25
FH: 00849269 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper Canada: Ontario [data not captured] R. R. Ireland 20047 1982-7-6
FH: 00849270 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper Canada: Ontario Ottawa: [no additional data] J. Macoun 1907-10-5
FH: 00849271 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper Canada: Ontario Belleville: [no additional data] [no data available]
FH: 00849272 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper Canada: Ontario [data not captured] [no data available] 1889
FH: 00848851 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. F. Collins 4382 1906-8-6
FH: 00849249 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Massachusetts Andover: [no additional data] C. C. Kingman 1911-9-30
FH: 00849250 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Massachusetts Brookfield: [no additional data] R. L. Davis 1956-10-13
FH: 00849251 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Massachusetts Northborough: [no additional data] A. M. Small 1900-5-26
FH: 00849252 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Massachusetts Northborough: [no additional data] [no data available] 1899-7
FH: 00849253 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Massachusetts Northborough: [no additional data] A. M. Small 1901-5-26
NEBC: 00849254 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Massachusetts Amesbury: [no additional data] [no data available] 1899-12
FH: 00849255 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Massachusetts Canton: [data not captured] W. S. Judd 1050 1975-11-19
NEBC: 00849256 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Massachusetts Andover: [data not captured] A. H. Moore 1904-4-22
NEBC: 00849257 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Massachusetts Amesbury: [no additional data] J. W. Huntington 1900-2
NEBC: 00849258 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Massachusetts Amesbury: [no additional data] J. W. Huntington 1900-12-20
FH: 00849259 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Connecticut New Haven: [no additional data] F. W. Chatterton 1890-1
FH: 00849260 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Massachusetts Amesbury: [no additional data] J. W. Huntington 1900-2
FH: 00849261 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Massachusetts Amesbury: [no additional data] [no data available] 1899-12-15
FH: 00849262 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Connecticut East Haven: [no additional data] J. A. Allen 1879-6
FH: 00849263 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Connecticut East Haven: [no additional data] J. A. Allen 1879-11-22
FH: 00849264 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] E. B. Bartram 538 1921-5-5
FH: 00849265 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: New Jersey [data not captured] E. B. Bartram, E. B. Chamberlain &... 965 1923-11-3
FH: 00849266 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] [no data available]
FH: 00849267 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: New Jersey Closter: [no additional data] W. H. Wiegmann 798 1916-11-7
FH: 00849268 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Virginia Virginia Beach (Virginia): [no additional da... A. M. Small 1903-3-19
FH: 00849273 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] L. S. Cheney 1925-12-3
FH: 00913318 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] C. F. Austin 1869-7-20
FH: 00913319 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: New Jersey Closter: [no additional data] C. F. Austin
FH: 00913320 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: New Jersey Closter: [no additional data] C. F. Austin 1866-6-8
FH: 00996637 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: Wisconsin near Barron, on rotting log at spring hole i... L. S. Cheney 11038 1925-12-3
FH: 00996638 Plagiothecium latebricola Schimper USA: New Jersey Top of Palisades, in deep wooded swamp, on b... W. H. Wiegmann 1002 1917-4-14
FH: 00996155 Plagiothecium latebricola gemmascens (Ryan & I. Hagen) Correns USA: Massachusetts Lexington, Follen Hill A. M. M. Reid GM0004 1963-3-27
FH: 00996156 Plagiothecium latebricola gemmascens (Ryan & I. Hagen) Correns USA: Massachusetts Waltham: Prospect Hill J. E. Woodward PH2 1966-11-2
FH: 00996614 Plagiothecium latebricola gemmascens (Ryan & I. Hagen) Correns USA: Massachusetts Lexington: humus, old roots, deep swampy are... A. M. M. Reid NR0013
FH: 00213395 Plagiothecium lucidum (Hooker f. & Wilson) Paris Costa Rica: San José Cerro de las Vueltas P. C. Standley & J. Valerio 43764 1925-12-29
FH: 00220140 Plagiothecium mariannae Grout USA: Florida Marianna Caverns A. J. Grout 1939-11-16
FH: 00220141 Plagiothecium mariannae Grout USA: Florida Marianna Caverns R. O. Schornherst 1442 1939-11-16
FH: 00220142 Plagiothecium mauiense Brotherus : Hawaii Haleakala: East Maui D. D. Baldwin 221 1876-6
FH: 00996623 Plagiothecium micans (Swartz) Paris : Bermuda: Baget Parish, wet swamp, on humus E. S. Erickson 1961-3
FH: 00996001 Plagiothecium micans (Swartz) Paris USA: Virginia Edge of Lake Drummond, Dismal Swamp P. M. Patterson S. E.-293 1946-8-3
FH: 00996104 Plagiothecium micans (Swartz) Paris USA: North Carolina "Lost Colony" area, Roanoke Island P. O. Schallert 2272 1950-10-28
FH: 00996126 Plagiothecium micans (Swartz) Paris USA: Louisiana ca. 3.5 mi. NW of Hornbeck, Cliffus Magnific... A. M. M. Reid LACM03 1967-8-26
FH: 00996594 Plagiothecium micans (Swartz) Paris USA: Florida Sarasota, Jungle Garden P. O. Schallert M700 1953-9-7
FH: 00220144 Plagiothecium micans latifolium Grout USA: Florida Sanford: S. Rapp 480 1918-5
FH: 00996684 Plagiothecium micans latifolium Grout USA: Florida Rock Spring Park P. O. Schallert M121 1953-2-28
FH: 00220143 Plagiothecium mollicaule R. S. Williams Bolivia: near Pelichuco R. S. Williams 2780 1902-4-30
GH: 00258068 Plagiothecium morokae Müller Halle Papua New Guinea: Nova Guinea austro-orient. Brit. in montosis... L. Loria 779 1893-7
