Aizoaceae GH: 01860015 Cypselea humifusa Turpin USA: Florida ad Manate F. I. X. Rugel 65 1845-9
Alismataceae GH: 00022729 Sagittaria lancifolia media Micheli USA: Virginia F. I. X. Rugel
Amaranthaceae A: 01928344 Alternanthera caracasanus Kunth USA: Alabama inter Abbeville et Clayton F. I. X. Rugel 1843-9
GH: 01928386 Alternanthera flavescens Kunth USA: Florida [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 24 1842
A: 01929190 Amaranthus polygonoides Linnaeus USA: Florida Key West: [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 31 1846-2
A: 01929496 Amaranthus spinosus Linnaeus USA: Florida Key West: [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 72 1846-2
Amblystegiaceae FH: 01139284 Limnobium eugyrium Schimper USA: Tennessee [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
FH: 01139285 Limnobium eugyrium Schimper USA: [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
Anacardiaceae GH: 00064677 Comocladia platyphylla A. Richard Cuba: Matanzas F. I. X. Rugel 277 1849
Annonaceae GH: 00039254 Annona pygmaea W. Bartram USA: Florida Prope Jacksonville et Smyrna F. I. X. Rugel 10 1848-5
GH: 00039254 Asimina pygmaea (W. Bartram) Dunal USA: Florida Prope Jacksonville et Smyrna F. I. X. Rugel 10 1848-5
GH: 00039288 Asimina pygmaea (W. Bartram) Dunal USA: Florida prope Smyrna [New Smyrna Beach], Florida or. F. I. X. Rugel 9 1848-5
GH: 00039255 Asimina reticulata Shuttleworth ex Chapman USA: Florida Prope lac. Monroe, Florida or. F. I. X. Rugel 5
GH: 00039288 Asimina rugelii B. L. Robinson USA: Florida prope Smyrna [New Smyrna Beach], Florida or. F. I. X. Rugel 9 1848-5
GH: 00423861 Asimina rugelii B. L. Robinson USA: Florida prope Smyrna [New Smyrna Beach], Florida or. F. I. X. Rugel 9 1848-5
GH: 00039288 Asimina sp. USA: Florida prope Smyrna [New Smyrna Beach], Florida or. F. I. X. Rugel 9 1848-5
GH: 00423861 Asimina sp. USA: Florida prope Smyrna [New Smyrna Beach], Florida or. F. I. X. Rugel 9 1848-5
GH: 00039288 Deeringothamnus rugelii (B. L. Robinson) Small USA: Florida prope Smyrna [New Smyrna Beach], Florida or. F. I. X. Rugel 9 1848-5
GH: 00423861 Deeringothamnus rugelii (B. L. Robinson) Small USA: Florida prope Smyrna [New Smyrna Beach], Florida or. F. I. X. Rugel 9 1848-5
Apiaceae GH: 00359399 Thaspium pinnatifidum (Buckley) A. Gray USA: North Carolina In ditione Macon Cy., Carolina F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 00359399 Thaspium walteri Shuttleworth USA: North Carolina In ditione Macon Cy., Carolina F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 00359399 Zizia pinnatifida Buckley USA: North Carolina In ditione Macon Cy., Carolina F. I. X. Rugel
Apocynaceae GH: 00004764 Amsonia rigida Shuttleworth USA: Florida Near St. Marks F. I. X. Rugel 1843-6
GH: 02115672 Forsteronia corymbosa (Jacquin) G. Meyer Cuba: Matanzas [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 343 1849
GH: 02375408 Tabernaemontana alba Miller Cuba: S. John's F. I. X. Rugel 263 1849
Araceae GH: 01654449 Arisaema triphyllum pusillum (Peck) Huttleston USA: Texas Hopestone River F. I. X. Rugel 1844-4
GH: 01654450 Arisaema triphyllum pusillum (Peck) Huttleston USA: Texas Gegend F. I. X. Rugel 1844-4
Aristolochiaceae GH: 01681695 Aristolochia macrophylla Lamarck USA: Tennessee [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 01681763 Aristolochia serpentaria Linnaeus USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 90 1845-5
GH: 01681762 Aristolochia serpentaria Linnaeus USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 91 1845-5
GH: 01681876 Aristolochia tomentosa Sims USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-5
A: 01682546 Hexastylis heterophylla Small USA: Alabama [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 24 1844-4
Asclepiadaceae GH: 01595366 Lyonia ferruginea (Walter) Nuttall USA: Georgia Altamaha & Satilla River, Lower Georgia F. I. X. Rugel 1848-4
GH: 00267340 Orthosia scoparia (Nuttall) Liede & Meve Cuba: Matanzas F. I. X. Rugel 156 1849
Asteraceae GH: 00936377 Aster elodes Torrey & A. Gray USA: Virginia Portsmouth (Virginia): Portsmouth F. I. X. Rugel 52 1840-9
GH: 00936377 Aster novi-belgii elodes (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray USA: Virginia Portsmouth (Virginia): Portsmouth F. I. X. Rugel 52 1840-9
GH: 02214913 Bigelowia nudata (Michaux) de Candolle USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1842
GH: 02189304 Eupatorium cuneifolium Willdenow USA: South Carolina [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 1842-9
A: 01834471 Lactuca elongata Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Virginia [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1840-8
