A: 00227078 canadensis (Linnaeus) Bolli USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, east side of H... L. J. Mehrhoff 23257 2008-7-7
A: 00227080 altissima (Miller) Swingle USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, east of South ... L. J. Mehrhoff 23223 2008-6-24
NEBC: 00415083 cathartica Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, east of South ... L. J. Mehrhoff 23225 2008-6-24
A: 00227082 cathartica Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, east of South ... L. J. Mehrhoff 23225 2008-6-24
NEBC: 01043620 dentatus Torrey USA: New Hampshire Bradford: Bradford L. J. Mehrhoff 23343 2008-8-21
NEBC: 00348456 didymum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, west side of W... L. J. Mehrhoff 23212 2008-6-19
NEBC: 00820897 dortmanna Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Bradford: Bradford L. J. Mehrhoff 23344 2008-8-21
A: 00227072 glomerata Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, west rim above... L. J. Mehrhoff 23171 2008-5-22
NEBC: 00423961 hybridum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, rim west of en... L. J. Mehrhoff 23204 2008-6-19
A: 00227077 intermedia (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... L. J. Mehrhoff 23254 2008-7-7
NEBC: 00578038 latifolium Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Sturbridge: Sturbridge L. J. Mehrhoff 23279 2008-7-18
A: 00227073 majus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, west rim of Ol... L. J. Mehrhoff 23169 2008-5-22
NEBC: 01042140 mariscoides (Muhlenberg) Torrey USA: New Hampshire Bradford: Bradford L. J. Mehrhoff 23346 2008-8-21
NEBC: 00859721 militaris Bigelow USA: New Hampshire Bradford: Bradford L. J. Mehrhoff 23345 2008-8-21
A: 00227078 nigra Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, east side of H... L. J. Mehrhoff 23257 2008-7-7
A: 00227075 odoratus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, south side of ... L. J. Mehrhoff 23250 2008-7-7
A: 00227074 peregrina Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, south of Old S... L. J. Mehrhoff 23181 2008-5-22
NEBC: 00354274 pseudacorus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, east of Willow... L. J. Mehrhoff 23218 2008-6-24
NEBC: 00669995 solida (Linnaeus) Clairville USA: Massachusetts Boston: Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, eas... L. J. Mehrhoff 23125 2008-5-2
A: 00227079 swanii (Fernald) Mackenzie USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, east side of H... L. J. Mehrhoff 23258 2008-7-7
NEBC: 01069571 virginica Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Bradford: Bradford L. J. Mehrhoff 23341 2008-8-21
Aceraceae NEBC: 00415066 Acer pseudoplatanus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, east of South ... L. J. Mehrhoff 23229 2008-6-24
Araliaceae A: 00227081 Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunberg ex A. Murray) Koidzumi USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, east of South ... L. J. Mehrhoff 23222 2008-6-24
Asclepiadaceae NEBC: 00295820 Cynanchum louiseae Kartesz & Gandhi USA: Massachusetts Boston: [Jamaica Plain] Arnold Arboretum, ri... L. J. Mehrhoff 23199 2008-6-19
Asteraceae NEBC: 00587269 Centaurea jacea Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Keene: Keene L. J. Mehrhoff 23307 2008-8-5
A: 00227076 Hieracium lachenalii C. C. Gmelin USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, south side of ... L. J. Mehrhoff 23251 2008-7-7