FH: 00913326 Plagiothecium muellerianum Schimper USA: New Jersey [data not captured] C. F. Austin 1871-6
FH: 00913327 Plagiothecium muellerianum Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] C. H. Peck 1868
FH: 00913328 Plagiothecium muellerianum Schimper USA: New Hampshire Franconia: [no additional data] T. P. James 11 1866-8
FH: 00913329 Plagiothecium muellerianum Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] T. P. James 9 1852-7
FH: 00913330 Plagiothecium muellerianum Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] T. P. James 1857-7
FH: 00913331 Plagiothecium muellerianum Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] T. P. James 3 1862-7
FH: 00913332 Plagiothecium muellerianum Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] T. P. James 1851-7
FH: 00913333 Plagiothecium muellerianum Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] T. P. James 1857-7
FH: 00913334 Plagiothecium muellerianum Schimper USA: New Hampshire Franconia Notch: [data not captured] T. P. James 13 1865-8
FH: 00913335 Plagiothecium muellerianum Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] T. P. James
FH: 00913336 Plagiothecium muellerianum Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] T. P. James 12 1857-7
FH: 00913337 Plagiothecium muellerianum Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] T. P. James
FH: 00913338 Plagiothecium muellerianum Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] C. H. Peck 1868
FH: 00913339 Plagiothecium muellerianum Schimper USA: New Jersey Closter: [no additional data] C. F. Austin 1869
FH: 00996529 Plagiothecium muellerianum Schimper USA: New Hampshire under side of boulder near brook crossing on... E. P. Hutchinson 1945-10
FH: 00290487 Plagiothecium paleaceum (Mitten) A. Jaeger China: Sichuan [data not captured] J. R. Shevock 36126 2010-8-4
FH: 00913343 Plagiothecium passaicense Austin USA: New Jersey [data not captured] C. F. Austin 1869-3
FH: 00996137 Plagiothecium piliferum (Swartz) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Britannia Beach, Murrin Park Picnic site, Mu... [no data available] 1969-8-22
FH: 00996602 Plagiothecium piliferum (Swartz) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Trail to Lake McArthur, from Lake O'Hara F. A. MacFadden 1925-7-28
FH: 00981315 Plagiothecium piliferum (Swartz) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Glacier Dist., Mt. Sir Donald Trail F. A. MacFadden 17957 1941-7-29
FH: 00220145 Plagiothecium pseudolatebricola Kindberg Canada: British Columbia J. Macoun 138 1890-5-3
FH: 00996009 Plagiothecium pulchellum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Wolf Lake Trail, Salmo dist. F. A. MacFadden 16873 1935-7-23
FH: 00996014 Plagiothecium pulchellum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska Port San Juan, Evans Island W. J. Eyerdam 5053 1948-6-20
FH: 00981418 Plagiothecium pulchellum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Idaho Boise National Forest, Atlanta, 2 miles up t... F. A. MacFadden 19066 1942-6-27
FH: 00220146 Plagiothecium radicisetum Müller Halle Guyana: Georgetown district, near the Marshall Falls... J. J. Quelch 1265 1895
FH: 00849278 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper Canada: Quebec Province Outaouais (Quebec): [data not captured] J. Macoun 1908-10-5
FH: 00849295 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper Canada: Ontario Ottawa: [data not captured] [no data available] 1887-10-12
FH: 00849296 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper Canada: Ontario Belleville: [no additional data] [no data available] 1868
FH: 00849304 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] R. L. Halbert 4146 1969-8-3
FH: 00996051 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper Canada: Ontario gorge below Eugenia Falls H. A. Crum 11566 1961-8-19
FH: 00849277 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: [data not captured] [no data available]
FH: 00849279 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Vermont Newfane: [no additional data] A. J. Grout 1934-6-9
NEBC: 00849280 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] [no data available] 1883-6-17
NEBC: 00849281 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Vermont Rutland: [no additional data] G. L. Kirk 1921-9-1
FH: 00849282 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Vermont [data not captured] G. Sayre 1934-7-6
NEBC: 00849283 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Amesbury: [no additional data] A. J. Grout 1901-10-31
NEBC: 00849284 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Amesbury: [no additional data] J. W. Huntington 1901-10-31
FH: 00849285 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Vermont West Wardsboro: [no additional data] E. W. Thompson 1935-7-2
NEBC: 00849286 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Connecticut East Windsor: [no additional data] [no data available]
FH: 00849287 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] [no data available] 1922-9-23
FH: 00849288 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] D. A. Burnett 748 1894-8-4
FH: 00849289 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] D. A. Burnett 2644 1897-8-8
FH: 00849290 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: New York Adirondack Mountains: [data not captured] F. J. Hermann 14590 1958-7-31
FH: 00849291 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] [no data available] 1869-3-17
FH: 00849292 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] E. B. Bartram 630 1921-6-4
FH: 00849293 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: District of Columbia [data not captured] J. E. Benedict 1930
FH: 00849294 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: West Virginia [data not captured] F. W. Gray 1928-5-24
FH: 00849297 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Michigan [data not captured] F. J. Hermann 23681 1971-6-16
FH: 00849298 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Michigan [data not captured] W. C. Steere 1936-9
FH: 00849299 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] J. M. Holzinger & Rodwell 1900