A: 01834503 Lactuca floridana (Linnaeus) Gaertner USA: Tennessee [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1842-8
A: 01835249 Lygodesmia aphylla Nuttall USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 02584497 Pityopsis aspera adenolepis (Fernald) Semple & Bowers USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 484 1842
GH: 02584607 Pityopsis flexuosa (Nash) Small USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 485 1842
GH: 00018968 Rudbeckia bupleuroides Shuttleworth ex Chapman USA: Florida St. Marks F. I. X. Rugel 1843-6
GH: 00011671 Rugelia nudicaulis Shuttleworth USA: Tennessee Smoky Mountains F. I. X. Rugel 1842-8
GH: 00251619 Santolina chamaecyparissus Linnaeus France: Pyr. Or. [Pyrenees Oriental] intes Titou et ... F. I. X. Rugel 1839-6
GH: 00251621 Santolina chamaecyparissus Linnaeus France: Pyr. Or. [Pyrenees Oriental] St. Anton prope... F. I. X. Rugel 1839-6
GH: 00251620 Santolina chamaecyparissus Linnaeus France: Pyr. Or. [Pyrenees Oriental] Perpignon - Cay... F. I. X. Rugel 1839-6
GH: 00251630 Santolina chamaecyparissus Linnaeus France: Perpeguais [?]. Pyrenie or. [oriental] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 00251725 Santolina squarrosa Willdenow France: Perpignon. Gallia F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 00251750 Santolina squarrosa Willdenow France: Fidu Gallica nier. [?] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 00936377 Symphyotrichum novi-belgii elodes (Torr. & A. Gray) G.L. Nesom USA: Virginia Portsmouth (Virginia): Portsmouth F. I. X. Rugel 52 1840-9
Betulaceae GH: 02103061 Corylus cornuta Marshall USA: North Carolina [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1842-8
GH: 02103339 Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 680 1943-8
Boraginaceae GH: 00263539 Bourreria montana Wright ex Grisebach Cuba: Mantangas B. F. I. X. Rugel 363 1849
GH: 00263539 Bourreria succulenta revoluta O. E. Schulz Cuba: Mantangas B. F. I. X. Rugel 363 1849
GH: 00263539 Bourreria virgata (Swartz) Don Cuba: Mantangas B. F. I. X. Rugel 363 1849
GH: 01993975 Heliotropium tenellum Torrey USA: Alabama prope Summerville F. I. X. Rugel 1843-10
Brassicaceae GH: 00992670 Arabidopsis lyrata (Linnaeus) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Tennessee [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 17 1844-4
GH: 00974840 Barbarea verna (Miller) Ascherson USA: North Carolina in valle ad Blue Ridge Ms. F. I. X. Rugel 1841-8
GH: 00946703 Boechera patens (Sullivant) Al-Shehbaz USA: Tennessee [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1842-4
GH: 00018903 Cardamine clematitis Shuttleworth ex A. Gray USA: Tennessee In locis humidis et ad fontes regionis super... F. I. X. Rugel 19 1844-5
GH: 00019473 Cardamine curvisiliqua Shuttleworth ex Chapman USA: Florida In uliginosis subsalsis ad fluv. St. Marks, ... F. I. X. Rugel 1843-5
GH: 00019474 Cardamine curvisiliqua Shuttleworth ex Chapman USA: Florida In uliginosis subsalsis ad fluv. St. Marks, ... F. I. X. Rugel 1843-5
Bromeliaceae GH: 02546986 Guzmania monostachia (Linnaeus) Rusby ex Mez Cuba: Matanzas [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 247 1849
GH: 01818477 Tillandsia balbisiana Schultes f. Cuba: [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 247 1849
GH: 02015900 Tillandsia balbisiana Schultes f. USA: Florida Key West: [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 106 1846-3
GH: 02015899 Tillandsia balbisiana Schultes f. USA: Florida Key West: [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 101 1846-2
GH: 02015934 Tillandsia circinnata Schlechtendal USA: Florida Key West: [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 105 1846
GH: 01154685 Tillandsia fasciculata Swartz USA: Florida Key West: F. I. X. Rugel 104 1846-2
GH: 02015951 Tillandsia fasciculata Swartz USA: Florida [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 1845-6
GH: 01154685 Tillandsia fasciculata densispica Mez USA: Florida Key West: F. I. X. Rugel 104 1846-2
GH: 02015968 Tillandsia flexuosa Swartz USA: Florida Key West: [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 103 1846
GH: 01817014 Tillandsia recurvata (Linnaeus) Linnaeus USA: Florida [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 362 1845-8
GH: 01817070 Tillandsia setacea Swartz USA: Florida near Manettee F. I. X. Rugel 361 1845-8
GH: 01817069 Tillandsia setacea Swartz USA: Florida Okawakee River, near Fort King F. I. X. Rugel s.n. 1848-7
GH: 02547503 Tillandsia tenuifolia Linnaeus Cuba: Yumury F. I. X. Rugel 244 1849
GH: 02547490 Tillandsia tenuifolia Linnaeus Cuba: Yumury F. I. X. Rugel 244 1849-4
GH: 00288268 Tillandsia utriculata Linnaeus USA: Florida Key West: [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 102 1846
