FH: 01146809 Teloschistes flavicans (Swartz) Norman USA: South Carolina Yeaman's Hall A. M. M. Reid 1963-3-20
Amblystegiaceae FH: 00996803 Amblystegium juratzkanum Schimper USA: Massachusetts Martha's Point, Concord, discarded concrete ... A. M. M. Reid NR0022 1963-5-17
FH: 00996462 Campylium radicale (P. Beauvois) Grout USA: Massachusetts Concord: Martha's Point, on soil ca. 1 ft. f... A. M. M. Reid NR0023 1963-6-3
FH: 00981252 Drepanocladus exannulatus (Bruch, Schimper & W. Gümbel) Warnstorf USA: Massachusetts on wet soil a few inches from edge of sm. po... A. M. M. Reid NR0027 1963-11-11
Andreaeaceae FH: 00536534 Andreaea rupestris Hedwig USA: New York [data not captured] A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-24
Brachytheciaceae FH: 00964295 Brachythecium reflexum (Starke) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Lexington, Follen Hill A. M. M. Reid GM0002 1963-3-27
FH: 00787447 Brachythecium sp. USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] A. M. M. Reid 1963-4-18
FH: 00538168 Chamberlainia salebrosa (Hoffmann ex F. Weber & D. Mohr) H. Robinson USA: New York [data not captured] A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-24
Bryaceae FH: 00797969 Bryum argenteum Hedwig USA: New York New York City: [data not captured] A. M. M. Reid 1963-9-27
FH: 00799147 Bryum pallens Swartz USA: New York [data not captured] A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-24
FH: 00981530 Bryum sp. USA: New York Algonquin Peak, Mac Intyre Mountain, 10.25 m... A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-25
FH: 00996686 Pohlia annotina decepiens Loeske USA: New York On dry, sandy soil on retaining wall borderi... A. M. M. Reid ADWN01 1963-8-24
FH: 01091527 Pohlia nutans (Hedwig) Lindberg USA: New York Wilmington, 7 mi. NE of Lake Placid, Summit ... A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-24
FH: 00996686 Pohlia proligera (Kindberg) Lindberg ex Arnell USA: New York On dry, sandy soil on retaining wall borderi... A. M. M. Reid ADWN01 1963-8-24
FH: 00981531 Pohlia sp. USA: New York Algonquin Peak, Mac Intyre Mountain, 10.25 m... A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-25
Dicranaceae FH: 00541492 Dicranodontium denudatum (Bridel) E. Britton USA: New York [data not captured] A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-24
Ditrichaceae FH: 00514973 Ceratodon purpureus (Hedwig) Bridel USA: New York [data not captured] A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-24
FH: 01091934 Saelania glaucescens (Hedwig) Brotherus USA: New York Wilmington Notch, 5.8 miles s. of Wilmington... A. M. M. Reid ADWN04 1963-8-24
Entodontaceae FH: 00981990 Pleurozium schreberi (Willdenow ex Bridel) Mitten USA: Massachusetts Follen Hill, Lexington A. M. M. Reid GM0001 1963-3-27
Fissidentaceae FH: 00487002 Fissidens sp. USA: Massachusetts Newbury: [data not captured] A. M. M. Reid 1963-4-11
FH: 00487004 Fissidens sp. USA: Massachusetts Newbury: [data not captured] A. M. M. Reid 1963-4-18
Grimmiaceae FH: 00557521 Grimmia donniana Smith ex Spruce USA: New York [data not captured] A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-24
Hylocomiaceae FH: 00995912 Hylocomium umbratum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York Right peak, Algonquin Peak, Mac Intyre Mtn.,... A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-25
FH: 00995913 Hylocomium umbratum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York Algonquin Peak, Mac Intyre Mtn., 10.25 mi. E... A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-25
FH: 00981795 Hylocomium umbratum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York Mount MacIntyre, between stops 4 and 5 A. M. M. Reid ADMI01 1963-8
Mniaceae FH: 01091543 Mnium sp. USA: New York Town of N. Elba, 10.25 mi. East of St. Huber... A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-25
FH: 00996110 Mnium sp. USA: New York Mt. Whiteface, on road to summit of mountain... A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-24
FH: 01091527 Plagiomnium sp. USA: New York Wilmington, 7 mi. NE of Lake Placid, Summit ... A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-24
Plagiotheciaceae FH: 00996106 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: New York Mt. Whiteface, Station 1 on road to summit o... A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-24
FH: 00996155 Plagiothecium latebricola gemmascens (Ryan & I. Hagen) Correns USA: Massachusetts Lexington, Follen Hill A. M. M. Reid GM0004 1963-3-27
Polytrichaceae FH: 00996110 Pogonatum capillare (Michaux) Bridel USA: New York Mt. Whiteface, on road to summit of mountain... A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-24
FH: 00996110 Pogonatum pensilvanicum (W. Bartram ex Hedwig) P. Beauvois USA: New York Mt. Whiteface, on road to summit of mountain... A. M. M. Reid 1963-8-24
Pottiaceae FH: 00522089 Astomum muhlenbergianum (Swartz) Grout USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] A. M. M. Reid 1963-4-18
FH: 00516345 Barbula unguiculata Hedwig USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] A. M. M. Reid 1963-4-18
FH: 00995817 Tortella tortuosa (Schrader ex Hedwig) Limpricht USA: Massachusetts Devil's Den, Nw of Newbury Old Town A. M. M. Reid 1963-4-18
Sematophyllaceae FH: 00964294 Heterophyllium haldaneanum (Greville) M. Fleischer USA: Massachusetts Lexington, Follen Hill A. M. M. Reid GM0003 1963-3-27
Thuidiaceae FH: 01133781 Thuidium sp. USA: Massachusetts Newbury: [data not captured] A. M. M. Reid 1963-4-18