FH: 00849300 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Minnesota [data not captured] J. M. Holzinger 1901-6-15
FH: 00849301 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Tennessee [data not captured] A. J. Sharp 627 1962-9-30
FH: 00849302 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. M. Holzinger 1894
FH: 00849303 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 439
FH: 00913344 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: New Jersey Closter: [no additional data] C. F. Austin
FH: 00913345 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: New Jersey Camden: [no additional data] C. F. Austin 1868-2
FH: 00849276 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: [data not captured] [no data available]
FH: 00996047 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Tennessee 3 mi. SSE Clarksville, a cave in base of Cum... A. Clebsch 699 1946-11-2
FH: 00996652 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: New Hampshire From face of Hylocomnium ledge in niches in ... E. P. Hutchinson 1953-8-16
FH: 00996656 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: New Hampshire Underside of ledge, damp, shady, Cole Pond s... E. P. Hutchinson NH 342 1958-6-16
FH: 00996658 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: New Hampshire on wet rocks, waterfall ledge, Brighthollow,... E. P. Hutchinson 1948-9-8
FH: 00996676 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Vermont on soil at base of yellow birch by road, Taf... E. C. Taylor 414 1956-7-20
FH: 00996679 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Vermont growing in reach of spray falls at Norwich D... E. P. Hutchinson 1949-11-2
NEBC: 01144829 Plagiothecium roeseanum Schimper USA: Pennsylvania Bennett Brook D. A. Burnett 368 1893-7-15
FH: 00996021 Plagiothecium ruthei Limpricht Canada: Ontario W. of Nobleton R. F. Cain 3558 1948-11-27
FH: 00996096 Plagiothecium ruthei Limpricht Canada: Ontario edge of Holland Marsh E. A. Moxley 19600 1939-6-25
FH: 00849274 Plagiothecium ruthei Limpricht USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] D. A. Burnett 1900-12-1
FH: 00849275 Plagiothecium ruthei Limpricht USA: New Hampshire Mt. Washington: [data not captured] M. L. Wickes 1939-8
FH: 00996680 Plagiothecium ruthei Limpricht USA: Vermont Woodstock: On rotten wood over soil in hemlo... E. C. Taylor 1556 1959-11-15
FH: 00220147 Plagiothecium sandbergii Renauld & Cardot USA: Idaho J. H. Sandberg
FH: 00220148 Plagiothecium sandbergii Renauld & Cardot USA: Idaho northern Idaho J. H. Sandberg, D. T. MacDougal & ... 1174 1892
FH: 00913346 Plagiothecium schimperi Juratzka & Milde USA: New York [data not captured] C. F. Austin 1866
FH: 00849159 Plagiothecium sp. : North America (CA, US, MX): [no additional d... [no data available]
FH: 00848832 Plagiothecium sp. Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. F. Collins, M. L. Fernald & A. ... 3637 1904-8-12
FH: 00848838 Plagiothecium sp. Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. F. Collins, M. L. Fernald & A. ... 3637 1904-8-12
FH: 01114010 Plagiothecium sp. Canada: British Columbia Haida Gwaii: Tow Hill B. C. Tan 94-936 1994-6-22
FH: 01114018 Plagiothecium sp. Canada: British Columbia Haida Gwaii: Tow Hill, Blow Hole B. C. Tan 94-940 1994-6-22
FH: 01114041 Plagiothecium sp. Canada: British Columbia Haida Gwaii: Park: Cape Fife B. C. Tan 94-915 1994-6-22
FH: 00848830 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Arizona [data not captured] E. B. Bartram 282a 1922-12-31
NEBC: 00848831 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts Stockbridge: [data not captured] E. G. Britton 1901-7-29
FH: 00848833 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Tennessee [data not captured] F. R. Nease 70 1950
FH: 00848834 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] G. H. Conklin 1909-8
FH: 00848835 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts Stockbridge: [data not captured] E. G. Britton 1901-7-29
NEBC: 00848836 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Vermont Newfane: [no additional data] A. J. Grout 1903-7-15
NEBC: 00848837 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts Cheshire: [no additional data] A. M. Small 1894
NEBC: 00848839 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Rhode Island Lime Rock: [no additional data] [no data available] 1905-12-27
FH: 00849158 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Vermont Jay: [no additional data] E. J. Winslow 1908-7-18
FH: 00849160 Plagiothecium sp. USA: North Carolina [data not captured] [no data available]
FH: 00913321 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Rhode Island Providence: [no additional data] S. T. Olney 1848
FH: 00913322 Plagiothecium sp. USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] W. Oakes 1843
FH: 00913323 Plagiothecium sp. USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] W. Oakes 1843
FH: 00913324 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Ohio [data not captured] C. L. Lesquereux 1949-5
FH: 00913325 Plagiothecium sp. USA: New Jersey Closter: [no additional data] C. F. Austin 1866-7
FH: 00913340 Plagiothecium sp. USA: New England: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1151 1868
FH: 00913341 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Colorado [data not captured] [data not captured] 1868-8
FH: 00913342 Plagiothecium sp. USA: New York Adirondack Mountains: [no additional data] C. H. Peck 1867
FH: 00913416 Plagiothecium sp. USA: New Hampshire Errol: [data not captured] [no data available] 1152 1869-8-7
FH: 00913417 Plagiothecium sp. USA: New Hampshire Errol: [data not captured] [no data available] 1152 1868-8
FH: 00913418 Plagiothecium sp. USA: New Hampshire Franconia: [data not captured] [no data available] 1152 1866-8
FH: 00913419 Plagiothecium sp. USA: New Hampshire Errol: [data not captured] [no data available] 1152 1868-8
FH: 00913420 Plagiothecium sp. USA: New Hampshire Errol: [data not captured] [no data available] 1153 1869