GH: 01817243 Tillandsia utriculata Linnaeus USA: Florida Manettee F. I. X. Rugel 345 1845-7
GH: 02547644 Tillandsia variabilis Schlechtendal Cuba: Yumury F. I. X. Rugel 246 1849
GH: 02547620 Tillandsia variabilis Schlechtendal Cuba: Yumury F. I. X. Rugel 246 1849-4
Caricaceae GH: 01181387 Carica papaya Linnaeus USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 251 1845-7
Caryophyllaceae A: 01745317 Minuartia caroliniana (Walter) Mattfeld USA: Georgia inter Knoxville et Perry F. I. X. Rugel 1845-4
GH: 01714263 Paronychia argyrocoma (Michaux) Nuttall USA: North Carolina Slatey Ms. supra Swannano, Carolina Spt. F. I. X. Rugel 1842-8
A: 01714702 Paronychia fastigiata (Rafinesque) Fernald USA: North Carolina Carolina Sept. F. I. X. Rugel 1841-6
GH: 00037792 Paronychia rugelii Shuttleworth ex Chapman USA: Florida Ad fluv. Whittlecouchy, prope Camp Island, F... F. I. X. Rugel 54 1848-7
Celastraceae GH: 00282667 Crossopetalum rhacoma Crantz USA: Florida Key West: F. I. X. Rugel 121 1846-3
Ceratophyllaceae GH: 02073211 Ceratophyllum demersum Linnaeus USA: Alabama [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1843
Chenopodiaceae GH: 01826427 Atriplex pentandra (Jacquin) Standley USA: Florida Key West: [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 46
Convolvulaceae GH: 02042571 Ipomoea purpurea (Linnaeus) Roth USA: Virginia Norfolk: [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel
Crassulaceae GH: 01988259 Sedum dasyphyllum Linnaeus France: "Pyr. Or. Supra Collioure” = Collioure, Py... F. I. X. Rugel 1839-6
GH: 01988337 Sedum hirsutum Allioni France: “Pyr. Or. Supra Collioure” = Collioure, ... F. I. X. Rugel 1839-6
Cucurbitaceae GH: 00031910 Melothria pendula microcarpa Cogniaux USA: Alabama Ad canalem "Muscle Shoals", ad. fluv. Tennes... F. I. X. Rugel 1843-9
Droseraceae GH: 01143490 Drosera brevifolia Pursh USA: Florida Inter Tallahassee et St. Marks. F. I. X. Rugel 1843-4
GH: 01143494 Drosera brevifolia Pursh USA: Florida Prope St. Marks. F. I. X. Rugel 1843-5
GH: 01143495 Drosera brevifolia Pursh USA: Florida Prope Mount Vernon. F. I. X. Rugel 1843-8
GH: 01143569 Drosera capillaris Poiret USA: Florida Prope St. Marks. F. I. X. Rugel 1843-5
Entodontaceae FH: 01138133 Cylindrothecium drummondii Schimper ex Sullivant USA: Florida Tallahassee: [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-3
Ericaceae GH: 01537103 Bejaria racemosa Ventenat USA: Florida Manatee River F. I. X. Rugel 130. 1845-6
GH: 01537644 Ceratiola ericoides Michaux USA: Florida Manettii River. [Manatee R.] F. I. X. Rugel 442 1845-9
GH: 01591457 Eubotrys racemosa (Linnaeus) Nuttall USA: Florida Ad lac. Jamony F. I. X. Rugel 1843-4
GH: 01592925 Gaylussacia dumosa (Andrews) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Virginia Norfolk; Western Branch F. I. X. Rugel 1840-6
GH: 01686498 Gaylussacia frondosa (Linnaeus) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Virginia [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 01593727 Kalmia hirsuta Walter USA: Florida prope St. Marks F. I. X. Rugel 417 1843-6
GH: 01594788 Leiophyllum buxifolium (Bergius) Elliott USA: Tennessee Smokey Ms. F. I. X. Rugel 1842-4
GH: 01594819 Leucothoë axillaris (Lamarck) D. Don USA: Florida prope Quincy F. I. X. Rugel 1843-4
GH: 01717186 Lyonia ligustrina foliosiflora (Michaux) Fernald USA: Virginia [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 01765425 Rhododendron viscosum (Linnaeus) Torrey USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 346 1845-8
GH: 01765453 Rhododendron viscosum (Linnaeus) Torrey USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-7
Euphorbiaceae GH: 00415138 Acalypha gracilens A. Gray USA: Virginia [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 00415138 Acalypha virginica gracilens (A. Gray) Riddell USA: Virginia [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 01785703 Croton glandulosus Linnaeus USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 421 1842
A: 00267796 Croton glandulosus septentrionalis Müller Argoviensis USA: Florida F. I. X. Rugel 1842
A: 00267796 Croton glandulosus angustifolius Müller Argoviensis USA: Florida F. I. X. Rugel 1842
GH: 00047214 Croton litoralis rugelianus Urban Cuba: Matanzas F. I. X. Rugel 160 1849
GH: 00047214 Croton rosmarinifolius Grisebach Cuba: Matanzas F. I. X. Rugel 160 1849
GH: 00047214 Croton rugelianus Urban Cuba: Matanzas F. I. X. Rugel 160 1849
Fabaceae GH: 02321771 Adenocarpus telonensis (Loisel.) DC. France: [illegible]zere[?] F. I. X. Rugel 1839-5
GH: 01689579 Aeschynomene viscidula Michaux USA: Florida ad Spring Garden, Florida or. F. I. X. Rugel 1848-6
A: 01689576 Aeschynomene viscidula Michaux USA: Florida ad Spring Garden, Florida or. F. I. X. Rugel 1848-6
GH: 00058519 Amorpha fruticosa Linnaeus USA: Tennessee Dandridge F. I. X. Rugel 1842-6
GH: 01967862 Amorpha fruticosa Linnaeus USA: Florida Ad fl. Manate, Florida austr. occ. F. I. X. Rugel 1845-7
GH: 01935518 Amorpha herbacea Walter USA: Florida S. John's, inter Palatke et St. Augustine, F... F. I. X. Rugel 1848-7
GH: 01935567 Amorpha herbacea floridana (Rydberg) Wilbur USA: Florida Ad ripas fl. Manate, Flora austr. occ. F. I. X. Rugel 1845-6
GH: 00058519 Amorpha tennessensis Shuttleworth USA: Tennessee Dandridge F. I. X. Rugel 1842-6
A: 01961517 Desmodium lineatum de Candolle USA: Alabama prope Rockford F. I. X. Rugel 1843-9
A: 01961516 Desmodium lineatum de Candolle USA: Alabama prope Rockford F. I. X. Rugel 1843-9
A: 01961799 Desmodium paniculatum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Alabama [Coasa] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-9
GH: 01960364 Desmodium rotundifolium (Michaux) de Candolle USA: Alabama inter Huntsville et Summerville F. I. X. Rugel 1843-9
A: 02148107 Hylodesmum nudiflorum (Linnaeus) H. Ohashi & R. R. Mill USA: Virginia prope Portsmouth F. I. X. Rugel 1840-7
GH: 02130540 Orbexilum lupinellus (Michaux) Isely USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 163a 1848-5
GH: 02130541 Orbexilum lupinellus (Michaux) Isely USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 163 1845-5
GH: 02130809 Orbexilum virgatum (Nuttall) Rydberg USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 164 1848-7
GH: 02133394 Phaseolus polystachios sinuatus (Nuttall ex Torr. & A. Gray) Freytag USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 132 1845-8
GH: 02133515 Piscidia piscipula (Linnaeus) Sargent USA: Florida Key West: [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 155 1846
GH: 02133568 Pitcheria galactoides Nuttall USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-7
GH: 02134305 Rhynchosia minima (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 139 1846-2
GH: 02134293 Rhynchosia minima (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 138 1845-7
GH: 02134463 Rhynchosia swartzii (Vail) Urban USA: Florida Key West: Ins. Key West, Florida austr. F. I. X. Rugel 137 1846-2
A: 02136035 Sesbania vesicaria (Jacquin) Elliott USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 154 1848-9
GH: 02135695 Sophora tomentosa Linnaeus USA: Florida Key West: [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 192 1846
GH: 02135694 Sophora tomentosa Linnaeus USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 193 1845-6
GH: 00063570 Tephrosia rugelii Shuttleworth ex B. L. Robinson USA: Florida In pinetis ad fl. Manate F. I. X. Rugel 156 1845-6
GH: 02137261 Tephrosia spicata (Walter) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 157 1845-6
A: 02347841 Zornia bracteata J. F. Gmelin USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 173 1845-7
Fagaceae GH: 00034094 Quercus floridana Shuttleworth ex A. de Candolle USA: Florida Prope Tallahassee F. I. X. Rugel 1843-8
Gentianaceae GH: 02069386 Bartonia tenella Willdenow USA: Virginia [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 188 1840-7
GH: 02069386 Bartonia virginica (Linnaeus) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Virginia [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 188 1840-7
GH: 00415259 Erythraea spicata (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Virginia Portsmouth (Virginia): Ad James River. Weste... F. I. X. Rugel 1840-7
GH: 01245194 Gentiana alpina Vill. France: Canigou F. I. X. Rugel 1839-7
GH: 00415259 Schenkia spicata (Linnaeus) G. Mansion USA: Virginia Portsmouth (Virginia): Ad James River. Weste... F. I. X. Rugel 1840-7
Haloragaceae GH: 00032413 Myriophyllum laxum Shuttleworth ex Chapman USA: Florida In lac. Jamony [Lake Iamonia] F. I. X. Rugel 250 1845-5
Hypericaceae GH: 00067920 Triadenum longifolia Small USA: In fossis prope Summerville, Alabama, et ad ... F. I. X. Rugel 1843-10
Hypnaceae FH: 01138828 Hypnum candidum Müller Halle USA: Tennessee [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
FH: 01138876 Hypnum demissum Wilson USA: [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
Juncaceae GH: 02400392 Juncus biflorus Elliott USA: Virginia Portsmouth (Virginia): [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 02101769 Juncus dichotomus Elliott USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 235 1843-5
GH: 02400021 Juncus marginatus Rostkovius USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-4
GH: 02400025 Juncus marginatus Rostkovius USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-4
GH: 02399742 Juncus polycephalos Michaux USA: Virginia Portsmouth (Virginia): [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1840-6