FH: 00913421 Plagiothecium sp. USA: New Hampshire Errol: [data not captured] [no data available] 1153 1868-8
FH: 00913427 Plagiothecium sp. USA: [data not captured] A. Menzies
FH: 00913428 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts [no additional data] C. L. Lesquereux 1867
FH: 00913429 Plagiothecium sp. USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] T. P. James 1856
FH: 00913430 Plagiothecium sp. USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] T. P. James 1853-8
NEBC: 01144085 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Maine Round Pond Swamp E. B. Chamberlain 2116 1904-7-25
NEBC: 01144148 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Maine Cumberland: Above Wilson's Mill E. B. Chamberlain & J. F. Collins 1673 1903-8-19
NEBC: 01144150 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Maine Brunswick: [no additional data] E. B. Chamberlain 1350 1899-5-10
NEBC: 01144320 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Maine Clear Pond E. B. Chamberlain 3327 1906-7-6
NEBC: 01144324 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge. Clear Pond. E. B. Chamberlain 3349 1906-7-7
FH: 01144746 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Maine Brunswick: Swamp near [illegible] E. B. Chamberlain 74 1898-3-21
NEBC: 01144757 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Maine Peaks Island E. B. Chamberlain 3339 1906-6-29
FH: 00996043 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Wisconsin Wausaukee: Wasau [data not captured] 1965-8-22
FH: 00996133 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts Lincoln: Drumlin Farm wildlife sanctuary J. E. Woodward DF0001 1963-4-5
FH: 00996146 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts Lincoln: Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary [no data available] DF009 1963-4-5
FH: 00981554 Plagiothecium sp. USA: New Hampshire Grafton, Brighthollow, Wet ledge near Mine P... E. P. Hutchinson NR0060a 1956-8-15
FH: 00981573 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts Willard Brook State Park, path on hillside a... A. M. M. Reid 1962-7-11
FH: 00981577 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts T. M. Rd., Lexington A. M. M. Reid 1959-12-15
FH: 00981578 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts Swamp off T. M. Rd., Lexington [no data available] 1959-11-27
FH: 00981579 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts Follen Hill, Lexington A. M. M. Reid 1962-11-28
FH: 00981583 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts Mt. Wachusett A. M. M. Reid 1962-8-7
FH: 00981595 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts T. M. Swamp, Lexington A. M. M. Reid 1959-12-15
FH: 00964162 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Virginia Mountain Lake biological station, Hedwig Tra... A. M. M. Reid 1978-6
FH: 00964241 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts Plum Island: Way back Plum Island [no data available] 1965-5-11
FH: 00964334 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts Petersham: Harvard Forest, Mt. Toby area and... [no data available] 1978-9-23
FH: 00964336 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts Petersham: Harvard Forest, Mt. Toby area and... [no data available] 1978-9-23
FH: 00964416 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Maine Fire Road A. M. M. Reid 1976-8-13
FH: 00964424 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Maine Echo Lake, Facing lake, path to right A. M. M. Reid 1976-8-8
FH: 00964425 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Maine Echo Lake, Facing lake, path to right A. M. M. Reid 1976-8-8
FH: 00981539 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Louisiana Hodges Gardens, ca. 12 mi. s of Many A. M. M. Reid 1967-8-26
FH: 00981574 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts Concord: Concord Forest A. M. M. Reid 1961-4-7
FH: 00981576 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts Concord: Concord Forest A. M. M. Reid 1961-4-7
FH: 00981601 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Massachusetts Lexington: Burroughs road A. M. M. Reid 1961-3-5
FH: 00981995 Plagiothecium sp. USA: South Carolina Charleston: Silver Spring, Yeaman's Hall E. S. Erickson 1971-1-1
FH: 01142801 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Vermont Lake Willoughby [no data available] 1905-5-16
FH: 01142802 Plagiothecium sp. USA: Vermont Lake Willoughby [no data available] 1905-5-16
FH: 00220149 Plagiothecium standleyi E. B. Bartram Guatemala: Quezaltenango Slopes of Volcan de Santa Maria, above Paloj... P. C. Standley 67646 1939-3-6
FH: 00964969 Plagiothecium striatellum (Bridel) Lindberg : E. Lawton 1949-10-30
FH: 00996037 Plagiothecium striatellum (Bridel) Lindberg USA: Massachusetts Wellesley Hills: no additional information E. S. Erickson NR0034 1960-9
FH: 00996087 Plagiothecium striatellum (Bridel) Lindberg USA: Massachusetts Beverly, woods between Brimbal Ave. & Essex ... M. E. R. Robertson MA28 1960-6-10
FH: 00996138 Plagiothecium striatellum (Bridel) Lindberg USA: Massachusetts Mt. Wachusett A. M. M. Reid 1962-8-7
FH: 00996654 Plagiothecium striatellum (Bridel) Lindberg USA: New Hampshire On wet rock near waterfall (across lake), Gr... E. P. Hutchinson 1947-6-5
FH: 00996655 Plagiothecium striatellum (Bridel) Lindberg USA: New Hampshire Cliff in woods (Amphidium cliff), Brightholl... E. P. Hutchinson 1957-8-12
FH: 00965281 Plagiothecium striatellum (Bridel) Lindberg USA: Massachusetts Milton: Blue Hills [no data available] 1913-5-17
FH: 00913347 Plagiothecium subfalcatum Austin USA: New Jersey [no additional data] C. F. Austin 448 1866
FH: 00913348 Plagiothecium subfalcatum Austin USA: New York [data not captured] C. F. Austin 1866-8
FH: 00913349 Plagiothecium subfalcatum Austin USA: New York [data not captured] C. F. Austin 1866
FH: 00848924 Plagiothecium succulentum (Wilson) Lindberg Canada: [data not captured] [no data available] 1888
FH: 00848908 Plagiothecium succulentum (Wilson) Lindberg USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] D. A. Burnett 1894-8-4
FH: 00848913 Plagiothecium succulentum (Wilson) Lindberg USA: West Virginia [data not captured] F. W. Gray 1927-11-23
FH: 00848915 Plagiothecium succulentum (Wilson) Lindberg USA: West Virginia [data not captured] F. W. Gray 1927-12-14
FH: 00848916 Plagiothecium succulentum (Wilson) Lindberg USA: North Carolina [data not captured] P. L. Redfearn, Jr. Alice Redfearn 36273 1990-5-6
FH: 00848917 Plagiothecium succulentum (Wilson) Lindberg USA: North Carolina [no additional data] [no data available] 1881-5
FH: 00913350 Plagiothecium sullivantiae (Schimper ex Sullivant) Bruch & Schimper ex A. Jaeger USA: Ohio [data not captured] [no data available] 232
FH: 00913351 Plagiothecium sullivantiae (Schimper ex Sullivant) Bruch & Schimper ex A. Jaeger USA: Ohio [data not captured] [no data available] 232
FH: 00913352 Plagiothecium sullivantiae (Schimper ex Sullivant) Bruch & Schimper ex A. Jaeger USA: New Jersey Closter: [no additional data] C. F. Austin 1886-6-5
FH: 00913353 Plagiothecium sullivantiae (Schimper ex Sullivant) Bruch & Schimper ex A. Jaeger USA: New Jersey Closter: [no additional data] C. F. Austin 1868-2
FH: 00913354 Plagiothecium sullivantiae (Schimper ex Sullivant) Bruch & Schimper ex A. Jaeger USA: New Jersey Closter: [data not captured] C. F. Austin 1868-6-6
FH: 00913355 Plagiothecium sullivantiae (Schimper ex Sullivant) Bruch & Schimper ex A. Jaeger USA: Ohio [data not captured] [no data available]
FH: 00913356 Plagiothecium sullivantiae (Schimper ex Sullivant) Bruch & Schimper ex A. Jaeger USA: New Jersey Closter: [no additional data] C. F. Austin 1866-6-7
FH: 00913357 Plagiothecium sullivantiae (Schimper ex Sullivant) Bruch & Schimper ex A. Jaeger USA: New Jersey Closter: [no additional data] C. F. Austin 1866-6-3
FH: 00848860 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper Canada: Prince Edward Island [no additional data] [no data available] 1888
FH: 00220151 Plagiothecium sylvaticum squarrosum Kindberg Canada: British Columbia Bernard Inlet J. Macoun 107 1889-4-27
FH: 00220152 Plagiothecium sylvaticum squarrosum Kindberg Canada: British Columbia Bernard Inlet J. Macoun 107 1889-4-27
FH: 00220150 Plagiothecium sylvaticum cavifolium Juratzka Germany: G. L. Rabenhorst 765
FH: 00849305 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] W. Oakes
FH: 00849306 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Flume, The: [no additional data] A. J. Grout 1897-10-10
FH: 00849307 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Mt. Vernon: [no additional data] A. M. Small 1902-9-17
FH: 00849308 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] W. Oakes
FH: 00849309 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: Vermont Newfane: [no additional data] A. J. Grout 1903-8-19
NEBC: 00849310 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] [no data available] 1881-6
NEBC: 00849311 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: New Hampshire Mt. Washington: [data not captured] [no data available] 1884-7-19
NEBC: 00849312 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] [no data available] 1883-6-7
NEBC: 00849313 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: Vermont Jay: [no additional data] E. J. Winslow 1908-7-18
NEBC: 00849314 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1881-10-6
NEBC: 00849315 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1881-6-10
NEBC: 00849316 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: Vermont Peacham: [no additional data] [no data available] 1886-5-1
FH: 00849317 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: Vermont Whitingham: [no additional data] A. M. Small 1904-8-4
FH: 00849318 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Mt. Greylock A. M. Small 1899-8-9
NEBC: 00849319 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: Massachusetts [Jamaica Plain] use Boston: Williams St. Woo... C. E. Faxon 1881-4-16
NEBC: 00849320 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Gloucester: Magnolia Swamp John Robinson
NEBC: 00849321 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: New England: [data not captured] J. W. Robbins
NEBC: 00849322 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Amesbury: [no additional data] J. W. Huntington 1899-12
NEBC: 00849323 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Malden: Pine Bank [Park] [no data available] 1881-11-6
NEBC: 00849324 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Malden: Pine Bank [Park] H. A. Young 1881-11-6
NEBC: 00849325 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 54 1900-8-15
FH: 00849326 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] A. M. Small 1901-6-24
FH: 00849327 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] D. A. Burnett 1897-8-8
FH: 00849328 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] A. M. Small
FH: 00849329 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: Florida Lake City: [no additional data] A. M. Small 1905-1-31
FH: 00996601 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: Vermont Manchester (Vermont): no additional informat... A. J. Grout 4 1931-6-26
FH: 00996642 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: New Hampshire On mud, first swamp, North Path, Brighthollo... E. P. Hutchinson NH 308 1948-9-25
FH: 00964114 Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Bridel) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Cheshire: [no additional data] E. J. Winslow 1912-7
FH: 00220153 Plagiothecium tenerrimum Angstrom : Hawaii N. J. Andersson 1852-6
FH: 00913358 Plagiothecium turfaceum Lindberg USA: New Jersey [data not captured] C. F. Austin 1869-3-25
FH: 00913359 Plagiothecium turfaceum Lindberg USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] J. P. James 1869
FH: 00913360 Plagiothecium turfaceum Lindberg USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] J. P. James 1869
FH: 00913361 Plagiothecium turfaceum Lindberg USA: New Jersey [data not captured] C. F. Austin 1866-6
FH: 00913362 Plagiothecium turfaceum Lindberg USA: New Jersey [no additional data] C. F. Austin 1867