GH: 02399998 Juncus repens Michaux USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 584 1843-7
GH: 02398348 Juncus scirpoides Lamarck USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 273 1843-3
GH: 02398927 Juncus tenuis Willdenow USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 02366980 Luzula sp. USA: North Carolina [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 02366978 Luzula sp. USA: Georgia [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
Lamiaceae GH: 01580958 Agastache nepetoides (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: North Carolina ad Broad River F. I. X. Rugel 1842-8
GH: 01555443 Calamintha nepeta (Linnaeus) Savi USA: Alabama prope Florence F. I. X. Rugel 1843-10
GH: 01555806 Clinopodium georgianum R. M. Harper USA: Alabama prope Clayton F. I. X. Rugel 1843-9
GH: 00102742 Collinsonia canadensis Linnaeus USA: Alabama dit. Clair Cy. F. I. X. Rugel 1843-9
GH: 00102742 Collinsonia scabriuscula puberula Bentham USA: Alabama dit. Clair Cy. F. I. X. Rugel 1843-9
GH: 02466706 Monarda punctata Linnaeus : North America (CA, US, MX): [no additional d... F. I. X. Rugel 194 1845
GH: 01596470 Pycnanthemum sp. USA: Alabama Huntsville: [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-10
GH: 01698092 Scutellaria incana australis (Epling) Collins USA: North Carolina [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 00002042 Stachys floridana Shuttleworth USA: Florida Near Tallahassee F. I. X. Rugel 1843-5
Lentibulariaceae GH: 01974442 Pinguicula grandiflora Lamarck Spain: Valls. Caros. F. I. X. Rugel 1839-7
GH: 01974024 Pinguicula lutea Walter USA: Georgiae infer. et Floridae mediae. F. I. X. Rugel 1833-3
GH: 01973952 Pinguicula pumila Michaux USA: Florida Prope St. Marks. F. I. X. Rugel 1843-4
GH: 01974096 Pinguicula pumila Michaux USA: Florida Tallahassee: [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-4
GH: 01974948 Utricularia gibba Linnaeus USA: Virginia Western Branch. F. I. X. Rugel 132 1840-7
GH: 01974979 Utricularia inflata Walter USA: Florida Tallahassee: Prope Tallahassee. F. I. X. Rugel 1843-4
GH: 01975862 Utricularia purpurea Walter USA: Florida ad lac. Jamony. F. I. X. Rugel 1843-5
GH: 01976164 Utricularia subulata Linnaeus USA: Virginia Western Branch. F. I. X. Rugel 930. 1840-7
Linaceae GH: 01248999 Linum angustifolium Hudson France: Pyr. or: Port Vendres. F. I. X. Rugel 1839-6
GH: 01248991 Linum angustifolium Hudson France: Bagnols F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 01247058 Linum campanulatum Linnaeus France: Montpellier. Gallia mer F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 01247059 Linum campanulatum Linnaeus France: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Aix. F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 01247169 Linum gallicum Linnaeus France: Pyr. or. Collioure. F. I. X. Rugel 1839-6
GH: 01247263 Linum narbonense Linnaeus France: Occitanie: Pyr. or. [Pyrénées-Orientales].... F. I. X. Rugel 1839-6
GH: 01247358 Linum salsoloides Lamarck France: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Marseille. F. I. X. Rugel 1839-5
Malvaceae GH: 02070829 Abutilon permolle (Willdenow) Sweet USA: Florida Key West: [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 00052614 Beloere cistiflora Shuttleworth USA: Florida Key West: F. I. X. Rugel 94 1846-2
GH: 00052613 Herissantia crispa (Linnaeus) Brizicky USA: Florida Key West: F. I. X. Rugel 95 1846-4
GH: 00312844 Kosteletzkya althaeifolia (Chapman) A. Gray ex S. Watson USA: Florida In paludosis, ad fl. Manate, Florida austr. ... F. I. X. Rugel 102 1845-7
GH: 00312844 Kosteletzkya pentacarpos (Linnaeus) Ledebour USA: Florida In paludosis, ad fl. Manate, Florida austr. ... F. I. X. Rugel 102 1845-7
GH: 00052871 Kosteletzkya virginica smilacifolia Chapman USA: Florida Inter fl. Manate et Sarazota Bay, Florida au... F. I. X. Rugel 103 1845-8
GH: 00052932 Malvastrum corchorifolium (Desrousseaux) Britton ex Small USA: Florida Mouth of the Manatee River F. I. X. Rugel 90 1845-6
GH: 01962191 Malvastrum coromandelianum (Linnaeus) Garcke USA: Florida St. Marks F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 00052932 Malvastrum rugelii S. Watson USA: Florida Mouth of the Manatee River F. I. X. Rugel 90 1845-6
GH: 01962191 Malvastrum tricuspidatum A. Gray USA: Florida St. Marks F. I. X. Rugel
Onagraceae GH: 01779281 Ludwigia brevipes (B. H. Long) Eames USA: Virginia Portsmouth (Virginia): Western Branch, James... F. I. X. Rugel 1840-8
Orchidaceae AMES: 02029770 Encyclia tampensis (Lindley) Small USA: Florida [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 175 1842
GH: 02029834 Encyclia tampensis (Lindley) Small USA: Florida [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 101 1842