FH: 00913363 Plagiothecium turfaceum Lindberg USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] J. P. James 5
FH: 00913364 Plagiothecium turfaceum Lindberg USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] J. P. James 966 1858-6
FH: 00913365 Plagiothecium turfaceum Lindberg USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] J. P. James 1858
FH: 00996546 Plagiothecium turfaceum Lindberg USA: New Hampshire On ground in lane in Powell's Pasture, heigh... E. P. Hutchinson 279 1948-8-2
FH: 00996585 Plagiothecium turfaceum Lindberg USA: Maine Gorham: base of tree R. L. Lowe 1940-6-23
FH: 00996617 Plagiothecium turfaceum Lindberg USA: New Hampshire in gorge on gorund, Canaan, Brighthollow E. M. Dunham 1945-10-28
FH: 00996648 Plagiothecium turfaceum Lindberg USA: New Hampshire On ground in lane, Powell's Pasture, height ... E. P. Hutchinson 279 1948-8-2
FH: 00220154 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island, Goldstream J. Macoun 341 1908-6-8
FH: 00849370 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] R. L. Halbert 1970-6-10
FH: 00849371 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] B. L. Hoisington 1977-10-5
FH: 00849372 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] [no data available]
FH: 00849373 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia New Westminster: [no additional data] A. J. Hill 1902-3-12
FH: 00849374 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia New Westminster: [no additional data] A. J. Hill 1902-3-12
NEBC: 00849375 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia New Westminster: [no additional data] A. J. Hill 1902-3-12
FH: 00849376 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] [no data available] 1887-5-3
FH: 00849377 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia New Westminster: [no additional data] A. J. Hill 1903-7-10
FH: 00849378 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia New Westminster: [no additional data] A. J. Hill 1902-4
FH: 00849379 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] J. Macoun 1893-5-3
FH: 00849380 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] J. T. Howell 1931-8-1
FH: 00849381 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] J. Will. Bailey 1901-6-13
FH: 00849382 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] R. L. Halbert 4798 1970-6-12
FH: 00849383 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] R. L. Halbert 5123 1970-7-8
FH: 00849384 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] R. L. Halbert 4260 1969-8-12
FH: 00849385 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: Yukon Territory [data not captured] A. Müller 10 1920-8-11
FH: 00849386 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] J. T. Howell 1931-8-1
FH: 01091636 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Vancouver, stanley park [data not captured] 1966-8-8
FH: 00996105 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Banks of Cheakamus River, 2 mi. S. of Gariba... A. M. M. Reid 1969-8-22
FH: 01114016 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Haida Gwaii: Tlell House B. C. Tan 94-929 1994-6-20
FH: 01114017 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Haida Gwaii: Kumdis Slough B. C. Tan 94-928 1994-6-21
FH: 01114029 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Haida Gwaii: Kumdis Slough B. C. Tan 94-949 1994-6-22
FH: 01114043 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper Canada: British Columbia Haida Gwaii: Tow Hill B. C. Tan 94-914 1994-6-22
FH: 00220154 Plagiothecium undulatum subneckeroideum Kindberg Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island, Goldstream J. Macoun 341 1908-6-8
FH: 00849330 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York [data not captured] E. G. Britton 1898-7-31
FH: 00849331 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Oregon [data not captured] L. F. Henderson 17013 1935-3-15
FH: 00849332 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Oregon [data not captured] L. F. Henderson 1889-3-10
FH: 00849333 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: California Mendocino City: [no additional data] M. A. Howe 1896-5-6
FH: 00849334 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Oregon [data not captured] R. R. Halse 4325 1991-9-25
FH: 00849335 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Oregon [data not captured] L. F. Henderson 17664 1935-8-10
FH: 00849336 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Oregon [data not captured] R. Andrews 1936-5-3
FH: 00849337 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: California Mendocino City: [no additional data] M. A. Howe 1896-5-6
FH: 00849338 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: California Eureka: [no additional data] J. P. Tracy 4071 1913-5-11
FH: 00849339 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Oregon Portland: [no additional data] L. F. Henderson
FH: 00849340 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Colorado [data not captured] [data not captured] 1879
FH: 00849341 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Oregon Portland: [no additional data] T. J. Howell 1883
FH: 00849342 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: California [data not captured] E. K. Daniels 22 1965-4-10
FH: 00849343 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: California [no additional data] Mrs. P. Ames
FH: 00849344 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: California Mendocino City: [no additional data] M. A. Howe 1896-5-6
FH: 00849345 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Oregon [data not captured] R. D. Brown 1913-12
FH: 00849346 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] F. J. Hermann 22854 1969-9-6
FH: 00849347 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Oregon [data not captured] R. R. Halse 5234 1997-6-24
FH: 00849348 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Oregon [no additional data] [no data available]
FH: 00849349 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] R. D. Nevius
FH: 00849350 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington Tacoma: [no additional data] J. B. Flett 1899-4
FH: 00849351 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington Tacoma: [no additional data] J. Röll 222
FH: 00849352 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] [no data available] 1919-6
FH: 00849353 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Will. Bailey 1910-9-1
FH: 00849354 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 441
FH: 00849355 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 127 1946-6-10
FH: 00849356 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. M. Grant 1923-9
FH: 00849357 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. M. Grant 1926-3
FH: 00849358 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] R. R. Brinker 4233 1947-7-20
FH: 00849359 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington Seattle: [data not captured] C. M. Roberts 1923-1-20
FH: 00849360 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. M. Grant 1927-3
FH: 00849361 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] E. T. Harper & S. A. Harper 1906-4-7
FH: 00849362 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington Seattle: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 1891-6
FH: 00849363 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] E. Lawton 2380 1954-7-21
FH: 00849364 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 304
FH: 00849365 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] B. I. Brown & W. L. C. Muenscher 98 1950-6-18
FH: 00849366 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] B. I. Brown & W. L. C. Muenscher 99 1950-6-18
FH: 00849367 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 523
FH: 00849368 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington Seattle: [no additional data] E. A. Shumway 1891-6
FH: 00849369 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] A. A. Heller & E. G. Heller 1898-6-28
FH: 00849387 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska Sitka: [no additional data] O. E. G. Hultén 8459 1932-9-15
FH: 00849388 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska [data not captured] E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff E 17 1938-9-15
FH: 00849389 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska [data not captured] R. H. Bates 1933-8-30
FH: 00849390 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska [data not captured] G. E. Cooley 1891-7-21
FH: 00849391 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska [data not captured] O. E. G. Hultén 1932-4-22
FH: 00849392 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska [data not captured] K. Stephens 340 1907
FH: 00849393 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska [data not captured] K. Stephens 352 1907-6-3
FH: 00849394 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska Sitka: [no additional data] J. M. Macoun 1891-9-26
FH: 00849395 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska [data not captured] J. M. Macoun 1891-6-18
FH: 00849396 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska [data not captured] C. W. Hayes 1891-9
FH: 00849397 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska Sitka: [no additional data] C. H. Townsend 46 1894-9-29
FH: 00849398 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska [data not captured] R. H. Bates 1933-8-30
FH: 00849399 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska [data not captured] F. V. Coville & T. H. Kearney, Jr. 790 1899-6-10
FH: 00849400 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska [data not captured] G. E. Cooley 1891-8-17
FH: 00913366 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Oregon [data not captured] A. V. Kautz 1855
FH: 00996015 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska Washington Bay, Kuiu Island W. J. Eyerdam 5285 1949-10-2
FH: 00996028 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington seattle T. C. Frye 2013 1924-12-6
FH: 00996070 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: California Arcata, Humboldt State University, Forest ad... A. M. M. Reid 10049 1975-8-16
FH: 00996692 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Alaska Sitka [data not captured] 1960
FH: 00213411 Pseudotaxiphyllum distichaceum (Mitten) Z. Iwatsuki Costa Rica: Potrera del Alto, Voleau de Poas. H. F. Pittier 5791 1888-7-26
FH: 00919782 Pseudotaxiphyllum distichaceum (Mitten) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Massachusetts Petersham: [data not captured] Paul Wilson 3266 1994-9-28
FH: 00919783 Pseudotaxiphyllum distichaceum (Mitten) Z. Iwatsuki USA: North Carolina [data not captured] L. E. Anderson 20,849 1970-6-27
FH: 00995920 Pseudotaxiphyllum distichaceum (Mitten) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Vermont Quechee Gorge, Below junction of Rt.4 and Ot... A. M. M. Reid Q-34b 1975-10-25
FH: 00213423 Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: by Hotte... E. Christophersen 1377 1938-1-28
FH: 00290232 Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki : Tristan da Cunha: Nightingale: At Peak E. Christophersen 2193 1938-2-10
FH: 00842272 Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Massachusetts Melrose: cascade [Middlesex Fells Reservatio... C. C. Kingman 1908-11-28
FH: 00996706 Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Maine Belfast, underneath Balanced Rock E. P. Hutchinson 1963-9-11
NEBC: 00811406 Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Maine Town of Phippsburg, Bates-Morse Mountain Con... T. R. Phillips 4055 2023-7-1
FH: 00301459 Pseudotaxiphyllum falcifolium (Hooker f. & Wilson) S. He New Zealand: New Zealand J. D. Hooker H 3680 1843
FH: 00301454 Pseudotaxiphyllum falcifolium (Hooker f. & Wilson) S. He New Zealand: New Zealand A. Sinclair 15
FH: 00301453 Pseudotaxiphyllum pohliaecarpum (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Z. Iwatsuki Japan: Shizuoka Simoda, Japan C. Wright 1855-5-22
FH: 00213413 Pseudotaxiphyllum richardsii (E. B. Bartram) Ireland Mexico: Sonora Imuris, on soil, on boulders, along Rio de l... F. E. Drouet & D. Richards 757 1939-11-28