AMES: 02050615 Habenaria quinqueseta (Michaux) Swartz USA: Florida [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 440 1842
GH: 01951996 Orchis morio Linnaeus France: Hyères F. I. X. Rugel 1835-5
GH: 01939191 Pteroglossaspis ecristata (Fernald) Rolfe USA: Florida [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 427 1842
Orobanchaceae GH: 02035484 Agalinis aphylla (Nuttall) Rafinesque USA: Florida [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 502 1842
GH: 01876442 Castilleja coccinea (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: North Carolina prope Salisbury F. I. X. Rugel 1841-5
GH: 02080120 Pedicularis canadensis Linnaeus USA: North Carolina prope Salisbury, et in summ. mont. Blue Ridg... F. I. X. Rugel 1841-5
GH: 02078987 Seymeria pectinata Pursh USA: Alabama Abbeville: [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 1843
Phyllanthaceae GH: 00048557 Chascotheca neopeltandra (Grisebach) Urban Cuba: F. I. X. Rugel 281
GH: 01971356 Phyllanthopsis phyllanthoides Vorontsova & Petra Hoffmann USA: Florida [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 437 1842
GH: 01971356 Phyllanthus abnormis Baillon USA: Florida [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 437 1842
GH: 01971499 Phyllanthus flagelliformis Müller Arg. USA: Florida [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 1842
GH: 00048557 Phyllanthus neopeltandrus Grisebach Cuba: F. I. X. Rugel 281
Pinaceae GH: 00398443 Pinus echinata Miller USA: Virginia Norfolk: Western Branch F. I. X. Rugel 139 1840-7
Piperaceae GH: 01983145 Lepianthes umbellata (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex Ramamoorthy Cuba: Yumury F. I. X. Rugel 382 1849-7
GH: 01964169 Piper ossanum (C. de Candolle) Trelease Cuba: Matanzas F. I. X. Rugel 214 1849
Plantaginaceae GH: 01046325 Bacopa caroliniana B. L. Robinson USA: Florida [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 83 1843
GH: 01046357 Bacopa caroliniana B. L. Robinson USA: Virginia Portsmouth F. I. X. Rugel 55 1840-8
GH: 01046358 Bacopa caroliniana B. L. Robinson USA: Virginia [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 01998052 Chelone glabra Linnaeus USA: North Carolina [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1841-9
GH: 01999363 Gratiola aurea Muhlenberg USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 99 1845-5
GH: 01999498 Gratiola hispida (Bentham) Pollard USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-5
GH: 01999537 Gratiola hispida (Bentham) Pollard USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 240 1848-7
GH: 01999590 Gratiola neglecta Torrey USA: District of Columbia [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1840-6-4
GH: 01999786 Gratiola pilosa Michaux USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1843
GH: 01999802 Gratiola pilosa Michaux USA: Virginia [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 01999901 Gratiola ramosa Walter USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-4
GH: 01999897 Gratiola ramosa Walter USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 23 1843-4
GH: 01999936 Gratiola virginiana Linnaeus USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-6
GH: 02000050 Gratiola viscidula Pennell USA: North Carolina [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1841-8
GH: 02001219 Mecardonia acuminata (Walter) Small USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-8
GH: 02001218 Mecardonia acuminata (Walter) Small USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-8
A: 02001206 Mecardonia acuminata (Walter) Small USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 19 1842
A: 02001323 Mecardonia procumbens (Miller) Small USA: Florida Key West: [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 30 1846-2
GH: 02121090 Penstemon multiflorus (Bentham) Chapman ex Small USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-7
GH: 01802062 Plantago elongata Pursh USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-4
GH: 01804433 Scoparia dulcis Linnaeus USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 133 1845-6
Poaceae GH: 01813376 Andropogon virginicus Linnaeus USA: Virginia Portsmouth (Virginia): [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 01813771 Coelorachis cylindrica (Michaux) Nash USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 235 1845-6
GH: 01813832 Coelorachis rugosa (Nuttall) Nash USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 535 1845-9
GH: 01813976 Elionurus tripsacoides Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 396 1843-8
GH: 00023863 Lasiacis rugelii Grisebach Cuba: F. I. X. Rugel 188 1849
GH: 02413243 Panicum flexile (Gattinger) Scribner USA: Alabama Huntsville F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 01815273 Tripsacum dactyloides (Linnaeus) Linnaeus USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 438 1843-6
Polemoniaceae GH: 01686964 Phlox sp. USA: Georgia Perry F. I. X. Rugel 14 1845-4
Polygalaceae GH: 00025856 Polygala leptostachys Shuttleworth ex A. Gray USA: Florida Prope Aspalaga F. I. X. Rugel 1843-7
GH: 01969450 Polygala mariana Miller USA: Virginia Portsmouth (Virginia): [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 00025875 Polygala rugelii Shuttleworth ex A. Gray USA: Florida In graminosis lucidis pinetorum ad fl. Manat... F. I. X. Rugel 26 1845-6
Polygonaceae GH: 00112424 Coccoloba floridana C. F. W. Meissner USA: Florida Key West: F. I. X. Rugel 140 1846-3
A: 02043045 Eriogonum tomentosum Michaux USA: Florida supra Aspalaga F. I. X. Rugel 1843-7
GH: 02364930 Persicaria glabra (Willdenow) M. Gómez USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 199 1848-6
GH: 02364929 Persicaria glabra (Willdenow) M. Gómez USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 199 1848-6
GH: 02363228 Persicaria hydropiperoides (Michaux) Small USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-8
A: 02361187 Persicaria sagittata (Linnaeus) H. Gross USA: Virginia [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1840-9
GH: 00026535 Polygonella americana (Fischer & C. A. Meyer) Small USA: Alabama Ad Blackwater Creek, dit. Blount Cy., Alabam... F. I. X. Rugel 1843-9
GH: 00026535 Polygonella meisneriana Shuttleworth ex Meisner USA: Alabama Ad Blackwater Creek, dit. Blount Cy., Alabam... F. I. X. Rugel 1843-9
A: 00026570 Polygonella parvifolia subenervis C. F. W. Meissner USA: Florida Am hohen Ufer des Manattee Rivers 6 Meilen u... F. I. X. Rugel 455 1845-9
A: 00026570 Polygonella polygama (Ventenat) Engelmann & A. Gray USA: Florida Am hohen Ufer des Manattee Rivers 6 Meilen u... F. I. X. Rugel 455 1845-9
GH: 00026535 Polygonum americanum (Fischer & C. A. Meyer) T. M. Schuster & Reveal USA: Alabama Ad Blackwater Creek, dit. Blount Cy., Alabam... F. I. X. Rugel 1843-9
GH: 02007137 Polygonum pinicola T. M. Schuster & Reveal USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 561 1845-10
GH: 02007150 Polygonum pinicola T. M. Schuster & Reveal USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 561 1842
A: 00026570 Polygonum polygamum Ventenat USA: Florida Am hohen Ufer des Manattee Rivers 6 Meilen u... F. I. X. Rugel 455 1845-9
GH: 02007950 Polygonum tenue Michaux USA: North Carolina [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1842-8
A: 02006417 Rumex acetosella Linnaeus USA: Washington [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 173 1844-7
GH: 02005218 Rumex hastatulus Baldw. USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 36 1848-4
GH: 02005726 Rumex obtusifolius Linnaeus USA: Tennessee [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1842
GH: 02004579 Rumex verticillatus Linnaeus USA: Tennessee [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 111 1832-5
Pontederiaceae GH: 02068313 Pontederia cordata Linnaeus USA: Georgia in einem Sumpfe im Dooly County unter Vienna F. I. X. Rugel 24 1845-4
Portulacaceae A: 01928287 Talinum teretifolium Pursh USA: Georgia prope Warmsprings, Carolina Sept. F. I. X. Rugel 1842-8
Potamogetonaceae GH: 01688167 Potamogeton haynesii Hellquist & G. E. Crow USA: Florida [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 1842
Pottiaceae FH: 00885950 Weissia rugeliana Schimper USA: Florida [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel
Primulaceae GH: 01918183 Lysimachia ciliata Linnaeus USA: Texas Ball Mts. F. I. X. Rugel 143 1844-7
GH: 01927082 Lysimachia quadrifolia Linnaeus USA: Texas Ball Mts. F. I. X. Rugel 151 1844-7
Ptychomitriaceae FH: 00913200 Ptychomitrium pusillum Bruch & Schimper USA: Georgia [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-3
Ranunculaceae GH: 01656002 Clematis crispa Linnaeus USA: Georgia Ad Cedar Creek, [illegible] Dale [Cy.] F. I. X. Rugel 1845-5
GH: 00273693 Thalictrum amphibolum Greene USA: Broad River F. I. X. Rugel 1841-6
GH: 01838889 Thalictrum dioicum Linnaeus USA: North Carolina Hogback Mountains. F. I. X. Rugel 1844-5
GH: 01839108 Thalictrum macrostylum Small & A. Heller USA: North Carolina Swanano, Carolina Sept. F. I. X. Rugel 1841-8
Resedaceae GH: 02315317 Reseda phyteuma Linnaeus France: [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 1839-4
GH: 02315343 Sesamoides interrupta (Boreau) G. López : Europe (Region): [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 02315343 Sesamoides purpurascens (Linnaeus) G. López : Europe (Region): [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
Rosaceae GH: 01650925 Crataegus viridis ovata (Sargent) E. J. Palmer USA: Georgia Alatamaha F. I. X. Rugel 1848-4