FH: 00220501 Stereophyllum affine Renauld & Cardot Costa Rica: Los Conventillos H. F. Pittier & A. Tonduz 5800 1890-1-8
FH: 00213220 Stereophyllum cultelliforme (Sullivant) Mitten Cuba: C. Wright 126
FH: 01132172 Stereophyllum leucostegum (Bridel) Mitten Canada: Ontario Ottawa: [data not captured] J. Macoun 1889-9-25
FH: 01132175 Stereophyllum leucostegum (Bridel) Mitten Mexico: [data not captured] C. F. L. C. Ervendberg 1859
FH: 01132176 Stereophyllum leucostegum (Bridel) Mitten Mexico: [data not captured] C. F. L. C. Ervendberg 1859
FH: 01132173 Stereophyllum leucostegum (Bridel) Mitten USA: Florida [data not captured] J. Donnell Smith & C. F. Austin 1878-11
FH: 01132174 Stereophyllum leucostegum (Bridel) Mitten USA: Florida [data not captured] J. Donnell Smith 1878-3
FH: 00220502 Stereophyllum mexicanum R. S. Williams Mexico: Jalisco Barranca, Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 705-706 1889-9-25
FH: 00220503 Stereophyllum mexicanum R. S. Williams Mexico: Jalisco Barranca, Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 705-706 1889-9-25
FH: 00220504 Stereophyllum orcuttii Cardot Mexico: Alzada, Col. C. R. Orcutt 4644 1910-11-4
FH: 00220505 Stereophyllum panamense E. B. Bartram Panama: Canal Zone, between Madden Dam and Saddle II... C. W. Dodge et al. 16518 1934-11-25
FH: 00220506 Stereophyllum perpusillum Müller Halle Mexico: Yucatán G. F. Gaumer 340 1933-1
FH: 01132196 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Mexico: Veracruz [data not captured] J. Vera Santos 3746 1944-11-26
FH: 01132197 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] A. J. Sharp 1634 1944-12-11
FH: 01132198 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Mexico: San Luis Potosí [data not captured] C. G. Pringle 770 1891-12-16
FH: 01132199 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Mexico: Veracruz [data not captured] J. Vera Santos 3749 1944-11-26
FH: 01132200 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Mexico: Oaxaca [data not captured] J. Vera Santos 3823 1944-12-8
FH: 01132201 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Mexico: [data not captured] C. F. L. C. Ervendberg 1859
FH: 01132202 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Mexico: [data not captured] C. F. L. C. Ervendberg 1859
FH: 01132203 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Mexico: [data not captured] C. F. L. C. Ervendberg 1859
FH: 01132204 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Mexico: [data not captured] C. F. L. C. Ervendberg 1859
FH: 01132205 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Mexico: Quintana Roo Lake Chichancanab (Laguna Chan-kabnab)
W. C. Steere 2469 1932-7-28
FH: 01132206 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Mexico: Campeche [data not captured] C. L. Lundell 1036a
FH: 01132177 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Florida [data not captured] D. Blake 1953
FH: 01132178 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Florida [no additional data] J. Donnell Smith
FH: 01132179 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Florida [no additional data] J. Donnell Smith 1877
FH: 01132180 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Florida Miami: [no additional data] Mrs. A. T. Slosson 1898-1
FH: 01132181 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Florida [no additional data] J. Donnell Smith
FH: 01132182 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Florida Miami: [no additional data] Mrs. A. T. Slosson 1898-1-20
FH: 01132183 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Florida [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1926-3-30
FH: 01132184 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Florida [data not captured] A. J. Grout 1931-4-1
FH: 01132185 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: [data not captured] [data not captured]
FH: 01132186 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Texas [data not captured] R. Runyon 3630 1944-2-8
FH: 01132187 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Texas San Antonio: [data not captured] A. B. Langlois 1893
FH: 01132188 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Texas [data not captured] E. U. Clover 1933-12-6
FH: 01132189 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Texas [data not captured] E. A. Harris 7 1928-4
FH: 01132190 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Texas New Braunfels: [no additional data] C. T. Mohr 1880
FH: 01132191 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Texas [data not captured] E. U. Clover 1934-2-9
FH: 01132192 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Texas [data not captured] R. Runyon 1389 1931-3
FH: 01132193 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Texas San Antonio: [data not captured] E. A. Harris 18 1928-5
FH: 01132194 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Texas [data not captured] [data not captured] 1944
FH: 01132195 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Texas [data not captured] R. Runyon 3651 1944-2-25
FH: 00996229 Stereophyllum radiculosulum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger USA: Florida Hammocks, lower part of Elliots Key J. K. Small & C. A. Mosier 5162 1915-3-11
FH: 00213429 Stereophyllum seminerve (Kuntze ex Schwägrichen) Mitten Chile: Chile centralis ad Quilpué P. K. H. Dusén 1896-6
FH: 00220507 Stereophyllum subobtusum Renauld & Cardot Costa Rica: La Verbena H. F. Pittier 5802 1894-8
FH: 00220508 Stereophyllum turgidulum Cardot Mexico: Morelos Barranca near Cuernavaca C. G. Pringle 10665 1908-10-17
FH: 00220509 Stereophyllum turgidulum Cardot Mexico: Jalisco Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 15240.5 1908-9-30
FH: 00220510 Stereophyllum turgidulum Cardot Mexico: Morelos Barranca, near Cuernavaca C. G. Pringle 10665 1908-10-17
FH: 00996229 Stereophyllum wrightii (Sullivant) Renauld & Cardot USA: Florida Hammocks, lower part of Elliots Key J. K. Small & C. A. Mosier 5162 1915-3-11