GH: 01560121 Rosa palustris Marshall USA: Virginia Norfolk: [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 01560379 Rosa rubiginosa Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel
Rubiaceae GH: 02359928 Galium hispidulum Michaux USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 294 1845
GH: 02359929 Galium hispidulum Michaux USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 294 1845
GH: 02359925 Galium hispidulum Michaux USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 295 1845-10
GH: 00096875 Houstonia angustifolia rigidiuscula A. Gray USA: Florida In insula prope St. Augustine F. I. X. Rugel 322 1848-9
GH: 00058978 Portlandia longiflora C. F. W. Meissner ex Grisebach Cuba: Matanzas Yumury Valley, near Matanzas F. I. X. Rugel 374 1849
GH: 00095866 Rondeletia rugelii Urban Cuba: F. I. X. Rugel 311 1849
GH: 00094596 Spermacoce floridana Urban USA: Florida Key West, in locis apertis arenosis F. I. X. Rugel 298 1846-2
Rutaceae GH: 01684057 Zanthoxylum clava-herculis Linnaeus USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 70 1848-3
GH: 01684059 Zanthoxylum clava-herculis Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 134 1840-7
GH: 01684049 Zanthoxylum clava-herculis Linnaeus USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 71 1845-6
GH: 01684214 Zanthoxylum fagara (Linnaeus) Sargent USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 72 1846-4
GH: 01684215 Zanthoxylum fagara (Linnaeus) Sargent USA: Florida [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 73 1846-4
Salicaceae A: 00030838 Salix caroliniana Michaux USA: Florida In paludosis prope St. Marks F. I. X. Rugel 1843-4
GH: 00031022 Salix caroliniana Michaux USA: Florida Prope St. Marks F. I. X. Rugel 1843-4
GH: 00030984 Salix gongylocarpa Shuttleworth ex Andersson USA: Florida Prope St. Marks F. I. X. Rugel 1843-4
GH: 00031022 Salix longipes Shuttleworth ex Andersson USA: Florida Prope St. Marks F. I. X. Rugel 1843-4
A: 00030838 Salix longipes pubescens Andersson USA: Florida In paludosis prope St. Marks F. I. X. Rugel 1843-4
Sapindaceae GH: 00050889 Sapindus manatensis Shuttleworth ex Radlkofer USA: Florida Ad ostia fl. Manate, Florida aust. occ. F. I. X. Rugel 115 1845-7
A: 00050975 Thouinia elliptica Radlkofer Cuba: Matangas F. I. X. Rugel 608 1849
A: 00050975 Thouinia trifoliata trifoliata Cuba: Matangas F. I. X. Rugel 608 1849
Sarraceniaceae GH: 01678422 Sarracenia flava Linnaeus USA: Florida inter Quincy et Aspalaga F. I. X. Rugel 1843-5
A: 01678651 Sarracenia psittacina Michaux USA: Georgia prope St. Mary's F. I. X. Rugel 14 1848-4
A: 01678778 Sarracenia purpurea Linnaeus USA: Florida inter Quincy et Aspalaga F. I. X. Rugel 1843-5
A: 01678912 Sarracenia rubra Walter USA: North Carolina Flat Rock F. I. X. Rugel 1842-8
Scrophulariaceae GH: 02040022 Scrophularia lanceolata Pursh USA: North Carolina ad Blue Ridge Ms. F. I. X. Rugel 1841-6
Solanaceae GH: 00813251 Hyoscyamus aureus Linnaeus France: Collioure F. I. X. Rugel 1839-6
Sphagnaceae FH: 00913041 Sphagnum humile Schimper USA: Florida Tallahassee: [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel
Verbenaceae GH: 01800039 Callicarpa americana Linnaeus USA: North Carolina In valle ad Broad River inter Asheville et R... F. I. X. Rugel 1842-8
A: 00094490 Clerodendrum aculeatum gracile Grisebach ex Moldenke Cuba: Matanzas Yumury Mountains F. I. X. Rugel 358 1849-6
GH: 00094489 Clerodendrum aculeatum gracile Grisebach ex Moldenke Cuba: Matanzas Yumury Mountains F. I. X. Rugel 358 1849-8
GH: 01954544 Verbena bracteata Lagasca & Rodriguez USA: Alabama [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel 1843-9
Violaceae GH: 02146339 Viola cucullata Aiton USA: North Carolina In pratis pludosis ad pedem montium Black Ms... F. I. X. Rugel 1841-10
GH: 02146340 Viola cucullata Aiton USA: Pennsylvania Philadelphia: Black Ms., Carolina F. I. X. Rugel 1841-10
GH: 02211763 Viola subsinuata (Greene) Greene USA: North Carolina In regione media mont. Smoky Ms., Carolina s... F. I. X. Rugel 40 1844-6
Vitaceae GH: 00274610 Vitis candicans coriacea (Shuttleworth ex Planchon) L. H. Bailey USA: Florida Ad ripas fl. Manate, Florida austr. occ F. I. X. Rugel 111 1845-6
GH: 00274610 Vitis caribaea de Candolle USA: Florida Ad ripas fl. Manate, Florida austr. occ F. I. X. Rugel 111 1845-6
GH: 00274610 Vitis coriacea Shuttleworth ex Planchon USA: Florida Ad ripas fl. Manate, Florida austr. occ F. I. X. Rugel 111 1845-6
Zygophyllaceae GH: 00043919 Guaiacum sanctum Linnaeus USA: Florida Key West: [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 68 1846-4
GH: 00043918 Guaiacum sanctum Linnaeus USA: Florida Key West: [data not captured] F. I. X. Rugel 69 1846-4